Victory at All Costs

by | Jul 20, 2024 | Beer, Food & Drink, Hygiene, Media, OHHHH Caaaaanada | 76 comments

When Michael Malice explains his litmus for who or what is right wing, sometimes its bloody obvious that some people really are better than others, and explaining why seems unnecessary.

This is my review of Alesmith Mango Tepache:

TW: This is Canada, eh.

backed onto the national park where the main beach area was located, and that she witnessed large Indian families digging holes in the sand to defecate in while visiting. After the holes were dug, tents were popped over the hole to act as a rudimentary outhouse.

“They did it off my back yard. There were three different families of maybe 25, 30 people that came for barbecues who would set up right on the fence of my back yard. I saw them digging the hole. I saw them placing a tent [over the hole]. When they left, there was poop,” @itsnattylxnn2.0 says in the video. “I have had to yell at people for shitting on the border of my property line. And yes, it was Indian families.”

Naturally, there can be only one rational response to such accusations.

“I’m not a racist. I’ll never be racist. But what I am is a good person. Because you guys need to know what you are running into when you come to Wasaga Beach. And it’s not locals doing it. It is people from out of town. It is immigrants that think it is okay to dig a hole, pop a squat, and bury their poop where kids play in the sand,” she said.

As @itsnattylxnn2.0 continued her videos on the subject, more detractors began pouring into her comment section, accusing her of spreading racism against Indians.

Here’s the kicker…now its regular Indians vs. dot Indians.

Responding to @itsnattylxnn2.0, another creator, @Maryam, accused her of being a “colonizer” trying to impose her views of hygiene on other cultures. But @itsnattylxnn2.0 quickly dispelled that accusation, noting that she was of Indigenous Canadian heritage.

Since we have come to a point in history where the only response that will be noticed is a response in kind, Canada is just going to have to do this to them. Let’s adjust the ol’ Churchill speech to motivate the lads:

“We shall shit on to the end. We shall shit in France, we shall shit on the seas and oceans, we shall shit with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall shit on the beaches, we shall shit on the landing grounds, we shall shit in the fields and in the streets, we shall shit in the hills; we shall never surrender!”

Anyways, this beer is absolute shit. I get people put fruit in beer and sometimes people put fruit in beer that is meant for a certain subset of the population that might want to drink beer—namely Mexicans. Is this a form of cultural appropriation? Probably. This reminds me vaguely of Mexican candy, except in Mexico candy is can be sweet, salty, and/or spicy. Somehow this manages to do so in such a hideous manner I have for the first time in my life considered pulling the race card.

Who am I kidding? I’ll say nothing more but rate it accordingly. Alesmith Mango Tepache: 1.8/5

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. Common Tater

    “Anyways, this beer is absolute shit. ”

    No surprise there.

    • Ted S.

      Yeah; it’s beer. :-p

  2. Common Tater

    “I get people put fruit in beer and sometimes people put fruit in beer that is meant for a certain subset of the population that might want to drink beer—namely Mexicans.”

    Isn’t that mostly putting lime in corn beer?

    • R.J.

      Mango Tepache is a good Lucha Libre name.

      • Nephilium

        To stick with the Mango theme, there was Mango Magnifico from Founders that was good. To go the wrestling route, one of my locals has that wrapped up with El Lupulo Libre.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Isn’t that mostly putting lime in corn beer?

      Sure, why not?

    • Chafed

      I was thinking Germans as in lemon in Hefeweisen.

      • Homple

        From my experience among Germans, putting citrus in a Hefeweizen is considered something between sacrilege and befoulment.

        First time I ordered one, the Kellner warned me not to even think of a slice of lemon–not that I would–but it was obviously Not the Done Thing.

      • Chafed

        I didn’t have that experience in Germany. In fact, that’s where I learned. That was over 30 years ago so maybe things have changed.

  3. Yusef drives a Kia

    Sounds like shit,

  4. The Late P Brooks

    The government needs to build palatial public restrooms on those beaches.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      They have. Those in question are still using holes in the sand.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    Shitting on America

    A far-right extremist who already served time for his role in the racist “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville in 2017 was sentenced to more than four years in federal prison Friday for stealing a police shield and twice using it against officers during the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

    Tyler Bradley Dykes, who was previously discharged from the Marines for “participating in extremist behavior,” was accused by prosecutors of giving a Sieg heil! (Hail to victory!) salute during the 2021 Capitol attack. But Dykes, a 26-year-old from Bluffton, South Carolina, denied that his celebration on the steps of the U.S. Capitol after the mob broke through a police line had been the Nazi salute.

    U.S. District Judge Beryl Howell didn’t find his claim believable, noting that he’d use the same salute during the Charlottesville rally and noted an extensive pattern of extremist behavior over several years.

    Throe away the key.

    • dbleagle

      Doesn’t matter if I hate SC (and IL) nazis. 1A is still the 1A and his speech is still protected. Fuck you judge.

      • rhywun

        How quaint.

  6. Chipping Pioneer

    Canadians are generally tolerant and welcoming of newcomers. But when the government allows 500K immigrants per year (in a country of 40M), the vast majority from the subcontinent, there’s no need for them to integrate. They balkanize, then when they come into contact with the host culture, stark cultural conflicts like this occur. The current government, with its sunny ways, is turning tolerant Canadians into xenophobes.

    • CPRM
      • Chafed

        That was a great movie.

    • Chafed

      I think the problem is the tolerance. Doing nothing teaches nothing about acceptable conduct. Levy some fines to the perpetrators and word will spread quick enough.

      • Homple

        I thought the term street-shitter was an unjustified pejorative. Wrong again.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Sounds like a T-Shirt opportunity.

        “I’m a street shitter”

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        +1 cholera outbreak

  7. CPRM

    The jokes about Trump not dying don’t annoy me. What annoys me is they weren’t funny jokes.

    Also apropos, I tried to make a mango habenero hot sauce once. I don’t know if or what I did wrong, but it smelled like chemical toilet.

  8. dbleagle

    I have a mango tree and love all sorts of mango foods and drinks. But mango beer is just wrong from the very first thought.

  9. PieInTheSky

    good mango can only be eaten in India

  10. PieInTheSky

    Wheat Ale with – no need to continue obviously bad

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      For once we agree,

    • Homple


    • Sean


  11. rhywun

    I had no idea shitting on the beach was a thing with… certain populations.

    Given there were large numbers of… them where I used to live in and around NYC you’d think it would have come to our attention.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Do they shit so much they need a tent?

    • Fourscore

      Public beaches have a lot of various things floating around, dead fish being the most hygienic.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I’ve heard things about the beaches in Liberia.

  12. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    So Puddin Cup is going to suddenly “go downhill” at his isolation in Rehomo Beach, right? Is that the play now?

    • Fourscore

      Biden/Trump are giving geezerhood a bad rap. Term limits will never happen. Where else can a person go for a free ass kissing. Most folks look forward to retirement but not politicians.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      They’re going to have to get rid of Dr. Jill first.

    • Sean

      I’ve been waiting for it.

      • R.J.

        We need HRC in the race. Just so Sugar Free can write more stories about her.

    • Chafed

      It’s good to know they have learned nothing.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    The Democrats have a seasoned, savvy and adaptable candidate in Hillary Clinton. Without the burden of incumbency, she can run on a platform of stability, restoration and progress, with the credibility of her lifetime in public service and proven leadership. In her candidacy, we might just find our best chance to retain the White House and transcend the gladiatorial spectacle of politics.


    • Chipping Pioneer


    • creech

      Didn’t she die of that illness conservatives was sure she had eight years ago?

      • Sean


      • Gender Traitor

        She’s been drinking the blood of young virgins, so she got better.

    • R C Dean

      “she can run on a platform of stability, restoration and progress”

      Just like Joe did. So they’re saying he failed?

      “ with the credibility of her lifetime in public service and proven leadership”

      Err, being married to a governor and the Prez isn’t really public service. Her Senate and SecState records are pretty fucking thin.


        Does doing STD roulette with Bill once or twice a decade count as service?

  14. R C Dean

    So, everyone Saturday I go to the local pub for a growler, a pint and a sandwich. I saw this very beer had just been added to their lineup and ordered it.

    Not my favorite. A little sweet for me, not enough wheat character coming through, but absolute shit seems a bit strong.

    If I’d seen the review before I ordered, I would have passed. But, it’ll do.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      It might be better off the tap.

      Thing is though, if I said it wasn’t good but not truly awful the first comment (likely Brooks) would be “that looks like shit.”

      • R C Dean

        It’s one of the little coincidences in my life that I go to pub, or the beer store (as Mrs. Dean calls it) once a week on Saturday to get my beer and sandwich for the weekend, and that’s when I read the weekly beer review. This week was just coincidence squared.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    (likely Brooks) would be “that looks like shit.”

    I pretty much try to keep my parochial opinions to myself, these days. The world would be boring as fuck if everybody was just like me. Value is subjective, and all that.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Where can I stir shit, if not my own comment section?

      • DEG

        The beach in Canada?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered


      • The Last American Hero

        You don’t stir shit, and people claim the site is groupthink. You stir shit and people get their sheath underwear in a bunch.

      • Aloysious

        What if you don’t wear underwear?

        Get your butt hair in a knot sounds so STEVE SMITH.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    You’d be nowhere without us, America

    Trashing California has become a go-to refrain for Republican politicians and wealthy business tycoons who don’t like its liberal-leaning policies. San Francisco venture capitalist David Sacks described his city as a “cesspool” in a speech Tuesday at the Republican National Convention. Former President Trump frequently portrays California as a dystopian hellscape, calling the state “failing” and a “symbol of our nation’s decline.” The rhetoric is sinking in enough that a national survey conducted for The Times last year found that nearly half of Republicans believe California is “not really American.”


    Let’s start with our economic strength. California is the fifth largest economy in the world, mightier than India, Brazil or Canada. We’re a massive market with more than 39 million people, whose consumers and businesses are responsible for an outsize share of the nation’s economic growth, trade and innovation. We’re No. 1 in revenue from tourism and number of business startups. We have the nation’s largest tech industry by far, and lead the country in manufacturing jobs and agricultural production.

    California is also a piggy bank for politicians, who fly in to rake up campaign cash, even if they don’t do much actual campaigning here. Trump’s disdain for California hasn’t stopped his trips to mansions and estates in Beverly Hills, Newport Beach and San Francisco to ask rich donors for money. Trump has raised more donations for his 2024 presidential run here than from any other state, including his own.

    We’re also a fount of money to red states such as Texas, Kentucky and Mississippi that depend on us because Californians send more tax revenue to the federal government than we get back. The largesse is due to our large, relatively young population and abundance of high-income earners.

    So there. Nyah nyah nyah.

    • UnCivilServant

      Assumes without evidence that government spending is a net good.

    • Q Continuum

      Pay no attention to the hundreds of thousands of residents fleeing every year.

      • UnCivilServant

        No, no, no, the net flow of federal luchre is the only metric of which states have value!

  17. The Late P Brooks

    California also sets the agenda for environmental protection. And though detractors in big business and politics regularly attack our stringent rules as a strain on their profits, they ignore how frequently those same regulations spur investment and growth in clean, renewable technology that doesn’t wreck the planet.

    They claimed. without evidence.

    • R C Dean

      Of course, government mandated investment is also known as market distortion and opportunity cost.

    • rhywun

      doesn’t wreck the planet

      LOL. Out of sight, out of mind, I guess.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Musk should know. His companies were built using billions of dollars in government subsidies. Tesla alone has received more than $2.5 billion in California zero-emission vehicle credits, and benefited from $436 million in consumer rebates for Tesla buyers and hundreds of millions more in other state tax credits to help eco-friendly businesses that want to stay in California. The state’s climate policies are a big reason why California leads the nation in electric vehicle sales, with more than one-third of the nation’s EVs — many of them Teslas — registered in the state.

    People will change their behavior if you offer hem big enough bribes?

    • R.J.

      No mention of how Musk and his companies paid that back a hundredfold in taxes?
      Also, don’t hate the player, hate the game. He used every advantage he could get to keep his businesses going.

  19. DEG

    Somehow this manages to do so in such a hideous manner I have for the first time in my life considered pulling the race card.


  20. Gustave Lytton

    Not just beaches, the jingle trucks with BC plate and squiggles on the trailer often have a hole in their sleeper cab so their team drivers can shit without stopping.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I heard truck stop mechanics won’t touch them, pakis they are

      • Gustave Lytton

        Tow truck video channel I watch walked away from one. No way was he going crawl underneath and disconnect a drive train on it.

  21. Not Adahn

    Speaking of beer, the local pub has Old Specked Hen on their nitro system. It’s delicious. The place is a converted 19thC church. They have mints in the baptismal font.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I spent a night in SF drinking that. How I got back to Berkeley I will never know.

    • Grummun

      They have mints in the baptismal font.

      They’re sacrelicious!