1. SDF-7

    Biden Campaign Official Accuses Media Of “Election Interference” In Debate Coverage

    More evidence (besides Fulton County politics) that voters inside the Perimeter will pull the lever for a complete numbskull, unfortunately.

    Morning, Banjos! Morning all!

    Thanks to all about a month back who gave feedback on roof replacement / costs (I’m sorry, I don’t remember specific names). Bit the bullet and the minions of the squirrels are pounding away above me as we speak. Wisely they started at 6AM before the day heats up.

    • Sean

      I hope your Spanish skills are up to par.

      • SDF-7

        The crew (or select members) spoke enough English to return my “Good Morning — and I’ll stay out of your way but let me know if you need something…”, so there’s that.

        No habla Espanol, I’m afraid.

      • R C Dean

        “No habla Espanol”

        Perfect, since you just said he doesn’t speak Spanish.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      I was told once that roofers in Lake Havasu, AZ, start work at around 1am. They do this, not because it is cooler per se, but because the sun isn’t shining right on them at 120*.

      • SDF-7

        I can certainly see the logic in that.

        And now Animal can pop in and remind us that that wouldn’t help in summer in his latitudes. 😉

      • rhywun

        And someone else can chime in with “but it’s a dry heat”.

  2. AlexinCT

    Skating on a Humpday!

    Happy Humpday Glibronis!

  3. AlexinCT

    Judge Merchan Delays Trump Sentencing to September

    That lawfare shizz ain’t working no more, as that old bag with the hot sauce in her bag says, so on to assassinating the guy they fear?

      • WTF

        The deep state will in fact protect “democracy” by opposing and thwarting the duly elected president at every turn.

      • Drake

        Or just fuck everything up, start WWIII, dump it all on Trump, then blame him for not immediately fixing it all.

      • Sensei

        Look Biden only works 10 to 4. It’s an easy job.

      • AlexinCT

        At this point, team blue’s strategy is to try – desperately – to save their senate and house elections. Whatever they do vis a vis the presidency is going to backfire. expect them to pass a whole bunch of baloney to make it as difficult for the other side to run the country as possible. And yeah. get ready for the rioting in the streets.

        If they are not allowed to rig and win the game, they are taking your ball home. And fuck you for daring to tell them they can’t do whatever the fuck they want.

      • The Last American Hero

        Team Blue will take the House and hold the Presidency, lose the senate by a seat or two- enough to have the squishes go their way on the big stuff.

        Show me an electoral map where Trump wins. I don’t care how much we here hate Biden. Neither we nor the Republicans have the ability to fortify elections where it counts.

      • WTF

        Don’t the latest polls show Trump with leads outside the margin of error in 6 or 7 swing states? I’m pretty sure that would give him the win.

      • Gender Traitor

        Would this make you feel any better? (Warning: I had a hard time getting the page to load – it would show up briefly, then go to an error message. Hope it’s just my browser making it glitchy.)

      • trshmnstr

        leads outside the margin of error in 6 or 7 swing states?

        That lead will evaporate over time.

        I have no idea what the margin of fraud actually is, but I wouldn’t at all be surprised by a replay of 2020, where Biden (or successor) has votes materializing all night long. I’m not saying that Trump can’t overcome the margin of fraud, but people in the Democrat party know they’re going to jail if Trump gains power, so they’re gonna do a lot to keep him out.

      • rhywun

        Oh please. There is plenty of time to swap in a new face and crank up the ballot harvesting operations.

      • R C Dean

        “Show me an electoral map where Trump wins.”

        All the states he won last time, and the swing states he “lost” where he leads now. It’s really quite obvious.

        What keeps him out of the White House isn’t the legal votes, most likely, it’s the illegal votes and the ballot counters.

      • rhywun

        people in the Democrat party know they’re going to jail if Trump gains power

        Promises, promises.

        I kind of doubt that will happen, TBH.

      • The Last American Hero

        Here is the map


        If you think Biden loses Nevada and AZ, I don’t know what to tell you. PA? They elected Fetterlump and Philly will fortify the shit out of that one. Michigan? They re-elected Gretchen Fucking Whitmer in a route against the Pro Trump gubernatorial candidate. Wisconsin? Not too likely.

        Trump takes Georgia, maybe, except Fulton County may prove difficult to out fortify. They just re-elected Fanni.

      • AlexinCT

        Show me an electoral map where Trump wins.

        Seriously? here is one. And another.

        These numbers make efforts to fortify nigh impossible to achieve, BTW.

      • R C Dean

        Democrats aren’t going to jail under a Trump administration unless and until the DOJ and FBI are torn down and rebuilt. Trump can’t just order people to be jailed – the DOJ and FBI have to want them to be jailed or it doesn’t happen.

      • R C Dean

        As things stand today, I do think Biden loses AZ. The current Dem administration barely squeaked in on the abortion vote and has not impressed. Abortion isn’t going to be the needle mover it was this time around either. Immigration will be the difference-maker this time, I think, and it definitely doesn’t break in the Dems’ favor.

        AZ is admittedly burdened by a state Repub party composed almost entirely of morons, but I don’t think Maricopa County has the capacity to manufacture enough ballots to overcome the margin of fraud this time around.

  4. SDF-7

    Convicted Felon Hunter Biden Sits in on West Wing Meetings with President

    Some felonies are more important than others. Especially the ones that we can’t even really articulate what law was broken, how it was a felony and where we make sure the judge doesn’t allow federal officials whose job it is to prosecute such a felony from saying the case is garbage.

    Progress! (In the Coolidge sense)

    • AlexinCT

      What’s the over and under they tell us Hunter was working for the CIA?

      • SDF-7

        It wouldn’t surprise me if he was. Certainly they would have known about the Biden Family graft escapades years ago, would have kept nice dossiers of blackmail material in case they need to get a particular proof from the Pudding… might as well have Cracky & Friends do some odd jobs while they’re traveling.

        Of course, I also expect the CCP to have hooks in as well — whether he ended up a double, triple or half-nelson back flip agent… I have no idea.

  5. AlexinCT

    USA Today Poll: 41% Of Democrats Want Joe Biden To Quit

    No freaking way do I buy that number. Team blue voters tend to be much dumber than this. I would by something as low as 60%, but not 41%. And more importantly, I want to point out they are stupid & evil enough to think swapping the crypt keeper out is not going to cause a crisis.

    If they really were serious Biden being done would be 25th, then give us Prez Koh-Moh-Loh. But we all know they do not want that death sentence either.

    • The Other Kevin

      They really are in a bind. And last night I had the thought that maybe none of the other Dems would want the job. Who would want to inherit this shit show?

      • Rat on a train

        Replace Joe with Frau Doktor.

      • The Other Kevin

        That is the one psychopath who’d jump at the chance.

      • Nephilium

        Can we go back to ignoring the spouse of the President? They have no official duties, no power, and should not be granted some aura of respect and power because of who they’re married to.

      • The Last American Hero

        They are not in a bind. They are in the catbird seat.

      • WTF

        I think The LAH may actually be KJP.

      • The Last American Hero

        *nervously flips through binder*

        2021, 2022, 2023 election results disagree with your assessment.

    • R C Dean

      Would you believe “59% of Democrats Don’t Want Joe Biden to Quit”?

      • UnCivilServant

        You’re assuming none of those were “I don’t know” answers.

      • Nephilium


        How many times do you think they asked Joe in this one poll?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        59% of Dems are scarred shitless of a Kamalamadingdong presidency. 41% of Dems think a BIPOC has been kept down by white settlers.

        No other Dem politicians want to jump on this grenade.

      • WTF

        I believe it, at least 59% of Democrats would vote for a bag of rocks if it had a “D” after its name.

  6. SDF-7

    Luggage Thief Ex-Biden Nuclear Official Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal

    Of course — now that they’re out of the spotlight, a nice slap on the wrist and they’ll be back to working for FedGov in no time, no doubt.

    Because they’re sorry after all.

  7. Gender Traitor

    Convicted Felon Hunter Biden Sits in on West Wing Meetings with President

    Oh, I do hope SF has time to work that into today’s episode! 😃🤞

    • SDF-7

      Cracky shouts: Where’s Martin Sheen! I was promised Martin Sheen!

    • WTF

      Cracky being a presidential advisor would certainly explain a lot.

    • The Other Kevin

      He’s now in the position that he has TOO MUCH to work with.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Well, someone has already made a movie about it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfQhm3Y9FGk

  8. AlexinCT

    Luggage Thief Ex-Biden Nuclear Official Gets Sweetheart Plea Deal

    Did anyone here expect anything else based on how we have seen the law abused and misused by these crooks? The only way this guy would have faced some real though law would be if he had come out and told people he was now no longer a team blue rubber stamper.

    • Rat on a train

      An unreasonable prosecutor can convict a ham sandwich or turn felonies into community service.

  9. AlexinCT

    Rudy Giuliani Disbarred in New York

    To be honest, saying you are an accredited lawyer in the state of NY, should be something that has your kid in school telling his classmates on “What does your dad do day” that their dad is a gay porn actor that gets reamed by donkeys to avoid the shame.

    • trshmnstr

      Hey! Leave Donkey Hotay out of this!

  10. SDF-7

    Moderna To Receive $176 Million From U.S. Government To Develop mRNA Bird Flu Vaccine

    Way to make regulatory capture look like chicken feed. Of course, I’m sure none of the people making that decision just happen to have patents where some of that money will funnel back to them.

  11. Suthenboy

    Merchan and hopefully everyone else involved in the sham prosecutions of Trump, if we have any luck, are making retirement plans right now. we need to be rid of the banana republic monkeys and re-establish rule of law. I think the SCOTUS has gone a long way towards doing that.

    Accuses media of election interference? They didn’t fix it hard enough? Are they ramping up for prosecutions?
    Are about to see a “Why did you bring me to this ditch?” moment?

    Hunter in on meetings? I hear Biden’s briefings are a nightmare for everyone because they are all scared shitless of Biden. Apparently he is like a drunk teenager waving a loaded gun. No one knows if he is going to pull the trigger or not.

    Nearly half of dems want Joe out and Trump raises more cash (Av. donation $70) than Biden. Biden donations fall off of a cliff. I wonder who is going to win. It will be close.

    My empathy for invading doe-eyed children and women seeking a better life has completely evaporated. I have gone from ‘make it stop’ to ‘Put them all out’.

    More open assault on prosperity. I am shocked.

    • SDF-7

      Accuses media of election interference? They didn’t fix it hard enough? Are they ramping up for prosecutions?
      Are about to see a “Why did you bring me to this ditch?” moment?

      It was literally “By criticizing us (the Biden campaign), the AJC editorial board is attempting to unlawfully influence the election”. Because newspapers having opinions is completely new in the history of Mankind, much less this country.

      That’s how big of an idiot Atlanta elected as Mayor at some point. All I can figure is checked checked the right boxes and had either the Fulton or Dekalb machines behind her. What a maroon, as the estimable Mr. B. Bunny would say.

      • Rat on a train

        Well on the way to “opposing the Party is a crime”.

      • WTF

        The interviewer should have asked her if criticizing Trump was also election interference.

      • The Other Kevin

        I’m shaking my head at that one. These people have no shame.

    • WTF

      My empathy for invading doe-eyed children and women seeking a better life has completely evaporated. I have gone from ‘make it stop’ to ‘Put them all out’.

      As the invasion proceeds and intensifies, I’m starting to lean toward UCS’s razor wire and machine guns approach to the border.

      • Suthenboy

        That would be the ‘make it stop’ part. I am past that.

      • trshmnstr

        I like Tucker’s take on this. I have no animus towards the immigrants, but no, you’re not allowed to stay.

        Also, and this is probably gonna get my libertarian card revoked, we should seriously look at a massive reduction in legal immigration for a while.

      • Nephilium


        I would much rather see a real guest worker program started up. Allow entry for a specific period (say six months to a year), you are not entitled to any government programs (social security, medicare, food stamps, welfare, etc.), there is no path to citizenship (even through marriage on this visa), there are no voting rights. You are free to work legally for the period of your visa, and after that you must return to your home country for a set period (say one to three months) before you can get another one. Ban only convicted felons and those who overstayed a visa previously. Vigorously enforce the end date with deportation and a permanent ban on entry to the country again (or for 10 years if you want to be kinder).

      • UnCivilServant

        No guest workers if unemployment is above 4%.

      • UnCivilServant

        And guest workers only permissable after ending birthright citizenship for popping out while within our borders despite lacking citizen parents.

      • trshmnstr

        I’d be fine with something like that so long as the period is capped at something low like 2 years. Also, I’d want a requirement to head back home after it expired and remain for at least half of the period of the visa before coming back on another guest worker visa. Chilling here in the US for 15 years by renewing a guest worker visa over and over shouldn’t be allowed.

      • trshmnstr

        Chilling here in the US for 15 years **with 1 month vacations back home every couple years** by renewing a guest worker visa over and over…

        (proofreading on the phone sucks)

      • Certified Public Asshat

        All of this is moot until step one happens (close the border).

      • Suthenboy

        I have no problem with legal immigration. The standards should be high, the process easier.

      • Nephilium


        I could see it as some big omnibus thing that both closes the border and changes the visa programs. But neither party wants to fix the border issues, it’s worth too much to keep the bases riled up on both sides. Who cares how many people have to suffer for their political points?

      • R C Dean

        I’d close the border, as in, no new immigrants, tourist visas only, for 5 years or until, say 90% of the current illegals (which includes those allowed to stay waiting on their “asylum” hearing) are deported.

      • trshmnstr

        I have no problem with legal immigration.

        Me either, so long as the rate is kept reasonable so as to allow for assimilation rather that cultural decay. We’re currently at a rate that foments the latter.

        The unspoken reality, IMO, is that all this immigration (legal and illegal) has a purpose. In their minds, this is the only way to keep social security and the welfare programs and the economy chugging along. They’ve fucked up our society to the point where natural population growth is barely above replacement, so they need to grow the population to keep the ponzi schemes afloat.

      • rhywun

        Considering the main reason for “guest worker” programs is to cut wages, and that we’ve been doing this for many decades with the end result being large numbers of Americans on welfare, I’m hesitant to continue such programs.

  12. Sensei

    Whoever holds Deep Purple’s catalog has felt the need to cash in. This came up on my YouTube playlist. It’s four months old.

    Deep Purple – Smoke On the Water (Official Music Video)

    Bonus. It has subtitles in English and Japanese only. The Japanese is not exactly literal…

  13. Drake

    Joe Biden has always been an asshole, the dementia only made it worse.

    As we stumble towards WWIII, we have a dementia patient President who only gets carefully curated intelligence briefings so he doesn’t throw a hissy fit. Reality will only be ignored for so long.

    • The Other Kevin

      Hopefully China won’t realize that they can just walk into Taiwan if they do it after 4pm and do it in such a way that might get Joe angry if he finds out about it.

      • UnCivilServant

        China’s last two defense ministers have just been arrested for corruption.

        There was a recent scandal where the fuel tanks of their liquid-fuelled rockets contained water because the money for the fuel had been embezzled.

        The list keeps going, but I don’t think they have the practical capacity to take Taiwan against the Taiwanese forces defending it.

      • Pine_Tree

        When they do it, it won’t be with rockets. It’ll be a trade blockade imposed over some ginned-up political crisis. The blockade will be in the guise of collecting PRC Customs duties, and the crisis will turn into an ROC domestic political squabble that ends with a PRC-aligned cabal in power. The PLAN (ha ha) is to do it without a shot fired.

      • Drake

        I don’t think China was planning an attack on Taiwan in the near future until we started announcing arms deals with them. Our State Dept poked the hornets’ nest because that’s what they think diplomacy is.

      • UnCivilServant

        I doubt that would work. Their navy would have to be able to enforce a blockade. As it stands they can’t even keep their artificial islands from sinking.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        So, you are saying that in a staring contest with China, we were the first to Blinkin?

      • AlexinCT

        I don’t think China was planning an attack on Taiwan in the near future until we started announcing arms deals with them. Our State Dept poked the hornets’ nest because that’s what they think diplomacy is.

        China’s CCP documents starting in the very early 2010s changed on the subject to guarantee the people (really the CCP leaders) that Taiwan would be subsumed/unified with the main land by the late 2040s but definitely by 2050. To achieve that goal the country was to embark on he necessary economic, infrastructure, capability, and especially military buildups and structuring to do the forced unification. and it all would be done while playing everyone else doing business with the CCP for the fool. Any military planner worth their salt knew this was the plan. But instead of taking it seriously and decoupling, everyone doubled down on this idiotic thing about preventing war if we only let the CCP buttfuck us all harder.

        The CCP changed their minds to move the time table up into the late 2020s and at the latest 2035 because of the massive internal problems that the CCP knows will cripple the country in the 2040s. The population of China is old and the one child policy has destroyed China’s ability to beat their current demographic disaster. Coupled with the fact the CCP has been lying about China’ GDP and economy – for decades – and is sitting on more debt than even the US is, with their economy finally griding to a halt because of mismanagement an the communists doubling down on controlling everything top down, the picture is brutal. China needs to import too much of the material and food stuff it needs and all attempts to rectify or minimize that still have not produced the required result that would leave them immune to pressure from outside. In short, the situation the CCP faces is dire, and they see the military unification as necessary (do it before we can’t) and as a means to whip up a demoralized and angry populous.

        Arming Taiwan only pisses them off because it makes their plans harder. Honestly at this point we should just let Taiwan build and arm their subs with nuclear cruise missiles and this whole thing would end for the CCP and their dreams of conquest, but that would also mean we would lose the ability to politically control Taiwan. Not to mention that South Korea and Japan for sure would immediately follow suit, and we would like that even less.

      • Drake

        Weapons technology seems skewed towards offense these days. China could probably destroy a lot ships headed towards Taiwan indefinitely. Look at the damage the Houthis are doing and multiply by a thousand.

        We could also destroy a lot of ships headed to China with our subs. Not sure where that gets us other than closer to nuclear war.

      • Pine_Tree

        They could definitely control the Formosa Strait. Hull numbers, water so shallow that SSNs really don’t want to go there, massive land-based missile coverage with super-deep magazines. Very short logistical tail.

        Experience and leadership? Yeah that’s a big maybe. But hardware? Oh yeah.

      • AlexinCT

        Weapons technology seems skewed towards offense these days. China could probably destroy a lot ships headed towards Taiwan indefinitely.

        Yes, the Chinese military could and would impose massive and scary losses to anyone and everyone involved, but they would be receiving irrecoverable damage in return themselves. The losses/destruction of making the landing happen alone will be a couple of trillions. The total loss would be far higher. They could opt to block Taiwan rather than risk the massive military losses an amphib landing would inflict on them, but then they would have to survive the rest of the Pacific nations, nay the world, blockading them in return, and that’s their big conundrum. Xi has been trying to prepare his people for this for a while, but the other problems they have nationally are making this job not only untenable, but potentially disastrous. If China opts to do this it will be because of hubris. Nobody wins. especially if this escalates into nuclear war.

        Look at the damage the Houthis are doing and multiply by a thousand.

        The reason this is going on is lack of will. Reality is that everyone has looked at the cost, and shrugged. This is all because the US gave Iran billions, and Iran decided to piss it away this way. So it is business as usual. The military-industrial complex will make a ton of money, and the US will have excuses for all sorts of adventurism in that area.

        If they wanted the Houthis to stop, they would have done what Israel has done to Hamas: fucking kill them all. The trope that killing these people won’t stop them is pablum. You kill enough of them and they are going to stop. Either because they are too busy just finding a way to just survive, or because they can’t get enough people together to cause mischief. Then again, as someone specialized in asymmetrical warfare, that open border we have might come back to bite us real hard sooner than later.

      • Pine_Tree

        Yes the whack-a-mole thing with the Houthis is a political thing, not a military thing. But there’s an interesting (and unspoken) nexus between the PRC and the USN’s whack-a-moling: experience shooting down ASBMs.

        Anti-Ship Ballistic Missiles are a big part of PRC’s arsenal. Up till recently, nobody had any experience with them in real combat situations. Now we do. So a lot of what’s been going on in the Red Sea is a very expensive and high-stakes training/development exercise.

      • AlexinCT

        I second that assertion Pine.

        We have gotten real life training and massive data, and this is a message for the CCP that their strategy of long range ballistic engagement isn’t a sure thing.

      • Drake

        I’d be interested to know what hit the Eisenhower and how much damage was done. The Navy is very hush about it right now.

      • AlexinCT

        I’d be interested to know what hit the Eisenhower and how much damage was done. The Navy is very hush about it right now.

        Considering the only one claiming a to have “operationally succeeded” during some attack are the Houthis, I am going to say nothing hit the Eisenhower, and this is just propaganda. Operational success can mean anything.

      • Drake

        Putting the ship on communications lock-down, heading to port, and the Captain’s “everything is great tweet” with a video from March sure make it look like something happened.

        Once they are back in the States, we’ll see how well they can keep 3,500 Sailors quiet.

      • UnCivilServant

        My gut is saying “Friendly fire incident caused by lowered standards to meet DEI quotas” Possibly even “the ship managed to shoot itself.”

      • AlexinCT

        My gut is saying “Friendly fire incident caused by lowered standards to meet DEI quotas” Possibly even “the ship managed to shoot itself.

        My call as well if anything happened. Remember this?

  14. Suthenboy

    When I was a kid we had a seafood (fried catfish buffet was the best) restaurant that was just off of the highway surrounded by catfish/crawfish ponds.
    As a family we went out for dinner one Friday evening and arrived just as the firetrucks were arriving. The restaurant was on fire…in the middle of the catfish/crawfish ponds
    I remember it vividly. We were in an Oldsmobile station wagon (forest green with wood panel sides) and guess what was playing on the radio….Smoke on the Water. All of us kids were laughing our asses off about that.
    I really miss that all-you-can-eat catfish buffet.

    • Sensei

      Frank Zappa and the Mothers were in your little town?

  15. Not Adahn

    Good Morning!

    Had an excellent time at Carry Optics Nationals, thought I will say I am disappointed that our national champion lost to a Frenchman in a shooting match! Team CZ showed up with four people and won the top three places.

    I got to see Grummun again and had a delicious dinner hier.

    I also got to hear the OSU local NPR crew absolutely lose their shit on a Biden campaign rep who tried to claim that people were focusing on FJB’s “hoarse voice.”

    Something about being in the sun all day, with some moderate physical exercise (21k steps/day) and strenuous mental challenges makes me a very happy man (after sleep and coffee).

    • Nephilium

      /waves down 71 at you

      • Not Adahn

        I will say that Hoffbrauhaus was specializing in fast/pre-prepared dishes, but between the beer and the fact that I was freaking starving, it was delicious.

      • Nephilium

        And that’s the worst German restaurant in town. 🙂

    • EvilSheldon

      It bothers me too, but I have to admit it – Eric Graffeul is the best pistol shooter alive today.

      • Not Adahn

        Jacob ended his acceptance speech with “…and I’d like to thank Team CZ for showing us how to shoot.” Eric said they’d be back next year.

      • Not Adahn

        Something that bothered me a bit while working my stage:

        Stage 17 was a very positioning-based stage, with lots of opportunities to shave a few tenths off here and there. Only one guy (a marine who shot int in ~25s) put all of them into his stage plan. The people that actually won the stage shot it in a bit under 18s, but they were just brute-forcing it by being so much faster on a sprint that the more elegant shooters. Yes, they were superior athletes and yes can shoot very well. But “sprint to position shoot, sprint to next position shoot, MAYBE include some shots entering or exiting one or two positions maybe” is just kind of ugly.

      • UnCivilServant

        opportunities to shave a few tenths off here and there

        made me think of speedrunning. Anyone manage wall clips or arbitrary code execution on the stage yet?

      • Not Adahn

        Oh, and I don’t know if you’re a drama-monger, but my CRO was Danny Minter.

        Danny absolutely is out to get YML, but YML actually deserves (some) of it. The root cause of the conflict seems to be that YML treats the sport as an excuse to have a party and Danny has an enormous stick up his ass (but isn’t actually wrong).

        The internet clickfarmers have pretty much zero of the details correct AFAICT.

      • Not Adahn

        made me think of speedrunning. Anyone manage wall clips or arbitrary code execution on the stage yet?

        Well, it IS a timed sport. Wall clips are bad, though we mostly had fault line clips. We had to DQ an adorable VN chick because she lost control of her gun after tripping over the fault line.

      • UnCivilServant

        I wonder if there’s a credits warp in there to be found?


      • EvilSheldon

        Arbitrary code execution would be getting away with something that should have been a DQ. I have not been successful at this lately.

        Philosophically I’m very much on the YML side. Practical shooting comes with zero money and less than zero social prestige. What else is left other than having a good time?

        That said, I do think that matches should be run by the book even at the club level.

        One of these days I’d like to compare some video clips of a ‘fast’ GM vs. a ‘normal’ GM vs. some average schlub, sprinting over the same 5-yard distance between positions. I’ll bet that the overall movement times are all pretty close. There’s only so much you can do with 4-5 steps to get up to speed in…

      • Not Adahn

        Like I said, Danny is ridiculously uptight, but he isn’t wrong about ROs needing to take their job seriously especially at majors. There is a difference about having a good time at the range while still remaining safe and not inconveniencing the other shooters who might not share you sense of humor and enjoying the event/perievent activities to the point where it interferes with your ability to show up on time.

        Also: the issue with calling deltas “penis” wasn’t so much the lack of professionalism, it was that he was calling them that so that his scorekeeper (who was also… morally reserved) would have to repeat the call back to him.

        Re: speed – Danny Nguyen (who is not even remotely uptight) got his GM through classifiers but because he has crappy knees from jumping out of aircraft, he always places low in the match.

      • Suthenboy

        “…the sport as a reason to have a party…”

        I am not seeing a problem with that. Back in the Stone Age when I was shooting (SW mod. 10 days) we had our shoot and then the bbq pits lit up, kids ran around chasing each other, wives trading gossip, dogs catching frisbees, etc. The shoot was mostly a prelude to ‘family day’. It was great. I made a lot of friends and met a lot of interesting people. When that started going away I lost interest.

      • EvilSheldon

        Rob Leatham is in his 60s, fifty pounds overweight, and is looking at knee replacement #3. He still crushes fools in Single Stack. Although to be fair, Single Stack is a pretty safe division these days.

        The whole question is interesting to me, because I’ve always been on the slow side (shut up) and have recently had some minor breakthroughs with my foot speed. I think that it would be useful to be able to quantify the effect a little more formally.

      • Not Adahn

        “…the sport as a reason to have a party…”

        I am not seeing a problem with that. Back in the Stone Age when I was shooting (SW mod. 10 days) we had our shoot and then the bbq pits lit up, kids ran around chasing each other, wives trading gossip, dogs catching frisbees, etc. The shoot was mostly a prelude to ‘family day’. It was great. I made a lot of friends and met a lot of interesting people. When that started going away I lost interest.

        That’s all well and good, but in this case, we’re talking about someone who has a paid position with the org, and who has in addition to that a $15k travel budget. Likewise we’re talking about shooters who pay hundreds of dollars to attend and it’s a multi-day event where you really shouldn’t show up on day two or three still drunk from the night before.

      • Not Adahn

        Fun fact, I had dinner with someone who 10.6’d Rob Latham.

        Rob got very upset that one of his squad members wasn’t DQ’d for an AD. According to the RO, it didn’t happen in a manner that violated 10.4 or 10.5.8-10.5.10.

  16. Grumbletarian

    Biden Campaign Official Accuses Media Of “Election Interference” In Debate Coverage

    It must be getting harder and harder to write for the Babylon Bee.

    • AlexinCT

      At this point I don’t think they are doing parody anymore. At some point they actually got someone that could actually see into the future, and sane people just thought the crazy shit that someone spouted was funny parody.

  17. AlexinCT

    So, the big question I have been pondering is if the team blue people, after seeing Joe’s “I am 5 beer cans short of a six pack” show live, and now panicking about the election options, have even either not realized that Joe has not been running the country at all, or frankly don’t care that was the case. I have heard tons of talk – on both sides – about what’s next for everyone involved and the country, but nobody on that side has asked “So who is and was running things?”. Because nobody thinks Joe is actually calling the shots. I doubt that it is Jill as so many people have implied. So then who?

    As so many of us said when Biden was shoved onto the stage for the 2020 campaign: Obama was looking for term number 3. And he got to do what he really wanted to “fundamentally change the country” (obviously for the worse, since you only change things you hate/dislike feverishly) while Biden will take the blame. Now it is all damage control to keep the power.

    • trshmnstr

      So then who?

      Nobody. The departments are acting almost entirely autonomously. We don’t have one president, we have a couple dozen cabinet members running the country.

      • AlexinCT

        Obama’s people are in charge at all the departments. That’s neither just chance or accident. It was the design. That’s why the SCOTUS ruling ending the unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy’s regulating shit is so damaging to them and their agenda and has resulted in the howling and clothes rending.

      • Drake

        Yep. Austin is keeping the money flowing to defense contractors. Garland is in contempt of Congress. Blinken still mad at the Russians for picking Stalin over Trotsky.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Trshy is right. No one cared that Biden was never there, as that was a feature in 2020. In fact, that was the selling point to the various branches of the party; no one is going to direct you, do what you want.

        There has been an open civil war in the Dem party since Hilary lost: the BIPOCs vs. White Settlers (to use the argot of the day) and no one is going to take the blame for her fuck up (hint, it was both sides).

      • trshmnstr

        the SCOTUS ruling ending the unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy’s regulating shit

        This is not what ending Chevron did. All it did was say that courts are not required to defer to an agency’s interpretation of an ambiguous statute.

        The effect will be felt broadly, but it’s not a coup against the administrative state.

    • The Other Kevin

      I haven’t talked to any Dems since last week. I’ll see my parents this week so it will be interesting to see what they think. I have seen some opinion pieces about “Akshully you vote for the administration not the person”, but outside that it seems like people are brushing off what should be one of the most important aspects of this. That, and “what else have they been lying to us about?”

      • Drake

        Who in Biden’s Cabinet could they possibly like?

      • Nephilium

        There was a family gathering on Sunday (for the 4th, since it’s in the middle of the week). No one there (including my progressive niece) was defending Biden at all, of course the only Trump fans there were my dad (who was talking to the girlfriend about it, since she started watching Ben Shapiro). There were many jokes about how if this was the best the two parties could do, maybe we should have a third party.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


      • Certified Public Asshat

        There were many jokes about how if this was the best the two parties could do, maybe we should have a third party.

        And then Chase Oliver.

      • The Last American Hero

        I heard Chase Oliver is gay, and for lower taxes but gay and a bit inconsistent on covid, but he is in fact gay and anyone that disagrees with his political stances must hate gays.

    • rhywun

      “There is a tendency to repost and participate in viral behavior without truly realizing what you’re participating in,”

      Get out.

      • Sensei

        Hello Team Blue Party Propaganda!

        And yes TikTok is like crack cocaine.

      • rhywun

        And yes TikTok is like crack cocaine.

        Is it? I find it repellant every time I reluctantly see something from there.

      • Sensei

        For those that like this stuff it just triggers that dopamine response.

    • rhywun

      And PS JFC TikTok is a cancer.

    • UnCivilServant

      The annoying thing is that the practical result will be Labour taking over and accellerating all the evils that caused the Tories to collapse. They’ll have five years to persecute and disrupt the effort to fix it. I’m not sure they won’t succeed at breaking the country beyond repair (and erasing their opposition via illegal means) before the next election.

      • Drake

        Hope that Farage’s Reform Party does well while the Tory Party dies a much deserved death.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Right now, Nigel Farage’s party, Reform, is looking really good. The Tories and Labor are not doing as well as anyone hoped, either side of that “aisle”, and little wonder why.

        Speaking of which, Marine Le Pen is doing very nicely in France, while Macron is dying. Which is the whole message about all three countries, namely that technoliberalism did not work, anywhere.

    • rhywun

      Sorry, the UK. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont care. I gave up on the UK some time ago.

  18. rhywun

    The ruling found that Giuliani — who had his New York law license suspended in 2021 — repeatedly made false claims about the 2020 presidential election when he represented Trump and his campaign.

    Unless they’re hiding some actual mischief, what they’re doing to him is arguably worse than what they’re doing to Donald. “False claims”? Get the fuck out of here.

    I remember his mayoralty and believe me, he was absolutely loathed by all the right people. It is no surprise whatsoever that the left is so determined to destroy him – they’ve been at it for decades.

    • trshmnstr

      repeatedly made false claims about the 2020 presidential election when he represented Trump and his campaign.

      That was his job. Literally. His job was to make claims (determined to be false by these people) about the 2020 election in order to attempt to litigate perceived election fraud. You literally cannot serve your client in that situation without making claims about the 2020 election.

      • AlexinCT

        That was his job. Literally.” – a.k.a. questioning the election

        Whenever some leftists starts whining about “Muh Democracy” and such, I remind them that for the first 244 years of the republic, people could challenge the election results and not face summary prosecution by the party in power. In fact, since the 2000 elections democrats questioned every election they lost including the 2016 one, where they claimed it was the Russians who done it! But for some strange reason, after a really spurious, suspicious, and red flag riddled election rife with shady shit, it became criminal to question the election because democrats claimed they won.

        Our elections are suspect because they are set up to be unable to audit by design. Doubling down to punish and silence those questioning results is the giveaway that there was something that those doing the prosecuting needed to hide from the people.

    • AlexinCT

      It’s NY. The legal system there (and frankly in most of the NE I assume), is that you don’t have to have an actual verdict from a trial to prove things said were false or crimes were committed, to then have a trial to punish you for whatever follows from that. You can just skip that first part – fuck the constitution and your rights if you piss of the state – and go right to ass raping your enemies banana republic style.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      They might even hate Giuliani more than Trump; He made NYC work while he was mayor.

      • AlexinCT

        You better believe this is a hard part of why they are going after him. The left is real good at attacking the people that have proven their beliefs to be bunk while protecting their saints (see black Jesus) from being seen for the crooks they really are.

        As I tell a lot of people: Trump’s greatest crime was to win the 2016 election the left thought it had sufficiently rigged to give Hillary a win. His second greatest crime was not to fold and leave when they came after him, but to fight back. The left was used to team red losers rolling over and playing dead. They didn’t get that and it drove them insane,

  19. Derpetologist

    The fact that there are people scared shitless of Biden is one of the most depressing things I’ve read in a long time. OK, I get that they’re toadies and being obsequious is their job, but good lord, even toads have spines.

    He’s pants-shitting senile old fart, not Darth Vader. He isn’t going to force choke anyone. He probably can’t even remember who he yelled at yesterday.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Go ahead … take a swing, Grandpa.

    • R.J.

      He may not punish you, but one of his other toadies might. The dems are known for their love of revenge.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.
      • slumbrew

        Wait, they have more than one song?

  20. Derpetologist

    Some cool stuff I learned yesterday:

    The first modern, electronic ternary computer, Setun, was built in 1958 in the Soviet Union at the Moscow State University by Nikolay Brusentsov,[6][7] and it had notable advantages over the binary computers that eventually replaced it, such as lower electricity consumption and lower production cost.

    The Josephson junction has been proposed as a balanced ternary memory cell, using circulating superconducting currents, either clockwise, counterclockwise, or off. “The advantages of the proposed memory circuit are capability of high speed computation, low power consumption and very simple construction with fewer elements due to the ternary operation.”[14]

    Ternary computing shows promise for implementing fast large language models (LLMs) and potentially other AI applications, in lieu of floating point arithmetic. [15]

    In physics, the Josephson effect is a phenomenon that occurs when two superconductors are placed in proximity, with some barrier or restriction between them. The effect is named after the British physicist Brian Josephson, who predicted in 1962 the mathematical relationships for the current and voltage across the weak link.[1][2] It is an example of a macroscopic quantum phenomenon, where the effects of quantum mechanics are observable at ordinary, rather than atomic, scale. The Josephson effect has many practical applications because it exhibits a precise relationship between different physical measures, such as voltage and frequency, facilitating highly accurate measurements.

    Josephson junctions have important applications in quantum-mechanical circuits, such as SQUIDs, superconducting qubits, and RSFQ digital electronics. The NIST standard for one volt is achieved by an array of 20,208 Josephson junctions in series.[3]

    So basically, working quantum computers were invented in the 1960s.

  21. Derpetologist

    Ukraine ruled too corrupt for NATO, and by the US no less.

    Ukraine will be told it is currently too corrupt to join Nato, in a major blow to Volodymyr Zelensky.

    The alliance will request “additional steps” from Kyiv before membership talks progress, a senior official in the US State Department said.

    The Telegraph recently revealed that the US is blocking British and European efforts to put in writing an “irreversible” path towards Nato membership for Ukraine.

    Uh, what? As stupid as the plan was, the whole goal for decades was to get Ukraine into NATO and the EU.

    Well, now we have a convenient excuse to stop spending money on them.



    • rhywun

      For some rea$on we are determined to ramp up the war against Russia.

    • Drake

      Former President Zelensky disappointed.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Ukraine is corrupt? Who knew?

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      They are still in the Denial stage, though I am pretty sure some of the Biden team have already moved past Anger, and are in the Bargaining stage already.

      I am sure that Depression and Acceptance are just around the corner.

    • R C Dean

      I believe he got back from his overseas travel at least two weeks before the debate, and spent the entire week before the debate holed up prepping for it. Obvious lie is obvious, unless they want to stake out the position that it takes Biden several weeks to recover from a trip to freaking Europe.

      • Nephilium

        If you can’t handle Biden at his best (after a week of “intense debate prep”), you deserve him at his worst!

      • Red Pill Matt

        My parents are Biden’s age and do take several weeks to recover from overseas trips. Neither of my parents nor Biden should be president.

      • R C Dean

        Exactly, Matt. “I take several weeks to recover from a trip to Europe” is now his defense for his debate performance.

      • Fourscore

        I’m not going overseas. Is Canada overseas? I’d go fishing there again if I didn’t have to take the old guys, looking out for them takes a lot of time.

    • The Other Kevin

      He spent the entire week in one place preparing for the debate. Saying that wasn’t long enough of a rest isn’t helping.

    • Tundra

      You won’t believe this, but it was the Russians.

      It’s retards all the way down.

      • Drake

        They used the retard beam on him!

      • Common Tater

        DNC shill Brooklyn Dad blamed CNN.

    • Drake

      “Travelled” in the most luxurious plane in the world. Literally a full bedroom, bath, and chef service. Other Presidents don’t look too run down after a trip on Air Force One.

  22. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    That nuclear guy kept the clothes he stole for FIVE years, even after being publicly accused? Even petty crims know you gotta toss the evidence ASAP

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Also, I’m-a keep this Michael Shellenberger quote chambered for these types of articles

      “Swiss psychologists recently found an almost exact overlap between dark personality traits and social justice commitment.”

      • The Last American Hero

        Shellenberger is a shitbag who had no problem towing the lion until it bit him on the hand one day. He spent years mercilessly bashing anyone that pushed back in any way on climate hysteria, and trotting out flat earthers or young earth creationists so he and his friends could punch down on them.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Doesn’t matter – that one quote is gold. I need to track down that study

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        (and maybe Shellenberger is one of the people the Swisd researchers were talking about)

    • UnCivilServant

      With him, I do think it’s pathalogical.

      He needs mental help, and won’t get it.

    • Nephilium

      Nah, you post pictures of it to your socials to show that you’re keeping it real.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        He kept the clothes AFTER that. AFTER the designer accused him, after the Feds were investigating him.

    • EvilSheldon

      The dude’s confident enough to wear women’s clothes in public despite being about as passable as Gary Busey, but he’s so insecure that he has to steal women’s suitcases at the airport instead of just popping in to Forever 21 and saying, “Show me what you got in 3XL?”


      • Nephilium

        Exactly. If you’re going to own it, fucking own it.

      • slumbrew

        Nah, he’s not embarrassed to buy women’s clothing, he enjoys the thrill of stealing.

        It’s not like he knew there was something for him to wear in that designer’s suitcase.

        How many other suitcases has he stolen?

        Like killing hookers, it’s not something you do once and get it out of your system.

      • EvilSheldon

        That would be a likely interpretation of his behavior.

        I’ll take your word for it regarding the killing of hookers.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I’m guessing he stole at least 1 suitcase every time he traveled. I’m guessing he cherry picked high-end luggage. He probably got a boner when he opened that designer’s suitcase. They were actually really beautiful garments.

    • R C Dean

      Very interesting. Shows up, among other things, the weight penalty that EVs inherently carry, and the complexity penalty that hybrids inherently carry.

    • kinnath

      I really enjoy driving 4 answers

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Kilometers per second?

      You can’t use metrics with real measurements!

      • Suthenboy

        “Kilometers per second?”

        How does that convert to bananas per minute?

    • kinnath

      I had a Nissan 200sx from the late nineties. I had a two liter engine and a five speed manual transmission. Fun as hell to drive and it got 40 mpg on road trips (doing 80 on the freeway).

      That car was regulated out of existence. I do blame government more than the manufacturers and the public. But they do share the blame as well.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Okay- Democrats agree to make Biden drop out if Trump will drop out, too. America goes on a frenzied Presidential speed dating binge.

    Who emerges as America’s Sweetheart?

    • R C Dean

      Well, it will have to be a back room deal, so on the Repub side:

      Romney – It’s His Turn(tm)

      And on the Dem side:

      Whitmer – Spank Me Mommy, I’ve Been Bad(tm)

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        DeSantis v. Newsome.

      • R.J.

        Boy I wish it was DeSantis vs. Newsome. I think DeSantis learned a lot from his first time at bat. I think we will see that in four years.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    After sober reflection…

    Former first lady Michelle Obama is the only Democrat to beat former President Trump in a new poll Tuesday.

    The survey, conducted by Reuters/Ipsos, found Obama was the only Democrat with a lead on Trump in a hypothetical match-up, garnering 50 percent support to his 39 percent. Only 4 percent of respondents said they would not vote at all.


    • R C Dean

      Big Mike’s profile has been so low she might as well be Generic Democrat. She may be even worse at candidating than Herself. I guess we may get to find out.

    • rhywun

      I’m not believing for a second the Left’s insistence that she isn’t interested.

      And I’m going to have to assume that Donald’s team already has the campaign ads ready featuring her on a loop stating how much she has always hated America.

    • UnCivilServant

      “I prayed to the dead gamer and next encounter caught a shiny mudkip!”

    • Sensei

      It’s NPR – do you think they bother to research what’s required for canonization?

      Wiki only references his first miracle and points to a primary source in Italian so I’m stopping at that point. Further down is some recognition of a second miracle.

      Following the Catholic Church’s recognition of a miracle in 2020 that was attributed to the Acutis’ intercession, Antonia told the press that her son had appeared to her in dreams saying that he would be not only beatified but also canonized a saint in the future


      As a non-religious Episcopalian educated by Roman Catholics with a very religious RC wife I’ll just stop here…

    • Nephilium

      Of course, this is after the push to purge the saints of questionable veracity. So let’s add some new ones!

    • rhywun

      Good grief. 🙄

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of complexity for its own sake- IndyCar enters its bold new hybrid future this weekend. I can’t wait.

    • Sensei

      You could say you are charged up! Maybe amped up!

    • R.J.

      Is it true electric or internal combustion? Or is it just electric assist for torque?

      • R C Dean

        Hybrid, I believe.

      • UnCivilServant

        I want it to be External Combustion – You’re required to run off firewood which heats water in a boiler to drive a steam turbine that powers the electrical motors.


      • R.J.

        There were some truly fast steam powered cars. Even back in the day, the land speed record was set by a Stanley Steamer in 10906, as 127 MPH on a dang beach.
        *Pushes up nerd glasses

      • R.J.

        Damn my fingers. Oh, too late. 1906.

      • UnCivilServant

        But were they Hybrid Electric Steam engines?

      • Common Tater

        There were cars, mostly in Europe during WW2, that were internal combustion and ran off firewood — by turning the wood into wood gas.

      • UnCivilServant

        They continued to use that style of engine in Africa afterwards. Not sure if it’s still in use, but I recall reading about it.

    • trshmnstr

      I’m surprised they could actually afford to switch to hybrids. I guess the 500 is still making enough money to float the rest of the series.

  26. The Late P Brooks


    Now, Democratic attorneys around the country are already gearing up for the possibility of a second Trump administration by beginning to map out an aggressive legal strategy to fight him again in court — this time with a fresh sense of urgency.

    Democratic attorneys general are exploring hiring outside experts and dispatching staff to study areas of the law anticipated to come under attack, like reproductive health, immigration and the environment.

    They are identifying staff members best equipped to fight assertions of executive privilege — which Trump invoked in his most high-profile controversies — and states best positioned to lead bigger cases.

    And they are scrutinizing Project 2025, the 900-page blueprint from The Heritage Foundation that lays out a conservative agenda for the next Republican presidency.

    Democracy? Will of the People?

    Don’t be absurd.

    • R.J.

      Good. At least it’s a fight instead of an unconstitutional rout. Increasingly I think the dems will lose in court.

      • AlexinCT

        Their game will be to delay, delay, delay until the clock runs out.

        Trump better have people making sure that these criminal enterprises masquerading as bureaucracies actually obey and do what they are told to rather than sabotage things. Because you know these fucks will try to sabotage.

  27. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Aides ‘Scared Sh*tless’ Of Joe Biden: “Not A Pleasant Person”


    “Look here, fat. I’m gonna wrap this pool chain around your head…” Shocking that this lifetime politician is an asshole.

    • AlexinCT

      They are all assholes. They think they are better than us. Shit is falling apart because they still blame us for not getting their genius while they are burning it all down. And looting. Massive amounts of looting.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Dick Brandon.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Or is it just electric assist for torque?

    They are putting what they call (I believe) a “motor generator unit” in the bellhousing, with supercapacitor storage, just like all the cool kids are doing. They are claiming ~60hp of on demand additional thrust. I can’t wait for somebody to stuff it into the fence because they’re fiddling with the knobs on the steering wheel.

    The only “benefit” I can see is it will also function as an on board starter.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The early but serious preparations are an acknowledgment that a second Trump presidency would entail these lawyers filing lawsuit after lawsuit against the federal government, to mitigate what they view as a significant threat to democracy and individual rights.

    “When you look at the first Trump presidency, you can see the devastating impact some of the policies that were pursued by that administration had on millions of people across our state,” said New Jersey Attorney General Matt Platkin in an interview. “We need to be prepared for that possibility, even though it may not come to pass, so we’re not caught flat-footed and we’re ready to stand up for the rights of our residents should that be necessary.”

    I’m sure he has a long and detailed list of those devastating impacts in his pocket which he will happily produce for examination when the time is right.

    • AlexinCT

      “We will not allow you or anyone (especially those unwashed deplorables) to expose or interfere with our globalist criminal rackets”, is what this shit says to me.

    • B.P.

      A significant threat to “individual rights”? Oh yes. That’s what they’re afraid of.

  30. AlexinCT

    I pine for the days of 2Live Crew and Blowfly. Cause this shitzz is schnitizell for sho.

  31. KSuellington

    We shall see if the Dems get their switcheroo on over the next 6 weeks. Regardless of who they dump Joe for (or if Dr Jill wins the power struggle and he remains the top of the ticket) the Dems are set up to lose the Presidency to T Dog in November as well as the House. I made the prediction the day that they got their coveted mug shot of him in Georgia. Trump has fully moved into the Arc of the Hero end of Act II. The tears and the howls of anguish from 2016 will be nothing compared to what is coming. It will be interesting to see what factions prevail in the coming Dem circular firing squad. I hope the more reasonable voices in their party get more of a voice, but that is not a prediction I would make at this time.

    • AlexinCT

      Recall many states have early voting, ballots have already been printed, and these states are all blue states where the “early voting” – meaning the ballot harvesting and dead people voting – has already started. What do they do with all the Biden votes that can’t happen now? Cause they certainly shouldn’t be allowed to just say an early vote for Biden is an early vote for [fill in the blank] nor should they be allowed to make people that already voted come in to vote again.

      • Sensei

        We let those people vote again of course.

      • AlexinCT

        We let those people vote again of course.

        Fuck no.

      • KSuellington

        A month or two ago I thought that Michelle was gonna be the savior, but now I’d say it actually is most likely that it will be Joe. Then then can at least pin the loss totally on him. If they do pull the switch I’m not sure how they will accomplish that, but I’m sure some friendly judges will help. Either way they are getting hosed in November and it won’t just be the Presidency they lose, this will have down ballot effects.

      • AlexinCT

        and it won’t just be the Presidency they lose, this will have down ballot effects.

        And I believe the thing they are most scared off is that down ballot effect. It will be real hard to “fortify” the down ballot effect, but I can see them claiming people voted down ballot but not for Joe cause they were dispirited, which I will not buy. The plan, whatever it was, seems to have backfired, and the SCOTUS not being captured destroyed their strategy of getting rid of Trump by lawfare.

        November is gonna be crazy. And after that expect riots and down right rebellion in the unelected and unaccountable bureaucracy. Team blue will not accept defeat gracefully, and they know team red is too fucking chicken to play the game team blue does (ruthless use of power).

      • creech

        I dunno about down ballot. I think most Dem candidates will run well ahead of the top of the ticket. If a Trump victory is seen as inevitable, then all the down ballot folks will be running hard-hitting ads about the need to “save Democracy” and “protect the rights of women, gays, trans, the family, the middle class, BIPOC, etc.” There will be plenty of independent voters who will not vote for Harris but will want their local representatives in D.C. to block the evil MAGA fascists.

      • UnCivilServant

        If a voter isn’t voting for top of ballot, they tend to not show up unless particularly motivated by a specific down ballot race.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      It really isn’t that different than ’68. It is centrist Dems vs. the lunatic fringe. Hopefully, it will set the lunatics back another 50 years.

    • R C Dean

      I’d be interested to see a pre-election schedule showing when the legal deadlines are, and when ballots are actually printed and mailed, in each state. This is setting up a kind of hubris/nemesis thing for the Dems – the junk mail ballots and early voting they fought so hard for are circling back to bite them in the ass. There’s no last minute Torricelli maneuver any more. I’m guessing early September is a pretty hard stop, regardless of the legal deadlines.

      Which means its brokered convention or nothing. In Chicago. With the hard left already mad at them for not flying weapons into Hamas.

      The wild card is the cheating. Regardless of how much they did last time, they saw that they can do it and get away with it cold. There is no remedy available for an election that is stolen in a couple of counting centers, or by mail-in fraud. If last time was the (successful) beta test, just imagine what’s being prepped for this time. And I repeat: There. Is. No. Remedy.

      • kinnath

        The only remedy is rebellion.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    The tears and the howls of anguish from 2016 will be nothing compared to what is coming.

    I very much want to see this. The facile about-face on election denialism will be precious beyond measure.

    • KSuellington

      I think the Dems largely keep the riot crowd in check during their convention. They will be fully released come November.

  33. AlexinCT

    I am linking this, just to quote this:

    Dem officials and their flying monkeys in the mainstream media are usually on the same page, steadily murmuring their untruths in unison. Since last Thursday, they’ve been a drunk, dysfunctional family at a Thanksgiving dinner where the slobbering uncle tried to deep-fry a frozen turkey.

    Dropping a frozen turkey into a deep fryer is explosive shit, and it is exactly what we are seeing.

    • Sensei

      You and Tundra within a minute.

      I know 51 high ranking intelligence officials who think so.

      • AlexinCT


      • creech

        No, they only said it had the earmarks of a Russian fake. I guess we can make up all sorts of semi-plausible stuff if we want to.
        Those 51 intelligence officials “could have been Chinese agents working to shield their puppet presidential candidate.” Michelle “could be a man.” Hillary “could be running a child sex trafficking ring.” “Biden could be the sharpest mind in the White House since Thomas Jefferson.”

  34. The Late P Brooks


    It’s not just those aides. Democrats frustrated with Biden’s insular senior team are well acquainted with the longtime aides who continue to have the president’s ear: Mike Donilon, Steve Ricchetti and Bruce Reed, as well as Ted Kaufman and Klain on the outside. “It’s the same people — he has not changed those people for 40 years,” said one Democratic operative and close adviser to several members of Congress, who blamed the entire group for refusing to shift course even as Biden trailed Trump for months in the polls. “All these guys running the campaign from the White House is not working.”

    As a Democratic strategist in a battleground state put it: “The number of people who have access to the president has gotten smaller and smaller and smaller. They’ve been digging deeper into the bunker for months now.” And, the strategist said, “the more you get into the bunker, the less you listen to anyone.”

    Politico “deep dive” into the mystery of Biden’s viselike grip on the Presidency despite his sudden and completely unanticipated diminished capacity.

    tl;dr- We brought this on ourselves. Why didn’t somebody stop us?

    • creech

      Who the hell are these people? The media did deep dives into everyone who even glanced Trump’s way. “This guy, once 40 years ago, walked by a protest where there was a Nazi flag, and he didn’t immediately condemn the participants in full page ads in all the important newspapers. So he must be a Nazi sympathizer.”

  35. Shpip

    Since the POTUS once and for all revealed himself to be POTATUS, let’s take a moment of schadenfreude to revel in the court toadies who insisted that everything was fine.

  36. AlexinCT

    Ok, how the fook did this shit happen? The food was spoiled so bad people immediately became sick and the plane had to make an emergency landing, but none of the people that got the spoiled food it could tell that the shit was that bad? I mean there had to be some sign, right? Bad smell. Some sheen, some mold, or some slime on the food. Nasty texture. Some reflex. You want to tell me people have such a low expectation of airline food that they went “This shit reeks like ass, looks like spoiled ass, tastes like spoiled ass, but oh well, spoiled ass it is.”?

    • UnCivilServant

      Fun fact – the conditions on board an airplane actually deaden taste and olfactary sense, which is why there were so many jokes about the poor quality of airline food.

      If you combine that with the cultural expectation of bad food, the passengers would shrug off more warning signs that would be unacceptable at sea level.

      • AlexinCT

        I have had good airline food (fly to Asia) and some real shitty stuff (fly to Europe, which I think is on purpose to fuck with that Euro trash). But I can quickly tell when something is so off with food that my body – which has a real high tolerance for abuse – will go “no fooking way, brah”. even on airplanes. And heck, I lurned to eat worms, insects, and tree bark back in the day, so there is that.

      • Nephilium

        There were actually beers brewed specifically to taste better in airplanes (which didn’t really take off, since it’s a niche market of a niche market), and it’s also a reason why you won’t get a great cocktail on a plane.

      • R.J.

        This is the link I was expecting. Well done.

    • Not Adahn

      ISTR that actual food pathogens don’t cause foul tastes or smell. Those are caused by other infections that thrive under the same conditions but might not actually be there on any particular piece of food.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Surely this is fake news.

      • Pine_Tree

        No, I think it’s real. And don’t call me Shirley.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    We let those people vote again of course.

    No backsies!

  38. The Late P Brooks

    “In every administration, there are individuals who would prefer to spend more time with the president and senior officials,” Bates said in a statement to POLITICO. “President Biden fights hard for families every day, working with a wide range of team members at what he is proud is the most diverse White House ever — and achieving historic results for the American people because of his determination, values, and experience.”

    Classic boilerplate politico-speak. Baghdad Bob couldn’t do any better.

    • creech

      Anyone with an IQ over 90 realizes this is pure bullcrap. But “Team.”

  39. The Late P Brooks

    In a way, the defensiveness over Biden’s age is muscle memory at this point. The White House press shop has been merciless about working to kill and water down stories focused on the subject, and aggressively attacking holes in them after they’re published, as was the case last month with a lengthy Wall Street Journal report that leaned on GOP lawmakers for a portrayal of how Biden was “slipping.”

    Correct me if I’m wrong, but hasn’t it been conclusively established that actively seeking to manipulate and control what is published bout your candidate constitutes illegal election interference?

    • R C Dean

      Close, but it’s “Republicans actively seeking to manipulate, etc.”

      It’s right there in the statute.

  40. Common Tater

    “I think the Dems largely keep the riot crowd in check during their convention. They will be fully released come November.”

    BLM is old. Gaza isn’t a good sell. What will they riot about?

    • creech

      That someone else has been elected to end democracy and not them?

    • R C Dean

      Could be. Let’s not forget that the Repubs also have a convention. And it’s an old American tradition that you can riot at a Trump event with no consequences.

    • R C Dean

      “What will they riot about?”

      Waddaya got?

      Don’t forget – The cause is not the cause. The cause is the revolution.

      • Common Tater

        True, but they still need a cause.

  41. KK, Plump & Unfiltered


  42. Suthenboy

    Jeebus, politics has always been a circus but looking over the dems and their associates the whole circus has become the freak show. At least the R’s seem to be the same old circus minus a half dozen or so worth their salt.
    I think I will go work in the yard for a while.

  43. Not Adahn

    Apparently commenting is turned off on the SF post?

      • Tundra

        I think it was me. I typed an extremely pithy comment, hit submit and everything went to shit.

        Sorry about that.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m going to have to be skeptical.

        You don’t strike me as the Citrusy type.

      • Suthenboy

        Same here Tundra so I will drop it here.

        “A spot of oatmeal on his shirt was hardening into a dense little button.”

        “…the flies around his gaping mouth going in and out, trying to lay maggots on his numb, dead tongue.”

        Like any great work of art the tell is in the details.

      • Fourscore

        I’m blaming Derpy, now he’s got us all linked to his handlers.

      • Tundra

        “I missed you, Cracky,” Hunter said, cradling him like a crack rock Baby Jesus.

        Love is beautiful, isn’t it?

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Comments are closed for Joemala?

    It had to happen sooner or later.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Yeah, kinda weird? Setting on # of comments allowed checked or something?

  45. Gender Traitor

    Well, since I can’t comment on the Joemala post, I’ll ask here: Whose Ebonics are more convincing, Kamala’s or HRC’s?

  46. LCDR_Fish

    Does make sense that Cracky would favor chaos. Blood for the blood god.

  47. The Late P Brooks

    Cracky believes in PEACE THROUGH STRENGTH.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    I’m blaming Derpy, now he’s got us all linked to his handlers.

    Exactly. Wait quietly for the knock at the door. Resistance is futile.

  49. Swiss Servator