1. cavalier973

    Have you watched any of these silent movies you are using?

  2. UnCivilServant

    USPS to Raise Postage Stamp Prices by 7.8 Percent Beginning July 14

    And further reduce my likelyhood of sending mail.

    • cavalier973

      Yeah, not many businesspeople have learned the lesson of Henry Ford (reduce the price as much as possible in order to increase sales).

      Still, I remember once reading an article about the Great Depression, where it was mentioned that someone sold a 3 cent stamp in order to help pay for a 5 cent loaf of bread.

      By my calculations, a loaf of bread today is around $3, so, based on that anecdote, stamps *should* be going for around $1.80.

    • Rat on a train

      Someone crossed the supply and demand inputs for their pricing calculator.

      • cavalier973

        It’s not the Post Office’s fault that bread is so expensive.

      • Not Adahn

        Of course it is! When’s the last time you’ve mailed a loaf of bread?

    • Grumbletarian


      WASHINGTON D.C. — Republicans caused outrage and horror today among people who would never cheat in elections with the introduction of a new ‘Stop Cheating In Elections’ Bill.

      Congressional Republicans insisted that the bill would simply prevent cheating in elections and ensure that they are fair, while people who would never cheat insisted that the problematic bill targeted them.

      “I want to be clear. This bill is racist, xenophobic, transphobic, and possibly arachnophobic,” Said Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “It’s not the ‘no cheating’ part that bothers us because obviously we would never, ever cheat. But it’s outrageous that Republicans would want to take measures to stop us from cheating. Which we never ever do.”


      • Sensei

        The whole thing is gold.

        In a statement released today, the White House blasted Congressional Republicans for trying to push through a “totally unnecessary” bill instead of much more important bills that President Biden has pledged support for, such as the “No Furry Left Behind” Bill, the “Legalize Crack and Bribery” Bill, and the “It’s Not Weird To Date Your Brother’s Widow” Bill.

  3. Rat on a train

    A new report by the Heritage Foundation’s Nonpartisan Commission on China and COVID-19 found that the COVID pandemic caused $18 trillion in economic losses to the U.S. and placed blame for the outbreak on the Chinese government.
    US governments are responsible for much of the damage listed. China didn’t close schools, force businesses to close, pause verification for US welfare programs, …

    • cavalier973


      “Look what you made me do!”

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      There’s plenty of blame to go around and the Chinese deserve their fair share. Damn shame we funded the research though and even more of a damn shame that we haven’t learned a freaking thing.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        This. Everyone who could have told the truth about any aspect of covid: its origin, its deadliness, its transmissibility, and so on, lied. Just flat out lied, and it was always for political gain.

        And, the object of that political gain was to remove Trump, who is still here.

      • rhywun

        we haven’t learned a freaking thing

        On the contrary… the people pulling the strings have learned exactly what they wanted to: that they can push us around with no consequences whatsoever.

      • The Last American Hero

        Ding ding ding!

    • Drake

      I enjoyed Thomas Massie’s story about driving back to DC in a snowstorm to force an in-person vote on the $Trillion boondoggle covid bill.

      Trump and everyone in the House were furious at him – and they were all wrong.

      • Rat on a train

        How dare he. Also $1T wasn’t enough! We are living with the consequences of not spending enough.

    • Ted S.

      I remember when Red China was welding apartment doors shut.

    • WTF

      Exactly. The pandemic didn’t cause shit, the government did.

      • DrOtto

        I always say/said “due to the government reaction to Covid” when explaining anything to customers that was affected by the plandemic.

  4. juris imprudent

    To quote a rather curmudgeonly fellow:

    The Republican party despite the notion of ideological coherence is mostly an establishmentarian proposition – willing to ‘conserve’ whatever nonsense policy has been introduced into the government. Reagan promised to strangle the Department of Education – Carter’s creation – at the outset of his administration. George W. Bush nationalized education standards as one of his signature accomplishments. Democrats expect me to be terrified at the prospect of Republican control? I actually am, just not for the reasons Democrats think I should be.

    We have no hope that the Republicans in Congress, or Trump in the White House, will actually do what needs to be done. It is a fantasy to believe otherwise. It will just be tapping the brakes a little, not slamming them down to the floor or turning the damn steering wheel.

      • Grumbletarian

        We don’t want to actually win! People might expect us to fix shit, and then we’d be on the hook for the results. We came close to repealing Obamacare, and John McCain waved us from that disaster. We’re happier being the plucky underdog.

        /GOP ‘Leadership’

      • Drake

        The Tories won big and ran the UK unopposed for years. Look what happened to them.

    • cavalier973

      “Quick! Head to that cliff, instead!”

    • PieInTheSky

      “The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition. Thus we have two great types — the advanced person who rushes us into ruin, and the retrospective person who admires the ruins. He admires them especially by moonlight, not to say moonshine. Each new blunder of the progressive or prig becomes instantly a legend of immemorial antiquity for the snob. This is called the balance, or mutual check, in our Constitution.”
      ― G.K. Chesterton

      • EvilSheldon

        I might not believe in God, but I’ll never be atheistic enough not to enjoy Chesterton’s way with words…

      • juris imprudent

        Or the flipside (about God or politics) with Christopher Hitchens.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I’ll circle back with a more in depth comment on the issue later.

      • Nephilium

        Why don’t you take this as an action item and put together a deck for the tiger team stand up later today.

      • Sensei

        Thanks for the heads up!

    • Not Adahn

      Wait, that’s not a euphemism for female masturbation?

    • Ted S.

      Kindly do the needful and stop using buzzwords.

      • PieInTheSky

        Kindly do the needful should be classified as a racist dogwhistle

      • Rat on a train

        I normally only see ‘kindly’ used by scammers.

      • Nephilium

        Rat on a train:

        I wish… but I don’t think most of the tier one helpdesk I work with are actually scammers.

      • rhywun

        Comment *

        Kindly do the needful should be classified as a racist dogwhistle

        *waggles head*

    • PieInTheSky

      we in Europe are way behind, we use last years corporate nonsense.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Don’t worry, I will let this “trickle down” on you later.

      Every once in a while, the wife and I will get going on dueling buzz word speak, hers being public sector, mine having been private, just to see who can keep it up longest.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I asked AI to write an out of office using a lot of corporate buzzwords…

      Hi Everyone,

      I will be out of the office from [Start Date] to [End Date] for some strategic time optimization – focusing on [vague reason, e.g., professional development initiatives]. During this critical window, my ability to leverage communication channels will be limited.

      For urgent matters requiring immediate bandwidth, please consider escalating to [colleague’s name] who will be acting as my key contact and championing continuity of operations.

      For non-urgent inquiries, I recommend utilizing the internal knowledge-sharing platform (think: SharePoint) as a first point of contact. It’s a fantastic resource for streamlining information access and maximizing team productivity.

      I look forward to re-engaging upon my return and circling back to connect on any missed opportunities for synergy.
      In the meantime, stay agile and keep pushing the envelope!

      Best regards,
      [Your Name]

      P.S. For those seeking to schedule future meetings, please utilize my online calendar management tool to identify mutually beneficial time slots. Let’s continue optimizing our collaborative efforts!

      I love the prompt for give a vague reason.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.


      • Timeloose

        I will be using a variation of this for my OOO tagline next week.

        I can’t stand “Corp Speak” or “Teen Speak”, but they are both so prevalent that they start to bleed into my own lexicon. I only hear it when my wife speaks my own words back to me. She also picks up on the worst of teen speak from her job.

        Corp speak is a earworm wrapped around a turd floating in the executive toilet.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        You know, we need an action team to bubble that up, so we can get a 1000 ft view of your blue sky solutions.

      • creech

        I’m sorry, I don’t see the “path forward.”

    • rhywun

      Ping me when you find a more cringe buzzword.

    • KSuellington

      We will touch base on this shortly.

  5. PieInTheSky

    Followup on the bear that was shot here and made de animal rights activists mad. The latest comment I saw : predatory animals never attack females of any species, just males, so it was probably a man who snuck up on the woman and pushed her to where the bear was. So the bear could not have attacked her cause she was girl, a man must have been involved.

    • Sensei

      Is that any less stupid sounding in Romanian?

      • PieInTheSky

        that would be off course beyond the possibility of language

    • UnCivilServant

      So, someone doesn’t understand zoology, or have two working brain cells.

    • Sean


    • Rat on a train

      Bears, like Supreme Court Justices, don’t know what a woman is.

    • Nephilium

      Don’t they know that bears go after women during their time of the month? You need to make sure your countrypeople are aware of this important safety warning.

      • The Last American Hero

        And dudes that identify as menstruating.

    • Sensei

      If a man speaks in the forest and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong?

    • SDF-7

      Only logical.

      Women are significantly more into astrology than men.

      The bears get so very tired of always being asked by people they just met: “What’s ursine?”

      Natural consequences ensue.

    • DrOtto

      Bears smell the menstruation – Brick Tamland

    • EvilSheldon

      I’m choosing to believe that that was some troll taking the piss.

  6. Pope Jimbo

    A couple crazy kids find each other in this mixed up world.

    • The Other Kevin

      I don’t get why people find her attractive. She’s got a weird face. If you wan to ogle a politician there’s Tulsi.

  7. PieInTheSky

    Today in how you Americans are disrespecting us poor eastern Europeans, Nicky Minaj canceled her appearance at a festival in Bucharest for now reason on the day of the concert.

    Furthermore Chief Keef canceled his appearance at a festival because of passport issues and could not leave the U.S.

    Romania has been deprived of Nicky Minaj and Chief Keef.

    • UnCivilServant

      You should be thanking your lucky stars you’ve been spared that.

  8. PieInTheSky

    Talc was classified as “probably carcinogenic” due in part to limited evidence linking it to ovarian cancer, an international agency said.

    Talc was classified as “probably carcinogenic” to humans by the cancer agency of the World Health Organization (WHO).

    A working group of 29 scientists from 13 countries met at the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, and published their findings in The Lancet Oncology last week.

    The classification is the “second highest level of certainty that a substance can cause cancer”. Talc’s previous classification was as a “possible carcinogen.”

    Talc was classified “on the basis of a combination of limited evidence for cancer in humans (for ovarian cancer), sufficient evidence for cancer in experimental animals, and strong mechanistic evidence that talc exhibits key characteristics of carcinogens in human primary cells and experimental systems,” the group of experts said in a press release.


    • juris imprudent

      The chief priest has dissected the bowels of an eagle and has read the following portents…

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The only Western oriented European leader with any damn sense and he’s consistently demonized for it.

      • The Other Kevin

        As far as I can tell he and Trump are the only ones trying to stop the fighting. He should get a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts, instead it will probably go to Biden for getting the war rolling.

    • rhywun

      The Hungarian autocrat

      Taps out in the first sentence.

  9. Rufus the Monocled

    The people who are “protecting” or defending Biden telling others what they’re seeing isn’t reality by spinning and deflecting are evil. Purely.

    • The Other Kevin

      There’s a big difference between that and lying. All politicians lie and exaggerate. We all get that. But the Dems and their allies are straight up telling you not to believe your own eyes. Not just with Biden, but the economy, Ukraine, the border, and probably a dozen other things.

    • Aloysious

      Believe what the Party orders you to believe. It’s for your own good, comrade.

      Man,I feel dirty typing that. How did Orwell do it?

  10. PieInTheSky

    VW mulls putting the brakes on Brussels Audi plant due to low demand for EVs


    Europe’s top carmaker, Volkswagen, has announced the possible closure of its Audi factory in Brussels due to a significant drop in demand for luxury EVs. Since investing heavily in advanced technology, Audi said its sales have fallen in 2024 even though it has it introduced new car models at lower prices.

    Volkswagen said the cost of finding other uses for the plant or closing it altogether would result in a price hit of some €2.6 billion in the 2024 financial year.

    • Sensei

      Aside from the whole EV mandate debacle, the software for VW’s EV platform is a shitshow.

      That’s the primary driver of their Rivian investment. They want their software.

      • The Other Kevin

        Based on the price I’d say every EV is a luxury vehicle.

      • Sensei

        Without subsidies, yes.

        In CA at one time between state and fed subsidies you could get a base Model 3 for like $22k.

        Funny thing is the Model 3 really has the interior of an economy car. Scandinavian design mediocre materials nothing special. That was its original design goal, but they couldn’t make the pricing work.

      • UnCivilServant

        Can I get one without the battery pack or eletric motor? I’d want to slap a crate engine into the chassis without the hassle of ripping out the toxic waste.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Ok, I would not drive a leaf under most circumstances, but that’s actually a really good deal if you needed cheap transportation for two years.

    • DrOtto

      Still cheaper to cut and run than the $4 billion they just gave Rivian to continue burning cash at a quicker rate than you could by just pitching it into a fire.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The EVs won’t be sprouting in Brussels anymore?

  11. Pope Jimbo

    I never cease to be amazed at the local proggies obsession with bikes. The latest: Sure we were voted the best bike city in the USA, but we still suck when compared to Europe.

    So we still have so much more to do to become Bike Nirvana.

    For example, a standard Rotterdam protected bike lane, like the ones along main busy roads (e.g. Westblaak or Schiedamsedijk) features an entirely at-grade path (lacking curbs), is far better protected from vehicles than almost any Minneapolis bike route, and has the kind of separated and signalized intersections practically impossible to build in the U.S. Even Minneapolis’ best bike routes – say the nascent network along downtown’s Washington or 4th Avenues – don’t hold a candle to a Dutch bike street.
    Nothing illustrates this wide gap better than bicycling mode share, the percentage of people who drive, take transit, bike or walk for a trip. Getting this data is admittedly a challenge; for example, the U.S. census only surveys about commuting, trips to work, leaving the vast majority of other trips to school, day care, shopping, or anything else unaccountable. But for commuting, Minneapolis scores about 5%, a level that sadly hasn’t changed much in the last 15 years. By contrast, Rotterdam’s mode share sits around 20% and is growing, four times the level of Minneapolis.

    Huh. I wonder what factors could explain why those Europeans ride four times as much as we do? Maybe winter? Or the fact that Rotterdam is 125 sq miles and Minneapolis is 1000 sq miles (8000 sq miles if you include suburbs)?

    • Drake

      Rotterdam has a winter. It’s like early Fall in Minneapolis.

    • PieInTheSky

      To Be Fair biking in Copenhagen looked quite well set up.

    • DrOtto

      They can use the other progressive obsession in the winter – trains!

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        35 years ago I had progs telling me that mountain bikes and monorails were the future.

        And look were we are now…

    • Homple

      Sounds like the ghost of Council Member Phyllis Kahn still haunts the corridors of the street department.

  12. DrOtto

    And of course MPLS is a Vision Zero city. They purport to want to reduce pedestrian deaths to zero through engineering, but every city I see that joins that cult throws more and more pedestrians into the streets in order to meet that goal. Almost seems like they have a different goal in mind.

    • UnCivilServant

      Look, once all the predestrians are dead, you can’t have any more pedestrian deaths. It’s SCIENCE!

      • trshmnstr

        Are they predestrianed to die?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The death stroll is too high as it is.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Swiss is going to make you walk that statement back

      • SDF-7

        Nah, Swiss is too Christian a soul to have you take up your crosswalk.

      • juris imprudent

        You will follow in the footsteps of Saint James to the end of the earth.

  13. The Other Kevin

    We went to the theater last night and saw “Sound of Hope”. That’s the Daily Caller movie about a black community that adopted a bunch of hard to place foster kids. Two of mine were from foster care, and I can say this movie is really well done. The way the kids behave, the problems the families go through, all of it seemed very familiar. I often the way black families are portrayed in movies to be cringy, but the actors were good and it all seemed pretty natural. I know a few of you have adopted kids, it’s work a watch.

    One thing that stands out at me today is that in the movie, they say there are 400,000 kids in the foster system, and 100,000 ready for adoption. They called that a “crisis”. But in the headlines we have 85,000 migrant children unaccounted for. And our government gives zero fucks about it.

    • Sensei

      Wow. My bet is they settle with the obligatory NDA and we never hear another thing about it.

      • The Last American Hero

        We call that hush money now. Try and keep up.

    • R C Dean

      That’s weird. I haven’t heard that the “whistleblower” nurse in this case has been investigated by the FBI for HIPAA violations, unlike the whistleblower nurse who exposed sex change operations on minors. Must be because one case involves the removal of reproductive organs, and the other involves the removal of reproductive organs.

      • WTF

        Because one is good, the other is bad, duh!

    • rhywun

      Rachel Maddow, Nicolle Wallace, and Chris Hayes made “verifiably false” statements

      Get out.

    • R C Dean

      Buried lede:

      They pay Rachel Maddow $30MM a year?

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        Big bux in fear mongering.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        $100K per viewer seems excessive.

      • Drake

        For 1 show a week.

      • rhywun

        For 1 show a week.

        She’s the Howard Stern of cable news.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        $30M to say Donald Trump wants to throw her in a camp.

  14. Gustave Lytton

    From last night’s biometrics story. Hello? Once again, Demolition Man predicted that future.

  15. Pope Jimbo

    What craziness is this? A state trooper being held to account?< Especially since it seems legit.

    On Tuesday, the Olmsted County Attorney’s Office (OCAO) announced that criminal charges have been filed against Minnesota State Patrol (MSP) Trooper Shane Roper for his actions that caused a motor vehicle crash near Apache Mall that took the life of an Owatonna teen, Olivia Flores.
    Roper is being charged with one count of second-degree manslaughter and criminal vehicular homicide related to Flores’s death, along with five charges of criminal vehicular operation, one charge of reckless driving and one charge of careless driving related to the other victims.
    In a statement provided by Roper, he says that he was “attempting to close the gap” between his squad car and the vehicle he suspected of violating traffic laws. However, Roper stated that it was not an active pursuit and that he “was not paying attention to his speed.”
    Roper also stated that he believed his lights were still active and that he attempted to “clear” the intersection before entering it. He admitted that he intensively patrols the area and is very familiar with the roadways in that part of Rochester.
    Investigations later revealed that at least four times earlier in the day on May 18, Roper had engaged in high-speed driving without emergency lights, reaching a speed of 135 mph at one point. Other times he reached speeds of more than 99 mph. In each of those instances, Roper did not turn his lights on or, in some cases, turned them off while maintaining extreme speeds.

    I can’t believe that the aren’t going to cover for one of their top earners.

    • Sensei

      My bet is he didn’t have friends there. Otherwise they would be covering for him.

      The earnings part is irrelevant here.

  16. Pope Jimbo

    This guy just wanted to meet some Pirates.

    A drunk man in Pittsburgh took himself for a joyride on a stolen yacht last month in the Allegheny River. He was arrested, but the story doesn’t end there.
    It all started around 6 a.m. on June 21, when a marina manager called the captain of a yacht that was supposed to be parked at the dock to tell him his boat was missing. The captain then called 911 and reported it stolen.
    Within a few hours, River Rescue ALLEGEDLY arrested Michael Fischer — a local homeless man — who reportedly broke into the Lock Wall Marina, hopped on the 82-foot yacht and set sail. Unfortunately for the wannabe boat captain, he was unable to turn on the engine. So he simply floated down the river. The yacht ultimately came to a rest along the river wall, conveniently about 50 yards from the Pittsburgh River Rescue boathouse (this guy is super unlucky).
    According to court paperwork, Fischer said, “I took the boat. I wanted to meet some Pittsburgh Pirates!”
    The yacht’s captain, Adam Kernohan, believes more than just one guy was involved, judging by the amount of food and alcohol consumed on the vessel.

    If Neph wants to meet some of the Cleveland Indians, I guess he should steal some land using this logic.

    * There is a Minnesoda plot twist for some of you who are willing to read the article.

    • UnCivilServant

      They Allegedly arrested the guy?

      Did they maybe not actually arrest him?

      Did they arrest somebody but aren’t sure it’s that guy?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Read the story dude!

    • Nephilium

      If Neph wants to meet some of the Cleveland Indians, I guess he should steal some land using this logic.

      They drove the Indians out of the Land already.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    18 trillion seems like a lowball number.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Claimed without evidence

    After days spent lying low, golfing and letting Democratic infighting play out in public, Trump used his return to the campaign trail in Florida to ratchet up his attacks on both Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, indulging speculation that she could replace the president as the Democratic nominee this year and alleging, without evidence, that his son Hunter Biden is “running our government” and first lady Jill Biden “is helping.” Biden has repeatedly insisted he won’t withdraw from the race.

    What a shocking thing to say.

    • Not Adahn

      Huh. I had no idea she was cancelled.

    • trshmnstr

      Yeah, she has it bass ackwards. Nice people are capable of being mean when they intend to. Mean people are mean even when they don’t intend it. That’s what makes them mean.

  19. hayeksplosives

    I have a bit of a conundrum. I have lived in Washington for a year and have mostly gotten by on Urgent Care and ER (all covered by my insurance).

    But I need a Primary Care Provider so I called around about a month ago, and the fastest I can get in AMYWHERE is September. So be it. I made that appointment.

    But now I have found a breast lump. And it hurts and just seems “wrong”. But it’s not an “OMG, I’m bleeding to death!” Emergency.

    So do I wait till September or stroll into the Urgebt Care clinic today?

    • hayeksplosives

      BF is a bit freaked out after seeing and feeling it for himself.

      I have a natural tendency to minimize stuff (“it’s just a flesh wound…”) so I don’t trust my own judgment.

    • Sensei

      Urgent care will get you the referral you need.

      Don’t wait even though it’s likely not serious.

      • rhywun


        And you’ll get a primary doc faster that way too.

    • kinnath

      I would strongly encourage my wife not to wait if she found a lump. Take that as you wish.

      Breast cancer can be aggressive. Waiting two months could be a big deal.

    • WTF

      Urgent care today. It may be nothing to worry about, but if it does happen to be cancer and is an aggressive form, waiting until September could mean a huge difference in outcomes.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Do your health insurance have telemedicine that could back door into getting a local doc? My experience is that specialists will do their bit but won’t coordinate or manage overall care.

    • EvilSheldon

      I’ve gotten referrals to specialists from urgent care places twice in the past year. Go do this, and don’t wait.

      • hayeksplosives

        I’m gonna pass on the local urgent care (even though they’re great!) because they don’t have mammography machines etc.

        I’m going up to Providence, Everett. They took really good care of me when I had my asthma crisis a few weeks back.

    • Sean

      Another vote for don’t wait.

    • Mojeaux

      I’d go to the ER first because they will do all the scans and blood work up front and have it for an oncologist, and then if something’s wrong, you’ll get an asap referral to said oncologist.

      Urgent care is worse than useless, IME, and they’ll probably send you to the ER anyway for the aforementioned scans,

      • hayeksplosives

        Thanks, Mojo. The regional medical center/ER up here is very well equipped so I’m sure they can scan for about anything.

        Thanks to all!

  20. The Late P Brooks

    What are they gonna do, vote for Trump?

    President Joe Biden has a new problem: a competitive race in deep blue New York.

    Elected officials, union leaders and political consultants are panicking over polls showing a steady erosion of Biden’s support in a state he won by 23 points four years ago. They’re so worried they’ve been trying to convince the Biden team to pour resources into New York to shore up his campaign and boost Democrats running in a half-dozen swing districts that could determine control of the House.

    Biden aides have not focused on New York, committing no significant resources to a state where they expect the president to easily win all 28 electoral college votes in November.

    But the warning signs are impossible to ignore and have been building over the past year. Two private polls conducted in a swing New York House district and reviewed by POLITICO — one in September and another in March — found former President Donald Trump leading Biden there by 1 point, a virtual tie. And public polls over the last four months found Biden’s lead had winnowed to just 8 points across New York — an unusually narrow gap in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans 2 to 1.

    “We’re still acting like this is a one-party state, which for pretty much 20, 25 years it has been,” Democratic Manhattan Borough President Mark Levine said. “I truly believe we’re a battleground state now.”

    Needs more apocalyptic death of democracy fearmongering.

    • Sensei

      No way is NYS in play.

      • WTF

        If it is, we’re looking at a Reagan v. Mondale shellacking.

      • R.J.

        Union construction workers in NY have said “F*ck Joe Biden” on camera. The rank and file are bucking voting orders from union management.

      • The Last American Hero

        Those guys can say whatever they want. NYS is dominated by Team Blue.

        Go reread the Musk link and get back to me on Trump’s chance of success.

    • hayeksplosives

      I’ve seen articles this week describing Minnesota as a “battleground” state.

      Um, whut? The only state that voted for Mondale over Reagan? I think it’s safely in the blue column.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    So do I wait till September or stroll into the Urgebt Care clinic today?

    The worst they can do is kick you out, right? Maybe they can give you a referral.

    • hayeksplosives

      I’m heading to ER with MoJo’s excellent coaching.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Misgivings among Democrats over Biden’s waning support in New York go beyond the broader questions over his advanced age. Public polls show Democrats’ troubles in the state stem from independent voters, who are more likely to side with Republicans in their assessment of the president.

    This isn’t supposed to be a referendum on Biden’s performance. It’s supposed to be another anybody-but-Trump slam dunk.

    • The Other Kevin

      Either the scare mongering isn’t doing its job, or people are ok with Trump being a dictator as long as they can afford food and gas.

  23. The Other Kevin

    I also have a question or two. I’m using one of those Naval Vessel trackers to check out the carrier where my son in law is stationed. Right now the ship is outside LA, most likely headed to San Diego to pick up planes and pilots. Last time they went out into the ocean and you couldn’t see it’s location. How do those tracking sites work? On the map it mentions Terrestrial AIS, what is that?

    • Ted S.

      Are they revealing the location for goodthinkful reasons, like the Theodore Roosevelt?

    • kinnath


      Terrestrial Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a global standard for ship-to-shore, and shore-to-ship communications and contributes to collision avoidance, search and rescue operations, and maritime domain awareness through vessel tracking.

      • The Other Kevin

        Neat. So I’m guessing they can turn that off in the open ocean, or when they’re doing something official and not just en route to somewhere?

      • kinnath

        That would be my guess.

        Military aircraft use civilian transponders to operate in civilian airspace. Those get turned off for operations.

    • Drake

      There’s even a women doing sign language who has to point at her crotch to translate.

      • WTF

        Ya gotta love the look on her face.

      • Not Adahn

        I want to believe. I am unable to verify.

    • WTF

      That is actually not the Bee.
      Must be one of those cheap fakes.

    • kinnath

      That brain is nothing be scrambled eggs at this point.

    • Not Adahn

      I think he said talking to.

      But can someone confirm that the ESL lady heard “fucking?”

      • Brochettaward

        Words are getting scrambled in his head. The sign-language lady definitely heard fucking.

        Biden himself realized what it sounded like he said. As did everyone in the audience and on stage.

      • Not Adahn

        Googling “ESL sign for fucking” doesn’t show that.

        However, googling “What does pointing to crotch twice mean in ESL” gives me nothing usable.

    • WTF

      Here’s CNN’s transcript (of course):

      “I realized – I was talking to your wife, I personally asked you to extend your service, forgive me, that you put your own plans on hold.

      • WTF

        When you actually listen, there are not even enough syllables for it to be “talking to”.
        In spite of everything, CNN still working to cover up Biden’s disabilities.

      • Brochettaward

        The wires in his brain are crossed and the wrong shit comes out at the wrong time.

        That “forgive me” was not about what he says after. It was because he actually realized what happened.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Holy shit – Biden just told the head of NATO that he’s been fucking his wife. I’m not exaggerating.

    “The President misspoke. He meant to say he was so busy fucking Jill he didn’t have time to properly prepare for the debate. That is the sort of youthful vigor and boundless energy he exhibits away from the public eye.”

    • Drake

      Thanks Blackberry.

    • Brochettaward

      I would actually respect that answer rather than throwing aides under the bus.

      • hayeksplosives


        Unfortunately this dude has never known shame, even in the flower of his youth.

    • hayeksplosives

      You’re HIRED!!