1. SDF-7

    Morning, Banjos — Morning, all.

    is finalizing plans to back establishing term limits for Supreme Court justices and instituting a new, enforceable code of ethics.

    Neither of which is constitutional for the other two branches to try to apply to the Judicial Branch… so this is pointless posturing. Especially since PPP doesn’t have the majorities needed to do court packing and try to force the new justices to make these changes.

    Go put an onion on your belt and cry some more, Joe.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Again, when has the Constitution been an issue with Joe? (or really anyone in our Government, but specifically Joe).

      • SDF-7

        No argument — Federal Rent Control currently, brazen spending money without involving Congress (much less the House) for “student loan forgiveness”.

        L’etat c’est moi indeed with that cretin and his puppet masters.

      • Tonio

        This would be constitutional if done by Congress, but would need to be a constitutional amendment, as opposed to a mere law, methinks.

        I love how the left accuses Trump of planning a power-grab for the executive branch when all he is doing is asserting the authority of the executive to, well, act as an actual executive wrt executive branch employees.

        Ultimately, this is more grandstanding on their part, more do-somethingism.

      • juris imprudent

        planning a power-grab for the executive branch

        While supporting any Democratic power-grab. Progjection today, progjection tomorrow, progjection forever!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I do not think Congress would be able to impose term-limits at all without an amendment; ethics…maybe but enforceable by whom? And agree, its grandstanding and fulfilling a promise to ‘look into it’

      • Drake

        Yes – unless it’s an Amendment, the Court will tightly dismiss it as unconstitutional.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Drake I think that is what the Left would want. Ram through legislation affecting the courts in which the courts smack down giving the appearance they are out of control.

      • juris imprudent

        The Court is out of political control. The left thought they had that institution captured.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The left is grasping at straws, and the recent court decisions have dealt the technocratic ideal a major setback. They are hoping this gets the vote out.

  2. cavalier973

    Jack Smith: “Smack me harder!”

    • SDF-7

      Dark Cracky: “DO IT HUNTER! DO IT TO HIM HARDER!”

    • Sean

      “Lock him up!”

    • Suthenboy

      Didn’t Smith make some kind of implication that he would go after the Supremes next if they didn’t tow the D lion?
      Good luck Jack.

    • cavalier973

      Smith’s appeal will go to the 11th circuit, which means Clarence Thomas.

      Thomas is the guy who gave Canon the road map for dismissing the case because Smith is unlawfully appointed.

      • bacon-magic

        Jack Smith couldn’t carry Clarence’s ball bag.

      • Swiss Servator

        As God is my witness, Bacon…I thought you wrote “ball gag”.

        I was about to flee the room to hurl.

  3. Nephilium

    (The Center Square) – The mother of a first grader punished for handing an “innocent” drawing with the phrases “black lives matter” and “any life” to a classmate of color is appealing to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals after a lower court ruling declared first-grade students are too young to be protected by the First Amendment.

    That’s not how rights work… that’s not how any of this is supposed to work!

    • Suthenboy

      It’s California. They seem to revel in depravity and illegality for its own sake. Wanna secure border? Build a wall? The CA border is where I would put it.

  4. SDF-7

    California Gov. Signs Bill Banning Parental Notification Policies

    — and Musk immediately announced he’s moving X (and SpaceX) headquarters out having warned the morons a year ago to cut this type of crap out.

    Glad we’re homeschooling my son — not that we don’t want to get out of CA asap anyway.

    • juris imprudent

      What? The state hasn’t found you to be incompetent parents and seized your child? You know that isn’t a question of if, just when.

      • SDF-7

        Not yet. Don’t think it doesn’t cross my mind and make me keep as low of a profile as possible when it comes to government interactions.

    • cavalier973

      We homeschool our children.

      I didn’t do the work to follow the state’s guidelines for getting the state to recognize their diploma, so the eldest two took the GED.

      I was worried because we never taught them how to take government tests, but they did fine. The results report said that they scored high enough on the math and science sections to earn college credits (I’m not sure how that works, though).

      In any case, I recommend anyone who is homeschooling to join a homeschooling co-op or association, to help navigate the state laws.

      • EvilSheldon

        The homeschooling co-op is what my brother and sister-in-law did, and their kids turned out pretty awesome.

    • Drake

      There’s a town called “Starbase”? Of course he should move there.

      • bacon-magic

        Starbase log 7/17/24: Today Elon memed his solution for the rocket fuel required to reach Libertopia™, we all anticipate we can start moving to Mars in 6 months.

    • Drake

      I’m surprised at the timing. If Newsome were to benefit from a switcheroo on the Dem ticket, this kind of wokism doesn’t help his cause.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Fucking insanity…Newsome’s a goddamn ghoul.

      • DrOtto

        Don’t forget Weiner, I thought this bill was his baby and Grewsome just signed it.

  5. Ownbestenemy

    Becerra forced the author to apologize to the recipient for the drawing — to which the recipient allegedly expressed confusion upon receiving, leading to more confusion from the author. He also banned the author, a student “who loved to draw,” from drawing and giving pictures to classmates, and teachers banned the author from recess for two weeks without telling her why.

    That will learn that 6 year old!

    • Nephilium

      On the other hand, nothing will breed a healthy hatred of arbitrary authority faster than little tyrants like that.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Only if the parents really fight and explain to that child that they do in fact have that right. I suspect most parents in this situation would sit the child down and say “that’s the way it goes”.

  6. juris imprudent

    Having provided their invaluable services to the Republican party, Neo-Con central now offers high quality advice to Democrats. Now, if someone wants to argue that these folks are a demoralization campaign sponsored by some foreign cabal – I might actually listen to that. I’m stumped for now anyone can be that stupid and influential otherwise.

    • EvilSheldon

      I dunno, I’d find it personally far more demoralizing for the Dems to just crank up the fortification to unheard-of levels and drag Joe across the finish line with an election fraud tow-rope that even the media can’t ignore.

      • R C Dean

        That’s the thing, too. As we saw in the last election, once the ballot count is officially announced, no matter how implausible, it’s over. Can’t nobody do nuthin’. The courts are way too slow and simply not the tool for the job of fixing a stolen election.

        And even challenging it, whether with a street protest or as an election commissioner, gets you prosecuted as an insurrectionist.

        So what, exactly, is stopping the Dems from doing it again?

      • Nephilium

        R C Dean:

        The battle box?

      • The Last American Hero

        I’m not sure how much fortification will be needed.


        The Donald ain’t winning Michigan, where Big Gretch smoked the Trumpista gubernatorial candidate. And he ain’t winning Phillysylvania. Arizona? The state with the governor that ignored all of Maricopa’s problems?

        So maybe Nevada. And if you squint hard enough, maybe Wisconsin. Still 3 votes short.

      • Sean

        I think Trump has a very good shot at getting PA again.

      • R C Dean

        And AZ.

        If this race turns on voter motivation and turnout, things are looking really bad for the Dems right now. Now, the post-assassination bump Trump is enjoying will fade, and its a long time still until October when the voting starts, but its hard to see what could turn this race around for the Dems.

        Assuming that map holds up, Trump wins with PA, or any two of WI, MI, AZ, or any three of the five toss-up states. Biden needs to nearly sweep the toss-up states.

        I think that, like last time, Trump will get more legally cast votes in more swing states than Biden. If the Dems win again, it will be because they counted more ballots again.

  7. SDF-7

    California judge: first grader too young for free speech rights, family appeals

    But these are the same kids that can transition themselves with only the guidance of the State (per the just passed bill). No… they don’t think they own your kids and can tell them what to do [ok, correction… they think they own you too, they just have to be more subtle about it with adults].

    • Ownbestenemy

      California: Your child, since in the womb, can determine their own gender!
      Also California: They can’t draw pictures!

      Not a single person who wants one and not the other will see those two things are inclusive to each other.

  8. cavalier973

    California judge: “First graders aren’t real people!”

    • Nephilium

      Well… do they understand algebra (been a while since RobC or I posted this)?

      • UnCivilServant

        Most hominids on the street don’t understand algebra.

  9. The Gunslinger

    This is pretty much where I’m at with the secret service. Someone there was giving orders not to engage the person on the roof.


    [Edit fairy cleaned up the link]

    • cavalier973

      Some flunky is about to take the blame.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Local Smokies aint having it though. USSS is trying to bring down the FedGov by trying to lay it at their feet and they are calling bullshit.

      • Sensei

        Procedures were followed.

      • Drake

        It’s a mix of malicious intent and stupidity. Some of these cops sound like the very dumbest Army or Marine Privates ever. The kind you can’t let out of sight in the field because they get lost or blown themselves up.

    • Drake

      Who assigned those guys to sit inside the building without actually guarding it?

      • juris imprudent

        Look, it isn’t about who was responsible – that’s harsh. Lets put this into the annual refresher training and next year everyone will be up to date.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Its almost as if you have seen this movie before ji…I know I sure have.

      • Rat on a train

        They were extremely careless not grossly negligent.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Roof had too much of a pitch on it, violated workplace safety procedures bro…

      • Gender Traitor

        “Roof had too much of a pitch on it…”/USSS head

        Swing and a miss, sis.

    • R C Dean

      I read (can’t recall who/where, don’t know if true, so grain of salt applies) that the usual protocol for SS snipers is that they don’t have to wait for permission, but that protocol was changed at this event. I’d like to know (a) if that’s true and (b), if so, who changed the protocol.

      • juris imprudent

        You’re so funny, no ONE changed it. The change came via groupthink, so no ONE would be responsible.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Sure it would be nice to know who issued those orders.

        What I’d like to know is who listened to those orders?

        If you saw a guy with a range finder scoping the stage and then wandering back with a backpack and your boss told you to ignore him, wouldn’t you ignore that if your job was to protect the president?

        Doesn’t everyone have to be in on the plot?

      • Drake

        The problem is that there was an actual PA sniper team in the building. So they may have been on the radio asking them if that’s who was on the roof. I can understand hesitating if there’s a decent chance I’d be shooting a local cop.

        An organized team with a leader in charge would have confirmed this in 5 seconds.

      • R C Dean

        Drake, the video that I saw of the shooter on the roof made it absolutely clear that he was not a cop. He was dressed completely wrong, he was crawling and positioning (and repositioning) for a shot, he was by himself. Nothing about him would have made anyone think he was a cop.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Have you seen how plainclothes cops dress themselves these days? It’s not Greene and Briscoe.

    • The Other Kevin

      Matt Taibbi and Walter Kirn had a live video last night. Walter had an interesting take. He thinks both sides are tapping into the Kennedy assassination. The right is treating this as the deep state trying to take out someone they oppose, but this time he lived. And the left is trying to paint this as a one-off lone gunman who was politically confused, mentally unstable, and sexually dysfunctional, and definitely not on their side.

      They also made the point that in other countries, if a candidate is shot, you just accept it was someone on the other side who did the shooting. Only in America do we have this type of tortured explanation.

      • Ted S.

        One of the good things about the Boomers finally kicking it is that we might finally be able to sto0 relating everything to events in the decade from Kennedy through Watergate.

    • Grummun

      It should have stopped with “some guy with a backpack.” Any LEO on site should have braced the kid, made him open the backpack, then, if the contents were innocent, walked him to the edge of the perimeter with directions to not come back until he had stowed the backpack elsewhere.

      GWB visited An Ohio State University while I was enrolled. Kids were climbing trees to get a better look. The USSS was unceremoniously pulling them down and dumping them on the ground. Protective detail should not pussyfoot around.

    • The Gunslinger

      Thanks you beautiful fairy.

  10. rhywun

    the recipient’s mother reported the drawing to the school’s principal “to express concern that her daughter was being singled out for her race.”

    That is the express purpose of the lesson plans. Maybe take your daughter out of that school?

  11. Suthenboy

    “The buck stops with me.” Apparently not. More leftist saying one thing and doing the opposite.
    It would be easier to dismiss the whole clusterfuck as just that, no conspiracy needed but the PPP admin is determined to prevent that.

    No, I am not giving anyone my email address.

    Smith and Garland should be sharing a cell for the next 20 years.

    Dispense with checks and balances? Totalitarian party seeks total power. I am shocked.

    That he has the nickname ‘Gold Bar Bob’ tells us that everyone in DC has known what he was up to for years. He pissed someone off.

    The war on prosperity loses ground. Funny how poverty, misery and loss of autonomy is a tough sell.

    California has been a Brave New World for some time now. If I said they are falling into some kind of Faustian nightmare someone will no doubt snark “They dont have far to fall.”

  12. PieInTheSky

    Secret Service Director Says Roof Deliberately Left Unguarded Because It Was a Sloped Roof

    well that solves that. we can all move on and ask no more questions. no point in overreactions or people losing their jobs.

    • juris imprudent

      If an agent had gotten injured by being on that roof – can you imagine the OSHA complaint? Of course it was better to take the risk of leaving unguarded.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        I’d be willing to bet the actual reason is it was hot as Satan’s balls on the roof and was nice and air conditioned in the building.
        “Nobody’d be crazy enough to climb on top of a building that’s full of cops.”

      • Ownbestenemy

        Crazy will always respond with “Hold my beer”. This is why irreverent comedies need to be continually made.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, but think of all the work having to go change all the “No one shot on our watch for ____ days” signs that are posted around the Secret Service HQ.

        Gotta be demoralizing to change them down to 0.

    • EvilSheldon

      Compared to the stuff that me and my friends do shooting 2-gun and QPS, that roof slope was faintly pathetic.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, it wasn’t exactly a Swiss chalet.

        Everybody keeps talking as if you need some kind of high-speed low-drag operator to secure a potential shooter location. Seems like you just need a couple of cops to stand there (hell, they can sit in lawn chairs for all I care), not an elite counter-sniper team.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’m quite curious what the training/operational testing schedule is like for the USSS. We already know that most police agencies do the absolute minimum of testing and no continuing training post-academy.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        One uniformed cop on the roof with his sidearm would have prevented it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Witness agent’s inability to reholster her handgun under moderate stress. I’m thinking annual PowerPoint refresher after initial FLETC and agency specific training.


        I guarantee that the USSS agents were all up to date on their “white guilt” training, though. Gotta have your priorities sorted.

  13. PieInTheSky

    US oil, gas hit record production despite opposition from OPEC, activists, Biden administration

    you should save your oil for later

    • cavalier973

      Right. It’s too oily to tell if there well be some left for later.

      • juris imprudent

        That kind of unrefined remark won’t evade Swiss’s cracking down.

      • Ownbestenemy

        That’s (black) gold ji! (black) gold!

      • Nephilium

        That’s a bit crude, isn’t it OBE?

      • SDF-7

        He’s simply distilled the argument down to its essence in his light, sweet manner.

      • The Gunslinger

        On the crude scale, I would say it is intermediate.

      • Pope Jimbo

        This type of humor shale not stand!

      • Nephilium

        That’s the kind of fracktious comment that will really cause problems.

      • Pope Jimbo

        No narrowed gaze yet?

        That seems like a derrickliction of duty by Swiss? What is he angling for a Secret Service job?

      • Gustave Lytton

        This thread is too North Slope for him to come out on.

    • Nephilium

      Like in some kind of strategic reserve? That’s crazy talk.

      • R.J.


  14. cavalier973

    This may have been mentioned already, but a couple of points in favor of JD Vance is that he supports food freedom (buying milk straight from the cow) and medical freedom (don’t tell me no lies and keep your shot to yourself).

    • Sensei

      He is also not at all keen for our massive amounts of assistance to the Ukraine.

      • juris imprudent

        I S O L A T I O N I S T !!!!!!

        I do wish conservatives would stop conserving Wilson’s fucking legacy.

      • Pope Jimbo

        That is one of the things that has gotten the GOPe guys at PowerLine all mad at him.

        The good news is that they are getting dragged in their own comments for that. It is amazing how anti-war the rubes have become. It is almost like they understand that their kids’ lives are being wasted (along with their tax money).

  15. PieInTheSky

    Razib 🥥 Khan 🧬 📘✍️📱
    in the times to come i think academia would have been served by having a reservoir of political moderates that could at least interface with the right-half-the-spectrum (‘moderates’ in academia are basically nonwoke liberals). but they’re mostly gone…


    • UnCivilServant

      Academia would be served best by being shut down.

      There is no need for centralized information gatekeepers.

      • DrOtto

        “Besides, that’s our job.” – the media

    • Suthenboy

      People that have been brainwashed to the point of being unable to tell a man from a woman, to the point of committing or endorsing the most horrible act a human can commit (multilating children), to the point where their view of reality and morality are completely inverted from normality were never going to keep sane, rational people around. They are lost. Sans some kind of purging from academia we are stuck with them.

  16. Ownbestenemy

    Not a real hillbilly like my Mexican ass

    But the parallels between the clean-cut Vance and me only went so far. He was a Yale graduate and venture capitalist, while I’m a community college kid who chose a dying profession. He was far removed from his roots, while I experience mine nearly every other weekend at family parties.

    So dude escaped his roots, joined the military, took advantage (unlike majority of persons leaving the military) to go to school and well..that means he isn’t a real hillbilly.

    I never got around to reading all of Vance’s memoir — it seemed like poverty porn for the elite he now belonged to.

    Ah..I see.

    • R.J.

      That article was a big, rambling mess. I bailed.

    • rhywun


    • PieInTheSky

      chose a dying profession – is that supposed to make you more “authentic” or what?

    • Nephilium

      From the moment I learned about hillbillies as a child, I was entranced.

      Good ol’ boys and girls born high up in the mountains? That’s my parents. People who moved from rural towns to metro areas in search of a better life? Story of both sides of my family. Working class? My upbringing. Lovers of things — food, fashion, music, diction, parties — that polite society ridiculed? Yee-haw! Stubbornly clinging to their ancestral lands and ways? ¡Ajúa!

      Mother fucker… [half of] my culture is not a costume!

    • juris imprudent

      who chose a dying profession

      Tell me you are a journalist, without saying you are.

    • The Other Kevin

      Vance seems to have all his teeth. Checkmate.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The elite, specifically leftist elite, was all over that poverty porn until he became a Republican senatorial candidate.

  17. PieInTheSky

    Contrary to logic of the famous Gramsci quote, US hegemony in mid 20th century was not “born” out of natural process of gestation. It was built to address a historically unprecedented crisis.
    Chartbook Hegemony Notes #2 just dropped.


    “The crisis consists precisely in the fact that the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.”

    For many commentators, this is the phrase that sums up the current crisis of world politics and world power. In a truly surprising twist of the world spirit, lines from Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci have become one of the soundbites of the early 21st-century.

    In #2 of the Notes on Hegemony I want to put this conceptualization of our current crisis in question. Gramsci’s notion of interregnum may have served him to illuminate his immediate context. But, it transmits to our era a philosophy of history that actually obscures how we got from his moment of writing to our present day. It thus stands in the way of thinking hard about the challenges and opportunities of our current moment.

    • juris imprudent

      Tankies have their own substacks now? Figures.

  18. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/17:
    *23/23 words (+5 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 07/17:
    *41/41 words (+11 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 7% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 476

    • Sean

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 07/17:
      *23/23 words (+10 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 1% by bonus words

      I played https://squaredle.com 07/17:
      *41/41 words (+18 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 8% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 435

    • Ownbestenemy

      What? Continually circling back to prepared talking points shows vigor!

      Whether Saturday was a security failure is no open question. Getting answers about the details of this failure and enforcing accountability seem unlikely if Mr. Biden doesn’t even know who runs the Secret Service.

      Even if he did know, wouldn’t matter. They will find someone to pin it all on or put pressure on to take the heat, media will move on and that will be the end of it.

      • juris imprudent

        No sacrificial lamb required, that’s the old-think with something approaching accountability. The new-think is that we will all learn from this, even though not one damn thing will change. This protects everyone – except of course the guy we are supposed to you know, protect.

      • Suthenboy

        Accountability? The same kind of accountability that was a applied in the Afghan withdrawal? If so, then yes, we will have accountability.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The head of USSS said she takes full accountability and the buck stops with her. Didn’t y’all hear her? How much more accountable can she get?

    • The Other Kevin

      During that interview he got angry because the press wasn’t talking about Trump’s lies enough. This was an interview with Biden, and he wants to make it about Trump.

      The more I see of this guy, the more of an asshole he seems. He’s been telling everyone Trump is Hitler and a threat to democracy, but he’s falling in the polls and it’s clear he’s got dementia so he’s clearly not the best choice to take down this mortal threat. But he refuses to step down. He’s fucking over his own party just like the rest of us. And he has the nerve to say there’s a cult around Trump.

      • juris imprudent

        The whole dictator angle is really a test to see just how dumb the Dem supporters can be. It isn’t fooling or convincing anyone else.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Hunter and Jill are the puppet masters behind the scenes. He’d drop out with pressure from them but they not only won’t pressure him to do so, they’re pressuring him to do the opposite.

      • Grummun

        Hunter and Jill are the puppet masters behind the scenes. He’d drop out with pressure from them but they not only won’t pressure him to do so, they’re pressuring him to do the opposite.

        Without Joe in the oval office, Hunter has no product to sell. Jill and Hunter are not in with any of the DC power cliques, so once Joe is out, they’ve got nothing. Hope they’ve been saving up.

      • cavalier973

        They’re rich. Just build a mock White House, tell Joe that he’s President for life, and never let him leave. Let him do fake press conferences and stuff.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Once Joe leaves and his political future is done, Hunter seems destined to go in and out of rehab and prison from now on, possibly end up dead in an OD. Dr Jill is going to be increasingly frustrated as no one gives a shit about her and all she has to do every day is drink Zinfandel and ignore her dementia riddled husband.

    • R.J.

      What a fabulous way to stay cool under the crushing poverty caused by Socialism!

      • PieInTheSky

        I did not know streets have air conditioning in the US

  19. Tundra

    Good morning!

    Archive link to the Weimar article. It’s definitely worth a read.


    • mindyourbusiness

      Fellow Glibs, have a look at the chart in the article that shows the compared worth of the German goldmark to the wastepaper the Weimar government printed…then check the price of gold on today’s market.

      I’ve got two wheelbarrows in the basement. May need them.

    • Drake

      Germany had to pay crushing reparations to other countries, causing massive inflation and draining wealth from their economy.

      As opposed to us, we pay massive foreign aid to the Ukraine, Israel, and anyone else who plays ball and gives the right people kickbacks. Which causes inflation and drains wealth from the economy.

      • Suthenboy

        That is a very good point but near useless as the majority of people dont know what money is, what inflation is, what fiat currency is etc. etc. etc.
        When it comes to economics money is to most people what shiny things are to raccoons.

  20. SDF-7

    Has anyone else linked this insanity? Sometimes I wonder if every Japanese animation artist/writer is doing serious ‘shrooms….

    • Sensei

      From what I briefly put on at work it sounds like he used snippets of dialogue from regular released anime.

      I recognized the voices.

      • R.J.

        That is fantastic.

    • DrOtto

      It comes across as less cute at 53. Probably because of how often it happens.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Stop complaining. You’re getting older and will just have to lump it.

  21. EvilSheldon

    The solution to the clear institutional problems with the USSS is the solution to bureaucracy in general.

    “Effective immediately, the responsibility for the protection of senior federal elected officials will be removed from the United States Secret Service, and placed with the newly formed Federal Protection Office. Employees of the USSS Protective Division will be able to re-apply for positions in the FPO – alternately they will have the option of reassignment within the USSS uniformed services or early retirement.”</blockquote?

    Wash, rinse, and repeat the next time some feds pull a giant boner.

    • EvilSheldon


    • juris imprudent

      The deck chairs are now aligned with the slope of the deck!

      • EvilSheldon

        This wouldn’t be a permanent solution.

        If this were a normal, accepted, and commonplace practice in the government, *that* would be a permanent solution.

        Yes, yes, I know.

      • juris imprudent

        Not to worry, we can re-arrange the deck chairs again if necessary!

      • EvilSheldon

        I don’t think your analogy holds up here. Trying to reform a moribund bureaucracy would be rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. What I propose is more like evacuating all the passengers off the Titanic onto a newly built ship, scuttling the Titanic, and allowing the handful of bare handful of actual talented crew to reapply for new positions on the new ship.

      • invisible finger

        Sounds like Sheldon wants a permanent or final solution.

    • Gustave Lytton

      FPO underneath Federal Protective Service aka GSA security guards?

      • EvilSheldon

        I shoulda known – no, this would need to be a brand new agency stood up for the purpose. Basically ‘Don’t Reform, Replace.’

  22. PieInTheSky

    So does this Vance fella have any wish for an actual smaller government? Or is he one o them communitarian conservatives who are basically social conservative lefties?

    • juris imprudent

      I don’t think you can name five Republicans that really believe in smaller govt – and have the votes to back it up.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. I will take what we can get right now – a pause in some progressive policies.

    • Nephilium

      He’s come out as being against continuing aid to the Ukraine, so there’s that at least.

      • PieInTheSky

        that is not even a drop in the barrel.


      The value of Trump and Vance to a lesser degree for me is the fact that they drive all of the right people into complete apoplexy and reveal themselves as the venial incompetents that they are. I do not expect that any major moves toward libertopia will be achieved. The corrupt institutions degrading their own credibility in exchange for political points is a valuable end in and of itself. My hope is that once they have spent all their good faith we can get them dialed back.

  23. The Other Kevin

    I watched a little of the RNC this week. I think they’re doing a good job. Vivek’s speech was great, Haley and DeSantis were typical convention stuff. But they are all sticking to a theme of “the Dems messed things up but we’re going to win and fix it”.

    I imagine the DNC will be dark and bitter. They can’t promise to fix things because they are in charge. I would imagine a lot of gaslighting, and heavy on the fear.

    • Nephilium

      I think they’re spinning right now because it’ll be hard to ramp up the fear and Trump=Hitler while saying they don’t want political violence (which will be even better if there’s a mostly peaceful protest going on outside).

      • The Other Kevin

        They’re still fighting the big problem they created themselves. Their rabid base is already saying the assassination attempt was Trump’s fault, it was fake, or they wished the shooter hadn’t missed. They’re still bending to that base, but to an increasing number of people they look batshit crazy.

      • juris imprudent

        mostly peaceful protest going on outside

        With revolutionary dumbass mayor of Chicago? It isn’t like a Daley is in charge anymore.

    • R C Dean

      What with the heightened threat level from MAGats (yes, that was the official response from the security state – the threat is never from the people who just attacked/bombed/shot, its from the always-impending, never-arriving reaction), I hope they go with the look from the Independence Hall speech – Marines in battle rattle on stage, ominous lighting, and crank Joe’s meds up to 11.

      I hadn’t really thought about his acceptance speech. Hoo boy, is that going to be something to see.

      • invisible finger

        He’ll be sequestered for safety reasons when a kerfuffle happens outside so that the speech will be canceled or recorded. And then the next day it will be blamed on MAGA.

  24. Pope Jimbo

    Looks like Sloopy and Banjos are about to be visited by SEA SMITH

    The Loch Ness monster has been spotted again – but not in its usual Scottish Highlands location. Instead, the creature was spotted on a highway in the US.
    The peculiar sighting occurred in the aftermath of Hurricane Beryl, a category 5 Atlantic hurricane. It’s common for unusual and random items to appear on roads following such storms, as noted by What’s The Jam.
    Over time, zoo animals, reptiles, cars, trees, and even boats have been found miles away from their original locations. However, this is likely the first instance of a storm resulting in a Loch Ness Monster sighting over 4,000 miles away from home.

    They have photographic proof! It is rated as 3 sloped roofs of credibility.

    • Nephilium

      Maybe that attempt at the national anthem was close enough to Nessie’s mating call? Like that old Bradbury story?

  25. PieInTheSky

    Japanese conservative pundits with very large follower counts claimed that Trump heard Abe Shinzo’s voice and moved out of the path of the bullet. They were sharing it like it was real news from the US.
    It originated from a joke/meme post written in English.


  26. PieInTheSky

    I’m no Maddow groupie but if you think Alex Jones is more reliable than her you’ve just lost the plot.

    I criticize the media because I care about the truth and dislike them pushing lies.

    You can’t do that and then go praise Alex Jones as an alternative.


    I did not do the math but I am not 100% sure Jones was not right more often 🙂

    • Nephilium

      Math is just a hetronormative privileged way of understanding the world anyway.

      • R.J.

        Easy to prove, take the last two years of Maddow assertions against Alex Jones on the same subjects, see who is right more often. Hopefully community notes will pull through.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He’s not so much more reliable as less unreliable.

      • Drake

        Yep – not a big Jones follower but I’d bet on him versus Maddow.

        The fact that he has been financially destroyed by the system is revealing. People are punished for the truth, not lies these days.

      • EvilSheldon

        Or even, ‘Not unreliable, but more that he has no reason to care about reliability. That’s not his schtick.’

        Maddow, on the other hand, is just a very mid intellect who has unexplainably become convinced (and worse yet, has convinced others) that she’s brilliant and insightful. Also not so much unreliable, but more anti-reliable.

      • R C Dean

        Indeed. Maddow is locked into promoting a counterfactual narrative created by other people for their own purposes – it is deliberately, by design, misleading. Jones is just riffing.

  27. PieInTheSky

    I think what sets me apart from a lot of my followers is that I’m pretty chill about America becoming less white because of immigration. I view this demographic change as inevitable and inescapable given that white people seem less and less interested in having babies (something I doubt is going to change).

    I’m generally bullish on legal immigration. It seems to bring in people who like America, stay out of trouble and become productive citizens. The right tail of the talent distribution of legals (usually people of Asian and European and occasionally Middle Eastern ancestry) brings in an out-sized amount of innovation and important entrepreneurial activity.

    My strong opposition to illegal immigration is a matter of principle: I believe in law and order and people complying with rules and statutory processes. And then there’s also the not-insignificant matter of illegals (most of whom come from Mexico and Central America) and their descendants contributing little in the higher-skilled areas of the economy.

    The problem isn’t with non-white people “replacing” white people. It’s with the left and some of our most important institutions encouraging these newly-arrived non-white people and their descendants to regard the history of America as one defined overwhelmingly by oppression against non-whites and to join with them in a mission to “dismantle whiteness” — the attributes and downstream effects of “whiteness” often ironically being what attracted them to America in the first place — and giving the less talented among them (typically illegals and the descendants of illegals) preferential treatment in areas like hiring university admissions and hiring.


    • juris imprudent

      I’m a bit of a junkie for Chopped, and other cooking shows, and the one thing that keeps coming across in those is the immigrants that come here for the classic reasons, and behaving in the classic manner – they achieve. Now, I can understand a certain subclass or two in this country that resents that – because they think they have some birthright inheritance. No assholes, you have the same opportunity, and you have to work just as hard as anyone else – immigrants included. There is something about people that really understand what has always made this country something so unique and valuable to all of humanity; that they could be misfits in their native lands but fit in here. I’ll take them any day of the week over half the dreck that was born on these shores.

      • Tundra

        …for the classic reasons, and behaving in the classic manner…

        Therein lies the problem. That “classic” cultural expectation and opportunity appears to be dying. The whole “diversity is our strength” thing only works if there is an underlying cultural homogeneity. Lose that and you have a mess.

      • UnCivilServant

        I always get annoyed when those immigrant chefs are praised for “representing their heritage on the plate” but american-born chefs get demerits if they do the same “too commonplace”

      • Mojeaux

        “too commonplace”

        Give me a nicely spiced chicken fried steak and gravy any day.

      • Mojeaux

        Patrick Mahomes has entered the chat.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’ve seen this movie. That sword is going to possess someone. I hope we’ve got a super hero testing his new-found powers somewhere.

      • R.J.

        Look at the big mushroom tip on the pommel. It’s clearly Ancient Trump’s sword.

  28. Pope Jimbo

    Speaking of gas production/prices, it seems like they are going to hand Trump a huge early win.

    If he pulls a Biden and spends his first day in office rescinding the anti-drilling EO’s that Joe created, I would guess that gas prices will have a significant drop in Trump’s first 100 days.

    Good way to start an administration. Everyday people get a reminder of the money they are saving every time they fill up.

    • Gustave Lytton

      “Trump killed the oil industry!” (as oil stocks drop due to pricing drops)

  29. The Late P Brooks


    Without clear insight into what drove Crooks, many on both sides of the American political divide tried to fill the void with their own partisan assumptions, evidence-free speculations and conspiracy theories in the days since the shooting.

    Some Republicans have pointed at Democrats for labeling Trump a threat to democracy. Democrats, in turn, pointed to Crooks’ GOP registration and to Trump’s own long history of provocative rhetoric, including his continued praise of the Jan. 6 rioters.

    Don’t worry. The CIA are still crafting his anti-government manifesto, which will be found soon.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I will say, that I think it is bullshit for the GOP to get indignant about Joe’s “bull’s eye” comment. Just as bullshit as when they went after Palin for the crosshair maps after the Gifford shooting.

      Neither were direct calls to violence. Everyone knows it, but they just have to be outraged!

      • Nephilium

        Meh. I don’t mind the pointing out the hypocrisy so much, especially with all the people who are “against all forms of violence” making comments and jokes about the next shooter needing more training so they don’t miss.

      • R C Dean

        Making the other side play by their own rules. I have no problem with that.

    • juris imprudent

      Perhaps denouncing Project 2025 as not Mein Kampf-y enough?

  30. Pope Jimbo

    Swissy – with his proximity to Wisconsin and contacts in Switzerland – is poised to become richer than Elon

    Scientists have developed a novel way to recycle toxic waste — extracting gold from old electronics using a byproduct of a staple cuisine in many cultures.
    Researchers at Switzerland’s ETH Zurich announced in a press release that they used “denatured” whey proteins (the watery portion of cheese that separates from curds) to create a sponge to recover gold ions from e-waste.
    To extract the gold, researchers placed the whey sponge into a metal ion solution. The gold flakes then adhered to the protein fibers. Heating the sponge allowed the team to obtain around 450 milligrams of gold from 20 computer motherboards (around 22 karats).

    Swiss can trade the Sconnies some brandy for their cheese and set up a factory.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)


      That does not end well!

      • Nephilium

        /sets out a couple bottles of slivovitz

  31. The Late P Brooks

    If he pulls a Biden and spends his first day in office rescinding the anti-drilling EO’s that Joe created, I would guess that gas prices will have a significant drop in Trump’s first 100 days.

    Production is pretty good. Refining capacity needs to be freed up. Maybe he will invite Newsom in for a chat about that.

    • R.J.

      Beat me to it. We need a lot more modern refineries. All of them are ancient and gas companies are hesitant to build more because of all the Greenie talk.

      • juris imprudent

        The latest US refinery built was in 1977, seven years after the establishment of the EPA.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Building refineries and nukes on indian reservations could be a huge win for the tribes.

      They could skirt all the EPA nonsense by claiming to be a sovereign nation.

      • R.J.


      • R C Dean

        But, muh sacred lands!

        Wait, how much did you say we could make?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I doubt they’d bail on NATO but that’d do it for the EU I’d think. That group of leaders, both at a national level and the EU level, is like a classroom full of petulant five year olds and shortbus riders.

    • Mojeaux

      Well, damn. Larry Correia said it before I did. Hrmph.

    • PieInTheSky

      There seems this whole thing of be nice to lefties and we will win them over. It is not gonna happen. These peopel hate non lefties and are devoid of reason. Nothing will win them over. I try to be principled but after a while you get tired of losing while keeping the high moral stance.

      Nothing until now dissuaded lefties from cancel culture

    • R C Dean

      Unilateral disarmament is the stupidest of all possible strategies.

      Change my mind.

  32. Tundra

    A Bet Against the “Energy Transition”

    An ironclad hierarchy pertains when it comes to supplying energy. Call it a triumvirate of needs. First, you need enough energy. You can’t consume what you don’t produce. Energy abundance is key. Energy shortfalls stifle economic growth; severe shortfalls are lethal.

    Second, abundant energy needs to be cheap. Affordability matters. The visible political touchstone for that reality is the price of a gallon of gasoline. More hidden is the industrial touchstone, which is the combined price of hydrocarbons and electricity. Ignoring this hidden reality has led the U.K. and Germany to sink into economically destructive deindustrialization.

    Third, energy needs to be reliable at all scales and timeframes. Reliability is about meeting the energy demands of people, machines, and systems not only minute-by-minute but also over days, weeks, months, and years. The absence of energy when it is needed can crash both machines and economies.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Never ending

    A judge’s stunning decision to dismiss the classified documents case against Donald Trump brought an abrupt halt to what experts have considered the strongest and most straightforward of the prosecutions of the former president. But it’s hardly the final word.

    Special counsel Jack Smith’s planned appeal of U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s order is expected to tee up a court fight that might reach the U.S. Supreme Court and could result in the reinstatement of the indictment and even conceivably the reassignment of the case to a different judge.

    There’s no scenario in which a revived prosecution could reach trial before the November election — and it presumably won’t take place at all in the event Trump is elected president and orders his Justice Department to dismiss it. Still, Cannon’s order ensures many more months of legal wrangling in a criminal case that became snarled over the last year by interminable delays.

    It’ll be a slam dunk.

    • Ownbestenemy

      most straightforward


  34. The Late P Brooks

    Cannon, a Trump appointee, has exasperated the Justice Department since even before the indictment was filed, meaning if prosecutors do seek her removal, they could presumably cite a laundry list of grievances with her handling of the case.

    She’s no fun. She won’t let us just do anything we want. That case would already be over if we had a judge who agreed with us.

    • R C Dean

      Err, “she keeps ruling against us” isn’t really grounds for recusal.

    • Drake

      I think I should have put pistol grips and foregrips on my stick guns when I was that age.

  35. juris imprudent

    You go Joe – keep believing that going left is how you win!

    Progressives also have cheered Biden’s recent moves.

    • R.J.

      It’s completely the wrong move. Thankfully.

      • Drake

        In a normal election cycle, the Dem nominee would be diving to the right after securing the nomination. Going the other way will lose normie votes.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    Conspiratorially speaking

    Part of what makes the video notable was the apparent suggestion that Trump and Kennedy are, or at least should be, on the same page politically. “I would love you to do something,” the Republican could be heard saying. “And I think it’ll be so good for you and so big for you. And we’re going to win.”

    Kennedy apparently agreed, replying, “Yeah.”

    This did not sound like a conversation between two rival candidates, competing for the same office. Rather, it came across as a nice, cooperative chat — which probably won’t help the chatter about Kennedy deliberately playing the role of spoiler candidate.


    From a public-health perspective, the worst-case scenario is that Trump actually believes what he said — echoing similar earlier comments — and his prospective second-term administration would govern with such beliefs in mind.

    Kennedy and Trump will dismantle health care and take us back to the Dark Ages.

      • R.J.

        Boy that nails it. And nobody has the balls to repeal ObamaCare and get government out of insurance.

    • Gender Traitor

      They’ll take us back to literal leeches instead of the figurative kind we have now!

    • The Other Kevin

      “I would love you to do something,”

      If he really was the spoiler they would have had this conversation long ago.

  37. Sean

    What happened to those 57 Brandon buses that were supposed to be driving around the RNC convention?

    • Gender Traitor

      EVs that ran out of charge?