Winston’s Mom Does the Links

by | Jul 24, 2024 | Daily Links | 180 comments

Don’t you dare call this sloppy seconds when you’re still sitting in the cuck chair hours after I leave.

Whatever, lets get this over with.

Oh look they’re pushing EVs again. Its amazing how much coin they threw at this and Elon still has his dick in half the EV market.

I’ll be fine, I’m in the most recession proof industry there is!

What a nice, heartwarming story about hating communists.

We may be living in the shittiest version of America in living memory, but its still better than all the other shitholes.

Whoa, big if true.

This country will never accept the result of an election ever again.

If this is true, they’re really pining for the cocksucker vote.

I would like to note I have been asked by many what my position on Kamala is’ given we share the same profession. I want everyone to know she is not part of the guild, and therefore cannot receive endorsement from myself or any other guild member. We have standards you know and aren’t going to associate with stupid broads that accept bullshit puff peices from dirty rags like this!

About The Author

Winston's Mom

Winston's Mom

Biological mother of Winston.


  1. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Is that really the reason for the chair? When I’m pleasuring myself while watching my wife get railed by another dude I prefer to stand.

    • Tonio

      So, you like to jack it while standing?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Doesn’t everyone?

  2. Tonio

    If this is true, they’re really pining for the cocksucker vote.

    She’s not wrong, you know.

    • Drake

      How could anyone look at those 2 together and not think it?

  3. SDF-7

    Elon still has his dick in half the EV market.

    Shocking, isn’t it?

    • Tonio

      I knew that would produce some highly-charged comments.

      • SDF-7

        As long as folks keep it civil — wouldn’t want any battery charges.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Don’t suck start a Tesla?

      • The Other Kevin

        We just can’t resist.

      • bacon-magic

        Ohm My – George Takei voice

      • Pope Jimbo

        They are making a farad point.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Only if you stick your dick in it…..

      • EvilSheldon

        Hey Yusef, speaking of sticking my dick in it, I’ve been shopping for a new HVAC system for my place. Any objection to a few questions? I’m happy to do email or the forum if you prefer.

      • SDF-7

        It’ll be okay Swiss… just clear your mind and chant for relaxation…




      • trshmnstr

        You’re just gonna Amp him up.

      • R.J.

        I don’t know if I have the capacitance for more puns right now.

      • SDF-7

        Well, at the current time it seems to be just a trickle — if it wasn’t for Swiss we might have had a surge (but he managed to be a protector).

      • Pope Jimbo

        Mr. Anti-democracy! He is going to pass judgement on us and doesn’t even care what the volters think about puns.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Don’t bother putting up any resistance.

      • juris imprudent

        I knew this wasn’t going to short out.

  4. R.J.

    1. How much does Alex pay for that InfoWars link that leads to the front page?
    2. I already called it as Cackletta/Booty Juice for 2024.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Buttglug’s most troubling quality to me is his penchant for laying out of work for extended periods of time. It’s great that y’all adopted a kid and all but GET BACK TO WORK!!!

      • Drake

        Have you seen his work products?

      • trshmnstr

        laying out of work for extended periods of time

        Sounds like the ideal politician to me. I hope he gets all the maternity leave he could ever want.

    • SDF-7

      Let’s just hope they don’t take hints from Paola Saulino… I don’t want any of that political action.

    • The Other Kevin

      Two completely ineffective people who will be touted as the most successful. Yay.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Choosing Pete makes her look good in comparison.

        The pool of people who can do that is extremely limited.

  5. SDF-7

    I’ll be fine, I’m in the most recession proof industry there is!

    You’re definitely not fucking kidding.

    And the article dances around the fact that this is “Feature, not Bug” material. When the “Elites” act like they want everyone else to be homeless, renting peasants…. well, we should believe them. That “increased poverty” (and corresponding decrease in the population) is how they’ll get their Utopia away from the smelly deplorables.

  6. SDF-7

    This country will never accept the result of an election ever again.

    “Stealing” an election by…. asking the Federal commission in charge of monitoring elections for clarification on election law (and the Harris campaign’s actions)? Really? That’s the argument y’all are making?

    But OMB is the “chaos and lawlessness” option… pull the other one — its got bells on.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Once you realize almost everything they say is in a cynical furtherance of power it all makes sense.

    • Drake

      It’s easily fixable with voter id and paper ballots. The fact that it’s not getting fixed in most places feeds the suspicion.

    • Suthenboy

      Yep. Every Dem idiot that voted for Biden, gave money to Biden…it has landed in the lap of the woman who couldn’t get a single vote in the primary. Democracy!

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Get money out of politics!

  8. The Late P Brooks

    If this is true, they’re really pining for the cocksucker vote.

    First Ladyboy .

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Putting up a candidate in opposition to our Democrat-ocracy is a blatant attempt to steal the election.

    • SDF-7

      Certainly if there’s any chance of them winning. As much as they said about Mittens at the time, I don’t think they really felt anything for him or about him — he’s a safe squishy opponent after all.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    As I have mentioned previously, Pandora apparently thinks I still live in Montana, and feeds me Montana political ads, mostly nonstop “Tim Sheehy is a rich out of state carpetbagger who believes in property rights” stuff; he is buying up “our” land and putting up no trespassing and no hunting signs. He will, however, let you hunt FOR A FEE, the cad.

    Yesterday, however, there was a “Jon Tester stood up to Joe Biden and ultra liberal DC politicians to protect Montana” ad. The handcuffs are off.

  11. The Other Kevin

    Did the price of gas shoot up for anyone else? Last night it went from 3.75 to 4.29 near me.

    • R.J.

      I haven’t left the house yet, but I would not be surprised. Didn’t Biden totally drain the strategic reserve to try to keep prices down?

    • SDF-7

      Not yet here — but I am driving back to California next week… so I’m mentally preparing for $6/gal or whatever stupid price it is (I think a manadatory gas tax ratchet clank kicked in while I was gone… so that’ll be “fun”….)

      • Yusef drives a Kia


    • Drake

      A few stations around here under $3. I’ll fill up on the way home in case another spike is coming.

  12. Certified Public Asshat

    Running Kamala Harris may actually be a political masterstroke for the Democrats

    “I guess we go with her?” = masterstroke.

    • SDF-7


  13. SDF-7


    Chickens for KFC Counterpoint

    Summer of Love ’24 looks to be coming to a boil. I would at this point vote for free one way airfare to Gaza for the lot of them since they love Hamas so much.

    • Gender Traitor

      They caused mayhem on the Hill yesterday, released maggots at the Watergate Hotel, where the prime minister was staying, and now stormed Union Station.

      Nice. 🙄

      • SDF-7

        Yeah, getting into the Watergate and into the conference room used by the PM is another USSS failure. Way to go there guys… keep it up and maybe we’ll just defund the lot of ya and start over.

      • The Other Kevin

        That DNC convention is going to be lit.

      • R.J.

        Sure is. It starts on the 18th, which is a Sunday. I expect 3 Stooges levels of disruption and chaos, no matter how badly they want to keep out the protestors. Also i expect the whole place will be ringed with protestors. Remember the repubs convention? Hardly any protests.

      • bacon-magic


      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Will it be like Three Stooges levels with the black butler that says “This house ‘sho gone crazy.”? That’ll be worth a watch.

      • slumbrew

        Comparing Jews to maggots but they’re just anti-Zionist, not antisemitic, nosiree

      • Nephilium


        Not Jews, just Israelis, it’s totally different!

      • LCDR_Fish

        The pics on twitter of DC right now are just nuts. They imported 200 NYPD cops for this event (guess that National Guard wasn’t available this time) – doesn’t seem to be making a difference from the pics I’m seeing. An awful lot of graffiti, etc going on. Waiting for the commentary.

        Haven’t heard about anyone getting tossed out of congress yet, but Tlaib appeared to be silently protesting. These people are just trash – while there are still US citizens held hostage by terrorists.

      • juris imprudent

        with the black butler

        That is Mayor Brandon Johnson to you!

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Certainly if there’s any chance of them winning. As much as they said about Mittens at the time, I don’t think they really felt anything for him or about him — he’s a safe squishy opponent after all.

    Swap out Obama for Mitt? Why bother?

  15. Shpip

    An analyst on GM’s earnings call asked Barra whether GM’s EV strategy would shift if the next administration takes a less favorable view of policies promoting EVs after noting that one candidate, former President Trump, has discussed pulling back the federal EV mandate.

    Barra explained that GM’s offerings, including both EVs and traditional gas-powered internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, give the automaker flexibility in adjusting to meet consumer demand. ever-changing government mandates.

    We’re seeing that right now with 54% of EV sales being customers that are new to GM. unfamiliar with GM’s core competencies, which is pickup trucks.

    Fixed it for her.

    • Tundra

      Everyone’s EV numbers suck. VW saw an increase of 30% for their normal cars and nearly the same decrease in EVs.

      The market is clearly saturated and none of these companies would even be fucking with it if it wasn’t for that execrable CAFE horseshit.

      • Sensei

        Europe and its regulatory push to EVs is even worse.

      • Tundra

        And yet you can still buy diesels.

        None of this makes sense. EVs are and will always be a niche product. Just like Ariel Atoms or Cobras or any of a gazillion other vehicle types.

        I know the conspiracy hypothesis is that they are trying to eliminate cars (and therefore mobility) but damn if it doesn’t seem feasible.

      • The Other Kevin

        If they were really serious about reducing emissions they would push hybrids. They produce fewer emissions, don’t require charging, and require smaller batteries so less destructive mining.

        But the focus of all modern environmentalism is less consumption.

      • Tundra

        But the focus of all modern environmentalism is less consumption.

        Just for us normies.

      • Suthenboy

        “But the focus of all modern environmentalism is less consumption.”

        The goal is a mud hut, a sari and a daily bowl of gruel for all but the elite. You will own nothing and like it.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        But the focus of all modern environmentalism is less consumption, by decreasing and impoverishing the population.

      • juris imprudent

        You will own nothing and like it.

        Oh, and do keep up the production – we in the elite aren’t expecting to do without anything.

      • hayeksplosives

        You guys know I love my Tesla. It’s perfect for my lifestyle.

        Nobody compelled me to buy it.

        I vigorously agree that everyone should buy the vehicle that suits them.

        It’s called the free market. Let it work!!

    • R.J.

      Amazing spin on the fact that he said they were putting a pause on new EV factories, not just for six months, but to continually reappraise the need for more EVs. GM has hit market capacity for the things already.

    • rhywun

      The left is shitting bricks because reality is like five years away, when everything is supposed to be “net zero”, and it ain’t happening.

      • Suthenboy

        Since when has leftist horseshit, when proven to be complete horseshit, prevented them from successfully selling more complete horseshit?

      • juris imprudent

        You know, even the Bolsheviks couldn’t sell horseshit for ever.

  16. Tundra

    Brooksie: Thanks for the Tiff and Sabine video. That was great! I love the Atom but damn they are pricy. Especially for something you can never drive on the street.

    RJ: I think you are right about the Slingshot – our roads here are atrocious and straddling potholes is a required art.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      If I was looking to go down that road, a Caterham 7 would be on my short list.

      • Tundra

        You should watch that video Brooks linked. All three are featured. I think the Morgan would be the most fun fucking-around car, but the Caterham is definitely more “practical.”

  17. The Late P Brooks

    That DNC convention is going to be lit.

    Any disruptions will be 100% the fault of the cartoon villain.

    • Nephilium

      Oh, I’m sure there will be several disruptions that are blamed on Israel.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    I love the Atom but damn they are pricy. Especially for something you can never drive on the street.

    Caterham or GTFO.

    • Sensei

      Hell, I’m just ready to get a Miata and deal with the jokes and the hate.

      • Tundra

        From whom? Nobody who knows anything about fun cars.

      • R.J.

        I will not joke or hate. Those are fine cars.


        Smart Car. That is what you get if you want to be mocked relentlessly. Extra mockery if you are taller than 6’3″.

      • Suthenboy

        If I had a mistress I would buy her a Miata…I would get laid more every month than the lot of you knuckleheads put together.

      • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

        The best I ever pulled was driving my mothers ’66 Mustang ‘vert around the college town. Girls would just run up and jump in…

      • Gustave Lytton

        Midlife crisis is no joking matter!

      • DEG

        Midlife crisis is no joking matter!

        /looks at fun cars
        /considers how much they cost

        Yeah… not a joke.

      • Not Adahn

        There are still reasonably priced fun cars.

        The Subaru WRX STI is one that I know of.

        The Honda S2000 beat the living shit out of the Miata. Unfortunately it was too good for this world.

      • DEG

        /checks bringatrailer

        Both are going used for cheaper than both of my fun cars.

        Subaru’s website sucks. I tried to see what a new WRX costs, but they’re pissy about cookie settings.

      • R.J.

        Oh my! Dealers that speak in Latin are VERY fancy!

  19. Sensei

    Boy scanning the headlines Journolist 2.0 aka the Harris campaign put out the hit on Vance.

    It’s amazing how they all have the same topic.

    • Nephilium

      Did you know Vance said negative things about Harris several years ago that shows how racist and misogynistic he is?

      /still not a big Vance fan

      • Drake

        Surprising as he seems to like Indian women.

      • Suthenboy

        “Suthenboy, why are you not a fan of xyzzy?”

        “Because xyzzy is a politician, the best of which are hardly worth the water it takes to keep them alive.”

  20. The Late P Brooks

    It’s amazing how they all have the same topic.

    More “affirmative action candidate”?

    It’s funny how they ignore the class factor.

    I know jack shit about Kamala, nor do I want to, but I’m guessing she and Vance had a lot of daylight between them, in terms of class and cultural standing.

    • The Other Kevin

      Looks like today’s narratives are:
      – Referring to DEI is racist
      – Kamala was NOT the border czar (complete with scrubbing archives)
      – Kamala way up in the polls
      – Kamal is so great and a genius pick

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        She’s explicitly a DEI hore.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Whoops, “hire”

      • R.J.

        Both are accurate assessments.

      • The Other Kevin

        You said what you said Stinky. LOL

      • Tundra

        Oh, very nice.

        *golf clap*

      • Suthenboy

        I think that is what is called a Freudian slip.

      • Tres Cool

        I thought a true Freudian slip was when you say one thing but meant your mother.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Is Cool Aunt on the acceptable list of talking points. Or is the Minnesoda DFL going off reservation?

        “I think in the same way that Kamala Harris has this kind of cool aunt appeal and people like her and want to be around her, we have a lot of really incredible candidates. Many of them who are incumbents have a phenomenal record of accomplishment at the state capitol — enacting great policies like protecting reproductive freedom, paid family medical leave — really transformational work at the state capitol, but also they’re just good people of their community involved in their community, nice family people,” Hortman said.
        Hortman expects Democrats to get a bigger voting bump than usual over Republicans in November, on par with Obama’s election. She believes women and people of color are particularly engaged.
        “Identity politics isn’t everything but it is something. It does matter to see that there are people who look like you running for office,” Hortman said. “So I think people who normally wouldn’t be that enthused about politics, but see something in Kamala Harris that’s different than your average white guy running for president, might be a little bit more energized to turn out.”

      • R C Dean

        Reproductive freedom sounds like freedom to reproduce. I think they mean freedom from reproduction.

      • juris imprudent

        freedom from reproduction

        Fucking soy-boys isn’t enough?

  21. R.J.

    I see crowd strike is offering a $10 gift card to everyone who is affected by the outage. It’s for Uber eats. You can’t even get a hamburger from McDonald’s delivered for that.

    • rhywun

      Uber is on my shit list for refusing to stop spamming me with notifications to send them more money despite finally finding the hidden web page to tell them to stop doing that shit.

      • R.J.

        Emergency use transportation only over here. And never for food, it costs 150% more for them to deliver than it does to go get it. Amazing.

      • Nephilium

        I flip between Uber/Lyft for each trip depending on which is the cheaper option (including wait times as part of the cost). Makes it much easier to plan a night out.

      • rhywun

        I’ve never tried Lyft. I guess I could check it out.

        It’s probably the same half dozen drivers anyway. (Not many of them here and the prices suck too.)

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Hey, don’t knock it. You can almost get a twelver of Natural Light for that.

      • R.J.

        It’s for Uber Eats. So your 12 pack is ten dollars, you owe a mandatory tip, delivery fee, etc… now you owe $25 to have that Natty Light dropped on your door step.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Wait, you have to use it for Uber Eats specifically? What a joke.

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Smart Car. That is what you get if you want to be mocked relentlessly. Extra mockery if you are taller than 6’3″.

    K swap it.

    • Sensei

      Honda Insight K swap. Just not sure how much tire you can put on that. But there are a few on the road.

  23. DEG

    Hmm…. one of these things is not like the other:

    We do think the market for EVs will continue to grow


    The company is in the process of scaling up production of the Chevrolet Equinox EV and plans to launch several other battery-powered models in the months ahead, although it lowered its projected EV output for this year from an upper end of 300,000 units to 250,000 units.

    GM last week declined to reiterate a target of 1 million units of EV production capacity in North America by the end of 2025.

    Barra also told investors GM would delay the opening of its Orion Assembly EV truck plant by six months until mid-2026. She also said the company plans to introduce plug-in hybrid vehicles in 2027.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Flinging shit at the wall

    Climate change also exacerbates inflation, research shows — a dynamic dubbed “climate-flation.”

    Warming is expected to raise global inflation by 0.3 to 1.2 percentage points per year, on average, by 2035, according to a recent study by researchers at the European Central Bank and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact.

    Climate change also exacerbates inflation, research shows — a dynamic dubbed “climate-flation.”

    Warming is expected to raise global inflation by 0.3 to 1.2 percentage points per year, on average, by 2035, according to a recent study by researchers at the European Central Bank and Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact.

    Don’t you get it? Climate change is here now. Why aren’t you panicking?

  25. Pope Jimbo

    Daily Ray of Sunshine

    Programming note: I am now setting up shop in Kobe, Japan so the Daily Rays of Sunshine links are more likely to be in the afternoon comments for a while.

    • slumbrew

      Oh, do tell!


      Work? Life? Fleeing from an angry wife?

      • Tundra

        Not after he shaved his beard.

      • Sensei

        His holiness has family there.

      • Pope Jimbo

        lol. I’m staying with the angry wife at her sister’s house. If anything, I added more angry women to my life.

        I was going to retire in May, but my employer begged me to stay. Since we are a 100% remote shop, I made the deal that I would stay on for another year, but only if I could work from Japan. And I wouldn’t need to do any concerted effort to overlap my work day with the work day of the US based folks.

        So I get to work while they are all in bed. No meetings, no chats, no nothing. I just get to work on “special projects”.

        We have a year penciled in, but it will sort of depend on how successfully we can handle the visa stuff. I am here on a tourist visa for 90 days. After that we will go to Korea and visit family there for a while and then return to Japan. A lot of uncertainty about how many times you can do that. I’m pretty sure we will be over here for at least 9 months.

        I’m trying to figure out when we might make it up to Tokyo so I can embarrass Straff with my shitty Japanese skillz.

    • Sensei

      I’m jealous!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Hot as shit here and the locals don’t seem to have embraced high quality AC into their lives. Lots of places are “mildly air-conditioned”.

        People in the US who are advocating for Net Zero should be dragged here and get to experience what life without real AC would be like.

      • Pope Jimbo

        There are also other disappointments. For example, the old handicapped toilet at the local beach has been upgraded. It is now an ADA compliant western toilet. I miss the old one.

      • Sensei

        I was there in October and missed the fucking AC.

        It’s both cultural and because of the energy cost.

        In the old days though the office was freezing as a display of wealth. After 3/11 that stopped and we now have Cool Japan casual.

      • Gustave Lytton

        We went in September the first time. Damn near needed to take my wife to hospital for heat exhaustion.

        The fucking humidity was the killer. Claustrophobic sweat boxes, most buildings are.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Honda Insight K swap. Just not sure how much tire you can put on that. But there are a few on the road.

    One of those youtube guys k swapped a Fit. Looked like a pretty clean job.

    • slumbrew

      I’ll confess the Fit has been a great car for us but at 120,000 mi I’m sure it’s not generating that 117HP it did when new.

      A couple hundred more horses would be interesting…

      • Tundra

        120K is barely broken in. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t at least close.

    • Shpip

      Jack Baruth from Road & Track wrote about a K-swapped Fit several years ago. The money shot:

      It’s not just the engine that intrigues me, although the idea of nearly doubling the power of a stock Fit is cheering to say the least. It’s the hyper-alert way that this car sits low on it’s reverse-stagger-setup Maxxis tires, kinda like a frog that’s managed to steal Fleetwood Mac’s weekly supply of cocaine and do the whole thing in one shot.

      That would be one helluva Track Day sleeper.

      • Tundra

        See, that’s the whole point of this fucked up automotive world. There was a time when you could buy insane versions of normal cars. Basic Mustang, somewhat better Mustang, clearly better Mustang, insane Mustang.’

        But we can no longer have nice things.

      • Shpip

        There was a time when you could buy insane versions of normal cars.

        Or you get a perfectly cromulent fast car and take it to an evil genius to perform witch-doctor stuff.

        This is the reason that I traded into a GT4 (even with the mods, still $100K less than a GT3RS).

      • Tundra

        I love the Cayman.

    • Sensei

      Which I believe is dead in the EU because of emissions after this year.

      • Sensei

        Reply about the Caymen.

    • rhywun

      Trump on in the background, killing it in one of the Carolinas.

      “They said I was being nice. No, I’m not going to be nice anymore.”


  27. The Late P Brooks

    I hate to say it, but I might have to watch Joe’s address to the nation. I imagine a boisterous cheer from sea to shining sea as he says, “You won’t have Joe Biden to kick around anymore.”

    • R.J.

      I am going to see the Aquabats. Biden can suck it. I’ll check in later and see how it went.

  28. Tundra

    What the fuck?

    Turns out the shit in the river is gonna be the high point of the Olympics.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Couldn’t they find a more passable “woman”? Was Michelle too busy?

      • Suthenboy

        I think ‘not passable’ , obviously creepy fruitcake dude is the point. It translates to ‘FUCK YOU’.

    • ZWAK came for the two-fisted tentacle-fighting, stayed for the crushing existential nihilism.

      Wait, is that the coconut pilled I keep hearing about? ‘Cause he looks to have shoved a couple under his shirt!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Wait, is that the coconut pilled I keep hearing about?

        I still think that has to be a 4-chan joke. No way that is a real thing that the Dems think is a cool meme. Right?

        If it is real, then Obama should start using oreo emoji’s in his twitter feed.

      • R C Dean

        Fits with LETELU, though.

      • Suthenboy

        That HS teacher dude with the 200lb fake boobs was not available.

    • R C Dean

      I didn’t think the Euros were as stuck into the tranny thing as the Americans.

    • rhywun

      It certainly won’t be the US men’s soccer team. But everybody knew that going in.

    • Suthenboy

      The insane are truly running the asylum. I would say the cancer has finished its long march through the institutions.
      Congratulations Karl.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      A characture of a woman painted up like a Goddamn circus clown. Pretty damn shameful.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    There was a time when you could buy insane versions of normal cars.

    A Dodge Dart with a 440.

    • Shpip

      Your deadass common, run of the mill Ford F-150… mostly.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        The fuck are “Ford Performance Front Floor Mats”?

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Wasn’t there some deal about a ’60s Galaxie wagon special ordered from the factory with a 427 and four speed?

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Couldn’t they find a more passable “woman”? Was Michelle too busy?

    They have rodeo clowns in France? I had no idea.

  32. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Twice in one day for Winston’s mom. Light schedule for her.

    • rhywun

      lol I thought I was still on the Krugnuts post.

  33. Rebel Scum

    Winston’s Mom Does the Links

    Winston’s mom does it all.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I still can’t get over that woman’s comment about the sloped roof. How hard would it have been to say “We’re still investigating why nobody was on that roof”? Instead she made it look like she had zero familiarity with what happened, which maybe she didn’t.

      • Suthenboy

        As I recall when she was first ambushed by reporters a couple of days after the event, the look on her face, the sound of her voice, her initial reaction clearly said “I have no idea what you people are talking about”

    • Sensei

      Do you have what it takes?

  34. Rebel Scum

    I’m in the most recession proof industry there is!

    Most of us don’t get paid for getting royally fucked.

    • Rebel Scum

      Hm…’unceremoniously’ works better.

  35. Rebel Scum

    but its still better than all the other shitholes.

    Not all holes are equal.

  36. Rebel Scum


    Well they both spend a considerable amount of time on their knees. ///Winston’sMomForPresident

  37. Rebel Scum

    Harris Campaign Spokesman Charles Lutvak claimed that the complaint was “baseless” and part of Republicans’ strategy to “steal elections.”

    By A) trying to ensure the rules are enforced and B) winning beyond the margin of fraud by the system.

    Seems legit.

  38. hayeksplosives

    Anybody going to zoom tonight?

    I had planned to but am now about to collapse into bed for a nap.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I certainly would like to, but I should go over notes to soothe my mind. And get to bed semi-early(ish). After tomorrow’s written exam, which I should do just fine on, I’ll certainly be keen to chat tomorrow unless something alters.

      I passed my medical examination with “flying colors” though I kinda doubt that /(myself). Minnesota Lady is back in touch, which is all positive. She’s excitedly going to a Trump Convention event in St. Cloud this weekend. She’s poli sci grad who has further legal degrees, but she hasn’t taken the bar. She’s right in my/our alley of making fun of the absolute shitshow Team Blue is putting on. She’d get along well here. I’ve invited her, but she doesn’t spend time online. Can’t much, in shitty-internet Sauk Centre.

      Tried to woo her here with Pope’s involvement and frequently linking to Minnesotan stories. *shrug* Anyways, haven’t I heard Thurs is a pretty ‘hot’ zoom crew?

      • hayeksplosives

        Thursday isn’t a scheduled Zoom.

        Wednesdays are a crapshoot. I didn’t join tonight because the need for sleep overwhelmed me a couple of hours ago!!

  39. hayeksplosives

    “This country will never accept the result of an election ever again.“

    Time for citizen IDs, in person votes on paper ballots counted same day, and purple dye on fingers.