Ackounting of A Time Amongst Savages: The first attempt to cash in on those “Rednecks in the Mist” articles.

by | Aug 24, 2024 | Beer, Big Government, Food & Drink, Media | 95 comments

Remember several years ago when they tried to figure out why everyone voted for Trump? No? Okay do you remember the NYT articles where they would send a reporter into the center of the country and report back what they saw?

This is my review of Georgetown Brewing Johnny Utah:

You had to recall the latter. There were multiple articles we can refer to as, “rednecks in the mist” that came out around the same time Ron Howard’s Hillbilly Elegy was released. Some of them appeared to be done in good faith. Others seemed to come out in response to the show Yellowstone, which I have yet to develop any interest in seeing. They even tried explaining it by using Texicans as an analogy!

Its not that I have a problem with hicklibs per se, I just never met one that didn’t wind up being a FED! Besides, why ruin my mind’s conception of Kevin Costner beyond Crash Davis? Frankly, I gave up on the guy after he rode Sean Connery’s coattails in The Untouchables. Hell, even there he was a FED.

The Chicago Way

The one valid criticism of these articles I found was not that were done in poor faith, or they were a thinly veiled attempt to understand the other in order to “cure” them of right wing populism. It is there was no real attempt by the right to attempt to understand the overall culture of the left in order to cure them of their own communist tendencies. Although I recognize the only cure for communism is helicopters—perhaps that’s why the reverse never really happened?

This all came to a head earlier this week (TW: Rolling Stone):

By opening their convention with Isbell and Guyton, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz seem to want to change that, with the cherry on top appearing in the form of a Harris-Walz camouflage baseball hat released a few weeks ago — it sold out instantly. But it’s country artists like Jason Aldean, who appeared at the Republican National Convention and engages in the workingman’s sport of country club golf with former president Trump, who like to own this sort of symbolism. His 2019 album, 9, even contained a song called “Camouflage Hat.” That’s the genius work of this one small bit of Harris-Walz merch. The hat reclaims the rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored, all in with the power of one nifty little cap. Ella Emhoff proudly wore hers last night, while Walz displayed his own — also camouflage — Jason Isbell hat backstage. 

I’m sure that’s exactly what will drive up support…throwing out ersatz Mossy Oak camouflage with a Kamala – AWOLz logo. If you ever wondered what its like when I see a politician throw out an ad in broken Spanish, its sort of like this. They’re just like you now.

Anyone around here wearing one of these hats is a FED! I have a inkling at least six of you are FEDS and this beer is for you! Johnny Utah is a reference to an early 90’s movie about a star college QB turned FED that infiltrates a gang with a series of successful bank heists in the Los Angeles area. Culminating in this fantastic delivery by Keanu Reeves revealing he is a FED. This beer is yellow, it is drinkable, abv low enough you won’t be a danger to yourself should the need to use a firearm arrive, and most importantly will allow you to pass as a fellow beer drinker.

Just know that I am on to you, FED. Georgetown Brewing Johnny Utah: 2.3/5

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm.


  1. Common Tater

    Is it a good movie?

    • R C Dean

      It’s good entertainment. Haven’t seen it in a good while, but would watch again.

    • Chafed

      It’s a silly, fun action movie. Take it for what it is.

  2. Common Tater

    That’s a weird looking glass.

    • Fourscore

      I thought canning jars were reserved for moonshine. I’ll never make it in the new world. I am so unsophisticated.

      • Nephilium

        It became trendy. I am not a fan of the trend. A couple of the local bars serve all their beers out of mason jars.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Its the only glass I had traveling last July. I got it from a Vietnamese coffee house that said they would knock $1 off if I came in fir a refill.

        Too bad he was never open for the remaining week I was there,

      • Fourscore

        There’s a brand of jam sold at Menard’s (building supply). Fairly inexpensive and comes in a mason jar with a handle. Discounting the cost of corn syrup it’s like getting the jars for free. We have a few around, good for kids with milk, etc.

      • DEG

        A couple of the local bars serve all their beers out of mason jars.

        A new place local to me is doing that. The beer is so-so but the food is excellent, so I’ll tolerate it.

      • Nephilium


        The places that do it have excellent food, which is the only reason I go back. Decent beer selection as well, just ruined when everything is served in a mason jar.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Besides, why ruin my mind’s conception of Kevin Costner beyond Crash Davis?

    I watched part of that a few nights ago. How can you not like a guy who drives a Shelby GT500 beater?

    He was good in A Perfect World.

    • Fourscore

      A lot of stuff in the movies are not real. They use mirrors and tricks so we will buy tickets.

  4. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    sloper is 100% FED.

    I’m not a FED. At all.

    • Nephilium

      Sounds like standard Fed deflection.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        You’re definitely a FED

      • Nephilium


        Pretty sure the largest check I’ve received from the government for pay was for jury duty.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Serving on a jury is a sure sign of being a FED

      • Nephilium

        mexican sharpshooter:

        Like I’ve ever survived voir dire.

        The eternal question, to lie and survive voir dire to have a chance for jury nullification, or tell the truth and be removed from the jury pool as quickly as the prosecutor can.

      • UnCivilServant

        “IYour honor, I believe it to be the duty of the jury to rule upon the defendant, the prosectuor, and the judge. We have the right to send you to prison if you are out of line.”

      • MikeS

        @ Neph: that’s exactly what a FED would say
        @ KK: you seem to be trying awful hard to make us think Neph is a FED. No doubt because you are a FED

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Everyone knows most FEDS live in NoDak

      • MikeS

        NoDak isn’t real. Move along citizen.

      • Fourscore

        NoDak is unreal. That’s why no one lives there. Even the governor wants to leave, he’s hoping he can team up with his hunting buddy, Tim.

      • R C Dean

        Neph, I had to spin a tale of woe about how my hospital would burst into flames if I got saddled with grand jury duty.

        I’d do it in a heartbeat now that I’m retired.

      • hayeksplosives

        I used to work for the Dept of Energy. Does that count?

        They made us get the Covid jab, so I think that counts…

      • Chafed

        @HS you’re a former fed but now they have the tracker installed.

      • Sean

        Stay away from those 5G towers!

  5. The Late P Brooks

    That’s the genius work of this one small bit of Harris-Walz merch. The hat reclaims the rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored, all in with the power of one nifty little cap. Ella Emhoff proudly wore hers last night, while Walz displayed his own — also camouflage — Jason Isbell hat backstage.

    Geniuses, they are. They track the pulse of America by keeping a firm grip on its carotid artery.

    • juris imprudent

      Resistance is futile, so STOP RESISTING!!!

  6. PieInTheSky

    any of y’all heard of James Oliver Rye Whiskey? it is kinda mid.

    • Sean


    • Chafed

      Nope. That’s new to me.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Jamie Oliver cooks shitty food.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of Bull Durham, forget Susan Sarandon; little Millie was a BABE.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      She was willing to squat in that dress and catch a few pitches from Nuke.

  8. DEG

    The hat reclaims the rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored, all in with the power of one nifty little cap.

    Huh. All they need is a hat? Huh.

    I’m missing out on some great grifting opportunities. But at least I can still live with myself.

    • juris imprudent

      Hat versus Hat, a SF episode in the making.

      • Chafed

        Uh-oh. This could get dark.

    • whiz

      Dems in a camo hat seems more like Dukakis in a tank — patently ridiculous.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    The hat reclaims the rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored, all in with the power of one nifty little cap.

    Needs more police dogs and firehoses.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Was waiting for this reference

  10. The Late P Brooks


    Well, I don’t know who exactly is running this convention, in terms of deciding who speaks when and what they say and approving all those little film intermezzos, but whoever you are: kudos. This year’s Democratic Party—Kamala Harris’s Democratic Party—is asserting big, broad principles, redefining them, stealing them from the Republicans after years or decades of intellectually lazy passivity, and it’s an amazing and even historic thing to watch unfold here in Chicago.

    It’s best exemplified by Wednesday night’s star, Minnesota governor and vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, and the way he was presented. The idea of getting 15 of his former football players out there on stage with him was brilliant. You think it was hokey? You think football is disgusting and violent? Get over it. There’s a time to have that debate, but it isn’t now. This is stagecraft designed to win an election, to send signals. And the signal this sent to middle America, to the kinds of voters Republicans have relied on as theirs for many elections, was clear and profound.

    Greatest candidate. Greatest American.

    I don’t know why I bother to pretend to be in any way surprised by all the little wind-up monkeys beating their tin drums in unison.


      “…big, broad principles…”

      That’s a funny way to spell empty-headed platitudes.

      Political conventions were, are, and always will be concentrated cringe. But, what little I caught of the DNC this year gave me cringe induced sudden onset scoliosis.

    • Grumbletarian

      Walz also elaborated effectively on the key word of this campaign: “Freedom. When Republicans use the word freedom, they mean that the government should be free to invade your doctor’s office. Corporations—free to pollute your air and water. And banks—free to take advantage of customers.

      “But when we Democrats talk about freedom, we mean the freedom to make a better life for yourself and the people that you love. Freedom to make your own health care decisions. And yeah, your kids’ freedom to go to school without worrying about being shot dead in the hall.”

      Yes, Democrats have lovingly granted you the freedom to make a better life for yourself provided you follow this constantly changing sixty thousand+ page stack of laws, rules and regulations written in thick legalese that you’ll need to pay a cadre of lawyers to interpret for you.

      And the freedom to make your own healthcare decisions unless they involve not taking a vaccine we mandate if you want to keep your non-essential job, attend church, post on the internet, maintain bank accounts, etc.

      And the freedom for your kids to go to the school we goddamn tell them to attend, peasant!

      • Ted S.

        Free to have government shut your gym down.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Yes, Democrats have lovingly granted you the freedom to make a better life for yourself provided you follow this constantly changing sixty thousand+ page stack of laws, rules and regulations written in thick legalese that you’ll need to pay a cadre of lawyers to interpret for you.

        Well, obviously not freedom to start your own business which might provide unwanted competition for their corporate donors. And not the freedom to start some sort of side hustle or gig economy thing where you might get money through Venmo without giving the government a cut.

        But they do support the freedom to work a regular job and pay a union to negotiate raises on your behalf. Not ‘your behalf’ as an individual, of course, but workers like you who also need to stay in their fucking socioeconomic lane.

      • Suthenboy

        Holy shit, that is some nuclear grade shameless projection. Wow.

    • Grumbletarian

      The party’s bench is just so deep with smart and talented and serious people—Shapiro, Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Senator Cory Booker, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel

      My reaction:

    • Grumbletarian

      I would almost think the whole article was clever satire, but alas, no. The moron is serious.

  11. Suthenboy

    Transparently fake identities for a transparently fake campaign appeals to people who spend their lives seeking an identity. Who am I and why am I here? Take on the trappings of someone who isn’t empty and maybe they will feel like they belong? I am not sure.
    I never gave much of a shit what other thought of me but I see someone posted some kind of psychological study the other day where leftist’s biggest concern is ‘what other people think of me’. Their thinking and world view is the inverse of mine.

    Individuals are real things with inherent properties. Individuals have value. We create institutions to serve our interests. Those institutions exist only in our minds, they are not real things. They only have value if they serve us. Otherwise, why have them?
    For the collectivist the institution is the real thing and they seek them out to give themselves a reason to exist, so they prostrate themselves to the institution. They cannot understand why everyone is not an empty shell looking for purpose.

    • R C Dean

      “Those institutions exist only in our minds, they are not real things.”

      I struggle with limiting “real” to “physical/material”.

      • Suthenboy

        Non-material things are abstractions, ideas. They exist only in our minds. Even ‘laws’ of hard science are only analogies also existing only in our minds. Should we be extinct tomorrow, what remnant of religion or government would be left?
        They would disappear entirely.
        Show me a government. Dont point to some dude playing dress-up playing by arbitrary rules. Real things have inherent properties. Institutions have arbitrary properties that change at the drop of hat because it isn’t a real thing.

      • R C Dean

        So truth, justice, evil, love, hate, duty, honor, etc. aren’t real? They’re just illusions?

        I never pegged you for a nihilist, Suthen.

      • Sean

        Things have changed since he’s been blackballed.

      • Suthenboy

        That is correct. They are not real. However I am not a nihilist.
        Those ideas may not matter one whit to the universe but they matter to me. They matter a lot. I know that if those are going to be, even if only in our minds, I (we) have to make it so. We have to care because they matter to us.

        This is why I find so many religious people who know me puzzled as to how I can be a moral person, and why so many not religious people that know me wonder why I am. They think I have no reason to but they are people who dont bring the shopping cart back. I could explain to them until my jaw falls off and they will never get it. The religious people bring the carts back but only because of guilt and virtue signaling. I bring them back because.

  12. Shpip

    a Harris-Walz camouflage baseball hat released a few weeks ago

    Living in Big College Town, I see more than my share of batshit crazy lefties, but I haven’t seen any Harris camo trucker caps.

    Then again, considering that the cap was worn by that fugly noodle-armed chick with the random tat collection that screams “I’ve been on SSRIs for the last ten years,” I can’t really see them catching on around campus.

    And authenticity is still a thing. When the closest you’ve ever come to the woods is when your Uber driver scoots you past Central Park, maybe you shouldn’t dress like you’re getting ready for deer season.

    • dbleagle

      Well that was not inaccurate.

    • Chafed

      It’s a clever prop for a convention, but as you suggest, I don’t see it catching on.

    • Chafed


  13. J. Frank Parnell

    The hat reclaims the rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored, all in with the power of one nifty little cap. Ella Emhoff proudly wore hers last night, while Walz displayed his own — also camouflage — Jason Isbell hat backstage.

    How do you do, fellow hicks?

    • Sean

      Go away, whittlin!

      • Fourscore

        …and a-spittin’

  14. Tres Cool

    That hat just needs a stars & bars PIN.

  15. Pine_Tree

    “…the rural and Southern identity that mainstream Democrats have long ignored…”

    Idiot. They haven’t ignored us at all. They actively hate the hell out of us and happily foster that at the highest levels of the State.

  16. Mojeaux

    That feeling when you watch your kid make the same mistakes everybody else does after you told him not to make that mistake.

    He got a “great deal” on a car from his boss for $800. 🙄 $4,000 later …

    • Sean


      • Mojeaux

        Yeah, his boss dun him dirty. But, he was susceptible because he was desperate and impatient.

      • Fourscore

        No one ever sold a cow because it was giving too much milk, no one ever sold a car because it was getting too good of gas mileage.

        As a younger person I learned from thinking or believing I was smarter than my parents, when it came to buying a car. Cosmetics be damned!.

    • Chafed

      Ugh. He may be more willing to listen next time.

  17. Gadfly

    I don’t have the link handy, but the other day I read an article where the reporter pointed out that the design of the camo hat (orange text on camo pattern) mirrored the recent merch of a pop star. His thesis was that the Harris campaign aesthetic was designed more to appeal to women and gays than to straight men, and was pretty convincing.

  18. creech

    “When we fight, we win!” Shouted out in a campaign commercial I just witnessed. Isn’t that insurrectionist, riot inducing language?

    • Sean

      What else do they have?

      Real policies that appeal to the middle class? 🙄

      Anger, hatte, and division? ✅

      • Sean


    • R.J.

      “Bring a hacksaw for the door.”

      • Sensei

        Eric is one of the few writers that keep me reading Ars.

        The result of this uncertainty is that NASA will now turn to the other commercial crew provider, SpaceX. This is not a pleasant outcome for Boeing which, a decade ago, looked askance at SpaceX as something akin to space cowboys. I have covered the space industry closely during the last 15 years, and during most of that time Boeing was perceived by much of the industry as the blueblood of spaceflight while SpaceX was the company that was going to kill astronauts due to its supposed recklessness.

        NASA not comfortable with Starliner thrusters, so crew will fly home on Dragon

    • Chafed

      Another agency that has completely blown their credibility.

  19. Sean


    Apparently, Cackles has that all important Comey endorsement.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    “When we fight, we win!” Shouted out in a campaign commercial I just witnessed. Isn’t that insurrectionist, riot inducing language?

    That’s right up there with “losing is not an option”. Losing is always an option.

    • Fourscore

      When a person is getting his/her ass kicked losing is the best option.

    • Suthenboy


  21. grrizzly


    The founder and CEO of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has been arrested in France.

  22. Derpetologist

    It came to me this morning that the question of computational complexity is itself a complex computation. That is, if program A computes the complexity of program B, it must be at least as complex as program B. The situation is sort of like the halting problem.

    Recursion is trippy.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Anger, hatte, and division

    I’ll nave a double hatte with a big dollop of frothing rage on top.

    • R.J.

      Pumpkin Spice Hatte for me. It’s almost September.

  24. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    I have a inkling at least six of you are FEDS

    *makes a note in Mexican Sharpshooter’s dossier*