Friday Links of Beer Releases

by | Aug 23, 2024 | Cocktails, Daily Links, I Am Lame | 177 comments

I’ll be heading out tonight to a local brewery who brewed a beer for the Cleveland Gaming Classic, who will be there to support the beer release with classic movies, free play video games, pinball, and a pinball tournament.

A good modern show just had a finale that dropped yesterday, while they left some things open for a potential pickup elsewhere, I hope it doesn’t happen. For those complaining about modern writing, give the show a shot. There were only a handful of things that stood out (and that was more about Catholic doctrine than language used).

Look upon the future of urban planning and despair.

For the first time, the Drew Carey Show is streaming (on Plex).

While I have old equipment and parts laying around, I usually get rid of it before three decades.

Allow me to make my position on this absolutely crystal clear. Fuck. No.

Yes, gaming is a trivial pursuit, but being able to give someone the ability to do something they used to enjoy again is not a trivial thing. And while it’s early, if you want to help others, there’s always one of the few charities I support.

What about all the good things… (H/T to potential vampire Tres Cool for this)

Oh Yeah Brother!

For the cocktail today, I’m writing this when it’s only hitting 70 as the high, so I’m thinking fall flavors. Let’s go with an easy one to make, if you can find the primary ingredient.

Jack Rose

  • 6 parts Applejack/Apple Brandy (1.5 ounces)
  • 3 parts Lemon Juice (0.75 ounces)
  • 2 parts Grenadine (0.5 ounces)

Now, there is a variant of this that removes the Applejack/Apple Brandy to replace it with an ounce of Irish Whiskey and a half ounce of Calvados, I’ll leave the decision as to which to make to you. To make this, add everything to a shaker with ice, shake until chilled, and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. The garnish is a lemon twist (for the original) or a lime wedge (Irish variant).

Let’s head into the weekend ready for some fun.

About The Author



Nephilium is a geek of multiple types living in the vast suburban forests of Cleveland.


  1. Shpip

    What makes a city appealing?

    Safety. Diversity. Things to do and places to eat. Prosperity.

    One of these things is not like the others.

    • Tundra

      I’ve seen diversity work great in my city. Punk fans, funk fans, metal fans and new wave fans all living in harmony.

      • Nephilium

        Skinheads, rude boys, mods, and straight edges all at shows together.

        But fuck the boneheads.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Punks and teds
        National Front and natty dreads
        Mods, rockers, hippies and skinheads

      • Mojeaux

        sportos, motorheads, geeks, sluts, bloods, wastoids, dweebies, dickheads

      • SDF-7

        They think he’s a righteous dude…..

      • Aloysious

        Did somebody say sluts?

        Are they single?

      • Compelled Speechless

        That’s the great thing about sluts, their relationship status doesn’t really matter to them.

    • Timeloose

      No one wants to live in Tokyo or Seoul. All that uniformity and lack of diversity.

      • SDF-7

        I was giving them the benefit of the doubt on that and assuming they mean “building / neighborhood diversity”. As in, not rows and rows of Soviet Block housing but variations in green space, building design, etc.

        Of course — that’s most likely to come about with Central Planning Smart City Design or whatnot, right?…… Right?

      • Timeloose

        Lots of bike lanes and lack of parking to ensure a pedestrian friendly down town. That’s what I read.

    • juris imprudent

      Welcome to Black Rock City, your reality check has bounced.

  2. SDF-7

    Look upon the future of urban planning and despair.

    They lost me on the first line…

    What makes a city appealing?

    No offense to you city mice — but “Nothing” is my only answer to that. Skimmed the article anyway… reads like they want to practically mandate the designs for everything. Doubtless to create “walkable” and “breathing spaces” or whatnot for their hamster habitrail 15 minute vision. Yay.

    But again…. this crap is so much not for me, I probably shouldn’t criticize.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Fuck me and fuck these comment boxes where the scroll bar is.

      • juris imprudent

        Fucking Reagan appointee???

      • Sensei

        And almost 80. Staying on our theme today Wiki says he was born in Cleveland.

      • EvilSheldon

        Of course a Reagan appointee. We can’t let these negroes and longhairs shooting it out with our Boys In Blue…

      • hayeksplosives

        I can’t recall; was it a “no knock” raid?

        In other words, did the officers identify themselves as police before barging in?

        That makes a huge difference in whether Walker was to blame in any way. If he thought the people coming in were cops and shot them, that’s very different from if random unannounced people barged in.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I don’t know. Walker’s position was that he didn’t know they were police. And the charges against him were eventually dropped with prejudice so I assume that is a correct account or at least the DA didn’t feel he could prove otherwise.

    • Fourscore

      I’m grateful for those city folks, the more the better. The big problem is they want out too and when they get the opportunity they start showing up in my neighborhood. I understand that some are good people but I can’t take the chance.

      • Sensei

        Only some of them want out. A great many can’t figure out why anybody wants to live anyplace else. The country is nice to visit, but not to live.

        OTH, I will only miss a very few things about New York City. The pluses in no way make up for the negatives.

    • rhywun

      I probably shouldn’t criticize.

      Cities spent the last half century trying to turn themselves into shitty versions of suburbs.

      Let them try something else.

      • Fourscore

        Yeah, and that’s why I’m grateful.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of teevee, that reminded me of the series Good vs Evil. I liked it.

  4. SDF-7

    Allow me to make my position on this absolutely crystal clear. Fuck. No.

    :creepily whispers: Newsome…. Whitmer…. Walz…..

    All these wannabe tyrants not only haven’t paid any price, they’ve been rewarded. Can’t blame this one for thinking she can run the state — there’s precedent.

    • Nephilium

      If you feel you’ve binged too much tonight, feel free to read the Wikipedia section on Amy Acton on the ‘vid reaction. It will help purge.

      • DrOtto

        Why come you hate women politicians?

    • Fourscore

      In some ways I want Harris-Walz to win, then Walz won’t return to Minnesoda.. On the other hand, Trump won’t be any better.

      He already has his cabinet promised out, I’m sure. The last time around was bad enough in the economic area.

      • juris imprudent

        Navarro is as big a crackpot as Krugnuts.

      • Fourscore

        Add Lighthizer and the other guy, I’ll remember his name later, that was an economic advisor. Talk about a full house, when you add Trump/Pense to the mix.

      • Fourscore

        Wilbur Ross, the missing third advisor. suffer from the Biden handicap.

  5. Shpip

    Police say a 50-year-old woman was injured on Monday night after she was struck by a beer can thrown during a promotional event featuring Hulk Hogan in Medina Township.

    What are the odds that she was staring at her phone while the can was whistling her way?

    • Shpip

      This image is what came to mind as I read the store.

      Pay attention to your surroundings, people.

      • Tundra


      • Fourscore

        Springsteen was there?

      • Tundra

        I said Boss, not Bitch

  6. SDF-7

    For the first time, the Drew Carey Show is streaming (on Plex).

    Maybe someday I can buy something beyond Season 1. (I don’t like just streaming, I prefer to own/download to my own Mac…) That’d be nice, I did enjoy the show when it was on (don’t think I caught all of the later seasons and have forgotten most of it anyway, so it’ll be relatively fresh…)

    • Nephilium

      It’ll likely never be released on physical media for the same reason it wasn’t on streaming until recently. Now, I would say that if one were to search the Internet Archives, one may find the full run of the show there.

      • SDF-7

        At this point I’d be amenable to a new clause in the Fair Use doctrine (however that’s codified at the Fed level) for copyright laws that sufficiently old TV shows that used music for incidentals can be sold without tracking down every single songwriter. The idea that someone will use the show music as pirated entertainment instead of seeking out streaming / purchase of a song if they really like it (so the show remains the advertising for the music that it was in the beginning really) is silly. And given how song rights ebb and flow through contractual tidal swamps, it would simplify things a great deal.

        Of course, if we just held to a more reasonable timeframe in the first place it would help. Another reason to hope Disney keeps shooting itself in the foot politically… might finally stop copyright extensions. (Steamboat Willie finally was allowed to go into public domain after all…)

      • Timeloose

        That show was a great goofy sitcom. The little quips and jokes were fabulous.

        Two episodes stood out:

        The Devil comes to Parma and the battle of the bands with the Reverend Horton Heat.

        Not actual episode names, just my summary of the plot

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Plus What’s Wrong With This Episode? and the improv ones. And Trump asking for a Nutty Buddy.

      • Nephilium

        I’m in favor of setting up a legal definition of abandonware, where items that aren’t available (potentially with a fee system to allow people to pay to keep things off the market that increases in cost yearly) lose all copyright protection. So much media and the like are being lost, with no copies because of copyright laws.

    • hayeksplosives

      I like that Craig Ferguson said his fake English accent was revenge for centuries of Englishmen doing terrible Scottish accents in Macbeth performances.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    Form precedes use. That’s the fundamental philosophy of Smart Code. Which tells developers this: That before anything, a building first must contribute to a public space appealing to the eyes and ears—to tree-lined pathways instead of bleak stretches of concrete, lively barbershops and delis instead of parking spaces or brick walls, outdoor concert stages and café table seating instead of parking lots. A building is not just an island; it is part of a city.

    Why do I assume this will have the exact opposite effect of the claimed intent?

    • cavalier973

      The wide mall parking lot, lit up by giant lamp poles, crowded with cars, as the sun sets on a Friday night, is a beautiful sight, in my memory.

    • Suthenboy

      “Why do I assume this will have the exact opposite effect of the claimed intent?”

    • Fourscore

      Rejuvenating downtowns. Some (all) that I’m familiar with ended up the same as before the rebuilding/remodeling. A few bars, used furniture stores. No hookers ’cause there was no action either day or night. Taxpayer ate the cost.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        They did a pretty good job with my city’s downtown. True, we still have a (new) furniture store and the sex shop somehow stayed in the same location, but it’s much more lively than it was when I first moved here. Unfortunately, they also built a large performing arts center that’s breaking even only by creative accounting and BS.

    • doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Yeah, this is exactly what killed downtown Sacramento.

      Bluntly, if people are gonna go downtown, they need to park somewhere. If you have random seating, unemployed young men will hang out there, and we all know what they end up doing. No, you need streets you can drive down, places to park, and you need to keep people moving along and no scaring people off.

  8. Tonio

    I am ever wary of meaningless, boosterism phraseology like “smart” anything, particularly when such phrases are used by government.

    • SDF-7

      Kind of like “Agile” in software development.

    • Tonio

      …and the article does not disappoint:

      Form precedes use. That’s the fundamental philosophy of Smart Code. Which tells developers this: That before anything, a building first must contribute to a public space appealing to the eyes and ears—to tree-lined pathways instead of bleak stretches of concrete, lively barbershops and delis instead of parking spaces or brick walls, outdoor concert stages and café table seating instead of parking lots. A building is not just an island; it is part of a city.

      “Appealing,” and “lively” as defined by unelected bureaucrats and appointed snobs and NIMBYs on an architecture review board, of course.

      • SDF-7

        Yup… reads like “We’ll tell you what to build, where to build and how to build it… Freedom!”

      • Suthenboy

        Reads like? That is exactly what it is.

    • juris imprudent

      If they at least pronounced it ‘smaht’.

  9. Gustave Lytton

    From the ded thred. HR McMaster can go fuck himself and his continued lying on behalf of the deep state. If I had my druthers, the dipshit would get his first book force fed into his cakehole until he chokes out. It wasn’t a how to manual, dipshit.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      He says Putin used flattery with Trump to get his way. That may well be true. Trump does seem to like flattery. Makes one wonder why the Dems didn’t try it to get things that they wanted.

      Also, is it possible that Trump says nice things about Putin or Lil’ Kim not because he admires them but to get what he wants?

      • Compelled Speechless

        That’s been my instinct about Trump. He will do things for flattery and is happy to receive it. He’s also very capable of doling it out effectively when he wants something.

        Like most criticisms of Trump, the ability to be easily manipulated by flattery is not exclusive to him, it’s a built in feature of narcissists (a group every politician belongs to). I’m only supposed to notice when he acts narcissistically and ignore it or see it as a virtue when the sociopath has the establishment’s stamp of approval.

    • juris imprudent

      He is apparently as morally flexible as one of the Bundys. Almost a reverse McNamara.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yeah, I don’t see HRMcM writing a In Retrospect in his later years.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Kelly Bundy?

    • MikeS

      Did you actually read it and is there anything in that excerpt that you are sure is untrue?

  10. UnCivilServant

    I built a new clock in 45 minutes.

    Admittedly, I didn’t do any of the design work, I just ordered a soldering practice kit from amazon. This one has waaay too many functions, and only two buttons to control them all.

    • UnCivilServant

      OF course even this one works for twenty minutes then breaks.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Overheating due to poor architecture?
        /I know it’s not your design

      • UnCivilServant

        Two of the digits just decided to flicker and stop lighting up.

        Since the display has a built-in Driver controlled by some sort of serial interface, that tells me it’s probably Chinese quality.

  11. Suthenboy

    Why would I watch a fictional show about evil? I can just turn on the news any time.

    “laws for how everything on private ground is built”

    From a few things I have heard I get the notion Trump intends to make the scamdemic architects and executioners pay for what they did. Were it me I would be looking for them to go to prison, not installed in office.

    *Wife is cussing and spitting. Very pissed that FOX cut off RFK’s speech to have some bobbleheads jibber jabber. I was too. She is still steaming.

    • Nephilium

      Because in the fictional show, the good guys win nearly all the time.

    • hayeksplosives

      “laws for how everything on private ground is built”

      This is literally what got Thomas Massie into politics. He just wanted to build a farmhouse on his own land, his way.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Moss pointed to the front of Ohio City’s Reinberger Auditorium as example of past planning foibles, and what Smart Code would reject. More than one-third of the auditorium is brick and door, creating a kind of automatic anticipation anxiety in the walker.

    An excellent example. After all, an auditorium/theater has no need to be able to create an artificial interior environment.

    • cavalier973

      I started looking for pics, but there are none, except for Google Street View

      • Nephilium

        I honestly had to look up that building. I didn’t recognize it based on the name. It’s not exactly in a… let’s say… vibrant… area.

        Of course, based on their new rules, they wouldn’t want some of our iconic buildings, such as the Agora to be there (better venue, shittier neighborhood).

    • Suthenboy

      What the fuck is automatic anticipation anxiety and why does brick and doors cause it?
      The perfect admission of ‘my personal esthetics are the correct ones and everyone has the same mental illness I do.’

    • Suthenboy

      I have to say the Kennedy speech was quite moving. Mostly because everything he said is true. The democrat party is the party of evil, corruption, war and banana republic tactics. I took special notice of his calling out how many Ukrainians and Russians have been murdered in furtherance of their grand designs of the elite’s enslavement of all mankind.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yep. I disagree with him on some points, but he comes across as sincere and statesmanlike.

      • The Other Kevin

        He just calmly laid everything out. And I like that it wasn’t just, “They’re out to get me”. Everything he said applied to him and Trump, and to Jill Stein.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Jill Stein coming out next would just blow up the whole process. Ain’t gonna happen, but if it must, do it. Your primary part of your splinter group does not want you Jill.

    • hayeksplosives

      What’s a good link to RFK Jr’s speech in full?

    • Compelled Speechless

      That only works as a joke. In reality, bullets completely defy physics by bouncing around and completely changing trajectories to hit multiple other targets after they hit a Kennedy.

  13. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    Smart Code is still a code.

  14. Suthenboy

    Fuckin’ herd animals must lay awake at night dreaming about all of the ways they think people should be living and how they can shove that down people’s throats. I remember having such thoughts…when I was ten and didn’t know how the world and people interact with it from my ass.
    What is my neighbor doing right now? I dont give a fuck. What are their plans for the weekend? I dont give a fuck, and so on and on.

    I cant decide which is more arrogant, those that think they can plan a utopian city or those who think they can plan a utopian economy. No matter how many times it turns out to be a catastrophe they are always one more try away from showing us this time.

  15. Gustave Lytton

    RFK’s lauding of the electoral integrity of John [Election] F[raud] Kennedy is a bit over the top.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    5. It’ll be illegal to build parking in between the building and the street.

    It’s both the crown and bane of American suburbia: the street-facing parking lot.

    Awesome. I love it when I can’t tell where the entrance to a business is.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Not only is Cleveland a land of parking space surplus, but those front-facing parking lots, like the one at Planet Fitness on Lorain, have a similar affect on pedestrians as does dead space.

    “It makes the whole street less walkable,” he said. “And there are fewer things. It’s just like, you can fit more than a gym here, right? And looking at it, it’s obvious that what’s taking up all the extra space is cars.”

    Needs more density. Cram the rats in tighter and tighter until they go crazy.

  18. Sensei

    Given us sending our military where it most certainly doesn’t belong I have mixed feelings being told today that one of my good friend’s sons just enlisted in the Marine Corps.

    He’s 17 and deferred until he graduates high school. It’s all he has wanted to do since he got in high school.

    That said I hope he makes the most of his experience.

    • Fourscore

      I’m thinking the AF has better schools.

      The old army commercial, “Doing more before 9 AM than most people do all day” would not have been on my to do list

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Because in the fictional show, the good guys win nearly all the time.

    “The good ended well, and the bad ended poorly. That is what fiction means.”

    Roughly remembered from The Importance of Being Ernest, which I need to watch again soon.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Happily / unhappily, but near as dammit.

      Have you seen the deleted scenes from the script? Not just the prison and lawyer subplot but more bits, back before changing the name Lady Bracknell from Lady Brancaster.

      The 50s film had the perfect cast.

  20. Ownbestenemy

    So RFK made a claim that the RNC only mentioned Biden twice. Seems far-fetched, but let us see what CNN says.

    Fact check: RFK Jr. claimed Biden was mentioned just twice at the RNC. It was nearly 400 times

    Okay. Then..they claim Trump’s speech mentioned Biden twice…

    The only thing is, that transcript is readily available, and guess what..nah, he didn’t.

    Now of course the twice claim is false..but ya, even CNN couldn’t fact-check that right. Also, way to throw out a non-sequitur to the thorough demolition of what the MSM has been doing to him, his campaign and the country as a whole.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    I couldn’t take any more of that planned city nonsense. All those imaginary pedestrians, with their needy bafflement, were too pathetic to bear.

    • Suthenboy

      Imaginary pedestrians beware of the thousands of imaginary bike riders.

      *I just saw an ad on TV for e-bikes.
      Didn’t lots of metro areas put out thousands of e-bikes for public use? Are they still in operation? How is that going? I asking because I really dont know.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        We have a shit ton down here, they make real bike riders look respectable. No brakes!
        No rules!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        “they make real bike riders look respectable”

        Hey! I represent that!

      • Beau Knott

        MSU put/allowed in a shit-ton of the rental ones a couple years back. In the latest ‘clean up the Red Cedar River effort’ (it runs through campus), they’ve pulled out 260 so far. /rolls eyes/

    • Don escaped Texas

      imaginary pedestrians

      this is the very nature of half of state action: there is no beneficiary save the engineering and contracting firms that install the changes

      Memphis has finally abandoned most of the trolley for all of the very reasons I screamed (35 years ago) not to build it all: expensive, inflexible, unneeded; I have never seen more than five people on a trolley, and the average population is probably near 1.5 passengers. But I got to pay for all of this monstrosity that I never even considered using.

  22. Tres Cool

    The article neglected to mention such trendy sightseeing spots as Hitler Park, Hitler Pond, and Hitler Rd #2.

    • Sensei

      Hitler Rd #2

      Doesn’t that cross with Braun Blvd and have a dead end?

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yeah at Berlin Bunker Ct.

    • Nephilium

      But is worth it for the line:

      Then there was Dr. Gay Hitler, son of George Washington Hitler, who was a local dentist who served the community for more than twenty years in the early 20th century.

    • juris imprudent

      Hmm, I might just have to join tonight, since the sun won’t even be down. We are forecast for some rain tomorrow, right before gate opens. Bwahahaha

      • Ownbestenemy

        Mud Man Part Deux?

      • juris imprudent

        In this case they’ll be held up from coming in. It has already been interesting with tickets available at the box office (first time in a dozen years).

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Rain is proof that God hates Burning Man.

      • juris imprudent

        I’m not the god, just a god.

  23. CPRM

    Districts determine the height of fences, the maximum number of stories and overall height. They size up windows and doors. They dictate the size of pocket parks or courtyards.

    Within these limits however, builders are pretty much given free rein.

    Free rein to do as dictated, FREEDOM!

    • Fourscore

      Zoning commissions know what’s good for you.

      In spite of all the governmental planning (infringement), homeless/hookers/drug entrepreneurs and mentally distracted do when they want, when and where they want.

    • Suthenboy

      “…within these limits however, builders are pretty much given free rein.”
      Who would say such a thing? Mostly peaceful indeed.

  24. DEG

    Now, there is a variant of this that removes the Applejack/Apple Brandy to replace it with an ounce of Irish Whiskey and a half ounce of Calvados,

    Both look good.

  25. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I got ingredients for a quasi-painkiller tonight

  26. The Late P Brooks

    I just flashed on this:

    Form precedes use.

    Turning Frank Lloyd Wright on his head.

    “Form follows function” is nonsensical outdated claptrap.

    • Ted S.

      Don’t you mean Le Corbusier?

  27. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Dog saw a squirrel on the tree (only, like, 18″ outside my window). Now he’s vibrating.

    • Tundra

      I get to repair a screen. It was a rabbit, not a squirrel though.

    • Ted S.

      So you’re saying you’ve got a vibrator?

  28. CPRM

    I just had a thought. We should start buying up the failed malls. Rip the the roof off the concourse areas, put a farmers market and plant trees in the parking lot. These walkable city dipshits will love the same thing made worse.

    • Shpip

      The local Big College med school has a thriving clinical practice (naturally). They’ve been leasing storefront space from the local mall for years.

      Rent’s dirt cheap, lots of parking, and the old farts were already going there to get their steps in. Win-win.

  29. Shpip

    A reminder, friends: today is National Cuban Sandwich Day.

    Tampa-style is the original, and still best, but you can get Miami-style if (like the sandwich) pressed.

    Just be sure not to eat it too fast. That can lead to Castro-intestinal problems.

    • juris imprudent

      You should be castro-ated for that.

      • Tundra

        Raoul-ing on the floor laughing.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        If that were to happen, he’d be Havana bad day

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Acton’s role as state health director threw her into the statewide, and even national, spotlight for a time.

    She gained praise from many for how she combined expertise with a comforting demeanor, reassuring residents huddled at home in fear of the deadly virus.

    Acton also had her critics. She wielded broad emergency powers during the pandemic to sweeping effect. Among her actions were halting the state’s presidential primary, closing down Ohio’s gyms and fitness centers and imposing stay-at-home orders as she and DeWine worked to prevent COVID’s spread.

    Critics? Don’t you mean deranged science-denying lunatics willing to kill off humanity in defense of their supposed “freedom” to spread disease?

    • Raven Nation

      I don’t remember anything about Acton, but anyone who turns up at a press conference wearing a doctor’s coat has already lost my respect.

      • Ted S.

        Isn’t she the one who claimed Ohio had 100K undiagnosed cases early on (when the official number would have been around 1K)?

        And, by implication, there were 100K asymptomatic Ohioans walking around out there ready to kill you?

  31. Mojeaux

    If I see “pregnant person” one more time, I swear I’m going to explode.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      So I guess chest feeder is out of the question too?

      • The Other Kevin

        Grab em by the front hole.

      • doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Last time a saw a mouth that big it had a hook in it.

  32. R C Dean

    “Look upon the future of urban planning and despair.”

    “Safety. Diversity. Things to do and places to eat. Prosperity.”

    The cat lady view of the world. What about dynamism, energy, opportunity?

    • juris imprudent

      You mean: chaos, fear and exploitation?

      • Tundra

        But enough about my ex girlfriend…

  33. Stinky Wizzleteats

    DEO? Sounds dangerous my man. Give me a long life in a padded call with a good nutritious vanilla flavored paste available.

  34. doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    “The switch? Ha!

    We went through a very open process, a very inclusive process, it was bottom-up. I don’t know if you know that, at least that’s what I’ve been told to say.

    A 30-minute convention? Between a tweet and another tweet.

    What is amazing is how unified everyone is, it’s incredible.”

    • Gustave Lytton

      OT: I know you gave it to me before but I seem to have lost it– what was the name of chimney mason business that fixed your chimney? Getting ready to fix our leaving tower of Pisa.

      • doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Sorry, it looks like they have gone under.

    • Evan from Evansville

      It’s sadly not insane what Team Blue is doing to their acolytes. It’s (long) become a religion to Their Followers. (I’ll refrain from more Soviet terms for now. Some of them are UIs, but not the flock.) They only ‘know’ Trump is evil and Team Blue is glory upon us and has been since the intersection of post-GWB + Obama.

      Politics has always been personal, and largely, religious. Or at least ‘moral.’ (To whatever extent.) Now…I’m sure I’m not old enough to compare it to similar semi-recent religious-social fervor moment. (<– Stoned Ev writes ugly sentences just back at home.)

    • Sensei


  35. creech

    Stupid Party should be able to flip the Senate. By 2 or 3 pickups,but not the five or six needed if a few RINOS decide President Harris’s policies are fine. Any anchor will be welcome in the fascist storm.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Just lie back and think of concession speeches.

  36. Sean

    I’m fucking tired of seeing Paxlovid commercials.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Shingrix. Shingrix. Shingrix. DAMMIT I got sick of those.

      *Every fist shaking!*

    • creech

      I’m lowering my A1C.

    • The Hyperbole

      Sounds like a good time to quit watching TV

    • Tres Cool

      I think it was on this day in 1967 that Keith rolled a Lincoln limo into a Holiday Inn pool.

      • Tundra


  37. Tres Cool

    Its finally happened! My employer, Giant Global Goliath Envirocorp™ has me scheduled to attend Diversity, Equity, Inclusion training!

  38. The Other Kevin

    Trump has RFK on the stage at a rally. The place went nuts.

  39. Tres Cool

    Robin Williams on Trump’s hair.

    • Tundra

      Excellent trend.

      • MikeS

        Except for the asshole who invented West Coast pilsners

      • Tundra

        Never had one. Bad?

      • MikeS

        Me either, but I assume it sucks

        In 2015 Bob Kunz, founder of Highland Park Brewery in Los Angeles, blended a West Coast IPA’s trademark bright and intense hop profile with a snappy German-style pilsner to create Timbo Pils. He categorizes it as a West Coast pilsner, a style catching on countrywide.

  40. Evan from Evansville

    Just checked the Trump rally for a min. I still don’t see any way he doesn’t landslide his way in. Note: “Legal” way to not win. I still predict vast badness if Harris somehow takes the Throne. I am also predictably young, arrogant, and every generation in every election has said the same thing.

    It certainly *feels* different than anything in my lifetime. *shrug*

  41. CatchTheCarp

    Reading the link about the Compaq 386 sparked some memories. I started my first IT job in 1987 for a lumber and millwork company. I still remember all the buzz when the CAD department obtained the companies first Compaq 386 PC with 1 MB of RAM /40 GB hard drive to replace a slow Pentium machine. My job title was “computer operator” which entailed running batch jobs from a menu, system operations/monitoring and performing back-ups (mounting tapes on a tape drive) on an IBM System 38 “mini computer”.

    • slumbrew

      That’s gotta be reversed, no?

      The 386 was two generations earlier than the Pentium processors.

      Re: the second part, I miss “tape ape” as a job description