1. AlexinCT

    Harold Loyyd!

    • cavalier973

      Probably the hardest-working silent film comedian

  2. AlexinCT

    J6 Bombshell: Secret Service got intel on ‘high potential’ for violence but didn’t tell agents

    Our government has hidden behind ineptitude – because there is apparently no consequence for being abject failures in government – so often, that they can hide evil things and then pretend it was just ineptitude.

    Yes, there is massive ineptitude in government. In society at large. Removing merit and replacing it with bullshit characteristics or with oaths of political loyalty has consequences. It’s why marxism, all socialism, fails. But do not be fooled when these evil fucks do things that clearly are intended to produce a result they can exploit and then hide behind ineptitude when they are found out.

    J6 was not just allowed to happen, but they did everything they could to make it so. They even had a backup plan nobody talks about: those 2 bombs placed in D.C. – a city covered in cameras and other tracking systems – by someone in a hoody that nobody in the intelligence machine has been able to find. Shit, conveniently, phone data for the area went bad (there are systems used by intel to scramble that stuff)!

    Same goes for this Trump assassination attempt. The more we find out, the more it looks like this was just too much coincidental “ineptitude”, right where it was most needed to create an opening to murder their enemy, for reality.

    • AlexinCT

      Acting Secret Service Chief ‘Retaliated Against’ Agents Who Had Security Concerns At Trump Event, Whistleblower Claims

      There was a plan…

    • juris imprudent

      apparently no consequence

      Apparently? The bureaucracy has worked diligently, for generations, to accomplish that. There’s no apparently involved.

      • AlexinCT

        OK, I concede that point.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Did JI and Alex just agree on something?

      • R C Dean

        I particularly like that the guy was in charge of personal protection for the SS got a fucking promotion out of the colossal failure of personal protection by the SS.

        I would say that Trump getting clipped by that bullet has had consequences for some people at the SS. Good things have happened for them.

      • Suthenboy

        “Did JI and Alex just agree on something?”

        Sometimes it is easy to get lost in the weeds, spin your wheels splitting hairs etc.
        With regards to me and Christians we align quite well morally. We are both in the same place…largely. It doesnt matter to me how they got here…only that they are here.

      • Compelled Speechless

        RC Dean – I was listening to the full audio of the congressional hearings on this that happened this week. When Lindsey Graham got his chance to ask the new acting director of the SS questions, literally all he asked was how Congress could help get them more funding and agents. As if funding was the fucking problem. Is there a more treacherous piece of shit in all of politics?

    • cavalier973

      Never assume the incompetence wasn’t driven by malice

      • Suthenboy

        I like that revision.

      • rhywun

        This. DEI is a convenient fig leaf to hide the deliberate promotion of chaos and incompetence.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Chaos, incompetence and blind loyalty. In other words, DEI is about installing apparatchiks.

    • Tonio

      Our country is suffering a crises of competency (or lack thereof). DEI may not be the root cause, but it’s making things worse.

      • Sensei

        That’s my position at the moment.

      • Suthenboy

        Incompetency is the goal. DEI is just the means to it, not the root cause.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Some of the most epically colossal fuckups I have known in IT all ended up working for the Minnesoda IT department.

        Our state IT department is legendary for trying to build their own systems, fucking it up royally and then buying some commercial package for a fraction of the cost. The only person ever fired that I know of was the one manager who warned them that if they rolled out their “solution” it would be a disaster.

        The rolled it out, it was a disaster and they fired Cassandra.

      • AlexinCT

        Incompetence in government is unavoidable. People went to work in government for benefits and the fact they didn’t have to actually do any productive work. Once they added DEI to that it doomed government to a future beyond acceptable mediocrity and one where massive failure was inevitable.

  3. Sensei

    US Recognizes Venezuela’s Edmundo González as Winner of Presidential Election

    “Bee” or the “Not the Bee”? I’m never sure anymore.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m still hoping this ends with Maduro and his cronies swinging from streetlamps as the crowd rejects the Chavista regime totally.

      • AlexinCT

        Lots of people will have to die for them to pull that off….

        Venezuelans lost their right to bear arms under the socialist movement to make Venezuela better for all. Then they all got buttfucked.

      • UnCivilServant

        People? You mean communists.

      • UnCivilServant

        Unless you’re talking about the regime shooting at the crowds.

        Though there have been recent repots of police and military in Venezuela joining the protestors. So I’m not sure who will have the pirepower advantage when the shooting starts.

      • Suthenboy

        “…lost their right to bear arms under the socialist movement to make X better for all. Then they all got buttfucked.”
        Haven’t we seen this movie before?

      • The Last American Hero

        President Hero would be doing a Berlin Airlift of guns that would make Zardoz blush.

    • AlexinCT

      Whatever is convenient for the cabal running things. And they do not care if you catch them clearly doing so.

      • AlexinCT


    • WTF

      ELECTION DENIERS!!!!111!!

  4. Chipping Pioneer

    Where’s Joe Biden? No one cares now

    As usual, Republican losers are missing an opportunity. They should be publicly and loudly asking every day, “Who is the Commander in Chief right now?”

    • AlexinCT

      I have watched the people pretending to do news completely avoid the question: “Who was and has been running the country?”

      And most Americans, especially the team blue idiots, have moved past caring.


      You are assuming that they actually want to win and govern.

      • Fourscore

        Governing means taking responsibility for the outcome.

        My dad always passed the buck to my mom. “Go ask Mom is it’s OK” Kept him out of trouble at home.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      No need to overpoliticize it unnecessarily as the voters are asking themselves just that anyway. A concerted party effort just looks like you’re slagging an old man.

      • Tonio

        Also distracts from scrutiny of Harris and her record of meagre accomplishments.

      • AlexinCT

        Also distracts from scrutiny of Harris and her record of meagre accomplishments.

        I am wondering if they will decide that with less than 100 days to go, what they should do is hide this dumb cunte in a basement – like they did with Biden – while the old propagandist machine rewrites history. I have a feeling this will not work this time because they are starting from behind, and this hag is even more unpopular than Hillary. No rewrite saves that now that people are prepared for that tactic, and it already shows.

        Biden sure stuck it hard to Obama for forcing him to quit by endorsing this cackling wine lady. The democrats are stuck trying to convince people this giant shit sammich is a gourmet one, and that might be a lot harder now without the ability to “fortify” things. So I will not at all be surprised that they will start a war, declare a pandemic, or even murder Biden or Harris to rally the troops and rig another election, if they can do something like sabotage Trumps plane and kill him.

      • AlexinCT

        Also distracts from scrutiny of Harris and her record of meagre accomplishments.

        Her list of men she fucked and sucked to get ahead is impressive, but I have been told we should not see it as such because she was whoring her way up.

      • Ownbestenemy

        She has made the casting couch chic again.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        They should have her before congress every day asking her “why haven’t you enacted the 25th?”

      • AlexinCT

        They should have her before congress every day asking her “why haven’t you enacted the 25th?”

        She might be dumb enough to admit that the people really running the country have not let her do so…

      • rhywun

        I’m still stuck on the question of how is she even the nominee. Nobody voted for her. She didn’t win any primaries. It’s just another coup, a gigantic practical joke being played on the voters.

      • AlexinCT

        I’m still stuck on the question of how is she even the nominee. Nobody voted for her. She didn’t win any primaries. It’s just another coup, a gigantic practical joke being played on the voters.

        You think the people that not once, but twice, robbed their base voters of the candidate they really wanted (Bernie Sanders), by using a loophole to override that democracy where the voters told them who they wanted, would give a flying fuck about a maneuver like this, unless it was done by their political opponent?

        There is a reason the deep state aligned with team blue: they are both a cabal of crime syndicates.

    • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

      Funny enough, Super Democrat Girl (SDG for short) who lives down the street from me still has a Biden (in red sunglasses, natch) sign in her yard.

      I get the opinion that Harris is “all show, no go” with the faithful, IE that they aren’t too sure about her either, but since the propaganda machine goes BRRR, they have to go along.

      • Fourscore

        Couldn’t help but notice that Biden has gone ‘orange’. Must have got a Trump reject person doing the makeup.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      I think you all give the average voter far too much credit.

  5. AlexinCT

    Court Blocks FCC’s Reinstatement of Net Neutrality Rules for Broadband Internet

    Net neutrality is about government control of internet access and content. Not about helping any sort of user experience.

  6. juris imprudent

    Secret Service developed intelligence

    You know, that is a curious phrase. Intelligence, in the national security sense, is typically a clandestine exercise in deception or subterfuge – things that could never pass judicial review in a criminal justice sense.

    • AlexinCT

      The part that worries me is that we are finding out that the SS KNEW about the threat and was coordinating the search for the perp, but lead agent still let Trump go on stage…

      I mean, that could be plain ineptitude, but then you also find out they knew 90 mins before they brought Trump out and that the SS had ordered them to search out the perp, which makes the decision to bring Trump out not just suspicious and highly convenient if you want to have him murdered, but exactly what you would have done if you had created a situation where even the most basics of securing a site where disregarded so you could make a particular outcome more likely to happen.

      The bullet missing really FUBARED their plans, and the reaction and need to prevent Trump from being seen as a fighter and a potential martyr, tells me everything I need to know. At least they went from “MAGA is Nazis, and Trump is Hitler” to “They are all weird”… I guess that is a de-escalation….

      • Suthenboy

        “They are weird” Then point to examples that are all perfectly normal.

        They really do think they can proclaim something and reality will comply. Meanwhile they are a complete freak show.

      • AlexinCT

        I think the strategy here Suthenboy was to disarm the people the left called weird from actually doing that to them. Think about that, the left is beyond weird to the point of being mental. My take is that it has not only failed, but backfired, as I can already see them moving to the next pile of shit they will throw at the wall, hoping it turns into a masterpiece and bamboozles the low information morons.

  7. Pope Jimbo

    Daily Ray of Sunshine

    Make it to the end. I love where she talks about Little Women. I am very sensitive about literacy right now because I am pretty much illiterate in Japan. I can only imagine how bad it would be to live like this your entire life.

    • UnCivilServant

      To be fair, the Japanese writing system makes it impossible to be truely literate. You can be functionally literate, but there are alsoways more Kanji to learn.

      • Sensei

        That’s true, but they standardized it on a finite amount of kanji as defined for literacy.

        It’s the same way you always find new vocabulary in English, but can still claim fluency. But I get your point.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t claim to be fluent in English.

        But I mostly take that position as a joke.

        Also, how did ‘always’ become ‘alsoways’? I don’t have autocorrect, so my fingers typed that.

      • Rat on a train

        That’s the new vocabulary Sensei mentioned.

    • Fourscore

      But yet new arrivals learn to read on their own, if they are young enough.

      Want a driver’s license? Take the written test in English.

      • AlexinCT

        Exactly! If you are going to let the horde in, at least demand they do the conforming. Have no doubt that the people that peddle for government to do all things in anything but English have an agenda. Said agenda is to destroy what it meant and means to be an American. Need tat done for them to create the new man, you know…

      • rhywun

        Won’t somebody please think of the state-mandated translation teams??

    • Sensei

      Your Holiness after close to a decade and a half of Japanese study I’m barely literate. I can read whole pages at a glance in English, but I have to read character by character in Japanese. The same way a child up to middle school reads in English.

      When I see walls of kanji in something like a Japanese grocery store sales circular I can’t read them except character by character. I can’t imagine what this is like for someone who is illiterate and how they cope with day life.

      Literacy volunteers are doing a mitzvah.

      • UnCivilServant

        The same way a child up to middle school reads in English.


        Even my shitty schools regarded books like The Hobbit as middle school reading material. While I admit that I read faster than my peers at that age, they weren’t going word by word.

      • Sensei

        I read The Hobbit in middle school as well. I probably should have said middle school in Japan. A middle school Japanese child would be unable to read the official translation of “The Hobbit” as he she would lack the kanji to do so.

        I was trying to reference the way a literate adult can skim a page of text and quickly find the relevant data. Something that isn’t easy for children to do. My Japanese friends can do the same with a wall of characters and it amazes me.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I no read that good in English. I love reading, but I’ve always been a very slow reader and I have to go back and re-read a lot of the time. Super frustrating to like something so much and be so bad at it (sort of like my basketball career).

        We brought a bunch of our old kiddie books with us on this trip and the kids can work through them almost as fast as I can. Luckily I still beat them at comprehension.

        I was ecstatic today because I recognized the kanji for “water” while looking at the signs around the pissers. No idea if I was supposed to not gargle the water or wash my hands afterwards with water, but at least I knew a word.

      • Sensei

        Pope Jimbo – there are some tricks.

        水 – mizu or water.

        氷 – koori or ice.

        See how the character for ice has an extra stroke? You’ll see that store in the summer and in that case in means they are advertising popsicles and the like.

        What I find amazing is that Japanese people can see that and the surrounding characters in context when skimming and make the distinction. I can’t.

      • UnCivilServant

        It took me several tries to even spot the difference between those two. Once I did, it was obvious and remained so, but I was trying to figure it out before reading the remainder of the comment.

      • AlexinCT

        I was trying to reference the way a literate adult can skim a page of text and quickly find the relevant data. Something that isn’t easy for children to do. My Japanese friends can do the same with a wall of characters and it amazes me.

        It comes down to the conditioning and familiarity. If you are hammered with something, from a young age, you develop the skills to deal with it. Granted some will do it faster and some will regardless of effort be able to do it quicker, and that mental setup would be interesting to explore. If you are exposed to multiple different alphabets or languages with different schemas young, some people are able to handle that, despite the required basics varying big time.

        I was forced to learn a bunch of languages cause my dad sent me to school with the locals wherever he was stationed. He did so because he believed I could handle that and it would help with my speech impediment and general disposition towards avoiding human beings (it did). I have to admit that one thing I have discovered is that when I am switching between languages, I am a bit slow, and that is because I switch to thinking in the language I am speaking. I have been told by practically everyone else that they don’t do that. They are still thinking in their native tongue and translating as they go. I have no concept of how to do that.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have no concept of how to think in a language other than English. I might accumulate vocabulary from other languages, but they are simply appended as synonyms to my existing framework at best.

        One of the last examinations I had before not having to take public school Spanish any more was a one on one conversation with the insturctor in Spanish. By brain whirred “what was it she said? What does that mean? What do I want to respond? How do I say that i Spanish?” for every interaction.

        I no longer remember any Spanish save a handful of words and phrases.

      • Sensei

        Alex – I can partially think in Japanese, but not fully.

        I can tell you that when I switch between Japanese and English I momentarily pause as my brain has to “shift gears” so to speak.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Pope Jimbo – there are some tricks.
        水 – mizu or water.
        氷 – koori or ice.

        So what you are telling me is that wasn’t a chunk of Japanese shaved ice at the bottom of the urinal? Uffda. That makes me happy. I love ice cream and thought that they had fucked it up as badly as they fuck up pizza.

      • AlexinCT

        I switch totally to thinking in the language I am reading/speaking. If I don’t do that I can’t do the reading or speaking. And yes, there is a short delay. translating from a language to English and back leaves me dead in the water. Heck, I even dream in different languages.

      • Sensei

        Alex, after almost a decade I had my first dream all in Japanese.

        I don’t remember the dream, but I definitely remember having it because it felt like an accomplishment. My Japanese friend had similar thoughts about her first dream in English.

      • Evan from Evansville

        *hand up in class, hopefully not drawing attention to the kid in the corner* … The Hobbit was my favorite book in elementary school, hence my hatred of spinning a 236pg book into two movies and nearly six hours of bullshit. The land of hobbits fun for Short Fry to immerse in.

        Mom was in church choir. I’d slip out to the bathrooms and read my smuggled-in Hobbit and/or baseball cards, maybe a comic book. I COULDA been doin’ more fun, ‘transgressive’/fitting in a Catholic church bathroom, but I was 9 or 10! Older bro would sneak off and play basketball in the gym they were kinda connected to. Looking back, that’s what he ‘said’ he was up to –and he did take me to the gym, so it did exist– I’d like to think he was getting far friskier w congregants his age. He is/was meticulously planned. “That’s just what [I] said!” would greatly please me.

      • UnCivilServant

        In my Defense, Ev, I didn’t know The Hobbit existed prior to middle school.

        I was the kid who got in trouble for staying up late to read, having learned before kindergarten, and if given the chance could devour a novel in an afternoon (mass market paperback, not a doorstopper).

        I only cut back on reading as I took up writing.

      • Evan from Evansville

        I can still ‘read’ Hangul just fine, nearly perfectly. I can’t make some of the combined-vowels they do, but not shabby for a white guy. I can sound out Shakespeare or anything translated into Korean, but I’m just making the sounds. Unless I come across the ~200 words I know/recognize, I will have zero idea what I’m actually reading.

        Numbers (in one of two ‘systems’) are just fine. Basic ordering, cabbie instructions, basic school-related vocab like ‘noun,’ ‘verb’ up to ‘preposition’, and then I’m probably about out. I was able to get around just fine. Any weiguk saying ANYTHING in Korean is to be adorned as if you’ve just performed a Houdini escape WHILE simultaneously curing cancer. It’s pretty funny in every way possible.

      • Sensei

        Evan – a white guy speaking Japanese gets similar reactions.

        It’s always interesting.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, in China I got looks when I knew I was saying a simple phrase correctly – like I was growing an extra head or something.

      • Fourscore

        I remember dreaming in French, long. long ago. I could think in broken French or ‘motor pool’ French as some said.

      • slumbrew

        “Motor pool French”

        “20 francs, same as downtown”?

      • slumbrew

        “20 francs, comme au centre-ville”

    • Ted S.

      I remember the early 80s when adult illiteracy was the moral panic of the day.

      That, and bag ladies.

    • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

      N0, I am not crying, it very dusty in here!

    • Tundra


      Thanks, Holiness.

  8. juris imprudent

    Heh-heh-heh, a new “domino” theory.

    The Nature study found that the four “pillars” it focused on — the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Current (AMOC), the Amazon rainforest and the vast but melting Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets — are interconnected, like a row of dominoes.

    • AlexinCT

      Desperate times call for even more desperate lies…

    • slumbrew

      We’re all gonna die!!!!

      But if you do everything I say…

      • Fourscore

        Some of us sooner than others.

    • Suthenboy

      The normal cycles of climate on the earth mean the gods are angry and sacrifices must be made. The priests will tell us what those sacrifices are and manage them on behalf of the gods.

      Will we ever manage to shake the dust of the cave off of ourselves? Magic 8 ball says ‘Dont count on it’

    • ElspethFlashman

      What about that hole in the ozone layer? We were all going to die 30+years ago.

      • Nephilium

        Thankfully the global cooling froze the acid rain in place, plugging the ozone hole.

      • Fourscore

        Thanks Neph, for the scientific explanation. Now I understand

  9. Pope Jimbo

    I hate everyone involved in this story.

    Some new legislation introduced by a Northland lawmaker in Wisconsin could bring the state’s first national park to our area.
    While many may be excited about that prospect, some folks in Bayfield are concerned about the change.
    The Apostle Islands sit off the south shore of Lake Superior. Their appeal and beauty are unquestioned.
    “We’re really excited about this opportunity, and the Apostle Islands are really a crown jewel,” said Representative Tom Tiffany, Republican congressman serving Wisconsin’s 7th District.
    Tiffany has introduced legislation to change the area from a national lakeshore to a national park.
    According to Peterson, to deem the area a national lakeshore decades ago, there was significant public testimony on the matter, compared to a short legislative bill now.
    “That bill is one and a half pages long in comparison to the 1,000 plus pages done on research to make it a lakeshore,” Peterson said.

    I wonder what class projects in the DC area must look like. Out here in the brush the walls are full of pictures of farmers, cops, firemen, bankers, etc. where kids have drawn what their dad does. In DC, what does a kid draw when his dad is “First Assistant to the Secretary of National Lakeshores”?

    The story also goes in depth on how the local tribes are butt hurt because the pols aren’t kissing their asses. Fuck you, you lost. You don’t get any special rights or say in any projects.

  10. Drake

    I’ll guess that Intel has some serious cost and price issues right now. Had to buy a new laptop last week. Models with AMD cores cost almost half as much as equivalent Intels. Since I’m not running AI or high-end games, the choice seemed easy.

    • Nephilium

      Nearly all of my gaming rigs have had AMD chips for the CPU.

      • Sensei

        I haven’t bought an Intel CPU for myself in over a decade. OTH, my wife’s PC runs on one of the last generations of Intel’s NUCs.

    • Sensei

      It’s been a while since I checked out AMD’s latest laptop chips. They used to be much less power efficient than Intel chips for the same workload. They gotten much better, but because Intel dominated the space most of the development went on Intel based systems. So that includes the support chips and software.

      If I was a business standardizing on a corporate laptop there is now way I’m picking AMD. The upfront cost savings doesn’t justify the possible headaches on the backend.

      • R.J.

        Yes. I chose Intel for my latest laptop because I didn’t want headaches if I want to swap operating systems or experiment in the future.

  11. Certified Public Asshat

    KAMALA — UNSCRIPTED FOR THE FIRST TIME:"This is just an extraordinary testament to the importance of having a president who understands the power of diplomacy and understands the strength that rests in understanding the significance of diplomacy."WHAT? pic.twitter.com/lxlhhG1xhT— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) August 2, 2024

    Ah, there she is.

    • Ownbestenemy

      The cleanup job by her social team is quite amazing.

    • The Last American Hero

      Look at the drooling guy next to her and it’s clear he doesn’t understand what day of the week it is.

    • Drake

      I keep wondering if it will eventually connect with people that unrestricted immigration is blowing out the demand side of the curve while runaway deficit spending is devaluing our money. Trump’s campaign should be hammering that message.

      • R C Dean

        Except Trump has no plans or desire to cut down on that deficit spending.

        When the dollar collapses, in hindsight people will ask themselves “Why did everybody get so distracted with all that other bullshit? Why couldn’t they see that deficit spending was going to collapse the financial system, then the economy, and cause all this social disruption, and that getting it under control was far and away the most important thing?”

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        Musical chairs, Councilor.

        The sad fact is that the D’s won money wars back in the ’90s, and until we play a new game, this is what we get.

      • R.J.

        Zwak is correct. The repubs became “dems in the slow lane” as stated by Ben Shapiro I think.
        I think Trump even took balancing the budget out of the party plank when he took over.

      • Ted S.

        It’s connecting in Europe, but it’s one of the things the Ruling Class says must not be mentioned.

      • The Other Kevin

        I think you’re being too generous, RC. The people responsible won’t ever take the blame. Instead they’ll convince the masses that all that spending was absolutely necessary and there was nothing else our government could do. The crash will be just bad luck, or they’ll find someone else to blame.

      • Fourscore

        Stock market seems to be leading the way now.

        Reagan enjoyed spending as well.

    • rhywun

      Affordable housing is a growing concern

      Then just build more of it, duh

  12. Sensei

    Just hit the tape.

    The Labor Department reported on Friday that hiring slowed to 114,000 jobs last month, missing expectations. The unemployment rate jumped to 4.3%.

    America is still adding jobs. But the labor market’s strength has been fading, and Friday’s report adds to evidence that it could be on its way to weakness.

    The Fed has been telegraphing that it will cut in September. I’d suggest this just about confirms that is going to happen.

    • WTF

      What are the odds that numbers also quietly get revised down next month?

      • Sensei

        Above 70%.

      • AlexinCT

        If you still believe any government data, especially in an election year, and after all the crooked shit they have done to confuse the information, you are going to be played.

        They claim crime went down. What really happened is that they decriminalized a whole bunch of shit that is clearly crime, and then, in blue cities, stopped reporting the real big crime (car jackings, violent attacks, murder) and left the FBI to basically put in their best guess (which conveniently will be half or lower of reality).

        They claim immigration is not as bad as before. But to do that they changed how they count everything and basically then also lie on top of that.

        They claim the economy is fine. To do so, they had to basically change how they counted everything completely, so they could bury the fact that the only reason their horrible policies didn’t force us into a recession, was because the government kept printing and spending money – to the tune of an extra $2 trillion over the normal and tax revenue – and basically kicking the collapse down the line.

        And so on.

        Our government is run by evil and inept fucks whose job isn’t to fix the problems they create, but to find ways to bamboozle the people into thinking the problems don’t exist.

    • cyto

      The dynamics here are confusing.

      2008 costs millions of workers who never came back.

      2020 cost millions of workers who never came back.

      Over that period, some 30 million illegal immigrants piled in?

      And unemployment is .. what?

      The labor market is super tight at the low end, at least for waiters, fast food workers, etc. I know this because I keep running into it. Stores can’t open because they are understaffed. Signs for workers are common.

      Up in Superior Wisconsin last month they had signs all over the local McDonalds offering $17 per hour. That’s 35k to start at an unskilled labor service industry position. A ton of money up there.

      I dunno what it means, but something doesn’t add up

      • AlexinCT

        I dunno what it means, but something doesn’t add up

        It means they have an even larger margin of win from those that vote for a living so they can get government handouts.

      • rhywun

        Same here. Everyone is having trouble filling positions. Housing is insanely expensive and nobody’s biting at the 30K to 40K on offer for entry level work.

        My guess is that handouts lingering from the plague years are still keeping butts on sofas and millions of people have just given up looking. The reported numbers on that are deeply suspicious to me.

      • juris imprudent

        I dunno what it means, but something doesn’t add up

        Even more puzzling – the competition for better jobs; there seem to be tons of candidates.

  13. Suthenboy

    What difference does it make where creepy Joe is? What difference does it make where kamalamadingdong is?
    The dem admin is just theater. Should they get elected the policies will not change. If anything they will accelerate the steamrolling of the country to a totalitarian, globalist dictatorship.

    Why does everything the SS, FbI, DoJ etc look like they are covering up the assassination attempt on Trump? The question answers itself.

    Venezula: If ‘the opposition’ ends up in power – meet the new boss.

    Very little talk about Trump directly addressing Hamas with “The hostages better be freed by the time I get into office”

    Big Brother wants his goddamned Ministry of Truth. Anyone who says otherwise is just spreading misinformation.

    Vance must be the best VP pick otherwise the dems wouldn’t be freaking out over him.

    Add 66 more judges and keep the FDA. The freakshow must go on.

    We need a constitutional amendment severely limiting total tax burden on private entities and limiting the printing of money. Wipe out the ‘entitlements’. That would solve all of the world’s problems. My work is done.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Very little talk about Trump directly addressing Hamas with “The hostages better be freed by the time I get into office”

      Given Israel’s recent actions, I am guessing the intel is there are no more survivors or very little survivors. A lot of their actions they were taking was in hopes of getting them back. Taking out high ranking officials to me, signals they believe them all dead.

      • AlexinCT

        They sure as hell worry about another Ronald Reagan moment where Iran let hostages go because they feared the consequences while Carter played his fiddle.

      • Suthenboy

        At this point I am in favor of eliminating that cancer from the face of the earth and making Iran pay a very, very heavy price for what they have done. Include Obama, Biden and their handlers to that list.

  14. Pope Jimbo

    I make fun of the lunacy of Minnesoda Public Radio a lot, but they’ve been doing a great job on this nut punch of a story.

    An autistic dude calls the cops because local hoods hassled him at a bus stop and the cops showed up and helped him calm down.

    C’mon man! You know that isn’t how it went down. They chased him down and then tased, hog-piled and shot him up with ketamine. Totally ruined his life(details if you can stomach them).

    This all happened in one of the richest suburbs of Minneapolis and the city is trying to blame anyone except their goon cops.

    The city of Edina is continuing to deny any responsibility for an incident where police violently restrained a man, tased him and asked paramedics to inject him with a sedative after he called 911 for help while struggling with anxiety in 2019.
    A spokesperson for the city of Edina also contends that the decision to administer the sedative was made by a paramedic, not a police officer. However, a police report shows that an officer requested paramedics to respond with the medication “in order to gain control of the male.”
    Kyle Moore, who was then 27, didn’t commit any crimes or threaten anyone before police officers chased and tackled him in a Southdale Mall department store. Moore said in a recently filed federal lawsuit that he suffered from numerous health concerns due to his treatment by officers, including chronic back and neck pain, circulatory issues and damage to his kidney. He said it also exacerbated his already-existing anxiety and PTSD.

    The reporting is good because it is straight up reporting of the facts. They didn’t fuck it up by getting on their soap box and pontificating about how evil all po-po are.

    • Sensei

      I read that when it happened. What happened to Minnesota nice?

      • Pope Jimbo

        Well Edina has never been part of “real” Minnesoda. They are the OG “Cake eaters”.

        Their original sin was being so rich that back in the ’60s they build the first indoor skating rink. The advantage it gave to their high school led to domination at the state hockey tourney (back when it was a single class) for decades. No one here has forgiven them for that yet.

    • AlexinCT

      Like HR in the private sector, cops are not your friends.

      • Sensei

        Somebody here made the comparison to the stray dog that runs up to you. It could be friendly or it could be viscous. You want to always be careful and act accordingly.

      • UnCivilServant

        Most dogs are solid rather than viscous. Though some are vicious.

      • AlexinCT

        I have never had a bad interaction with cops because I have never gave them reason to feel I challenged their AUTHORITAH! That formula works. But that doesn’t mean we not had some contentious encounters.

      • WTF

        Never call the cops unless you want someone to die. Because all the cops bring to any situation is force.

    • R C Dean

      “However, a police report shows that an officer requested paramedics to respond with the medication “in order to gain control of the male.”

      That is known in medical settings as a “chemical restraint” and requires a level of approval and monitoring that is off the charts. The idea that some cop can order it up and some paramedic can administer to a guy pinned in the gutter is just mind-blowing. As usual, everybody involved should be fired and held personally liable, if not jailed, but, wait for it . . . .

      Nothing Else Will Happen.

  15. Sean

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/02:
    *19/19 words (+1 bonus word)
    ⏱️ In the top 6% by speed

    I played https://squaredle.com 08/02:
    *60/60 words (+17 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 2% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 476

  16. Pope Jimbo

    Well this is going to fuck with my orphan values.

    If someone receives bone marrow from a donor of a community of lower socioeconomic status, that recipient may be more likely to die.
    This is according to new research from the University of Minnesota Medical School and the Medical College of Wisconsin.
    Those conducting the study examined the health outcomes of 2,005 cancer patients who, from 2000 to 2013, received allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplants, or transplants of bone marrow from unrelated donors. The results were evocative: those who received transplants from donors who were in the lowest quartile of socioeconomic status were 6.6% more likely to die three years after the transplant. These recipients also had 9.7% lower overall survival compared to those receiving transplants from the highest socioeconomic quartile.

    Sure seems like there has been a spate of stories recently that blame poverty on genetics. They can’t be expected to work hard and succeed, their genes are fscked. I wonder if this is some sort of prep work for extending benefits to all the slackers who decided that 2020 never ended and they will always get paid to sit home on their couch playing video games.

    • AlexinCT

      In a society that values victimhood as big as ours does, I would surmise that classifying being poor as a genetic disorder would be amongst the most biggest wins ever. Heck it would make being a fat ass a “meh” thing…

    • Fourscore

      Mrs F and I have been accepted into the UMinn Med School program as donaters, It’ll be our last donation, however.

    • Suthenboy

      The eugenicists have always been with us. As long as the ‘individuals as a means to an end’ types are around, they will be also. It is a natural outgrowth of that mentality.
      The undesirables must be culled. And the wrong thinkers, that is a mental disorder so them too.

    • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

      They aren’t sitting at home, playing vidja games! They are pursuing their life long dreams of becoming artists, and florists, and mayonnaise makers! This is just another piece of the puzzle that Obamacare helped solve. Just you wait! The economic benefits will be off the charts!

    • AlexinCT


      • Drake

        Ha – 1 minute!

    • Sensei

      NASA issued a $266,678 task award to SpaceX on July 14 for a “special study for emergency response.” NASA said this study was not directly related to Starliner’s problems, but two sources told Ars it really was

      It makes perfect sense and isn’t surprising. However, the date IS interseting.

    • Suthenboy

      Who coulda seen that coming?
      How are the DEI crowd going to spin this?

      • Suthenboy

        I mentioned this to wife…told her they are out of power and probably running low on food. She suggested “Tell them to call Grub-Hub..they are DEI also.”

  17. AlexinCT

    When I saw this, I came away with the fact Boeing had created another boondoggle for a boondoggle prone government entity. In the end, they will need to send up Musk’s rocket to bring these people back, because the dragon capsule for project Starliner will very likely burn up on reentry, regardless of what bullshit NASA peddles now to do PR.

  18. The Other Kevin

    Something I thought about this morning… Did the Biden/Trump debate make any difference? Yes, they forced Biden out, but did anyone who believed that Biden was “sharp as a tack” finally realize they were being lied to this whole time, and actually have a problem with it? I haven’t seen any polls and I haven’t talked to anyone in real life.

    • AlexinCT

      Yes, they forced Biden out, but did anyone who believed that Biden was “sharp as a tack” finally realize they were being lied to this whole time,/em>”

      The media knew they were lying. They don’t care that you know either, BTW. The low information voters that vote team blue probably registered that they had been fooled, but then, to protect their fragile egos and mental disorders, immediately changed their memory to forget or act as if they never faced that reality. I mean, considering how many of the stories team blue low information voters believed were/are true only to find out the thing was baloney have we had so far? The count is in the scores. None of that made them question their allegiances. Why would this story be the one that finally penetrates the stupid?

    • Pine_Tree

      Well maybe like 1% – the weirdos. For the other 99%, that would mean admitting they’d been fooled, or were idiots, and who’s gonna do that? Way easier to dive deeper into the delusion and sign up for Kamala being awesome.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Setup so the normie Dems so they would be okay with the Great Savior coming in and just declaring herself the candidate.

    • Suthenboy

      TOK: As far as I can tell the useful idiot crowd is as intransigent as ever, completely brainwashed. Until they are standing on the edge asking “Why is this ditch full of dead people and why did you bring me here?” they will not budge.
      The lines are drawn and they aint gonna move until the whole thing comes crashing down.

  19. Tundra

    Good morning!


    Honey Harvest® is right around the corner. Third Sunday in September which makes it 9/15 this year. Seriously. The first is on a Sunday. Go figure.

    I will be sending out the first email o’ deets shortly. If you think you have what it takes, shoot me an email at minnetundra@ geeee mail and I will make sure you are included in the exclusive, yet inclusive, list.

    Thank you for your time.

    • Suthenboy

      Hey, you wanted to be a sanctuary city, have fun. I am never going to forget that and rub your nose in it every chance I get. Eat shit and like it.

    • CatchTheCarp

      NYC got what they voted for. Why should anyone care about the city’s complaints? You broke it, you fix it.

  20. Sensei

    Somebody finally decided to leave the abusive spouse.

    Chevron to Leave California for Texas, as Regulations Mount in Golden State
    CEO Mike Wirth says policies in California are discouraging investment and hurting consumers

    • Nephilium

      What we really need is some companies to just cut out the California market, not just move their headquarters out of California.

      • Suthenboy


        The regulations are discouraging investment and hurting consumers by design. Another one on my list of ‘Eat shit and like it’.

      • AlexinCT

        Neph, at some point that will be inevitable. BTW, this has already started. How many insurance companies have told California they are done? I know for a fact there are several of the big players that have pulled that trigger, and all the others are looking at when to do it as well. Once this reaches critical mass, anyone that runs a business and doesn’t want to work for nothing, or worse, at a loss, will be packing their bags.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Internal server errors?

    • kinnath

      Blocked by the corporate firewall.

      Can someone summarize please?

    • AlexinCT
      • AlexinCT

        Missouri, Arkansas Sue To Shut Down ‘Unconstitutional’ ‘Bidenbucks’ Scheme

        Filed in the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Missouri, the lawsuit contests Executive Order 14019, a directive signed by Biden in March 2021 that instructed hundreds of federal agencies to interfere in state election administration by using taxpayer money to engage in voter registration and get-out-the-vote (GOTV) activities. The order required departments to craft “strategic plan[s]” detailing how they intended to comply with the edict and collaborate with so-called “nonpartisan third-party organizations” on voter registration efforts.

      • kinnath

        fuck these children

        Sticks and stones . . . . .

        I’m rubber, you’re glue . . . . .

        No one taught these idiots the basics.

      • UnCivilServant

        Your 12ft.io/proxy links just don’t seem to work.

      • WTF

        70 Percent of College Students Say Speech Can Be as Damaging as Physical Violence

        Hey, I’ll call you names for 30 seconds and then punch you in the face for 30 seconds and see if you can tell which one is more damaging.

      • UnCivilServant

        From experience, I bleed less when insulted than when punched in the nose.

      • Fourscore

        Hope they don’t go to marine boot camp. I understand that the drill sergeants can be vocally critical of individuals’ performances.

    • Suthenboy

      While objecting to being called ‘snowflakes’.

      The people ;who teach this shit need a horsewhipping.

  21. AlexinCT

    Good times make weak men. And we all know where this ends.

    I have repeatedly told any idiot that tells me speech is violence that they can hurl whatever speech they want at me and I will respond with a kick or punch to their solar plexus, after which we can discuss their new found perspective on violence.

    • Suthenboy

      My favorite is when some kid says “You dont know how much words can hurt!”
      Yep, I love it when some little shit that hasn’t even haired over yet tells me “You dont know…”

    • Gdragon

      I brought this topic up with my sister and I really wish that I hadn’t. Of course I am glad that she hasn’t been but you can definitely tell when the person that you are talking to has never been hit or kicked by someone whose primary intention was to make them hurt.

      There is a whole field of linguistics that delves into this dontchaknow?!?! Ugh.

  22. juris imprudent

    US has hands full with Morocco, down 1-0 at the half. Hopefully some second half subs turn things around.

    • rhywun

      Barely paying attention. Just looking up every time Morocco scores yet again.


      • Ownbestenemy

        Beyond pathetic. 4-0? Jesus.

      • juris imprudent

        We certainly didn’t play well, but credit to Morocco – they played us much tougher than France did.

  23. Ownbestenemy

    House Dems apparently wanting Tim Walz. The epitome of if you can’t beat em, join em.

    He was furious in 2014, for instance, when party leaders — including Pelosi — used obscure procedural tactics to block his initial run for ranking member of Veteran Affairs. Two years later, he was openly critical of his fellow Democrats when they chose a leadership team that tilted heavily towards the coasts, warning that the lack of regional diversity would alienate mid-Westerners like those he represented.

    Sell that soul Walzy, sell it good and hard.

  24. Sensei

    No surprise that this was my first thought when 2Q earnings started coming out.

    Almost every day we get a White House press release touting jobs created by its political handouts. Where’s the memo this week about the looming job cuts at Intel and Stellantis, two beneficiaries of this corporate welfare? Both were supposed to be industrial policy winners.


  25. AlexinCT

    This Michigan ruling conceivably will be a good thing too, but my bet is that they will still try to cheat. It’s in their blood.

    • kinnath

      Yates didn’t buy it. In his June 12 ruling granting declaratory relief, he wrote: “With apologies to Gertrude Stein, however, a presumption is a presumption is a presumption. Whether the guidance manual includes a gentle nudge instead of a hip check, it’s still a foul under Michigan law.”

      Love it.

    • Urthona

      Easily predictable but does anyone buy this shit anymore? Media trust and viewership is at all time lows. fortunately.

      • Ted S.

        Yes, the low-information voters do buy it.

      • juris imprudent

        One half of the low-information voters anyway.

    • The Other Kevin

      So that’s a fancy term for “pandering”? At least Trump is setting up a contrast by being Trump no matter the circumstance. He’s in a debate, he’s getting interviewed by friendly or unfriendly people, he’s in a “candid” moment on the golf course… same Trump. I think that’s more important than people realize.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Harris doesn’t need to code-switch to prove she is a Black and Indian American woman; she was born that way.

        Liar, the AP says otherwise! She’s just a rich girl from California with a Californian accent that is just trying to relate to her roots. Funnily, that accent only comes out on the black side and not on the Indian side…wonder why?

      • kinnath

        If she put on an authentic valley girl accent and kept in on all the time, it would serve her better.

    • Ownbestenemy

      The tongue bathing is absolutely amazing in that article.

      Kamala Harris has range. She can grill nominees for the Supreme Court or meet with foreign dignitaries, then pivot to hosting a Diwali celebration or dancing enthusiastically alongside an HBCU-styled marching band.

      From a wire-service, that reads exactly like her campaign surrogate.

      • kinnath

        She’s either “acting white” to fit in at work or she’s pandering to blacks when she’s slumming.

        Either way, that’s not going to help her.

      • Suthenboy

        There is no evidence of any of that.

    • Sensei

      Valley girl
      She’s a valley girl
      Valley girl
      She’s a valley girl
      Okay, fine
      Fer sure, fer sure
      She’s a valley girl
      In a clothing store
      Okay, fine
      Fer sure, fer sure
      She’s a

    • rhywun

      “we need to celebrate all of our identities”

      Where “more = better”. Boring old white male is boring, and probably evil.

      • Ownbestenemy


      • rhywun

        The implication is that one must ape one’s audience in order to even communicate with them. Donald can’t relate to anyone outside his lonely, single identity.

      • R C Dean

        I’ll say it again: Racial and ethnic identities are inherently exclusive – their entire point is that you are X, and thus distinct from Y and Z. If you are going to play the racial/ethnic identity game, you get one (1) such identity, not as many as you want.

        It makes no sense to say sometimes I am inherently and unchangeably X, and then the next day to say I am inherently and unchangeably Y. If that’s the way it works, then the whole diversity thing just falls apart. Of course this is the logic of transism, and you can see how it is an acid eating away at notion of women’s rights, to the point that people who are supposedly all about diversity (including women’s rights) are celebrating a man beating up women at the Olympics.

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      Code switching to AAVE by non-blacks will get you demolished anywhere a whore isn’t needed to do it.

  26. Urthona

    Kyle Rittenhouse just endorsed Ron Paul.

    It’s on, brothers.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Good for him. Now watch the Trumpsters demolish him after they used him up.

    • AlexinCT


      • R.J.

        Yeah. Rittenhouse is right, Trump has been against gun ownership. That is hard to ignore. Saying “Biden is worse” doesn’t make it any less of a bitter pill to swallow that Trump might be a little slower at grabbing your guns. I hope Rittenhouse’s statement and support of Ron Paul helps to swing some policy decisions, at least. I do not believe he is being taken advantage of, that is so condescending to say.

    • Suthenboy

      He obviously ‘ain’t black’.

  27. Certified Public Asshat

    Why would you pay money to watch an Algerian man beat up European women at the Olympics when you can walk around Paris and see that for free? pic.twitter.com/2u6Albwi2d— Mostly Peaceful Memes (@MostlyPeacefull) August 1, 2024

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I need more context. All parties seem to be assholes in this video.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Was thinking the same thing. Overly distraught driver obviously had an issue by saying a certain cop needed to go away. Cop pulling firearm instead of taser was a bit excessive.

      • AlexinCT

        There is a simple way to win when dealing with cops. Obey them, then have a lawyers sue the fuck out of them if they fucked up.

      • juris imprudent

        sue the fuck out of them

        Unzips pants and pulls out qualified immunity.

      • AlexinCT

        The town still ends up paying…

        Fucks over the tax payers, but yeah…

  28. Ownbestenemy

    They found the Nazi at the Olympics!

    Olympic Games official has accreditation revoked for ‘white supremacy’ hand gesture…It is unclear what his motives were.

    • R.J.

      That…. Is retarded.

    • rhywun

      However, its use as a far-right symbol is apparently on the rise.

      OFFS, this shit again?

      • AlexinCT

        What did they do about that game where all the fans were screaming Heil Hitler?

      • R.J.

        Poor bastard probably had a hand cramp he was stretching, maybe he had a corrective surgery, etc.. Maybe even ADHD. But no, let’s ban him. Fuck the French.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Dude was watching himself on the TV screen…my guess, a bet with buddies he can get it multiple times and he gets to punch them for looking at it.

        But ya….so tedious.

      • cyto

        Yeah, totally “made you look”.

        Never has that ever been white supremacist.

        It doesn’t even make sense in French.

        White is like Blanche. Not sure about power.

        But the W doesn’t work at all in French.

        Triple stupid.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Today, in Things Only I Care About, a page has been turned in the saga of the magical mystery relay. I have been doing this in little bite size chunks so my frustration level doesn’t push me completely off the rails. Logic and reality eventually prevail. Or so they tell me.

    Yesterday, having pulled the driver’s seat out of the Honda, I wormed my way down into the footwell on my back, with my head wedged next to the clutch pedal. From this vantage I was able to look back into the murky recesses of the dash. What ho- hat is this mounting tab? what’s this little bundle of wires? Where do you go? They ran to a barely visible connector plugged into a cleverly concealed electrical component. They built the whole car around this fucking relay. I had to pry on the plastic dash cover to get it out of its tiny little cubbyhole. But it was there. And- it was located and mounted in such a way that when I tapped on the other relay in frustration, that impact would have jarred it into tripping.

    Anyway, I can now order a new one, and hopefully get my little ~$300 utilitarian beater back up and running dependably. Because priorities.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Perusing the headlines about Harris’ vast haul of plunder as the newly crowned head of the Democrat Party (say that without laughing!) I was suddenly reminded of The Ransom of Red Chief. All those Democrat moneybags paid the Party to make Biden go away. Paid quite handsomely.

  31. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Nobody’s asking who’s running the country because it’s the same people who were running it before the curtain got drawn back, and we all know it.

    • juris imprudent

      To be fair, I wondered who was running the country the previous administration as well.

      • Gdragon

        We all know the answer by now.

        Top. Men.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, I mostly mean that as a joke – that no one runs the whole country. Lots of people run lots of little empires. If you want to guarantee a lack of results – set up something involving 2 or more bureaucracies.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Today, in “Hey watch this”

    The body of a North Carolina college student who fell 400 feet near a scenic viewpoint on the South Rim of Grand Canyon National Park has been recovered, authorities said Thursday.

    Park rangers said they received a report about a park visitor falling from the Pipe Creek Vista around 10:30 a.m. Wednesday. They said the body of Abel Joseph Mejia, 20, of Hickory, was later recovered about a quarter-mile from the overlook.

    Park officials said Mejia accidentally fell when he was near the edge of the rim. The National Park Service and the Coconino County medical examiner’s office are investigating.

    We need to get our new Civilian Conservation Corps up and running to re-do all that National Park infrastructure.

  33. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Occasionally, a doctor will misstate something in a report and you just correct it and go on, depending on context. Last night, a doc misstated a chemotherapy drug and dosage, and it wasn’t one I could correct and go on, so I had to flag it. (Most of the MTs go to their own docs and ask about their flags. I’m a gadfly who hops around the difficult dictators and then if they don’t have any work, pick up someone else’s slack, so I depend on other people to go to the doc.)

    So, the girl who backs me up on flags missed it, too, so I had to spend all morning explaining why I flagged it, EVEN THOUGH I HAD ALREADY EXPLAINED WHY in my flag, that it’s not dosed that way and can you ask the doc to verify what he meant.

    • AlexinCT

      Wait did they read your reason for flagging it? Did they read it and not understand it? Are they just stupid and they want to waste your time?

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        I explicitly said, “Plz verify drug and dosage.” They just looked at my blank, listened to the dictation, plugged in the drug without noting that the dosing was incorrect. I have a hard time believing this person didn’t know how that drug is dosed, so I’m going with carelessness.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    C’mon, you sissies, it’ll be fine

    A deadly Osprey aircraft crash last November off Japan was caused by cracks in a metal gear and the pilot’s decision to keep flying rather than heed multiple warnings that he should land, according to an Air Force investigation released Thursday.

    The CV-22B Osprey crash killed eight Air Force Special Operations Command service members and led to a monthslong military-wide grounding of the fleet. There have been four fatal Osprey crashes in the past two years, driving investigations into the Osprey’s safety record and creating a split among the services about the future role of the unique aircraft that can fly like an airplane but land like a helicopter.


    In an interview with The Associated Press, Conley said he believed it was the pilot’s instinct to complete the military exercise that drove his decisions.

    “To a degree, it’s a way of life here. I mean, we we want people in this command that that are biased toward ‘yes,’ biased toward getting the mission done,” Conley said. “As we went through the investigation, I saw someone that was confident in the aircraft but not cocky.”

    When you’re flying a notoriously unreliable aircraft, the best thing to do is put tape over the warning lights.

    • Sensei

      That’s capable of a vertical landing in case of emergency…

      • juris imprudent

        Of course if the damaged gear was in the rotation of the engines… yeah, you do still get a vertical emergency “landing”.

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m surprised we still have any uncrashed Ospreys left.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Nobody’s asking who’s running the country because it’s the same people who were running it before the curtain got drawn back, and we all know it.

    It runs itself. Like a giant boulder rolling down a mountain.

    • Tundra

      It reminds me of diesel runaway with no way to cut the fuel or air. Eventually the whole thing grenades or runs out of fuel. Or both.

  36. The Late P Brooks

    It looks like “tech flaws” are to blame for the Secret Service’s inability to adequately secure that rally site. That can only mean they need a bigger budget.