Friday Morning Links

by | Aug 9, 2024 | Daily Links | 207 comments

The Olympics is just about over. Thankfully. This fucking guy is full of shit. And I bet the NCAA lets them keep all their wins anyway. This isn’t a sport. It might save a community center or resolve a grudge, but it isn’t a sport. I got pretty much nothing else for sports. So on to…the links!

Interesting headline. It’s accurate at least. There was the Khmer Rouge, the USSR, the Great Leap Forward, and a whole host of other movements at a national level led by students that resulted in an incredible amount of misery and bloodshed.

This is perfectly reasonable. Especially since I have to give the federal government all kinds of personal information on their bullshit community surveys.

For the love of Pete. When will the corporate world reach peak retard? They have to be getting close.

What a drip. But he’ll always have a future in Marty Feldman cosplay. When he get out of jail, anyway.

This one is pretty interesting. I’ll save my thoughts until I see what you guys think in the comments.

I’m sure this will go really well. But I guess they’ve got such a surplus that this makes a lot of sense, right?

“Don’t point that thing at me. No, not that thing. that other thing.” But seriously, nice work by this guy. It took balls.

Here you go. Something nice and relaxing. Followed by something fun and upbeat. Two lovely songs. Enjoy them.

And enjoy this lovely Friday and weekend, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    This isn’t a sport. It might save a community center or resolve a grudge, but it isn’t a sport. I got pretty much nothing else for sports. So on to…the links!

    I will care about the olympics again when they get sport fucking.

    • SDF-7

      I thought the reports all indicated that’s been going on for several Olympics — they just don’t televise it. And if they have judges, they keep it discreet.

    • Suthenboy

      I think they are already doing that Alex, or so I have heard.
      My impression about swim girl getting the boot for inappropriate behavior is that she was fucking anything with a pulse.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Too many PEDs.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Or not enough?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      My understanding is that takes place in the Olympic Village but it isn’t a medal sport.

  2. SDF-7

    It’s accurate at least.

    It is almost like it is easier to muster up indoctrinated people with little actual life experience in support of whatever political system or changes you’ve inculcated in them…. almost….

    Of course, we all thought the Millennials would grow out of this crap when they had to go out, get mortgages and pay taxes…. so the indoctrination is more important than the lack of life experience apparently.

    Thanks for no Hog Horror or Uncanny Poop Valley this morning, Sloopy. Good morning to y’all.

    • AlexinCT

      We live in an age where our credentialed elite class no longer even tries to solve problems, and more often than not, are the ones creating and exacerbating our problems. Instead they spent all their efforts and time to gaslight stupid people into believing there is no problem or that the problem is actually a good thing. If you wonder why they rigged the public school system to only produce morons and idiots, stopped teaching real civics, economics, shop, or hard facts, this is the reason: dumber fucks indoctrinated to think marxism is the way to go are fucking cattle.

    • Suthenboy

      “…it is easier to muster up indoctrinated people with little actual life experience…”
      The slogans are always some nebulous, vapid gibberish. ‘Justice’. ‘Save the…’. ‘Equity’. My favorite word is ‘Fair’. You can never nail anyone down on what exactly any of that means.
      Always with the pall of doom lurking around the next corner.
      It is almost like a scam.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      They are unburdened by the past.

  3. AlexinCT

    This is perfectly reasonable. Especially since I have to give the federal government all kinds of personal information on their bullshit community surveys.

    The only time the government acts as if it wants to protect you or your rights is when not doing so will show evidence of how fucking evil government is.

    • SDF-7

      Wait… people actually fill in those bullshit surveys? Maybe I’m remembering ones different than the ones they try to jam through with the Census, but I would have expected leaving it all blank after “How many people live in this residence” would be the standard position in these parts.

      • UnCivilServant

        Wait, you actually answered the census?

        In 2020 I ignored them until they went away. I wasn’t about to go to their website and start putting in information in a form that might treat stuff as required that is certainly not.

      • AlexinCT

        My favorite answer to people asking me on these questionnaires what my race is “NONYA”. This freaks them the fuck out that you wont share this. Then when they get my income they tell me I have to be Asian or white. I then tell them to stop being racist fucks.

      • Rat on a train

        You don’t provide random answers?

      • sloopyinca

        If you’re a business owner and they threaten to terminate your EIN and/or fine you after you ignore the first five progressively threatening letters, then yeah, you kind of have to fill them out.

      • SDF-7

        Ugh… can’t blame you for filling it in. One benefit to being a wage slave, one less set of permissions for the bureaucrats to extort my behavior, I suppose.

  4. SDF-7

    For the love of Pete.

    Yes, there probably is a contingent looking to smooch Bootyjudge’s bottom and suck up to him with this….

    Oh — that’s not what you meant?

  5. AlexinCT

    For the love of Pete. When will the corporate world reach peak retard? They have to be getting close.

    The corporate world is awakening to the fact you can’t tell people DEI is a great thing, then get mad at these people for then pointing out someone was a DEI hire, and have the DEI hire and everyone peddling DEI then feel offended. It’s beyond idiotic. So, some companies that have measured the damage this stupidity has caused are trying to get rid of that idiot shit finally. But the people that foisted this idiocy on us all are not going to just let that happen. When they were making bank peddling this evil and destructive ideology that punishes merit, losing this easy income means they are back to working fast food or just getting money from tax payers through government confiscation.

    ::edit Faerie with an assist on formatting::

    • AlexinCT

      ::edit Faerie with an assist on formatting::

      Thank you edit Fearie!

  6. Ted S.

    What a drip. But he’ll always have a future in Marty Feldman cosplay. When he get out of jail, anyway.

    What he looks like shouldn’t make a difference, even though we all know in the real world it does.

    • Tonio

      The guy totally looks like he’s cosplaying Saul Goodman.

    • Suthenboy

      Dude has a dope problem. Getting arrested is probably going to save his life.

  7. SDF-7

    I’ll save my thoughts until I see what you guys think in the comments.

    “Fuck…. is there anything that might look wrong in my backyard?” is my first thought.

    Second thought is… not all that surprising given the rush to exit the CA market.

    Third thought is… fuck fuck fuck… wonder how long I’ll still be able to get homeowner’s insurance in this stupid fucking state.

    Fourth thought is…. we should get to own our gorram airspace. Pellet gun AA turrets leap to mind.

    I understand it is a private contract and all — but it is a private contract that the state forces us into at the point of a gun with little actual competition, state regulation out the wazoo and constantly soaring rates for what feels like very little return (being fortunate enough to never actually have anything happen to the house, I know…)

    That probably about sums it up. I do hate the ease of fucking public surveillance these days.

    • AlexinCT

      Third thought is… fuck fuck fuck… wonder how long I’ll still be able to get homeowner’s insurance in this stupid fucking state.

      Not very long. From what I have seen most property & casualty insurers are making plans to exit that market because regulation has forced them to need drastic price hikes, while government is telling them they are not allowed to do so. Since none of these entities want to go broke, they are gonna go bye bye.

    • UnCivilServant

      I was going to recommend Anti-Air lasers to save on ammo and reloading, but realizing where you were, the power costs might make that impractical.

    • Ted S.

      I understand it is a private contract and all — but it is a private contract that the state forces us into at the point of a gun with little actual competition, state regulation out the wazoo and constantly soaring rates for what feels like very little return (being fortunate enough to never actually have anything happen to the house, I know…)

      Yeah; this encapsulates a lot of what I was thinking, puns aside. I have some sympathy for the insurance company to want more information about what it’s insuring, but the state is going to arrogate that power to itself which is a terrible thing.

    • Sensei

      Carriers can’t just “non-renew” without notice. I don’t know directly about CA, but most if not all have a process where you can dispute a mistake.

      Mind you, working for insurers, they aren’t altruistic here. And frequently “mistakes” happen during the dispute process that unless you know the system or retain counsel miraculously always go the way of the carrier.

      That said if you aren’t running on the cheapest insurance possible those carriers are almost universally better and actually willing to be reasonable with their customers.

    • Fourscore

      Here that’s called yard art or yard decorations. Maybe not, no cars or tractors visible. Where’s the couch?

      My first thought was “putting 100s of thousands into renovations for that?”

      100s of thousands buys a nice house in TX or rural MN

    • Suthenboy

      They dropped her after 40 years? She has been renovating that house with how much again? The insurance company singled her out to spy on her? There is a problem that is not mentioned in the story. The company knows or suspects she is scamming them somehow.

      • Sensei

        See my comment below.

      • AlexinCT

        The company knows or suspects she is scamming them somehow.

        I concur, Suthenboy.

        These companies are mercenary as fuck about making money. This event isn’t just a lot of negative publicity for the insurance company, but likely not wort the impact of a claim payout. and I see no way that the insurance company didn’t think this move could/would be a PR disaster for them. They might have made a real dumb decision, but my bet is that we are not getting all the info here.

    • DrOtto

      My money is they’re exiting the market and using any excuse they can to dump customers.

    • Cunctator

      —“I’ll save my thoughts until I see what you guys think in the comments.”—

      This year, for the very first time, my homeowners insurance required photos of the “wet” rooms in my house and the exterior outdoor front and back. They said they needed it “blah, blah”, but this was 6 months before my renewal date. I haven’t gotten my new bill yet and I am hoping they don’t cancel me for some reason. No problems in areas they wanted pictures of, but who knows.

      • AlexinCT

        What the fuck is a wet room? Where you kill off people?

      • Cunctator

        —“What the fuck is a wet room?”—

        Kitchen, bathrooms, laundry room, etc. Wherever water comes into the house.

    • bacon-magic

      I have had my house for 17 years…they flew a drone over to look at my house and determined that I need a new roof or they would cancel me. For 17 fucking years I’ve been forced to pay for insurance and never made a claim. I could of used all that money on a new roof.

      • Fourscore

        I’ve had USAA for over 40 years (50 on the car(s). No claims on the home, then winter of ’21 the snow slid off the roof of the garage, sheared off the chimney. USAA was right there, paid the claim. Winter of ’22, same chimney sheared off again but with more roof damage. USAA made me whole again. Fortunately last winter we had little snow and all was well. Strangely another garage/chimney had no problems.

        My rates have taken a big hit but I think everyone’s have. Seems like a lot of storm damage the past few years.

  8. Ted S.

    Joan Van Kuren said she was stunned when CSAA, her insurer for almost 40 years, made the drastic move to drop her as a client due to ‘hazardous’ construction clutter they spotted in her yard.

    CSAA? The insurance company for Confederate veterans and their families? I didn’t know they still existed.

  9. AlexinCT

    I’m sure this will go really well. But I guess they’ve got such a surplus that this makes a lot of sense, right?,/em>”

    Over and under that they suddenly do not want or allow people to steal from this store?

    • Tonio

      I wonder if their employees will unionize. So much lulzy potential, here.

      If this becomes a thing I can see these government stores driving out private enterprise. Which is probably the actual goal here. Remember that commies don’t think corporations should be involved in services they deem essential, like housing.

      • AlexinCT

        Oh, Tonio, you are spot on with where this goes. My only take however is that it is going to be government run, and because of that, I expect it to go horribly bad practically from the getgo.

      • Suthenboy

        Was it New Jersey that had a state owned casino…that went broke?
        Any project that starts with ‘State owned’ is a guaranteed fuck up.
        Really, how stupid does one have to be to be a socialist?

      • Sensei

        Not NJ.

        OTH, NYS had OTB a monopoly on horse racing and managed to lose a fortune.

      • AlexinCT

        Really, how stupid does one have to be to be a socialist?

        One only has to be a naive young individual easily manipulated by scumbags. I have no excuse for older people that are socialist. Well, except for people like Michael Moore, Kamala Harris, and Bernie Sanders. These fuckers have made bank peddling this stupid and evil shit.

        It is the religion of the people that hate the old religions. It promises that man can create heaven on earth if we but get the right government to take from those that make and give to those that only consume. And it appeals to the basest of sins: greed and envy.

      • rhywun

        Which is probably the actual goal here.

        Maybe an ultimate fantasy but in the meantime it’s more about lecturing the rest of us on the “decades of structural racism, segregation, and disinvestment” that led to… lol… “diminished resident density”.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I think the state of Nevada ran a brothel that went broke.

      • kinnath

        FedGov drove a strip joint out of business in DC. They took that from one of the convicted spies from decades ago.

    • AlexinCT

      Da FUQ???

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t know, but that site name looks suspicious and likely to ruin our family-friendly rating.

    • rhywun

      Love my way….

  10. Not Adahn

    IPSC should be an Olympic sport. I wouldn’t watch it, but it should be a sport.

    • UnCivilServant

      They also need the joust and the team melee.

    • Grummun

      I watched almost all of the air rifle/pistol and .22 rifle/pistol finals. Despite it was super slow, I enjoyed it.

      Although I was yelling at the TV every time the dumb-ass commentator called the .22 LR a “5.6mm caliber”.

      • Not Adahn

        I’ll be turning in my paperwork for my new L10 gun, chambered in 11.43x23mm

      • Grummun

        chambered in 11.43x23mm

        One of them fancy Eu-ro-pean cartridges. Must be a struggle to find something in that chambering here in the states.

      • Bobarian LMD

        Olympic Shooting with 12.7X99mm NATO would be more entertaining.

      • UnCivilServant

        “Targets are one mile away.”

  11. Drake

    Student protests (because they couldn’t all get government jobs) overthrew the whole government? That sounds like a CIA color operation. Good luck appeasing the entitled assholes new government.

  12. slumbrew

    “It might save a community center or resolve a grudge”

    Oh, bravo.

    • Not Adahn

      Did NBC show a training montage?

      • sloopyinca

        It’s not for that kind of “saving.” Breakdancing only saves community centers that are being bought for redevelopment by rich white people. It does fuck all to save things destroyed by an act of God.

      • Rat on a train

        Debby is doing the DMV. There have been multiple tornado watch/warnings since yesterday.

      • Not Adahn

        Let me be clear, I am NOT asking for a link.

        But I am curious, do breakdancers use ’80s music, or do they use Taylor Swift these days? Cardboard boxes or teflon coated sheets?

      • Bobarian LMD

        Debby is doing the DMV.

        She sure has gone a long way from Dallas.

    • Timeloose

      Is there a Breaking news story about some kind of Boogaloo at the Olympics?

      Someone see if ShabaDoo or Turbo is available for comment.

    • R C Dean

      When did “breakdancers” become “breakers”, anyway?

      • Gdragon

        I’m guessing that one of the reasons they dropped the “dance” was to make it sound more like a sporting event.

      • rhywun

        “Breaking” is the “authentic” name. I think it was wypipo who started calling it breakdancing.

      • Gdragon

        I don’t know how I forgot this but you are absolutely right rhywun. No matter how good my playlist is I guess I still can’t keep my whiteness from seeping through LOL

      • Not Adahn

        “Hip Hop Gymnastics”

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        When they started on the sporting circuit.

  13. AlexinCT

    Did you ladies already discuss the evil GARM racket -created to use advertisement dollars as a way to force people to only allow woke shit on social media – folding as soon as Musk filed a lawsuit that was then being joined by Rumble? Seems this evil entity decided discovery in a court in Texas was going to be detrimental to their evil agenda. My guess is that we will soon have another entity with the same mission, because censoring shir before this election is absolutely essential for those wanting to fortify elections.

    • SDF-7

      Yes, I believe yesterday’s afternoon links posited MARG or whatnot… (“bloody splitters!”).

      • AlexinCT

        I asked cause I wanted to share the comment section of this article so you all could see how fucking retarded so many people in IT are. These fucking idiots commenting are pissed that the lawsuit canceled their racket to force people to not allow alternative views & voices.

      • SDF-7

        It is Ars. Fucking stupid is assumed for at least the last couple of decades, unfortunately.

      • AlexinCT

        You can say that again. I read it because they do have information you want to pick up if you are in the IT world, but the comments section makes for a more pleasant experience than wading through various sewer systems in places where the only choice of menu is Taco Hell food.

      • R.J.

        Yes it was covered. The media is not telling the whole story of course. It is/was an entity designed only to blackmail advertisers into following a certain agenda or else. It is a fascist organization for controlling business. And since it no doubt had ties to Soros and various governments, it will absolutely be back.

  14. Sensei

    Turbine maker GE Vernova has blamed “insufficient bonding,” or glue, as the reason for the break. It said it was a manufacturing problem and there is no underlying design flaw that would affect other installed blades. The blade had been recently installed and the turbine was undergoing reliability tests.

    Well we will see what kind of insurance “bonding” they have.

    A Lot Was Riding on This Wind Farm. Then Giant Shards Washed Up in Nantucket.
    Industry was dealt setback after a turbine blade broke at one of the nation’s largest planned offshore wind farms

    I’m looking forward to FedGov and the state of NJ destroy the seashore where I lived and grew up. It already looks terrible off Atlantic City.

    • SDF-7

      There once was a turbine off Nantucket,
      whose adhesives just said “Fuck it”.
      They helped determine the fate
      of energy in the state…
      And to the beachgoers they just replied “Suck it!”

      • sloopyinca

        ::polite applause::

    • rhywun

      Industry was dealt setback

      Good. What a racket.

    • Bobarian LMD

      It already looks terrible off Atlantic City.

      Last time I was there, it looked pretty fucking bad ON Atlantic City.

  15. AlexinCT

    They told the truth: Israel and non woke America are in the way of that agenda to destroy western civilization.

    • SDF-7

      They’ve been abundantly clear for years, frankly. None of these f’ing morons would be caught dead actually living in the “Global South” mind you… but they all think they’ll be in charge of the New Global Communist Order instead of lined up at the ditches when their usefulness is at an end.

      • AlexinCT

        The greatest value provided by the marxist drone, is the fact they are useful idiots, disposable at will by the masters, and at their master’s convenience. And yes, I can see them crying and whining about how loyal and fervent they are to the cause all the way up until the system turns them into fertilizer for the new agricultural movement.

  16. sloopyinca

    All you people on Twitter need to go take a look at @ClevelandPolice. It’s the UK cops in Teesside, where a lot of protests have been happening. They’re gloating over the people involved in last weekend’s angry protests already being tried and sentenced and posting their info.

    Here’s the best one:

    That’s right. He was gesticulating and shouting. And now he gets to go to jail for more than two years after being charged, convicted, and sentenced in less than a week.

    I fear the UK is a lost cause at this point. Unless these commie authoritarian tactics lead to a huge backlash at the next election.

    • SDF-7

      It does feel like they’re on the last box at this point (as the saying goes)… and the government has worked hard to confiscate all of said boxes.

      • WTF

        Yeah, their ammo box has been taken away along with their soapbox. We can anticipate the same here in the US eventually.

      • sloopyinca

        If it gets to that point, I’d hope I’ll be carrying a Republic Of Texas passport for a couple of years already.

        No way will that happen as easily in much of the US as it happened in Europe and Australia/New Zealand.

    • Not Adahn

      Do we have any pallets of Liberators in a warehouse somewhere we could airdrop onto the sceptred isle?

      • sloopyinca

        The people there have been willfully disarmed for so long, they wouldn’t know what to do with them.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’d be cheaper to collect Hi-Points and air drop those.

      • DrOtto

        And I thought he meant the sex pillow…

      • Not Adahn

        The brits are less about upholstery and more about carpentry

    • AlexinCT

      I bet a lot of these people are now wishing they had a second amendment..

    • Ownbestenemy

      Welp, my plans of some world travel are just getting smaller and smaller.

      • AlexinCT

        Man, Europe is becoming as dangerous as going to the Middle East, North Korea, Venezuela, or Oakland.

      • sloopyinca

        Same here. We were debating going to a village in England for a couple weeks next year and visiting a handful of places (and me trying to fit in track days at Silverstone and Brands Hatch), but it’s looking less likely now.

        I guess we’ll just go to western Germany and I’ll drive the Nordschleife and maybe Spa if I’m lucky.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m glad I visited back in 2012, as it looks like it won’t be a viable destination for the foreseeable future.

    • Drake

      Wow. What absolute scum. Michael Yon believes those cops are going to end up dead when things go really bad.

    • Rat on a train

      The UK police are blocking people from accessing their sites from outside the UK.

      • Ownbestenemy

        For funsies I jumped onto the ole gov laptop and seeing if they are blocking from the .gov domain..they are

        HAHAHA what fucking pussies.

    • Nephilium

      Oi! What’s this then?

      Oh… Different Cleveland.

    • rhywun

      Comments are brutal. Good.

  17. Common Tater

    “Joy Reid sparked backlash with another hot take on TikTok as she claimed Arizona Senator Mark Kelly would have been a better VP pick for Kamala Harris because he is as white as ‘a mayonnaise sandwich on wonder bread.’

    The MSNBC host, 55, admitted that Minnesota Governor Tim Walz was ‘not the pick I expected’, and ‘thought (Harris) would go astronaut.’ ”

    How is Mighty Joe Reid still on TV?

    • AlexinCT

      DEI hire, hard to shed those if you still want to peddle DEI…

    • Ownbestenemy

      Its okay to make comments toward Whitey! Now give us money and vote for the black lady you bigot!

    • Timeloose

      Am I crazy or does it seem no politicians wear ties anymore? Dress shirts with no tie look like the end state of a blackout wedding.

    • R C Dean

      Between Walz and Kelly, I couldn’t say which was whiter, which makes that kind of a weird take.

      “(Harris) would go astronaut”

      Alright, I’m just not following these euphemisms at all any more.

      • rhywun

        She wishes she could go astronaut.

    • Gdragon

      It’s just anecdotal but my friend who worked at Subway when we were much younger told me that black people not liking/eating mayonnaise seemed completely untrue to him.

  18. R C Dean

    “This is perfectly reasonable. Especially since I have to give the federal government all kinds of personal information on their bullshit community surveys.”

    Hard to tell from the crappily written, biased article, but I believe it only applies to patients being paid for by the State under Medicaid or other programs.

    • Sensei

      Would make sense. Once I present my private insurance card the $$$ start flowing.

  19. Common Tater

    “A British influencer and OnlyFans model has left fans gasping in disbelief after posting footage of herself having the word ‘Trump’ tattooed in thick black capital letters across her forehead.

    Self-proclaimed ‘Trump Girl’ Rain Monroe uploaded a series of videos to her Instagram account showing herself smiling and wincing as she was inked in an East London Tattoo studio.

    The 21-year-old, who has 16,000 followers on the platform, wrote: ‘I finally did it!’ alongside a picture of herself with the tattoo fresh on her face.”

    No regrats.

    • UnCivilServant

      The only thing that surprises me is that I was surprised at how stupid an attention whore got in search of attention.

    • AlexinCT

      Scotty P! is that you?

    • Ted S.

      Demi Rose needs to up her freakery.

    • R.J.

      That has to be fake. Either way she needs to make ab appearance in the Sugarverse.

      • R C Dean

        Gotta say, the red inflammation around the “tattoo” looks real.

    • UnCivilServant

      I like not this news, bring me different news.

    • Tonio

      This shouldn’t surprise anyone. Adult kickball leagues, then ground Quidditch, now this.

      • Timeloose

        Live Action Larping is the next untapped Olympic sport. My approach to the sport via Red Fang.

      • Grummun

        polevaulters and long jumpers

        You left out volleyball*.

        At least they are getting some exercise and socialization, instead of glued to a phone sitting in their bedrooms.

        *real volleyball not that beach bullshit

      • Suthenboy

        I refuse to believe that is real.

    • Rat on a train

      They need to add barrel racing and steer roping.

      • Not Adahn


  20. rhywun

    Delta’s top DEI officer jettisons ‘ladies and gentleman’ gate announcements as part of equity push

    The NYC subway did this like four years ago. Try to keep up, Delta.

    Though all the quotes in the article – peak word salad – are from years ago. I guess this is the only bit of new information?

    • UnCivilServant

      “Ladies and Gnetlemen, I would like to announce that we have just terminated the position of DEI Officer at this airline.”

  21. Brawndo

    Regarding the insurance company dropping the customer because of drone footage: this is our future. People in my generation are terrified of having a face to face conversation. I know some that won’t even order a pizza over the phone. Instead of using a drone to spy on a customer without their knowledge, they could have just stopped by and asked “hey what’s all this trash in the yard?” and cleared up the whole situation.

    That said, this isn’t the first I’m hearing of home insurance companies using drones to look at properties. And I’m sure this woman will have no trouble finding some other insurance company to cover her.

    • Timeloose

      The shocking part of the story is that it took $200K to do a kitchen renovation in CA. That house would cost $200K in my town and be an additional 500-1000 square feet.

    • SDF-7

      And I’m sure this woman will have no trouble finding some other insurance company to cover her.

      In California — that’s not a safe assumption. I’m expecting us to be left with nothing but a non-funded “state insurance broker” in the near future, because that’s where this type of shit is leading.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Her saving grace is getting it into the news. Otherwise I would expect a whole lot of “Our underwriters are questioning why your previous insurance dropped you and are not willing to insure you”

      • Brawndo


        “We see that you’re currently unemployed. There must be a reason why you are unemployed therefore we will not be employing you.”

    • Sensei

      In CA? It might be tough.

      Aerial satellite imagery has been used for decades. The droning is new because you can call a commercial service and do neighborhoods where you have lots of exposure.

      Having trees and crap piled close to your structure are legitimate concerns. The issue as I mentioned above is how you deal with your customers. Carriers that want out of markets really don’t care. Better carriers will likely work with their customers.

      In this case carrier want to GTFO of CA.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Not to take anything away from Biles, cause she is amazing at what she does, but Natalie Ledecky became the most winningest American female Olympiad and tied for most for females overall and the news media is near silent. At least she gets to be the flag bearer.

      So ya, news has an agenda, more on the 11 o’clock news.

    • AlexinCT

      I do not get why people still watch this bullshit at all.

      • Drake

        Like everything else, it keeps getting dumber and more commercial. Olympic sports now include pick-up basketball and jumping on a trampoline.

      • trshmnstr

        Like everything else, it keeps getting dumber and more commercial.

        Yup. Sports are becoming unwatchable in general. Wife and I went to the Olympic trials in Eugene in 2016, and it’s a fun time. We got to meet some Olympians, got to watch a bunch of good events, and didn’t have Mike Tirico and friends in our ear saying stupid things.

        The NBC coverage of Olympics (and the downstream media coverage) is hot garbage. The stuff covered on Peacock by the 3rd stringers is much more watchable. The announcers suck, but they cover the game alone and they know when to shut up.

    • rhywun

      Crazy if true but par for the course I guess.

    • Tundra

      This is one of the reasons I detest judged sports.

      But with all the reviews/challenges bullshit in every sport it’s harder and harder to GAF.

  22. SDF-7

    Its Friday, Friday… gotta foul it up on Friday…

    I played 08/09:
    *23/23 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 08/09:
    *57/57 words (+3 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 11% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 502

  23. Common Tater

    “How Did Planned Parenthood Become One of the Country’s Largest Suppliers of Testosterone?

    For Cristina Hineman, the situation felt urgent: the 17-year-old needed treatment at Planned Parenthood, where she knew she wouldn’t be subjected to humiliating questions, or an unnecessary waiting period, or lectures, or prying about her certainty. But it wasn’t an abortion she sought. It was testosterone….

    When she was a teenager, Cristina Hineman started testosterone after a 30-minute consult at Planned Parenthood. She’s now suing them. ‘I regretted everything.’

    Two years ago, Anna made an appointment for her 19th birthday at a Planned Parenthood clinic a thousand miles away from Hineman’s. Yet her experience unfolded so identically it’s as if the Planned Parenthood clinician was following a script. And essentially, she was. Planned Parenthood medical guidelines are made by the national headquarters. “Like any franchise, you know what to expect in whatever affiliate you go to because they’re all practicing by the same standards and guidelines,” Dr. Paul Blumenthal, an emeritus professor of obstetrics and gynecology at Stanford and former chair of Planned Parenthood’s National Medical Committee, told me.

    These guidelines allow for speedy access to life-altering hormones. As evident in one affiliate’s Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy Patient Handbook: “Most of our patients can get a hormone prescription at the end of their first visit with us.”

    Thirty minutes? I’ve waited longer for pizzas.

    • Common Tater

      “After the 2016 presidential election of Donald Trump—and the promised threat to abortion rights that came to pass—record donations funded many new hires at Planned Parenthood’s national office. I spoke to several physicians who served in high-level positions within the organization who expressed frustration with the national office for pouring more resources into advocacy than medical services.

      “Planned Parenthood became the place to work if you wanted to be on the front lines of the anti-Trump resistance,” a former high-level executive who agreed to speak on the condition of anonymity told me.

      Many of the new staffers in the national office “believed in every so-called progressive issue, and at that time the forefront was gender-affirming care. That one issue became everything.”

      And this required new language. “There was this huge push to cancel the word woman,” the former executive told me. “Women’s health or female were edited out constantly to reflect gender-neutral language.” For example, people with uteruses began appearing. Chestfeeding became a synonym for breastfeeding. And front hole as a word for vagina was added to the glossary.”

      • rhywun

        “Planned Parenthood became the place to work if you wanted to be on the front lines of the anti-Trump resistance,”

        It was a simpler age. Before college campus became the new hotness.

      • Common Tater

        It’s been both for a long time before Trump.

  24. Sensei

    Quite the mixed marriage!

    I was invited to the wedding by the groom, Jacob DePeralta, a former grad student of mine. He met Jewher as a result of a writing assignment I gave him: “Go interview someone consequential.” He chose Jewher, who was working as a human-rights activist in Washington, then fell in love with her.

    The Absence at a Uyghur Exile’s Wedding
    Jewher Ilham’s father is in a Chinese prison for ‘separatism.’

    • Not Adahn

      Jewher? I hardly knew her!

      • Ted S.

        OMWC is Jewhim.

  25. Yusef drives a Kia

    No mention of Nagasaki?
    If you don’t remember, you will, sooner than anyone thinks,

  26. CatchTheCarp

    When I first saw the pic of the bug-eyed attorney I immedidately thought of Jack Elam. He played the gunslinger in the opening scene of Once Upon A Time In The West, one of the greatest and most epic opening scenes of all time.

    • Dr Mossy Lawn

      Also Dr Van Helsing in Canonball Run.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Elam did a fine job in Support Your Local Sherriff.

  27. AlexinCT

    I have figured out how we can solve the “Is Kamala black” discussion we are all having in a flash: Have her say the “N” word, and see how that plays out…

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Or Niggah?

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Errr… Accurate transcription can be difficult to find in the sleep-deprived.

  28. Sensei

    Keep in mind no need to knock 401(k) out of this as you get a public pension too!

    The worker, who has a private office in the LIRR’s Jamaica headquarters, taught classes both in person, and remotely, sometimes using an MTA-issued computer, and mostly during her MTA work hours, according to Cort’s office. The MTA paid the employee $147,213.64 last year, including $16,529.72 in overtime, according to the report.

    MTA worker suspended for moonlighting as adjunct professor for 4 years; supervisors fired

    • robodruid

      Was I not supposed to be doing this? No one ever told me.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Kookoo for Kammie

    Gone are Joe Biden’s dark warnings about the life-and-death stakes for American democracy.

    Instead, Kamala Harris talks animatedly about protecting abortion rights and capping drug costs, lowering inflation and boosting the middle class.

    Whereas Biden dwelled on the MAGA movement’s threat to democracy, Harris is delivering a sunnier vision of a nation made up of “neighbors, not enemies.”

    Less than three weeks after Biden pulled out of the presidential race, his successor is in the early stages of retooling his campaign message, making it her own.

    Harris is differentiating herself from Biden, amplifying positions that reflect her own priorities and commitment to running what she calls a “joyful” campaign. She expects to roll out more defined plans for what she’d do at the start of a presidential term, giving voters a clearer picture of how she would govern, people close to her said.

    Vote for happy happy joy joy. You won’t be sorry.

    • Ownbestenemy

      amplifying positions You mean the positions you (the media/propagandist/etc) are making up? Cause…she still has no platform up for people to go peruse themselves.

      • Gustave Lytton

        You have to elect her to find out what’s in it.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        We all know what’s in Kamala.

      • juris imprudent

        She is a spunky thing, isn’t she?

    • Drake

      I notice she never says HOW any of these great things are going to happen.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    As early as next week, Harris will begin to highlight unfinished pieces of Biden’s agenda that she’d champion as president, including universal child care, paid family leave, affordable housing and a minimum wage increase, according to a person familiar with the discussion, speaking on condition of anonymity.

    “She’s going to say we’re all in this together. Bringing people together is what the country needs, and it’s great f—— politics,” said Jim Messina, who managed Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

    Sure, why the fuck not? It don’t cost nothin’.

    • Rat on a train

      $2T annual debt increases are for amateurs. I’m sure she can get that up to at least $3T.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    “The way she thinks about it is ‘freedom’ is an easier way for people to understand how they’re being personally impacted,” a member of her team said, speaking on condition of anonymity to talk about internal discussions. “‘Freedom’ is an easier way to understand what it means for democracy to be under threat.”

    Rights are invented and granted (and revoked) by the government, based on polls and focus groups.

    • Common Tater

      Is she going to retell that made up story she stole from MLK?

  32. Chipping Pioneer

    Abbott is finally standing up for something.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    It would be so much easier if the government owned everything

    Now, officials are taking steps to improve evacuations on Maui. New fire sensors and technology could help emergency managers be more responsive. The government is also planning several road construction projects to create more escape routes for some neighborhoods.

    Still, providing adequate evacuation in Lahaina will require a harder conversation – since it involves acquiring private property to create exits out of neighborhoods. In the densely developed town, widening roads and constructing new ones may need land from homeowners who are in the process of rebuilding what they lost. The cost of new road projects is also often far more than cities can afford, especially while recovering from a disaster.

    With more than 2,000 homes and buildings destroyed, some see a chance to make Lahaina more resilient to future disasters. But as many communities hit by wildfires have found, a clean slate to start over isn’t actually a clean slate.

    Some residents say that tough discussion about whether Lahaina should be rebuilt differently needs to be had, in order to feel safe again.

    Socialist dictatorships are incredibly efficient, and they always make the right allocation of resources.

    • R C Dean

      Evacuate who from Maui? I mean, there hasn’t been any rebuilding at all, has there? So who is living in the fire zone again that would need to be evacuated?

  34. CatchTheCarp

    Rapper Nelly was busted in a local casino this week after hitting a large jackpot. From what I gather anytime a person wins a big jackpot at a casino the MO Highway Patrol runs an outstanding warrant check before paying the winner. Nelly had an outstanding warrant for failure to provide proof of insurance from a previous traffic stop. He was arrested and searched where the officer found ectasy on him. Unfortunately the article does not shed any light on this practice of running an outstanding warrant check when a casino customer wins XX amount. I was curious if this practice applied to hitting a big lottery ticket. I could find no additional info. Nelly and his lawyer are crying foul stating that the police had no probable cause to search him. If you have an outstanding warrant and a LEO recognizes you in a public setting can he arrest you? I would hope so. Note to Nelly – take care of your traffic tickets.

    • Ted S.

      Are you worried because you have outstanding warrants?

    • R C Dean

      Wait, you can be arrested for failure to provide proof of insurance?

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        Seem that you can be arrested for contempt of process. Which is fairly normal.

      • Sensei

        In NJ on a second or third offense, yes.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Assuming its he had court date, didn’t appear and its arrested on the bench warrant, not the proof of insurance.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Wait, you can be arrested for failure to provide proof of insurance?

    I believe you can be arrested for not having a card, even if you have coverage.

    • Drake

      Guessing he got a summons for not having the insurance, then blew off following up until they issued a warrant.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Beat me by 3 minutes.

  36. UnCivilServant

    For some reason, I just want to crawl under my desk and hide.

    Mind you, A: I am the only one in the office, and B: with the layout of this cube anyone walking by would have clear visibility of anything under the desk.

    • Not Adahn

      I notice some of the cubicles are being disassembled. I wonder if I should be worrying.

      • UnCivilServant

        “We’re converting to a open plan with hoteling.”

      • Timeloose

        Semiconductors are certainly seeing an inventory correction. A true downturn is also being discussed.

        I’m looking at a structural layoff at the end of the quarter. No job if I don’t agree to a relo. I’m not relocating.

      • Not Adahn

        Yup. Big meeting the other day with the message “demand falloff has bottomed out! It won’t get worse now! We swear!”

      • UnCivilServant

        That sounds like “We failed to sell a single unit – it literally can’t get worse!”

  37. The Late P Brooks

    Rinaway freight train

    Vice President KAMALA HARRIS has been on a remarkable heater ever since replacing President JOE BIDEN atop the Democratic ticket, raising ridiculous amounts of money, meeting massive, euphoric crowds wherever she’s gone and instantly rising in the polls.

    It continued on Tuesday night when she took the stage for the first time alongside her newly chosen running mate, Minnesota Gov. TIM WALZ, as the revamped Democratic ticket offered themselves up as optimistic avatars of a new, inclusive American future.

    The raucous crowd inside the arena in Philadelphia ate it up. And so did the cable networks, three of which carried the event live and uninterrupted for roughly 80 minutes, starting with another strong and closely watched speech from Pennsylvania Gov. JOSH SHAPIRO, the runner up for Harris’ vice president nod.

    Don’t jinx yourself by answering questions. No details.

  38. R C Dean

    “raising ridiculous amounts of money”

    Mostly money from big donors that had been withheld until Biden was booted.

    “meeting massive, euphoric crowds”

    The only one I’ve heard of, other than the one in Philly, is when she showed up at a concert for somebody else. How many people were at that one, anyway?

    “instantly rising in the polls”

    From the little I can tell (and I don’t really follow the polling), the polls are a hot mess. The only ones that matter are the ones in swing states, anyway.