GlibFlicks 3rd Anniversary Extravaganza

by | Aug 15, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 135 comments

Four more years?


Holy Moly, 4 years! Is it too long? Feels like it just started yesterday for me. It took hours to shoot that post photo, and I had to borrow orphans all the way to Oklahoma City! I am saving that giant vinyl ticket. I can use it as a tent when I am forced into a Bidentown.

Enough prattle! Here are the stats for the 3rd Anniversary!

I want to thank everyone who shows up Thursdays to dig through the trash with me! Sometimes talking about politics gets to be too much, and I feel this is somewhat of an oasis from all the serious crap going on.

One last note to everyone who hangs out on Thursdays: We are in some small way responsible for the fact the Tubi is about to pass Disney in the streaming wars. Yeah!

So what movie did I pick for tonight’s special show? Well, I picked a very, very special movie. Feels like I waited forever for this to come out on free streaming! It is a rock and roll vampire film which to me, is a 10 of 10. It is a singular vision with no sequel which was written, directed, and stars Rob Stefaniuk. Who else is in it?

  • Alice Cooper
  • Henry Rollins
  • Iggy Pop
  • Alex Lifeson
  • Moby (As a heavy metal rock star covered in blood named “Beef”)
  • Dmitri Coats
  • Malcom McDowell
  • Dave Foley (Kids in the Hall)

Let me tell you, it is not possible to get together that stellar of a cast and have your movie be bad. Our heroine in tonight’s film is a model, Jessica Paré who went on to be a voice actor in Robot Chicken, the Simpsons, and others. Oh, and she was in this thing called Mad Men where she played Megan Draper.

I really hope you all enjoy. And welcome to the party! I am going to have a beverage, because I turned 58 yesterday in addition to celebrating four years of GlibFlicks!

And now , the official GlibFlicks theme song. GET UP AND DANCE IN THE TRASH WITH ME!

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Common Tater

    Happy Anniversary! 🙂

  2. Common Tater

    “I turned 58 yesterday”

    HBD 🙂

  3. Common Tater

    Who is the pretty bassist?

    • Common Tater

      Jessica Paré, funny I didn’t remember her from Mad Men.

  4. DEG

    Alice Cooper. Excellent.

    Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday!

    Diving in a few minutes…


    Jessica Paré

    I know her from my guilty pleasure, SEAL Team


    • Gustave Lytton

      Navy SEALS was Michael Biehn not Michael Paré.


      • rhywun

        lol my mind also went to Michael Paré. Ask your lady friends why.

  6. DEG

    Alice Cooper the barman.


    • Common Tater

      After he got sober, otherwise he would drink the entire stock.

  7. slumbrew

    Happy birthday, you googly-eyed bastid!

    • R.J.

      One year older, googly eyes a little saggier.

      • slumbrew

        once they start sagging past the tip, you know you’re really old

  8. The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

    Happy day of birth!

  9. DEG

    A little Robert Johnson. Nice. And Alice Cooper again.

  10. R.J.

    Here I am, late to my own party. Had a lot of kid’s school stuff to do.

  11. MikeS

    Happy Anniversary! And Birthday!

    I haven’t caught a lot of these, but I have seen some real gems. There was one a while back I really liked. I should re-watch it. It was in Spanish. Totally absurd. Satan needed a child to rule Earth or something like that.

    • R.J.

      Oh yes! The Christmas episode with Santa vs. the Devil.
      Nice to see you again!

      • MikeS

        I don’t remember a Santa. It started in a office building. The “hero” was kind of a bitch. In fact, if I recall correctly the consensus was nobody was very likable, and yet it worked. The boss especially was an ass. I believe you labeled it as an Arthouse movie. I’m gonna go back and see if I can find it.

      • MikeS

        Oooh. Thanks for sharing the mater list in the Glibforum

      • MikeS

        I may be confusing two movies. El Día de la Bestia has the antichrist angle, and while that wasn’t the one I was referring to, I really liked that one, too.

      • R.J.

        Understandable. 151 movies posted since 2021. I can’t even keep up and I do worry about double-posting.

      • MikeS

        Yeah, I badly garbled two different movies. Punch the Clock and El Día de la Bestia are what I was thinking of and both were really good.

  12. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    Hey, Happy Birthday RJ!

  13. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Happy birthday JR!

    • R.J.

      Thanks for all the well wishes!

      • Fourscore

        You are soon to be a threescore, HBDAY!

  14. R.J.

    So, this opened up near me. Google maps has pictures, for some reason theirs are not working. Light horror themed restaurant.

    • Nephilium

      I still haven’t made it to the Haunted House Restaurant that opened a couple years back on the other side of town.

      • R.J.

        I saw that in your neck of the woods. Those places come and go really fast, so go while it is still open and still serving edible food.

  15. DEG

    It’s not what it looks like. Heh.

  16. Common Tater

    I wonder from where they got the old Malcom McDowell footage?

    • R.J.

      I knew the answer to that at one time. One moment.

      • R.J.

        It was mostly from “O Lucky Man.” I looked that up the first time I saw this.

      • Common Tater

        OK, thanks.

        Lots of references in this movie….

    • R.J.

      What is this madness?

    • slumbrew

      “it might have been 15, it depends on how you count them” 😀

  17. DEG

    He’s a barman that can read minds. Well, he is Alice Cooper.

  18. R.J.

    This film was shot on a budget of 3.5 million, almost unheard of for a modern film. Everyone pitched in. Alice Cooper came with his own wardrobe to save money, for example.

    I was unable to find interviews with Moby on this film. He was clearly enjoying himself.

    • UnCivilServant

      Hopefully the ongoing correction leads to more small movies to reduce the number of big flops.

      • R.J.

        I hope for that as well. This came out in 2011, and it was damn near forgotten. It’s a good film. It deserved better.

  19. Evan from Evansville

    Happy Anniversary, indeed! Way to keep killin’ it. And I’ve never heard of this…yet HOW?! That cast just kept gettin’ crazier…

    Well done, sir. *doffs cap*

    • Common Tater

      Oddly, I’ve met three people in that cast.

      • R.J.

        Fantastic. I met Alice Cooper. And I have seen Moby with mine own eyes.

      • Common Tater

        I’ve never met Alice Cooper. I met Iggy Pop and Moby very briefly. I’ve hung out with Rollins several times…

      • Chipping Pioneer

        I saw Dave Foley in the can at A Tragically Hip show. We looked at each other and it must have been obvious from they look on my face that I recognized him. The look on his face was one of nonrecognotion and mild fright.

      • MikeS

        The look on his face was one of nonrecognotion and mild fright.

        That sounds like me a few mornings back in my younger days.

      • Chafed

        You can’t leave it there. How did you wind up hanging out with Rollins several times?

      • Common Tater

        “You can’t leave it there. How did you wind up hanging out with Rollins several times?”

        I knew him from Black Flag, then he played a club I managed as Rollins Band a couple of times.

    • Evan from Evansville

      The bassist in Willie Nelson’s band grabbed my leg in their bus as a ‘SURPRISE!’ gag. Dad worked for the paper and talked to ’em outside the stadium in Evansville. We were led around, talked to folk and onto their bus. That was interesting.

  20. LCDR_Fish

    Posted another video from this channel before. Good discussion – but easy to run in the background since the visuals get repetitive in some places. (Why is Sci-fi so religious)

  21. DEG

    That was pretty good.

    Thanks RJ!

    • R.J.

      You are welcome! See you next week, when the posts continue.

      • Common Tater

        What is next week?

      • R.J.

        Don’t know yet. Possibly Velocipastor, your suggestion.

      • Common Tater

        OK, cool! I’ll go look where I put the DVD. It has a commentary track.

        Velocipastor seems to be getting more attention because there is a Velocipastor 2, but I haven’t looked into it.

        I think there is also a Terrifier 3. I need to catch up on my horror stuff.

  22. MikeS

    Housing is where people make homes. Homes are the foundation of happy families, and families need housing to have homes. My administration will build foundations for families to house their family. In homes.

    Kamala Harris to Unveil Housing Initiatives Aimed at First-Time Buyers

    Vice President Kamala Harris will call for the construction of 3 million new housing units in her first four years in office, as well as a new tax incentive for companies that build homes for first-time buyers, according to campaign officials.

    • slumbrew

      She will command the tide to stop its advance. Slay, kween!

    • Common Tater

      What could possibly go wrong?

    • Fourscore

      Get rid of zoning laws, permits and inspectors and there would soon be lots of housing.

      The most concerned about my house should be me, my lender if I’m borrowing money and my insurance company. Vested interest and if they want to inspect that would be an option.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Correct. Government does not build houses. The absolute best they can do is GTFO of the way.

    • creech

      Only 3 million? Why not 10 million? Or 25 million? Homes grow on trees don’t they so why limit them?

      • creech

        Actually, the U.S. already adds about 1.3 to 1.5 million new units each year, so Kommiela is calling for a 45% decrease over 4 years. About what one can expect as she and Walz ruin the American economy.

      • Chafed

        Possibly both

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      They also could try to not allow so many illegals in so as to restrict demand. If only she knew who was put in charge of the border.

  23. slumbrew

    New, final Umbrella Academy season – how angry will it make me? I’m not sure I should watch it.

    • Not Adahn

      I’ve been rewatching the first three up to this last one. Is there anything to make you suspect this season will be worse than the others? They kept the “woo! trans!” thing to a minimum, though dropping that in at all was narratively stupid.

  24. groat scotum

    We’re mostly men here, surely you mean glibstrokes.

    • slumbrew

      I can’t even with your glibsplaining

      • groat scotum

        Wait’ll you see me glibspread. It’s less exciting than it doesn’t sound.

  25. Spudalicious

    Holy crap, R.J.! Happy Anniversary!

    • slumbrew

      It warrants more study. Much, much more study.

      • R.J.

        An excellent start!

      • MikeS

        The guns accentuate the guns.

      • Chafed

        Do you have my future wife’s phone number?

    • Mojeaux

      Liberal women hate that conservative women are generally more beautiful than they are. They are, and have, everything that normal women traditionally want.

      • groat scotum

        Liberal women hate women who use commas appropriately. Swear to God! they do. Hate, HATE!, a woman who punctuates appropriately. And that’s all. They are punctilious. Which is what being punctual is all about. Punctuation.

      • UnCivilServant

        Liberal women hate that conservative women are generally more beautiful than they are.

        While I’ve noticed the pattern, I’ve not been able to decide on the most probable causal link.

      • Mojeaux

        I’m a commakazi.

      • Mojeaux

        I don’t think conservative women are pretty because they’re conservative. I think a lot of ugly, bitter women become liberal.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Chicken and egg.

        Also, more in tune with traditional norms of beauty and dressing. The Mennonite chicks I see around here look gorgeous and their clothing, while still being modest and not revealing, is extremely flattering.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Same with the Mennonite men.

      • rhywun

        Co… stanza

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m a commakazi.

        Being a grammar extremist, wouldn’t a better title for you be a CommaNazi?

        Are the journalos who are engaging in extreme gaslighting KamalaKazis? Sacrificing all their credibility and dignity just to sink USS Trump?

  26. Chafed

    That is an unbelievable csst.

  27. DrOtto

    Even the wife liked Evil Roy Slade, and she doesn’t like anything.

    • DrOtto

      I’ve begun watching these after our night out on Thursdays. My wife asked where I pick them from. I told her it’s libertarian homework.

  28. Mojeaux

    Happy barfday, RJ! Husband broke 58 back in January.

  29. UnCivilServant

    Off-Topic, I’m trying to develop a BBQ sauce, as the store bought varieties are too sweet. Being such a contentious and varied cuisine, I find no end of recipies to examine, no two of which agree.

    I’m trying to work out a basic root to build on – or maybe a few of the regional roots since there is a base disagreement on what the style should be.

    • MikeS

      If sauces are too sweet, consider abandoning them altogether and going with a dry rub.

      • UnCivilServant

        I tend to slop more sauce on at the table – which doesn’t work so well with dry spices.

    • Mojeaux

      The first thing you need to do is decide if you want a vinegar (e.g., mustard) or molasses base.

      • UnCivilServant

        I would definately lean vinegar given my other reasons to take more control over the recipe.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Since Mojeaux accused me of being too predictable, I will lay off on commenting on this.

        UCS when you are ready to admit you have hit rock bottom, I will host a Memphis dry-rub intervention.

    • UnCivilServant

      For the vinegar route, the recipie seems to be:

      tomato paste
      liquid (water/bourbon/cola)

      Other seasonings (all optional)
      worchesterchire sauce
      liquid smoke

    • CPRM

      Apple Cider vinegar, ketchup (or tomato paste), mustard and black pepper. If you want it sweeter, brown sugar and molasses added. Play with quantities to fit your taste. Also, liquid smoke or smoked paprika (or chipotle) if you want smokiness.

  30. Aloysious


    Happy anniversary and thank you for the movies!

    • Aloysious

      So for your birthday cake, what flavor do you prefer: broccoli or Brussel Sprouts. You know. Because your head is big and green.

  31. Brochettaward


  32. Chafed

    Oh yeah. Happy Birthday R.J.!

  33. Common Tater

    The thing with BBQ sauce is that it doesn’t have fat. So it’s onion and garlic powder. Whisk that in a sauce pan with tomato paste, malt or cider vinegar, molasses, mustard powder, and whatever spices, and slowly bring to a boil.

  34. Mojeaux

    Bruno Mars cannot make a bad song. Don’t @ me.

    • MikeS

      Who the hell is Bruno Mars? Geddy Lee and Steely Dan’s* love child?

      *Yes. I know Steely Dan isn’t one person. The question stands.

      • Ted S.

        I thought for Mike it would be today’s Tom Sawyer.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Who the hell is Bruno Mars

        You NoDaks are so uncultured. Bruno was a famous candy guy.

        Outside of candy making, he bought the ChiSox just to battle Wrigley’s gum-eating Cubs.

  35. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. Tim Walz laid hands on my sister and she was cured!

    “I felt like an outsider. At one point my mom was even like: ‘I might have to put you in a hospital. I don’t really know what to do anymore,’” Miller told The Daily Beast in a phone interview Wednesday. “It was tough. I guess I just didn’t really know how to express my feelings very well. I didn’t know how to deal with them.”
    One class, however, brought her some reprieve—and it was taught by a teacher who would later become the Democratic nominee for vice president. Looking back, Miller remembers Walz’s class as something of a sliding doors moment, without which her life may have taken a very different course.
    “It’s pretty amazing what one person can do,” Miller, who now works as a ceramicist in Portland, Oregon, said. “Even if he didn’t know I was going through all of that—accidentally changing somebody’s life in a major way, you know, that’s kind of what teachers do. What a good teacher can do.”
    Walz “really thought it was really important for us to understand the cultures and religions of the world,” Miller said.
    “I kind of remember him mentioning that we had a disproportionate amount of classes about America and its history all throughout our high school. Yet we had this like one semester to learn about the entire world.”
    For Miller, the class was also a gateway into a skill that would help deal with her anxiety for years to come: “I remember him teaching us about Taoism and Buddhism. And I ended up getting into meditation because of that.”

    Ah yes. King Walz saved her by turning her on to mediation as practiced by his best buddies in the CCP.

    • rhywun

      JFC they’re laying it on a little thick.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I kind of remember him mentioning that we had a disproportionate amount of classes about America and its history all throughout our high school. Yet we had this like one semester to learn about the entire world.

      Typical high school curriculum is three years of ‘social studies’. One US History, one World History, and another human geography/anthropology type course. Electives then branch to things like civics (should be a core class), another world history class, etc.

      One semester only? I call bullshit.

      • UnCivilServant

        I can just see what unionized public school teachers would peddle as “civics”

      • rhywun

        Yeah, we had one year of Europe, one of Asia/Africa, and one of US.

    • UnCivilServant

      What about the rest of us?

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, and maybe Ted’S., and good Japan time, Your Holiness!

      • Gender Traitor

        Yesterday at work was a frazzling, irritating day, so I hope today goes better. How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I forgot to grab a lunch bag my first time I stepped out of the door (had to turn around halfway tothe car). I started eating my breakfast salad before putting dressing on it. At the office, I found that someone had moved my desk phone and turned off my main monitor. Which also dislodged the shim that prevents the phone from rocking and overturned my headset base station. Why anyone was even in my cube, I can’t tell – it certainly wasn’t the cleaners.

      • Gender Traitor

        Well, that’s annoying! The cleaners used to occasionally rearrange stuff on my desk in my previous office, but I haven’t noticed that since I moved one office over.

        Hope it’s all uphill (in the good way) from here!

      • UnCivilServant


        It Also managed to get my headphones (for the computer, different from the telephone headset) entangled in the phone cord.

      • Gender Traitor

        Oh, good grief! Is it possible the folks in charge of your office tech hardware – phones and/or computers – were changing something out?

      • UnCivilServant

        The hardware was the same, so the only thing that comes to mind is maybe rebooting the phones. They have no switches so you have to unplug them from the bottom.

        But there was no notification of any kind – which would be abnormal.

      • UnCivilServant

        I asked around and apparently they were vacuuming the carpets. If they knocked over my headset and tossed it back on the desk, they could have shoved everything else around. And the position of the power button on the monitor is such that I can see a vacuum handle bumping it when they were working on the opposite side of the cube.

  36. Ownbestenemy

    Get ready for the news to spin Harris policies as “aggressively populist”

    • Ted S.

      I thought populism was hated by today’s left.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Not when you repackage quasi-socialism and open up the treasury into the term. They will love it. The news will write it and gaga for cackles with be all the rage.

    • rhywun

      And “joyously”!


  37. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody