IFLA: The “Do I Shoot too Much?” Edition of the Horoscope for the week of Aug 4

by | Aug 4, 2024 | IFLA | 35 comments

This week I’m working the Empire State USPSA Championship. Fortunately, this my last major until September. Update: with 3/4 of the PROD shooters complete, I’m on top of the standings *hip thrust dance*

The pack heads out for a walk.

This week could be interesting. The two signs we’ll be wanting to look at are Leo (of course) and Virgo. The weeks starts off well from the remnants of last along with a new moon. Immediately Venus moves into Virgo, which leaves Leo kind of bereft for the rest of its month, but it also provides it with some insulation from what’s going to go down. On the 6th we get a really nice triple conjunction of Mercury, Venus and the Moon, so lots of luck love and all of that. But the very next day… BOOM! MERCURY RETROGRADE. Now the moon will have left that conjunction but for Virgos, it’s like you’re cruising down the road, shift into the next gear, and your transmission falls out breaking your rear axle in the process. A couple day later we get the moon realigning this time with Saturn retrograde.

Leo: 7 of Coins – Investment/stewardship/effort pays off.

Virgo: Page of Wands reversed – Soe people can fuck up the simplest jobs.

Libra: Strength. See hip thrust dance, supra.

Scorpio: Judgment – You can’t hide. You can run, but that just means they’ll make the decision without you.

Sagittarius: 6 of Coins – You’ll be in a position where you have the ability to help others. Choose wisely.

Capricorn: 7 of Swords reversed – A high risk plan means it has a high chance of failing. There will also be a lot of bad advice for you this week. This might be included.

Aquarius: Justice – Justice.

Pisces: 3 of Cups reversed – A hangover, either literal or metaphorical.

Aries: 9 of Swords – There is a decision to make between being inward/local/cautions or outward/ambitious/risk. This card doesn’t tell you which way to choose, but it does say if you make the wrong choice you are going to be extremely unhappy. Sometimes the cards are jerks like that.

Taurus: Page of Swords reversed – Someone unimportant can make your life worse.

Gemini: 8 of Cups – Sometimes walking away from a sure thing pays off.

Cancer: The Hanged Man reversed – It’s lonely at the top. Seeing further than others, building on previous accomplishments.

Sorry things are so sparse, entertainment-wise. It’s been that kind of week

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. Gender Traitor


    Gaaah!!! Nooooo! We have an all-staff meeting (offsite with catering) coming up week after next! 😖

    • UnCivilServant

      All staff? Offsite? Catered?


      • Gender Traitor

        Yup. Starts with “re” and ends with “organization.”

      • UnCivilServant

        Reducing the Size of the Organization?

      • Gender Traitor

        Only by one position, as far as I know. And it ain’t mine.

      • UnCivilServant

        You know I’m being silly. 🤪

      • Gender Traitor

        Of course, you wacky joker! 😁

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: 6 of Coins – You’ll be in a position where you have the ability to help others. Choose wisely.

    Ability? Maybe. Inclination? Doubtful.

  3. ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

    Their ain’t no Justice, Just Us.

    • Nephilium

      TANJ and TANSTAFL are abbreviations to live by.

      Or to expand it… you know… most of you should have seen it by now.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Oh, there are such a thing as female libertarians. 😉 Just not enough.

      • Nephilium


        /golf clap

        Of course, it’s free lunch, but I like where your mind is. 🙂

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Hence the 😉.

  4. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    There is a decision to make between being inward/local/cautions or outward/ambitious/risk. This card doesn’t tell you which way to choose, but it does say if you make the wrong choice you are going to be extremely unhappy. Sometimes the cards are jerks like that.

    My current lifestyle may belie the point, but I’m 99.999999% cautious. So the choice is already made, regardless of the card!

  5. Suthenboy

    Mrs. Suthenboy once made some cherry cheesecake and topped it with candied cherries. She asked me to taste test. I said it was great.
    “good. I was afraid it might have too many cherries on top.”
    I was a bit at a loss for how to respond to that. Too many cherries on top? Like too much fun? Too much money? Too much sex? What do you mean too many cherries on top?
    Also, too much shooting. Tsk Tsk NA.

  6. Suthenboy

    ‘Hip thrust dance’
    I was expecting Sax Guy but that is acceptable.

    • Tres Cool

      +1 Time Warp

  7. juris imprudent

    This might be included. and Sometimes the cards are jerks like that.

    House Imprudent gets double-whammy.

  8. Gender Traitor

    Oh yeah – congratulations on your high standing so far in the championship! Hope it holds! 🤞

  9. Rebel Scum

    Aquarius: Justice – Justice.

    It’s fun that this lacks any and all context.

  10. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    @gdragon, from dedthred because I was corpsefucking:

    Oh, no, I didn’t take your comment [re: head meds] that way. I don’t talk too much about it here (I don’t think) because I know medication and therapy are looked down upon in these here parts, but medication has done wonders for me and my kids. Sadly, my kids got my issues and I don’t think any of us would be doing very well without it. I’m a little envious because I sure could’ve used some chemical help in my late teens and 20s (and 30s).

    • Fourscore

      A couple of my relatives were prescribed meds and then didn’t take them . Things did not turn out well for them. Both were women, one chose to visit an unknown place, the other wanders the street, perhaps she has taken the permanent vacation as well.

      • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

        From what I understand, drugs can make a schizophrenic’s life much better, but the problem is theybget better and then think they don’t need it anymore, stop taking ot, then get worse, then can’t get themselves together enough to start taking it again.

        I’m would totally bring back psychiatric facilities. It would likely cut the homeless problem in half.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        A massive amount of the street drug problem as well. Self-medication can take people down dark and sad corridors.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont look down on meds or therapy. These exist because there is a need. What I look down on are those that use imagined conditions of any kind as a tool to control other people’s behavior.
      “I’m special you have to accommodate me” <— That sort of thing. That's not you thus the "I dont talk to much about it…".

    • Gdragon

      @Mojeaux I did see your post in the other (dead) thread but thank you for making sure! I’m certainly not a total skeptic when it comes to mental illnesses and the value of drugs prescribed for them but I do think that they seem a bit casually overprescribed these days. Hence the joke that I made. But as I said I’m glad to hear that you are doing well and I hope that you didn’t feel like my joke/commentary was indirectly targeting you or your kids.

      • Gdragon

        And now I guess I just threw my comment in a dead thread too LOL

  11. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Taurus: Page of Swords reversed – Someone unimportant can make your life worse.

    Well, my family is important to me, so I won’t have to watch my back there…

  12. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    Potluck after church today. Brought my spicy tuna dip, but don’t know how well it will go over. Somebody said looked good, but it doesn’t. Ot looks like a red-orange-beige mess.

  13. Evan from Evansville

    *Thanks to KK, CPRM, MoJo and whathappen for indulging my half therapeutic, half-profession question about upcoming options. I hope to chat more, but my internet’s been wonky in my burrow.

    Hope to get that fixed and chat more w y’all, interesting and far more learned folk than this young man.

  14. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Ben & David did a review on Celebrity (featuring accessibility). Not the exact ship for Glibs Cruise, but same line, so lots of the same layout and ammentities
