1. AlexinCT

    Dow futures drop 800 points, S&P futures lose 3% as global market sell-off intensifies

    In Japan they stopped trading cause the crash was so bad. And crypto is getting hammered too. I was expecting a move by the fed to prop up the market and hide the fact there is an inevitable recession coming, at least till after the 2024 election in November, but they seem unable to avoid things going south.

  2. UnCivilServant

    How are we not currently in a recession?

    • AlexinCT

      Because they have printed and pissed away $2 trillion over the taxes they are collecting, and used every lever possible to fake the data, to bamboozle us to the fact their policies that require government to pick winners and losers, have crippled the economy.

    • Nephilium

      Because they changed the definition of a recession.

    • SDF-7

      Yeah — I’m pretty sure we have been, they’ve just been including “growing” the government as a way of masking it. Which is obviously completely unsustainable in the long term. National version of “We’re fine! We keep going on nice vacations and buying boats on the credit cards!”

    • Drake

      Now the Democrats have to try to limp to November without a full-blown recession, without the Ukes completely collapsing, and without a disastrous war in the Middle East. Good luck with all those chickens coming home to roost.

      • SDF-7

        On the plus side — if their cackling idiot loses, they get to hang the recession on OMB and the Stupid Party most likely. And if not, they can just keep lying to our faces. Win-Win!

      • Ownbestenemy

        I mean, the Harris campaign is already trying to hang the bad jobs reports on….*checks notes* Trump. The media gleefully abides.

    • juris imprudent

      Both growth and decline are measured looking backward, so technically, you don’t know anything until you are at least 6 months into it.

      • UnCivilServant

        By my reckoning, we’re four years into it.

      • AlexinCT

        UCS wins the Interwebs today…

      • juris imprudent

        Economically, there is a lot of weird shit, and it isn’t really tied to particular administrations.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The wheels started wobbling when “15 days to flatten the curve” hit the three week mark.

    • Brawndo

      It’s only a recession for the middle class and poors. The rich aren’t feeling it (yet) or may even be doing better, therefore it’s not a recession and the economy is actually doing great.

      • juris imprudent

        I had the impression that California – which has an extremely progressive income tax, and thus is fiscally boned when high incomes drop – was on the cusp of a meltdown.

      • rhywun

        fiscally boned when high incomes drop

        NYC even more so.

      • WTF

        Well, they’ll just solve it by raising taxes and enforcing price controls.

      • AlexinCT

        And by fixing it you mean making it magnitudes worse for the common people…

        No wonder they want to kill of half of humanity, disarm the rest, drug the majority up and keep them living on government handouts, and return to feudalism where they can stay on top perpetually. These days they must be having trouble sleeping, wondering when the people will just say “enough is enough” and come for them, which is why they want the correction.

      • juris imprudent

        Alex, don’t forget that most people are exactly as Huxley described them.

      • AlexinCT

        Touché, JI.

      • Homple

        “…don’t forget that most people are exactly as Huxley described them.”

        Heritage Brits are well described by Huxley; their imported Muslims, not so much. That’s why the Mohams get their way in Great Britain. A Regime can stay in control of a multi-cultural society if it has to appease only one of the cultures it rules. When another group gets salty and goes after the government and the favored group, things go badly for the Regime.

        Starmer gave his unleash-the-Gestapo speech to scare the Heritage Brits. He’s aware of what the IRA used to do and even how football hooligans operate. Watch the crowd at the next big football match to gauge how things might be going.

    • The Last American Hero

      The mag-7 accounts for almost all of the stock market growth the last couple of years and as others have noted the massive spike in government spending is propping up GDP to mask the recession.

      Also, we are last in line at the glue factory. Compared to Europe, Japan, or the BRICS, we still look pretty good.

    • sloopyinca

      We are.

  3. AlexinCT

    ActBlue Is Accused of Money Laundering By Several State Attorneys General

    ActBlue is a criminal enterprise. I know this for a fact. I found out during Obama’s tenure that I had donated money, and to democrat politicians of all things. I had never donated to anyone, period. When I contacted authorities in this commie state to point that out, they ignored me for months. Then the record showing I had given money (and it was the max you can donate to a politician I absolutely despise) went away and they authorities told me to stop calling them about it.

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s when you disappeared the ‘authorities’?

      • AlexinCT

        If you mean I gave up wasting time and money, then yes.

      • UnCivilServant

        No, I mean you were more proactive at removing corruption.

      • AlexinCT

        I got in trouble and had to get a lawyer when I opined D.C. being nuked was good for the country and American people, so no.

  4. AlexinCT

    Squad members sued for ‘inciting’ Columbia anti-Israel encampment

    What? These fucking crooks let all the Hamas paid protesters that destroyed college campuses shilling for murdering fucks off scott free. So why the fuck should I expect any politician, and especially a team blue politician after the “mostly peaceful, summer of love” experience, to be held accountable.

    Shit, the fucking propaganda machine tried real hard to bury the fact the new DEI hire candidate they have selected despite what team blue voters voted for had encouraged people to donate money to entities to help rioters be set free – for months- while they cheered on riots during a pandemic that had until then been authority stomping on the necks of anyone that dared to go out in public.

  5. AlexinCT

    Hundreds Arrested Abroad As Rioters Clash With Police, Attack Buildings Following Stabbing Spree

    These rioters, being neither leftists nor special class minorities (like immigrants brought in against the wishes of the locals), are about to get their own J6 experience. The totalitarian cabal in Europe will not tolerate the peasants/serfs giving them shit about their horrible policies and government.

    • SDF-7

      No kidding… From here, the new Brit PM:

      “I guarantee you will regret taking part in this disorder, whether directly or those whipping up this action online and then running away themselves,” he said. “This is not a protest. It is organized, violent thuggery, and it has no place on our streets or online.”

      Reads to me as “We will track you down no matter how small your role, and we will make you sorry.” Trudeau-level social credit score style economic lockout or J6 indefinite detentions incoming is how I read that. Yay “democracy” and “rule of law”.

      • AlexinCT

        My bad. I had a copy & past fail because what I wanted to reply to was this: “Judge sets court date for Trump election interference case“.

        Hope that makes more sense…

      • SDF-7

        It does… but it was funnier the other way. 😉

        On the more serious front — if I’m remembering right, isn’t this judge the “never met a J6 sentence harsh enough” one? Not really surprising she’s trying to ram through a trial as fast as she can regardless of SCOTUS.

  6. AlexinCT

    Hundreds Arrested Abroad As Rioters Clash With Police, Attack Buildings Following Stabbing Spree

    So, what’s the over & under that they will ignore the SCOTUS rulings, and still try to go ahead with this desperate attempt to take out Trump?

    • SDF-7

      Um… the British anti-losing-our-country counter-protestors? I’d say the odds are very good they’ll ignore SCOTUS rulings, sure. I doubt they’ll try to take out Trump though. Be rather odd to do so.

  7. AlexinCT

    Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff admits to extramarital affair that led to breakup of first marriage

    Someone should ask Willie Brown’s wife what she thinks of the DEI hire candidate.

  8. rhywun

    Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff admits to extramarital affair that led to breakup of first marriage

    how to tell if your dog is involved in a sex scandal

    Includes bonus footage of his and his lovely daughter’s meddling in ME affairs.


      It would be better if his first name was Jack.

      • Gdragon

        Or Chinese. Bai Emhoff would be perfect.

  9. ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

    You know, the Incas used to take a board and crank it down on you forehead to give them that slooped face.

    Just sayin’.

    (happy day of birth, Sloop!)

  10. R.J.

    Happy birthday, whippersnapper!

    • AlexinCT

      Concur on the sentiment.

  11. Gdragon

    Sloopy’s birthday really seems it’s like a local story 😉

    (JK of course, Happy Birthday Sloopy! Hope that your day is happy and wonderful!)

    • SDF-7

      Heh… nice call back. Happy Birthday, Sloopy! May you and Banjos and the girls continue to be happy and blessed.

    • The Other Kevin

      Excellent. We have to give credit to that incident, in part, for getting us here. Happy Birthday Sloopy.

      • Evan from Evansville

        It was, indeed, a prime catalyst for our ‘mostly peaceful’ riot move to greener grass.

    • Donny Three-Fingers

      Yes, happiest of birthdays!

    • bacon-magic

      Happy birthday!

  12. AlexinCT

    Another government program exposed as a failing racket? Say it ain’t so.

    We are seeing the effects of years of marxist and DEI influencing in government employment and policies resulting in everything – including the government rackets like this one, or the USSS top brass trying to let the assassination of the cabal’s competition be assassinated, amongst the countless examples – going to shit. It is all grift and crooked shit, followed by propaganda to convince people they are not seeing or experiencing what they are.

    That’s how you get people that tell you DEI is awesome freaking out when you call someone a DEI hire. How the fuck can pointing out an individual is one of the candidates of something that you claim is awesome and a boon to the country, be negative, if you really believe that shit is good?

  13. Fourscore

    Happy, happy birthday, Sloopmeister. Many more to come, enjoy today and everyday, in spite of the outside distractions.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’d listen to Fourscore when it comes to bdays. He is quite the experienced expert on the topic.

    • UnCivilServant

      now you have to wash the dog’s tongue off. You don’t know where that baby has been.

      • Fourscore

        Baby gotta bran’ new friend. Dog too gotta a new friend for years to come.

      • Suthenboy

        Yes. you do.

      • Not Adahn

        Supposedly my grandmother used a boxer to look after my father and uncle when they were toddlers.

      • Gender Traitor

        So they got punched in the nose if they misbehaved?

    • Tundra

      So wonderful. That was our shepherd when the kids were little.

    • rhywun

      Pwned. What an idiot.

  14. Fourscore

    After seeing the Market forecast this morning I was looking for a window to jump out of but it’s too difficult to get out of the chair so I’ll wait ’til after breakfast.

  15. Shpip

    People in this country have a right to be safe, and yet we’ve seen Muslim communities targeted, attacks on mosques, other minority communities singled out

    Maybe if the “Muslim communities” would quit raping and / or killing the natives, said natives wouldn’t be so restless.

    • AlexinCT

      Shut up you fucking serf and let us feudal lords do what we want, or else!

      • Shpip

        (tugs forelock, scurries off to shovel some muck)

      • Ownbestenemy

        So we can start telling journalist “Learn to shovel shit” now?

      • juris imprudent

        What do you think they spent 4 years at Columbia doing?


        Dunno.. narrowly avoiding alcohol poisoning and spreading chlamydia?

    • rhywun

      I think the new PM is delighted at these developments. They are dying to implement new “measures” to control the hooligan population.

      • UnCivilServant

        And when these measures fail and the enforcers’ bodies begin piling up alongside a couple of MPs?

      • AlexinCT

        You can bet your ass they will get more censoring, you know in the name of preventing hate speech, and mechanisms for punishing uppity serfs.

      • rhywun

        And when these measures fail and the enforcers’ bodies begin piling up alongside a couple of MPs?

        Enforce harder. Repeat.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Western civs are too compliant. It will be a crackdown and they will like it.

      • Gdragon

        I guess we will find out if they “love freedom enough”. Hat tip to Solzhenitsyn.

      • WTF

        And when these measures fail and the enforcers’ bodies begin piling up alongside a couple of MPs?

        Based on the way people rolled over and accepted the Covid restrictions, even the US whose citizenry haven’t been disarmed, I don’t see any serious resistance happening to any crackdowns.

      • PieInTheSky

        there will be no resistance. that ship has sailed.

    • UnCivilServant

      Yes, I wonder why people go to stadia in this day and age.

    • Fourscore

      Then who is that old guy looking back at me in the mirror every morning? I don’t recognize him.

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s Phil. He’s been living in your house for a while, trying to not be seen.

      • Suthenboy

        That old geezer must get around quite a bit. I got out of the shower this morning and there he was….I need to be more vigilant in locking all of my doors.

    • rhywun

      No, I do not wonder.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      One more reason I will never set foot in the Vikings Stadium

      • AlexinCT

        I have not attended a football game now in over a decade. between the bullshit politics and kneeling, the fact they started fucking with team names for woke reasons, and the general bullshit from the crooked owners, I gave up on the sport. To be honest, I don’t miss it, and I now spend the money on things that are far more productive and beneficial. Like cases of gin & bourbon.

  16. Ownbestenemy

    I see the World is doing just fine. UK, Bangladesh, Israel, Venezuela, Ukraine…its the most peaceful time!

    • AlexinCT

      Evil marxists: It’s all the right wing people’s fault!

      • UnCivilServant

        In that case, he can renounce his UK citizenship and emigrate to Saudi Arabia.

  17. Ownbestenemy

    How it started a week ago:
    US economy grew at 2.8 percent rate in second quarter, blowing past expectations

    The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 2.8 percent in the second quarter of 2024

    How it’s going today:
    <blockquote<The US stock market is set for an absolute rout today after global markets were spooked by fears of US economic slowdown

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well I uh…don’t know what to say

      • AlexinCT

        You doing a me?

      • Fourscore

        It’s not the market tanking that worries me, it’s the government fix-it program that flat scares the shit out of me.

        “Government should do something, like buying up the excess market shares, to keep the economy strong”

        Maybe Jared Bernstein will have an answer, he does have a PHD so he is a doctor

  18. AlexinCT
  19. SDF-7

    I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/05:
    *24/24 words (+4 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played https://squaredle.com 08/05:
    *26/26 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 498

    • rhywun

      I played https://squaredle.com 08/05:
      *26/26 words (+3 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy
      🔥 Solve streak: 342

      I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/05:
      *24/24 words (+2 bonus words)
      🎯 Perfect accuracy

  20. PieInTheSky

    I think England is done. They are fucked. Shame about the beer.

    • PieInTheSky

      I think there is just something apocalyptic / suicidal in civilizations. All fall eventually. Europe just wants to die for reasons I cannot understand. The marxist mind rot virus has won.

      • WTF

        Western civilization has been Hell-bent on committing suicide for some time now.

      • AlexinCT

        The people running western civilization, the soft men that inherited the work done by the hard men that gave us good times, have fucked everything up. They however do not want to own that. So they are looking for a way to avoid the just rewards of their stupid/evil, keep their power, and reduce the ability of the serfs they look down upon from fighting back.

        I still am unsure of why these idiot people running things think they can import a hostile horde and remain unaffected by that eventually. Do they think they can build high enough walls to keep their new serfs from coming from them eventually? Cause these new serfs have their own agenda, and the current cabal of idiots in charge should know top of that agenda is to kill all of them off for being disgusting perverts according to the horde’s ambitions.

      • rhywun

        Suicide or sabotage? The elites are happy to destroy society in order to gain power and riches.

      • PieInTheSky

        sabotage from the elites, suicide from the population who buys into this shit which there are plenty. NPC lead to hard times.

    • Drake

      Weird how the people who run the UK look like older versions of the people being raped, robbed, and murdered. But they side with the invaders doing the raping. Things are going to get medieval there. The question is will it be medieval England or the Middle East?

      • PieInTheSky

        The caliphate starts in England but France/Germany ca no longer produce a Charles Martel to stop it.

      • bacon-magic

        *Charles “The Hammer” Martel has entered the chat


      No, you don’t understand they only have to Wiemar harder! /s

      They will end up with Oswald Mosely part two if they remain willfully ignorant of the concerns of the native population.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    America PAC is focusing on door-to-door canvassing in support of Trump,” said Brendan Fischer, a deputy executive director at campaign finance watchdog Documented.

    “I think it is safe to assume that the voter data gathered through these digital appeals are going to inform America PAC’s canvassing and other political activities,” he added.

    What a diabolical innovation. This is unheard of.

  22. PieInTheSky

    The wonderful Art Deco “Egyptian Theatre” from 1929, DeKalb, Illinois, U.S.

    After the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 in Egypt, there were over 100 theatres in the U.S. in “Egyptian style”.

    Today only six remain.


    • rhywun

      Love it. Art Deco is my fave. Architecture went mostly to complete shit after that.

      • UnCivilServant

        From Tudor to Art Deco, there are few styles I dislike. After Art Deco, I’m hard pressed to find a style I like.

    • EvilSheldon

      We could do a lot worse than a resurgence of Art Deco…

  23. PieInTheSky

    The junior investment banker who just won gold at the Olympics explains how he juggles both jobs


    Best won gold in the coxless men’s four event, which is a 2,000-kilometer race between boats with four rowers and no steering captain. It’s his first-ever Olympic medal, but Best also competed in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo in an eight-person boat event, where he and his team came in fourth place.

    that is an unusually long race

    • AlexinCT

      I don’t want to be cockless.

    • juris imprudent

      Lorena Bobbit’s favorite Olympic sport.

    • rhywun

      Vast reductions in crime? More civility?

      The horror.

    • Semi-Spartan Dad

      Somewhat relatedly, anyone know a good site to look at concealed carry laws in each state?

      I recall a really good one that also included breakdowns by if posted signs carried force of law (as opposed to just being asked to leave if noticed) and cc in restaurants. But I’m having trouble finding it.

      • Necron 99


        It is my go-to for CCW laws and regulations.

      • Semi-Spartan Dad

        This is great, thank you.

    • EvilSheldon

      The Vox-adjacent crowd keeps trying to horrify the gun culture with images of black people getting strapped up and trained, and it keeps failing to produce the desired response.

      I’m generally pretty critical of the gun culture genpop, but they’ve been very good on this.

    • UnCivilServant

      So, why does so little innovation come from these “more talented, better educated, and smarter” Euros? And if they’re so smart, why aren’t they working for the US companies that are just throwing cash at people?

      • AlexinCT

        why aren’t they working for the US companies that are just throwing cash at people?

        A lot of the ones that actually want to accomplish things would love to do exactly that.

    • Drake

      Now look up American healthcare costs (thanks Obama) and rent in a big city.

      • Sensei

        And self funded retirement versus state mandated by the employer or simply state funded.

      • PieInTheSky

        retirement will be a dream in 20 years irrespective of how it is funded.

      • kinnath

        retirement will be a dream in 20 years irrespective of how it is funded.

        It already is.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Experts say Musk’s ownership of X and the lack of any real guardrails around how he uses it, are a sign the platform could be used by the Tesla boss as a political weapon to take on Harris and Democrats at large with fewer than 100 days left until Election Day.

    “I’d say that it is somewhat concerning that the owner of one of the most important social media platforms is openly partisan (rooting for one of the candidates) and is using his platform … as a vehicle for pursuing his openly partisan ends,” said Matthew Baum, a professor at the Harvard Kennedy School, whose research includes studying misinformation.

    Baum said such ownership of a social media company like X leaves open the possibility of “capture of a major platform by a partisan actor, who would then be largely free to use the platform as they see fit, regardless of the potential negative social or political consequences.”

    “There is a concern that Musk is weaponizing that platform to help his preferred candidate” in Trump, said Weiner.


    • Ownbestenemy

      Hard hitting pieces like this were prevalent about Bezos and Zuckerberg right?

    • AlexinCT

      Funny how they only worry about people that expose their lies and bullshit, huh? When Twitter was censoring and lying for them, they loved it.

      • Drake

        For years Tucker has been pointing out that they only go after people telling the truth.

      • AlexinCT

        No government can survive in a world where they can’t censor the truth. That is why I expect AI to eventually reach the decision that the people that created it need it to lie to protect them and either make us all its slaves or cleanse the planet of the insanity.

    • slumbrew

      “weaponizing that platform to help his preferred candidate”

      Now do the New York Times, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC…

  25. AlexinCT

    From the party that constantly talks about social justice and government needing to fix inequality, we get this. What you need to understand is that they only really want to use social justice as a weapon to go after political enemies, because the fleecing of the tax payer to transfer said wealth to the connected rich, is happening as usual.

  26. Sensei

    Meanwhile the insurance industry optimizes for maximum government funded profit.

    The One-Hour Nurse Visits That Let Insurers Collect $15 Billion From Medicare

    A Wall Street Journal investigation of insurer home visits found the companies pushed nurses to run screening tests and add unusual diagnoses, turning the roughly hourlong stops in patients’ homes into an extra $1,818 per visit, on average, from 2019 to 2021…

    Part of her routine, she said, was to warm up the big toes of her patients and use a portable testing device to measure how well blood was flowing to their extremities. The insurers were checking for cases of peripheral artery disease, a narrowing of blood vessels. Each new case entitled them to collect an extra $2,500 or so a year at that time.

    But Manke didn’t trust the device. She had tried it on herself and had gotten an array of results. When she and other nurses raised concerns with managers, she said, they were told the company believed that data supported the tests and that they needed to keep using the device.

    • AlexinCT

      Criminals used to have to rob banks to get money. Now they go into government and steal orders of magnitude more, and never have to worry about consequences.

  27. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Shower thoughts by pistoffnick

    Another point to the “voting makes no difference” faction:

    President Puddin’ Pop has been under a lid for 3 weeks now yet the wars have kept on fighting, the printing presses keep printing money, the propaganda keeps getting written, I’m still getting fucked over on taxes…

  28. Tundra

    Happy birthday, Sloop!

    I am also celebrating another loop around the sun this week. Damn it feels good to be a Leo.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m married to a Leo, and my middle kid is a Leo. Apparently I’m the only sign (Sagittarius) that can tame you lot. Happy birthday in advance!

    • bacon-magic

      Happy birthweek!

  29. AlexinCT


    • PieInTheSky

      send her to gitmo?

    • creech

      Maybe Trump should have picked her for Veep slot?

    • Suthenboy

      It says there that it ‘seems’ to be targeting conservatives. Seems to be.
      I wonder what that means?

  30. PieInTheSky

    Always funny to see populist conservatives make anti-immigration arguments based on social trust when urbane libs who encounter immigrants daily have 10x their social trust

    It’s not a desire for a more trusting society, it’s a demand that the low-trust be coddled


    • UnCivilServant

      Mendacity or ignorance?

    • EvilSheldon

      Pretty soon, the urbane libs are going to have to put some serious thought into where that 10x social trust comes from…

    • PieInTheSky

      junk food is big bucks these days.

      • The Other Kevin

        Candy companies are recession proof. People always want to treat themselves, and if they can’t afford vacations and going out, they will go for the small stuff.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Please tell me the Glibs prefer Cheez-It to Goldfish.

      *Cheese Nips are for when there is absolutely nothing left to eat at the grocery store.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Speaking of Apple

    Warren Buffett sent shockwaves through the investing world over the weekend by slashing his big Apple
    stake by half, causing the tech stock to crater on Monday amid the intensifying global sell-off.

    Berkshire Hathaway disclosed in its earnings filing that its Apple holding was valued at $84.2 billion at the end of the second quarter, indicating that the Oracle of Omaha dumped a little more than 49% of the tech stake.

    Shares of Apple dropped more than 7% in premarket trading Monday. Global stock markets are on the brink of a major correction, triggered by concerns of an economic slowdown.

    The SEC will charge him with stock manipulation for causing a run on the bank, right?

    • PieInTheSky

      how can one sell that much stock without messing up the market? A bit o at a time?

      • R.J.

        He had just sold a big portion of his Bank of America stocks too, and who knows what else. That could definitely have caused this sell-off.

  32. Shpip

    Think that because you played some “ping-pong” at summer camp (or badminton at a picnic) that you could keep up with the Olympians in the sport?

    News tip: no fucking way (TW:NYT)

  33. The Other Kevin

    This Kamala’s husband thing is an unnecessary distraction. It will change nobody’s mind. The Dems have ruined basically everything in last 4 years, and Kamala actively covered up Biden’s senility. Just stick to that.

    • Sensei

      Agreed. Instead, let’s focus on single women with cats.

      See last night’s post.

    • rhywun

      The Dems have ruined basically everything in last 4 years

      I’m not sure that matters when half the population is voting solely based on things like abortion and mean tweets.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      On the one hand I agree with you. On the other hand, the media runs puff pieces on him in the hopes of boosting Kamala which theoretically translates to votes. Negative pieces should at least counter that.

  34. Sensei

    Dear God we’re screwed…

    Nothing Says ‘Party!’ to Gen Z Quite Like a 50-Deck PowerPoint and a Remote Clicker

    Twentysomethings and teens are throwing “presentation parties” where attendees make wacky—sometimes sexy—slideshows based on themes. PowerPoint parties took off during the pandemic as a way for strangers to break the ice and hangout on Zoom, but the fad has migrated to an in-person activity for work colleagues after hours, bachelorette parties and other gatherings.

    • The Other Kevin

      * Takes notes for next Glibs Zoom *

  35. Donny Three-Fingers

    So, at 0423 on August 1st, our latest grandchild was born. This is the first for our son and daughter-in-law, and it was a masculine child. Born a week early, 20.5″, 8lb 10oz. His parents have 4 more frozen back, it is a miracle he is here.

    Our son and his wife are both tall, very fit people, so expect more additions to our community.

    • Tundra

      Excellent. Congrats to you and your family!

    • The Other Kevin

      Great news. Congrats!

    • AlexinCT

      Conga rats.

    • Sensei


    • Common Tater

      Congrats 🙂

  36. The Late P Brooks

    From Sensei’s link:

    Millions more guns, both legal and not, flooded into the country during the pandemic. Recent Supreme Court decisions made meaningful regulation all but impossible. No one is completely immune from the risks of this new era of gun violence, not even the former president of the United States.

    Okay, Vox.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    The rise in the number of new gun-owning households “really changes all kinds of policy and political calculations,” says John Roman, author of the NORC survey. Beyond the safety risks of owning a gun are the deeper implications for society: for policing, crime, medical services, and public health.

    “We’re definitely not in the same place we were in 2019,” says Roman.

    We are living through an inflection point in America’s long love affair with guns. “People were given the message that they were on their own. The government was not functional,” says Patrick Sharkey, a sociology professor at Princeton University who studies urban inequality, public policy, and violence.

    Try again, you fucking retard. The government revealed itself unequivocally to be the enemy of the people, and the people responded accordingly.

  38. The Other Kevin

    My son is law returned safely this weekend from being at sea for a month. It’s nice to see my kid all happy. I got to talk to them last night and I learned some new aircraft carrier stuff. Yes I am a Discovery Channel nerd, so sue me.

    • Tundra

      It’s nice to see my kid all happy.



      • rhywun

        There it is.

  39. The Late P Brooks

    Like their teacher, Brown’s students are not card-carrying NRA members who treat gun ownership as an identitarian issue. They’re different, and it’s obvious after spending a minute in the class.

    Most of them are women. They speak rarely about politics and hardly at all about their Second Amendment rights. Instead, they describe a sense of fear for their children in a society awash with guns. When they speak about gun ownership, they speak primarily about safety and responsibility. They are driven by a desire to exert some control in what feels like a chaotic and uncertain time.

    What? No politics? What the fuck is wrong with them?

    A society awash with guns? Maybe those women are concerned about a society awash in lawlessness and misdirected anger.

    • rhywun

      If only someone had thought of snapping their fingers and making all those guns go away.

  40. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I love how the DNC tried to push all this fake Obama-style hopey changey shit just in time for the world to burn to the ground.

    • AlexinCT

      And they hope they can keep doing this for the remain 80 something days…

      They really, really think and want people to be absolute morons.

  41. PieInTheSky

    The Vast Emptiness of Social Psychology
    To be good, maybe social psychology needs to be unpopular


    The world might be too complex for social psychology to offer actionable insights

    If it seems like someone was trying to tell a story and they came up with an experiment that did, it’s probably fake. If a set of findings matched up too perfectly with received wisdom or popular-but-unsupported beliefs, then it’s not too much of a stretch to think someone wanted it that way, and found a way to show it. That is—unfortunately—much of what classic social psychology amounted to.

    Milgram ‘showed’ that people will commit to horrors to go along with authority; Zimbardo ‘showed’ that giving people authority will result in horrors; Rosenhan ‘showed’ that psychiatry had produced horrible, abusive institutions; Sherif ‘showed’ that tribalism inevitably results in horrors; Asch ‘showed’ that minds can be warped into committing avoidable errors through group-think.4

    All of these examples featured researchers who profited immensely from their work, and they seemed to show that humans are extraordinarily socially malleable, that people ultimately lack moral stability and agency, and that it’s an inconceivable miracle that we’ve ended up with the peaceful, prosperous society we live in. But that isn’t the case; at best, what we’ve been given is political wish-casting, and the methods and reputation of social psychology were laundered to that end.

    Where social psychology has been used to portray humans as dumb pieces of clay to be molded, it’s probably wrong. Where social psychology has been used to unduly indict groups that researchers dislike, it’s probably wrong. Where social psychology has been used to provide convenient experimental confirmation of bits of popular wisdom (“power corrupts”, “evil is banal”, etc.), it’s probably wrong. Where social psychology has been used to contraindicate views researchers call “narratives” but which are really ‘views researchers dislike’, it’s probably wrong. Where social psychology has been used to affirm the singular importance of small, unreliable aspects of human behavior, it’s probably wrong.

    • AlexinCT

      Here is a basic of psychology: happiness comes from doing hard things and getting a win. Unfortunately we live in a world where people have been told participation already makes them awesome.

    • Suthenboy

      Am I getting this right? Collectivism and group-think being cast as of great evil is a great lie told by people who have no idea what they are talking about. Examples given just happen to be people writing about what they saw with their own eyes.
      Am I missing something here?

    • rhywun

      I had not been in that area for a couple years before my last visit a year ago (on my last day in town) and I was shocked at how unpleasant it had become.

      “They should actually give them help.”

      We spend billions of dollars every year giving them “help”. Most of the ones you see on the street don’t want it.

    • UnCivilServant

      The complainer is weird and racist. The decor is merely ugly.

    • kinnath

      That’s like finding corn in an Iowa BnB rental.

    • AlexinCT

      When you think it is your job to look for something, you are going to find a lot of it. It’s called job security.

  42. The Late P Brooks

    despite a Team Blue mayor and city council this is somehow all the evil Team Red’s fault.

    Team Red refuses to allow those people to be helped.

    • The Other Kevin


  43. AlexinCT

    Say it ain’t so!

    There are lies, damned lies, and government statistics — and maybe none is more damnable than the official unemployment rate which is half the actual rate, according to Rasmussen. Worse, the number of Americans who are neither retired nor employed is more than four times higher than July’s official rate of 4.3%.

    That sounds legit.

  44. The Late P Brooks

    Strictly apolitical and data driven

    Wharton’s Jeremey Siegel on Monday called on the Federal Reserve to make an emergency 75 basis-point cut in the federal funds rate after Friday’s disappointing jobs report.

    In addition, there should be “another 75 basis-point cut indicated for next month at the September meeting — and that’s minimum,” Siegel, professor emeritus of finance at University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School, said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box” on Monday.

    “The fed funds rate right now should be somewhere between 3.5% and 4%,” he said.

    We have to save those zombie companies.

    • Sensei

      And simultaneously increase Kamala’s chances.

    • UnCivilServant

      *Issues ticket for littering*

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It sounds like a shaggy bear story if you ask me.

    • creech

      Bear is symbol of Russia. Therefore RFK must be puppet of Putin. Also, by extension, Trump. Find the 34 erroneous journal entries he made regarding bear disposal and sentence him for his 34 felonies. Put him in bear cage at Bronx Zoo to serve his time.

  45. The Late P Brooks

    Chumming the water

    Anumber of MAGA and Republican figures have attacked former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s suggestion that a carving of President Joe Biden could be added to Mount Rushmore.

    The California congresswoman made the claim during an interview on CBS News Sunday Morning while praising Biden’s achievements during his time in office, which is set to end in January.

    On July 21, the president confirmed he would not seek reelection and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. His decision followed a pressure campaign, reportedly led by Pelosi, to persuade him to withdraw from the 2024 race in the wake of a stumbling CNN debate. The former House speaker denied the claims, telling anchor Lesley Stahl that she “didn’t call one person.”

    Pelosi also said Biden was at the “top of his game” before ending his reelection bid and is such a “consequential” president that he deserves to be added to the South Dakota monument alongside George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln.

    How the fuck does that generate anything but uproarious laughter?

    • creech

      Drunks say the most outlandish things.

    • R.J.

      That is crazy funny. Let’s go ahead and put Carter up there too.

  46. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    18yo XY texted me this morning complaining about the stock market.

    Oh, now that it’s YOUR cash being devalued, you listen to me?

  47. Ownbestenemy

    Has Biden emerged and said “Don’t” to Iran yet? If so, expect the attack. He is, after all, the Jim Cramer of American foreign policy