1. UnCivilServant

    House investigating whether foreign money flowing into Democrat coffers

    So they can fail to do anything about it?

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ^so much this

      Even if proved without a doubt, there’s no way anything comes of it. Well, maybe some Republicans will get arrested.

      See also: Hunter Biden laptop

      • Suthenboy

        See the Clintons and the Norks? The globalist have been advancing incrementally for a long time.

    • AlexinCT

      Are they trying to get the actual details? Because it has been repeatedly proved that massive amounts of foreign money gets “funneled” to democrats, and that has been happening since Bill Clinton got his $2 million donation from the PLA in 1995. Shit, Obama’s people turned off credit card verification when they were collecting “donations”, specifically so they could circumvent the fact so much foreign money (especially from countries that wanted to fuck over the US and Americans). These days it is all funneled through ActBlue, which allows big donors to break down the donations and hide them under people that have no clue they are being used to commit crimes.

      • The Other Kevin

        “Oops my bad!” and a $10,000 fine.

  2. UnCivilServant

    No house above $1 Million is a “Starter Home”.

    • AlexinCT

      An yet, in so many markets – especially in urban areas run by one political party for a long time – there is no alternative, because there simply is never going to be enough supply to meet demand.

      • rhywun

        Sometimes I pity the intellectual heavyweights who complain about housing costs out of one side of their mouth while loudly supporting every lefty cause that together dramatically increase housing costs out of the other.

      • The Other Kevin

        I hear you rhywun. I have an in-law (a step in-law to be exact) who is a young art school grad. She’s ecstatic about her student loans being erased, then she gets on Facebook and complains about how expensive it is to eat out.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        It is the same thing with helping the black community. You cannot push for actions that take away jobs, such as every “green” initiative or open borders, and not realize that both crush the lower quadrant on the economic scale. But when you point this out, all you get are crickets.

  3. AlexinCT

    Top Biden adviser ‘absolutely’ blames Nancy Pelosi for tanking prez’s campaign, says Dem donors ignored will of voters

    So the people that scream about “muh democracy” have again ran a coup? I mean, you can’t make this shit up. If I was writing a book about how stupid and evil the people in charge are, I couldn’t come up with shit like this and make it believable, but that’s our reality.


      You don’t do the internal translation of “Our Democracy” to “My Domination” already? I do that and the conversion of “Far-Right” to “Someone I disagree with and wish to smear” already.

  4. AlexinCT

    Politico: We received internal Trump documents from ‘Robert.’ Then the campaign confirmed it was hacked

    Iranian entities did this to help Putin help Trump!

    Fucking retards.

    • Suthenboy

      Wait, I thought Trump was helping do…stuff. Or something. I cant keep it straight.

      • Suthenboy

        …helping Putin….
        I am in a rush and clicked send too soon.

    • AlexinCT

      Aren’t all of you freaking happy some honkeys that owned farms decide to tell the recoat British authorities to F-off more than 250 years ago? Cause I sure as heck am.

      Our ruling elite classes are so incompetent that they need to force us back to the old Halcion days of controlling speech to protect their incompetence


      There is going to be a limit to what the British will tolerate.

      Hopefully, it will be resolved before the second coming of this guy is required for the people of Britain to be heard.

      • AlexinCT

        Disarmed sheeple will be forced to tolerate a lot more than armed people…


        Certainly, this is part of the reason that it may take an actual “far right” to reverse things for the English, the powers that be seem unwilling to listen to anything spoken through the paradigm of liberalism.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        The point will come when, just like nationalist and right behind it, racist, where “far-right” doesn’t mean anything, and will then become a point of pride.

        “Sure, I am a far-right nationalist. Now what?”

      • The Last American Hero

        Prior to 2020, I might have believed that. Now, I find the notion to be laughable.


        The elites in Britain have been diverging from their polity for the last three or four decades, this is not a sustainable situation, even the most subservient people have a point of no return. Every society has had their post-enlightenment revolution, save for the British and the longer this goes on the worse the reaction is going to be.

  5. AlexinCT

    ’She Has No ideas’: Trump Calls Out Kamala Harris For ‘Copying’ Key Campaign Promise

    Seriously, these people are so inept and stupid they have no original ideas of their own. But the usual propaganda arm of the dnc has spent a couple of weeks now telling us how smart and freaking awesome these idiots are after Pelosi couped Biden.

    • Ownbestenemy

      To be fair, it was I believe a Ron Paul initiative back in 2011 or so.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      It was actually a pretty smart move: Just coopt your rival’s policy proposals and pile more vote buying stuff on top of that. All the baristas and waitresses that considered Trump for the tax stuff probably aren’t considering him now.

      • Urthona

        If it were actually a good idea, I’d be stoked about the Democrats stealing it.

        They can steal all the ideas they want.

      • UnCivilServant

        Don’t worry, they won’t implement a jot of it.

      • Ownbestenemy

        They will implement, but it will be implemented in the style of California.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Question is, will the GOP run adds that show Kamala’s tie breaking vote that increased surveillance and collection on tip workers via the Inflation Reduction Act? And even if they did, we know it won’t move the needle. The Blue Hair Brigade will vote gleefully for the assfucking as long as its a Democrat giving the assfucking.

      • Urthona


        The GOP is trying to lose.

  6. Tonio

    Re: The “Free Beacon” article. Gorsuch is truly one of the great justices. Hopefully, he’ll be on the bench for a long time. That’s the best reason for a second Trump term, the hopes he’ll appoint another libertarian / constitutionalist justice, instead of coin-flipping, one-issue wonders like Kavanaugh and Barrett.

    • AlexinCT

      Yeah, concur that Gorsuch was a grand slam, Tonio. Getting another Gorsuch would be one huge win for the country, which is also precisely why the forces arrayed against freedom so hate the SCOTUS right now, and are working so hard to skinsuit it and wear it to give themselves credibility.


      Judicial appointments are a secondary reason for me to support Trump. The fact that he drives members of corrupt institutions insane to the point where they discredit themselves and make the rot and evil more visible.

      The fact that they weaponized the DHS et al against Trump and regular conservatives has raised the level of skepticism and awareness of the consequences of things like the Patriot Act.

      I don’t expect any policy miracles or any real reversals. The best I can hope for is just a bit more erosion. It took us generations to get here, it is not going to unwind overnight. Trump is maybe just a knocking a couple of bricks off the wall, which is the best I can expect.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      True facts, but I don’t know anyone else of Gorsuch’s caliber ready to be called up, let alone on Trump’s list.

  7. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    ‘$1 million starter homes are common in more than 100 towns in America, Zillow data shows’

    This is kind of crazy, but they’re also cherry picking to some extent… Some towns are simply not meant for a ‘starter ‘ home.

    • Nephilium

      What? You mean people may have to live in the *gasp* suburbs?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’d have figured the suburbs were the most expensive, since they’re more desirable than the urban centers.

      • R.J.

        No, other way around. Which works great for me. I want to be on the edge of country, as far away from a major city as I can get without losing some conveniences.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m confused. In the city you have no space, neighbors are too close, and you’ve got busybodies behind every corner. Why would anyone who can escape that not do so?

      • rhywun

        I’d have figured the suburbs were the most expensive, since they’re more desirable than the urban centers.

        That’s a Rust Belt thing. I used to believe that too, having grown up there.

        It’s different in many other parts of the country.

      • Nephilium


        Locally (as I assume it is in most places), the suburbs can range from dirt cheap to much more expensive (compare average house prices between Brooklyn, OH and Bratenahl, OH). The downtown area is among the more expensive areas due to gentrification that’s ongoing. Outside of the pockets of gentrification, it depends on the neighborhood, but most are inexpensive (because you don’t want to live there).

      • UnCivilServant

        I had left out the crime on my list of reasons to not want an urban life.

  8. Certified Public Asshat

    “Kamala Harris, whose ‘Honeymoon’ period is ENDING, and is starting to get hammered in the Polls, just copied my NO TAXES ON TIPS Policy. The difference is, she won’t do it, she just wants it for Political Purposes! This was a TRUMP idea – She has no ideas, she can only steal from me. Remember, Kamala has proposed the LARGEST TAX INCREASE IN HISTORY – It won’t happen. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!” Trump wrote.

    “How long will it be before Kamala Harris comes out with another ‘TRUMP’ policy like, ‘No Taxes will be paid by our Senior Citizens on Social Security?’” Trump wrote in a separate post. “She’s looking really bad now! Everyone is waiting to see what idea, or policy of mine, she will copy next.

    She shares some of my worst ideas! Ugh.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      I still do better html than Trump or Harris.

      • UnCivilServant

        HTML is an outsourceable skill.

      • Ted S.

        Brooks does better threading than Trump or Harris.

  9. rhywun

    Excess memes and ‘reply all’ emails are bad for climate, researcher warns

    I did not see any mention of “AI” in there – which is the real “problem”.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Warning us about climate change is also bad for the climate.

      • R.J.

        Don’t forget that mining for bitcoin is bad for the environment. And people only use it for naughty things, like buying drugs or escaping from kindly government overlords.

    • Rat on a train

      “Stop replying all!” …

  10. AlexinCT

    Improper Social Security Payments Reach $1.1 Billion, Agency Backlog Hits All-Time High

    And the response to this ineptitude and abuse is that we need more government, more ineptitude and abuse, to solve the problem. Of course, after you take even more money from the productive sector!

    • The Other Kevin

      The article was paywalled, but if you’re quick you can see the sub-head on the article said just that. They are blaming it on not enough personnel and money.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Who hasn’t been tricked out of a couple million $?

      A city in Minnesota was swindled out of $1.2 million dollars by a routine email scam, sending the money for a local sewage treatment vendor to bank accounts overseas, federal agents alleged in civil forfeiture documents.
      In the summer of 2021, the city of Cottage Grove, Minnesota finalized a sewage treatment project contract with the company Geislinger & Sons for over $3 million dollars, according to court documents first obtained by CourtWatch.
      Throughout the phishing scam, the imposters repeatedly emailed city employees, told them that their banking information had changed, and that future payments should be sent to the new bank accounts, according to federal agents.
      The city official obliged, and on two occasions between October and December, large payments for the sewage project were sent to the new bank accounts and not the company’s actual bank account.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Of course those rubes were dumb enough to tell people that they had been swindled. Another Minneapolis suburb tried to keep the news that they had been scammed out of $1.5M from the public

        Although nearly a year has passed since the fraud was discovered – and since Blaine made the second $1.5 million payment to the real New Look Contracting – the city hasn’t told its citizens about the loss.
        The only public reference to the missing money KARE 11 found was a cryptic comment by Blaine City Council Member Lori Saroya at a public meeting on June 3.
        During a discussion of a proposed raise for the city manager, Soroya said, “Under this city manager our city lost $1.5 million dollars. People do not know this in our community, and I have not been allowed to speak on this publicly, but we need to be transparent.”

        Once again our noble public servants were tricked by wily scammers using “confusingly similar email addresses and company names”

      • Pope Jimbo

        Why even our vaunted educational system has fallen victim to scammers!

        At the height of the pandemic, one of Minnesota’s largest school districts fell victim to cyber fraud and nearly lost half a million dollars in the process.
        The previously unreported crime targeted Minneapolis Public Schools in April 2020, when schools and administration offices were vacant due to COVID-19.
        The FOX 9 Investigators obtained internal financial records, which reveal a fraudulent payment of $503,488 which was supposed to go to Stahl Construction Company.
        According to police records, the fraud suspect sent an email to the MPS finance department requesting to change bank account information on file for the legitimate contractor. The email originated from a fake address while pretending to be the legitimate contractor.
        One MPS finance worker blamed pandemic work conditions as one possible factor, telling investigators she believed school officials did not initially catch the error “due to everyone working from home and employees and departments not contacting each other for verification.”
        However, officials with the real Stahl Construction flagged that they had not received the payment due. The bank was able to reverse the wire transfer but only because it was caught within five days – a technicality that saved MPS hundreds of thousands of dollars.
        As for the MPS wire fraud case, justice appears doubtful.
        After a preliminary investigation, law enforcement authorities in Minneapolis informed the school district to file a report with New York State Police.
        However, when the FOX 9 Investigators filed a public records request with New York State Police, they “did not find any records.”

        Actually, given how much we overpay our drones in education, not filing a report with NY, might be the financially wise move. Figure at least 20 people would have to be on the committee to file the report. A minimum of 10 meetings, let’s say 5 have catered lunches… Yeah, just be happy you got the money back despite your incompetence and let it go.

      • Fourscore

        That’s why they need more funding for the schools and local government

  11. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Top Biden adviser ‘absolutely’ blames Nancy Pelosi for tanking prez’s campaign”

    Doesn’t matter, they’ll like who the media tells them to like. This quick turnaround on Kamala really has been an eye opening lesson in the power of propaganda and groupthink.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Politically a smart move. Remove the room temperature wet rag, swap in a name that people at least recognize, ramp up the Cinderella, pulled up by her own boot straps stories and there ya go. They know they don’t have to run a good candidate, just one they can say is not Donald Trump.

      • AlexinCT

        Team blue is mercenary. They are all about power. getting it, keeping it, and most importantly, using it against those they hate.

      • R.J.

        I really think the last minute coup was planned that way so she could ride a wave of positive vibes to the election, while being exposed as a moron a minimum of times.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Not so much a smart move as the obvious one. Biden couldn’t beat a chimpanzee dressed in a three piece suit and now even the Dems realize it now that they’ve been given permission to do so.

      • juris imprudent

        exposed as a moron a minimum of times

        Can she really give that hyena smile through a gag?

      • R.J.

        Are we laying bets on whether she will debate Trump? Or has she already decides?

      • R.J.

        Decided. Arg. Please magic phone fairy, I need a new phone.

      • Ownbestenemy

        She agreed to the ABC one. That is it. That actually was the smart move the Trump has done in the past several weeks. Ran that presser, laid out the debates he wanted and put it back in her camp.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘Can she really give that hyena smile through a gag?’

        @JI where’s Willie Brown? Maybe he knows.

    • AlexinCT

      When I pointed that out to a bunch of team blue lemmings this past weekend, all I got was hatred. Some cat lady told me she hoped I would die, slowly and painfully, for being so evil. Man, did they give me even more hate for also pointing out that it was obvious democrats wanted it to be as easy as possible to cheat in elections too. Notice they had no arguments that stuck. When they gave me the “rules disenfranchise black voters” and I accused them of being racist fucks for acting as if black people in today’s world where you can’t be part of modern society couldn’t do basic things like get an ID or work a computer, they just started screaming at me. Well the ones that didn’t walk away. It was glorious.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I accused them of being racist fucks for acting as if black people in today’s world where you can’t be part of modern society couldn’t do basic things like get an ID

        That explains why so few black folx showed up at Kamala’s pep rallies

        Vice President Harris was mocked online for requiring campaign rallygoers to present a government-issued ID upon entry, despite the Democratic presidential nominee opposing voter ID laws.
        Ahead of Harris’ rally alongside vice presidential running mate Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in Arizona on Friday, her campaign sent out an email advising that only confirmed RSVPs will be admitted.
        The email said those on the RSVP list must present a matching government-issued photo ID in order to be admitted to the venue, KTAR reported.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve seen some in the pictures – but they have sixteen fingers and three eyes.

        I’m beginning to think the rally pictures have AI-generated crowds.

      • Ownbestenemy

        @Pope That’s totes dif!

      • cyto

        This is such low hanging fruit. Where is the press? This is such an obvious question to ask.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      The time to switch from ‘Biden is perfectly capable and anyone saying otherwise is a right wing terrorist’ to ‘u go gurl!’ was about 2 weeks?

      Most amazing is the lack of a need to admit any fault, or even disavow the Trump shooter. Just terrifying.

      • Pope Jimbo

        At the same time they were still claiming that Biden was sharp as a tack, they were also saying “whaddya gonna do? Replace him with Kamala? Get real, she’s more unpopular than him!”

  12. Fourscore

    …and great music, Banjos, though I remember Bobby Freeman on the Dick Clark Show. Back when Black Lives really mattered.

    • UnCivilServant

      What, you weren’t playing the ice monster?

      • Not Adahn

        I don’t own a fursuit. You’re thinking of Evil Sheldon.

    • Evan from Evansville

      a) I can see how this could be executed in profoundly sultry, and possibly funny, otherwise enjoyable ways. I’m lookin’ for hotness at this Cantina. b) I highly doubt this will be at least one, or hopefully both of those. Could be surprised. Often am/ have been. c) If I’m having sexy time, it’s either in my own place in Fantasy Land, or with someone equally interested in Sexy Time. Much touching+. –> d, How/ Why in the shit are people into sharing this with strangers at a show? Like, can I just jack off in the theater and NOT ruin my career? Can I get assistance? Uh, WTF is the etiquette here?

      Here’s a thought about d): Ancient Rome didn’t get into their sexual ways overnight. Neither did any society. Star Wars burlesque seems a good moment of the pleasures of over-abundance. People in my generation, specifically in my demographic, going back a couple, have never known hardship. Hate to sound the the Old Man yelling at clouds, but the artistic/sexual/popularity realm always gets pushed further into the edges to discover what is ‘edgy’ or ‘witty’ or ‘sexy’ etc etc. Have to One Up everyone. And now it’s happening in interesting ways w grooming. Uh. Interesting. That’s polite.

      All’s good and well with the show, but hey. I gotta know about my etiquette. I don’t like the idea of paying to sit passively to watch a sex show for two hours. Uh. Something’s gotta give and open up, either my wallet or fly. How much “proper” enjoyment is really “proper?” BYOTissues? Help me out.

      • Nephilium

        There’s a couple of burlesque troops going around with that theme, I’ve seen them (or a similar one) scheduled at the Beachland on a regular basis. Later this week, they’ve got the 12th Annual International Ohio Burlesque Festival.


      I prefer my lewdness honest. Strip joints Motley Crue/Rob Zombie hedonism, pretending they are refined entertainment and calling it burlesque is the height of pretentiousness.

  13. The Other Kevin

    That whole “will of the voters” thing is fuzzy for me. Even among Dems, Biden was polling as “too old”. They flat out lied about Biden’s mental state, and rigged several states so he was the only one on the ballot. There were even places where “non of the above” did well in a primary. So the primary didn’t even reflect the will of the voters.

    • Drake

      The entire system is designed to keep the will of the voters as far away from actual policy as possible.

      • The Other Kevin

        The difference now is that they don’t just lie about it, they gaslight and tell you the opposite is true, and if you disagree you’re the liar.

      • AlexinCT


        You don’t get to make a choice, you get to choose the lesser of two evils that the people that really run things approved of….

      • R.J.

        Will of the voters is kind of like Will O’ the Wisp. And illusion meant to mislead people to their doom.

      • R.J.

        It happened again. I give up this morning.

        *Throws tiny old phone in trash

    • Not Adahn

      I object to anthropomorphizing abstract collective entities.

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      There are a whole lot of Dems who don’t think that they should have any say in this. That the Party should pick, and they should support.

      Far change from just 20 years ago.

      • juris imprudent

        “…the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”


    • UnCivilServant

      The theme parks have long been the company’s cash cows.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘The two projects, D’Amaro said, “represent the biggest expansion in the park’s entire history.”

      All the lefties here in Florida have assured me that Disney is leaving the state and Desantis miles the Golden hen. Weird.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘Killed the Golden hen…’

    • Sensei


      We lost one of our two cats (both from the same litter) about a year ago and it still makes me sad. It’s a bit odd as we’ve lost others, but for some reason this particular one really impacted me.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Awe. Our surprise visit from our youngest son led to a great reunion with our youngest cat.

    • Tundra

      So sweet I got the ‘beetus.

    • UnCivilServant

      I was annoyed the other day when canned mushrooms I used to buy for $0.89 a few years ago were $1.49. Sure, I can shell out the higher price, but they’re still 60% more expensive than not all that long ago.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Greedflation bro!

      • UnCivilServant

        (Yes, I am aware that canned mushrooms are not that great and better options are available, but those are less shelf stable)

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m told inflation is coming down so no worries.

      • UnCivilServant

        So, what is actually bad about deflation?

        Stop printing money and the value of the dollar should creep up as the economy grows organically.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Inflation isn’t coming down, costs are rising to meet it!

        (am I doing this right?)

      • The Other Kevin

        Actually, inflation is a good thing!

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘what is actually bad about deflation?’

        Past borrowing becomes really costly to repay.

    • Suthenboy

      In order to twist the citizens by the balls govt absolutely must have complete control of currency. Thus the whiskey rebellion.
      I never quite understood that or the zeal to enforce prohibition until I found out that home distilled whiskey was being used as currency among the populace.

    • Suthenboy

      I usually get blank looks when I say “The vast majority of everything you buy is the cost of the energy it took to produce it and bring it to you. When Trump got the wells pumping gasoline went to record lows, everything else was following. When Biden killed all of Trump’s energy policies he was making sure that. you cant afford to eat.”
      They just go back to crying about not being able to afford living and railing about OMB. Idiots.

      • KSuellington

        Your first sentence is incredibly true, and not a difficult concept to understand. I’m continually amazed by how many people (even smart ones) that have never really considered this point. I’ve thought about why and the best I can come up with is that it is not really mentioned by anyone. When do you hear it put that succinctly?

      • AlexinCT

        Do you really expect people that think electricity comes from the wall plug to know about actual energy? Shya….

      • Rat on a train

        Talk to rail cultists. “Nationalize railroads so passenger rail can be prioritized.”

      • UnCivilServant

        Hell no. Trains are better for cargo than passengers.

  14. Pope Jimbo

    Transparency Tim?

    With just four days left until the Legislature’s May 20 adjournment deadline, Gov. Tim Walz told reporters his phone had pinged late into the previous night about tense negotiations over billions in infrastructure spending.
    “I think my last text exchange was about 12:30 last night, that we were going on this,” he said on the morning of May 16.
    Yes, but: When Axios asked for the texts from that night about the capital investment bill using the state’s public records laws, the governor’s office said there weren’t any.
    Why it matters: The DFL governor’s office later told Axios he likely misspoke, but the response raised fresh questions about the administration’s approach to transparency and the state’s public records laws.
    The bottom line: A leave-no-(digital) paper trail approach to governing deprives the public of a “documentary record of the governor’s decisions” on key issues, Ehling said.
    “I just don’t feel like this administration has been as forthcoming as they should.”

    Sure. King Walz deletes his texts/emails and tells the press to get bent when they file data requests. What I don’t get is why a journalo doesn’t FOIA the other big shots in the DFL for their texts from that period and when they find some from King Walz that he didn’t turn over, they can clearly show that he isn’t abiding by state data practices.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Political Word of 2024: Misspoke.

      • Sensei

        That’s been a political synonym for “lied” for decades.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I know its been around, just seeing heavy usage ever since Walz was brought on board.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Soon we’ll find out that Walz also has a stutter.

      • AlexinCT

        Sure. King Walz deletes his texts/emails and tells the press to get bent when they file data requests. What I don’t get is why a journalo doesn’t FOIA the other big shots in the DFL for their texts from that period and when they find some from King Walz that he didn’t turn over, they can clearly show that he isn’t abiding by state data practices.

        Because they are all in on the fix?

        There is no journalos journalizing anymore. There is a cabal that gets their marching order from on top and stick to it. I can think of so many criminal enterprises from the left that could have made massive journalizing careers leaving Watergate looking as meh, and not a single of these people jumped at that. Instead they spent years lying about Trump being a Russian stooge and criminal when it was blatantly obvious that was bullshit.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      … And fuck all else happened.

      I wouldn’t be surprised if the texts are there and just being withheld because they are politically damaging.

    • Ted S.

      Oh, you get it all right.

    • Suthenboy

      So, backroom secret deals. Why, I’ll be….

      There is a record. The cell provider has it. Since the govt has been treating the providers as quasi govt entities when it is to their advantage serve the damned providers with FOIA requests or subpoenas.

  15. Suthenboy

    G’morning Banjos. G’morning all.

    “Peak Guardian” — I had to see that to believe it. As I have noted before there is no peak. There is a steep slope and then a plateau that disappears on the horizon.
    Their series on ‘Taking care of yourself will make you right wing nazi because you will start believing you are in control of your own life’ theme is pretty hard to beat. Never mind that the whole idea of right wing or being in control of you own life has nothing to do with nazi. That whole bit makes no sense whatsoever.

    • KSuellington

      One of the great talents of the left is in defining terms and getting new Orwellian language into popular usage (hi there people of color who have had gender affirming care!). Of course it helps when almost all of academia and the legacy media is in your corner helping to push your terms. An early success (at least one that predates me) is getting the term “fascism” to be a synonym of “right wing”. To turn the biggest group of villains in the past 100 years that had a collectivist ideology into “right wing” has really paid some serious dividends for them.

  16. Suthenboy

    Dingdong copying Trump ‘no taxes on tips’.
    Just pulling this out of my ass – some scheme to destroy tipping, maybe forcing ‘living wage’ bullshit on wait staff so customers stop tipping. Restaurants more or less disappear. Wait staff that voted for Dingdong now unemployed and complaining about corporate greed.


    • R C Dean

      You’re overthinking it, Suthen.

      She/the Dems aren’t going to do a damn thing about not taxing tips. Hell, they just passed a law doing the opposite. They’re just lying for the campaign.

      • The Other Kevin

        They will never do anything that reduces the amount of taxes collected.

      • Drake

        Couldn’t they eliminate it today with the IRS? Or ask Congress to pass a bill Biden would sign?

      • Urthona

        And neither will Trump.

      • Pope Jimbo

        They will never do anything that reduces the amount of taxes collected.

        King Walz pushed for a $.20 gas tax increase every year he was gov even though we had record surpluses. He and the DFL even managed to spend an entire $17B surplus and raise taxes at the same time. Yeah, there is no chance that they are going to lower taxes (or spending).

    • Pope Jimbo

      Think how many kids won’t get a crappy job* at a restaurant and start learning how to work. They are supposed to somehow spring into the work force ready and with all the skills necessary to earn $20/hour. There are going to be a lot of kids who are confused and frustrated because they no longer have a pathway into the job market.

      *I’m not denigrating those jobs when I call them crappy. All entry level jobs are crappy. Comes with the territory, but you learn how to keep a job and what is expected from you. Also, I bet a lot of us have some pretty good memories of the hijinks we got up to in those first jobs. You could do that because they weren’t going to be your career job and you had some leeway.

      • Fourscore

        Kids need to unionize and go on strike, refuse to work unless they get benefits and a lot more money. Greedy business owners always want to stick to the kids/old people/minorities and pass the increased profits onto themselves. Government needs to take over small businesses.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’ve said it before, but back when I was putting sensors in all sorts of fast food restaurants and linking them to the internet, a raise in the minimum wage was good for me.

        When you’d try to sell all the efficiency gains to some guy who owned a couple McD’s, he’d just tell you that the way he solved problems was to just hire a few more kids. Eventually they’d get all the work done no matter how much they fucked around.

        As minimum wages kept going up, those guys would eventually come back to ask us more about what we could do. Kids got more expensive than Big Brother monitoring (and robots now).

  17. Suthenboy

    I wish Pie was around….
    I wonder what the average Romanian thinks of communism these days. I think he has said before but I forget.
    I remember reading a few years ago that the idea of brining back communism was being talked about in Slovakia by the yutes.
    A shame that wisdom is not genetic. Every generation here we go again with the same stupidity.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Is Pie old enough to remember the communist years? Standing around in a blood line all day just hoping to get a half pint of O positive.

    • The Other Kevin

      I think Gen X is the last generation that generally values free speech. We lived through people calling Dungeons and Dragons satanic, and attempts to censor music. The younger generations now support fighting “disinformation”.

      • AlexinCT

        When your priority is to protect your feelings, free speech is a serious problem. We, the parents, have created snowflakes, and are now surprised these snowflakes fight anything that hurts their feelings.

      • cyto

        It is easily the biggest shift I’m aware of in my lifetime.

        The US was so married to free speech that everyone agreed that the KKK had a right to march down Peachtree street in Atlanta

        Now, even speaking the truth isn’t enough

      • Nephilium

        /flips off Tipper Gore

        We even got some fun songs making fun of the PMRC too.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I was hurt far more by people calling D&D a nerd game than I was by them claiming it was satanic.

      • KSuellington

        +1 PMRC

        When it was Bush v. Gore, I really could not stand Dubya, but that dislike was eclipsed for the fuckstain that I clearly remembered from his grilling of musicians who made wrongthinkful music. The media, most helpfully, mostly kept that chapter of his career hidden, and this was before the era of just bringing up the videos of it on the internet machine he invented.

  18. cyto

    So… after some international court for sports said that USA gymnastics coaches filed their protest of the difficulty score for Jordan Chiles bronze winning floor routine 64 seconds after the score was posted, rendering the appeal invalid by 4 seconds, team USA has appealed that decision.

    They have gotten their hands on video evidence that they in fact appealed before the deadline. Twice.

    It remains to be seen if anyone is going to care.

    Backing in to a 4 second deadline shows that you were pretty desperate to give the medal to the not-American.

    Although…. not sure why neither side saw for to post their evidence

    • AlexinCT

      Why do we even keep doing any of this olympic’s shit? I mean we don’t take the UN serious, because it is a den of inequity and where all evil goes to roost – like fleas from 1000 camels in your private parts – do we? Oh shit, wait… never mind. We are fucking morons. That’s why.

      • cyto

        The Olympics is surely going to die soon enough.

        They get free labor from some of the planet’s greatest athletes. It generates billions.

        Most of the expenses are passed off to local governments.

        At some point the Athletes are going to demand a share of the revenue, and then that’s it.

    • R C Dean

      I honestly don’t see the point of appealing any “judged” score.

      I think all told this time around I watched maybe 30 minutes or so – at the bar waiting for my takeout, if Mrs. Dean had it on for background noise, that kind of thing. I do wonder what the ratings will be.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Joe going out with a bang?

    U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has ordered a guided missile submarine to the Middle East and is telling the USS Abraham Lincoln aircraft carrier strike group to sail more quickly to the area, the Defense Department said Sunday.

    The moves come as the U.S. and other allies push for Israel and Hamas to achieve a cease-fire agreement that could help calm soaring tensions in the region following the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran and a senior Hezbollah commander in Beirut.

    Officials have been on the lookout for retaliatory strikes by both Iran and Hezbollah for the killings, and the U.S. has been beefing up its presence in the region.

    What the fuck is that submarine supposed to do?

    • AlexinCT

      Scare them ragheads because it can pop off 154 tomahawk precision strike cruise missiles? Of course, they would never fire at targets that kill evil people, oh noes. They will shot at empty buildings that then get replaced with the very money these idiots keep giving to terrorist entities. And at over $3.4 million a pop, US tax payers are getting reamed by these idiots and their idiotic policies.

    • Pope Jimbo

      OK, I’ll admit that I would love to see a video of one of those Somali or Yemeni pirate skiffs getting hit by a torpedo.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        But they didn’t sail to lake Superior? I thought that’s where all the somalis rip the US off from.

      • AlexinCT

        A $4.5 million dollar Mk 48 which has enough explosives to sink a 10k tons ship?

        Damn, that is a waste…

      • Pope Jimbo

        Lean you some geography! Lake Superior is way far away from Little Mogadishu. The nave would have to get their sub to Lake Bde Maka Ska (lake formally known as Calhoun) if they wanted to fight our local Somalis.

      • Not Adahn

        I didn’t know ska clubs had bidets.

      • Nephilium

        Not Adahn:

        We’re very cultured punks.

    • Drake

      If Iran doesn’t hurry up and retaliate, Israel may have to poke them again to get this war started.

    • The Other Kevin

      Sometimes they send subs along with a carrier group for extra defense.

      This hits close to home for my. My son in law’s carrier is scheduled to be deployed early next year, but I keep expecting them to shuffle things around and send them out earlier.

    • Suthenboy

      “What the fuck is that submarine supposed to do.”

      I imagine that question is on more than a few other minds.
      Obama ‘Snake in the Grass’ style rooting for Hamas by the Biden team has a lot of people very nervous.
      Apparently Iranian hegemony in the ME is key to the left’s designs on that region. What the end game is is anyone’s guess.

      • Drake

        End game? We have a dementia patient in charge and idiot Trotskyites running the State Department. There is no end-game strategy for us. Just shooting off a bunch of really expensive weapons for the benefit of the arms industry is the only goal we have.

        Israel clearly recognized that we’re fading and wants our help in a big war right now – because we won’t be projecting power much longer. Everyone else knows it too – that’s why Israel keeps up the provocations while Iran holds off on responses.

      • R C Dean

        Drake, I’m curious about how Israel is provoking Iran, when Iran is sponsoring (via proxies) multiple attacks on Israel that have killed over a thousand Israelis within the past year. To me, it looks like Iran is the aggressor.

      • Drake

        They blew up a guest for Iran’s Presidential inauguration – who also happened to be the chief negotiator for a cease-fire and/or hostage exchange. I think we’d be real pissed if Venezuela decided to assassinate a guest at our Presidential inauguration in DC on the day of the ceremony.

        I’m fine with Israel and Iran duking it out. We don’t need to be in it.

    • R C Dean

      “They blew up a guest for Iran’s Presidential inauguration – who also happened to be the chief negotiator for a cease-fire and/or hostage exchange.”

      One of the main people responsible for the massacre of over a thousand Israelis. A legitimate target, IMO. And if Iran is the aggressor, I see no particular reason to hold off because he is in Iran, for any reason.

      The game will change, regardless, when Iran tests their first nuke. Whether it becomes an uneasy MAD truce, or a nuclear exchange, who knows? But opposing nuclear powers generally treat each other differently. The “traditional” solution – fighting their war through proxies – isn’t available in the Mideast because Israel has no proxies, so Iran can only attack Israel itself, whether directly or through proxies.

      • Sensei

        Wow who knew RBC had that kind of capability! 😉

      • UnCivilServant

        If the Mullahs get the bomb, they Will use it. They are the kind of fanatic who won’t settle for deterrance.

    • Ownbestenemy

      We shrug. Its red-meat for Team Blue.

    • UnCivilServant


      It’s holloween, people dress up as all sorts of shit.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Are they mad that he is more passable than Admiral weirdo or that bald nuclear suitcase thief?

      • kinnath

        Even with the beard

      • Suthenboy

        Well Your Holiness, Vance is weird. A freak even.

    • kinnath


      Dress as something you’re not for shits and giggles.


      • AlexinCT

        I remind you that these are the same group of moronic people that made the case Halloween was evil because it favored rich kids, and banned it in schools…

      • KSuellington

        Except don’t dress as a sheik, or put on a sombrero, or anything that could be considered “appropriating”. Now I guess that includes “appropriating” gender. The left has taken the place of the moralizing so-cons that were predominate in the 80’s and early 90’s.

      • UnCivilServant

        What? I can’t dress up as Yasuke?

    • Not Adahn

      Drag culture is not a costume!

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, my culture is not a costume!

        This could be awesome if it takes the same arc as the entire blackface narrative. Think of all the guys who have dressed up as women for Halloween or some other skit show. Their asses would be clenching in fear thinking that their careers and lives are now over because someone will dredge up pictures of them wearing a wig and dress. The same way all those people who wore blackface felt.

        Their only way out would be to “come clean” and admit that they really are trans and that Halloween costume was a cry for help. Then they’d be obligated to cross dress for a time.

      • EvilSheldon

        The number of ‘trans’ people for whom it’s nothing more than a fetish object, is a subject of some commentary in the community…

    • The Other Kevin

      They caught him wearing trans face.

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      ‘in drag’


    • Suthenboy

      Who cares?
      I dont get the drag and blackface thing. It’s not funny at all to me.
      Arent we already in the AI, cheap fake age where you cant believe anything you see? Not only that it is just the kind of thing projecting leftists would cook up. They think it would have his supporters aghast and turning away. Uh…no. I think more and more..so far…that he was a good pick. This, even if it is real, makes no difference.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Race to the bottom

    “As president, she would work with Congress to craft a proposal that comes with an income limit and with strict requirements to prevent hedge fund managers and lawyers from structuring their compensation in ways to try to take advantage of the policy,” the official, who isn’t authorized by the campaign to speak publicly, said. “Vice President Harris would push for the proposal alongside an increase in the minimum wage.”

    Regardless of its origin and ownership, the no tax on tips idea is gaining bipartisan political steam. On Capitol Hill, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, introduced the No Tax on Tips Act in July with the support of Democratic Sens. Catherine Cortez Masto and Jacky Rosen, from Nevada, and the powerful Culinary Workers Union Local 226. A companion bill — introduced by Florida Rep. Bryon Donalds — is also making its way through the House.

    But to senior fellow at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center Steve Rosenthal, this idea is a “bad” one.

    “We’re in a campaign season — silly season,” Rosenthal, who has years of experience designing tax rules for Congress, quipped. “A race to the bottom would be a better way to describe tax policy here.”

    For Rosenthal, the idea fails on three counts: equity, efficiency and revenue.

    We could always try a flat tax.

    • UnCivilServant

      We could always try a flat tax.

      I vote 0% It’ll be exceedingly easy to enforce.

    • Suthenboy

      Jesus. A maximum income? Sky high taxes?
      All of this shit has been tried before. Masks for cooties works better. This isn’t about money. at all. It is about power.
      Hey Steve, remember when Obumbles said explicitly on video addressing a crowd ” This isn’t about revenue, it is about fairness.”?
      Remember that?

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m confused. Why ba the Israeli team? Or is the accusation that they put up the graffiti?

      I know my default position is “False Flag” but I want more information without visiting the other site.

      • Not Adahn

        Heckler’s veto.

    • cyto

      That is an amazing story.

      I’m glad none of us were the coaches. I’m not sure what I would do, being responsible for other people’s kids.

      But if we were all adults, I would show up for my game and make them bring the riot squad to get us to leave.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Ultimate frisbee is more like rugby than Disc golf

    • cyto

      This is precisely how normal drivers behave in Boca Raton

    • EvilSheldon

      That’s Manassas.

      • Not Adahn

        I hear traffic is a battle there.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I hear traffic is a battle there.

        All those crazy Honda drivers zooming around?

        I tell ya, it is a Civic War!

      • Sensei

        Maybe they can come to an Accord.

      • ron73440

        I hear traffic is a battle there.

        It’s worse the second time around.

      • Not Adahn

        That hit was like a bull running into a stone wall.

    • Suthenboy

      Now see, I was expecting a Kamala ad.
      Wait, after watching it again the analogy and euphemisms are too good. It’s a Trump ad.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    A national ban on taxing tips would disproportionately benefit, for example, a South Carolina server who earns a reduced minimum wage and makes a large portion of their income through tips. While a server in California, where tips make up a smaller portion of their income, would benefit less.

    “Why treat employees, who perform similar kinds of services, much different from a tax standpoint just because the first earn tips and the second don’t?” the tax lawyer said.

    Rosenthal went on to say that a no tax on tips law would be extremely difficult to efficiently administer, regulate and oversee.

    Ban cash.

    The whole point of the tax code is to treat groups differently in politically advantageous ways.

    • Raven Nation

      Or, you know, having the same Federal income tax for someone earning $50k in Scottsbluff, Nebraska and someone earning $50k in Manhattan.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Yes, yes, yes. Please let me watch when you tell the CA waitress that since she wouldn’t benefit as much as a waitress in SC from tax free tipping, that it is just wrong and everyone should pay taxes on tips.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Bullshit, how hard is it to not tax something?

  22. The Other Kevin

    Scott Adams is pretty pissed today. He’s not happy about the Tulsi Gabbard thing, and after Biden came out this weekend repeating the “Trump supports the KKK” thing, he called Biden a “worthless, lying piece of shit human being.” Good times.

    • Drake

      He isn’t wrong. Biden has always been a repugnant liar.

    • AlexinCT

      why is he surprised that even after these lies are debunked the left keeps repeating them? Who is going to call them out on the lying? The media? Don’t make me laugh.

      • creech

        The media? Of course not. Last week, the AP put out another lie, claiming Trump called “the anti-Semitic marchers in Charlottesville, ‘very fine people.'” Complaining to the newspaper that carries AP b.s. does no good.

    • cyto

      In a long list of things that astonish me: the fact that nobody has even noticed that the government has a former US congresswoman and current officer in the National Guard under super double-plus surveillance whenever she travels.

      • ron73440

        Well, her name is pretty common, so I’m sure it was an honest mistake.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Hold on their Cochise. Just because she was a Congresswoman doesn’t mean she couldn’t be a terrorist.

        I’d rest a bit easier if I knew Ilhan Omar was being spied on.

      • AlexinCT

        Pope Jimbo is right. We have a president that is literally Hitler, and his followers are Nazi domestic terrorists, so why can’t a congress critter that has betrayed the power centers not be one, huh????

  23. The Late P Brooks

    “The revenue on this proposal to exempt tips from taxation is something like a couple hundred billion over a 10-year period,” he said. “That’s a big number for Congress to swallow.”

    Garrett Watson, senior policy analyst at the Tax Foundation, largely agreed with Rosenthal.

    “The underlying policy basis, I think, is weak at best,” Watson said.

    He also pointed to a recent study from The Budget Lab at Yale University, which found that only 2.5% of workers would benefit from a no tax on tips policy.

    Cost per vote doesn’t pencil out?

    • Pope Jimbo

      I know this is preaching to the choir, but Watson and Rosenthal sure do talk like that money belongs to the govt don’t they?

      Think they’ve ever spent 10 seconds considering the notion that those tips were earned by the worker and belong to the worker? I wonder how they’d feel about a policy that offset those lost tip revenue by bumping the tax rate on senior policy analysts up to 100%?

    • creech

      2.5%? If the Trump/Harris bipartisan plan passes, there will a whole passel of wage-paid and commission workers who will maneuver into a “tipping” job. Realtor – my commission is only 2% but I accept tips from my broker of another 2%. Those electronic payment pads, with “suggested” tip amounts, will become ubiquitous. “My employer ‘tips’ me over and above my wages, when I return to work after lunch and stay until 5pm.” Let’s all get on the tipping bandwagon and starve the feds!

    • Suthenboy

      Crazy talk I know but what is we shit-can the income tax altogether? Better yet, the summation of all taxes and required by law expenditures of any given person constitutionally limited to 15%?
      I must be on drugs.

      • AlexinCT

        Stop talking dirty like this to me Suthenboy! I am all excited now and need a room to go do my business…

      • Suthenboy

        I mention the 15% limit because if the fed income tax is eliminated the states are gonna jump on that money like a duck on a June bug and the end result will be the status quo for individuals. When I say total 15% on individuals mandated expenditures that means the sum total of all individuals. The fucking thieves can figure out how to divide that up amongst themselves.

    • cyto

      Odd that he chose this one over the 2016 frame job.

      Crazy that our country saw the CIA try to bring down a president and didn’t even blink.

      • AlexinCT

        Hey, at least the CIA waited for a while before they brainwashed someone into taking a shot at him….

      • Suthenboy

        Well…who do you think the perpetrators are?

    • cyto

      A second thought…

      After the Biden administration set the precedent of paying off people who committed crimes for political purposes in the form of lawsuit settlements, should Trump win, this is the prefect vehicle.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    When Milton Berle or some rodeo clown put on a dress and a wig, it was just flamboyant silliness. Now it’s life or death, like storming the beaches of Normandy.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Slow your roll, Brooksie. I think you are letting your inner shitlord cloud your judgement. Calling out Milton Berle and rodeo clowns sure seems sexist. If we are going to start condemning Trans Face (like that term TOK) then we have to condemn hateful movies like this too.

      Men who menstruate shouldn’t have to watch their lived experiences mocked and made fun of.

  25. cyto

    UNC women’s soccer coach Anson Dorance retired.

    His career record was 22-6

    • cyto

      In national championship games.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    “hateful movies” like Mrs Doubtfire, or Some Like It Hot?

    *clicks link*

    Hah! One I don’t know about.

      • Ted S.

        Chatley’s Aunt.

      • Ted S.

        Er, Charley’s, of course.

  27. Tundra

    Just bring on the meteor already.

    Hansen asked the other young woman why she has decided to vote for the Democrat ticket, and she also referenced abortion, saying “I’ve also been pregnant and had an abortion before. I was a minor and it would have been dangerous for me to properly like, it would have been dangerous for me to carry a baby with like personal reasons and everything. Um, I also am very—”

    “Alternative,” her friend interjected, helping her find the word.”

    No words.

    • cyto

      It was an amazing series of interviews.

      “We wouldn’t be safe to dress like this if Trump is elected”

      • Raven Nation

        Even though they were safe to dress like that for four years.

        I mean, if Trump is really going to do what they think he’s going to do, his intelligence is so far above average that he can’t be defeated.

        That is, run as an outsider and defeat the most qualified candidate ever. Govern fairly incompetently for four years (with some important exceptions). Then run for re-election. Once re-elected, THEN enact the most hate-filled, anti-democratic program ever. I mean, it’s brilliant. Most wanne-be dictators take absolute power pretty quickly. Trump decided to get his second term, then pass an Enabling Act.

      • Suthenboy

        “Govern fairly incompetently for four years (with some important exceptions).”

        Making him the best president in my lifetime. That is how low the bar is.

  28. Common Tater

    “The Cardinals unveiled a bizarre new culinary concoction to be offered at State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona, for the 2024 season: a cotton candy burrito.

    Cardinals senior vice president for media relations Mark Dalton shared a photo and video of the latest stadium food offering on X, formerly Twitter, showing a sign for the burrito that describes it as “ice cream and candy wrapped in cotton candy.”

    According to Arizona Sports, it’s filled with Fruity Pebbles, Fruit Loops, marshmallows, Skittles, Mini M&M’s, gummy bears and sprinkles, all wrapped in a cotton candy shell.”



    • Tundra

      That’s gotta be fake.

    • UnCivilServant


      There is such a thing as too much sugar.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    The push to save Democrat-ocracy is on

    With a solidified presidential ticket stumping across the country and a massive amount of money to spend, the Democratic Party is targeting seven critical battleground states with paid advertising for Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

    The Democratic National Committee announced the Harris-Walz advertising push on Monday, which includes more than 70 billboards across the key battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. It’s the ticket’s first paid advertising blitz since Walz joined the campaign — and the first of many to come in areas that are poised to determine the outcome of the presidential election in November.

    The billboards will be in several key urban areas across the battleground states, such as Atlanta, Detroit, Charlotte and Philadelphia, according to the DNC. Many are set up along major interstates and highways, including Interstate 95 and Interstate 10.

    There is also an advertisement — both in English and Spanish — in the Las Vegas strip, according to the DNC.

    “The DNC is blanketing the battlegrounds with a clear message: Vice President Harris and Governor Tim Walz are fighting for working people, and Donald Trump and JD Vance are only out for themselves,” DNC spokesperson Abhi Rahman said in a statement.

    They’re saving America from whiteness.

  30. Not Adahn

    Steam gamers,

    I received a gift certificate for Steam. Any ideas of something worth buying? I have 3(?) DLCs for Skyrim already (Hearthfire, Dawnguard, Dragonborn). Maybe I should pick up some of the Fallouts (I stopped playing after 2).

    • UnCivilServant

      Any particular genre? Since there’s a lot of everything available on Steam there are many options.

      • Not Adahn

        I like scifi sims (Wing Commander, X-Wing, Mechwarrior), MMOs (WoW, LOTO, Star Trek Online), CRPG (Baldur’s Gate, Torment), 4x games, exploration games. I’m more partial to turn-based rather than real-time combat, though I did very much enjoy the remake of System Shock. Of the non-MMO games I probably sunk most time into Skyrim. I guess I like persistent worlds?

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m going to wager you already have the turn based BattleTech game from HBS. (I’ve sunk a few hundred hours into it, so I endorse it)


      • Nephilium

        Not Adahn:

        Seems to be right in line with my tastes. I would highly recommend Prey which is on sale right now for $6.

    • EvilSheldon

      Tactical Breach Wizards.

      Download the demo if you want to see if it’s your kind of game. If you like turn-based tactical combat games, this one is good, and the dialogue is hilarious and witty. It’s as if Noel Coward was running a Shadowrun campaign for the Algonquin Round Table…

      • Not Adahn

        I will check it out. I did notice they’ve got a bundle of ALL the Fallout games for $54.

      • EvilSheldon

        Can’t go wrong with Fallout, as long as you stay away from the recent stuff. I’m weird though, I actually enjoyed FO3 more than New Vegas or FO4…

      • R C Dean

        I’m playing FONV now for second time (although the first time was, what, over 8 years ago?). It’s fun. I do like the Bethesda model of RPG character building/lots of stuff/(semi) real time combat.

  31. Pope Jimbo

    Why does my wife treat me like a deviant, when all I’m trying to do is save her life?

    • ron73440

      Maybe she thinks the cure is worse than the disease?

      • Pope Jimbo

        I’m a sex object to her! I ask for sex and she objects.

    • Ted S.

      Because you are a deviant?

      • Pope Jimbo

        In a study led by Walden University public health scientist Srikanta Banerjee, 14,542 adults were asked, “In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had vaginal or anal sex?” Roughly 38 percent claimed to have sex an average of once a week or more.

        I think that is a bit rash. All I said was that getting our average up to once a week might be a pain in the ass…

      • Ted S.

        If sex is a rash for you, you’re doing it wrong.

    • creech

      There for a while, it looked like my spouse would live forever!

  32. The Late P Brooks

    Killing word

    Red Sox outfielder Jarren Duran apologized Sunday night after he uttered a homophobic slur at a heckler while at-bat against the Houston Astros at Fenway Park.

    The slur was not said loudly, but it was loud enough to be picked up by the NESN live telecast of the matchup, which Boston lost 10-2.

    According to video taken from the telecast, the fan yelled at Duran — the outfielder swung and missed a pitch in the bottom of the sixth inning — saying repeatedly that he’d need a tennis racket to connect with the baseball.

    Duran turned in the direction of the fan and uttered the slur before taking a hitting stance for the next pitch, the video shows.

    In a statement, the 2024 All-Star characterized the slur as a “truly horrific word,” saying he felt bad about the incident and that he’ll use it as an occasion to learn.

    No word on when the fan will be released from the hospital.

    • Tundra
  33. Common Tater

    “Stacy Davis Gates, president of the Chicago Teachers Union and executive vice president of the Illinois Federation of Teachers, oversees a school system that is failing its students….

    Davis Gates sat down with WVON to push for the $50 billion the union is asking for, which includes a 9% wage hike, fully paid abortions for its members, new migrant services and facilities, and a myriad of LGBT-related requirements….

    Davis Gates responded, “The way in which, you know, we think about learning and think about achievement is really and truly based on testing, which at best is junk science rooted in White supremacy.”

    “Now, if you have another hour, I can get into why standardized tests are born out of the eugenics movement. And the eugenics movement is always thought to see Black people as inferior to those that are non-Black.”

    “You can’t test black children with an instrument that was born to prove their inferiority. Some of this is about, releasing our people from a standard that is created for the failure.”



    • Pope Jimbo

      fully paid abortions for its members

      Gee, that seems like an odd request from people who assure me that they love children so much that they think teaching is a calling not a job.

    • mindyourbusiness

      Is there a medical term for a procedure to remove one’s head from his ass? Just asking…

  34. The Late P Brooks

    It wasn’t clear if Duran would face Major League Baseball discipline. Similar incidents in the past have been met by league-required sensitivity and diversity education, as well as game suspensions.

    They should make him wear a dress for the rest of the season.