Prague Nights

by | Aug 29, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 135 comments

The movie poster is just so awful that I went with this closeup of the lovely Milena Dvorská

Prague Nights

Nobody picked squat for the next movie when given a choice, so I was sorely tempted to post The Gilligan Manifesto for real. To sate your curiosity about this odd documentary (As always, stolen shamelessly from IMDB):

At the height of the Cold War, Gilligan’s Island (1964) depicted seven Americans living in an analogue of a post-apocalyptic world where the survivors have to rebuild civilization. Remarkably, the society they create is pure communist. Interviews with the show’s creator and some of the surviving actors, as well from professors from Harvard, reveal that Gilligan’s Island was deliberately designed to be dismissed as low brow comedy in order to celebrate Marxism and lampoon Western democratic constructs.

Damn. Eventually I will watch this. So who is Mary Ann in Marxist terms? If you decide you want to go ahead and watch this out of pure curiosity, here it is.

Now that I have that out of my system, tonight’s film is a seldom seen collection of macabre tales from Czechoslovakia! This is the film from the sixties I threatened you all with last week. It ranks way, way higher than the usual drek I show, so I believe this falls under the category of an Arthouse Film. It has four short stories centered around the search for the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s dark, but not particularly scary. Remember, we are talking about 1960’s Czechoslovakian film, they really did not get too risqué. This isn’t Hammer Studios. I hope this works as a suitable film until I have time to regain my footing. It’s been quite busy on the home and work front.

There was only one bit of trivia, shown below (from IMDB). I am lighting the Q lantern for this one:

In one scene, Milena Dvorská was supposed to appear naked for a moment. “Never!” the actress decided. The filmmakers were very keen on her, so they got an understudy. However, the one in question was not to Milena Dvorská’s liking and she was afraid that the audience would think she had such ugly breasts. In the end, she agreed to handle the exposed scene herself.

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is still voluntary until next year, when our overlords send us to a work camp! Next week, I kick off a festival of Bigfoot and Sasquatch movies, because it’s getting lonely around here since I renegotiated my contract with TPTB. Now that it takes a post with under 50 comments to get a threatening visit from Steve Smith, my beer fridge is overflowing and my rug is far too clean. Sad!

Help! Tubi is a Tool of the Devil!

Isn’t everything? A 1/4 inch socket wrench could technically be a tool of the Devil too. It’s all in how you use it. Should you need further illumination, our team of Glib philosophers is standing by to talk to you about all kinds of deep subjects. Just post a question in the comments and watch what happens… BY WATCH WHAT HAPPENS MEAN…

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. rhywun

    in order to celebrate Marxism and lampoon Western democratic constructs


    • Suthenboy

      Oh, C’mon now. The coconut radio was a dead giveaway.

      • R.J.

        My thoughts exactly. I must watch that documentary at some point and form an opinion on this theory.

      • Common Tater

        The Professor could build a supercomputer out of a pineapple, but couldn’t fix a two foot hole in a boat?

      • Suthenboy

        Now you are catching on.

  2. LCDR_Fish

    Interesting choice of titles. Less exploity than your usual fare. I picked up the Deaf Crocodile bluray release last year and enjoyed it a lot.

    • R.J.

      I have a few more fun ones in the hopper. I was really on the edge about this one, but figured I would give it a try.

      Apologies for being late.

      • LCDR_Fish

        Speaking of really weird Euro stuff that’ll probably never get on Tubi – Deaf Crocodile also released “Visitors from the Arkana Galaxy”.

        Odd…sci-fi that starts out kinda normal but has that 70s thing of full frontal in the middle of nowhere (kinda for comedic effect) and some Dead Alive levels of practical gore

      • MikeS

        You had me at “full frontal”.

  3. Suthenboy

    Films like this give me nostalgic feelings. The look of the film, not technicolor and the time period. Also, there was a lot of very soft porn in those days.
    We used to go to the drive in theaters on the weekends when I was a kid. The arena had four screens. One of them always showed risqué films so stepsister and I would lay in the back of the Oldsmobile station wagon and peek at that screen. We had no sound of course but we didn’t care. Of course no one knew what we were up to. We could tell by the constant scolding…”Hey, watch Roy Bean! Stop watching that filth!”

    • R.J.

      I think Judge Roy Bean has superior pacing and scripting to this. It is interesting to watch the guy make a golem for the goyim, which by the way would be a great band name or song title.

    • Homple

      “Also, there was a lot of very soft porn in those days.”

      You just reminded me of the scene in “Closely Watched Trains” where the male and female station agents chase each other around the office. Document stamps are involved.

      • Suthenboy

        No trains whistling loudly as they enter tunnels?

      • Suthenboy

        I must be thinking something with Gene Wilder

  4. Common Tater

    “Nobody picked squat for the next movie when given a choice”

    Sorry, was there a choice?

    I don’t think that many people watched last week because of the DNC. Either that or I suck at picking movies.

  5. UnCivilServant

    Finished having dinner with Raven Nation. Had a decent conversaion (no swearing, fighting, or insults) But, parking in that area was metered, so I had to let him leave the pub.

    • Common Tater

      “no swearing, fighting, or insults”

      Maybe try Eagles Nation?

    • Sean

      You don’t sound fun. Try working on your advertising.

  6. Common Tater

    Does everyone else’s black and white look green?

    • R.J.

      It does a bit. That closeup shot I used in no way reflects the current quality of the film. Maybe it is an Eastern Bloc thing?

      • R.J.

        I just found some series called “The Booze, Bets and Sex That Built America.” It’s on over the air TV. If it is good and i can find a streaming version I will post it.

      • rhywun


      • Ownbestenemy

        Since Mrs OBE has a TBI, brain stuff is fascinating to me. We are living in a simulation..that simulation is our brain.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats


      • MikeS

        That is so cool. Thanks!

    • R.J.

      Two interesting things:

      1) The Gilligan Manifesto has a 20% from critics and an 86% from the audience.
      2) Rotten tomatoes has now changed from clearly indicating professional critic and audience opinions to “The Popcorn-O-Meter,” making it harder to quickly ascertain which group is panning or enjoying a film. Why change?


        Because the plebes had the temerity to downvote masterpieces like She-Hulk and Velma they have diluted their scores with the shills… er… expert critics.

  7. Ownbestenemy

    Wait is it DAH-NA or DAY-NA…for the host Dana…cause you know…Kamala was pissed about that just a couple of weeks ago. Kamala is a Cali girl so cannot fall back on some ‘Im blasian” bullshit.

    Ah..I already see why Kamala is doing this….

    • rhywun

      Thank you so much for taking time off of your condomless porn star hush money trial to deliver a shame lecture to Jews. I will reflect on your moral standing next Yom Kippur.

      lol Your party happily kisses the ring of rabidly antisemitic kingmakers every election.

      • Suthenboy

        I am confused. Porn Star made an accusation, it got shot full of holes so Porn Star admitted the whole thing was a fabrication. Someone goes back to Porn Star blackmailer and informs her there is more money to be had so she again says it happened, trial commences. Now everyone just assumes the premise – that there was sex – to be true. Guilt is a foregone conclusion and we just have to decide between exile to Siberia or beheading.
        Do I have that about right, or am I missing something?

  8. Stinky Wizzleteats

    There’s a documentary on how Gilligan’s Island subverts capitalism in order to conform with Marxist theory? That’s what I did my dissertation on. I’m suing!

    • Ownbestenemy

      Ya know..the only reason it ‘works’ is because it is what…6 people? At that point it’s kinda what you need to stay alive. So not really Marxist but rather base human survival at a minimal level.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        My study concluded that Mary Ann had a nicer body than Ginger but Ginger had better tits and that further funding for a general comparative study is needed. If I can manage to work in the episode where they all got scurvy maybe the NIH will throw some dollars my way.

      • DEG

        My study concluded that Mary Ann had a nicer body than Ginger but Ginger had better tits and that further funding for a general comparative study is needed. If I can manage to work in the episode where they all got scurvy maybe the NIH will throw some dollars my way.

        The correct answer is threesome.

  9. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    The Professor was coerced into producing for the group

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I always got the impression that Ginger managed to “persuade” him to help.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        It was a combination of carrot and stick, as it were

      • Suthenboy

        Is it possible to have more than one comment of the day? Wow.

  10. Common Tater

    I’m having trouble understanding this movie. The “English” parts have no subtitles, and Czech just sounds weird to my ears.

    • R.J.

      It’s a mess. I might have chosen something else if time allowed. There are a lot of good movies just added out there.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Co? Ty vole!

  11. Ted S.

    In one scene, Milena Dvorská was supposed to appear naked for a moment. “Never!” the actress decided. The filmmakers were very keen on her, so they got an understudy. However, the one in question was not to Milena Dvorská’s liking and she was afraid that the audience would think she had such ugly breasts. In the end, she agreed to handle the exposed scene herself.

    Basically the same way Frank Capra got Claudette Colbert to do the hitchhiking scene in It Happened One Night.

    • Common Tater

      She just showed a bit of stockinged leg.

      • Ted S.

        Yes, but she was still reluctant to do the scene.

      • Common Tater

        Yet, she showed nipple in Sign of the Cross, and bare midriff in Cleopatra.

  12. DEG

    because it’s getting lonely around here since I renegotiated my contract with TPTB.

    You have a contract?

    Now that it takes a post with under 50 comments to get a threatening visit from Steve Smith

    Does that count your comments or not? Because I think my last FreedomFest post barely broke that, and only because of my comments plus the morning crowd.

    I’ll watch this another time, gotta turn in soon for the gym tomorrow. Thanks RJ!

    • Chafed

      That’s GlibFit.

  13. Ted S.

    While browsing through Tubi today, I came across a movie called The Swiss Conspiracy that a search of Glibertarians suggests you haven’t covered before.

    I didn’t have time to watch the movie yet.

    • R.J.

      I added it to my watchlist. Looks like it is some special restored edition.

  14. slumbrew

    Nobody picked squat for the next movie when given a choice…

    I will continue to pimp Trancers until TPTB get sick of it and ban me:

    • R.J.

      Nobody will ban you. But I may modify the Trancers poster with your avatar when I finally show it.

      • slumbrew

        “Brock Samson as Jack Deth”

        I’d watch the fuck out of that.

      • slumbrew

        I need to get in touch with Doc Hammer and Jackson Publick to pitch them on a shot-by-shot cartoon remake of Trancers, using all Venture Bros characters.

      • Chafed

        I’d watch the fuck out of that. *finger V emoji*

  15. rhywun

    lol CFB commentator quoting a coach:

    “We grow our guys from freshmen to fifth or sixth year seniors.”

    • Chafed

      The endumbening continues.

  16. trshmnstr

    Tomorrow’s double feature at the drive in is Twister and Twisters, with a live special appearance from real storm chasers!!!!!!!1!1!

    My wife, not at all realizing how momentous of a weekend this is, has decided that we’re not going. 😢

    • MikeS

      Look at it as an opportunity to get Monocle/Eyepiece fully functional again! 🤓

      • slumbrew

        I remain surprised that there are no professional JavaScript dorks professionals among the Glibs and we rely on a lawyer and, occasionally, an infrastructure engineer* for Eyepiece.

        * I’m really a backend guy (Giggity)

      • rhywun

        That’s because Glibs have taste enough to steer the fuck clear of JavaScript.

      • MikeS


        Thanks to you guys for all the past work. I reaalllly miss the dynamic comment reload, but all I can do is beg. Like a dog.

      • rhywun

        Gah I hate that feature 🙂

        But I do much appreciate the work put into it – it makes glibbing so much more pleasant.

      • MikeS

        😑 You can turn it off. Or, you could when it worked.

  17. pan fried wylie

    True democracy won’t be achieved until national election winners are decided by a small cadre of superdelegates without the proles corrupting the process with shit like voting for their preferred candidate, the same way they conduct their primaries.

    I now fully expect that Kamala/Walz will win then be replaced the following week with two new people to occupy the secured positions.

    • Gender Traitor

      Hill & Bill?

      • MikeS

        Michelle and Barak

      • Chafed

        If Bill was behind the Resolute desk I might be able to accept it.

      • pan fried wylie

        I considered including both of those pairings in the comment, as well as “Hilldawg/Gruesom”, none of them struck the funnybone and I wasn’t able to conjure any other random D’s to put on the torn-ticket. I felt like total rando replacements made the point more aptly.

        “You dont need to know their names, eat your bugs, shut your fucking mouth and keep Paying Your Fair Share, you goddamn racist wifebeating peasant motherfuckers. This message paid for by Fuck You That’s Why. What. Say something, lil bitch. I thought so, gimme yo sammich.” -Official Inaugural Speech jointly delivered by Obama and Pelosi, Jan-2025

    • rhywun

      I now fully expect that Kamala/Walz will win

      A graphic I saw today that I can’t find again showed “suburban women” voting on abortion by something like 40 points over their next concern (which was NOT “the economy”).

      • creech

        Overturning Roe v. Wade just might be the biggest mistake the GOP ever made.

      • MikeS

        Bigger than nominating Trump for a third go?

        Overturning Roe was correcting a ruling that even some honest liberals admitted was nonsense. At the state level is where the GOP is making mistakes.

      • slumbrew

        Ginsburg herself said Roe was a bad ruling – they should have just kicked it back to Texas instead of coming up with such a broad decision.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yes, like joining the Democrats in AZ to legalize baby murder in hopes that somehow they’d get to sit at the cool kids table. Still won’t happen.

        We have a hedonistic narcissistic amoral culture. That is the root of this and a lot of other social problems/”issues”.

    • Suthenboy

      One sock-puppet is like another.
      Gustave nails it below. This form of govt was intended for a moral people. Any form of govt is corruptible without that as govt has no inherent attributes, only those we give it. A people with no morals will have a government with no morals.

  18. MikeS

    Kamala racistly mispronouncing Dana’s name was delicious. That said, I wish I could get that hour back.

    • R.J.

      Did she say anything worth mentioning?

      • MikeS

        No. Some minor word salads, but nothing too crazy. Bash asked some good questions, but didn’t push hard enough to get good answers. And there was plenty of softball and waaaaay too much production. The actual minutes of sit-down interview couldn’t have been more than 40. Subtract the softball questions and there was maybe 20-30 minutes of “substance”.

    • kinnath

      Did you watch the interview?

      • MikeS

        Yes. That’s why I want the hour back.

    • KSuellington

      Damn, you got a strong stomach. After Obama’s first term I couldn’t stand his voice any longer and decided I would no longer subject myself to it. The second four years I probably had 5-6 minutes total of involuntary listening, but just that. Even 5-6 minutes of her is too much. She’s like fingernails on a blackboard to me.

      • MikeS

        I hear you. I was the exact same way with Barry…actively avoiding his voice.

        That said, from nearly the start I’ve been actively avoiding hearing Kami’s voice, so that helped me make it thorough. I’m certain that will be the last time I can take an extended session of that torture.

      • creech

        I can’t stand Trump’s either. Always sounds insincere, con man, facetious.

      • MikeS

        Agreed. I don’t like listening to Donny any more than Kami or Barry. I actually first noticed this apprehension with Bubba. I suppose it’s the result of a natural repulsion to bullshit.

      • KSuellington

        Yeah, there is a definite quality of lecturing school vice principal that loves to drone on that both of them share. By contrast I thought the Dubya presidency was just as terrible as Obama’s, yet his voice didn’t grate in quite the same way. When he spoke, it was more “wow, America really elected an ejit. Twice.”

      • KSuellington

        Trump’s is much like the man himself, I’m highly ambivalent about him. I actually really enjoyed his “Pittsburgh not Paris” speech he gave when he withdrew from the Climate Accords, but that was because I loved the message and it was refreshing to hear instead of the standard climate bullshit. I can’t take it when he drones on about things I don’t care about, like his feelings of persecution and such.

  19. pan fried wylie

    There must be a reason these “smugglers” work so diligently to get cocaine to Florida. I wonder what it could be.

    White Supremacy

    • MikeS

      If you’ve ever met a gator jonesing for a bump, you know why.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        If you’ve ever met a gator jonesing for a bump, you know why.

        I have lead a sheltered life.

        I mean I thought that a blow job was literally blowing.

        Why is it not called a suck job?

      • MikeS

        Did you know you’d go to prison if you literally ate her out?

      • R.J.

        “When life give you gators, make gatorade.”

      • slumbrew

        I thought that a blow job was literally blowing.

        You weren’t alone. A friend’s high school girlfriend started, literally, blowing on his junk, having been similarly confused by the nomenclature.

        They eventually resolved the confusion.

      • Suthenboy

        “Why is it not called a suck job?”

        That expression was already taken. I have to hand it to Kamalamadingdong, she is doing a heck of a job of re-appropriating it. Somehow.

        Look, there is a good joke in there trying to get out but the power went out last night, I fell asleep on the couch, woke up when it came back on a few mins ago but I had laid crooked and feel like I was on a rack all night. Let me get some more coffee in me and I might be able to pull one off.

  20. CPRM

    CQ is on tubi

    • MikeS

      Looks gay

      • CPRM

        Gay AF. (This is the movie inside the movie)

      • MikeS

        I mean, Dragonfly is hot AF, but the entire thing looks like someone trying too hard to create “art”. Just entertain me, jester.

      • Suthenboy

        Ok, I am gonna have to watch that. It looks fantastic.

    • MikeS

      omg. alol

  21. Ownbestenemy

    Given where we are now, do you have any regrets about what you told the American people?


    No, not at all. Not at all. I have served with President Biden for almost four years now. And I’ll tell ya it’s one of the greatest honors of my career, truly. He cares so deeply about the American people. He is so smart and — and loyal to the American people. And I have spent hours upon hours with him, be it in the Oval Office or the Situation Room. He has the intelligence, the commitment, and the judgment and disposition that I think the American people rightly deserve in their president.

    American media…gotta love it

    • MikeS

      Dana made a show of being a journalist, but quickly shed it when things got tough for Coconut and (Assistant) Coach Tim

      • creech

        Couldn’t bring herself to press Kommiela on why she flipped on the fracking issue.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Or why her campaign is supposedly speaking out of both sides of their mouths on the issue. A week ago “No she does not want to ban fracking!” Yesterday “She is still committed to a ban on fracking”

        Seems actually what that whole interview should have been about. Why do you not have a consistent message for people to look over, debate about, and determine if they like it or not to vote for you?

  22. Gustave Lytton

    Watching Moonfire. This is bad. Also, director really likes having his actors shirtless.

  23. Chafed

    A Czechoslovakian arthouse movie? Matt Welch put you up to it.

  24. Suthenboy

    Interview: I just caught a couple of minutes. Asked about her vow to ban fracking on the first day she has changed her position and swears she will keep her word…this time.
    She means it this time.

    What the fuck?

  25. pan fried wylie

    golem for the goyim, which by the way would be a great band name or song title

    Incorrect. “Golems & Goyim” was the unreleased followup to the SNES title “Super Ghouls & Goblins”

  26. Evan from Evansville

    Ha! I posted this in morning lynx I was checkin’ on: Searching as I cannot watch tonight, the imdb descrip is remarkably similar to Harry Potter Pt 1, not just for the name: “Rumor has it that the house of Prague hide secret obtain the philosopher’s stone, and complex multi-level labyrinth of underground tunnels and cellars keep many unsolved mysteries and untold treasures.”

    Rowling (and most fiction writers) freely admits borrowing/using from other stories, but hrm. The pics shown are… distant. Some are odd, though 60s low-budget reality monsters, and then… two nuns in silky embrace… this film, may indeed have everything.

    *Doffs cap*

  27. hayeksplosives

    I watched a shitty movie tonight too, for no other reason than eye rolling.

    Angels and Demons.

    Gotta love a conspiracy theory.

    • UnCivilServant

      This whole time zone thing was a terrible idea.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean and U (and maybe hayek, EfromE, and Suthen??)

      • UnCivilServant


        My brain and body are still on Eastern time, so waking up before 6am is easy… and then I notice it’s really before 5am where I’m at.

      • Gender Traitor

        Well…ideally, that lets you get an early start on the day before it gets too hot…if you can even get breakfast at this hour.

      • UnCivilServant

        The zoo doesn’t open until 9am local, so I can’t start that. I don’t know what I’m doing about breakfast yet.

        But now I’m wondering if I’m going to be waking for the day before 3am when I reach the left coast.

      • Gender Traitor

        Might have to push yourself to stay up a little later. But then by the time you adjust, it’ll be time to head back east. 😵

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m afraid that’s another risk, since I’ll be spending only so much time in each zone each way.

  28. Rat on a train

    Moore says he made an ‘honest mistake’ failing to correct application claiming Bronze Star

    Maryland Gov. Wes Moore said Thursday he made “an honest mistake” in failing to correct a White House fellowship application 18 years ago when he wrote he had received a Bronze Star for his military service in Afghanistan though he never ended up receiving it, after the New York Times obtained a copy of the application and reported on it.

    I see a pattern.

    • UnCivilServant

      That’s a funny way of saying “I lied”

    • Grumbletarian

      George Santos made a lot of honest mistakes then, I guess.

    • Ownbestenemy

      How the fuck do you make that ‘honest mistake’? How is it we as a people, even remotely go ‘oh ya, that seems plausible!’

      I get it that politicians lie. I get it that they conflate situations, or bolster some achievement but come on man!

      • UnCivilServant

        Yeah, sure, I got an award for meritorious service in a combat zone, don’t check the readily available public record that could verify.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        That reminds me, I need to take all of that stuff about storming the beach at Normandy off of my CV.

      • UnCivilServant

        When at the beach, I tested my weather control device on a stuffed animal named Norman D, does that count?

        Okay, it failed to control the weather, but I tried to storm.

  29. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody

  30. UnCivilServant

    Now there’s a first. I completed a hotel breakfast without seeing a single person until after I’d cleaned up and started heading back to my room.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Bet that was pleasant.

      • UnCivilServant

        Unfortunately, the TV was on, so I was assailed by the attempts to spin the candidate “interview” with CNN into something not embarassing by the talking heads.

    • cavalier973

      You went ahead and ate all the bacon, right?

      • cavalier973

        Snoozers are losers, after all

      • UnCivilServant

        There was no bacon. 🙁

      • cavalier973

        That’s too bad.

        I guess you shouldn’t have slept in.

        *eats the last slice of bacon*

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve been up for a while.

        Did I mention I put out arsenic strips where they forgot to put out bacon. Hope that’s not what you decided to eat.