Saturday evening links

by | Aug 24, 2024 | Daily Links | 131 comments

A worthy successor.

So it’s past time to pressure wash and reseal the patio. It’s a cool weekend, so it was the perfect opportunity. Alas, my 20+ year old Homelite ran for exactly three seconds before it seized. On the plus side, the new guy has an extra 800psi, and it’s noticeable.

Enough of those shenanigans. How about some Links?!?

In a too local story, my stomping grounds are on fire.

Knocked it’s dick in the dirt, it did.

Jack’s only hope now is that Trump loses.

Someone needs to do a spacewalk and tag the Boeing capsule like a Detroit rail car.

Vlad has suddenly found his hands full.

I would have preferred a raging case of Monkey Pox.

Okay, that’s it for me. Back to pressure washing. Peace out, Glibbies.

In homage to my now deceased Homelite.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. The Late P Brooks

    What Trump case? I can’t keep them straight. They should just roll them all up and try him for creating a nuisance.

    • Spudalicious

      First paragraph talks about the election interference case. That’s the one in DC.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Is Boeing’s space capsule parked in a properly marked handicapped space?

    • Fourscore

      Permanently parked?

    • SDF-7

      They need to update their registration to Certified Non-Operational and save money on the tags.

  3. Sensei

    So NASA’s standard is 1 in 270 chance of death. That means it calculated something higher.

    I’d love to know how they came up with 270 and not 271 or 269.

    • Gdragon

      Hey guys it looks like we’ve got a Science Denier here…

      • MikeS

        Burn her!!

  4. The Late P Brooks

    I’d love to know how they came up with 270 and not 271 or 269.

    Probability of on the job death for a cop?

    • Sensei

      Alaska crab fisher(person)?

      • MikeS

        Cop with crabs?

    • R C Dean

      You’d need at least one more zero.

  5. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Me no can post Zoom link (500 error)

    I had ChatGPT write me a jaunty limerick, too

      • Spudalicious

        WordPress is assho.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Also, last night we had a surprise cameo live from Burning Man. 🍈🍈

  6. Tundra

    You aren’t in Idaho any longer?

    We’ve had a shit-ton of fires this year. I’m tired of the shitty air.

    And all my stuff was Honda, Echo, Stihl and John Deere. Old stuff mostly. It will run as long as there is gasoline and oil.

    So maybe next year.

    • Spudalicious

      Yes. The fire I posted about is half an hour above the cabin. It’s been bad this year.

      Yeah, my gas powered stuff seems to just keep going. This was the first casualty.

      • Tundra

        Over 30 years of home ownership I got rid of three Honda mowers. Only one was purchased new and none of them needed to be replaced. Amazing machines.

        No lawn here. No ragrets.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Honda has stopped production of gas mowers.

    • R C Dean

      Mrs. Dean’s HK VP9 is off to a gunsmith for some trigger work. His shop was on the edge of a major wildfire.

      Delays ensued. But I’m rapidly running out of patience.

  7. Tres Cool

    @Mojo from the previous thread-

    Ive had a lot of junk vehicles over the years, and I’ve learned that its really easy to spend $1,000 to make a car worth $500.
    My condolences.

    • hayeksplosives

      I think we’ve all been in that position at one point or another. “Do I sink $500 in to squeeze another couple of years out of this old car?”

      And then somehow either that repair unravels into something more expensive, or an unrelated issue arises with the car a month later.

      Always a bit of a gamble! 🙄

      • R C Dean

        Just dropped some scratch on Mrs. Dean’s 2008 FJ. IMO, it needed a new stereo head unit, mostly to get a backup camera because the rear visibility on those things is garbage. New head unit with all the modern conveniences, including a backup camera (that you can also just turn on as a rear view camera when not backing up) was probably 20% of the alleged value of the vehicle.

        Which probably has another 100,00 miles/15 years on it without major work. I expect she’ll drive that thing the rest of her life.

    • Don escaped Texas

      depreciation per mile is all that matters

      let’s say you’d think nothing of spending $40k on a new car you expect to drive 200k miles
      that’s $0.20 per mile new (extra) depreciation versus driving the old heap
      all the other factors, replace or no, are in the same ballpark
      so, if $500 gets you another 2,500 miles, it’s totally okay when (not if) the next awful thing rears it head
      indeed, you can afford to do this deal over and over as long as you understand you are not getting the new car you’re paying for

      however, you can never get back one second of your life spent fucking with equipment

  8. The Late P Brooks

    I’ve learned that its really easy to spend $1,000 to make a car worth $500.

    As I used to put it, it’s really easy to spend fifteen hundred bucks turning a $500 car into a $600 car.

    • Tundra

      I still think it’s worth it. What the fuck are you gonna buy for that?

      I think we all better get used to dropping Ks on our cars.

      • Tres Cool

        /sunk-cost fallacy has joined the chat

      • Tundra

        Do you disagree? Older cars properly maintained/repaired are light years cheaper than the new shit.

        BaT had a 2016 Toureg diesel with low miles sell for 41K. That fucking thing will go a hell of a lot longer than the stupid 50k turbo hybrids.

      • Mojeaux

        His is a 2003 GMC Envoy. I’m trying to look at it as a “whole car” purchase. Still needs another $2,000 on it, but this will get him to where it’s not going to fall apart at 65mph.

      • Tres Cool

        As someone that owns at 2006 Envoy, I cant disagree with your decision.

      • hayeksplosives

        The shadow of Cash 4 Clunkers still looms large…

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        My 2007 Kia Sedona still runs wonderful, routine maintenance only

      • Mojeaux

        I have no idea how much money we’ve sunk into our $1500, 350,000 mile, 2000 Ram, but it’s a vehicle we have always intended to keep forever, no matter how much we don’t use it. Both our 2006 Hyundais run fine and we are not in the market for anything new(ish). XX’s 2011 Hyundai was $8k in total and we paid $3k of that for her graduation present, and the only thing it has needed is new tires (which was her Christmas present).

      • R C Dean

        When the choice is (a) 1K to keep this car going for another year(?) or (2) $40K+ for a new car, well, it gets complicated.

      • SDF-7

        “Not having GM spy on me? Priceless.”

        My ’03 very much seems to be in the “regular maintenance and a few oddballs like wiring harnesses wearing out” — more than $0, but worth sinking the maintenance money in. Runs well, will keep driving it until it falls apart or I do — and no spyware or other government mandated crap.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    We believe in science as long as it agrees with us

    Uranium mining in the U.S. is picking up after the nuclear fuel’s price hit a 16-year high earlier this year. But now that a mine near the Grand Canyon is producing ore, Native American tribes, local officials and Arizona’s attorney general are questioning its safety.


    Tribes in the region have been steadfast in their opposition and have fought uranium mining near the Grand Canyon for decades. The Havasupai, whose reservation is at the bottom of the canyon, worry that Pinyon Plain could pollute its sole water source. They, along with environmental groups, challenged a 1986 environmental analysis by the U.S. Forest Service that found almost no risk of contamination. But the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled it valid and reaffirmed the company’s right to mine in 2022. Earlier this month, Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes questioned the nearly 40-year-old science in the original study and asked the agency, which manages the land where the mine is located, to conduct a new one.

    Go mine lithium where we can’t see it.

    • Suthenboy

      “…Native American tribes…” Yeah. I stopped reading right there. Ok, so how much do they want?

      • hayeksplosives

        And do they want it in cash or firewater?

      • Chafed

        Shots fired!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Did they go on the warpath?

  10. DEG

    In the election inteference case, Smith may not want to “show his hand” and reveal key evidence or witnesses that might jeopardize his chances for success at an eventual trial, said Mary McCord, a former federal prosecutor who served as acting head of the Justice Department’s national security division. Smith and other Justice Department leaders also don’t want to appear “blatantly political,” she said.

    So he needs time to make shit up.

    • MikeS

      Smith and other Justice Department leaders also don’t want to appear “blatantly political,” she said.

      LOL. That ship sailed long ago.

    • R C Dean

      “Smith may not want to “show his hand” and reveal key evidence or witnesses that might jeopardize his chances for success at an eventual trial”

      And here I thought the defense was entitled to know about the entirety of the prosecution’s case before trial.

      • Ted S.

        Even Marisa Tomei knows that.

      • Chafed

        Yeah, that explanation makes no sense.

    • SDF-7

      I read that and thought “Didn’t Drach already do that? Didn’t think I’d seen a more recent one…”

      If you’re going to trawl the depths of Drach — go for the classics. Or this one.

      • DEG

        Yes, it’s an old one. It popped up on the right while I was watching other stuff on youtube.

        I’ve seen both of the videos you linked. Both are good.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    I still think it’s worth it. What the fuck are you gonna buy for that?

    I’ve been fixing my Civic wagon for 20 years, mostly because there is no superior replacement. Honda should start making them again.

    I crack myself up.

    • Tundra

      I had a 1984 Civic CRX HF that got over 50 mpg. I’d buy another tomorrow.

      But no. You cannot have nice things because the people who know better than you say that adding a couple thousand pounds of unnecessary shit to your car will make it safer and make Gaia happier.

  12. groat scotum

    My friend doesn’t have cancer. She doesn’t have cancer, and she’s not dying. Well, yet. And they did have to take out her uterus out to determine that, which seems awfully inconvenient. But she’s not dying.

    • Mojeaux

      Uterus ownership is overrated.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Glad to hear that!

    • groat scotum

      She texted me Tuesday to say goodbye in case her surgery didn’t go well. We’re in our 30s, I’m not accustomed to friends dying. I took it hard.

      • Don escaped Texas

        you will get used to it

        you will always take it hard

        my best friend had his first run-in with cancer this year, and I think the only thing he thought about the entire time was the need to outlive his mother…..who is 97: I’m saying there’s a chance

  13. Aloysious

    A bricked pressure washer is no and bueno.

    Did you try rebooting it?

    • R.J.

      Unplug it and plug it in again.

      • Aloysious

        Don’t forget to rotate the air in the tires.

      • SDF-7

        I thought “Check the thermostat” was the starting non-IT position round these parts.

      • UnCivilServant

        You forgot to change the filter.

      • kinnath


        I replied to your email. I am available both days.

  14. Aloysious

    Stupid wild fires are stupid.

    When I was young and stupid I fought a couple.

    It better stay away from CASCADIA.

  15. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    I heard a radio as for Stanford Health’s transgender care including the latest surgical procedures. I nearly blurted out “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me” but I was at a cash register in a store just over the hill from Berkeley and I didn’t want to get arrested for a hate crime.

    • doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Wildcat Canyon?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Lamorinda. It was pretty conservative when I was growing up, but it’s been taken over by people who leave SF and Berkeley when their kids start going to school.

    • SDF-7

      What… you think their shilling for a procedure based on either mental health issues or societal contagion which leaves the person in perpetual need of medical assistance (hormones, antibiotics, possible follow up procedures, etc…. because the “reconstruction” surgery is nowhere near what people think it is) might be for ulterior motives?

      I do declare suh…. you impugn their honor!

  16. Aloysious

    IAM a bad person.

    I wish upon fucking Fauci a raging, burning case of ass-chlamydia.

    • hayeksplosives

      West Nile Virus carried Mira Furlan off this planet. RIP.

      It can partially redeeem itself by dispatching Fauci.

      • rhywun

        West Nile Virus carried Mira Furlan off this planet. RIP.

        😱 I had no idea. RIP indeed. I only know her from B5 but what a wonderful performance.

      • Chafed

        I had no idea that’s why she died.

    • SDF-7

      I’d like “tied down and made irresistible to beagle nibbling” — but that’d be a shitty thing to do to the beagles.

      Actually arrested and prosecuted and then locked up and losing his bloated “public service” pension and benefits would make me smile still.

  17. Evan from Evansville

    Damn. First day on the floor as a (private,) medical factory worker was intense and rewarding. I’m still being trained and am learning the ins/outs of setting the machine’s up/down and the in-between. I removed needles but never poked. It was frenetic. And it was a pretty chill day, apparently. There was just one bit when things were full-capacity w folk waiting, but that really didn’t last long.

    One dude had an issue serious enough to get the phys/sub in. He was having a bit of a fainting spell. He was ok, but he did need eyes on him. Another lady had a bad prick and eventually was bleeding… borderline profusely. (Lots of blood, but only as much can come out of a single pricked vein.) It was handled swiftly and she was ok. Also just needed some 10-15 min.

    I was praised for doing well for what I WAS able to do. Trainer told me it was tricky and doesn’t expect me/anyone to learn it all in one day. There is a cutiecutiecutie Screener. I shadowed her to start the day, I s’pose show me what happens up front. Twiddles-methinks! (and nothin’ more…)

    Workin’ 7:30-6 tomorrow, so it’ll be another interesting one. End of the month, Sun.. I don’t expect huge crowds, and colleagues kinda confirmed. But it always gets a bit busy, for sure’s ya knows! This is not a forever gig, but damn this has its perks and I’m enjoying ’em.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      There’s cute chicks everywhere, man. Don’t shit where you eat.

      • UnCivilServant

        And they’re all taken.

      • R C Dean

        KK speaks wisdom, Evan.

    • The Other Kevin

      “had a bad prick”


      • R.J.

        Dang it. Beat me to it.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I know not to shit where I eat. Or fuck where I work. Sarcasm’s stench was potent in all of that. I thought “twiddlies-methinks!” was enough over-the-top for the tell. True, written language is vaguely in the same universe as face-to-face.

      I enjoy workin’ where openly telling “I can’t be the only prick in here” jokes is built in. Medical factory work. The donors, too. They’re all in there to get paid cuz they need it. They all have to test neg. Several/all were stoned. I’d be too. It’s a glorious example of folk gettin’ together, trading $ for bodily fluids.. and damn. Plasma, infinite demand. It’s got an interesting vibe, especially the donors.

      Working tomorrow as well, but as of now I’m quite literally without adequate speech to describe it. That’s a fascinating word environment to feel compelled to look up in a dictionary be *in* more of to suss out further. That’s legitimately exciting.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      I saw them at Bender Arena at American University ~1995. It was pretty good. Not Duran Duran-level 😜

      • groat scotum

        Have I shared my Duran Duran story here? It’s very short.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I haven’t seen it!

    • The Other Kevin

      I saw them once, probably around 95 as well. Great band.

    • kinnath

      I haven’t listen to that in so long.


    • doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Huh. I used to have a chick who worked for me that loved them and Black Dog? I think? Dunno. Are they the “Placenta falls to the floor” band?

      Anyhoo, Live is better than the Dead.

    • Mojeaux

      Yeah, Dude keeps singing some song about a thousand-dollar car.

    • MikeS

      Ya know, I love a good live performance as much as the next guy. This is absolutely not one. Sometimes it’s OK to just link to the studio version.

      • MikeS

        Just sayin’

  18. Gustave Lytton

    Pavel Durov has been charged with eating a succulent Chinese meal.

    • SDF-7

      What, he was arrested by Aussie cops who know their judo well?

      • SDF-7

        Snarking aside…

        French authorities believe that the platform’s lack of moderation has “allowed criminal activity to go on undeterred on the messaging app.”

        (From here) — there’d better be a lot more to this or Elon had damned well be sure OMB wins and that he doesn’t set foot in Prison Block Europe again. Jesus wept.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      OK this wins the internet

  19. Yusef drives a Kia

    I just saw a Tesla cyber truck paint bright blue and pink, it looked like an ice cream truck.
    OTOH painting the stainless is an improvement in the otherwise hideous things.

    • Gustave Lytton

      /r/cyberstuck is snark to the max

      • Aloysious

        It looks more like a Puma. Or a Chupathingy.

        I miss Red vs. Blue.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Red v Blue was fantastic! Fuck, I was there for the first couple seasons as a high schooler. I got the original XBox when it came out. DAMN that game was revolutionary. Grew up with 90s FPS and that one… was just different. (Thief is another favorite, but a completely different version of a slightly-similar FP game.)


        I didn’t know it kept going for so long. I wonder where it wandered. I hope social shit was left out, but hopes and dreams, made of these… oft skewed w skeeze — indeed.

      • Aloysious


        First five? episodes were the best, imo. After that, it was a slow decline. Although Evil Doc was my favorite right to the very end.

      • Evan from Evansville

        First (several) episodes? Yep, that’s pretty much what/when I’m talking about. Pure gold, mined ahead of its time.

    • Sean

      There’s 2 around here I’ve seen a couple times each. One of them is wrapped in Hulk green for some business and has a matching trailer.

  20. Festus

    I thought that my old pressure washer was seized but a little (big) squirt of brake cleaning fluid (ether) will tell the tale.

    • MikeS

      brake cleaning fluid =/= ether

      • Pope Jimbo

        You can get ether from a lot of different places Mike. You can even get that shit from rocks. Ether ore.

      • MikeS


      • MikeS

        It’s soda pressing.

      • MikeS


  21. Festus

    In the carburator of course.

    • Chafed

      That’s what she said.

  22. CPRM

    There is an easter egg in the background of the next new cartoon, if you can find it,

  23. UnCivilServant

    Morning, Glibs. It’s cool enough to try to finish this darn yard work.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Mornin’ mornin’. It remains dark enough to avoid starting finishing.

      • UnCivilServant

        Sun’s up here. I got the shovel work done.

        What remains – mower, then sweeping the sidewalk of dirt and grass clippings.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Well if it’s any help, those folk who keep calling, asking me to sell my property at 610 Washington might have had a point. Naturally, they don’t understand I don’t, and never have, owned property to sell. I cut them slack on ‘not knowing’ I haven’t the money to conceive of purchasing any, either.

        I don’t anticipate them rectifying the situation by ceasing to have “real-estate opportunities” to ply me.

      • UnCivilServant

        What I really dread is that, once again, the stupid as fuck code enforcement drone has mistaken the yard next door for being mine. They should be forced to carry and memorize the map of property lines before ever once being allowed to go out in the field. Plus have to personally cover half the remediation costs of anything they want to cite.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Go out and live your dream. Become unburdened by what didn’t exist before. Or something. Trust me Us, it feels sounds good.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s too early for that.

      • Fourscore

        I’m getting offers every week on some property. It’s hilarious, at about 5-10 % of retail price. They must think old people can be conned or are stupid.

        I am thinking of selling some but in the Spring when folks are more likely to be looking. OTOH we don’t know what the next administration will bring.

      • Grumbletarian

        Selling at anything more than 10% of retail price will be price gouging.

    • Suthenboy

      MAGA-free America! Yay!

  24. Suthenboy

    Morning all. Toss up: busy day or lazy day? I kinda took a lazy day yesterday so maybe I will make today a busy one.

    • Don escaped Texas

      cycling for us: the busy way to be lazy

    • Ted S.

      Lazy, since I went out yesterday and climbed Slide Mountain, the highest point in the Catskills. Still have to get the photos off my phone, however.

  25. Ted S.

    I should probably save this for the Mourning Lynx….

    • Sean

      Boom. Headshot.