Saturday evening links

by | Aug 31, 2024 | Daily Links | 91 comments

Underneath that column of smoke is one of my favorite places on the planet.

It has been an ugly fire season here in Idaho. The forest around my cabin has been on fire for weeks, and it’s not going out until it starts raining and snowing. I’m closing up a month early because the air quality is consistently well into the hazard zone. The forest needs this, but it will not return to its former beauty in my lifetime. C’est la vie.



Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama, Kama Kameleon…

You know what this situation needs? Team America. There won’t be a shoal left to fight over.

How about you quit building houses in the interface, you stupid fucks.

Plenty of people with homes fuck outside too. Just sayin’.

I am disappoint there aren’t enough of you there for a Zoom get together.

No comment. Just a fat rapper dropping dead on stage.

In case you were wondering, they’re still going at it.

Okay, back to canning and opening weekend of college ball. Peace out, Glibbies.

I know, too obvious.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. The Late P Brooks

    “A couple having sexual intercourse on the sidewalk was a new low for the city for me,” an aghast 34-year-old local who recorded the interaction told The Post, adding that the shocking sight, combined with the July fatal stabbing at East 14th Street near Avenue A, has him considering moving to the Upper West Side.

    They have a better class of perverts there.

    • Suthenboy

      Shit, he was shocked? My father tells me he has seen people screwing on bus stop benches a number of times in broad daylight in Houston. The skanks go around in short skirts soliciting and just sit on the dude’s lap right there in front of god and everybody.
      *mostly Eritreans according to him. They have a shit-ton of them in Houston.

    • rhywun

      I saw a homeless dude fucking the asphalt across the street from the World Trade Center some years ago. That was more disturbing than this.

      • The Gunslinger

        fucking the asphalt


      • Aloysious

        New definition of road rash, is what that is.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      So, different type of stabbing?

  2. Suthenboy

    “…it will not return to its former beauty in my lifetime.”

    Most people dont appreciate just how good Louisiana is for timber. We occupy that small sliver west of the Mississippi that is warm and wet enough to grow good quality trees like bitter weed grows everywhere else. If you are long lived enough…90 or so years you would see 3 successive growths of saw logs on one plot of land. If it is cut or burned it will return to lush green, taller than your head trees in about 3 years.

    • Fourscore

      So, I’ve been misled about clear cutting? It doesn’t destroy Gaia?

      I have mature pine that could stand cutting but I’m not going to do that. I’m guessing that when I leave the new owner will harvest everything and get back a big chunk of his investment. For now though I’m enjoying seeing the trees grow and grow. A lot of tree farming near here, they keep selectively harvesting and the remaining trees get bigger and bigger.

      My wife thinks the cattail marshes would be great rice paddies though. She’s right but it’s wild rice.

      • Suthenboy

        No. My family has been cutting for a few generations. I have been planting all of my life. When it becomes my call, and my brother’s, we have agreed selective cutting only.
        I see trees I have planted already reaching saw-log sizes but as long as I can afford the taxes I wont touch them.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        In front of my great-grandparents house are four redwoods that my grandfather and his siblings planted when they were kids. They are all 90′ tall now.

      • Ted S.

        Just don’t plant them too close to the house.

        When we put the old house on the market in 2022, we jad to cut down several trees Dad had planted in the early 80s that were blocking the windows.

    • Spudalicious

      The area burning was loaded with old bug kill. Standing red slash had turned into a solid layer of dead material. It needed to be cleaned out, but still.

  3. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    JI joined us live from Burning Man last weekend. Not our fault you missed the tiddies!

    • Tres Cool

      Im going to bet that they’re not magazine-worthy tiddies.
      Specially if they were his.

    • Aloysious

      JI’s tiddies?

      • juris imprudent

        You really don’t know what you missed!

      • juris imprudent

        The women who gave me the ice water flogging had a lovely rack.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    It depends on your definition of beauty. Mountain meadows are beautiful.

  5. Old Man With Candy

    Morels next spring.

    • UnCivilServant

      Make sure they’re ethically collected. You want moral morels.

    • Fourscore

      Mushrooms, toad stools are in abundance right now. I like mushrooms but don’t know which are good. A neighbor said he knew, got very, very sick for being wrong.

    • Spudalicious

      As much as I like morels, it’s pretty damned far from compensation. I’m sick to my stomach.

    • Tres Cool

      Morels gone wild!

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        No. I always post the link early on. Like, every weekend for the last year or so.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’m in Mountain time, so the clock is off…

  6. Suthenboy

    How many times have I asked people to compare the number of classic works of art in the west with the number produced by the USSR in the 20th century? I am not the only one around here who has pointed that out.

    So, another empty suit. One sock puppet is like another.

    The Chinese didn’t wonder why there are no islands there already? Those fake islands are going to disappear pretty quickly.

    Wildfire crisis only exists because people build houses in wildfire zones. I remember driving along the pacific highway sometime back in the ’70s. My geologist buddy was looking out the passenger window at all of the houses up on the slopes above us and said “All of those houses are going to be gone in 20 years. He was right.

    This fucking business seems to be a pretty popular fad for humans. And dogs. And monkeys. And….

    How much US money has been laundered through Ukraine thus far? Trump says he will end the war there, Washington pols panic. I wonder what that means?

    • Evan from Evansville

      Admission: Arguably my favorite art style is Soviet/Commie propaganda. In my room I have five Vietnamese/CCCP works. Crushing B-52s; industry supporting cosmonauts; one on refining; another on electricity production.

      I enjoy the combination of my hatred of their origins and their stark, brutalist nature and coloring.

    • The Hyperbole

      “compare classic works of art in the west with the number produced by the USSR ”

      Is “The West” defining what is a “classic work of art”? Might be a bit tautological. Also “The West” against a country that lasted for 70 years is a tad one sided.

    • juris imprudent

      An upside to climate change, wiping out the phoney islands?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Wildfire crisis only exists because people build houses in wildfire zones.

      I doubt there’s a place anywhere that isn’t at risk for at least one type of natural disaster. Shit happens.

  7. Fourscore

    Spud, we had the drought last year, this year has been the wettest in my memory. I’ve mowed the weeds several times already and may have to do one more.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont rake leaves. I grind them up into mulch with the mower, thus mowing never ends here.

      • Fourscore

        No leaves to speak of, the pine needles/cones fall where they may

      • Evan from Evansville

        (I assume the weeds subtract value of your land. To suburban folk:) Nature will take care of the leaves itself. Clean your gutters if ya got ’em. Otherwise, I find it stupid to do work to ‘beautify’ your yard, when I think the leaves naturally add seasonal spice.

        (I’ve also never owned property. Lived in apartments as an adult and was in charge of mowing as a kid, but we didn’t give a fuck about no damn leaves.)

    • Spudalicious

      This has been a bizarre growing year.

    • Gender Traitor

      We’re having a bit of a drought here in Ohio. Got a little rain today, but I don’t know if it was anywhere near enough to declare it over.

      • Tres Cool

        I was watching the news today (WHIO) and that weather dweed was whining about drought.
        Seems like every August, no matter how much rain we had in July, we’re faced with a drought.

    • Tres Cool

      You know who else had to deal with a really wet year ?

      • creech

        Jim Cantore?

      • Tres Cool

        Either Stormy Daniels or, of course, Hitler.

  8. Sean

    Why does that dude have a stripper’s name?

    • Suthenboy

      Wisdom begins with calling things by their proper names?

  9. Shpip

    Coming out of the convention in Chicago, Harris has built as wide a coalition as any Democratic nominee in memory.

    Let’s see, she has the:

    AWFL / yenta types who exude moral superiority the way that other people have body odor,

    Professional Blacktivists and poverty pimps who make a life (and a living) out of the bad decisions of the underclass,

    The abortion / troon lobby (see above),

    The Cluster B crowd, identifiable with their silly tats, facial piercings, and poison-frog hair, and

    Your otherwise-normal Boomers who reflexively vote (D) because their parents waxed rhapsodic about FDR.

    All united behind Veep Throat due to their overarching and irrational hatred for Orange Man Bad.

    • Fourscore

      ” because their parents waxed rhapsodic about FDR”

      My folks were apolitical, never voted, etc. My mother did,however, believe FDR got us out of the Depression. My dad said “they’re all a bunch of SOBs”

      • Ted S.

        Your dad wasn’t wrong.

    • R C Dean

      “Veep Throat”

      Bravo, Shpip. Bravo.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Seconded. Outstanding work.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        I tend to call her Calamity Harris, but no one else seemed to like that moniker.

  10. deadhead

    Any poker players out there who like “carnival games”? is in pre-alpha and has daily tournaments that coincide with the evening Zoom. Tonight’s tournament is KoMex, which is a mix of Korean and Mexican poker. It’s all play money and the site is concerned with privacy. The tournaments start at 5:05 PM Pacific, but typically allow about 45 minutes of late entry.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Um. I am entering my bunk. That’s intensely sexy.

      • groat scotum

        It’s not sexy, it’s Dire Straits.

        Wait, that’s as sexy as it gets.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Chicks’ hip grooves are my primal dopamine release.

      • groat scotum

        shivers down the spine, my man.

    • MikeS

      The CGI babies section was weird, but otherwise, I thank you good sir.

    • MikeS

      That’s nuts

  11. groat scotum

    What if the Beacon of f Amon Dîn is lit? What would you do, then?

  12. groat scotum

    Will Rohan answer then? Will they muster the rohirrim?

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Not if I can do anything about it!!

      • groat scotum

        I am a servant of the secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass!

      • SarumanTheGreat

        And I say to thee, Ash nazg durbatuluk! Do you not recognize what I bear on my left hand?

    • Suthenboy

      I am not sure what to make of that. I half want to say publicity stunt comes to nothing, half wants to say the shit could hit the fan here.
      Also, the feds try to shut down any effort to stymie the gangs.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Being there might be enough. But I am with you on that.

    • Sean


  13. groat scotum

    Terminator 3 is great. I don’t care. You know what? It’s not as good as T2 but it’s better than T1. Arnold is awesome as ever. Claire Danes is goddamn hot and I don’t care who knows. The ending is touching. Fuck you.

  14. groat scotum

    We get no real denouement for the franchise except this, and honestly, it’s a good one. Sorry Sarah didn’t prevent the apocalypse. Sorry Miles Dyson died for nothing. Yes, technically Sara Conner dreamed in vain. But compare it to what came after. T3 wrapped a bow around this stupid franchise and called it quits, and it’s kinda awesome.

  15. hayeksplosives

    RFK Jr has me about ready to be fitted with my tinfoil hat.

    Here is Stossel’s full length interview with RFK Jr.

  16. Fourscore

    Mornn’ Sean and all other early birds,

    One cup down, 51 degrees with sun on the way

    • Sean


    • Fourscore

      Hope the frost stays away for a while, corn and tomatoes are ripe, watermelons need a few more days.

      2 weeks ’til HH, we’ll move the bees next week end and get most of them out of the way. Feral bees are a problem again, stealing honey from the hardworking domestic bees. Pretty much like humanity.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Morning 4x. Rare, and extremely positive I’m up this early. It’s quite nic here, 63 w full blue sunshine. How is your Labor Day weekend going? I hope Big Things, esp cozy ones.
      I gotta learn to love this early bird biz. Next shift, and most this week start at 10, w a 730 thrown in. Last week was three 7s and 6. I am gonna have to adjust to the rotating 4-day, 10hr shifts. But this is my first weekend off!
      I love lack of human interaction. Still shocking I’m remarkably good at People. From Korea, Singapore, to running the Peru Tribune, and now at the plasma donation center– I’m great w folk.
      Yikes. First pay from them is gonna be astounding $ to Ev.