Saturday evening links of plenty

by | Aug 17, 2024 | Daily Links | 111 comments

Somebody get a shitload of tortilla chips!

July was pretty much in triple digits the entire month. As a result, everyone’s garden just shut down. I am just beginning to harvest and process in what is now a very short season. The next 4-6 weeks will be busy.


The economy is in fine shape. At least she’s not waiting for a student debt handout.

First a homeless sweep, and now this. Someone is gearing up for 2028.

Meanwhile, Venezuala is still in a fine pickle.

About time?

Nice try, DOJ.

(((He’s))) up to no good!

Okay, that’s it for me. Another crappy news cycle.

This is somewhat theme related. I was driving through fields of harvested crops today and this came on the radio. Teenage Spud approves. Too bad his nostrils are now plastic straws.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. DEG

    Blake says she makes $1,000 to $1,500 in sales per event. She sells her lemonade for $8 a cup and offers five flavors: watermelon, mango, strawberry, hibiscus and plain. It takes her about one minute to make a cup.

    Not bad.

    • Fourscore

      Is she licensed, food handler’s certificate, permits up to date, sales tax number? Paying unemployment insurance? We can’t be too careful.

      • Sean

        I hope she enjoys her IRS audit.

    • Sean

      $8? That better have fucking vodka in it.

  2. DEG

    A climate protester was hospitalized with facial injuries on Wednesday after being punched by a security guard at Citibank’s New York headquarters, Common Dreams reports.

    That’s a good start.

    • Fourscore

      Wasn’t much of a punch, looked more like a push but still good enough to serve the purpose

      • LCDR_Fish

        Yeah…a good start is all you can call it. Definitely not punched in the face.

      • Fourscore

        Next video up was OMWC porn.

      • DrOtto

        Used to do this to my brother – grab at whatever he had in his hand, which he would pull back on, then go back with his own hand and hit him with it. This is how “stop hitting yourself” inevitably starts. Only this dufus went down after one punch. This is what happens when you go your entire life without getting punched in the face. The earlier you learn these lessons, the sooner you learn to control your tongue. Or learn to toughen up. If you’re gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.

    • Sensei

      They have been picketing the HQ for months and harassing employees as they go in and out of the building.

      I know if I worked there my patience would be about gone.

      This time the asshole went into the building instead of playing games on the sidewalk.

    • R C Dean

      “hospitalized with facial injuries on Wednesday after being punched by a security guard”

      Who was the guard? Mike Tyson?

    • Tonio

      Oooh, hoity-toity. Have fun.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Where you at??

  3. The Late P Brooks

    A climate protester was hospitalized with facial injuries on Wednesday after being punched by a security guard at Citibank’s New York headquarters, Common Dreams reports.

    The incident occurred as activists with the Summer of Heat campaign were gathered in the bank’s lobby.

    Eren Can Illeri, the injured protester, was part of the protest demanding a meeting with Citibank executives to address the bank’s continued investment in fossil fuels.

    Finally. Somebody who knows how to throw a punch.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Looked more like it was a leading jab. To draw the dummy’s defense away, so he could unleash a haymaker with the right.

      But then soyboy went down like a sack of potatoes.

  4. Shpip

    Venezuela’s political opposition and its supporters gathered in cities around the country on Saturday to demand recognition of what they say is their candidate’s resounding victory in a presidential vote nearly three weeks ago.

    The courts refused to stick their dicks in the political process grant the opposition standing, which means this was the cleanest, best-run, most secure election in history. Anyone who says otherwise is a terrorist insurrectionist seditionist.

    • Fourscore

      Looks like an opportunity to transship some of the Haitian gun runner merchandise. The Colombians could help fill the void.

  5. The Late P Brooks

    ‘Citi backs violence and it’s sickening,’ said Alice Hu, a climate campaigner for New York Communities for Change, who said the violence that took place at the company’s HQ is a direct reflection of ‘the violence of fossil fuels and climate chaos.’

    Money is murder.

    • dbleagle

      Alice Hu has clearly never been introduced to real violence. I suggest she go to Africa and try telling ISIS or the Lord’s Resistance Army to quit violating Gaia with their ICE vehicles.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Wasn’t much of a punch

    I didn’t watch the video.

  7. Shpip

    Eren Can Illeri (pictured) the injured protester has an extremely punchable face.

    And if he’s “hospitalized with facial injuries,” I’m a Hottentot. I’ve seen soccer players flop more convincingly.

  8. Tonio

    I like a man who puts up. Nice canning work there.

      • DrOtto

        I still have my green t-shirt that has “Make 7-” on the front and “up yours” on the back. It comes out every St. Patrick’s day because it’s green. That was from the same marketing period.

    • Spudalicious

      Just getting started.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    To the rescue

    A U.S. judge temporarily blocked media companies Disney, Warner Bros. Discovery
    and Fox from launching their sports streaming service, Venu, according to court filings.

    The temporary injunction, granted in response to a lawsuit brought by Fubo TV
    , comes just weeks ahead of the start of the National Football League season. The companies had planned to launch their service by that date.

    Fubo, an internet TV bundle akin to the traditional pay TV package, alleged in its lawsuit that Venu was anticompetitive and would upend its business. Fubo’s stock gained 16% Friday on the news of the injunction.

    “Today’s ruling is a victory not only for Fubo but also for consumers. This decision will help ensure that consumers have access to a more competitive marketplace with multiple sports streaming options,” said Fubo CEO David Gandler in a press release after the court decision.

    I’m sure those poor oppressed consumers would rather sign up for a bunch of different streaming packages to get the small number of sports they actually want to watch, rather than one.

    • rhywun

      But that is what customers are opting for. It says so right in the article.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Traditional pay TV distributors have been losing customers at a fast clip as they opt for streaming services and out of the notoriously expensive bundle. Meanwhile, companies such as Fubo — a streaming option of the bundle — have seen their prices rise due to the high programming costs related to the networks they carry.

    Kamala will set a fair price. She knows what a legitimate profit should be.

    • Sean

      She worked at McDonalds!
      McDonalds. 🙄

      • rhywun

        I like how McDonalds is suddenly again a job for young people to build their work skills.

        Five minutes ago (and still, depending on the needs of the immediate politics) it was a job where a single person of any age should easily make a living.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    “This ruling is a major victory for consumers and competition in the video marketplace,” Jeff Blum, executive vice president of external and government affairs at EchoStar, said in a statement.

    Protecting exclusive broadcast rights will promote competition?

    • Sean

      Step 1 – get a rifle
      Step 2 – get friends with rifles

    • hayeksplosives

      Yeah, Elon promoted that post so it’s getting lots of views.

      Probably lots of “RHEEEEEEE” as well.

    • Fourscore

      Rosy scenario

      Now do pharmaceutical supplies/drugs

    • creech

      Don’t worry, the Stupid Party will go along with price controls as long as wage controls are added. Some think tank will drag out Nixon’s playbook. Us older folks remember how “successful” that was.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Left of center “conservative”. If Trump is a 80’s Democrat, then they’re 60’s Republicans.

      • DrOtto

        Whip Inflation Now!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Same guy from the parenting thread in mexi’s post

    • Gustave Lytton

      I worked in M&A in the food industry

      Right up there with working as a consultant. He’s a fucking expert.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Patrick Bateman: Ask me a question.
        Club Patron: So, what do you do?
        Patrick Bateman: I’m into, uh, well, murders and executions, mostly.
        Club Patron: Do you like it?
        Patrick Bateman: Well, it depends. Why?
        Club Patron: Well, most guys I know who are in Mergers and Acquisitions really don’t like it.

  12. Aloysious

    I don’t see any potatoes anywhere.

    How can a guy named Spud not grow any potatoes?

    The fingerlings are, IMO, the bestest.

    • Spudalicious

      My first two years, I harvested 75lbs each year. And then I got potato blight, and that was that about that.

      • Aloysious

        My first guess was going to be that you made a batch of potato vodka.

        The blight sucks.

      • Ted S.

        Home distillation still isn’t legal, is it?

      • Spudalicious

        Some federal judge just recently overturned the prohibition on home distilling.

      • kinnath

        Hadn’t heard that one

      • kinnath

        Thanks for the link

      • DrOtto

        You could distill ethanol for fuel prior to that ruling. You still had to fill out some ppwk, but it was legal as long as not for consumption.

  13. Suthenboy

    “Newsom signs legislative crime package addressing organized retail theft”
    He is organizing it more? The state will guard the thieves while they go about looting?

    See my comment at the end. of the last article regarding dairy farmers.

    So the dude is still living? What a shame.

    The only way to fix our departure from reality is to radically return to it. Shitcan all of the rules, exceptions, etc that ignore reality. As for the kids, leave them alone. I want all of the people who took part in the mengelesque mutilation of children held to account…and by that I mean stiff sentences at hard pound-me-in-the-ass prison.

    Albania? Yikes dude. That’s a hard pass for me, but hey, it’s your money.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      The Albanian coast is supposed to be pretty nice. Not sure if you can take a rental car there yet. It was forbidden in the contract last time I rented a car in Europe.

  14. Don escaped Texas

    NewWife just came in from the golf tournament. This marks her 22d year volunteering as a score-bearer.

    • Tres Cool

      At a country club, a group of people were sitting at the bar discussing their game.
      A woman said, “out on the course a bee stung me!”
      Someone asked, “where?”
      She said “right between the 1st and 2nd hole.”
      He said, “well your stance is too wide”

  15. Mojeaux

    I’ve got canned goods in my pantry that are older than my son. I hate wasting food, man, and especially when you’re marginally low carb, your stockpile is in the freezer and fridge. You canNOT stockpile sour cream. Ask me how I know.

    • Ted S.

      That stuff didn’t get shitcanned in your last move?

      • Mojeaux

        Where is hyperbole when you need him?

        Not older than my son, but we do have expired stuff to throw out.

      • Ted S.

        Will you take STEVE SMITH instead?

  16. Don escaped Texas

    today she walked with Rory’s group

    she was told she will get group 1 or 2 tomorrow, so contenders which is nice but she’ll get in late

    • Ted S.

      And she gets on national TV.

    • The Hyperbole

      It’s The Hyperbole.

      • DrOtto

        Nice threading job…

    • Pope Jimbo

      My wife has been keep score a lot longer than that.

      My score is a FedGov-like trillion husband point deficit. I’ve embraced Modern Manhood Theory and decided that that doesn’t matter and I can continue doing the things which have caused the husband budget deficits to swell so much.

      • Ted S.

        So now you’re as much of a man as Tim Walz?

  17. Derpetologist

    I have a date tomorrow. Yay me. My ancestry’s Irish, hers is Kenyan, and we’re going to have lunch at a Cuban place. International love.

    The CIA’s offensive driving course, AKA Crash and Bang 101:

    I knew guys at NSA who took this course. You’d be surprised how many undercover NSA guys have been carjacked/kidnapped/assassinated overseas. It never makes the news.

    • Ted S.

      Not enough of them?

    • DrOtto

      Outdated for most cars, still holds up for body on frame trucks and SUVs. Ramming rear on most cars would still be advised, but most modern cars being offensively driven would deploy airbags and probably destroy the cooling systems. If you managed to back through a roadblock, you would probably fair better. Especially in something like a Lincoln town car that will do damn near 70 in reverse and is a body on frame car.

  18. Sean

    My gf has been talking for almost 2 hours straight. If she’s doing coke, she’s not sharing.


    • Evan from Evansville

      I would not be pleased. Amiable, yes. Not happy.

      (I’m also the chattiest Cathy when given the chance. I tend to find them.)

    • Gustave Lytton

      “Why aren’t you talking? I spill my guts and you just sit there.”

  19. Tres Cool

    Danny Elfman.
    Submitted w/o comment.

    • Tres Cool

      And Greg Allman’s Hammond B3

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Ohh! Very good!

  20. Sean

    The tint place redid all my windows under warranty today! It looks so good again.

    • The Hyperbole

      No one needs tinted windows, what are you Stringer Bell?

      • Gdragon

        I saw in the trailer for that new Casey Affleck movie that he stole Stringer’s “taking notes” line, god I hate that kind of stuff. I’m sure he’ll say it was “paying homage”.

    • DEG


  21. Derpetologist

    A quiet place for me:

    Lusk is a town and the county seat of Niobrara County, Wyoming. It is located in the High Plains.[5] The town was founded in July 1886, by Frank S. Lusk, a renowned Wyoming rancher, partner in the Western Live Stock Company, and stockholder in the Wyoming Central Railway. Cattle ranching remains the primary industry in the town of Lusk.

    The population was 1,541 at the 2020 census. The town of Lusk is known for being the county seat of the least populated county in the least populated state in the US.[6]

    Plus there are many dino bones and tracks nearby.

    • Evan from Evansville

      I’m quite curious about your new gig and how it goes. I’m still on-deck, it seems. Phoned in my Adderall Rx to HireRight for my positive amphetamines test on Wed, but no follow-up yet. So, driftin’ on-deck, but “my job is secure.”

      So, I’ll casually text tomorrow, see if anything’s afoot. Soon, I should begin my Octapharma quest. I still don’t see how Wile E. Coyote contraption is getting the A-OK from all the engineers, when even *I* try to object.

      Oddly, predictably, suitably, inanely… I kinda know I’ll kick ass at it. Especially in my morally-sound new environs, w folk voluntarily coming in to get paid for their plasma. ‘Tis strange. Or it will be. I’ll find out. But this damn guy ahead of me just keeps foulin’ ’em off…

    • creech

      Try Loving County, TX. Population is only 64.

  22. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Grilled shrimp and grilled corn on the barbie. Both were excellent. Tony Chacherie is you friend.

    • Tres Cool

      I hate to waste things. Leftover Long John’s fish and chicken, complimented with a salad from Meijer.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Long John Silver’s fish is a no from me brah, Never had a good basket. And I’ve tried many. I can cook better at home.

      • whiz

        Leftovers are good, especially, as discussed in a previous thread, when portions are often big enough for two or more meals.

        My wife often has leftovers, but with a fast metabolism I usually eat all of mine.

      • whiz

        Regarding LJS, ours went belly up a while ago. We really liked their baked fish dinner — it was much healthier than the fried.

  23. The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

    Spent the day doing home repairs for a friend of the wife. She just went through a bad breakup with a dude who wasn’t handy at all, so I drug my handicapped ass to here place, which should be 45 minutes, an hour away, but due to ROADS it takes two hours to get there. Anyway, did a bunch of fixin’ and running to the ACE, thought I would stop for a few beers and a burger at the pub on the way home. But, lo and behold, rain. Dumping rain, big lightning, cars driving like shit, and so on. So, no, I am too damn tired to deal with that after a couple cold ones.

    In the end, burrito from the drive through, a shower, and soon, bed.

    But, on the plus side, I am a little over my skis vis-a-vis my credit card, mostly due to a new lathe project that I am starting and not having gotten rid of my old lathe yet. So, I swung by my friend Scotts bookstore, and sold him three books out of my collection, netting $600. I think I had $0-50 bucks into them to start, so happy about that.

    • Brochettaward

      Spent the day doing home repairs for a friend of the wife


      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!


      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        His wife wouldn’t have offered the help of she was doable.

      • Ted S.

        He was asking about Zwak.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Good work!

      Rain scotched painting plans for the day. This summer has been a return to what I think of as normal. Mild temps overall and quite a few days of rain with thunderstorms scattered in.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      You’re a mensch. Hope your wife makes up the burger and beers.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Your suit says money but your face says come on me


      • Sean


    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Oh look someplace you actually were when something happened.

      • MikeS


    • MikeS


      I would strongly suggest not talking selfies.

      Why does it always look like you wear Abe Vigoda’s denatures.

      Good lord, what’s wrong with your mouth? 😂

      • MikeS

        We are laughing!

        Your tie looks like Ron Jeremy’s c*ck.

  24. MikeS


  25. grrizzly

    Today I visited a grocery store in LA that kept selling Russian vodka many months after February 2022. They still sell the same premium vodka brand. But now it says it’s made in Montenegro.

  26. Suthenboy

    Good grief, you lazy bums always sleep in.
    I will wander off to find mischief somewhere else for a while

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Some of us were awake and working, so we didn’t have time to waste on glibs.

      • Ted S.

        We can’t all be perfect and sinless like Suthen.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, Ted’S., TAFKALack, and Suthen!

  27. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody yo