After my last vow about giving up women, with a certain itch developing in my not-dead-yet regions, I had considered shidduch dating, which is a very Jewish way to do things. Of course, a major issue is the total lack of Jews for a hundred miles in any direction. Shidduch is not social, no movies or dinner or concerts, just meeting up in a public place for the explicit purpose of determining suitability for marriage. Very specific questions are asked of each other pertaining to goals, visions, and ways of living. This is where you determine if your prospective mate is willing to make you a sammich, and what kind. And how (“Mayo on it? Really? That’s pus. Let’s shake hands and move on.”). Nothing important for the long term is left out. Well, with a few exceptions.
(((We))) do NOT ask:
“What’s your name, again?”
“Why do you find it odd that I think Epstein didn’t kill himself?”
“Do you have a younger and better-looking sister?”
“Do you plan on losing weight?”
“How much money does your father have?”
“Can you get the check?”
In any case, my way of evaluating is a bit different. After basic questions, the initial screen will be meeting WebDom and 10b0t, and if it goes longer, the acid test will be meeting SugarFree. If she does not ADORE these people, she’s yesterday’s kreplach.
And birthdays are also a test, and today’s include a guy who wasn’t happy with Mexicans; a guy who pioneered the race grift; someone who was not the best dinner guest; a woman with symmetrical digits; a dude who was da bomb; a guy with John McCain’s flying skills; one of the very few literature Nobelists who actually deserved it; my favorite first baseman turned barbeque icon; one more brilliant actor who is basically a brainless idiot; an oracular visionary; and a guy who showed us the true evil of Janet Reno.
And with that, Links to the true evil of our world.
It’s a rare event: the Trump campaign does something clever.
This shit is so transparently stupid that even WaPo isn’t buying it.
Well, the Hamas propaganda is getting more creative.
JAPS ready to attack Pearl Harbor.
Peak Stupid in the Kulturkrieg.
Yes, yet another musical selection from Sierra Ferrell, easily the most interesting woman in country music. Tiny Desk is about the only thing worthwhile on NPR now that Click and Clack are gone and Wait, Wait has descended into ridiculously awful leftism. And this is a GREAT Tiny Desk show. 18 minutes of pure joy. Old Guy is very, very happy.
Saw a tweet that today was Fermat’s birthday too….but wiki doesn’t appear to confirm it. Reminded me of one of the interesting things I learned in high school re: his last theorem.
“Mayo on it? Really? That’s pus. Let’s shake hands and move on.”
Serious question for the anti-mayo people: Do you put anything on your bread to help distribute the mustard? Pretty much the only reason I use mayo is because I’d otherwise have to glop half a bottle of mustard onto my sandwiches in order to cover the bread. A light coating of Best Foods Olive Oil Mayo allows my honey mustard, stone ground mustard, or spicy brown mustard to better coat the bread, without having to use so much that it overwhelms the other flavors on the sandwich.
I do make an exception for both my spicy southwest mustard sandwiches (in which case a little juice from the pickled jalapenos I top the sandwich which provides a little lubrication for the mustard), as well as BBQ sandwiches (in which case I simply douse the bread with el-cheapo store brand BBQ sauce).
I don’t use mustard.
I fail to see the problem when there’s good mustard involved.
Does not compute.
Yes — that would be called “a knife”.
Depends on the sandwich – mayo is great on a left over turkey sammich and an acceptable condiment on burgers. I used to know a person who substituted yellow mustard for mayo when making tuna salad….yuck.
I don’t get the mayo hatred.
Granted, this is coming from a muppet who once at a burger with peanut butter on it.
The Old Man gets it. But, I widen that too any mustard: ballpark, stoneground, whatever.
Besides, the sammich has roast beast, cheddar/jack, pickles, mustard. What more do you need?
I suppose I should have specified that my sandwich meat is customarily chicken breast; sometimes turkey; more rarely black forest ham. Even a ham, pepperoni, and salami sammich is getting a light base coat of mayo before the mustard, EVOO, pepper, dried basil, pepperoncini, and lettuce though.
What is butter? (Oh, we’re not playing by Jeopardy! rules?)
@trshmnstr – I think most mayo hatred comes from people confusing it with Miracle Whip. Mayo is ok in some situations. Miracle Whip es el diablo.
distinction w/o difference.
One of the few items of white trash cuisine that made the jump from my mom to me is the Miracle Whip and cheddar cheese sandwich. I haven’t had one in years, as I can’t rationalize spending 5 bucks on a 30 oz. jar of Miracle Whip, of which I might reasonably use 20 cents worth a year on a single cheese sandwich. The tangy zip is a nice contrast against a nice, creamy, relatively firm big box store cheddar, such as Tillamook.
Also, I find butter a bit too heavy on a sandwich. Toast for dunking into a fried egg, sure. Then again, mayo by itself, divorced from the sandwich ensemble, makes me gag a little.
Look, y’all say what you want in defense of pus-eating. It’s still pus-eating.
big box store cheddar, such as Tillamook
I’m with SDF-7. Use a knife to spread your mustard.
Branston’s Pickle. Or Stonewall Kitchen onion jam.
a guy who pioneered the race grift
Happy birthday Pheidippides!
a guy with John McCain’s flying skills
Happy birthday John Denver!
JFK jr.
By which you mean you spike her drink with LSD?
whaddup doh’
whats goody yo
Happy birthday Donald Trump?
Happy birthday Elian Gonzalez?
That was my guess as well. She really was an evil bitch.
I believe they’ve had a cure for polio for quite some time…
So… Jewish women are as delusional as white women and black women.
Bitches be crazy, regardless of race or ethnicity.
Still AWFL.
It just boggles the mind that women, Jewish women especially, just look right past the support for Hamas in the Democrat Party. People who get wrapped around the axle over mansplaining in the US apparently have no problem with the systemic oppression, rape, and torture of women by Hamas.
(((I))) don’t get it. Being Never Trump I understand. Supporting Harris makes no sense.
Re the brawl in the Turkish parliament, isn’t it fun to watch the lower classes at play (speaking of Turkish politicians only)?
I believe that was the Germans.
Talk about a tallest dwarf contest.
Actually though, that was rather enjoyable. Puts me in mind of Beoga.
Frankly, I wish they would stop that shit. Nut up and state that a mixture of ways to get around is needed in dense areas without resorting to “climate change” hooey.
It eventually all comes down to choo choos anyway. Some enterprising young psychology graduate student should p-hump a statistical sample until they find a correlation between playing with train sets in childhood and left wing/progressive politics in adulthood.
I had a train set growing up.
No it does not.
There are no choo-choos in my small town but there are still lots of people who walk, bike, or ride the bus.
Our train station has been preserved as a historical location.
Sounds like a perfect use case for mini choo choos, AKA trolleys.
Apropos of little, I walk to my local grocery one a week to check out the weekend sales. I walk under a commercial railroad overpass to get there. Best of both worlds, I guess.
Where are the “real buys”?
1989 Furniture Unlimited Commercial (Full Theme, WCAU Channel 10) 4-28-89
Ours became a bus station that closed recently when the proprietors retired.
Trolleys create problems.
I think there were some a long time ago but they are not cost-effective anymore and nobody here would seriously claim they could be.
I have a train set now.
So, Harris is pulling for trains?
I’m a proud collateral relative of railroad robber baron William “the public be damned” Vanderbilt.
“A Trolley Named Desire” ?
Party like it’s 1994.
*looks around for a flannel shirt*
Movie came out when I was 7 years old, but for whatever reason I have more of an affinity for that era than the Millennial nostalgia shit. Perhaps because my mom and step brother made up the front and tail ends of gen x.
God, I was 23 when that came out, and saw it with my first wife.
Wait, are you me?
Wait, I’m older than you old people? How did that happen?
Lisa Loeb and her glasses are still hot.
And always will be.
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/17:
*22/22 words (+14 bonus words)
📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
I played https://squaredle.com 08/17:
*34/34 words (+10 bonus words)
📖 In the top 5% by bonus words
🔥 Solve streak: 408
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/17:
*22/22 words
🎯 Perfect accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 08/17:
*34/34 words (+6 bonus words)
🎯 Perfect accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 510
I played https://squaredle.com/xp 08/17:
*22/22 words (+2 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 17% by accuracy
I played https://squaredle.com 08/17:
*34/34 words (+5 bonus words)
🎯 In the top 9% by accuracy
🔥 Solve streak: 354
Gov. Newsom signs ‘locked door loophole’ bill to combat car break-ins
CA is fucked. There is no un-fucking it.
The only thing that could save it is a *really* big earthquake to clean the slate.
In terms of climate and geography, all other considerations aside, I would rather live in SoCal than anywhere else in the country, perhaps on earth. It’s downright tragic how retarded politics can despoil such incredible natural beauty and resources.
Make Otisberg great again?
This is actually a good thing. The new bill does away with the requirement to prove the door was locked in order to successfully prosecute. I know we’re dubious because both Weiner and Gruesome signed onto it, but it’s actually removing barriers to prosecution of criminals.
I agree. My issue was its existence in the first place and God knows how long it took recognize the issue and fix it.
It’s an election year.
The Very Online right has gone down a very dark path
On the one hand, I have an instinctive revulsion to censorship, regardless of the source. On the other hand, recognizing that no censorship is not an option, I must confess to just a hint of schadenfreude seeing the left hoist on its own petard.
It’s basic game theory. If one party defects, ie imposes two-tier policing, censorship of only one set of opinions, anything of that sort, the only way to counter that is to hold them up to the new standards they are attempting to make common.
Utterly unrelated to anything, does anyone know how to add white space in a quotation these days? br tags don’t seem to do it.
P tags?
I’m going to run some tests.
So, none of them
Many many no-break spaces?
white space
Sounds like a racism.
Yes, Kamala laughs,” Essman said. Then, using a Yiddish term that translates, roughly, to “sourpuss,” Essman added, “She is not a farbissina punim. This is a woman filled with a life force and humanity.”
I just know that we are going to start seeing proggie women start imitating Kamala’s cackling. By the time of the election, the political discourse of AWFLs and BOTS will consist entirely of word salads, cackling, and ejaculations like “slay kween” and “brat.”
So, a Brat vs. Brot election?
Silicone Saturday for Harris astroturfed Zoom call at noon ET today.
I’d get on that call to meet contestants 2 and 7.
Sorry, Old Man, I had to shut down that “music” as soon as she opened her mouth.
Different strokes, I guess.
I am torn between scorn and sympathy.
I support this approach to dating. I look forward to hearing about the 100’s of failed candidates.
Re: condiments
Step up your game: https://www.notjoemamas.com/
Highly recommended.
Maybe the Turks aren’t all bad.
Well, that was random.
If you left off ‘& Caicos’, I’m with you. An understatement, really.
In a polarized country, it was inevitable that this would become more than just a disagreement over traffic circulation and moving violations. After all, the 21st century push to promote alternative modes of transportation cites a Democratic-coded cause (climate change) to promote ways of getting around (by foot, bike, bus, or subway) that are a lot more convenient in dense blue cities.
So tedious.
“Anti-Israel radicals at Columbia University are pushing for the “total eradication of Western Civilization” — and threatening even more extreme tactics to accomplish their twisted goal until the “empire crumbles.”
Columbia University Apartheid Divest, a coalition of 116 student groups at the Ivy League School whose members set up encampments on the Manhattan campus and stormed Hamilton Hall this past spring, made the explosive claim after “comrades” in Bangladesh ousted former Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina following weeks of bloody anti-government protests.
“We are Westerners fighting for the total eradication of Western civilization,” the group wrote in an Aug. 7 Instagram post. “We stand in full solidarity with every movement for liberation in the Global South.””
Needz moar helicopter rides.
At this point I support the cheaper alternative of lobbying grenades into crowds.
Because there’s nothing at all imperialist about framing every global class conflict through the context of your own country’s 200 year old aspirations for regional hegemony.
Which is kind of funny given that the protests in Bangladesh started over not enough government jobs.
I’m sure these idiots support that too. Everyone will be a government worker in their Utopia.
Fuck. Naturally we have to add the unnecessary racial angle.
Lesson, avoid the cops whenever possible.
Well, this is wonderfully depressing.
Matthew Perry’s shocking last month on ketamine: ‘I wonder how much this moron will pay’
Addicts gonna addict. I’m probably a cynical cunt, but I’ more depressed by how cases like this will be used to further demonize a drug that has provided breakthrough therapeutic relief to certain patients with major depressive disorder, and relatively safe recreation to party goers, than the fact that some junkie accidentally took it too far with ketamine instead of any number of other drugs with which he otherwise could have and would have done so.
“Matthew’s Law” incoming.
It will have near universal bipartisan support which means it’s good.
““Matthew’s Law” incoming.”
Too straight white and male.
“One way to handle it might be to level with voters, telling them that inflation spiked in 2021 mainly because the pandemic snarled supply chains, and that the Federal Reserve’s policies, which the Biden-Harris administration supported, are working to slow it,” they wrote. “The vice president instead opted for a less forthright route: Blaming big business.”
It’s all part of the Party narrative. Haven’t you been paying attention, WaPo editorial board? Try to keep up.
Lockdowns, not the pandemic, snarled the supply chains.
And government compounded the problem by making money printer go brrrrrrrr.
Yes. Unfortunately, most people don’t understand the basic underlying economic principles (restricting the production and distribution of goods and services while flooding the market with cash will cause price inflation), so they can swap in whatever cause they want to blame.
I’m thinking about a subscription based toilet kickstarter. Who’s in?
Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app
Juicero 2: Electric Boogaloo?
The difference was that was sold from the start on the razor blade model.
My Japanese dictionary on my phone did this and without the grandfathering of current users. I bought the app and he switched it to subscription. Basically he removed some features I paid for and made them subscription.
It’s a great app and I still use it. But I refuse to buy a subscription and just live without the features. If he hadn’t been a dick I’d probably be a subscriber because the subscription is only 1 euro a month.
I’m always amused that we’re slowly reverting to the timesharing model of 1960s and 1970s computing, even as we have increasingly powerful consumer hardware. I’d happily pay out the nose for software and hardware that I actually own instead of leasing network access. If I were the type to pay for software, that is.
Funny enough, today’s WSJ
It’s not just leasing your car. Christmas trees, camping gear and even caskets can be rented
You’ll own nothing and like it.
My favorite local pub rolled out weekend brunch a couple of weeks ago.
Might just have to go check it out… bacon Bloody Mary sounds pretty good right now.
De gustibus, I ‘spose re the “music” and the mayo business. And for all you Miracle Whip haters, it has its own epicurial uses.
@NotAdahn, your comment on last night’s post leaves me confused yet oddly satisfied.
Now, off to teach XY to drive.
Not to pry, but isn’t your XY late teens these days? I know the old folks have been kvetching about the kids these days waiting longer to learn how to drive. During my teen years I was as much the homebody as I am today, and when presented by my dad with the option of giving me $2,000 towards a car or an exotic paintball gun, jumped on the paintball gun (which I still have to this day), but the idea of not getting one’s license at 16 would have appeared absurd even to me at the time.
My son is 24 and still can’t drive. His mother has discouraged this to make sure he doesn’t have any chance of independence from her.
I didn’t get a license until I had no choice in order to commute and keep my job. Before then – I couldn’t afford to maintain a car, and my parents had enough trouble keeping their own car on the road. Even after, there were times when I was wondering if I was losing money maintaining that job.
Were I less poor, I may have started sooner.
@OMWC: That is evil.
He did something when he was 16 that was pretty egregious and because of that, his punishment was that we would not facilitate his learning to drive at all, getting a car (we paid for half of XX’s), nor would we have him on our insurance. He was doing pretty well getting himself together on his own, but Chipotle is transferring him to a far-away store post haste and so now his livelihood depends on it and it’s crunch time. He’s been doing well, so I decided to help him out anyway.
He’s 18. He’s getting transferred to a store without a general manager so that will parlay into a promotion.
Everyone I knew got their license as soon as possible. I had mine at 15, no restrictions, had a commercial license at 18. It was part of growing up. My mother got hers by filling out a form and sending 35 cents in to the state. Circa 1920s
I didn’t get mine until 20, for a number of reasons.
I lived in the country so I got mine as soon as possible, 15. It might have has some type of curfew limitations the first year but it was never as issuem
The darn grocery store was sold out of Poblanos, so I’m roasting orange bell peppers instead. I know Not A has a problem with Bells, but I don’t so it might work.
It’s Hatch chile season down here, but I have no recipes for Hatch chiles. Instead I made a batch of salsa with jalapenos and serranos, and indulged in a bag of Hatch chile pork rinds, which were delicious.
P Brooks smiles.
I expected a story about a global thread shortage.
Who is P Brooks?
NPR to the rescue
Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis, the 2016 memoir from Republican vice presidential nominee JD Vance, once again began flying off the shelves after former President Donald Trump named Vance as his running mate. Many have turned to the memoir to find out the story of Vance’s upbringing, a core part of why he’s on the Republican ticket to begin with. But the book also brings along a host of assumptions that many authors still find not to be true.
Pulitzer-winning author Barbara Kingsolver said she felt that it was her duty to tell a different story of Appalachian life than the one that Vance presented in the book.
“It used the same old victim-blaming trope. It was like a hero story: ‘I got out of here, I went to Yale,’” Kingsolver said of Vance. “‘But those lazy people, you know, just don’t have ambitions. They don’t have brains. That’s why they’re stuck where they are.’ I disagree. And that’s my job, to tell a different story.”
Vance’s has been mired in controversy since its 2016 publication, especially by authors who cover the region. Vance, who writes that Appalachian culture “encourages social decay instead of counteracting it,” says this upbringing is central to his political ideology and thinking.
Many Appalachian authors, like Kingsolver, have worked tirelessly to combat what they feel is a misleading and even harmful depiction of the region. Her novel Demon Copperhead, a fictional window into the same communities, was named one of the New York Times’ best books of the century just days ahead of the Republican National Convention. Last year, it won a Pulitzer Prize.
It’s almost as if different people think and do different things in response to the world they live in. Fortunately, we have NPR to explain the proper course of action.
Same shit they do with “the black community,” where any urban black kid who overcomes their circumstances and becomes conventionally successful outside of the sports or music industries is a race-traitor uncle Tom. It’s not victim-blaming to recognize that there are economic, social, and cultural conditions that combine with unique regional and local circumstances to create and sustain generations of dysfunction.
“‘Black Vote Ain’t for Sale’: Prominent Activist Exposes Kamala’s $10K Interview Offer, Slams ‘Democrat Plantation’ Tactics to Manipulate Black Voters”
“Suit was brought against the Biden-Harris administration by groups that protested against the removal of these protections for women and girls. The new regulations, set to go into effect August 1, forced all schools that receive federal funds to allow boys to access girls bathrooms, locker rooms and other facilities.”
So this is like the drinking age? There shouldn’t be any trans kids in the first place.
“This has led to problems in many schools where girls found themselves vulnerable to male students who entered the female spaces. One incident in Loudon County saw a girl raped by a male, skirt-wearing student.”
That wasn’t a male sneaking into the girls room under some trans policy. They were using the bathrooms to hook up.
even caskets can be rented
Does it drop you out of a trapdoor after the service, and then go back to the funeral parlor?
Miracle Whip is right there with Country Crock.
Thundering out this morning. So much for dog park. Thunderdog is happy though.
So you’ve got that going for you. Which is nice.
Kingsolver said that when she saw Vance’s recently resurfaced interview calling several Democrats “childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made,” it reaffirmed her disappointments with Hillbilly Elegy.
“When I read JD Vance’s memoir, I resented it all the way through. There was just something about it that kept telling me, he’s not from here, he doesn’t get us,” Kingsolver told NPR. “I thought, OK, you are not from here because when I think about my childhood, many of the most important women in my life who saved me, who took care of me, were childless women. It’s not just blood that defines community here.”
I’m admittedly a horrible human being, but that downloads as “He be actin’ white.”
Cat ladies/brides of the state.
Food cart ran by a self identified cat
Currently an anime airing this season.
Are the pussies pixelated?
Fully furred! With close up brushing too!
Yesterday, I stumbled across a non-paywalled screed by that Kevin Williamson guy. Reasonably well written, but effectively contentless. Did you know: Donald Trump is stupid and lazy and childish? He is. In spades.
Unfortunately, the pompous blowhard writing the piece is unable to offer any substantive alternative, or even provide a roadmap to a solution. Who is our better choice? Where will that person come from? What concrete policy solutions will he or dhe espouse?
Don’t worry about any of that. Just know Williamson hates hates hates Donald Trump.
He prefers a smart, vigorous evil mastermind?
Which sure as hell isn’t Harris.
Once Trump loses, they can all go back to BAU and bemoan the state of affairs. God forbid his wins and they catch the car, as with Roe v Wade.
I miss being able to read NR.
A certain strain of conservative – call it the Buckley wing, perhaps – would far rather put forward a genteel, erudite, pretentious cunt rag of a candidate who carries 10% of the vote than support a candidate who gave them everything they like besides middle east Raytheon bonus programs, but taints their brand by association with the proles.
They’ve got him now.
JD Vance, no fan of gender-neutral bathrooms, was photographed in his high school yearbook next to three girls posing in front of urinals in a bathroom during his senior year.
The photo, unearthed by the Daily Mail, shows an 18-year-old JD Hamel, as he was known at the time, standing next to the three girls, who were facing the urinals. The picture was captured in the 2003 Middletown High School yearbook.
Teenaged goofy antics are really weird.
If only he dated a politician like 3x his age instead.
Speaking of the “own nothing” life- I wonder how Zipcar is doing. Are they even still around?
They’ve got her now.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) has a large tribal tattoo that harks back to Clinton-era fashions, a new photo shows.
A bikini shot of the Republican congresswoman posing in front of a pier in Lake Worth Beach, Florida reveals a massive geometric tattoo on the right side of her torso that wouldn’t be out of place at a nü-metal concert 25 years ago.
I’m not a fan of tats, but I am a fan of tits, and I’m all about that Boebert yogurt.
Coming from the people trying to shill a 60 year old woman as “brat” on TikTok, appeal to anachronism is a bit rich.
“Two transgender students and their families on Friday sued education officials in New Hampshire over a sports ban that takes effect Monday, which prohibits them from playing on teams that align with their gender identities.
The Biden administration expanded federal Title IX rules in April to include protections for LGBTQ students, but it does not include transgender athletes. The New Hampshire ban requires students in grades 5-12 to play on sports teams that match the gender that they were born with, rather than the one they identify as.
The lawsuit is brought by 15-year-old Parker Tirrell, 14-year-old Iris Turmelle, and their families, who are represented by the nonprofit GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire, and the law firm Goodwin Procter, according to NBC News.”
14 and 15?
They’ve got her now, too.
Florida Republican Rep. Anna Paulina Luna responded to years-old footage of the Donald Trump-backing lawmaker dancing in a MAGA-themed swimsuit that resurfaced Wednesday.
The 35-year-old pol sported the suit in a 2016 video to show her support for Trump before she began serving in the House of Representatives at the start of last year.
I’m sure being hawt while conservative will hurt her.
Party that unironically thinks it’s bigotry to ask transsexual strippers not to show their fully intact cock and balls to 8 year old kids, and censorship to remove graphic novels depicting adolescent boys sucking an adult man’s dick, takes to the fainting couch over a former model and current congresswoman wearing a one piece swimsuit that would have been considered prudish in 1985; film at 11.
Lol. Exactly right.
“House Oversight and Accountability Committee Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., revealed that Google told his staff last week that its search engine’s autocomplete feature “omitted the Trump assassination attempt” from relevant searches because the firm failed to update “a safety protocol” against violence to recognize the former president had, in fact, been shot July 13 during an assassination attempt in Butler, Pa.”
Facebook temporarily banned the photo.
For these writers, telling the honest story of Appalachia is tantamount–even if they start difficult conversations.
Leaving aside the “difficult conversations” tripe… “tantamount”? Doesn’t NPR have editors anymore? There were a few other egregious errors in that story.
Spell and grammar checking software cannot detect errors in usage. This is a hurdle for stupid people.
My first day of teaching went well. Everybody liked me, most importantly the principal. The day flew by. It barely felt like work. It’s definitely the right career for me.
In my critical thinking class, I introduced logical fallacies and use the gambler’s fallacy as a segue into an explanation of tree diagrams for a coin toss and used that to explain truth tables and logic gates.
So far so good. I really hope this job works out. I’ve been on sabbatical for over a year basically.
I had to go to the college HR department on Thursday to fill out forms, learn about job benefits, etc. The receptionist had a basket of buttons on her desk. The buttons had messages like “ask me about my pronouns”, “my pronouns are she/her”, and so on. I tried not to roll my eyes or sigh. Hopefully none of that stuff will come up in my class. I’m just there to teach math.