Saturday Morning Sweaty Links

by | Aug 3, 2024 | Daily Links | 155 comments

It’s been an exhausting couple of weeks- we had dear friends in for rounds of liver-bashing, I started seeing someone new (I still have to ask her about NPR, but praise the lord she hasn’t brought it up), and after over a month of waiting for my car to be returned after my June deer encounter, I finally got it- and the A/C doesn’t work. During a heat wave. My drive up to the Finger Lakes caused me to lose at least 3 pounds. On the bright side, it gives me something to complain about, and it is known that old Jews have to work hard to find things to complain about.

Birthdays today include a politician they named a card game after; the original dog face pony soldier; a guy that nobody was gonna make a monkey out of; the original Joe Biden; a fabulously underrated writer who could actually make you love Wisconsin; a guy who deserved royalties from many musicians who were more successful; and a musician who WAS more popular (and damn cool); a great wrestler from the days when wrestling was great; a guy known best for the horror; a complex, fascinating, and absolutely delightful woman; a child star who was killed in Vietnam by Jerry Mathers; and a guy who will always be known for his balls.

Before I pass out from dehydration, Links.

Well, I guess that didn’t poll well.

The Corbyn wing of Labour has taken over.

Cackle versus Meander, who will reign supreme?

My advice: get Tulsi to stand in for you, remembering what happened last time.

Department of Who Gives A Shit? Am I the only one who thinks of him as the David Hogg of the Right?

Learn to code.

I’m sure this is spontaneous and uncoerced.

A sample of why the Old Guy thinks today’s birthday boy is so terrific.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Tres Cool


    • Chafed

      You must be up early to get to services.

  2. Beau Knott

    Simao was often brilliant. One of the bright stars in my science fiction devouring adolescence.

    • Beau Knott

      Friggin auto-correct. If you read the birthdays (or science fiction) you know who I meant.
      I feel a grumpy old guy day coming on. 🙁

      • Ted S.

        I guessed Robert Bloch for that one.

  3. Tres Cool

    “…it is known that old Jews have to work hard to find things to complain about.”

    Two gentile business men meet each other walking down the street.

    “Harry! How’s business?”
    Harry says, “Great! Couldnt be better!”

  4. juris imprudent

    It’s the cult of the celebrity Old Man – Rittenhouse hasn’t used up his 15 minutes yet.

  5. Shpip

    Rittenhouse captioned a retweet of his video: “You must stand by your principles.”

    Well, we saw how long that lasted.

    Personally, I’d prefer that he crawl back into George Zimmerman-esque obscurity. But I guess if the left won’t let him do that (hounding him out of college when he tries to attend, etc) then I guess we’re stuck with hearing about him.

    • EvilSheldon

      David Hogg is a narcissistic sociopath who saw his chance to be famous, took it, and has been milking it ever since.

      Rittenhouse never wanted to be famous, but neither the right nor the left will let him alone. Not the same at all.

  6. SDF-7

    the original Joe Biden

    Happy Birthday, Aaron Burr!

    Morning, all.

    • juris imprudent

      How dare you sully Burr’s memory and legacy thus!

      • SDF-7

        I figured I’d give it a shot at least.

      • juris imprudent

        The first public service killing in American history.

      • mindyourbusiness

        Hey, let’s not have duel meanings here.

  7. slumbrew

    I wouldn’t go so far as comparing him to pissy grifter Hogg, but I too, don’t actually care what Rittenhouse thinks.

    • rhywun


      • Fourscore

        He had his one shot claim to fame


      I mean Trump is crap on 2A issues, it is known, maybe he could’ve used his status as a folk hero to exert some pressure on OMB.

      But, yeah, it is a firm meh from me all around.

  8. Suthenboy

    Good morning all. Good to see you back OMWC.

    Mrs. Suthenboy: “I cant believe anyone would vote for Kackles. Can’t they see what she is?”
    Me: ” No. The lines are drawn. No one is going to sway. In a straight up clean election Trump wins hands down. I think he would win 2 to 1. That is why they are going to cheat their asses off.”

    I am holding my breath to see what happens.

    • juris imprudent

      No Trump would not win 2 to 1 – this is the fucking bubble delusion that drives me crazy. He’s not that popular; he’s not that great.

      He only looks great at all because of how fucking useless the rest of our politicians are.

      • juris imprudent

        The cult of personality and the Presidency is just too indicative of our degeneracy – it doesn’t really matter about the party label, it is the phenomenon in general that is the problem.

      • EvilSheldon

        He’s certainly not that great. I’m not so sure that he’s not that popular. At the very least, Don-Don can fill up a rally…

      • juris imprudent

        Yeah – politics as entertainment, as spectacle, as religious revival meeting. Fuck me.

      • Suthenboy

        Great? I wouldn’t go that far.

      • Chafed

        Yup. The popular vote is going to be close. Not sure how the electoral college turns out.

    • KSuellington

      We just watched Zoolander the other nite with the kids and lo and behold Trump makes two short cameos in it. That was exactly my impression of him: the rich dude from NYC that is braggy and funny and gets shout outs in 90’s and 00’s rap tunes for his ostentatiousness and biz acumen. I voted for Aleppo Gary the first round, and when I saw Trump did an actually (sliding scale) decent enough job the first three years I voted for him. Lots of people have very strong feelings about him which is kinda strange to me. I just have very strong feelings that I want the Dem Party severely beaten so they ditch the hard lefties. In a completely fair election (held right now) Trump wins the electoral collage and maybe squeaks the popular vote.

      • The Last American Hero

        All this talk of fair elections is horseshit. The fortification will be in full swing. Speaking of swing states, AZ judges just blocked the voter ID requirement, so we can probably move that state into the blue column, and the Pennsylvania Gov is dem VP. In my view, PA determines the winner – OMB can’t win without it.

        While it’s not impossible for OMB to win, it’s more unlikely by the day.

      • rhywun

        I just have very strong feelings that I want the Dem Party severely beaten so they ditch the hard lefties.


        It really is that simple for me. Just vote against every Democrat. They are beyond repair at this point.

      • juris imprudent

        Democrats ditch the hard left? Oh, and Republicans purge the rabid-right. And we have a nice gooey center consensus (without ever reducing the scope of federal power).

        Not likely, and not all that attractive.

      • KSuellington

        I don’t know how likely it is JI, but a return to liberalism (paging Winston) would be one of the best possible things that could happen to this country. What is highly unlikely (and I imagine you’d agree) is the country becoming highly libertarian. A more (classically) liberal Republican and Dem parties would be the best possible thing that could reasonably happen to advance more Liberty in this country. I don’t call that gooey centrism by any means, but if you want to by all means do. And if by “rabid right” you mean the abortion hardliners and war mongers, sure sidelining them would be a fantastic idea for Team Red. I think Trump has to some degree done so.

      • Fourscore

        Can’t I want both parties beaten? Trump is not a conservative, doesn’t understand economics, was totally wrong on the covid BS, increased the debt. His claims on illegals come with a bunch of caveats.

      • juris imprudent

        but a return to liberalism

        Going backwards seldom end up where you would like. I believe that we have seen the evolution of liberal values, we just don’t like where that went.

        With humans, nothing is ever frozen in amber.

      • Chafed

        Were we separated at birth?

      • KSuellington

        Thred’s ded Zed, but I’d prefer the term “renaissance of liberalism” JI. I’m absolutely not an “arc of history” person. That shit is demonstrably false and I’m sure you’d agree with that. I’m also not a nostalgist, but sometimes taking some of the ideas from the past isn’t the worst thing.

      • KSuellington

        Heheh Chafed, we share a lot I am sure. Middle Gen Xers, born and raised in California.

  9. Gender Traitor

    the David Hogg of the Right?

    Some of them as what “have greatness thrust upon them” fail spectacularly at filling out the uniform.

    • Suthenboy

      He is just a kid. He doesnt even shave yet, does he? Why does anyone care what he thinks?

  10. SDF-7

    Well, I guess that didn’t poll well.

    Read somewhere this morning something to the effect of: “With the completely vacant minds at the top – everyone in FedGov is just doing whatever they want.” It fits to me — the “prosecutorial team” wanted to give the deal, Austin wants something else, there were other headlines where Austin is sending the Lincoln group, something about State doing something on their own, etc.

    It may all be wrong — but as mentioned, it sounds about right to me. Not like the “Deep State Resistors” would ever, ever think they ran the country instead of elected officials after all…

    • The Other Kevin

      Saw that about the Lincoln carrier group. They are relieving another carrier but this is still not scheduled. Made my heart skip a beat. My son in law is coming back from being underway today. I’m hoping they don’t shuffle carrier groups and move up his deployment. Or worse send him into a hot war somewhere. I have zero confidence in whoever is running the military at this point. This could turn out really bad. You can’t do this by committee.

  11. SDF-7

    Department of Who Gives A Shit? Am I the only one who thinks of him as the David Hogg of the Right?

    I wouldn’t go that far — (prior to this had he actually said anything people paid attention to? I don’t remember hearing about him for at least a year now, unlike Hogg-The-Spotlight), but I certainly don’t give a crap what he thinks about any given topic any more than any other Joe Random Citizen, no.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Meh, he’s just talking trash on X just like everyone else does and he’s certainly correct that Paul would be far better than Trump on gun rights. The MAGA crowd’s pettiness over a simple tweet has all the hallmarks of a high school girl that got rejected by her boyfriend. Pathetic really, still better than the left but lord have mercy.

      Also Kyle, you were right and all but learn a lesson from Assange and don’t piss off your allies, even if them being pissed is unreasonable.

  12. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Yikes, David Lammy is Britain’s Foreign Secretary? I’ve seen him profiled on The Lotus Eaters and he’s dumber than a post, a retarded post. He makes Maxine Waters look smart.

    • Chafed

      That appears to be true of most of Starmer’s ministers.

  13. SDF-7

    My advice: get Tulsi to stand in for you, remembering what happened last time.

    I barely paid any attention to Vance before now (and still haven’t a lot), but given Trump’s age and baggage things like this make me think letting him take the debate would be fine. Heaven forfend we get a clear explanation of a position with common sense reasoning.

    Or we amend the constitution and forcibly acquire Millei from Argentina. 😉

    • Fourscore

      Kind of tough to try to race bait Vance.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Vance is intelligent and concise while Trump meanders all over the place. It’s one of the things about him that’s both endearing, he can be pretty funny at times when he goes on tangents, and absolutely cringe depending on where he goes with it.

  14. rhywun

    I think streaming is the devil and even then… yeah, learn to code.

    Who farms out their songwriting, anyway? Literally no artists I listen to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • CatchTheCarp

      I love the convenience of streaming music along with having a vast catalog of music to explore. I have a Qobuz sub now, switched from Tidal after they refused to honor the 12 month “Black Friday sale” subscription I bought. Tidal cancelled the 12 month subscription I paid for 3 months early with no credit and then doubled their price. Adios.

      • Timeloose

        I would thinks competition would drive streaming services to differentiate their artists and offer exclusivity in exchange for a bigger cut. Also bonuses for a certain number of downloads.

        They may already do this, I don’t know. I’ll have to ask a friend in the industry.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Qobuz has better audio quality than Tidal at a lower price. Smart purchase no doubt.

      • rhywun


        Because the more streams one needs to purchase the merrier!

        JFC it’s the same with TV and sports. I am not playing that game.

      • Nephilium


        I wouldn’t think exclusivity only, but I would think there would be streaming services specializing in eras, labels, and genres. But I can’t imagine it would be easy to dig up the rights holders for all of those indie studios that have come and gone over the years.

    • Sensei

      Funny, most of the jpop I listen to is written by pros.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, pop music is a different story. As in, music deliberately targeted at the charts.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Country music, too. Or at least used to be.

  15. rhywun

    Khelif is one of two boxers that the Russia-led International Boxing Association banned from its 2023 world championships after they failed unspecified gender eligibility tests.

    LOL I think I can read between the lines here.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      If a Russian association with their traditional leniency banned that person there was probably an ironclad cause.

      • juris imprudent

        I believe Khelif was beaten in the ’20[21] Tokyo Olympics by an Irish [woman] boxer.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        What, she get drunk and was told her husband was in the ring with her?

  16. Timeloose

    If Trump just sticks to the issues he and his constituents care about and refrains from personal attacks he might actually get some additional votes from moderate Dems. Who am I kidding, he will just continue to personally attack Harris, say dumb shit, and make overblown boastful statements.

    • juris imprudent

      Just like he won’t do any of the things that progressives fear and we would love. He’ll get talked into the same kind of shit he did his previous administration.

    • CatchTheCarp

      Maybe. Just in my small circle of friends almost all hate Trump or are Never Trumper’s and would vote for Stalin if given a choice between the two. I’m am genuinely perplexed by this.

      • rhywun

        I never got the visceral, blind hatred myself. I thought it started with “grab her by the pussy” or was it already there? I never paid attention to him before he ran (never watched him on TV or anything).

        Take him and Biden. If anything, Joe is a more spiteful and hateful person. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • The Other Kevin

        At the point Trump came around they were already calling every Republican candidate “literally Hitler”. Like Mitt Romney for god’s sake. But Trump didn’t sit back and take it.

      • Trials and Trippelations

        The way I remember it there was the usual all Rs are literally Hitler, but then the shithole countries comment really amped things up. In the Christian left circles they really started harping on Trump is too mean to vote for. Then the grab them by the pussy comment sent the TDS skyward.
        Comments that Hillary dragged Jennifer Flowers through the mud and stood by a serial rapist for decades something that should be considered worse than mean words fell on deaf ears.

      • KSuellington

        The early part of the 2016 campaign, before the Repub primaries was the media pumping up Trump and giving him plenty of airtime while snickering at him. They really wanted a TDog versus Hilldog matchup as they thought he was the most beatable. Then when they realized that he was actually pretty popular the tables were turned to their chosen one. The pussy grab em comment was dug up when the time was right to try and bring him down. If it was ten years earlier it would have been enough to derail him.

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        I always saw the hatred as coming from his denying the Black Messiah.

  17. The Other Kevin

    Since it seems to be the theme, do any of you have any unfavorable positions we need to coerce you out of today? We can arrange “the call” if necessary.

    • Gender Traitor

      I like Skyline (Cincinnati-style) chili. The most you can do is talk me out of the spaghetti.

      • Nephilium

        Just stop trying to pass it off as chili.

    • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

      That the best BBQ is from California?

      • juris imprudent

        No worries, no one is going to try to coerce you out of mental illness.

      • KSuellington

        It’s very tough for a lot of Americans to accept that, like BBQ, many of the best things come from California.

      • mindyourbusiness

        One of the best things from CA is definitely NOT BBQ.

      • juris imprudent

        Santa Maria tri-tip is wonderful, makes a great sandwich. It just isn’t the be-all, end-all of BBQ – unless of course your horizons are terribly limited.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Kinders has the best off the shelf BBQ sauce.

    • Nephilium

      That the 1990’s was likely to be the best decade that I was alive in? Racial tensions were low, the Soviet Union had collapsed, there were no big wars or enemies, and the big complaint from the teens and kids in their 20’s was there was no big struggle (/looks at Fight Club coming out in 1999).

      Those ignorant bastards (/includes self)… to complain about that.

      • Sensei

        Gulf War Pt 1.

        That set us up for all kinds of “fun”.

  18. PieInTheSky

    Glibs i need a ruling on something. I almost never send food back at the restaurant, i dont like to, even if it is not quite right. But sometimes…

    So the question is: this is not medium rare right? I am not crazy

    • The Other Kevin

      I’d call that medium. Medium rare should be a bit more red.

      • rhywun

        Agreed but I wouldn’t call that send-backable.

      • The Other Kevin

        I wouldn’t either. I usually order medium rare, but I’d accept that they were off by a shade. Still looks like a nice piece of meat.

      • Sean

        Not at an Applebee’s, but at a steakhouse, sure.

      • EvilSheldon

        Aye. Not med-rare by any stretch, and a nice restaurant should know the difference. I wouldn’t send it back, but I would complain.

    • Sean

      That’s medium at best, imo. Depending on price/restaurant i would consider sending back.

      • PieInTheSky

        It was med well imo

      • juris imprudent

        I agree, that is not medium rare.

      • Gdragon

        I don’t know if I’d call it medium-well but it’s not far from it and it’s absolutely closer to medium-well than it is to medium-rare.

  19. PieInTheSky

    The restaurant i visited yesterday had a quite nice wine by the glass menu. Not only there was a romanian wine but in general the wines were more special or maybe different than the usual

    • Old Man With Candy

      I am intrigued by the Slovenian Barbera. Last night, we were drinking a local Traminette and Cabernet Franc. The latter was remarkably fresh and vibrant.

      • PieInTheSky

        I quite liked it

      • Ted S.

        A Slovenian Barbera would probably as bad as a Slovenian Hanna.

  20. PieInTheSky

    Well now i have a dilema the restaurant did not add the steak to the bill though i told them to. Should I have tipped the full price of the steak? The steak was 40 euros I tipped 25 i had the wine and the salad on the bill for 20… Now i feel bad for sending it back but most of it was med well looking irl, the pictures may make it seem pinker

    • PieInTheSky

      I hate this shit because i dont k ow how to handle it. I was looking forward to this steak and it was quite overcoomed hence sending it back. Now i feel bad for it.

    • PieInTheSky

      This is the kind of stuff that ruins my day i should never send food back but thus time i dunno i really wanted a med rare steak

    • slumbrew

      Yeah, I’d tip as if the steak was on the bill. The tip is for the server, not the kitchen.

      • Sean

        ⬆. This

      • PieInTheSky

        I am not sure how to interpret this i tipped more than i would have if the steak was on the menu, but i did not tip the full price of the steak

    • PieInTheSky

      If it matter the steakhouse was hawksmoore which is a highish end chain with some outposts in london dublin and new york

    • Nephilium

      So you tipped $25 on a $20 bill? You’re well past fine. If the steak was too my liking and it fell off the bill (or it fell off the bill without me even bringing up the issue with the cooking), I may tip up to 75% of the cost of the steak (so add $30 to the tip). If it fell off because I had to bring it up and complain about it, then I would tip based on the total cost before the steak was removed (so tip on $60, which would be ~$12). Regardless, the $25 is more than generous, even to my American eyes.

      (Obviously swap out the currency symbol, I just wasn’t going to be bothered to hunt down the Euro symbol that frequently).

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Political dreadnought

    There was her packed, star-studded rally in Atlanta. She’s in the final stages of selecting a running mate to fill out her ticket. A half-dozen top Democratic strategists, from David Plouffe to Stephanie Cutter, are joining the senior ranks of her campaign. And her campaign dropped a monster fundraising total, bringing in $310 million in July.

    That financial advantage is already playing out on the airwaves: Harris’ team is spending $50 million in its newest ad buy, compared with $12 million from former President Donald Trump’s campaign.

    “The campaign understands how important it is to define Harris early — to not give that opening to Trump,” said Dan Sena, a Democratic strategist. “The early spend is a twofold benefit to the campaign, to define and protect Harris while continuing to build a grassroots movement. … The campaign seems to be firing on all cylinders.”

    Trump doesn’t stand a chance.

    • The Other Kevin

      “define Harris early”

      Ugh. Here we go again. But thinking about it, Trump does have authenticity, which might win him some votes. Like him or not, he’s the same guy all the time, in any situation, which is why some people think it’s a good idea for him to put himself out there instead of hiding.

    • Grumbletarian

      bringing in $310 million in July.

      How much of that was Biden dropping his warchest in her lap?

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Harris hitting the delegate threshold capped off a dramatic two-week stretch that upended the 2024 election — starting with an attempted assassination of Trump and ending with Democrats elevating the first Black woman as the party’s presidential nominee next week.

    That billet ricocheted off Trump’s noggin and got Biden.

    If only Trump would lay off his weird obsession with Harris’ completely irrelevant racial heritage.

    • Chafed


  23. Tundra

    Good morning!

    Learn to code.

    Even better: get your ass out on the road and tour.

    • Chafed

      Steel Panther says hello.

  24. hayeksplosives

    Rittenhouse is young and stupid.

    He should have thanked his lucky stars and faded quietly into the background rather than trying to become an influencer.

    • hayeksplosives

      Re: “Original Joe Biden” Senator John Stennis, i clicked the link to his Wikipedia page which says that he “served” in the Senate for 41years.

      I am fed all the way up with the deferential use of the term “served” in reference to congresscritters of any rank.

      Nobody says “He served as a fireman” or an accountant or an astronaut. Why the hell should we honor the grifters and power-hungry jerks in congress with bowing snd scraping at their feet and thanking them for their “service”?

      • The Other Kevin

        If you go in a thousandaire and come out a millionaire, the only person you served was yourself.

    • EvilSheldon

      The only way Rittenhouse would ever be able to ‘fade quietly into the background’ would be to pursue a legal name change and go underground.

      ‘Influencer’ is likely the only way he’s able to eat and pay his legal bills.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    He should have thanked his lucky stars and faded quietly into the background rather than trying to become an influencer.

    I don’t pay attention enough to know, but I get the impression he might have done exactly that if the screeching lefties had let him.

    • Tundra

      Influencer might be his only career opportunity. The screeching lefties would try to destroy any business who hired him

      • Gustave Lytton

        They’re still calling him a murderer.

    • The Other Kevin

      We can’t all be hawk tuahs, Brooks.

    • juris imprudent

      Everyone should just ignore screeching lefties.

    • R.J.

      He is correct, Trump is bad on 2A. He is young and is about to lose his income stream for being an influencer. He is experiencing exactly what libertarians experienced for years from Republicans. “Traitor, vote for us or lose your freedom to left etc…” Repubs can fuck off. His vote and mind is his own. He has made his statement and will suffer for it. Who hasn’t in the past years?

      • The Last American Hero

        Doesn’t he live in Illinois? I think he crossed the state line to go to Kensoha. So he lives in a deep blue state, wtf does anybody care who he votes for. Literally makes zero difference.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Harris is on the verge of another pivotal week, as she’s expected to reveal her vice presidential pick ahead of a five-day barnstorm through Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona. She’s holding one-on-one interviews with some of the finalists at the end of this week. Her selection — and her appearances on the trail — will be closely scrutinized.

    I can’t help thinking those VP supplicants are having to swallow really really hard to bow and scrape and kiss her ring.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    Perfect timing

    When U.S. Secret Service counter snipers pulled up to a farm grounds in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 10, just three days before the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, it was the first time this campaign cycle that the highly trained, tactical unit had been deployed to secure an event for the former president.

    “It was the first time Secret Service counter snipers were deployed to support” a Trump event this year, Secret Service Acting Director Ronald Rowe confirmed to CBS News during a news conference Friday, held at the federal law enforcement agency’s Washington, D.C., headquarters.

    They were there to tie up the loose end.

  28. KSuellington

    rhywun on August 3, 2024 at 7:31 am
    I think streaming is the devil and even then… yeah, learn to code.

    I’m a massive music fan (as well as preferring to listen to music than hear my ears ringing from tinnitus) and play it on Bluetooth or car speakers and at home on the hi-fi. I have a pretty large hard copy collection of vinyl and cds for at home, but in the car or Bluetooth while working it is all about streaming. I know I’ve shilled for them a dozen times or more in the past, but SomaFM is about 90% of what I stream, with only occasional trips to YouTube when I want a specific song and will suffer through ads for it. I just love their biz model, 24/7 commercial free streams with 20 something genre specific channels that play great music and it is totally free. If you dig it, donate to them and you get a T-shirt or something. Lately I have found myself listening to their Yacht Rock channel more, but I love their electronic offerings. It is the Glibs of streaming music.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, Soma is cool. Visited a few times. And I can see the appeal of it as a sort of “better radio”.

      I guess I just don’t listen to music that way anymore. I have a big enough for me library that I just shuffle my favorites playlist and go. I add the occasional new album from a favorite artist or via word-of-mouth and on top of that I still have who knows how many albums I haven’t even listened to yet. I can barely keep up as is.

      • KSuellington

        I love listening to my favs, but really still crave new (or new to me) music. And I do dig the radio like thing where someone else is curating the tunes. I was super stoked that KEXP from Seattle just added a terrestrial station in SF. It’s nice not always having to stream in the vehicle. You can stream on their website though, and if you don’t mind the ads, and want some new stuff they are the ideal of a true radio station. I would describe them as “post college radio”.

    • The Last American Hero

      I like me some soma as well.

      “This is da secret ahjaunt, only on Soma FM”

      • KSuellington

        That was the station that made me love them. I was working in an Amsterdam and a Kiwi coworker upon learning I was from SF told me to check them out. That reminds me that it is time to send them a donation again.

        I also dig Rusty’s ten second pleas for a donation every hour. Reminds me of how unusual they are in being all donation based without having to do hours long fundraising drives.

      • KSuellington

        Yup that was me. I love all their Xmas stations. My fav is Merry Ole Soul.

  29. ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

    One of the things I absolutely loath about our current politics is the bullshit that is polling and focus groups. If you, as a politician, think something is right and necessary, just fucking do it. Don’t dither about with polls, check the metrics on any given position, and so on. Just have the courage of your convictions and deal with the fallout. If you think letting the prisoners in Gitmo out is the right thing to do, then checking the mood of the country via Facebook or whatever is BS, and, frankly, morally odious.

    • juris imprudent

      What? And possibly risk losing office for ‘being out of touch’? The most important thing of all is to be in office.

    • Gdragon

      This is the best thing about Massie. Even if I didn’t generally agree with his principles I’d still respect the fuck out of him for sticking to them.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    But was he able to livestream it on youtube?

    A man died after trying to parachute off the South Rim of the Grand Canyon on Thursday, officials said.

    The man tried a BASE jump around 7:30 a.m. from Yavapai Point in Grand Canyon National Park, and his body was found around 500 feet below the South Rim along with a deployed parachute, park officials said.

    BASE is an acronym for building, antennae, span and earth, which are the features that people parachute from.

    It is not allowed anywhere in Grand Canyon National Park.

    Better luck next time.

    • Suthenboy

      What is it with these fuckers and their ‘verify you are human’ nonsense? Sometimes it lets me in, sometimes not. What a pain in the ass.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Every time I go from 5g to wireless it bugs me for that shit

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Business decision

    Newsom’s office didn’t immediately explain Friday why he had removed the post, but the back-and-forth reflects the balancing act the governor is engaged in as he pursues a nation-leading climate transition while trying to avoid price disruptions and also deflect political attacks over California’s high living costs.

    Newsom has gone after refiners’ profits with a proposed penalty, announced a plan to phase out sales of new gas-powered cars by 2035 and initiated a lawsuit aiming to hold Big Oil accountable for climate damages.


    Chevron, the country’s second-largest oil company behind ExxonMobil, announced in February that it was reducing its expectations for future earnings by about $1.8 billion. It has been warning California that it might cease its operations here if adverse policies cut too deeply into profits.

    That’s not what happened today, spokesperson Ross Allen said. The company will continue operating two of the state’s nine remaining refineries, keep pulling oil from the ground and leave its 1,800 branded stations in place. The only immediate effect will be to move CEO Mike Wirth and Vice Chair Mark Nelson to Houston, where Chevron already has some 7,000 employees, this year, with most of the rest of the 2,000 employees in San Ramon to follow over the next five years.

    The company’s announcement comes two weeks after Elon Musk announced he would take X and SpaceX’s headquarters to Texas, a move Musk said the company would take based on a California policy banning schools from outing transgender children to their parents.

    Wirth said on Bloomberg TV today that the relocation just makes sense, given the company’s extensive operations there and Houston’s status as the “energy capital of the world.”

    I wonder what sort of exit tax California will come up with.

    • rhywun

      derp overload

  32. Tundra

    Nice work, Intel

    This with a bunch of Biden Bucks, too.

    Make Creative Destruction Great Again!

    • rhywun

      Doesn’t matter who their customers are – that shit is toxic. Racist, sexist garbage.

      • Sensei

        Yes. I just finished my awful anti harassment training. In the videos it was a multicultural celebration of actors.

        Also at least half the harassment examples were same sex, naturally.

        No girl on girl, however. I was disappointed…

      • Gustave Lytton

        It’s not harassment…

  33. The Late P Brooks


    A Google spokesperson said in a statement to CNBC that, “While the ad tested well before airing, given the feedback, we have decided to phase the ad out of our Olympics rotation.”

    Google said it still sees the Gemini app as helping to provide a “starting point” for writing ideas.

    “We believe that AI can be a great tool for enhancing human creativity, but can never replace it,” the statement said. “Our goal was to create an authentic story celebrating Team USA.”

    Google previously defended the ad. However, backlash continued to gain steam as people accused the company of encouraging the use of automation instead of authenticity, particularly with children.

    “I flatly reject the future that Google is advertising,” Shelly Palmer, professor of advanced media at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications, wrote in a widely circulated blog post. The technology presents a “monocultural future where we see fewer and fewer examples of original human thoughts,” she wrote.

    This is particularly rich coming from the hive mind working nonstop to stamp out deviant thoughts.

    • Sensei

      Not familiar with that one!

      Having just done a remake of Urusei Yatsura they are now going to do Ranma 1/2.

  34. SDF-7

    I played 08/03:
    *22/22 words (+1 bonus word)
    🎯 Perfect accuracy

    I played 08/03:
    *38/38 words
    🎯 In the top 7% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 496