Sub-sti-tute Morning Links

by | Aug 22, 2024 | I Am Lame | 224 comments

Thursday. Shit, still only Thursday… does drunken tai chi and punches mirror. It’s the second week of school, so things are still a little unsettled here. I’m picking up someone else’s mess at work because, well, I guess the idea that a data person would understand that you need to count all the records and make sure you understand why they don’t match in the new system and the old system and be able to explain it is a more radical idea than I thought. Anyhow, I hope you guys are doing well, its my honor to pinch hit.

I guess the Ford Exploder is really living up to its name. I found this section particularly fun: Drivers of affected vehicles may notice loud, metal-on-metal clanking noises, reduced engine torque, or even smoke coming from the engine compartment—clear signs that engine failure could be imminent. Ford advises anyone experiencing these symptoms to park and turn off the vehicle immediately.

Apparently, burning weeds into charcoal and applying it as fertilizer is now “carbon capture”. I’m interested to see the carbon mass balance on that process, because it seems sketchy to me.

Four non-government individuals going where humans haven’t been since the Apollo era, this is the 21st century I was promised.

Looks like Aggies are going to have a boring return to college. I’ll be honest, I knew at least a half dozen people who would have had a better bust photo when I was in school.

Not my usual morning banger, but this pretty tune has been stuck in my head and its a stormy morning here.

About The Author

Brett L

Brett L

Brett set out to find America, the real America, the America of strip malls and serial killers, of butthole waxing and kelp smoothies, of cocaine and maggots. He sought it in the most American part of America—Florida: swamp gas and fever dreams, where love arrives on a rickety boat and leaves when it doesn't have the money for its fourth abortion. Oh, where has Brett gone? He’s drinking at the neck of America’s wang, chewing its foreskin and working its shaft. Brett is becoming legend. Brett can never die. Brett can never die. Brett is America, facedown in his own patriotic puke: the red his blood, the white his stomach lining, and the cold, cold blue his gas station slushie, spiked with coconut rum and tetracycline.


  1. PieInTheSky

    Four non-government individuals going where humans haven’t been since the Apollo era, this is the 21st century I was promised. – Well SpaceX got government contracts so it counts as public spending

    • SDF-7

      Dammit… now this is in my head…..

  2. AlexinCT


  3. UnCivilServant

    Drivers of affected vehicles may notice loud, metal-on-metal clanking noises, reduced engine torque, or even smoke coming from the engine compartment

    Who doesn’t stop when they notice signs like that?

    • Nephilium

      /thinks of the people I’ve known who have destroyed their parking brake by driving with it on

    • AlexinCT

      People that also think the “Service Engine soon” is just for decoration and a suggestion?

      • Pine_Tree

        “see, it’s been on for 6 months and nothing bad’s happened, so everything must be fine”

      • The Last American Hero

        You’ve obviously never owned a GM product. I’ve owned 3 and an oxygen sensor glitch causes the light to be on perpetually. You can reset it if you have the diagnostic tool, but it will pop back on within 48 hours.

      • ron73440

        My wife’s Corolla has it’s CEL on for an evap leak.

        Every now and then I’ll run the scanner to verify nothing new has changed and turn off the light.

        2 or 3 days later, it comes back on.

      • AlexinCT

        That car sounds like it is an attention whore…

      • Bobarian LMD

        Replace carbon canister…

        How about, NO.

      • ron73440

        Replace carbon canister…

        It’s on the “One of these days” list.

    • Not Adahn

      If you ignore it, sometimes it goes away on its own.

    • Rat on a train

      That just means you have to get to a service station faster. Floor it!

    • SDF-7

      Go to the video collection site of your choice and try a search along the lines of “Just Rolled In” or “Customer states” (that’s what I see most of these under on Youtube) — and prepare to weep for humanity.

    • The Other Kevin

      My daughter, the on in the cult house, had a flat tire a few months ago and is still driving on the donut.

      • AlexinCT

        Hope that donut is not in the front of that car….

      • Sean


    • DrOtto

      Before I became a mechanic, I assumed everyone took care of their car like me. Nothing surprises me anymore. But to answer the question – lots of people don’t stop when they notice signs like that. Rather than mitigate the damage, they push till it won’t push no more. Then they will frequently install a new battery and attempt to push a little further till the realization sets in, that it’s done pushing. Then I get called and when I show up, the lies get slung in hopes that leaving out key details may miraculously make it cheaper/easier to fix. Then I plug my scanner in and see the engine was brought up to 295* and there is glitter on the dipstick where oil should be. I just get out the holy water and perform last rights at that point.

      • ron73440

        Had a guy ask me for a jump start the other day.

        I told him to try to start it so I could hear it before I did that.

        He was adamant it needed a jump, but cranked it over just to appease me.

        The starter cranked at high speed, but the car wouldn’t start.

        He then asked me to give him a jump, because he had the cables.

        I explained that his battery was fine, he needed to get it towed to a shop.

        My guess is his fuel pump died, but could be a number of issues.

  4. PieInTheSky

    Looks like Aggies are going to have a boring return to college. – what a sad place to have just six people as drug dealers.

    • UnCivilServant

      Nah, the other dealers sicced the cops on their rivals.

    • Not Adahn

      College Station is a uniquely strange place. Austin likes to claim it’s weird, but they’re second place at best.

      • Brett L

        You can tell him. College Station sucks. And this bust just made it that much worse.

      • Not Adahn

        I have lived in multiple college towns. College Station is the only one that puts the game on the PA systems inside the stores.

        It is a big school — and yet there are more retired alums there than students.

        I don’t even know where to begin with the series of ranking/hazing activities with the Corps of Cadets.

        Whoever designed the stadium had a much better understanding of lateral stress than the bonfire builders.

        Also, what Don Brett said.

  5. AlexinCT

    Apparently, burning weeds into charcoal and applying it as fertilizer is now “carbon capture”. I’m interested to see the carbon mass balance on that process, because it seems sketchy to me.

    It’s all sketchy shit. But I can tell you if you follow the money – the government money – it all quickly clears up.

      • Fourscore

        I don’t know about the mathenge stuff but my experience with MN ashes is that it ain’t fertilizer. I tried. Finally decided it was
        very acidic and only added to the already acidic dirt. Adding manure though does help retain the moisture.

      • Not Adahn

        Ash should be alkaline. As in potash or soda ash.

      • Cunctator

        —“Ash should be alkaline. As in potash or soda ash.”—

        I worked in a soda ash plant (2,000 tons a day). While soda ash and potash are alkaline, the are not made from ashes of any type. Our feedstock was alkaline water pumped from underground deposits.

      • Not Adahn

        I don’t doubt that, but historically potash was literally from a pot of ashes soaked in water. When you burn off the organic matter, you’re left with metal oxides which convert to hydroxides.

  6. Ownbestenemy

    Long time coming
    Isaacman and SpaceX announced the Polaris program in February 2022

    Uh…that is lightning fast, not long time coming.

    • SDF-7

      What? Gay Euro brothel monkeypox wasn’t enough?

      • Rat on a train

        It’s going to take more than Hanson’s disease.

    • rhywun

      Feh. It looks like they are proceeding exactly as last time… no additional help needed from any superbugs.

      Who is going to stop them?

      • R C Dean

        What the Plague did, was kick the door down for junk mail ballots. Those are now entrenched, so, really, there isn’t any need for a new GoF Frankenbug, at least for electoral fraud purposes.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Yep. PA starts early voting when? In about 3-weeks and Harris in an empty sheet of paper that will be voted on before any true campaigning even starts. Early voting and paper ballots are more mightier than any foreign army at this point.

      • The Last American Hero

        I believe PA may be voting before the 1st debate, since Harris won’t debate on one network and Trump won’t debate on the other.

  7. Evan from Evansville

    “Six arrested in College Station drug busts near Texas A&M
    A nearly year-long investigation netted hundreds of fraudulently pressed pills, as well as party drugs.”

    At IU from ’05-’09. Freshman year in Collins Dormitory. Smith Hall, Third Floor. Half the floor, easily, were druggies to some extent. Nothing major, though some weed dealing, myself lightly included. Of all of ’em, *I* was the only one to not get busted. By best friend, a few doors down, had his door bust in while he was gettin’ frisky w his fling. She was apparently mostly naked and hid in the closet, but was forced out somehow. Think they called in a chick.

    Of all of ’em, except the wealthy idiots who somehow got caught slangin’, I was by far the most egregious perp. I’m quite pleased I never got caught. Oh, the odd lessons we learn in life.

    On to second full day at Octapharma! More medi-legal, SOP shit to wade through, but I’m gonna purposefully put on Journalist Evan, (with the Peru Tribune), to dive in socially. Not to make friends outside work, but to ingratiate myself. Makes social primate life go more smoothly. Cheers!

    • UnCivilServant

      I may be the odd man out here. I couldn’t even tell you where to find drugs at college, nor can I positively identify the aroma of marijuana smoke. I don’t doubt that I have smelled it at some point, but I was simply oblivious that it was what it was.

      I was so oblivious that after the fact I found out that one of my high school friends got beaten up at college because he had been a delaer at high school and tried to continue at college but it was someone else’s turf who opted for a direct message.

  8. PieInTheSky

    Sweden and Denmark to pressure tech platforms over gang crime ads

    STOCKHOLM/COPENHAGEN, Aug 21 (Reuters) – Sweden and Denmark will summon tech companies over ads on their platforms that are posted by gangs to recruit young Swedes to commit violent crimes in the Nordics, the justice ministers of the two countries said on Wednesday.
    Sweden has been having a decade-long problem with gang violence and youth crime and the other Nordic countries are worried that it is starting to spill over the borders.
    Since April, there have been 25 instances in which Swedish gang members have been hired by Danish gangs for violent attacks on rivals in Denmark, many times through ads on messaging platforms such as Telegram.

    Yes that is the problem. Sociual media. Good thing we found the issue. We can now relax. We address this and there will be no way for gangs to communicate.

    • AlexinCT

      So, instead of going after the gangs, they want to go after the platforms? It’s almost like for these governments the intent is to control information rather than dealing with the actual problem they created.

      • PieInTheSky

        I blame the viking blood for the gangs myself

      • AlexinCT

        How much Viking blood was spread into North Africa and the Middle East, man? Those Vikings just wanted to get more ass than a toilet seat it seems.

      • UnCivilServant

        If there were any Viking blood left, they would have killed these gangs.

      • rhywun

        I would speculate that it is not politically feasible to go after the gangs.

      • Ownbestenemy

        @rhywun Probably correct. It would expose the peaceful and safe Scandanavian utopian lie.

      • UnCivilServant

        How many of those gangs are actually scandinavian? 0?

      • dbleagle

        Most of those Swedish gang members have black hair, olive skin, attend religious services in buildings with tall phallic towers where a man screeches five times a day. It is not the Swedes who sing ABBA tunes at karaoke who are the gang members.

        Parts of the city of Malmo, just off the bridge to Denmark, are off limits to blonde Swedes and the police.

    • R C Dean

      I love the “Swedish” gang members, as if these are all tall Nordic types, and not “migrant” gang members from points South.

      You can’t solve a problem unless you can identify the problem.

      • AlexinCT

        You can’t solve a problem unless you can identify the problem.

        And it is not a coincidence that if you try to identify the actual problem, correctly, you will be attacked and destroyed, either….

        The terrible place we are today was reached by design.

  9. AlexinCT

    I think this shit is baloney. Why?

    13% said they’ve worn a face mask in public in the past week, while the number who report they’ve taken an at-home COVID test ticked up slightly from June, to 15%.

    There are far more idiots than just 13-15%$ that still think the face diaper works or that the Kung Flu is something other than a cold, in this country based on how many have an affiliation with team donkey.

    • PieInTheSky

      I have seen almost no masks here since spring of 2022. Like once every couple of weeks maybe. I estimate under 1% still do any masking.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Wear, don’t wear em. Don’t care. That 13% figure is fine with me but we know if Daddy Government were to come out today decreeing that they must be worn we’d be right back to 2020.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I saw a guy wearing a mask on his bicycle yesterday. Even worse, I think he works at the nearby national lab. Science.

    • Suthenboy

      Why would the marxist media do that?

  10. PieInTheSky

    this Sorority bodied the Pump it Up the Jam dance

    this is a few days old but, is it just me, or does this sorority seem to discriminate against larger bodies? Is fatphobia still a thing in US colleges in 2024?

    • AlexinCT

      I am DTF!

      • UnCivilServant

        You are the Department of Tax and Finance? You evil bastard!

      • AlexinCT

        Don’t hate a brotha for wanting to make some bread, brah..

        But no, I was down to… Well, you get it.

    • Not Adahn

      God I love Rush Week.

      • AlexinCT

        I am sure those were also all STEM and medicine majors!

      • Not Adahn

        Hey, if they put forth the effort towards an MRS degree, they should get it.

      • Not Adahn

        At my graduation, the hot girl degree seemed to be Dental Hygiene.

      • DrOtto

        I thought all you need to get into dental hygiene or real estate was a divorce decree?

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Heh. My mother refers to her degree as an MRS. Back then it was an Art History BA.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Well they gave my stem some medicine.

    • PieInTheSky

      I have to grudgingly admit there may be an attractive lady or two on US university campuses.

      • Not Adahn

        Well, in the southern US.

      • PieInTheSky

        in the north you can only see their nose so how can you tell

      • Not Adahn

        And they take advantage of the heavy coats, lemme tell you.

    • The Last American Hero

      Who do you think is in the 4th and 5th rows bobbing their heads and holding up cell phones?


    • Gustave Lytton

      No tatts or body mutilation jewelry? What year was that made?

      • Not Adahn

        Remember that sororities self-select. When they put those girls into the front row for the welcoming skit, they are there (willfully and knowingly) to scare off candidates who don’t fit that image from applying to join that house.

    • Suthenboy

      Their numbers are all fake. They have been doing this quietly revise down bit since Obama, at least that is how long I have noticed it.
      The problem is that now even the fake numbers look bad.

      • AlexinCT

        I concur with the observation that it became a custom under black Jesus. And, it now so transparent because the level of lying needed to hide the ineptitude and the destruction caused by the ridiculously idiotic agenda that government should decide who wins and who loses, has wreaked havoc on the economy and life in general.

    • The Last American Hero

      The problem is they want that fed rate cut to help drag them over the finish line but it’s been promised for 2 years and hasn’t come yet.

      • AlexinCT

        That is because the impact a few months later would be a massive spike in inflation again…. I expect they will do the rate cut in October, and the idiots will all cheer it, ten inflation will go nuts in December again. But by then they hope they fortified the election already, and if they failed they will blame Trump for all of it for years to follow.

  11. PieInTheSky

    Pride flags vandalised for the fifth time in north-east London have left residents “traumatised”, a local LGBTQ+ organisation says.

    The flags, which are on the pavement near Forest Gate railway station, were covered with white paint on Monday.

    They were also vandalised on 9 March, as well as on 23 and 26 June and 19 July.

    Rob DesRoches, founder of Forest Gayte Pride, said the organisation would work with Newham Council to repair or replace the flags, adding: “We feel that people have been traumatised by the repeated vandalism, which needs to be sorted out now. The healing process needs to take place.”

    I recommend healing via the Canadian healthcare method MAID

    • rhywun

      Maybe there are some healing services in a nearby bathhouse.

      • dbleagle

        How about not expecting something on the street to be protected by people like it is the Mona Lisa?

  12. Suthenboy

    Morning all.

    Word of the day (every day really) : Canard – /kə-närd′/ noun
    An unfounded or false, deliberately misleading story.

    Today it applies to carbon and especially carbon dioxide is poison. It causes the greenhouse effect (another fallacy) as a result of man’s activities.
    Biggest scam in history.

    • Fourscore

      What if global warming is real but caused by earth’s internal heat? Only way to stop it is to stop measuring…

      • AlexinCT

        Climate change is absolutely real. And the primary systems that drives it all are the sun and the oceans. Recently they have also come to conclude that where our solar system is in the Milkyway might also be a contributor (the current ice age we are in was because our system passed through a heavy gas cloud that impacted solar energy reaching earth). The biggest driver of heat retention on the planet are the oceans and the amount of water vapor in the atmosphere.

        The climate lobby’s claim that it is CO2 that drives this cycle is bunk. They chose CO2 because that can be blamed on man (you can’t do that with H2O vapor). The agenda is to cull half or more of humanity, and then, take us back to a feudal system. Not to save Gaia, as they claim, but to save the inept and evil cabal of current technocrats with their heads so far up their asses that they cant do the basics.

  13. Ownbestenemy


    “James O’Keefe? Oh, thank God,” Walsh replied. “I didn’t realize it was you flirting with me.”

    “Pretending to flirt,” O’Kefee interjected.

    “Right. Pretending to flirt,” Walsh clarified

    Its just a milder SF…wait a minute!

  14. PieInTheSky

    he government can never run out of money
    Politicians, commentators and journalists all like to claim that the UK government could run out of money, but that is total nonsense. The UK government can always create the money it needs to pay its debts. It is the one and only organisation in the UK that can never, as a result, run out of money.

    This is true but when money is worth nothing is it still money? I say the government cannot run out of official currency, but money may be a different story.

    • AlexinCT

      They count on dumb ass people believing that because they can do this stupid shit they should. As if there are no consequences. I can go to some public area and start randomly doing all sorts of illegal shit as well, but sooner than later I will have to deal with the fallout.

    • Cunctator

      —“The UK government can always create the money it needs to pay its debts.”—

      I am amazed at the number people in the US believe the government can’t go broke for this exact reason.

      Ex-wife: ‘The government only collects taxes so that people feel INVOLVED. All the government need to do is (create) print new money every year to cover costs.”
      Me: “I don’t need to feel involved.”

    • Suthenboy

      Money = unit of measure
      Wealth = concrete usable objects and materials

      You cant run out of money.
      You can run out of wealth.

      No matter how many inches you have on your measuring stick you still have to have actual lumber to build a house.

      This Murphy person…that is parody, right?

      • Cunctator

        Money is a stand-in for production. When the money supply increases faster than production increase, prices rise. Some people confuse the rise in prices with inflation, which is the increase in money supply beyond what production increases can cover. When I took Economics in college (over 50 years ago), The economists goal was 3% inflation of the money supply. This was because the projected (long term) economic growth rate was about 3%. In that case, it made sense to increase the money supply, but the vast increase in the money supply now bears no relation to an increase in production.

        Re my comment above: When my ex-wife made this statement, my grandson (6 or 7 at the time) complained that that would make the money he already had worth less. Wisdom from a child.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Engine failure could be imminent? Nonsense. It’s a Ford. Keep your foot in it.

  16. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “Apparently, burning weeds into charcoal and applying it as fertilizer is now “carbon capture”. I’m interested to see the carbon mass balance on that process, because it seems sketchy to me.”

    Depending on other inputs, it should definitely be carbon negative, the carbon in the plants is captured from the air initially, during the charring process you’re going to release some of that back into the air, but most of the mass left over should be in the form of carbon. Look up loma prieta- they’re also correct that in the right conditions it will stay for thousands of years in the ground.

    Now, what perverse incentives they may make by paying farmers to do this, that’s another question.

    • Suthenboy

      So…moving a pile of dirt from one location to another, then back again losing a bit in the process. Got it.

  17. AlexinCT

    Yeah, cause this idiocy is what they need to better fight ships and enemies.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Failed links!?

      • AlexinCT


    • Ted S.

      Fighting enemies by SugarFreeing links is always a good idea.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I am for some guidelines and recurrent training but it is pretty simple: Do you job, talk about politics off-duty.

      • AlexinCT

        talk about politics off-duty.

        Careful with that too.. You are never off duty in the military, and if you do or say things that they can say undermine the chain of command, they can come after you.

  18. Grummun

    The “carbon capture” is basically wood gasification, no? So they get charcoal out, which is carbon, okay… but if they aren’t capturing the gasses, then aren’t they releasing something very like methane into the atmosphere, and haven’t we been told horror stories about how methane is a super bad greenhouse gas?

    • AlexinCT

      I am far more interested in what their plans are for all that captured carbon. I mean, what are they going to do with that coal? Stack it up until like in a big tire dump there is a fire?

    • UnCivilServant

      But Grumman, this is ritually purified methane, it doesn’t cause global climate panic until later.

    • Suthenboy

      “…So they get charcoal out, which is carbon…”
      Yes. carbon that was already captured.

      I was wondering who came up with this plan so I did some research. I found ’em.

      • Not Adahn

        Step 1: Grow grain. This can be a jobs program!

        Step 2: Mix the straw with clay, form into bricks. Another Jobs program! And carbon captured!

        Step 3: Use bricks to build affordable housing. Another win!

        Step 4: Turn over the management of steps 1-3 to the Zardoz management company inc.

  19. The Other Kevin

    Good morning! Life continues to be interesting. Mom and Dad and two of my siblings live right near the Illinois border. Last night they heard military jets over their houses, part of the security for the DNC. Then they shared a social media message stating that * for real * ANTIFA has 10,000 troops in the area and they are going to riot in Chicago and NW Indiana tonight. I thought I was the nutter.

    • Ted S.

      To be fair, you are a nutter.

      • The Other Kevin

        Oh I’m definitely a nutter. But I’m in great company.

    • UnCivilServant

      So they’re going to test the F-16’s crowd control capabilities?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Pretty sure those capabilities have been thoroughly tested

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Nah, Swallowswell will drop an nuclear bomb on the Idea of Antifa.

    • rhywun

      Tonight is Herself’s grand appearance, right? I wouldn’t discount this plot.

    • The Last American Hero

      So far, the number of protesters has been about 10 percent of what was estimated. I figure by tonight it will be 5 jerkoffs and 2 rando’s that just happen to be walking by when they snap the photo.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    This is true but when money is worth nothing is it still money?

    Ask the Weimar Germans.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Be careful what you wish for

    Many Americans in poll after poll were signaling unhappiness with a rematch between two aging white men in Trump and Biden.

    Harris is now riding that desire for change, building momentum day after day, even though she is actually the closest thing to an incumbent in the race against Trump.

    Even those who worked for Harris, say they could never have predicted the momentum surrounding the vice president today.

    “I was not prepared for how rapidly the broader public would embrace her and turnout in these massive ways,” said Democratic strategist Jamal Simmons, who served as Harris’s communications director until last year. “From the Black Women for Harris groups to the rallies. The pent-up excitement that was unleashed was more than I thought would exist so quickly.”

    Roll the dice, America. What’s the worst that could happen?

    • rhywun

      America, she is not Obama in a pants suit.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        To be fair, we have seen Obama in mom jeans, so… Obama was Obama in a pant suit?

  22. AlexinCT
    • Not Adahn


  23. kinnath

    google news is running headlines that alternate day by day. One day, Harris is behind in every swing state poll. The next day, she is leading trump in all the polls. Then repeat the cycle.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Lots of veteran pollsters from what I have read are saying this is going to be the worst year in terms of polls. Then again, their predictions are probably as good as NOAAs on this will be a record breaking year of hurricanes.

      • Nephilium

        Ignore the polls, watch the betting markets.

      • kinnath

        If we assume that the press is running stories that say Harris will crush Trump to provide cover for massive voting fraud, then why do any stories that contradict the narrative make it to the front page of google news?

        All the polls are horseshit.

        I am amused by the new algorithm.

      • Sensei

        They are doing their best to shut down the markets. Even applying pressure to governments overseas.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    In the days following Biden’s disastrous debate performance, Democrats — from lawmakers to donors and operatives — were angry and dejected. They pointed fingers at Biden aides for a cover up of the president’s condition. They had resigned themselves to the fact that Trump would win.

    “The phenomenon of the Harris candidacy is something akin to someone surviving a near death experience,” said Fernand Amandi, a Democratic consultant who helped former President Barack Obama win Florida in 2008 and 2012. “All of a sudden there’s a new appreciation for life.”

    “She is the beneficiary of having this new lease on life,” he added.

    Amandi said Harris has not only surpassed expectations, she has “performed flawlessly” on the stump the past four weeks.

    Look where she is. That means she must be qualified. Best possible candidate ever. Keep telling yourself that.

    • Sean

      Embrace your joyfulness, Brooks.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

        Strength Through Joy.

        And Work Will Set You Free.

    • rhywun

      “akin to someone surviving a near death experience”

      You know who else…?


    • Gustave Lytton

      Democrats — from lawmakers to donors and operatives — were angry and dejected. They pointed fingers at Biden aides for a cover up of the president’s condition.

      Right, the condition that had been obvious for the past four years. I think the coup was already underway and this was just the fig leaf reason for doing it. I also think the donor slowdown was intentional orchestrated to force the Biden camp’s hand not a spontaneous disillusionment.

      • AlexinCT

        Right, the condition that had been obvious for the past four years.

        This is the striking thing to me. They now act as if they didn’t know the guy was a few beer cans short of a six pack. For 4 plus years.

  25. Sean

    I played 08/22:
    *20/20 words (+6 bonus words)
    ⏱️ In the top 20% by speed

    I played 08/22:
    *52/52 words (+28 bonus words)
    📖 In the top 1% by bonus words
    🔥 Solve streak: 521

  26. PieInTheSky

    Here is an example of things that constrain building and are hard to fix: Dad’s neighbor’s house had its seawall and foundation badly damaged by a storm, just as she was getting ready to sell it. It languished for years (buy flood insurance if you’re on the coast!) because the rehab costs were so high, and then finally a guy from across the street bought it and started renovation. Local building authority very helpful, but six months later, with winter approaching, he was still waiting for environmental review to approve the seawall/yard/foundation reconstruction, with a high risk that winter storms would destroy the work he’d done if approval didn’t come through.

    The environmental reviews aren’t just some hippy project–when another guy down the street raised his seawall, it changed the behavior of the water so that it started tearing up a neighbor’s yard every winter. But slow reviews add cost, and risk, and could have resulted in further destruction of the property (fortunately, it came through just in the nick of time).

    Realistically, you are not going to get the state of Massachusetts to repeal its environmental reviews. You could make the office implement better, so that people don’t languish in limbo while their property deteriorates. But that’s a problem of state capacity, not formal rules.

    And Massachusetts is arguably the highest-state-capacity state in the country!

    • Gustave Lytton

      Stockholm syndrome is real.

    • Sean

      LOL @ the weight chart graph

    • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!

      “And that’s just during movie night”


    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Listen and learn.

  27. The Late P Brooks


    A Greek-flagged oil tanker was left abandoned, adrift and ablaze in the Red Sea following strikes off the Yemeni coast.

    The U.K. Maritime Trade Operations agency on Wednesday reported that a fire had erupted aboard a tanker, which lost engine power and was no longer “under command.” It came after a gunfire attack from two small boats roughly 77 nautical miles west of Yemeni port Hodeidah, which is under the control of the Houthi militant group. The UKMTO did not name the vessels or the perpetrators of the incident.

    Greece’s shipping minister Christos Stylianides later named the vessel as oil tanker Sounion and condemned the attack as a “flagrant violation of the rules of international law and a serious threat to the safety of international navigation,” according to a Google-translated statement.

    Pay no heed. Everything is fine. The grownups are running the show.

  28. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Birthdays today: my Ma of sainted memory. I wish everyone could have experienced her awesomeness

    • AlexinCT

      Happy birthday, Ma.

    • The Other Kevin

      Beautiful. Today is Mrs. TOK’s birthday too. Right now she’s on the phone with our oldest, trying to deprogram her out of that cult house. The latest is she’s going to sell her car for $500 so the “family” can afford to move to a different house. This keeps getting crazier.

      • AlexinCT

        Happy birthday to Mrs. TOK as well.

      • Tundra

        Happy birthday, Mrs. TOK!

    • Tundra

      Great pic! Happy birthday, mom!

    • rhywun


      • Fourscore

        Happy, happy birthday to all those affected. Today is also my Dad’s birthday, he’d be 131, were he alive. I miss him still, after 55 years. I didn’t get home often in his last years.

    • Fourscore

      …and all I got was a great grandson last year with another on the way from a different grand daughter for next year…

  29. AlexinCT

    She is just as dreamy as Obama! She even is following his track on that whole Obamacare scam and they are now claiming that you have to vote for her to get to know her policies

    That’s like your cell mate telling ya you need to let him buttfuck you – repeatedly – before you find out if there is gonna be a reach around….

    • Ownbestenemy

      Hmm, Dayton is about 1 1/2 hour drive. Ill have to check with the Mrs what we are doing that week

  30. The Late P Brooks

    I’m not convinced she’s an off-the-leash dipsomaniac, but from watching the few brief clips I have allowed myself to be subjected to, I think there is something seriously wrong with Kamala Harris. The way she speaks, the spastic flailing hands… How long ’til she gets 25th-Amendment-ed, leaving us with President Prairie Populist?

    Sweet dreams.

    • AlexinCT

      She reminds me of my ex-mother in law and the first lady I dated after the divorce. Raging alcoholics that usually were sauced up by noon. All the exact same signs/symptoms. They could be fun or real nightmares.

      • Ted S.

        You dated your ex-mother-in-law?

        Kinky! :-p

      • AlexinCT

        No, I never dated my ex-mother in law, but I still tell me ex-BILs they did. I wouldn’t touch that even with your dick.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      The problem I have is that she talks to people like they are kindergartners. I don’t need a kindergarten teacher, I don’t need a new dad, I don’t need a Momala. I need them to leave me alone.

      • R C Dean


        And she’s drunk a lot.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Subject to interpretation

    District Judge Mark Scarsi, appointed by President Donald Trump in 2020, recently denied a motion to dismiss Hunter Biden’s criminal tax case, a move that legal analyst Glenn Kirschner said is telling Judge Aileen Cannon that she was “dead wrong” about the dismissal of Trump’s classified documents case in Florida earlier this summer.

    In a Tuesday episode of his YouTube show, Kirschner, a former assistant U.S. attorney and MSNBC legal analyst who frequently criticizes Trump, discussed how a Monday ruling in Hunter Biden’s criminal tax lawsuit, which denied the defense’s request to throw out the case, essentially called out Cannon’s mid-July decision to dismiss Trump’s classified documents case.

    Prosecutors say President Joe Biden’s 54-year-old son failed to pay $1.4 million in federal taxes from 2016 to 2019. He faces three felony tax charges and six misdemeanors and has pleaded not guilty. Jury selection in Biden’s case is set to take place in Los Angeles, California, on September 5.

    In Biden’s legal team’s motion to dismiss the case, they specifically cited Cannon’s ruling in Trump’s case and the logic behind it, arguing that Special Counsel David Weiss was unlawfully appointed in Biden’s case. District Judge Scarsi denied the motion on Monday.

    Kirschner described the ruling as “Trump-appointed Judge Scarsi refusing to apply the reasoning, the rational, the ruling of Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon when she concluded ‘yeah, I don’t think special counsel is a thing and I’m dismissing Donald Trump’s criminal case.'”

    He added: “This ruling from Judge Scarsi, in a very real sense, is him concluding ‘Aileen Cannon you’re dead wrong.'”

    Obviously, if two judges disagree, the one who confirms my biases is correct.

  32. AlexinCT


    • The Other Kevin

      He had a great conversation with Tucker Carlson. Apparently getting kicked out of the cool kids club changes your perspective.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Its a big club and he realized he ain’t in it.

      • ron73440

        Was that before or after his debate with Dave Smith?

        During that debate he was his lying, unapologetic self.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        It could be that. Or it could be that someone else is writing his paycheck now.

  33. Sensei


    For bands with less hype, this dysfunction is less important—last-minute tickets were still available for New Order this week, for example, with the added benefit for me of at least better music.

    How Taylor Swift Fans Broke Economics

    Nothing new, just standard behavioral economics with a popular subject.

  34. The Late P Brooks


    Think Teddy Roosevelt in heels.

    Crafted in Harris’s image, this prosecutor populism would not only align government with working people against the rich and powerful. While protecting consumers, it would balance concerns about redistribution with a determination to grow the pie, ensuring, as John F. Kennedy once extolled, that a rising tide lifts all boats. Toward that end, this new populism would embrace innovation, framing new ideas as the most effective tool for breaking the stranglehold huge corporate monoliths have over ordinary people. It would prize individual entrepreneurship, cognizant that investments in economic growth are the key to lifting up forgotten communities. It would make clear that the grit embodied by hard-working Americans is the lodestone for the wealth they so desperately need.

    In that spirit, this new populism would open the door for small entrepreneurs to disrupt entrenched behemoths. It would view artificial intelligence as an opportunity to democratize the economy. It would outline how technology can serve as a powerful tool in reducing health care costs by cutting waste, fraud, and abuse. It would highlight how those savings can be invested in making Americans healthier, more productive, and happier. It would snap up opportunities and slash red tape by using blockchain, a cutting-edge technology that can both expedite decision-making and make the public sector more transparent.


    • The Last American Hero

      So going Reverse Cowgirl on Willie Brown makes you a Roughrider?

      • Ownbestenemy

        She was ridin’ dirty IYKWIMAITYD

    • rhywun

      Didn’t Orwell have something to say about apparatchiks who blather on and on without actually saying anything?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “It would snap up opportunities and slash red tape by using blockchain, a cutting-edge technology that can both expedite decision-making and make the public sector more transparent.”

      I’m going to need someone explain to me how that is supposed to work.

      • Ted S.

        It isn’t supposed to work. It’s supposed to funnel grift to their cronies.

    • The Other Kevin

      “align government with working people against the rich and powerful”

      The government IS the rich and powerful. Just look at the revolving door between big business, NGO’s, media, and government.

      • R C Dean

        What’s the Law?

        Oh yeah: “Money and power always find each other.”

      • Ownbestenemy

        And as the clip with Coumo highlights…the rich and powerful (of both parties, no disillusion about that) sit above laughing at the peons lapping this up.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      $12 to go to the beach? What a racket!

    • Ownbestenemy

      WTF is a beach badge?

      • R.J.

        It’s a tag you have to wear on the outside of your suit, so they can check.
        Like when the dictator went crazy in Bananas and said “all people will change their underwear four times a day. They will wear it outside their clothes, so we can check.”

      • Sensei

        NJ is full public access to beach. Very few grandfathered private beaches.

        It pays for all the shit clean up that assholes litter there and for the lifeguards.

        Same as toll roads for you “freeway” people.

        Realistically if you go to unguarded sections of beach you won’t need a badge. Such as surfing beaches. My guess is they decided to chase revenue and the surfer gave them an earful despite having the badge.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Then I assume there is no line-item in any of NJ State or City budgets that siphon monies for the beaches?

      • Sensei

        Towns “own” the beaches. So they could make them “free” and pay to maintain them out of general revenue or charge for access in season. Almost all charge for access.

        I only know my specific statute, but walking in non swimwear is permitted without one. Essentially swimming or sun bathing requires one.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Crazy. Beaches here are public up to the high water line. No fees for the beaches themselves but often for parking lots, public or private. Enough litter there’s semi annual cleanups but not terrible amounts. Weather probably limits it to some extent.

      • Sensei

        Gustave, most beaches are on barrier islands in NJ. That makes the whole island “parking”. The badges are a NJ equivalent of paid beach parking.

    • Ownbestenemy

      It was smoke and mirrors and apparently was delayed yesterday and selectively leaked out to certain brokers, etc before publicly dropping. Agency after agency is showing their absolute incompetence.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    Does it really matter?

    Revising the jobs number downward gives Powell cover to lower rates give the economy a shot of nitrous in time for the election.

    • R C Dean

      Powell isn’t looking for cover because he badly wants to lower rates but just can’t somehow. He’s had all the pressure (and cover) he needs for a year now. The Fed has repeatedly announced that they expect a rate cut (or more) this year, but whatever they are looking at doesn’t support it.

      This isn’t some elaborate long-term scheme to overstate jobs beginning last spring so they could announce a big revision this summer to get a rate cut now. This has been just routine news cycle management.

      And guess what? Now that they have “corrected” their baseline, they are back in position to juice the numbers for another year. They trade one bad news cycle (when they announce the correction) for several good ones (when they announce juiced numbers).

  36. The Late P Brooks

    $12 to go to the beach? What a racket!

    I was watching some old (’70s) teensploitation movie recently. One of the nubile young things flashed her tits to get out of paying fifty cents to park at the beach parking lot.

    • rhywun

      An elegant weapon for a more civilized age.

      • Tundra

        We were a proper people once.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Well put

    • Sensei

      Why not. A fucking cop perk is showing up in uniform for event security and doing so off the public clock while getting paid by the event.

      • Tundra

        What’s with the fucking stars on his collar? He thinks he’s Patton.

    • kinnath

      Take your fucking hat off inside.

    • ron73440

      Probably got paid overtime to be there.

    • Sean

      Honk, honk!

    • Sean

      James O’Keefe
      The bottom to top ratio is 10:1, I’ve found. But I don’t have to do any touching, merely identify in convo as a top.


  37. The Late P Brooks

    Puppet master

    In the morality play that yielded a new Democratic presidential nominee last month, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., could be seen as a heroine who risked a political backlash to save her party’s chances in November or a villain who bloodlessly, needlessly and rashly pushed aside its sitting president.

    Morality play? It looked more like a minstrel show.

    • Tundra

      Snuff film.

      • AlexinCT


        But they tell you THEY are the ones protecting democracy. That’s true, if you understand the democracy they are protecting is the status quo for the massive/bloated, unelected, unaccountable, inept and mediocre, bureaucratic apparatus that passes for our government. Not the people’s ability to pick their leaders and policies.

    • Gustave Lytton

      And this month she was waving a We Love Joe sign at the convention and praising the guy she just shanked. I think I’ll just watch The Death of Stalin again instead.

      • The Other Kevin

        I always thought she was evil but damn.

      • Gustave Lytton

        My wife said “She was his friend! They’d know each for years.”

        Poor sweet summer child…

  38. The Late P Brooks

    “Let us not forget who assaulted democracy on Jan. 6: He did,” she said. “The parable of Jan. 6 reminds us that our democracy is only as strong as the courage and commitment of those entrusted with its care, and we must choose leaders who believe in free and fair elections, who respect the peaceful transfer of power.”


    What the fuck is it with these people?

  39. The Late P Brooks

    The real moral of the story for Democrats here is that their only priority is beating Trump, and most of them think Pelosi put them in a better position to do that. Biden was the beneficiary of that sentiment when he won the party’s nomination in 2020 and faced nominal opposition in 2024 — right up until the moment many Democrats, led by Pelosi, decided he was no longer their best option.

    Moral of the story? It’s lonely at the top.

    Such noble. How patriot.

    • The Other Kevin

      They have the nerve to say Trump is only it it for himself. Their only priority is beating Trump so Dem leadership can keep their money and power. Fuck their voters and the rest of the country.

  40. UnCivilServant

    Documentary on the Dorner manhunt- omitted the event where LAPD shot up a van that looked nothing like his vehicle and whose occupants were little Asian ladies who did not resemble a large failed cop.

    • Sensei

      I’m shocked. I do remember what you noted. Interesting they memory holed that.

      • UnCivilServant

        The series in question requires cooperation from PDs to get their content, so I’d wager it was an unspoken agreement to not make the cops look bad.

    • AlexinCT

      Was it penguin pox?