The VelociPastor

by | Aug 22, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 194 comments

The VelociPastor

I have wanted to see this movie for a while. When Common Tater suggested it a few weeks ago I was sold . My research on IMDB made me a bit concerned, as the “More Like This” section at the bottom exceeded the Meatloaf ratio. It had Kung Fury (great), Rubber (meh), Llamageddon (DNF), and Jesus Christ, Vampire Killer, the movie that almost killed GlibFlicks after the first post in 2021.

Just so you know what we are getting into, here is a movie summary, stolen shamelessly from IMDB:

After losing his parents, a priest travels to China, where he inherits a mysterious ability that allows him to turn into a dinosaur. At first horrified by this new power, a hooker convinces him to use it to fight crime. And ninjas.

This was written and directed by Brendan Steere. Control over both writing and directing generally means a good film, so I have many optimisms. This is the most recent film he has made and from looking at it, his one full-length movie. The trivia for this movie is great. I pulled out a couple of gems (again, courtesy IMDB):

  • VelociPastor was made on a budget of $35-45K. RJ – I don’t think there were any accountants around keeping careful track of the funds to compare against future box office.
  • According to the DVD commentary by the writer/director, the Velociraptor costume used in the film had been in his basement for years. It had been made for a high school play, but the school’s principal refused to let it be used because he believed it made the play too violent.

I will be watching this with all of you for the first time tonight! I have only seen pieces of this before. We’re going in blind! All of us except our legendary potato.

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary! If you don’t like it, you can always discuss gardening tips or what canned food your pets prefer. Next week, I give you a choice:

  • Something from the Sixties
  • Something from the Eighties
  • A documentary about how Gilligan’s Island was a Communist plot

Help! Tubi is Watching Me Sleep!

That’s a feature, not a bug. Step outside and get some fresh air every once in a while. Tubi will be waiting for you, to welcome you back like a warm blanket on a cold day. Should you need more mind-numbing entertainment tonight, our Glibertarian technicians are standing by to make video viewing suggestions. BY SUGGESTIONS MEAN…

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Common Tater

    *re-connects Blueray player*

    • R.J.

      Heh. I will have to start mailing you disks like Netflix in Zoolander 2.

      • Common Tater

        I wanted to see it and it wasn’t online anywhere so I bought the disk. It has a commentary track and a bunch of extras.

      • Tres Cool

        There’s a Zoolander 2 ?
        I wasnt aware of that.

      • R.J.

        Yes. The media buried it because it had a scene where they made fun of trannies. The movie was hilarious.
        β€œHave you got a hot dog or a bun?”

      • Tundra

        I didn’t know that either.

        And then I read this.

        And now I will definitely seek out the movie. Have we really been dealing with this tranny retardation for a decade?

      • R.J.


      • Common Tater

        I don’t think it’s specific to trans. Certain people have been objecting to making fun of minorities for

      • Common Tater


      • rhywun

        Have we really been dealing with this tranny retardation for a decade?

        Is that all?

      • Common Tater

        The big increase in MTF in the U.S. started around 2006. It wasn’t political.

        Non-binary became a thing around 2014. All these people on Tumblr started making up genders and pronouns.

        After Obergefell v. Hodges in 2015, Big Gay moved on to pushing trans stuff.

        So the political retardation has been going on for barely nine years.

      • MikeS

        barely nine years.

        Nowhere near a decade!

      • Common Tater

        That’s when it started, it didn’t get going until after Trump got elected in 2016 β€” it got folded into the whole “resist” movement, and Big Tech cranked up the censorship.

  2. Common Tater

    I liked Rubber. Also, Roxane Mesquida.

    • R.J.

      I could not get into it. I know that has many connotations but I could not get into Rubber.

  3. R.J.

    OMG, I just got a “Who Are You Voting For” text. Fuck off, spammers!

    • Tundra

      I also just sent you an email. Not spam.

      • MikeS

        Fuck off, not-spammers!

      • MikeS

        I DON’T LIKE SPAM!!!11

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I DON’T LIKE SPAM!

        *Sends a pic of Spam to MikeS

      • MikeS

        Are you coming to HH?

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Yeah, my girlfriend and I will be there.

      • Fourscore

        Nick will be sitting in Jimbo’s seat at the head of the table. It would have been a tie with Kinnath but Kinnath gave up his claim ’cause he’s a nice guy. OTOH don’t expect
        any mead this year. Nick will wear the longevity hat. Jimbo is trying to wiggle his way in by sending a surrogate kid but he broke the chain.

      • Pope Jimbo

        So what your are saying is that next year when I get back, I need to Kerrigan PO’d Nick so I get get clear title to Grand Old Man of the Honey Harvest?

        Nick better treat my stable of 80+ Iron Range Babes right!

    • rhywun

      Ew gross.

      I got my first text spam a few weeks ago – “UPS cannot deliver your package because ____” (insert various reasons in each subsequent spam).

    • Sean

      Send them a dick pic back.

      • R.J.

        I love you guys. I hope we are all housed in the same work camp.

    • Pope Jimbo

      So even though I am technically a contractor now, I am still on a lot of internal lists.

      Today I got an email inviting me to take a survey on my Carbon Footprint. Our German Overlords in Hamburg really want us to participate.

      Dear Colleagues,
      We are measuring our CO2 emissions again this year and need your help to ensure accuracy. If you participated last year, we would greatly appreciate your participation again. Together, we can contribute to sustainably reducing our carbon emissions.
      Thank you in advance for your participation!

      Car (Gasoline, Diesel)
      Electric Car
      Public bus

      After determining that it really is anonymous, I filled it out. I drive an internal combustion car over 100Km every day (one way). The next page asked for free form comments and I made sure to mention that ICE cars have an overall lower carbon footprint than EV’s.

      • UnCivilServant

        You disappoint me – You should have told them that CO2 is not a pollutant, but plant food, and they need to stop starving the plants.

  4. The Other Kevin

    BREAKING: The DNC surprise guest is STEVE SMITH. The Republic is saved.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats


    • R.J.


      • Gustave Lytton

        What year is it? 1995? Stop trying to use the fucking speakerphone and use a headset.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Wtf? How did this end up here?

  5. MikeS

    RJ: Did you see Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead? I skimmed and it looks pretty fun.

      • MikeS

        Dang. And awww!

    • Common Tater

      As a big fan of NJH, it’s pretty awful.

      Big Tits Zombie, Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl, Rape Zombie Lust of the Dead, Dead Sushi, etc. are all way better.

      • R.J.

        You mentioned that in the post comments. You also mentioned that you had taken a huge shit as the first comment. It was an epic comment section.

      • Common Tater

        Excellent, remind to cook up a pot of habichuelas guisadas before the next JNH post.

        Are any of those on Tubi?

  6. CPRM

    Sorry RJ, I’m watching Kamala’s Dance Party, not just because I hate myself, but I need a plot for next weeks cartoon.

    • Tundra

      Thoughts and prayers, brother.

    • MikeS


    • R.J.


      You are doing it for the greater good.

    • Common Tater

      Well, I hope at least drugs are involved.

    • rhywun

      I watched about 10 seconds of Pelosi slurring some rambling nonsense.

      I’m sure you’ve got a goldmine there.

      • Common Tater

        Hillary, Pelosi, Kamala, are all these broads a bunch of drunks?

      • R.J.

        I like “Grandma Box Wine” as Pelosi’s nickname.

  7. UnCivilServant

    My most recent attempt at BBQ sauce tastes closer to what I’m aiming for, after simmering but before roasting.

    4 Bell Peppers – roasted, cored, skinned, and pureed.
    1/2 Cup bourbon whiskey
    1/2 Cup apple cider vinegar
    2 tablespoons onion powder
    1 tablespoon garlic powder
    2 tablespoons kosher salt
    1 tablespoon smoked paprika
    2 tablespoons paprika
    2 teaspoons ground black pepper
    2+ tablespoons Monkfruit sweetener
    1/8 cup or less liquid smoke
    1/4 Cup Worcestershire sauce

    Simmer to reduce.

    Roasting pork dosed in it now. Will see how it turns out.

    • R.J.

      Interesting. That’s a lot of ingredients. You may be able to reduce them over time and achieve similar or better results.

      • Common Tater

        Yes, seems a bit busy.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve only made a few batches so far.

        I can play around with the spices and see what results I get.

      • MikeS

        I haaaate liquid smoke. YMMV of course, but I’d ditch that and the regular paprika and go with all smoked paprika.

      • UnCivilServant

        All of these seasonings are “Your Milage May Vary” sorts of ingredients. In my research no two recipes agreed on what should be there.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh ya you are from Texas…well other folks use more than just salt and pepper.

    • Don escaped Texas

      no objections

      but I don’t like spirits in recipes: they aren’t rich enough to season any mass…just drink ’em
      maybe in pecan pie, but nothing larger

      this was supper

      • UnCivilServant

        I have bottles of Evan Williams that I don’t like drinking, so if I can still use them…

      • rhywun

        Mmm I like all of that except the sea-bug sauce.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Evan does not approve of Evan Williams. He is a very bad, bad man.

      • Common Tater

        Worcestershire is anchovies. I wouldn’t call fish “bugs”. Although I’m no expert on British English.

      • R.J.

        Yeah, I tried that. Not a fan either. Bulleit rules the cheap bourbon roost.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Cognac is useful in a variety of recipes. Couldn’t do Gaelic steak without whiskey.

      • rhywun



      • Gustave Lytton

        Also not a EW fan, of any of their labels. Old Forester, Early Times BIB, JTS Brown BIB are my cheapos.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Those would be mud bugs. They’re crawdads around here.

      • DrOtto

        Evan Williams isn’t very good, but for a couple bucks more, Evan Williams Bottled in Bond is very solid.

      • Spudalicious

        Rittenhouse Rye, Larceny Bourbon, Knob Creek Rye are lower end that are typically in the cabinet.

      • MikeS

        Rittenhouse and Dickel are my favorite cheap rye/bourbons.

      • Suthenboy

        I will ask later when we are both on at the same time.

    • UnCivilServant

      The sauce worked.

      Of course, I can play around with the seasonings in future tries.

      • R.J.

        It’s heavy on smoke flavor. Suggestion to condense:
        4 Bell Peppers – roasted, cored, skinned, and pureed.
        1 Cup apple cider vinegar
        2 tablespoons onion powder
        1 tablespoon garlic powder
        2 tablespoons kosher salt
        2 tablespoon smoked paprika
        2 teaspoons ground black pepper
        2+ tablespoons Monkfruit sweetener
        1/4 Cup Worcestershire sauce

        Smoke the seasoning on the grill or in a glass with mesquite (like a smoked drink).

      • R.J.

        Texas style would use brown sugar instead of sweetener, and add dried cayenne powder.

      • R.J.

        I know you are probably using the sweetener for a reason – if you can try Turbinado sugar. Very flavorful.

      • UnCivilServant

        The reason for the sweetener is because I’m trying to keep keto. So I had to swap the brown sugar with something. The explicit brown sugar replacement was sold out when I was shopping.

    • CPRM

      Just askin questions, by whycome no tomato?

      • Ownbestenemy

        He went over this!

      • MikeS

        Are you throwing nightshade at him?

  8. DEG

    I’m going to watch this later. I was out for dinner a bit late, and I have some stuff to wrap up for work.

    thanks RJ!

    • R.J.

      Thanks for checking in! Now go have a drinking game with the Democratic convention.

      • rhywun

        Oh god the queen has arrived.

  9. CPRM

    They follow their segment on ‘We’re going to take your guns’ with a segment on ‘We need a strong military’, will the next segment be about how we need breathing room?

    • R.J.

      Lebensraum. That’s how “we need breathing room” is pronounced.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Gun grabbing as a means to end “gun violence” in the middle of Chicago. Huh.

      Almost as good as having the Central Park 5 for false rape allegations preceded by Al Sharpton.

      • R.J.

        Give up your guns! We will protect you! Nothing could go wrong!

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Kauft nicht bei ungeimptfe Personen!

  10. CPRM

    Some Pol from Arizona “John McCain was a Hero”; I thought he was LITERALLY HITLER?

    • Common Tater

      McCain, Romney, etc. are only literally Hitler when they are running against a Democrat. Otherwise, they are statist uniparty heroes.

      • Pope Jimbo

        This is my approach to Japanese. I’ll just plug in stuff where it makes sense.

        For example, “daijobu” means “no problem”. “Dai” usually means a +1 modifier. “Daisuki” = “love”, “suki” = “like”.

        So my thinking is “jobu” means “a bit of a problem”. Everyone around me has no idea what I’m talking about. When I explain my thinking, gales of laughter ensue.

        I’m for the American Empire now, simply to make these people learn to speak English.

    • CPRM

      Eva Longoria, ‘we have a saying in spanish, si se puede, yes we can, but now it’s SHE se puede because yes she can!’

      I’m no linguist, but I’m not sure that’s how language works.

      • R.J.

        Si como puto?

      • MikeS

        Thot not thought.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      ISTR Tom Woods asserting about 7 years ago that McCain’s POW experience was highly embellished at best.

    • Ownbestenemy

      *checking chart* Nope there is an exception if any person, who has been possibly commented upon by Trump, said person is now acceptable and shall be a hero.

      Its right there in the bylaws.

  11. DrOtto

    I heard some of King Walz on NPR today. Has he always sounded like a South Park character when he pontificates?

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      heard some of King Walz

      *lightweight, crumbles under pressure. Was bullied as a child, so is a bully now.

      /see the snitch line

  12. CPRM

    Biden must have had to get to bed, she thanked him and they didn’t show him

    • MikeS

      He’s on another vacation. Somewhere in California this time.

      • CPRM

        He went to go live on a nice farm upstate?

    • Evan from Evansville

      Biden didn’t show? If so… wow. Uh..huh. Well. Hrm.

      Any mention of Harris to upsell Trump: “How can anyone trust someone who lied to America –the world!– about who was really acting as the President of the United States?!” Poke along the lines of “Who the hell WAS the acting president, Mrs. Harris?! I ‘spose it must’ve been you. Hrm. How long were you in charge of The Executive? Just how much of our economic turmoil is on your shoulders?”

      I am not terribly optimistic she won’t somehow win. Life is rather curious.

      • rhywun

        Not to mention, “who the hell voted for you?”

      • Evan from Evansville

        Fuck. Yes. “How’s that ‘DEMOCRACY’ ya claim to represent! All you and no votes?!”

        *shoulder, face cocked* bitch pleaaaase… <—-should be the slam on her. This boy dreams of many things. (I like sour gummy bears. *kicks pebble*)

  13. MikeS

    I gotta say, I am very disappointed in the Chicago protestors. They just don’t make anarcho-Marxist agitators like they used to. Sad!

    • rhywun

      I really thought we were up for another Summer of Love. Maybe they’re focusing on college campuses again? I’m hearing some indications that the fall semester is just going to be more of the same as last semester.

      • MikeS

        Yeah, I suppose most of the would be rioters are busy back-to-school shopping for tents, bullhorns, and keffiyehs.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The left wing “protestors” have been completely outed as brownshirts of one party or the deep state, and their summer of love antics were completely condoned by those actually holding power.

    • Ownbestenemy

      They got the memo…get in line.

    • KSuellington

      I called it a couple weeks ago. A broken window or two but nothing much. The protestors were given their marching orders and have followed them.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Lines up with the Kamala’s speech. A large part of her base does not want a pre-Isreal stance and she made it so tonight. That should concern Team Dumbass I think.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Chicago PD found their power. Lots of “fuck the police” which, sure I am all for. Dude holding up traffic…protestors saying “let him go”…which we know he will be

      • Ownbestenemy

        “Go home pigs” chants now…so ya..there is some action

      • MikeS

        There’s obviously gonna be some ebbs and flows, but when I tuned in there seemed to be more paparazzi than protestors. So fucking lame.

        But, it’s still early. Maybe these soy boys and girls and otherkins will fucking man up overnight.

      • MikeS

        Ohhh! “Pigs go home”. Haha. I thought they were saying “bitch go home” and was going to comment on the misogyny. lol

      • Ownbestenemy

        Police finally found their nuts..I guess. Attendees out now. Peaceful, which is good.

      • MikeS

        things might be getting interesting as people leave the convention hall

      • Ownbestenemy

        blocking traffic now…probably gonna be okay.

      • Ownbestenemy

        On to basically checkpoints and asking if you support Palestine

      • MikeS

        Red shirt guy in the red car is my hero. He’s gonna be on the news tomorrow

      • Ownbestenemy

        oh…now focused on blocking one dude. Assholes

      • Ownbestenemy

        Dude’s patience is epic..but…can only be so much. Hopefully just let him through.

      • MikeS

        Idiots: Free Palestine

        Hero: I don’t give a fuck about Palestine

      • Ownbestenemy

        I swear there was a guy who said “I have a sign!” as people pestered him. Epic. Again…glad it is just assholes and not dumbasses.

  14. Evan from Evansville

    It’s been remarkably relieving for the day to have been so long yet gone by so fast. MmmHmmm! I’m tremendously pleased.

    I STILL have a few SOPs to go over and sign, and then some “quizzes” I gotta take. I was pretty much told today it’s the online form of Open Book. Coworkers all seem chipper, chill and friendly. End of the month and bennies, today was quite slow on the floor. Tomorrow I should, and honestly hope, I get out on the floor and start shadowing. I need a goddamn yearbook of faces and names, dammit. I’ve forgotten at least four already. *gggrug*

    The shadowing –> ‘doing shit while watched’ —> ‘doing shit on own’ will be a curious journey. I have vague ideas of how it’s supposed to go, but my first ever client should be quite chill. Ain’t a patient. I practiced on students who wanted to learn, and these folk also wanna gain something. It’s so swweeeeeet $$ is the incentive ‘n drive. Makes me happy

  15. CPRM

    The Democratic party is now officially the party of war. Good job hippies.

  16. rhywun

    She’s trying to have it both ways in Israel. I wonder how that plays out.

  17. rhywun

    Fuck this.

    She is so full of shit. I made it through four minutes.

    • Ownbestenemy

      That is an outfit that screams…..communism

      “In community, there is strength” fuck these platitudes…that is straight Nazism.

  18. CPRM

    LOL She actually said “In Unity There is Strength!” Like a bundle of sticks, I guess.

    • Ownbestenemy

      A terrorist org called Hamas did things…I mean..we are fucked.

    • Gustave Lytton

      “Everything within the Democrat Party, nothing outside the Democrat Party, nothing against the Democrat party.”

      DNC 2024 slogan, probably.

      • Ownbestenemy

        USA USA chant was…muted. Interesting.

      • MikeS

        I’m shocked someone even started a USA chant.

      • CPRM

        There were many USA chants. Nationalism, strength in unity, strong military, a strong welfare state, eugenics in the form of abortions and being pro war but anti-Isreal. I dunno, it just all seems somehow familiar.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Oh it was very very quiet. So probably a small section. Or my hearing is bad. Its 50/50 like our country.

    • Ownbestenemy

      ah, i went back and listened. my call was wrong. unity there is strength. She might have well just gone all out Acoltye with this..

  19. Ownbestenemy

    Alright…gonna say it. Her hand movements are very….vagina’esqe

  20. Ownbestenemy

    At least CNN put freedom in scare quotes…

    Accepting the party’s nomination, Harris lays out her agenda, diminishes Trump and offers a message of β€˜freedom’

    On CNN also

    Our future

    ‘ll be watching whether this enthusiasm we’ve seen for Harris across the “for you pages” on social media platforms continues. Will the young Americans seeing Harris memes in their feeds turn out to vote when the rubber meets the road? Engaging with digital creators is a big piece of the strategy to bring them out. Will it work?

    I guess it is no different than “will water cooler conversations be held”

    • CPRM

      Except, the ‘For You’ pages are pushed advertising, not organic conversation.

      • Ownbestenemy

        That is the game that the young understand.

  21. Ownbestenemy

    I aint gonna knock CNN for not immediately putting up a fact check. They have been trying. Really, it hasn’t been terrible in terms of one-sided partisan coverage. Slanted, yes, but not all in. However, come on…you had to have been fact-checking that mess of bullshit.

  22. Ownbestenemy

    Interesting tidbit from CNN again

    Historic nomination: Harris is the first Black woman and first Asian American to lead a major-party ticket. If elected, she would be the first woman and Indian American president.

    Oh…can’t claim first black president got it. All about first claims. Bro was onto something.

    • Brochettaward

      Reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.

  23. Aloysious


    After this, I’m going to watch Jesus Christ Vampire Killer again.

    If I don’t fall asleep.

    And if I can find it.

    • Aloysious

      Oh. Yeah. You helpfully provided the link.

      I am the durp.

  24. CPRM

    Kamala should write a book about her struggle.

    • creech

      Doesn’t she have to be in prison to do so?

  25. Common Tater

    This movie is awesome. Sorry it got upstaged by some high yellow cuntbasket.

    Thanks, RJ πŸ™‚

  26. Ownbestenemy

    Good on Team Blue to not go insane in Chicago. Well, good on the people outside of the DNC DMZ

    Still. We were expecting much more and you will not be joining the Jedi or Sith training course this semester. Beter luck next year, good day sirs/madams.

  27. Ownbestenemy

    Fact check are in..

    Facts First: Harris’ claim is correct. Trump has previously expressed support for imprisoning journalists and political opponents.

    CNN: True

    Rationale…Trump has promised to use the Department of Justice to attack critics and former allies. <—This leads to an opinion piece of CNN called "CNN's What Matters newsletter" There other proof? <a href=""Here

    I had some hopes above that while slanted, CNN was doing a decent job.

    Look, I am all for exposing politicians, but linking to that…that is bullshit.

    Oh..the fact checks are more on Trump than on Harris. Yay!

    • MikeS

      But it was totes cool when Obama did it

      • Ownbestenemy

        You aint wrong Why The Obama Administration Wants This Journalist In Jail

      • CPRM

        Well, see, that’s like Ukraine, when they stormed their capital and demanded to overthrow an election, that was Democracy in action. When Trump supporters did it, it was insurrection. Who does things matters, not how or why they do them.

      • CPRM

        To argue otherwise is ‘Whataboutism’, boomer.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, U, Ted’S., and Stinky!

      • UnCivilServant


        Everything right with the world? Or something awry?

      • Gender Traitor

        As far as I can tell, there’s a lot awry with the world, but I’m fine. How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I made it to the office. I’ve arranged for someone to water the lavender there while I’m gone. I’ve filed for my mail to be held so it doesn’t pile up at the house. I’ve twice sprayed the plants growing through my sidewalk, but some are stubborn bastards. If you’re growing in concrete, I suppose you have to be a little stubborn. Paid my regular monthly bills. Made sure I have ample audiobooks for the drive. Still have some other stuff on my “must get done before leaving” checklist.

      • Gender Traitor

        Sounds great! I’m sure you can handle whatever is left to be done.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Morning, GT!

        Hope everything is great stateside. My wife is really suffering from a cold she caught from her niece. Worse. I got a whiff of it, but nowhere near as bad as she did. I tried to tell her to stock up on L-Lysine, but because it was my idea, she didn’t dose up. As soon as the niece got sick, I doubled up on L-Lysine and I’ve been doing pretty good.

  28. Sean

    My Silk browser lost at least 100 open tabs. Mostly YouTube tabs. Mostly music, but some gun related stuff. πŸ˜’


    • Ted S.

      More likely the NSA.

    • UnCivilServant

      Question – Why do you keep over 100 tabs open?

      • Sean

        Because I can?

        It’s been stable for years like that.

        It’s odd that a dozen or so didn’t get lost. Would have made more sense for a total crash.

      • Ted S.

        Because FYTW? :-p

      • rhywun

        Yeah that would drive me nuts.

        I also wish I could Zero Inbox.

      • UnCivilServant

        I have nearly 80,000 emails in my inbox.

        All of them are read, but there are times when I have to pull out old messages and go “On X/Y/Z, you said…”

    • UnCivilServant

      Ah, Why did I miss the obvious joke – Your browser tabs have been redistributed, hoarder.

  29. Sean

    OMG, CBS really laying it on thick this morning about CommaLa.

    We’re so fucked. Proper fucked.

    Maybe we’ll get a more communist flag in our soon to be 3rd world country.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      You don’t like price controls dude? Do you like paying ten dollars for a Big Mac?

    • The Hyperbole

      It’s gonna be fine.

      • UnCivilServant

        You wanted a reminder closer to my road trip that I was going to be passing nearby on the 27th in case we were able to meet up so that you could offload some electronics stuff you were tired of having take up space.

        As that is this coming tuesday, I figured I should give said reminder. For more detailed planning, and avoiding risk of missing messages posted in comments, my email is scribe at evcombine dot net .

      • The Hyperbole

        Sent you a email, will be from mi5to let me know if you don’t get it. I’m off to work so Ill check in later.

      • UnCivilServant

        I got it and responded, have a good day at work.

  30. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    yo whats goody


    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, homey!

    • UnCivilServant

      *checks calendar*

      Payday’s next wednesday.

    • Evan from Evansville


      My next payday is going to assist in my mood, tone, social possibilities, and natural chemical makeup. Shall be nice.

  31. Evan from Evansville

    Third of five 10-hour shifts in a row. Shocked how quickly it all goes. I honestly am. Hopefully today I get done w the slightly ridiculous online quizzing they have me/us do and get out on the floor to help out. It would be nice and is a goal.

    Five in a row was only cuz a Dr appt I have next Wed. Next week I only work Mon, Thurs and Fri to make up for it. We get every other weekend (pretty) guaranteed off, so they bunched things (with my approval) to give me the full weekend off, next. This is in my Korea and Tribune versions of going out and conquering the world. I enjoy the odd routes I do find.

    The facility is getting slower… and almost all of it is cuz bennies are drying out. I was told and gathered this. I wonder how busy weekends are. Normally, hey!, ya got more time. But also, hey!, ya got kids and can be w ’em, addition. I’m guessing far less busy, but also people w weekday jobs will influx, so I’m not sure the layout yet. Which is much of the charm.

    Evan is happy Knave and Nicole seem to have gotten together and fucked out progeny they strongly approve of. (This is in reference to sides of my personality. Not my rogue-Dad and mother who isn’t actually named that.)

    • UnCivilServant

      I’m not sure I could mentally handle five ten hours in a row without some preparation. I’ve gotten complacent.

      Glad things are still going well.

      • Evan from Evansville

        To be perfectly fair and clear, I’m in a training room reading SOPs, signing off on them, and then 25% of the ~130 docs are legit ‘kinda gotta look at, write high school notes, then take a quiz w really no pressure. I’ve been around the floor and talked to colleagues and folk, but I haven’t actually done anything yet.

        This is still onboarding, which I’d consider half-work. However, we get an hour for lunch. I don’t need that long. I’d prefer to take 30min or so and get off early. Naps will eventually be built in. I’m also an energetic, athletic and wiry, (borderline jittery), little (taller than older bro!) creature.

  32. SarumanTheGreat

    Good morning all. New guy here. Been lurking for some months, but been enjoying reading the conversations, pun chains, and the general knowledge and advice you give to each other. Don’t care for some of the crude humor in the serial comedy postings, but them I’m not required to nor should anybody file down their sharp edges to avoid sending me into a dead faint. Look forward to meeting those of you fairly local to me (Sean). Because of internet issues (70% of the time I have no internet, period) I will be posting only intermittently. Because of that issue I apologize in advance if I am tardy (or flat out don’t) reply to responses. Also because I am not electronically geared (Iphone rarely in hand, computer often miles away when I am out in the field) I am frequently blissfully unaware that I am in a conversation until days or even weeks later, which makes me look like a rude ass. So my MO will be more like see something interesting to comment on, lay in a comment, and fly off. I have more than Orthanc to look after these days, after all!

    • Richard

      Fuck off Tulpa!

  33. Evan from Evansville

    To all ‘fore I depart: I’m sorry my mood and tone were rather, uh, depression and nonsense spurred “oh, this fuck” demeanor many found off-putting. Correctly so, I gather.

    Certainly a funsy article should be written by this one. I can’t think of many travel ones that I haven’t done / wouldn’t be depressing (Cambodia comes to mind). I’m also concerned about the pics and internal memories I have. Hrm.

    Thinking my character will bring ’em together: I put my phlebotomical medical dive in the same upper strata of ‘Korea,’ the Peru Tribune, and ‘recovery from The Incident’– times I just bounded out and started something new. I’m an odd one. I’m thinking a pretty tell-tale version of how I ‘decided’ to go medical. A write-up of folk-sellin’ plasma is a feel-good story just by itself. I can’t believe I fucking ‘lucked’ into something that morally suits me to perfection. (Internal Narrator of Sense: It wasn’t luck.) <– I find it hard to believe I have a deep understanding of 'sense' inside me. "I just dooo things…"

    I would be curious, and onward, upward! A curious flight, this one. I rather enjoy how I "tend" to not-often-strolled 'lil alleys.