Tio’s tacos and tournaments

by | Aug 13, 2024 | Choose Your Own Adventure | 73 comments

I decided to step out of my comfort zone and play a tournament far, far away. The Hyzer Project, a one round PDGA sanctioned qualifying tournament. My destination was Riverside, 100 miles north, a quick 90 minutes with fast track. I had never played the course, so I went up Friday to check it out, get my hotel room and have some dinner.

Hole 17, a pretty view

It’s a nice open non technical place, well maintained so I figured it would be easier than Morley, my home course.

Cucamonga peak, 25 miles northwest, 8800′

After playing a few holes and chatting up the locals I split back to my room in downtown and sat on the balcony for a smoke and what did I see across the street?

Tio’s tacos, right then I knew what was for dinner.


The venue was basically take-out, but the entire place was a series of dining areas all in different Mexican Art themes. It is very lush with gardens and shade trees, and a temperate breeze makes it wonderful. All in downtown Riverside, who knew. And they serve alcohol. I was in a hurry so I missed some of the atmosphere, but this will give you a good idea,

Saturday morning I woke up early, grabbed some coffee and headed to the course. As I walked to registration I saw Shelly Mae and JJ from back home, which was cool, but I still started with strangers. They were older guys like me still we tore the course down, XP you know.

I finished in the top twenty which is good for me, and my plan is to play as many tournaments as I can this year. 6 so far, but while all that was happening…

I decided to install a pair of ductless mini split AC systems for our house, we don’t need much, and running the 5 ton is insane, so we are doing spot cooling. I got some Chinese stuff from Amazon very cheap and the first thing I saw was the refrigerant was slightly flammable, What? I did a bit of research and found it has a bit of Dimethane in it. After a new vacuum pump and gauges I was ready to play. I ran 100 feet of new electrical lines and had to rework the cheap flares but got it done. Let’s see how it runs.Total price, 800$ per ton/system

Yes, it runs great and our pack of wild puppies are happy.

I hope you enjoyed the show, Cheers!

About The Author

Yusef drives a Kia

Yusef drives a Kia

Punctually illiterate But never late


  1. juris imprudent

    Cucamonga peak, 25 miles northwest

    I grew up about 2 miles south of the base of that.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I lived on the corner of Arrow hwy and eighth Ave for years

      • juris imprudent

        Baseline near Haven was my childhood area, had an apartment just below Arrow and west of Euclid.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I did too, a long cul du sac of nothing but apartments, same place, 19 years old

  2. Tundra

    One of my reps is in Corona. Would have been nice to know about this earlier, Yusef!

    But thanks for the article. How big is the space you are cooling with the mini split?

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Downstairs I’m doing 600 squares for 1 ton, excellent. Upstairs is about 500 square.

      • Tundra

        What town are you in now?

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        San Diego, 80 and humid, they work very well under the conditions and would do so in most climes IMEO

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        San Diego

        Please, please, please try “Not Not Tacos” for me and report back.

    • Chafed

      Let me know when you are in town, Tundra. I work in Riverside.

  3. Tundra

    Slow night so far, but I sent out the primary Honey Harvest email.

    If you didn’t get it or want to, please send me a note at minnetundra at geemail.



      Is the argument that a liability waiver in the EULA of Disney+, which I presume applies to any damage their software does to the user’s equipment or some such, applies to medical damages?

      That’s bonkers.

      • Sensei

        Any dealings at all with all Disney entities must be arbitrated if you at any point signed up for their streaming service.

      • juris imprudent

        So this is nearly the South Park episode in real life?

    • Sean

      I couldn’t even finish the review, but yeah. Brutal.

  4. Derpetologist

    Finally got and signed the teaching job offer letter. I start Friday. Yay me.

    • kinnath


    • Yusef drives a Kia

      Good on ya!
      Those who can, do
      Those who can’t, teach
      / old man teacher

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)


    • Derpetologist

      A musical interlude

      Florida Man, Florida Man
      Does whatever a redneck can
      Can he hold down a job?
      Yes he can, he’s a Florida Man


    • Don escaped Texas

      good deal

    • Chafed

      Congratulations Derpe!

    • hayeksplosives

      Nice! Congratulations.

      I hope your life settles down into a happy routine.

    • Sean


  5. Grumbletarian

    That looks like a fun course. It’s been several months since the last time I went disc golfing. But it’s brutally hot, and I’ve been brutally busy.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      It can be a brutal, that’s why I only play away if it’s a PDGA sanctioned event, otherwise I stay home.
      I actually work at my course now as a starter, the best job I ever had,

  6. Fourscore

    But how was the food at Tio’s Tacos? The decor was interesting but I’m more into the eating part.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      I only had a chance, got the wet green burrito con Pollo, it was excellent, definitely recommended

    • Evan from Evansville

      I strongly approve of the outdoor decor, especially. That took a lot of work, and damn well-executed. The commitment to the over-the-topness makes me happy. Would gain me as a customer. A repeat-one if the food was good. Verde-related is my favorite Mexican+ stuff, so I’m glad they aced that as well.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        They make great food, do try it if you are ever there

    • hayeksplosives

      I really like the butterfly canopy.

  7. Yusef drives a Kia

    Start a small fire, attract your dogs, very primal, it’s not cold.

      • rhywun

        That is a lot of dogs.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        I take care of 6, lots of fun

  8. dbleagle

    I am back from an interisland race. Oahu to Kauai, that was about 100 miles long. After the long slog back, I am sore and tired. It was bliss, distilled into a pure form to slide into my pool and get the salt off of me.

    The world apparently did not end.

    • slumbrew

      Jelly, as ever.

      *fondly thinks of time on the Big Island*

      • Chafed

        That’s a weird nickname for your wife.

  9. Ownbestenemy

    Yusef! Nice!

    My family…oh my family. My niece is telling me my sister won’t visit because *checks demographics* “Asian alone 6%” in terms of demographics. Now…could be my niece projecting so will have to call my sister for clarification. Interesting enough…California is only 15%. So really, WTF?

    This needs a call to the sis to clear this up because I think its my niece stirring up shit. Also, she thinks Handmaidens is about to happen and loves Kamala. No reason other than she is not Trump.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Ive frequented Tios.

    • slumbrew

      So I should never visit Japan because it’s less than 1% white? Nor most Africain countries?

      That’s a weird criteria.

      • Ownbestenemy

        So some background. She is a new mom…steeped heavily into the progressive view of California and to the point where she thinks her sister and brother (1/4 Asian ) are going to be hunted down. This is my favorite niece. One I talk to on the regular. I don’t know how to combat that. She even questions if I even have neighbors of anything other than KKK members. Its fucking sad.

      • slumbrew

        That’s incredibly sad, OBE.

        My wife’s aunt went to grad school in Florida back in the 70s and had a classmate legit look for the aunt’s horns, because “Jews have horns”.

        Believing the worst of people because they live in Kentucky is that level of ignorance .

        Just embarrassing for her.

      • Ted S.

        Does she have a “Hate has no place here” sign too?

      • Ted S.

        Should be embarrassing for her, but the Dominant Culture really pushes that sort of bigotry as A-OK.

  10. Chafed

    I’m confused Yusef. Were you playing in Riverside or Rancho Cucamonga?

    • Ownbestenemy

      True…that is two different places

    • rhywun

      It is insane that Colbert was sort of funny once upon a time. That and late-nite TV in general. Before the world went stupid.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        He was funny back in the bears being the primary threat days but it’s been all downhill from there, especially since 2016.

    • Suthenboy

      I have noticed about skin-suiting that once the process is complete the guilty parties are confused and outraged that the credibility they usurped evaporates. In this case they will be accusing people of trannyphobia because they dont want to participate/watch the tranny shows the way they used to watch the olympics.
      Just pulling this out of my ass but their confusion is related to their use of language to change perception. When they change word meanings or invent new words what they completely miss is that words are just sounds. The concepts that words designate remain unchanged. People dont buy Maytag washers anymore because they have become the same shit as everyone else. “But it’s a Maytag!”
      Yeah, it is a Maytag but the name/brand no longer designate what we were really seeking – quality, long life and reliability.
      Participation trophies dont mean anything if they aren’t based on merit.

      • Suthenboy

        I should have called it a cargo cult mentality. I should also have more coffee.

    • rhywun

      I like some crap but holy shit… that is incredible.

    • Sean


      • Sean

        Going into Philly this morning. Contemplating taking an AK. πŸ˜’

      • rhywun

        Drug run in Kensington?

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, Sean, rhy, and Suthen! (I assume GL is asleep by now.)

      • Gender Traitor

        A couple of details to take care of for payroll, but mainly the big, offsite all-staff meeting this afternoon to worry about. Luckily, once the meeting starts, my work is pretty much done.

        How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        Once I finished the performance evaluation stuff and sent the paperwork off to disappear into the archives, I slept for twelve hours and woke up around my normal time this morning. I had been gaining weight, but today was the first indicator that I might have reversed that trend again (need more data to be sure). And I need to make sure everything is squared away before I hit the road later this month.

  11. Sean

    Looks like the brother fucker won her primary.

    • UnCivilServant

      I like not this news, bring me different news.