Ella Emhoff Had the Best Dress at the DNC

I was going to post some of the article, but I’m worried it might cause physical damage in some of you due the craven Kamala-sucking. Is that really the best dress at the DNC? What were the other contenders? A trash bag? Sackcloth and ashes? She can’t just be Kamala’s doofus hipster step-daughter, she has to be a paragon.
The byline is also hilarious: By Andrea González-Ramírez, a senior writer for the Cut who covers systems of power.

2. You Bait The Line
Harris and Walz to give first sit-down interview as Democratic ticket on CNN
Kamala Harris and Tim Walz will sit for their first interview as the Democratic ticket on Thursday, after weeks of demands from Republicans and members of the media for the nominees to open themselves up to questions.
The interview, which will be conducted by CNN anchor Dana Bash from the battleground state of Georgia, is set for a primetime spot on CNN at 9pm ET.
Despite a whirlwind of media coverage of the Harris campaign and a surge of support in the six weeks since Joe Biden ended his bid for re-election and endorsed her, the vice-president has yet to do a formal interview or hold a press conference.
Is it going out live and unedited like the mush-brain post-withdrawal Biden interview that had at least 70 edits?
And why are they being interviewed together? It is because America’s Dad can feed her a treat if she begins to sperg-out? So Walz can short-circuit one of her looping word vomits? Or it this just a sop because she is going to try and change the debate with Trump until he finally refuses to do it? It has to be a real fear; Biden is out because they couldn’t pump him full of enough speed and forbidden herbs grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum to be vaguely normal for sixty minutes?

3. You Slowly Spread The Net
Just, like fuck off.
4. You Catch The Man
Thank you for everyone that suggested Brave. It took a bit of wrangling to also install it at work. Reading up, Google seems to be deliberately breaking ad-blocking to drive revenue and subscriptions to ad-free YouTube. (I held on so long because I fucking hate change. It’s a real issue for me.)
Anyone have any suggestion for a replacement for Google Drive? I need it for MS Word-free document generation and storage. And it should be easy for a rage-filled maniac to use.

“The last time I saw a mouth like that it had a hook in it.”
I don’t know what facial expression that’s supposed to be, and I’m not sure I want to.
That expression is called a rictus, and it’s not a pretty thing.
I suspect that someone had to tell her to smile for the camera, and that’s what she produced.
There’s a word that doesn’t get used nearly enough.
Hey! Isn’t that our Minnesoda state senator Erin Maye Quade?
Why to the crazy ladies all think that those big glasses make them look smart? Are they supposed to hide the crazy eyes?
Sigh. The curse of my life is to be forever attracted to women like that.
Sounds fishy to me.
I like Brave.
I don’t use Google Drive, and I don’t use an alternative.
I notice and applaud.
Would you buy a used electric scooter from this woman?
I would never buy an electric scooter, but if I was going to steal one, she would be my gal.
After The Crow, and The Running Man, I’m predicting there will be a remake of The Princess Bride. Where the brides will be Buttercup and Weslene.
Obvious Buttercup would have to be the hero and rescue Wesley because girl-power.
Played by Rachel Zegler, she rescues herself. Wesley has been cut from the film.
For sure Inigo Montoya and Fezzik would have to be a gay couple.
I am Inigo Montoya and you killed my father. Prepare to see me do nothing because he was a white guy and he probably had it coming.
I would expect Indigo Montoya — xe’s an expert swordsperxon with poison frog hair to match the name.
The Running Man getting a reboot isn’t a terrible idea. The original movie was mediocre, and changed the entire concept from the book (where he was out in public, not in a maze/set). This is an example of a reboot/remake that I kind of appreciate. Decent ideas, implemented poorly in the first attempt.
I never read the book, and the sheer cheese of the movie is what I love about it.
I don’t think a more faithful adaptation would be an improvement on what we’ve got.
The Total Recall remake could have made the same argument, but it was still trash.
Except the Total Recall movie was considered good to begin with. And the remake deviated from the book even MORE.
The original has a lot more in common with “The Fugitive” than it does with the movie.
Emhoff looks like any number of skinny, bland young women I see out and about around here. Neither especially pretty nor ugly.
She’d be invisible if it wasn’t for family.
She looks like the barista at my local Starbucks but with more tattoos.
Nice avatar, Stinky.
She’s an SEC three.
If it weren’t for her stepmom, she’d be your bog-standard barista, what with the noodle arms, problem glasses, and random collection of tats that scream “I’m on multiple SSRIs.”
Wow. SEC has gone downhill.
If the Running Man were based on the book, (Early Steven King writing as Richard Bachman) then it actually wouldn’t be a remake, because the book had very little in common with the Ah-nald Movie.
I really enjoyed the book.
Especially the ending. There is NO WAY a Hollywood movie would end like that. No way.
Back when Steven was a young, hungry drunken coke fiend and still wrote good books.
Steven King and the original screenplay fixers have doubtless retired to a nice Caribbean island — see, here’s a photo of them!
“Kamala came into my life when I was 14, famously a very easy time for a teenager,” the 25-year-old model and designer said. “Like a lot of young people, I didn’t always understand what I was feeling, but no matter what, Kamala was there for me. She was patient, caring, and always took me seriously. She’s never stopped listening to me, and she’s not going to stop listening to all of us.”
later in the article:
In recent weeks, as Republicans such as J.D. Vance attacked Kamala Harris over the fact that she has no biological children, Ella Emhoff has defended her “Momala.” “How can you be ‘childless’ when you have cutie pie kids like Cole and I,” she posted in an Instagram Story last month.
I’ve spent the last five minutes trying to come up with a good snarky response. Nothing quite works. Which is weird because this should be low hanging fruit for such things.
Momala has got to be the stupidest damn thing I’ve ever heard.
I remember when the spouses and children of candidates just appeared onstage and waved.
The TV Presidency began w JFK cuz tech advance. The off-the-chart sexiness (and a damn smart gal) of Jackie.. and the legit craziness of his Presidency, was a big turning point in society.
I don’t love JFK. Had he not been assassinated, he woulda done what LBJ continued. Bay of Pigs? Stupid. Meh. BUT: Cuban Missile Crisis? IDGAF, fuckin’ grand slam move by the leader of the (then (more) truly) Free world.
Was a good orator, when such was necessary. Good politician. Fuck. I don’t love JFK or his nutty history. But credit when due.
No, that is not how it went at all. Kamala is a sociopath. Ella probably got the feeling that someone brought a 100lb block of dry ice into the room when she met her. She probably said ‘oh, hey’ and was treated with all of the deference of that boot scraper in the mud room.
I say this with confidence because I have seen how sociopaths treat children many times.
“ahem, my dear: Cole and me“
Someone somewhere said Kamala is bringing along her emotional support governor. Gold.
She needs her Mansplainer to translate from whoryena speak.
Her Kackle Katcher.
Megyn Kelly.
She’s never stopped listening to me, and she’s not going to stop listening to all of us.
Big Sister is listening.
The way she drinks, Big Sister is Listing.
“There are a lot of questions that have been lingering out there for her to answer as we go into this fall campaign,” David Chalian, CNN’s political director, said
Like “What have you done in your career that would make any sensible person think that you’re ready for the Big Chair?”
“I’ve spent many years in front of it, ready to be of service!”
Harris has to have a chaperone for an interview. Should be a disqualifier. Tucker just interviewed RFK for an hour and a half Elon and Trump did at least that.
Look how comfortable Reagan was just chatting about issues.
It’s going to be some serious softball bullshit too.
Prescripted softball bullshit.
Vice President Harris, there are some that say you aren’t prepared to be President. What would you say to those critics?
“Vice President Harris, your campaign seems to have the momentum of a runaway freight train. Why are you so popular?”
Vie President Harris, what do you think about all the lies Trump tells?
Oh, bravo.
Vice President Harris, some Republicans have accused you of not addressing the migrant crisis at the border while at the same time refusing to pass the bi-partisan legislation that would fix the issue. What would you do differently as President to help solve this?
“I would make sure that such criticisms are silenced more quickly.”
Make sure the leading flattering questions can be answered with a “yes”.
She is happier than you and me.
I got served a Kamala fundraising ad at the beginning of that.
Well that’s approp.
Speaking of which, The Bee tees it up and sends it down the fairway again.
indeed, I remember those; as the kids say: we used to be a country….a proper country
Hell, Biden was considered disqualified for one of his previous runs just because of a bit of plagiarism. Can you imagine?!
If Google Drive and Microsoft are out of the running, you might look at Box. https://www.box.com/cloud-storage
Or procure a local NAS device.
Wait, doesn’t everyone run their own SAN and NAS environments?
I wanted to start an iSCSI versus FiberChannel debate…
Dear Lord, UCS — I don’t think I could spark that debate at work — and I work in a storage division of a major computer company.
There are some things that people just don’t care enough to argue about.
Actual fibrechannel or FCoE?
The kind I’m familiar with used actual fiber optic lines.
Fibrechannel it is then, so some stupid spamming tree issue doesn’t crash all your servers.
Nothing personal
The gunman in the assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump searched online for events of both Trump and President Joe Biden, repeatedly looked up information about explosives and saw the Pennsylvania campaign rally where he opened fire last month as a “target of opportunity,” a senior FBI official said Wednesday.
Investigators who have conducted nearly 1,000 interviews do not have a motive for why 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot at Trump during a July 13 campaign rally but they believe that he conducted “extensive attack planning,” including looking up campaign events involving both the current president and former president, particularly in western Pennsylvania.
It was either that or stay home and mow the lawn.
Why would anyone believe a single word from these “investigators” about what they did or didn’t find on this guy’s computer or cell phone? They could make up whatever they want out of whole cloth and there’s no way to disprove them.
If it’s not incredibly obvious at this point, the reason he doesn’t have any online digital footprint, it’s because it was scrubbed. Probably scrubbed for him. Probably by the FBI’s own IT.
[Passes ceremonial roll of tinfoil to CS]
I’ve reached Cedar Rapids. It seems Illinois decided to do road work every 3 miles along my route to get across their state. The time zone change has already thrown me, I wasn’t expecting Lynx.
Illinois always does roadwork, and yet the roads always suck.
Your union dollars at work.
Welcome to Iowa. See you soon.
I did send one more email asking for a clarification on time. We established when they open, but I’m not sure if we picked a specific time to arrive.
Opening time works for me or a bit later if you need it. The place is 15 minutes from where I work. I don’t have time to go home and then come back unless we meet at 6:30 or later.
And I am glad to see you online, because I realized the same thing.
Google says it’s about sixteen minutes from here too. So, lets go with opening.
Excellent. See you there.
Of course you weren’t expecting Lynx… folks around here are apparently getting Brave.
And TN is always that way for me (on the roadwork). You have my sympathies.
I’ve reached Cedar Rapids
Enjoy the unique aroma wafting off the Quaker plant on the south end of town.
Tim could join the Glib Round table for a gun discussion. He’s a hunter (and he has a dog named ‘Scout’) and I’m sure we could learn something from him.
Probably something to do with peasant hunting.
*not a typo*
That looks like my prom dress from 1988
Pretty in Pink really inspired her with the recycling fashion sequence?
That movie made me want to date Annie Pots more than Molly.
You and every other sane male watching, I expect.
Though the Bonus Points Young Kristy Swanson at the end was nice too.
Annie Potts?
Allie Sheedy
You’re thinking Breakfast Club, Yusef.
Oops, still hawt
I sat through Short Circuit the other day; well, as much of it as I could stand. I didn’t know Ally Sheedy was in it.
I had a friend in high school who looked like Ally Sheedy but with red hair.
Sometime after high school I realized that her flirtiness was serious and I could have hooked up with her. Damn it.
Please check your prom privilege! 😞
I will strongly recommend LibreOffice for an MS Word/Google Docs replacement. For online storage, I would recommend setting up your own at home thing, but I know you too well. 🙂
You could look at Mega (damn my brain is fried today, I typed Meta there originally) or Dropbox for shareable online cloud storage. If you’re already using Proton, I believe they’re rolling out their own online storage and office replacement as well. I haven’t used any of the Proton offerings (besides a free throw away e-mail address), so I can’t speak to them.
When I was assigned my current phone number some years ago and the exchange was “242” – for you kids out there, that’s the first three digits – I decided I would never let it change again.
That is all.
Well, second three digits, as the first three are area code at least in the NANPA.
You probably advocate mandatory ten digit diling.
For endpoint to endpoint? Absolutely.
For internal, not necessarily (I have supported one place that even went with 10 digit extension to stick with 10 digit dialing).
I don’t consider the area code as part of a phone number 😛
Buffalo was interesting – all numbers begin with “8” and the second digit gives the neighborhood. Like University Heights was “831”, “832”, “833”, etc.
I had four-digit dialing until 1974
my favorite uncle was still on a party-line until around 2010
Nobody told him to get off the phone and let someone else make a call?
The Bahamas? I’m a youngin’, but I looked. Can’t find anything else.
*head furrowed — perhaps fiscal issues at play*
The exchange is the part immediately before the area code. Once upon a time it designated the physical nexus closest to the landline the last four digits rang. That is long in the past, but the name remains.
*Immediately AFTER
Arg I can’t type what I’m thinking
“Operator, connect me to KLondike 5 -7431.”
The exchange told the operators which exchange to call to make the final connection.
Bobarian LMD:
And KLondike 5 [KL5] lives on as the venerable 555 placeholder.
I knew about 555. Not the whole story.
re after the area code: “Once upon a time it designated the physical nexus closest to the landline the last four digits rang.” <– Kinda makes sense. So Evansville, area code 812. In my (812)-477-xxxx, the 477 shows a semi-neighborhood. THAT I've notice and makes sense. I semi-screened(?) calls that way.
The [KL5] shit is far before my time. I did start with rotary phones, but I don't recall how long that lasted. Got Windows 3.1 in '95 when Windows 95 came out. Cheaper internet led to many things. Most was legit fun exploring. Dail-up porn was a later edition, with hilarious realities, especially with the 'office' sharing a wall with my parents' bedroom. Fascinating time to be alive!
DRexel 8547
“And you kids stay away from the phone, your Dad is waiting on a call from his boss.”
Butterfield 8.
Or Pennsylvania 6-5000.
At this point I have developed something of a prison guards attitude. I have heard the compulsive liars lie so many times I dont bother listening to them anymore. When they talk, give em a knot on the head.
“Oh, what’s that y ou say? You didn’t do it? Okay. *whack!* There is one for the next time.”
Seeing some talk of guns above and for no reason at all….
Cleaning up guns for the last couple of days…just doodling with it when I feel like it and get a chance. I run across an old Remington single barrel 12 I had when I was a kid. Poor thing is rusty and crusty. Anyone would consider 25 bucks a deal. It is sound and in good functioning shape but the cosmetics are shot.
I took it apart and started cleaning. And cleaning. And cleaning. I now have the barrel re-polished with sandpaper down to 3000 grit and it shines like a mirror. A much better polish than it came with. Tomorrow I will start on the receiver etc. I have a cold blue kit that works pretty damned well so I will put about 4 bluings on it.
Then sand the stock down to an equal polish (it is walnut) and I have some checkering tools. I think I will dust them off and give it a go. I will finish with a stain and a Browning level urethane.
If I dont screw it up I will post some finished product pictures.
In process pics are good, too. Some of us are clueless about any of what you’re doing to the Remington.
Even if you don’t use it you’ll have a nice looking wall hanger
I’ve really got my teeth into this eshakti implosion (not the least reason is I have an outstanding order with them). It seems that in addition to the CEO disappearing, and their payment gateways being shut down (likely by payment vendors dealing with chargeback disputes in very large numbers), their Chief Design Officer says on LinkedIn that she left the company in March.
I really want to track down this CEO.
In 2020, my cousin, who was an LAPD cop, fatally shot a guy:
On a North Hollywood street last year, Los Angeles Police Officer Daniel Harty watched through his rifle scope as 50-year-old Rommel Mendoza walked “erratically” toward him and a line of other officers, waving a sword and holding the lid of a cooking pan like a shield.
Mendoza, who lived on the block, seemed confused after being confronted at home by two officers investigating a report that he had hit a neighbor’s car with a stick. Mendoza’s family said he was sobbing, screaming, muttering incoherently and clearly needed help.
Again and again as Mendoza slowly advanced, Harty lifted his gaze to a white SUV parked between them, which he guessed was 20 to 30 feet away, he said. His LAPD training taught him that such distances could be closed by suspects with “edged weapons” such as knives or swords in a matter of seconds, putting officers in imminent danger, Harty said.
In the preceding minutes leading up to the shooting, Mendoza made various threats, which can be seen in the video.
A 4-inch stab wound can be fatal. I leave it to you guys to decide if my cousin made the right decision.
He did. I hope it doesn’t haunt him too badly.
My cousin is a cop in NC. He had to shoot a drunk guy who came running out of a house waving a gun at the cops (after a domestic dispute). Probably a suicide by cop, but he felt terrible about it.
I’m afraid these days whether or not your cousin made the right decision will depend entirely upon the race and/or ethnicity of the guy he shot.
I am not qualified to say. I was not there. It sounds like there definitely was a mortal threat and in such a situation we dont get to decide if what he did was ‘right’ or not.
Tricky. I’d have to have been there/seen all, but I’m leaning towards Good Shoot. Fucking erratic and obviously out of it. Armed and fucked. Would be lovely to magically drape a Comfy Chill Out Blanket over the dude, give ’em 10-15 min to chill.
Honestly? A tranquilizer woulda been ideal, IMO. But I don’t expect/trust/want cops to carry ’em, so a big
NeddyEvie No-No. Your cuz made a nasty decision, but the situation coulda *quickly* escalated. Dude was an obvious threat to bystanders. Sympathy only cuz mental breaks from reality are deeply unpleasant. I’m far more concerned about your cousin. I certainly don’t understand the ability/character to be (in any way) brisk and cheerful by making a killing blow.*Naivete disclaimer: Never been hunting. Fights in my life have broken bones, but nothing extreme. I loudly proclaim my ignorance.
Should have just shot him in the leg.
/people that watch way too many cop shows
Be safe with them ternaders, NoDaks and SoDaks! I see the storm chasers are in your neck of the woods!
Interesting French Guy I heard about today: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michel_Lotito
He’d have been happy with my Ex’s cooking, sounds like. She made things that didn’t look like they should be eaten.
There are some things that people just don’t care enough to argue about.
*clutches chest, falls to floor*
I still follow the “No sex, politics or religion” etiquette around mixed company. It comes out with folk I know more. Even then I bite my tongue. (The blood enriches my stoic soul, whatever one I have.) I like playing Columbo and see how people will express their ideas when they start. A colleague briefly mentioned politics and made it clear that Trump was absolutely her choice. Sentence fragment, at most.
Interesting how wealthy, progressive-as-fuck Carmel is Solid Blue, and a lady working in MUCH poorer Irvington-area Indy was OK openly expressing her thoughts without prompt.
FloridaNew York woman in MiamiLet’s see how many boxes she ticks:
Instagram “model”
Living in Miami
High as a kite on ketamine
No driver’s license
Of course, in south Florida they call this “typical Saturday morning.”
Finally! Someone has taken the time to bring religion to the heathen Indian tribes
The tatts look like the girls around here now. Except they would actually be attractive without them. Winter is coming and soon they’ll cover up. Something I never used to wish for.
Tatts show you have a unique mind…just like everybody else.
Finished washing the house. Next up scrape and sand once it dries.
Brooksy linked to this story about the word “weird” in the Morning Lynx.
I wanted to chime in about what horseshit it is.
What are these yahoos talking about? Weird is the same in Minnesoda as it is anywhere else. This seems more like some locals trying to pull a fast one on the fancy pants tourist. I wonder if they got them to eat lutefisk too? “We all love it and it has a special meaning to us. If you want to really understand Minnesoda, you have to eat this”
It’s just middleschool level attempted mass bullying on the part of the Dems directed towards the American voting public.
“They’re weird and you know just what you’ll be if you vote for them.” It’s as simple as that and it’s so goddamn stupid.
The party of inclusion, non-bullying, and acceptance.
Mike Benz on Tucker’s show talking about deepstate stuff.
XY gets his license and the first place he drives to on his own is … home. 🥰
XY gets his license and the first place he drives to on his own is … home. 🥰
Send him out for pizza, or to the grocery store.
“Go out for a gallon of milk and a carton of cigarettes?”
Big nono: She’s not even supposed to drink coffee I don’t think.