WebDom and the case of the missing Spud

by | Aug 3, 2024 | Daily Links, WebDom’s Browser History | 65 comments

Well, I dropped the ball. Sorry folks. Spud asked me to do links but I got so caught up in our first puppy being adopted out to their new family that I plumb forgot.

So here’s a few things from my browser history.

How to make vegan cultured cream cheese. SP used to do this. She got really into vegan cheeses there for a while. It’s actually pretty good. It’s not exactly like cream cheese, but it’s a reasonable facsimile.

Copycat Virgil’s Cream Soda recipe. I got a bottle recently, and I am addicted. I am not sure I have had this since I lived with SP 20+ years ago. She used to buy it by the 12-pack. That’s something I’m certainly not willing to do, but this recipe looks promising.

This has been a housework heavy week for me, so I haven’t read much, but I’ve watched and listened to a bunch. The below are audio/video links.

A day with Turkish tea farmers.

That adorable Dennis Swanson on the Coverdale Bible.

That twat John Oliver on homeschooling.


Rosencrantz and Guildenstern playing questions.

Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks.

Lisa, the giant tumbling space triangle.

Ambient Spacefolk Chillwave.

About The Author



WebDom grows Peyote buttons in the vast desert of her mind.


  1. Gender Traitor

    Now I want Barq’s Red Creme Soda popsicles, but it doesn’t come in sugar-free. 😞

  2. Gender Traitor

    Wait! The puppies are already old enough to be adopted??

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Rosencrantz is such a good movie.

    • Nephilium

      /flips coin

  4. kinnath

    Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, I love that movie.

    We had a young women join our engineering team back in the day. She was the perky, upbeat type. She would frequently tell stories about being a high school cheerleader.

    One day:

    Young lady: We used to play questions all the time.

    kinnath: What is that?

    Young lady: You ask each other questions and win points if the other person doesn’t ask a proper question.

    kinnath: And you find this to be fun?

    Young lady: Sure. It’s a great way to keep busy on a road trip.

    kinnath: Are you aware that you’re down two to nothing?

    Young lady: confused silence

    • Aloysious

      Were you displaying your patriarchal privilege?

    • Nephilium


  5. The Late P Brooks

    New Amazon show- sounds legit.

    • The Other Kevin

      I feel seen 🙄

      • Chafed

        I had no idea you are black and gay.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Back to business

    The judge overseeing former President Trump’s federal election interference case has set a hearing for Aug. 16 at 10 a.m., which Trump is not required to attend.

    In an order filed Saturday, obtained by The Hill, U.S. District Judge Tanya Chutkan announced the new meeting will be a status conference.

    After the Supreme Court last month carved out immunity for former presidents, Trump’s case was on hold. Now, with Chutkan’s announcement, it appears to be back on track.

    At this point I don’t have the vaguest notion what supposed crime he is being charged with.

    *other than “Being Trump”

  7. juris imprudent

    I love how the roast potatoes link says “can be vegan” but proceeds to detail the use of duck, goose or beef fat!

    • Tres Cool

      I would likely add bacon pieces.

    • Gdragon

      Maybe those mammals and birds identified as vegetables, you didn’t know them personally!

    • Nephilium

      All that fat started as vegetables at one point.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    I love how the roast potatoes link says “can be vegan” but proceeds to detail the use of duck, goose or beef fat!

    Substitute 5-30 synthetic motor oil.

    • R C Dean

      Nope. Used to be dinosaurs. Not vegan.

    • rhywun

      Republicans pounced!

    • Fourscore

      Yeah, yeah, that’s what a trans would say, caught in either the Men’s or Ladies’ Room

    • DrOtto

      I thought this was a nothingburger, but now that Snopes is fact checking as False, I’m not so sure.

      • MikeS

        Yeah, I’m going to have to reevaluate my take on this. If Snopes and I agree, I must be wrong.

    • Suthenboy

      I thought everyone, flight crew included, had already deplaned? Weren’t they standing off a bit to the side, in camera, while Kackles was tossing another of her word salads?

  9. rhywun

    So, just using very rudimentary data provided by the Census Bureau, we can see that for the first time in American History our voter turnout [94% as calculated by the author] has finally rivaled that of the old Soviet Union, Communist China, and Casto’s Cuba.
    A written synopsis of the 2020 election on the Bureau’s website states that voter turnout was 67%

    This is the first I’m seeing these figures; seems like reasonably believable circumstantial evidence of shenanigans to me – am I missing something?

    • Fourscore

      “it told me that at the time of the 2020 election, there were 168 million registered voters”

      I would expect those registered would vote so no surprise with the 94 % figure. Since I’m not registered to vote I’d be surprised if I had voted. Since I haven’t complied with the Census for the last 40-50 years I may not exist, except for the IRS and SS.

      • rhywun

        Ah. I wasn’t thinking of the difference between “registered” versus “eligible”.

        It does seem to imply some millions of eligible voters are not registered; which I am not sure I believe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

      • R C Dean

        I absolutely believe there are millions of eligible voters who aren’t registered.

        I find it difficult to believe that 94% of actual, living, eligible, registered voters cast a single ballot each.

      • creech

        Yeah, I haven’t compiled with census for 50 years. Interestingly, saying No to the 1970 census was probably the first national project of the Libertarian Movement. In fact, the project by the Society for Individual Liberty, received front page coverage in the Wall Street Journal. Only one refuser, a guy in Hawaii, was fined for not complying – I think it was $25 – and SIL paid the fine for him. I doubt anyone ever after has been fined.

    • Suthenboy

      Most of the time things really are just what they appear to be.

      94%? And Joe is sharp as a tack.

    • Grumbletarian

      In Martin’s video, Biden walks up the plane’s steps beginning at the 44-minute mark. At 44:20, Biden appears to shake the hand of a person inside the plane.

      Uh, no? You see Biden extend his right hand but he could be reaching for anything (door handle, maybe?), and he moves out of the camera’s field of view before you can see anything else.

      At 45:50, Biden reappears and exits the plane. A person wearing a suit already inside the plane then walks behind Biden from right to left, toward the cockpit.

      This is true.

      Later in the video, at the 57:10 mark, a crew member wearing a white shirt — likely a pilot — emerges from the plane to communicate with ground crew members wearing reflective orange vests.

      Also true. However, by then the camera had been off of the plane for so long that said person could have entered the plane off camera and left it while on camera. No way to tell.

  10. The Other Kevin

    My luck I’d be the one person who died from Affrighted.

    • Suthenboy

      I note one of the maladies is ‘Teeth’. I am curious…their own teeth? Perhaps the teeth of some other entity? Gnawed by rats?

      • Sean

        I assumed infections of the gums/abcesses.

  11. Fourscore

    PONick, Did you get some out of this last little cloud that went by?

    We had a little rain, some thunder but not much of either.

  12. Chafed

    Fuck John Oliver. That is all.

    • R C Dean

      Well, he is a twat, so . . . .

  13. R C Dean

    Love the pumpkin tweet. It tickled me.

    Yeah, I think I have the same tone issue. Unfortunately, I think it’s way too obvious that I’m restraining myself when dealing with people who are acting . . . suboptimally.

    • DrOtto

      And yet, when I think I’m using ‘tone’ with an idiot, they seem oblivious to it.

  14. Evan from Evansville

    Never, ever, be sorry, Webdom. Please. Ya do far too much ta need to apologize. (About Glib stuff, natch. Uh. You’re human. I’m sure you’ve ‘had to’ before.)

    *I thought, and legit, I can’t think of a semi-major apology I’ve felt I honestly needed to make. (When I straight-up fucked with someone physically, psychologically, romantically, etc.) Absolutely on misunderstanding or relatively minor stuff. All over that part. My mix-ups have been stupid (not talking The Incident, here), but my mistakes have been mine to deal with.
    I’m proud of being quite stand-up, morally. I’m not SORRY I slept with a prostitute in Russia, nothing ‘bad’ happened! Simply, it was both funny and anti-climactic. Many others. That story is more a bit than an essay. Hrm.)

    I sincerely feel SORRY about things, hell yes. Regrets abound. But not “Ev fucked up!” things. (I think. Which means I know I’m forgetting MANY things. Fuck you, brain. Tricky-wicksy bitch.)

    • rhywun
  15. R.J.

    Watching Star Trek. The Triskelions are punks. They make crappy bets and can’t even enjoy drink specials.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Get back in here, JR!!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Like, you’re really ditching us for Star Trek???

  16. MikeS

    “Dead in the street, and starved” would be a great album name.

    • MikeS

      Good song name, too.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Get in here!!!

  17. Gustave Lytton

    tone in my head

    Tinnitus, too?

  18. Gustave Lytton

    PON- lots of self haircut tutorials on YouTube now. I did mine for the past four years. Finally broke down and went to a barber last fall. Did an almost decent job, now found a slightly better one although it’s an hour away. I don’t know how he stays in business, only charges $10/cut and by appointment only no walk ins.

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Made it to 1:17am tonight. And it’s still going strong in them there zooms

    • Nephilium

      I shared the link of the establishment we went to tonight. It likely won’t make it back in the rotation again. Decent cocktail list, but some swings and misses in execution, especially with the appearance (I never thought I would be an appearance twat, but chunky green is not a good look in a drink, especially when it leaves a film on the glass).

      I’m taking personal pleasure in getting a group of middle aged people together to go to cocktail bars every other month.

  20. Suthenboy

    Re: Pumpkins

    A few years back we had two large left over pumpkins after carving jack-o-lanterns. Naturally son, grandson and I put some tannerite in them and set them up in the back yard. A good time was had by all.
    That spring I had pumpkin vines sprouting like dandelions for 100 feet in every direction from the initial resting spot of those pumpkins.

  21. Suthenboy

    Jeebus it is already Sunday again…and you knuckleheads are all sleeping at 5am.
    I will go mix up some shredded potatoes, fine chopped onion, flour, corn starch, egg, gruyere, cayenne, paprika and a pinch of salt.
    Sigh….now wait for Mrs. Suthenboy to rise and get hungry. Also, bacon. Lots of bacon.

    She is awake…watching the clownshow. I never thought my country would descend into banana republic territory but the leftists have managed it. The only thing they are good at is theft and fucking up everything they touch. I remember seeing an interview with Mike Wallace when he retired. The mask was off. “What has the right ever given us? Name one thing!” he asked when challenged about being a closet commie.
    Cue Life of Bryan ‘What have the Romans ever done for us…’ scene. What a fucking half-wit.

  22. Beau Knott

    Mornin’ Suthen

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean, Beau, and Suthen!

      • Sean


    • juris imprudent

      We would never have a governor named after a groundhog.

    • Ted S.

      Officials said the state will save about $35 million per year by ending the tax holiday.

      No, no, fuck no. Stealing more money from the people is not “saving”.

    • Trials and Trippelations

      NC’s lasted longer than 2 years, but they repealed it too. “Lost” too much money not taxing computers

    • Suthenboy

      Now that y’all mention that we used to have a couple of tax holidays…school, hunting and Christmas? I dont hear about them anymore.
      govt. has become such a ravenous monster it is unbelievable.
      My preference? A constitutional amendment limiting all govt. taxing, takings etc from all private entities to 15% total.
      Did I see something here the other day where total govt costs to citizens in all forms comes to 96%? Welcome to communism.
      As Obumbles said “It isn’t about funding, it is about fairness.” Ok motherfucker, 15% total – feds, state and local – is fair. That is what you get, not one penny more. Whatever you take in excess of that is cut from your budget 3X. Oh, and just in case anyone is wondering, fuck entitlements.
      The 15% they do get, priorities given to employee retirements…you had a deal, keep it (I know, those are paid with, or supposed to be, by index funds). Whatever is left over you can figure out what to do with that.