Wednesday Afternoon SugarLinks – [YouTube Link Missing]

by | Aug 21, 2024 | Daily Links | 149 comments

Slate has a new advice column for whiny nags:

The Men I Know Keep Saying the Same Thing About Women Politicians. How Do I Respond?

I’m tired of alienating people with my go-to answer.

Sweetie, I imagine you’ll go on alienating people anyway.

A common refrain I hear from acquaintances when talking about politicians like Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton is “I just don’t like her.” I usually try to ask why, but my interlocutor never has a reason, at which point I usually jump down his throat (it’s almost always a man) and insist that he doesn’t like her because of sexism (and/or racism). I win no friends this way, I’ll tell you! What is a better response? I know I am alienating people by jumping to that conclusion, but honestly, it’s just so obvious to me!!

Yes, the only way anyone could dislike Hillary or Kalama has to be sexism or racism.

These people are allowed to vote.

I will say, the answer is surprising good: “All politicians suck.” But you know that they are going to keep voting from them.

Also, and this goes for everyone on this damn planet… don’t ask me my opinion if you don’t want to hear it.

Feel free to spread it far and wide. Like she did.

Then there are the real ones I didn’t make in Photoshop.

So fascism, much Presidential

They run from the laughable to the grotesque:

I can’t imagine anything I care less to hear, and I’m including Ed Shereen.
Steps up? Is that what happened?
They can’t even proofread their propaganda. SAT is past tense; WALK and RUN are present tense. SAT WALKED RUNNING, or SIT WALK RUN. Also, talk about stolen valor…

And then there is whatever this fucking abortion is supposed to be:

Also, if you don’t know the phrase:

No, and let me add, fuck the fuckity fuck off, you authoritarian fuckwits.

Welcome to hell. Hell on a bus.

I swear, national cringe reserves are already depleted. We may run out during this election. We need to open up the Arctic for cringe drilling.

There is no music link because I am done with YouTube’s adtortion racket. You want to shit a bunch of ads at me to get me to pay for an ad-free environment? Fuck off and die, Google.

So much for “don’t be evil.”

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. The Late P Brooks

    I’m tired of alienating people with my go-to answer.

    I doubt it.

    • SDF-7

      Maybe — if her acquaintances (and so called friends) have any sense, they’re avoiding her like the plague so they don’t get sucked into this harpy’s spittle-laced rage fits. So she’s tired of losing people to harangue and hasn’t stepped up to accosting people in restaurants and demanding they bend the knee yet.

      • The Other Kevin

        “I just don’t like her” is the least offensive answer and seems like an attempt to move on from the subject.

      • Rat on a train

        Least offensive? You must prove she is unlikeable to my standards or you are a bigot.

      • R C Dean

        My thought exactly, TOK.

        “I don’t like her because of her race and/or sex. I don’t like her because she is a hard-left apparatchik, with no discernable talents or intelligence, whose policy proposals, to the extent they aren’t pandering soundbites, are uniformly and obviously bad. I don’t like Walz for pretty much the same reasons, so I don’t think race or sex really are much of a factor in my contempt for politicians of that sort, regardless of party. Now, are you gonna make me a sammich, or what?”

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Is this one of the ladies OMWC has dated recently?

      • Tonio

        [golf clap]

  2. SDF-7

    Afternoon all.

    That these stated policy positions aren’t enough to sink this heinous excuse for a candidate certainly reinforces the “Vote Blue No Matter Who” narrative.

    Corpse of Adolph Hitler? At least it isn’t Trump!

    Dark Cracky? Hey — he isn’t running as a Republican!

    Lucifer himself? Well, at least now we can admit to our worship!

    I keep harping on it — but this is why we needed frontiers in the past for people to escape when societies reach the critical mass of insanity as they seem to do. Hurry it up, Elon.

    • Drake

      The tax on unrealized capital gains is an unbelievably bad idea. Hard to picture how fast capital would flee the country.

      • The Other Kevin

        My mom and dad (the die hard Dems) would lose everything they saved for retirement. I’m sure they wouldn’t believe me and would parrot the “it’s only for the rich” talking point.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        But it only applies to a small percentage of people! I mean, yeah, it will cause the markets to crash thereby hurting anyone with a 401k, but anyway.

      • SDF-7

        Just like the AMT and the 16th Amendment! Only targeting the rich to get them to pay their Fair Share(tm)!

      • Drake

        Nobody should believe that since 1913.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The “Great” Depression would soon be known as the “Statistically Insignificant” Depression.

        Followed up by the Newer Greener Deal – Good News – Obesity has been Eliminated!

    • Suthenboy

      I dont see ‘We will just take it!’ nationalization of major industries’ on that list.

  3. Drake

    Maybe the bad vibe men get from Hillary and Kamala is their subconscious alerting them that they are hearing lies from people who despise them.

    • SDF-7

      Every man has implicitly liked every single male politician, after all. It Is Known.

      (And we might point out that JFK and Greaseball Gavin (and the Twink of the North as I recall) rather undermine the ladies’ arguments of “listen to your feelings!” when it comes to politicians… just because you want them to bed you doesn’t mean they’re not corrupt evil fucks…. [well, that may well be what a lot are into it seems….])

      Sorry folks, apparently I’m just in a pissy mood. Yay.

      • cavalier973

        Just remember, according to Isaiah 14, every single king goes to hell.

        I interpret “king” broadly to include anyone in government, elected or unelected.

      • Ted S.

        I remember the term “Cuomosexual”

      • Compelled Speechless

        “Every single king goes to hell”

        This provides me zero comfort. Maybe we could let the devil have them before they’re allowed to open endless portals to hell on earth.

  4. Not Adahn

    There is no music link because I am done with YouTube’s adtortion racket. You want to shit a bunch of ads at me to get me to pay for an ad-free environment? Fuck off and die, Google.

    So much for “don’t be evil.”

    I notice that when I access youtube directly from a PC, I get piles of Kammy ads. When I access it through my TV, I get no political ads of any kind. I never log in under an account.

    • SDF-7

      When I watch via Apple TV I still get shit ads for the CA Lt. Gov, some shit for the CA Attorney General, Kamalamadingdong… but some for Trump as well. Whether that’s my actual past video watching fighting my geolocation in California I could not tell you.

      I just hate the sheer f’ing quantity of ad breaks more than the content (that I ignore as best I can until I can skip)… 10 minute video with ad breaks every 1.5 minutes is Evil as hell… (I’m with SF at this point).

      • Rat on a train

        I’m not looking forward to a barrage of campaign ads for COL Whistleblower USA(R).

      • Bobarian LMD

        I thought the (R)etard word was verboten.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        I keep getting ads for some guy running for State Senate who wants to stop gun manufacturers from advertising to kids. I have no fucking idea what he means by this.

  5. Tonio

    Rumor has it that this website is now blocked by at least one .edu domain as “hate speech.” I think we all know who to blame congratulate.

    • SDF-7

      I have to assume this would be OMWC’s campus? Most other places I wouldn’t think will have even heard of us.

    • Not Adahn

      If this is true, I wonder if FIRE could write them a nastygram. That would be something for the archives.

      • trshmnstr

        “Cryptids with erections, despite being nightmare fuel, are perfectly well protected by the 1st amendment”

      • SDF-7


      • Tonio

        There are certain anthills in which it is very much in our best interests to not poke.

      • Not Adahn

        Now you’re just teasing us.

    • Rat on a train

      The level of pride depends on which one.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Hate speech? Smut I can understand, but hate speech?

      • Tonio

        Smut I can understand, but hate speech?

        I’m working on something. But I crank out maybe one story per year.

      • Bobarian LMD

        But I crank out maybe one per year.

        That’s not good for your prostate.

      • SDF-7

        GO WAY! GLIBBIN’!

      • Aloysious

        That’s a good point, Bobarian. We should all encourage Tonio to take care of his prostate.

      • bacon-magic

        Have you tried massaging it?

      • Tonio

        That’s what the boyfriend is for, bacon-magic.

      • R C Dean

        Smut is hate speech, to certain people easily identified by their poison-frog hair.

    • Ted S.

      Blame me, because I would have used “whom”.

  6. Tundra

    I hate her.

    There is no music link because I am done with YouTube’s adtortion racket

    That’s weird. I use Brave with AdBlock and I get no ads at all.

    What I’m listening to today.

    From the same excellent record.

    Everyone knows these guys for a monster single, but they are one of my faves. I encourage you to explore their catalog.

  7. The Other Kevin

    “I usually try to ask why, but my interlocutor never has a reason”

    Probably because “all Democrats are bat shit crazy” would earn them a fork in the eye.

    • kinnath

      Clinton is a vicious control freak that defended a serial sexual abuser for decades for political purpose. Harris is a drunken midwit without a single idea in her head that wasn’t planted there by some communist fuckwad.

      • Nephilium

        I prefer going that Harris broke up black families, and supported slave labor.

      • kinnath

        One is who she is. The other is what she did.

        You should go with both when confronted with the question of why you don’t like her.

      • The Wrath of ZWAAAAAAKKKK!!!


        Kamalamadingdong Whorris.

  8. cavalier973

    I don’t like them because I am anti-authoritarian.

    • SDF-7

      “…. but then who would write the books?”

  9. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    A common refrain I hear from acquaintances when talking about politicians like [current Republican candidate] is “I just don’t like him” or “He’s a threat to democracy” or “He’s like Hitler”. I usually try to ask why, but my interlocutor never has a reason.

    • Drake

      “You can stop, you’ve sold me on him”

  10. DEG

    I swear, national cringe reserves are already depleted. We may run out during this election. We need to open up the Arctic for cringe drilling.

    This sounds like people claiming we’ve hit Peak Stupid or Peak Retard.

    • The Other Kevin

      We still have two more days of the DNC. Ponder that.

      • DEG

        So you’re saying… there’s still a chance it gets lit and someone else gets the nomination?

      • The Other Kevin

        Hell anything is possible with these people.

      • SDF-7

        Hell anythingAny Hell is possible with these people.

        Fixed that for you…

      • Bobarian LMD

        Blood for the Blood God, Student Loan Forgiveness for the Throne!

  11. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “A black woman is speaking. Listen and learn.” Oh, like Joy Reid? Or Karine Abdul Jean Pierre van Damme? Or Maxine Waters? Sorry, but they don’t have some kind of magical properties that makes them a fount of knowledge.

    • Nephilium

      Of course they do.

      • Aloysious

        I figured they belonged to the American Society of Magical Negroes.

  12. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “I’m speaking.”

    Yes, just what I need…my ex girlfriend after a bad day at work and half a bottle of white wine under her belt as president.

    • trshmnstr

      President Femplainer. Yay.

      • Nephilium

        Have you any idea how it feels to be a Fembot living in a Manbot’s Manputer’s world?

      • Tonio


        At first I thought that was missing an “s.”

      • trshmnstr

        Men ‘splain
        Fems ‘plain

        I find that AWFLs react particularly violently when they’re accused of Femplaining. Especially when it’s mansplained to them as “the impulse, most often seen in women, for one to find a point of contention and manipulate others’ perception of the issue to position oneself as the victim of the situation in a quest for power or dominance.”

      • Ted S.

        Lucy! You got some splainin’ to do!

    • Drake

      Why do you have all those guns and that savings account? You don’t need them, I’m taking them.

    • Tundra

      Lol. Nice.

    • SDF-7

      All I can think of in response….

      Bonus music — came up in rotation on my non-streamed, music that I own… just feels topical (though I think it may have been written for the 2008 crash…)

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Rumor has it that this website is now blocked by at least one .edu domain as “hate speech.”

    *makes “okay” sign*

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      We don’t want their kind around here anyhow.

    • Bobarian LMD

      *makes “okay” sign*

      If you’re gonna flash white power symbols around, pretty soon we’ll be on one of the SPLCs lists.

      The “Family Friendly” one.

      • Suthenboy

        I find it hard to believe we are not already on the SPLC’s list

      • Spudalicious

        No money to be made.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    It’s not polite to interrupt while she’s speaking

    Holding his first outdoor rally since surviving last month’s attempted assassination, Donald Trump on Wednesday railed against Vice President Kamala Harris’ approach to national security in North Carolina as part of his weeklong trip across the country to draw attention away from Democrats and their national convention.

    “The world is on fire, and Kamala and Biden have marched us to the brink of World War III,” Trump said, blaming the current White House for the deadly Afghanistan withdrawal and wars between Russia and Ukraine and between Israel and Hamas.

    He spoke at the North Carolina Aviation Museum & Hall of Fame from behind a podium surrounded by panes of bulletproof glass that formed a protective wall across the stage — part of ramped-up security measures aimed at keeping Trump safe after his narrow escape from a Pennsylvania gunman on July 13.

    The event, billed as being focused on national security issues, is part of Trump’s weeklong series of counterprogramming to the Democratic National Convention, which is underway in Chicago. Allies have been urging him to focus on policy instead of personal attacks as he struggles to adjust to running against Harris after President Joe Biden dropped out of the race.

    The nerve of that guy.

    • SDF-7

      Interesting that they’re hammering the security and the separation from the crowd… but couldn’t be bothered to mention this…. of course that might help foster an image of Trump actually having genuine concern or something. Can’t have that… especially not in comparison with the standard DC Swamp Things…..

      • Nephilium

        Amazing how the SS breaking into the one small business to use the restroom has been completely memory holed, isn’t it?

      • SDF-7

        More thoroughly than the Vegas shooter it seems.

        Bias in “what is not covered” indeed…..

      • The Other Kevin

        One of the things they’re repeating at the DNC is that Trump is only in it for himself.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    “His limited and narrow view of the world made him feel threatened by the existence of two hardworking, highly educated, successful people who happen to be Black,” Michelle Obama said of Trump in a rousing speech.

    Living in Manhattan for decades, Trump never had the opportunity to be exposed to honest hardworking successful black people. What a goddam shame.

    • The Other Kevin

      Once again, all they have is mind reading.

      • bacon-magic

        They are reading their own minds.

    • bacon-magic

      The Critical Drinker rocks and the Acolyte sucked so bad Walt almost force pushed his way out of the grave.

    • SDF-7

      So they made the unexpected immigrants do the contracting and landscaping?

    • Tonio

      Oh, SDF-7, sorry that I already awarded the coveted clap du golf for the thread.

      But, seriously, what else they gonna do? This is actually a boon for the ISS.

      • Suthenboy

        I think SF had a good suggestion on how they could fill their time.

  16. The Late P Brooks


    Rodrigo de la Rosa was only 5 years old when he crossed the U.S.-Mexico border with his father and three brothers. Growing up in South Phoenix, he had what he calls “just a regular American life” — until, as a teenager, he learned he was undocumented.

    “When you turn 16 and you can’t get a regular job, that’s when you realize, ‘Oh, I’m different,’” he said.

    In his mid-20s, de la Rosa married Ashley de Alba, who was born and raised in California by Mexican and Salvadoran parents. But marrying a U.S. citizen was not enough to fix his immigration status. He could apply for a green card, but would need to leave the country first — and risk getting stuck in Mexico for a decade or even permanently.

    That changed Monday, when the federal government began accepting applications for a sweeping new Biden administration program allowing undocumented spouses of American citizens to apply to regularize their status without leaving the U.S. The White House estimates the program applies to 500,000 immigrants across the country, as well as to an additional 50,000 of their children (the stepchildren of their American citizen spouses).

    Once again, President Fix-It waves his magic wand.


    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Our Democracy means rule by executive order.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        As noted constitutional scholar Barack Obama explained, if the (Republican) Congress is just going to sit on its hands and do nothing, the (Democrat) President is free to take action to help the American people.

    • Gustave Lytton

      So he knew he was a Mexican national and an illegal alien since he was 16 yet continued to remain here illegally? Fuck him. Deport him and bar him from readmission.

      • KSuellington

        Meh, he didn’t violate the NAP. Laws like that can be ignored or subverted if one can get away with it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Over the decade to rectify his unfortunate situation that his parent left him in? No, fuck him. No automatic pass and citizenship because he’s squatted for a period of time.

      • KSuellington

        15 years ago my friend married his English girlfriend here who had been over on a tourist visa. I’m no immigration lawyer, but I knew how it functioned in real life. I told him to have her overstay her visa and just apply for the green card here. Instead he listened to a fucking ejit lawyer he hired and had her go back to England to apply. She waited almost 18 months over there. Completely unnecessary. If you can easily get around things, you do, especially when there is zero moral compunction to not.

      • R C Dean

        KSue, by that standard, there should be no immigration restrictions at all. Sorry, not gonna support that.

  17. rhywun

    I am done with YouTube’s adtortion racket.

    I’m sitting in a hotel room and the TV is fucking advertising at me – some sound system shit. Like every 10 minutes sliding about 1/4 across whatever I am watching.

    As if staying in a hotel has not become shitty enough.

  18. J. Frank Parnell

    The Men I Know Keep Saying the Same Thing About Women Politicians. How Do I Respond?

    Female Politicians? You mean like Marjorie Taylor Greene? Lauren Boebert? Tulsi Gabbard? Winsome Earle-Sears? Those female politicians?

    • Raven Nation

      Yeah, if 2020 had been Biden vs. say, Condi Rice, I wonder how many of these people would have voted for Rice? I suspect a non-zero number b/c some would have gone with the “support all women” idea. But most would have voted for old, male, white Joe.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I’d be happy to vote for an American Margaret Thatcher, but that’s not what they have in mind.

      • R C Dean

        I saw it in real life here in Tucson when Martha McSally ran for the House seat against male Democrats. All the “You go, girl”ing liberal women I worked with were allofasudden not all about a woman winning an election.

  19. J. Frank Parnell

    OMG the “I’m Speaking” one is a real and serious poster?

    • Suthenboy

      Authoritarians playing to their authoritarian fan base….go figure.

  20. Shpip

    For The Last American Hero (and anyone else who cares) re: FL-13 congressional race.

    FL-13 is presently represented by the irrepressible Anna Paulina Luna, an otherwise backbencher who would get more than a few votes for “hottest member of Congress.”

    In yesterday’s primary, the Dems tapped Whitney Fox, who gives off her own MILF vibes, to oppose Luna. So far as I can tell, Fox has no positions other than making sure the senior citizens of the district can get abortions whenever they like, and that people who live in a hurricane zone can get state-sponsored discounts on their homeowner’s insurance.

    The district’s lines were re-drawn following the 2020 census to make it a little whiter and wealthier, and Luna won her seat by 53 to 45 percent, after losing to Charlie Christ by 53-47 in ’20. I expect that to be the same in November.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      If elected, Whitney will fight to protect women’s reproductive freedoms and healthcare, including access to IVF.

      Hmm… curious if she added in the part about IVF after Walz’s speech.

      • Fourscore

        Fentanyl kills but abortion is therapeutic.

        Avoid personal responsibility, it’s a bummer.

    • Ted S.

      One of the stories in Edge’s home page news was a headline claiming the results were a loss for Trump. Any idea why that would be a loss for Trump?

      (It’s my work computer. I can’t change the homepage.)

    • The Last American Hero

      If we’re going to watch the country burn, the least we can get is some eye candy.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      That race should be decided by a mud wrestling match. It’s important for our democracy.

      • Suthenboy

        Where is your sense of fun? Jello….cherry jello. Not the black cherry, it is too dark and would obscure too much. Plain cherry is pretty transparent.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Cherry jello looks too much like blood. Maybe mineral oil or coconut butter.

    • Suthenboy

      This IVF thing, another dem issue invented out of thin air? I am wondering because I have only ever heard a very few people object to it and they were what I would call….fringe.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Those weird Republicans want to ban IVF and track your daughters’ ovulation. It’s right there in Project 2025 somewhere.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    As I recall, somebody here, way back in the ’20 primaries, said you should just append “or else” to anything Kamala said.

    It dovetails nicely with the STFU I’m speaking meme.

  22. Derpetologist

    Charter School Chronicles – part 2

    My geometry classes have been going well. The students like my teaching style. Today, I kicked things off with a clip from the Wizard of Oz where Scarecrow bungles the Pythagorean theorem. I thought it was a useful exercise to explain what he said, why it was wrong, and what he should have said instead. Then I explained that one of the lesser benefits of education is being able to understand jokes like that. It’s like finding an Easter egg- one of life’s little pleasures. The principal wants me to write a syllabus. Aye, aye captain. I’m tired of the job hunt.

    Also, they also want me to follow the established schedule curriculum. Their wish is my command. It’s dumb to repeat the same methods if different results are desired. I think I can make them happy while also doing things in a more effective way.

    A public school that rejected me last month wants to interview me again. Looks like they lost a math teacher in the 2nd week of school. It’s good to be in demand.

    In my critical thinking class, for the sake of balance, I showed them a PBS news video on book bans and a Robert Reich video on taxing the rich. It provoked some interesting responses from the students and a discussion about free speech vs obscenity. Tomorrow, I think I’ll show them that old In Search Of episode from the 70s about the coming Ice Age and maybe a discussion on cryptozoology or scientific hoaxes.

    My teaching style is to give them a problem that takes 3 to 5 steps to solve and let them work on it for 2 minutes. Then I write the solution process on the board. It’s better than the traditional drill and kill method where the teacher does one or two examples before handing out worksheets with 50 one or two-step problems to keep them busy.

    • Tonio

      Piltdown man.

    • Tundra

      Stay at the charter.

      • Derpetologist

        I will. The public school pays a bit less but has a much shorter commute. On the other hand, I have way more flexibility at the charter school.

        I bought language CDs to make the hour-long commute more tolerable.

      • Tundra

        I like your approach. I have a friend who has taught at Christian schools for her entire career. She always talks about how much flexibility she has in both curriculum and style.

        Best of luck!

      • R C Dean

        Podcasts are also an excellent use of commute time. I listened to Hardcore History on my twice-weekly 45 minute commutes over the last year.

    • Derpetologist

      I almost forgot the best part. When I said “so this is a right triangle…”, a student interrupted “no, that’s a left triangle.” At first I thought he was joking, but actually he though that when the right angle is on the right, it’s a right triangle, and when it’s on the left it’s a left triangle. Well, at least he learned his mistake. I stifled my laughter as I explained there is no such thing as a left triangle.

  23. Mojeaux

    Today in tales of teaching XY to drive: So he drove all the way to his new store and back, although it was not on the interstate. He’s not ready for that yet. It was about 60 miles give or take. The problem is that his hands were pins’n’needles (except for his pinkie) and he kept having to shake them awake. 60 miles, y’all.

    Here’s the kicker. LAST YEAR I took him to my ortho and said, “My kid’s got carpal tunnel.” Ortho said, “No, he doesn’t. He’s 17. He’s got tendinitis.” THIS year, I’m watching him shake his hands awake 15 miles into a not-demanding drive and I ask him if it’s going into his pinkie. No, it doesn’t. I ask him if he’s dropping his hands off the side of the bed when he sleeps. He says yes. I’m going to get him into an ortho that’ll take me seriously.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      17 year old boy with carpal tunnel? How’s his eyesight? Is he growing hair on his palms?

      • Mojeaux

        Well, now wait a minute. “Growing hair on the palms” totally doesn’t make any sense if any friction at all is involved.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        It’s an evolutionary adaptation. Don’t argue with The Science.

      • Tundra

        He’s got forearms like Popeye.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Claim your rightful victimhood

    Vice President Kamala Harris has dropped her first two presidential campaign ads speaking to Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander voters, and they focus on health care and anti-Asian hate.

    The two spots, shared first with NBC News, are airing both digitally and on television and are part of a larger $90 million media buy across several battleground states.


    “When Trump called Covid the ‘kung flu,’ he unleashed a wave of hate against our community,” Terry Vo, Nashville Metro Council member and an Asian American community leader, says in the spot. “I was scared. People didn’t feel safe.”

    Which party (and revered icon of progressivism) really did round them up, steal their property and put them in internment camps?

    • rhywun

      Soooo tedious. Do they have nothing to talk about besides abortions and “hate”?

      Who are they hooking in with this stuff?

      • Sean

        Brainwashed Karens.

      • Suthenboy

        The choir?

    • Derpetologist

      QUIET, YOU!

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “I was scared. People didn’t feel safe.”

      Oh burr shit.

    • Shpip

      When Trump called Covid the ‘kung flu

      I was partial to ‘the slant sicks’ myself.

    • J. Frank Parnell

      anti-Asian hate.

      Who’s hating on Asians?

      “When Trump called Covid the ‘kung flu,’

      I remember hearing the term “kung flu”, but did Trump ever actually say that, or is that just more made up bullshit?

      Which party (and revered icon of progressivism) really did round them up, steal their property and put them in internment camps?

      But muh parties switched sides!!!!

      • Suthenboy

        Who? The affirmative action people.
        Did he? I dunno. I see claims but no video. With this bunch if they told me water was wet I would have to check first.
        The real question is how long before they do the same to a different ethnic group?

      • Gdragon

        He said it to the piss hookers, duh!

    • R C Dean

      I would expect the minuscule Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander voting blocs are probably already pretty much in the bag for her, so why run ads targetting them?

  25. The Late P Brooks

    Andrew Peng, AANHPI spokesperson for the Harris-Walz campaign, said that the ads remind communities that the “choice in this election is clear.”

    “Leaders like Rozita and Terry know how much AANHPI communities suffered during Trump’s first term — and that a second term would be far worse.”

    Show your fucking work, you shit gobbling weasel.

    • rhywun

      The new acronym just rolls off the tongue.

      “Why am I being lumped in with Asia?”

      /a Samoan

      “Shut up, bigot.”

      • KSuellington

        I find it really othering to Solomon Islanders. It’s like they don’t even exist.


        If we add Soloman Islanders we can turn their abbreviation into: ASHPAIN, pronounced: Ass-pain (by someone with a speech impediment).

    • Suthenboy

      I know how much they suffered from Trump too. I bet Maui voters are all in on Kamala.