What Do You Mean, I Don’t Support Your System? I Go To Court When I have To!

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Autos, Big Government, Cops, Crime | 125 comments

The day my mom died was very hectic. My Step Dad called me and said she was in the hospital and it looked bad, but we had a couple days. I drove to Raleigh to pick up my son and while we were on the road, he called again and she had died. I was driving while talking to my wife about Mom and the truck got away from me a little. I got pulled over for doing 80 in a 60 on a 4 lane divided highway. I was so distracted that it didn’t occur to me to make an excuse to the cop. A couple weeks later, I tried to go online to pay the ticket, and found out that in Virginia 80mph is considered reckless driving and I would have to go to Traffic Court.

Traffic Court and I have a long history. When I was 21 years old and living in Florida as a framing carpenter, I got pulled over for speeding. Since I had just gotten out of the Marine Corps the cop reduced it to a seat belt violation. Being a poor alcoholic carpenter, I forgot about it until I got pulled over again and found out that my license had been suspended for failure to pay the fine so I had to go to court. Court sucks, I stayed there for a long time until my name was called just so I could be fined an exorbitant fee considering I made $6 an hour cash at the time.

I kept driving on the suspended license, had to get to work somehow. I had a 1977 Ford Fairmont that looked exactly like the picture. My friends called the color baby shit brown. It had a 200 straight 6 and was reliable as hell for the 2 years I lived in Florida. Luckily, I never got pulled over again. I did have a close call when the car died driving home and 2 cops actually helped me push the car off the road. I figured out the next day that the fuel gauge had flipped and half was now empty. At that time, my hair was starting to get long and I had couple joints in my jacket, but they were finishing their shift and just wanted to make sure my car didn’t block the road.

Instead of paying my fine, I moved to Japan and married my wife. While I was over there, I received notice that my license had been revoked for 5 years.

After rejoining the Marines, I came back to America in 1999, and went for my Driver’s license in California. I was expecting to have to pay a hefty fine, but my record was clear because of the time passing. After 6 years in CA, I was stationed in Chesapeake VA for a few years and my license expired, but because I was on active duty, it was still valid. I never worried about renewing it. In 2008, I moved to KC MO, and still had my expired CA license. This wasn’t a problem until I got sent to California for the rifle range and got pulled over driving our rental car. The cop was flabbergasted that I gave him a license that expired 6 years ago. I explained that it was legal, and he agreed, except for the fact I was driving in California. He didn’t write me up, but he did take my license.

When I got back to Missouri I had to get a new license. I walked into the exam room and asked the cop if I could take the written and driving exam today. She recommended that I study, but I said that I was pretty sure I could wing it. When she graded it, she said to me, “You barely passed”, I replied, “But I passed right?” She gave me a dirty look. Then she took me out for my driving exam. I was way too relaxed for her tastes. She was definitely used to scared 16 year olds. I had one hand on the wheel, cut a corner too sharp, and didn’t use turn signals doing my parallel parking test.(It was in an empty parking lot). She repeated her comment from earlier, so I came right back with, “But I passed right?”, and got another dirty look for my trouble. Since then I have had a couple speeding tickets spread over many years.

This new one was the first one that I couldn’t just pay a fine, so on the appointed day, off to traffic court I went. I made sure to leave my knife in the car, and as I got to the security gate, there was a sign forbidding cell phones, so I threw mine in my car. I was wearing my normal work attire, a polo with a pair of nice jeans and a pair of leather boots. They irritated me right away, because she told me to tuck in my shirt. The lady that went before me had on a t-shirt, yoga pants and bright yellow crocs. Whatever, I tucked in my shirt and sat down in the courtroom.

It was scheduled to start at 10 and the judge was right on time. Then it took forever as they went through the cases one by one. Most of the people in there were not well off. Many people who weren’t there were represented by the same lawyers. One guy successfully fought his ticket because the cop didn’t write down how he identified that the car he pulled over was actually the car his radar clocked. The judge was not happy with that cop.

Later a case came where a lady was cited for not having a license. She brought it with her and said she didn’t have it with her when she got pulled over. It was the same cop from earlier and the judge was not happy the cop misclassified the offense so she let the woman go.

I can’t really express how disgusted I was with the whole thing. It seems like the worst way to handle minor traffic violations, especially for people that were struggling and I’m sure many of them lost pay because they had to go to this.

The judge did seem to be fairly lenient and knocked most fines down and sent people to driver’s improvement.

When it was finally my turn, around 11:15, the judge asked my cop if I had been polite, the cop replied that I had been, and she asked if I had anything she should know. I simply said, I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t realize how fast I was going. She fined me $75 and I have to go to online driver’s improvement by Oct 15th and it will be removed from my record.

While I was glad that was the verdict, I am still upset that I had to sit through all of that BS just to have her tell me that.

Where the title comes from

About The Author



What I told my wife when she said my steel Baby Eagle .45 was heavy, "Heavy is good, heavy is reliable, if it doesn't work you could always hit him with it."-Boris the Blade MOLON LABE


  1. LCDR_Fish

    Was this along I-85? I got pulled over just north of the NC border back in 2010. I was 75 in 60, but he lowered it to 74 because I was military. Still a pain in the ass.

    • ron73440

      It was on 13/58 heading towards I-95 south.

    • Tundra

      Lol. Nice.

    • ron73440

      I think the entire Rust in Peace album was an excuse to show off how good they played guitar.

      To be fair, they are really good at it.

      • Chafed

        Yes they are. Loved your pull quote and the song it comes from.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        Mustaine is seriously underrated.

  2. Tundra

    I’ve never fought a ticket. It always seemed like too much hassle. As y’all say, the process is the punishment.

    • Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

      I always do. It’s worth it to me not to have the points or the insurance premium hikes.

    • Ownbestenemy

      It always seemed like too much hassle

      Exactly. Also, exactly what the State hopes. Just pay the fine! /never fought a ticket but the idea of fighting the man is so enthralling!

    • ron73440

      Never fought one either.

      Funny thing, 2 weeks after the court date, I got pulled over for 69 in a 55.

      This is after no tickets in 78 years.

    • Gender Traitor

      A former co-worker of mine had developed an MS Access database for QS9000 records at a Delphi Automotive Systems engineering center. When she got a speeding ticket, she successfully fought it when she demanded the police produce documentation that the radar gun had been calibrated according to the required schedule. They couldn’t.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Holy fuck. OG comment was gonna be an essay… glad I purged (but saved it). Ultra-stoned, chillin’ after gettin’ my gig at a plasma donor place in Indy. Damn. That job will be full of stories.

      I think I paid the ticket I got on Halloween +/- 2 days in 2005 in Kentucky. I’m pissed I can’t remember the name of the small town. Dad does. Was coming back from a Death Cab for Cutie show with my best friend in/around Nashville senior year in high school. So it’s late. Probably passed midnight. Pulled over, hell yeah I was drivin’ dirty. Mom kinda hates to admit it, saying nothing but looking it, she’s really proud I knew my fucking rights. I told Will to keep his mouth shut. Get his ID out, but just say he’s the passenger if he *really* has to. To his credit, he did and all was well.

  3. DEG

    Sorry about your mom.

    When she graded it, she said to me, “You barely passed”, I replied, “But I passed right?” She gave me a dirty look. Then she took me out for my driving exam. I was way too relaxed for her tastes. She was definitely used to scared 16 year olds. I had one hand on the wheel, cut a corner too sharp, and didn’t use turn signals doing my parallel parking test.(It was in an empty parking lot). She repeated her comment from earlier, so I came right back with, “But I passed right?”, and got another dirty look for my trouble.

    That’s a dangerous game, but you pulled it off. I like it. It brought a smile to my face.

  4. Timeloose

    Fuck Traffic Court!!

  5. Ownbestenemy

    I am really curious who on Kamala’s team pitched:

    Staffer: “Hey remember that 2020 video of you telling Joe ‘we did it'”?
    Kamala: “Ya, that was so dope, I mean fly, fire! fire! I mean fire!”
    Staffer: “Ya…well anyway, we should do it again. Let’s do one with the Obamas! They are hip!”
    Kamala: “For sure, I mean, they made this happen”
    …..two weeks later…..
    Staffer: “Here me out. A phone call, you, Walz. It will be classic”
    Kalama: “Absolutely! Never been done before!”

    In OBE’s World
    Staffer: “I cannot believe she is doing this”

    • rhywun

      fire! fire! I mean fire!

      I recently discovered that Beavis and Butt-Head have some episodes that aren’t 20 years old and been LMFAO at them.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I think she sounds like she is trying to do a Maya Rudolph impression.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Wait, I thought Maya was playing this part? Uncanny really. I cannot unsee it now.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Yeah, Maya will get to keep playing her on SNL (like they will ever make fun of Harris on there now).

        But Harris is so fake that she seems like a bad actor trying to do an impression.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Staffer: “I cannot believe she is doing this”

      Second Staffer: “What else can we have her do? Talk to the press? Talk to anyone? Don’t make me laugh”

      • ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

        “Hello, fellow Girlfriend…”

      • Ownbestenemy

        ^^^ AHAHAHAHA!

  6. Timeloose

    I have to go to a magistrate after witnessing an accident and pulling a woman and her daughter out of a car.

    The goddammed state is prosecuting the driver who made an error and had her car totaled after rolling it 3-4 times.

    The charges are for driving code violations. I stayed with the people until the ambulance got there, but the cops got there first.

    Good Sam gets to help the state screw over someone who made a mistake.

    • DrOtto

      “I didn’t see how the accident occurred. I just stopped to help.”

      • Timeloose

        The cop was there and I gave a statement at the scene. “My Fault” I know.

        I should have split as soon as the people were safely out of the car.

      • Sensei

        Plead the 5th to each question?

      • DrOtto

        I think you did the right thing by staying there, accidents can be funny things and they may have looked ok, but not have been, but yeah, cop kind of fucked you into a statement.

    • Ted S.

      Did the news reports refer to the ambulance people as “first responders” even though you were there first?

  7. Fourscore

    I got pulled over a year or two ago, 3-4 AM, my wife’s plane was several hours late. No traffic on the road from the local airport, winter time, road looked like it had a heavy frost. As a general rule I’d have tested the brakes but I was being following by what I was sure was a cop. He followed me for 7-8-9 miles or so @ 40 MPH. Finally he couldn’t stand it any more, turned on the lights. He had his hand on his gun when he approached. Asked me the usual questions, stuck his head in the window to smell me, let me go with no advice. A mile or 2 down the road he whizzed by me, I caught up to him , parked at the quickstop, getting his coffee/doughnut ration, I guess.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Been 10 years since I was last pulled over. I was speeding. Thought it was BS given the 35-25-35 speed limit of the short street with no residential or school nearby. Tried to be nice to the officer, he was the usual assholeryness of a bike cop. Took my ticket, paid the fine, did a 2 hour class online and went about my business.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The speeding ticket that pissed me off the most was the one I got in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

      This was before GPS and a buddy and I were trying to figure out to bypass the city (we were coming back from a salmon fishing trip on Lake Michigan). I goosed it in traffic to make an exit and somehow a cop picked me out from a bunch of locals (my MN plate).

      The cop looked 10 years old and not only badgered me about where I was going, but he demanded ID from my buddy (the passenger). It was all we could do to not ask him if his mother knew he was playing cop that day. We kept our cool hoping that he’d let us go.

      No luck. Gave me a ticket for 8 over the speed limit. Still makes me mad.

  8. Ownbestenemy

    In case you were not sure who is really running the show..

    When you compare Walz’s resume to Trump’s running mate, well, some might say it’s like a matchup between the varsity team and the JV squad!

    – Kamala Harris

    Straight from Obama’s playbook from *checks notes* 2014?

    I cannot believe this is the route they want to go with. A man who skirted* his last deployment with retirement or the one having to write about combat while probably seeing the horrors happen/retold.

    *Look, dude was above retirement TIS and not gonna really knock him for that. Claiming the provisional rank given is bullshit, but ya, any service member would take the retirement most likely..save a few, very select members that are beasts.

    • Pope Jimbo

      If Walz wanted to bail on his unit when they got orders to deploy, fine. I won’t get too worked up about it.


      He bragged constantly about his service in the Guard when he was starting his political career. “Football coach, Command Sergeant Major, Teacher, etc., etc.”

      That is the part that rubs me wrong. I managed to get out of the Marines early because of a bonus/contract dispute and while I’m proud to have been in, I wouldn’t think of running on my service. When people ask me about it now, I say that I was lucky enough to serve when no shots were being fired in anger and that I was also lucky enough to get kicked out early.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Same. Would be no different if I tried to equate me sitting on the flight line at 4 am while our group was being prepped for deployment only to be nixed and sent home and I tried to make it sound any different than just another deployment exercise.

        I am sure Angry Cops will have something to say cause he absolutely hates Stolen Valor.

    • Gustave Lytton

      That would be my buddy. Got his waiver to stay beyond 59 so he didn’t get sent home early from Iraq. Had previously volunteered and served in VN.

      I’d really like to know what actually happened. I have a sneaking suspicion that CSM Walz was taken aside and told that he wasn’t going under any conditions.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ya its not a line they should hammer. We don’t know what we don’t know. Thank him for his time in service, and hammer him on his politics/policies instead. Like questioning why he thinks so little of NG unit members.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m amazed that both vice presidential candidates were enlisted and not commissioned.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I guess it was the same in 1992.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Red button choice meme here

        “Old white dude that served in the military during Iraq/Afghanistan”
        “Young Jewish dude who served in IDF”

  9. Sensei

    The nine employees whom Unrwa isn’t firing were members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad—of that Israel is certain. Israel says 2,000 Unrwa employees are signed up to the terrorist groups, which don’t list female members. This would mean nearly 1 in 3 male employees of Unrwa in Gaza are members of Hamas or Islamic Jihad. Why are they still employed at Western taxpayers’ expense?

    Well how else are we supposed to make the bread feed the Palestinians if the UN doesn’t do it? Where do we send the money we extract from US citizens under penalty of imprisonment?


    • rhywun

      While we’re asking stupid questions… why are we throwing money at Iran to pay for it all?

      • Ownbestenemy

        We wont know if our interceptors will work beyond our known equipment we export /Raytheon-GD-Boeing-et al.

  10. UnCivilServant

    Parallel parking is what caused me to fail the driving test three times on dry pavement. (It’s paractically half the NY test and is pass/fail for the whole section)

    I passed on a road that was six inches of slush, because the examiner couldn’t see the curb, so it was “good enough”

  11. DrOtto

    I fight every ticket and have helped (successfully, in all but one case) friends, family and coworkers fight speeding tickets. I have traffic court down so well, it’s considered a hobby by my friends and family. It started as a necessity due to my somewhat exuberant driving style and being broke as a teen but has been honed to a well crafted strategy. It helps that TX considers it a criminal offense. It affords you to hit them with their own rule book. They never see it coming till it’s too late. I’ve got a roughly 3/1 win to loss ratio, but usually get it tossed on some bullshit technicality before I even get to trial (misspelled name, constable in wrong precinct, speed posted on ticket doesn’t match speed posted on the sign where citation issued – I have gotten tickets tossed for all these reasons and more). I almost never accept a plea bargain unless it’s truly a good deal and the possibility of getting found guilty looks inevitable. On straight up trials it’s closer to a 50/50 win/loss ratio. Long and short of it, if you want my money in traffic court, I’m gonna make you earn it.

    • Sensei

      In NJ the municipal courts are generally in cahoots with police. You plea for no points.

      • DrOtto

        Small town TX is like this, but they still tend to follow the rules. If you play them right, you can still walk. The municipalities are just assembly lines. Easy to walk on them if you can just find a defect in the ticket or complaint. And there’s always a defect. Small towns will take the time to remedy the defect, big cities don’t unless you pissed the cop off enough that he pushes the issue (sometimes my smart mouth gets me in trouble).

  12. Pope Jimbo

    Has anyone asked Walz why he came out after meeting with Biden and declared him “fit for office”?

    When asked Wednesday outside the White House if he believes Mr. Biden is “fit for office,” Walz said plainly, “Yes, he’s fit for office.” He again acknowledged the poor debate performance but praised Mr. Biden’s record as president.
    “None of us are denying Thursday night was a bad performance. It was a bad get, if you will on that. But it doesn’t impact what I believe — he’s delivering,” Walz said.
    “What we saw in there today was a guy who was the guy that all of us believed in the first time we could beat Donald Trump and did beat Donald Trump,” the governor added later.

    • Chafed

      I’d be delighted if the White House press corps simply noted they tried to interview Kamala and she declined.

    • Ownbestenemy

      The Internet of 2024 sucks. Was trying to find a clip of Great Gam Gam from Beerfest saying we are all whores.

      We are all whores in some ways.

  13. ZWAK angry at the world, and the world doesn’t care.

    I haven’t had a ticket in… 20 years, I think? I was living on empty at the time, driving an unregister POS, that I was constantly going down to the DMV and pushing the “waiting for smog repairs” trick you could do in CA at the time, but had let it slip and was driving home one night, and as someone had tried to jack my truck I had a busted rear window which gave them a reason to pull me. Of course, license expired and no insurance. Like I said, was living on empty; divorced, shit job, barely making child support, had a failed career behind me and was drinking way too much. Luckily I was sober when the pulled me.

    Court date? Fuck, just send me a bill. But, no, I gotta show up, get ordered to get everything fixed, license and insurance and tags. More money I didn’t have. But new girlfriend was cool, let me move in, gave me some flexibility that way, and started to put the pieces of life back together.

    • ron73440

      I think that is what pisses me off the most about the system.

      It can take a bad time in someone’s life and make it exponentially worse.

      • Chafed

        I saw this all the time when I was a public defender. An unpaid ticket spiraled into multiple misdemeanors. It was such a grind for people to get out from under all fines.

        Of course, there also the assholes who didn’t care about any law and were on their way to “greater” things.

  14. Pope Jimbo

    I have to admit that I’m stunned by the amount of gaslighting going on in regards to Walz. This is what he said in his appearance with Kamala?

    Walz used the opportunity to demonstrate he could be both “Minnesota nice” and an attack dog for the campaign, saying Donald Trump “mocks our laws,” “sows chaos,” and “froze in the face of Covid.”
    “Violent crime was up during the presidency of Donald Trump, and that’s not even counting the crimes he committed,” Walz said to thunderous applause. (Violent crime in the U.S. did rise during the pandemic.)

    • Pope Jimbo

      And freezing in the face of Covid? Is King Walz saying that Trump sucked because he didn’t set up a snitch line?

      At the beginning of the covid epidemic, Walz issued an executive order that prohibited any resident of Minnesota from leaving his or her house, except as permitted by him. It was perhaps the most overtly fascist measure in America’s history. Walz then set up a snitch line, so that Minnesotans could phone in, anonymously, and rat out their neighbors if they violated Walz’s “stay at home” order:
      As this tweet notes, the snitch line was kept operational until mid-2022.

      Trump’s covid fuckup was not firing Fauci by June of 2020.

      • Chafed

        I can’t believe any politician who wasn’t anti-lockdown would bring up anything about covid.

      • Ownbestenemy

        They cheer the woman who had seeds…fucking seeds…cordoned off. This guy is their savior.

      • Chafed

        Thanks for the reminder a big part of the population wants an authoritarian.

  15. Pope Jimbo

    He has the balls to call out Trump for a rise in crime? Does he think that no one will check his record on crime as gov?

    It isn’t like he let the Floyd riots get out of control and then we’ve had years since then of insane crime (including violent car jackings). Sure you can try blaming the mayor of Minneapolis for all that.

    • Ownbestenemy

      He has the balls because he knows he has the whole of legacy media willing to gaslight.

      • Sensei


    • rhywun

      Narrator: No one that counts is going to check his record on crime as governor.

  16. slumbrew

    doing 80 in a 60

    People would be tailgating you for going too slow on the Mass Pike.

    I’m going to have to watch it driving from Vegas to Utah next month.

    • Chafed

      I was told there is no speed limit west of Worcester.

  17. Mojeaux the Lazy Yenta

    I got a ticket in February in a school zone. 46/30. I couldn’t have weaseled or cried my way out of that one for anything. I just took the ticket and called my lawyer.

    • Sensei



      Initially not a fan of this due to the odd syncopation. However, chorus drew me in and made me appreciate the verses.

      Also singer has good talent.

      From one of my favorite anime in the past 3 years or so and I’m not a fantasy genre fan.

  18. Annoyed Nomad

    When I was in the Air Force I had an “expired” California driver’s license. I had obtained the license back in 1986 or 1987 and when it expired I was stationed in Massachusetts, so CA sent me a small piece of paper that stated my license was still valid while in the military. I left the Air Force in 1992 while in Ohio and since I was becoming a civilian, figured I needed to get an Ohio driver’s license. So, I went to the local Motor Vehicle office, where they asked for my current license and gave me the written test. I passed the test pretty easily and they said I also had to take a driving test since my previous license was expired.
    “But I had the piece of paper that said it was still valid” I said.
    “We don’t recognize that.”
    “OK, fine. Let’s get the driving test over with.”
    “You’ll have to schedule it. The earliest is next week.”
    “Ok, well, can I have my CA license back until I take the test?”
    “No, we have to keep it since it’s expired.”
    “You do know that I drove here, right? How am I supposed to drive until next week?”
    “We can give you a learner’s permit, but you have to have a licensed driver in the car with you.”

    So, for a week I drove carefully with my learner’s permit.

    • Ownbestenemy

      So..instead of “Aristocats!” The bureaucrat said “Government!”

      • Annoyed Nomad


    • ron73440

      I don’t understand how your years of driving with the CA license count for nothing.

      I remember being surprised when MO told me I would have to take a driving test.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Military status only fits certain aspects of ‘goodwill’ from politicians/state laws. Hell, I was held in default when I was out of leave and had to choose AWOL or court appearance for my divorce in two states over. Assholes in power will always be attracted.

      • Gustave Lytton

        New coworker came from out of state with his husband. She blew him off on reading the drivers manual. And failed her first attempt. Think it opened her eyes a little bit.

    • Rat on a train

      I had an expired CA license while I was stationed at Fort Meade. When I left active duty MD accepted my expired license with the notice and a DD214. They didn’t require any test.

  19. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Traffic court is definitely the road to debtors prison. It’s all part of a design to get people to spiral into the grips of the government, either by jail or welfare.

  20. Ownbestenemy

    Walz still needs to introduce himself to many voters over the next 91 days. An NPR/PBS/Marist poll published Tuesday found that 71% of respondents said they had never heard of Walz, or did not have an opinion of him.

    So..Team Red..ya gonna do something here? I mean…if he is a blank slate you can just as much paint him as he will paint himself.

    • creech

      Geez, and the LP campaign claimed last week that a poll they took only showed 61% hadn’t heard of Chase Oliver. Now, in reality, it is more like 99%, but don’t burst their bubble.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        the LP campaign claimed last week that a poll they took only showed 61% hadn’t heard of Chase Oliver.

        He’s that British guy on HBO, right?

  21. creech

    Where are you all seeing these cops? I drove 246 miles on the Pa. Turnpike last Wednesday afternoon and didn’t see one state police car.
    Speed limit 70, which I was doing 75, and cars passed me like I was standing still. Even in the numerous construction zones, where it was 55 and double fines, there were no smokies hanging around.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Don’t tempt fate…also, appears you are looking at a collective experience of something like 130 years?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Same. Enforcement is way down and rarely see cops parked doing speed cameras. My last pulled over was 7-8 years ago and last ticket (speeding) was in 2001 or 02. I drive about 30-40k miles a year.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Which is a good thing overall.

    • Not Adahn

      My last one was a speed camera that NYS is installing in work zones. I got a “notice of liability” for it. But (I guess since there’s no due process involved) the liability was much lower than either a speeding fine or court costs would have been.

  22. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    I recently got pulled over for “excessive acceleration”.

    Driving home from work. I made a right turn from a minor road (45mph) to a major (2 lane, 65 mph) highway. I only looked at oncoming traffic (and the price of gas at the corner gas station). As soon as I get into my lane, I realize there were two state sheriffs STANDING IN MY LANE. My choices were to stop in the right lane of a 65 mph highway or accelerate to beat the oncoming traffic. I chose to accelerate – it seemed the safer bet. A few miles down the road, they (both state cops) caught up to and asked me “what was that all about”. I said I had a choice to either run you over or accelerate into the other lane ahead of other cars. He let me go. I did not bring up the fact that he had to accelerate rather rapidly to catch up with me.

    I got pulled over in a snowstorm in Wichita once for driving 50 mph in a 55 mph. I told the Southern, black cop that I grew up driving in worse conditions in Minnesota. I did not bring up the fact that he had to accelerate rather rapidly to catch up with me.

    The time I got pulled over riding a motorcycle at over 120 mph, I just paid the fine. The officer reduce it to 80 mph so I didn’t lose my bike and license.. Still he suspected me of running drugs. He inspected my friend’s bags but not mine. I did not bring up the fact that he had to accelerate rather rapidly to catch up with me.

    On another motorcycle trip through Big Bend Texas. The speed limit was 40 mph which is silly in wide open Texas. The park police clocked me at 50 mph and for standing up on the pegs (so I could see farther) I did not bring up the fact that she had to accelerate rather rapidly to catch up with me. I popped a wheelie out of park perimeter to show her my displeasure.

    The only time (knocks on wood) I’ve been called for jury duty was for a county rule against junk storage. The judge was an absolute dick. Neighbor cut down several trees to get a better view of the Kansas sunset. She didn’t realize that her neighbor was building an “alternative” house that included used materials. Not impressed with the justice system. Have I mentioned that the judge was an absolute dick?

    • DrOtto

      I tore past a cop on my bike as he was napping in his car and woke him at about 2:00am one early morn. I had been going approx 110 when I saw him. I coasted down to the speed limit and by the time he caught up to me and I got my helmet off I realized he had assumed I was going to run by all of the sirens I was hearing. He came excitedly up to me and asked how fast I was going and then stated he didn’t get me on radar. “I was going 30 sir.” If he hadn’t called for backup (I counted roughly a dozen cars at this point – South St. Paul, Inver Grove Heights, West St. Paul, Mendota Heights, MN state patrol) I’m pretty sure that answer would’ve gotten me a beating. He wrote me for “55+” and Careless Driving. He didn’t show up to court and it was dismissed.

    • Pope Jimbo

      When I lived in TN I was finally forced to get new plates for my truck. In TN you only need a back plate and being a lazy fuck, that meant I still had my old MN plate on the front.

      Driving home to MN one day, I went through a blizzard near Des Moines and all of a sudden some idiot comes roaring up behind me and passes me. It was a state trooper. He gets 10 yards in front of me and slams on his brakes, swings behind me and pulls me over.

      As he walks up behind me, he does a double take at my back plate. When I roll down the window, he starts chewing my ass for having an expired plate on my front bumper. I tell him that no one in TN cared. He tells me that if I don’t take it off he’s going to write me a ticket. I was sure tempted to tell him to fuck off except that a) I had no money to pay a ticket or fight one and b) I was going to MN and every cop there would have the same reaction when they saw my front plate so it was actually not a dumb idea to take it off.

  23. Gustave Lytton

    Next to no enforcement of traffic laws, making various violations no longer stoppable (not seatbelts or helmets, though!), and get out of jail free cards since COVID/Floyd has left a mess around here. Lots of expired/no plates (and likely no insurance), burnt out tail or brake lights, shitty driving, the works. Gonna take a lot of shitty enforcement to get that toothpaste back in the tube.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I would REALY Like to create my own TRIBE and print my own License Plates. I recently found out my ancestors are Swedes and Norwegians (/Vikings) There is ample evidence that my ancestors were here (NE Minnesoda) before the current “Native Americans”. If the Natives can print their own license plates, I want to as well. Why do I even need a license plate to drive my truck to work? I just paid over $45 dollars for tabs on a 23 year old truck. I look at the costs and look at the state of the roads and wonder who would willingly pay for this shit?

      • Brochettaward

        The Firsters were in the new world before all of your ancestors, but we do not bother ourselves with such trivial claims as temporal power over others. We only value the thrill of the First.

      • Ownbestenemy

        What part? We are from the Etne Fjords. On the Swedish side, we have no clue cause it appears great grandma when immigrated gave region, not name.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        My ancestors didn’t care about stupid Firsts, they were after food, loot, women, or land. I doubt you beat them to the New World. Firsts are for vain people, lasts (and always) are for Vikings.

        Now fuck off or I shall taunt you a second time. I fart in your general direction.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Minnesoda Vikings are NEVER first.

  24. dbleagle

    My last ticket was for a parking violation on Federal land in the parking lot for our office. The spot “was mine” because I drive a small car and it was the only one which could fit between the triangular lines. All the off limits areas in the lot had multiple cross hatches and this area didn’t. After almost three years some Fed cop ticketed me. I was in high dungeon and took plenty of pictures of the off limit areas and that my car clearly fit in the spot w/o encroaching a single line.

    Because the lot was on Fed land that meant I had to fight the ticket in Fed court. I showed up at the required time and waited for my case. When it came up the Fed prosecutor moved to dismiss the ticket because the cop put it on the moving violation and not a parking violation form. I won, but I was deflated because I wanted to shove that cop’s nose it. Still, I took the W.

  25. R C Dean

    The last time I got pulled over was on the interstate. There was construction on the right shoulder, so I pulled into the left lane and made sure I was driving the (reduced) speed limit. Sure enough, an AZ Highway Patrol pulled me over for driving in the left lane for too long. I told him I always gave construction as much room as I could, for safety. I was on hospital business and was wearing my hospital name tag. He asked about it, and let me go with a warning.

    Who the fuck pulls somebody over for pulling into the left lane to avoid a construction zone?

    • hayeksplosives

      Somebody with a monthly quota to meet?

    • Gustave Lytton

      Keep right except to pass is a pipe dream here. If the cops wanted to mint money, they’d enforce commercial vehicles.

    • Ted S.

      You should try being racefluid, claim you were black that day, and accuse the cop of racism.

  26. hayeksplosives

    Lawd have mercy. Thank you for sharing your experiences with traffic “legal” stuff.

    October of last year I had a single car accident due to an epileptic seizure while driving. Right into a ditch; totaled the car. Firefighters fetched me out; I have no memory of it which is normal after a grand mal seizure.

    Cop on scene decided there was probable cause for DUI, so when I awoke / became ok at the hospital he was standing by to tell me I was under arrest for DUI. I explained about the seizure (I’ve only had 3 in my life but I know the tongue biting, muscle tearing aftermath). He admitted he had not been able to take breathalyzer because the paramedics were working on me. He gave me a paper with a court date. Accident was Saturday afternoon, court was Monday morning.

    I had a closed burst fracture of 2 vertebrae. I called a lawyer Sunday because I felt like this was stacked against me despite my excellent record. Went to court Monday. Lawyer got the judge to do my case first due to my back fracture and pain.

    Boom, done. The prosecutor moved not even to bother testing my blood they had sampled.

    Whole thing cost $150 from the state but $8500 from the lawyer.

    Still worth it.

    But due to medical restrictions, I had to not drive for 6 months. Company paid my Ubers during that time because I had warned my boss 4 days before the accident that they were pushing too hard and I was having “partial seizures” which are warnings. He didn’t let up. So he felt very bad afterwards and arranged the Ubers.

    Friday of last week, I learned that there are rampant rumors at work that I have a DUI conviction and am thus not trustworthy.

    I hate my job. What a bunch of little bitches.

    • Gustave Lytton

      “I beat the rap, and I’ll beat you!”

    • Evan from Evansville

      Everything about that terrifies me. Um. In many, many, many ways.

      Glad everything…sorta(?) worked out? Ya only mentioned the broken necky-bits in kinda remarkable passing. Kinda-sorta, for sure, but, huh. Uh hrm.

    • Brochettaward

      How people react to something like DUI’s says a lot about them. The vast majority of people have done it, or continue to do it. They most definitely have been in situations where they’ve allowed people to drink and drive.

      Basically, it’s a great way to tell just how self-aware and how big of a hypocrite someone is.

      • Evan from Evansville

        This is true. I certainly have, though nothing too insane. Never caught, nor a wreck or anything. But after even a semi-long and lovely meal, I can see many/ most after a couple being ‘legally’ DUI. Hrm.

        I’m mostly in the “Reckless Driving” lane of legality. Sigh. Were we all guilty of wreckless driving, we’d be far less likely to have committed a reckless driving crime. (I’ll shuffle away now..)

    • Ted S.

      Can’t you just blow them all up with plausible deniability?

      • Ted S.

        Better yet, sic the ADA on them.

      • UnCivilServant

        What are those Dentists going to do?

      • Ted S.

        Have you seen Marathon Man?

      • hayeksplosives

        I have no idea what you mean…


  27. UnCivilServant


    Zilog discontinued the z80 this year.

    • Ted S.

      I blame Trump.

    • Gender Traitor

      Better that than what Zardoz wanted to discontinue. 😳

      Good morning, U and Ted’S.!

      • UnCivilServant

        I took comfort that such a verable processor was still in production.

        How goes?

      • Gender Traitor

        Pretty good. Short work day today, as I have to leave early to take one of the cats in for his shots.

        How about you?

      • UnCivilServant

        I have to figure out how to address an employee’s poor written communication skills.

        It’s not going to be a fun day.

      • Gender Traitor


      • Sean

        Crayons and construction paper.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean! Just another day in paradise?

      • Sean

        Uh huh. Breaking some clays today.

    • UnCivilServant


    • Gender Traitor

      …and I’m old enough to get exactly why you picked him. 😞

      • Fourscore

        Mai Britt agrees…