¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces mexicanos!

by | Sep 24, 2024 | I Am Lame | 122 comments

Back to the grind. The part of the year where my kids all have their extracurricular activities at the same time, which means weekends are sort of a sick joke where I am constantly being asked by my extended family if I will be in attendance to a birthday related function.

No. I’m attending a marching band competition (seriously). In other news I owe $50 for my share of the ice cream maker my sister wanted.


In the year of our lord, 2024, they finally run out of exotic names for hurricanes and just named one John. In all seriousness you’d think they would use that one around the time they started the naming convention.

If I didn’t know any better, I would assume central banking is a scheme to cook economic numbers around election time.

Search result for “Elon” in the media folder. WTF is wrong with you people?

This one is actually pretty interesting, if you must only click one link, clink this one.

I remember this one time in AZ, they threatened a county official with jailtime if he didn’t certify the election results within the county for the preferred winner. Oh wait this is Venezuela. In related news, Argentina issues an arrest warrant for Maduro.

Brazil levies fines against Musk’s other companies for continuing to allow TwiX to operate in Brazil. The corporate media is reporting Musk “blinked” first, but if they’re levying fines and threatening to revoke business licenses against his other companies because they can’t actually stop anyone in Brazil from accessing TwiX.

Woo! One hit wonder! Have a great Tuesday.

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Sean

    LOL @ that pic

    • SDF-7

      When the Marxist Student Union told her to 69 a watermelon — this is not what they meant.

    • Nephilium

      Looks like a friend of mine’s wife. I have to believe there was grain alcohol of some proof in that watermelon.

      • Tundra

        The spiked watermelon was a standard accompaniment when we would float the Apple River. A really bad idea.

        Really bad.

      • Nephilium


        There are worse ideas out there.

        There’s also the story a friend of mine would tell about when he got invited to hang out with his (then) girlfriend’s friends for a tea party. It was a Long Island Iced Tea party. The story ends with him waking up in the bathtub of the house the party was at.

      • Tundra

        @Saruman that’s exactly right.

      • Tundra

        @Neph aren’t there easier ways to make your beer taste shitty?

      • Nephilium


        Of course there is, you could avoid putting any hops in it. 🙂

        And I did say that it was a worse idea than the grain alcohol watermelon.

  2. Drake

    Can Starlink users in Brazil access X?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      To my obviously limited knowledge: yes. That was the problem the courts were having. Starlink customers could still access TwiX in spite of the court order, which was part of the reason they threatened to revoke their license.

  3. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Man, that is some permed hair.

    • Tundra

      And a great fucking song.

  4. SDF-7

    One hit wonder!

    This video brought to you by Papermate?!? Did not see that one coming.

    And obligatory One Hit Wonder

  5. Tonio

    Search result for “Elon” in the media folder. WTF is wrong with you people?

    Apparently non-case sensitive partial substring search is the default. Don’t know whether this is a new feature or not.

    • SDF-7

      Now I’m hoping for someone to write a tennis article so we can have an image search for a “lob”…..

      • Ted S.

        [insert pictures of earlobes here]

  6. The Late P Brooks

    Chasing the libertarian voter

    “I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe and get us to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom, and for the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body – and not have their government tell them what to do,” Harris told WPR, an affiliate of National Public Radio, on a campaign trip to Wisconsin, a key midwestern swing state where she has a wafer-thin lead over Donald Trump, according to recent polls.

    Government off our backs candidate.

    • Drake

      Just revoke the Ninth and Tenth Amendments.

      • SDF-7

        I think they think “incorporation” and the Reconstruction Era effectively did.

        And they seem to be right de facto.

        But the critical thing is that Our Democracy where the machine politics of LA, SF, Chicago and NYC get to dictate to everyone else every aspect of our lives would be one step closer…. Don’t you love Democracy, Comrade Citizen?

      • Drake

        I kind of hate it. It has never worked for anything bigger than a town.


        Yeah, the whole enterprise started falling apart when what was supposed to be a contract between the states and feds became a good old-fashioned vassalage.

    • SDF-7

      She’s only got one real drum — and by God, she’s going to beat the hell out of it so no one can ask her about anything else!

    • Sean

      Now, get “vaccinated” or else…

    • rhywun

      not have their government tell them what to do

      Oh, that’s rich.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    However, it cost her the support of the outgoing West Virginia senator, Joe Manchin – a former Democrat who left the party this year to become an independent – who said he would not endorse her candidacy because of her pledge.

    “Shame on her,” Manchin, who is retiring from the Senate at the end of the year, told CNN. “She knows the filibuster is the holy grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together. If she gets rid of that, then this would be the House on steroids.”

    Muh 50%-plus-one-vote mandate!

    • SarumanTheGreat

      “She knows the filibuster is the holy grail of democracy.”

      No, it’s a big part of why we still kinda sorta have a Republic.

  8. Ted S.

    Best thread title I’ve seen.

    • SDF-7

      My theory is that MS just wanted us to have to hover over and click feminine heinies.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I fixed it, what more do you want from me?

      *flips table*

      • Ted S.

        I want you to narrow your gaze at Swiss.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Kinky boots, Teds.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    The dreaded MAGAbro vote

    On the other side, the Harris campaign has embraced a different version of masculinity to make its own appeal to young male voters who have increasingly voted Republican.

    Harris’ running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, talks about his time as a high school football coach and his service in the National Guard and casts himself as the everyday loving dad. Meanwhile, Harris’ husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, has sought to show a different idea of manliness: supporting your wife even if it means halting your own professional career.

    “Gender is everywhere in this election, but masculinity is front and center in a way that’s perhaps unprecedented,” said Jackson Katz, a scholar on gender and masculinity who this month released a new film, “The Man Card: 50 Years of Gender, Power and the American Presidency.”

    “Gender is always a central factor in American presidential politics, but it’s hiding in plain sight until a woman runs. When a woman runs, her gender makes visible what’s been there all along.”

    Who do you want walking beside you down a dark alley late at night? Doug Emhoff, that’s who.

    • SDF-7

      Sure…. it is all because your candidate is a woman. Nothing about the years of “toxic masculinity” and “Sit down, a woman is talking” and “We must force DEI and all your existing jobs are male, pale and stale!” and “Guilty until proven innocent in Kollege Kangaroo Trials if she has regrets 2 weeks after” and THE MESSAGE in media that’s 100% captured by your side.

      No sireee Bob…. those young men are just deluded because they haven’t seen the true wondrous nature of a cackling harpy like Hillary um… Kamala!

    • Drake

      He’ll stick with you through thick and thin – ask his National Guard buddies.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Walz gives the impression of being a dad who is a little too loving, if you know what I mean. And Emhoff knocked up the nanny while he was still married. Great examples. These are the same kind of people who think Lena Dunham is hot.

      • Sean


    • MikeS

      Is knocking up the nanny “a different idea of manliness”?

      • SDF-7

        Ahnold approves of this message.


        Was the nanny a significant downgrade?

        That does seem to be the pattern. Arnold’s nanny < Maria Shriver, Stormy < Melina, hell even Paula Jones was a downgrade from Herself.

      • trshmnstr

        hell even Paula Jones was a downgrade from Herself

        *shudders uncontrollably*


        Horrifying innit?

        I have always been somewhat sympathetic to Bill in that regard. She of the pantsuits probably causes impotence in a three-mile radius.

      • B.P.

        They’re really dragging out “hope and change” again, only this time with a side order of “freedom.”

      • Plinker762

        I love the comments, “I’m a multi gun owner owner voting for Harris”, sure you are.

      • SDF-7

        I’m sorry… I really can’t click on play on an ad with the tag line

        There’s two sides, but only one that represents real change in this election: Kamala Harris

        — when she’s been part of the incumbent administration for the last 4 fucking years.

        AKA… “I’d ask how stupid do you think I am — but I think you already told me.”

      • mexican sharpshooter

        Think of it this way, we finally got to see something Sam Elliot couldn’t sell.

      • Plinker762

        I think you mean fweedom B.P.

      • SDF-7

        “I’m a multi gun owner owner voting for Harris”, sure you are.

        Why are you ragging on the IRS SWAT team, Plinker?

      • Nephilium


        But Harris stands for change and a new way forward! Not like the old ways of the past!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Disappointed. Should have stuck to selling Coors.

    • Gustave Lytton

      How has Emhoff halted his career? He rode his wife’s coattails to jump to a DC lawfirm when she was elected senator, then left for a Georgetown sinecure when she became vp.

  10. Tundra

    This one is actually pretty interesting,…

    It’s extremely interesting. China teaming up with the Mafia to deplete as much of the region as humanly possible.

    Colombia, Peru, and Bolivia produce most of the world’s cocaine. With the explosion of demand for cocaine in Europe, and new markets in Oceania and Asia, traffickers are relying less and less on mules to transport the drug on their person by air and more and more on container shipments, often concealed in perishable goods to expedite their processing. Traffickers move the drugs through the Caribbean, or less expected routes, from Ecuador or Brazilian and Southern Cone ports. Much of the cocaine passes through the Panama Canal and the Colón Free Trade Zone, one of the world’s great logistical hubs, where criminal organizations use the infrastructure to move drugs all over the world. The free trade zone is immediately adjacent to the Manzanillo International Terminal and the Panama Port, both operated by Hutchinson Ports.

    Explosion in demand in Europe?

    • Nephilium

      Just imagine if all of that could just be moved through a port or grown/produced locally instead of propping up “rouge pharmaceutical companies”?

      • Tundra

        No way! Then people might use drugs!

        oh wait

      • SDF-7

        rouge pharmaceutical companies

        Doubtless the increased efficiencies of local production would leave them red faced and embarrassed.

      • Nephilium


        That’s what I get for commenting while finishing up a note for work.

        /goes to the box and feels shame.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)


    • J. Frank Parnell

      the Colón Free Trade Zone

      Is that what they call a prison wallet these days?

      • Ted S.

        It’s a trade zone that’s had a colostomy.

  11. Tundra

    I’m attending a marching band competition (seriously).

    Thoughts and prayers. My daughter was in marching band as well as drumline. It was…interesting.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Its my oldest son, and while he doesn’t have autism everyone seems to think he did before he turned 10.

      • Tundra

        Well, he’ll be in good company.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    who saw the latest Lincoln Project ad?

    I have now, you bastard.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      You need to get over the woman thing, Brooks.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    If you want Real Change, vote for the incumbent!

  14. The Late P Brooks

    Is knocking up the nanny “a different idea of manliness”?


    Only if you cry afterward.

    • cyto

      Wow. Cut from 110 years statutory minimum to 2.

      Pretty good.

    • cyto

      Also… $32 billion in investments to FTX…. and she managed to skim at least 11 billion?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Dating Olbermann should be a big red flag. The biggest.

      • bacon-magic

        I bet the smell of dirty socks turns her on. Owoooooooooooooooo

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I don’t think Yuge works in this context.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    Michael Kimmel, a retired sociology professor at Stony Brook University and author of the book “Angry White Men,” said that “all kinds of different models of masculinity are on display” this election year. With Walz and Emhoff, he said, “you have models of men who publicly are loving fathers, who publicly are supportive of women.”

    “There’s clearly a battle for young men, particularly Gen Z men, right now going on,” Kimmel said, adding that Republicans have “perceived correctly” a growing gender gap in which young women are shifting further to the left politically than young men.

    Why aren’t young men jumping enthusiastically on the progressive bandwagon? Nobody knows.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Are they trying to say Trump isn’t a loving father. His kids are very prominent in his campaign, which probably wouldn’t be the case if her weren’t. And sure, he’s been kind of a dick toward some women, but he’s kind of a dick to a lot of people.

      • R C Dean

        “he’s been kind of a dick toward some women”

        Can’t rule out that at least some of them deserved it.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    What is the deal with this RFK reporter business. I saw something which I believe said he lusted in his heart for her ten years ago.

    Also, RFK’s wife’s friends don’t know what she sees in him.

    Junior high school lunchroom stuff.

    • creech

      “Junior high school lunchroom stuff.”

      “Oooh, what kind of car does he drive?”

  17. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I’m going to a hotel on Thurs-Sat.

    • MikeS


      • Ted S.

        At least it’s a daily hotel, not an hourly hotel.

    • Dr Mossy Lawn

      To continue the GA thread, I was going to fly into Tampa KTPF Thursday for the Mooney Summit. That is now unwise, and the Friday events have been pushed back. Will drop in on a friend in Wilmington NC Thursday and hopefully Friday afternoon or Saturday morning will be ok for Tampa Exec (KVDF). We are expecting KTPF and Davis island to be soggy. If tight on time Saturday the events are at KTPA in the terminal, so I could use Signature.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I don’t think my local airport (Macon County MC) will be a good option LOL

      • Tundra

        Yikes. I hope you can still get there. Is Signature an FBO?

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        Yes, Signature is a major FBO chain, catering to more of the BizJet market. The fees don’t seem horrible at KTPA, it varies depending on location, and if there is any competition. Some places like Key West and Teterboro can be quite steep.

      • Tundra

        So what happens at these brand fly-ins? There is a Commander Owners Group poster in my garage from the guy who lived here before (as well as a Colorado aeronautical chart lol). It looks pretty fun.

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        They depend, this one is mostly safety related. We have had speakers that talk about brand specific maintenance issues. Interior repairs, trips to Alaska or Cuba & the Caribbean. Deep water rescue, life jackets. We have had seminars on Oxygen levels, including the PROTE chamber one year which simulates a 29000ft cabin altitude, you get stupid within 5 minutes. Dan has given his experience with CO poisoning, and waking up in a field. He also arranged a discount on CO detectors and recalibrates ours each year.

        this years agenda:

        Plenty of Hangar flying and kicking the tires of your groups planes.

      • Tundra

        29K? What’s the ceiling in a Mooney?

        Very interesting, thanks. Before he built his Lancair my friend was in a club that had a bunch of planes, including a couple Mooneys. He loved them but said that they are one of those that require better than normal skill to fly. I recall seeing one at the airport that had a prop strike after a weird landing. Also, no fat guys in that plane!

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        My ex could rap that whole song (he once also participated in a rap battle in Baltimore. He was a Greek/American blue-eyed blonde that went to St. Albans school. That dude had some brass balls.)

      • Tundra

        That’s actually really impressive. Almost 15 minutes of hilarity!

        So do you need to do any prep on the RV?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        I just have to clean up my patio furniture and pull the awning in. I’m really hoping the heavy flooding rain line stays to our east 🤞

        I’m having visions of returning home to no roof

      • Tundra

        Well, I’ll hope for the best for you. Out here it’s the stupid fires…

      • Dr Mossy Lawn

        the M20M has a ceiling of 25K, but of course you need oxygen above 12.5, and many are recommending it over 8K these days, especially at night. I have never had mine over 18K, and that is rare.

        Mooneys aren’t hard to fly, they do require strict discipline in speed while landing. For every knot over the target speed of 1.3 Vso you add another 100ft of floating. so 10Kts is another 1000 ft.. For my plane that is 75kts on final slowing to 70kts at the fence. Also if you are too fast it will not land, and if you try and force it down, you can get it to porpoise, which is probably what caused that prop strike, it is a classic error.. 1 bounce, go around, if you get to 3 you are hitting the prop.

        You can put larger people in.. I have a friend that is 250+, but I can’t go far with him, luggage and my wife.. only about 1 hour VFR, and I leave the extra equipment home, like tools,

      • Tundra

        Also if you are too fast it will not land, and if you try and force it down, you can get it to porpoise, which is probably what caused that prop strike, it is a classic error.

        Ah yes, that’s exactly what he said. I hope you can make it to FL this weekend. Safe travels!

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Weather Channel is saying, like, 10″ for our area over ~24-36 hours. That’s fucking crazy.

      • R.J.

        Holy crap!

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Donye White, 35, a barber at Cuts & Shaves Barbershop in Allentown, Pennsylvania, said he voted for Trump in 2016, skipped the 2020 election but plans to vote for Harris in 2024. He pointed to the historic opportunity of electing the first female president.

    “I’m simply voting for her because we’ve never seen this before,” White said. “Not only the fact that it’s a Black person, but a woman. Like I’ve told everyone, we’ve let almost 50 white guys try. What’s the problem in maybe letting someone else try?

    She’s got the retard vote sewn up.

    • Sensei

      A cut above!

    • creech

      So? Buckley was happy to pick someone out of the phone book. Donye could be the first barber president, so let’s all vote for him.

    • Suthenboy

      No shit.
      Fallacy of association much?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sure the white guys have repeatedely screwed the pooch but it can always get worse and, if Kamala gets elected, it most assuredly will.

    • rhywun

      “You’re hired!”



      It was pretty good. Mrs.Frankelson and I enjoyed it. Farrell is pretty good even if he is eating up a role than would normally go to a James Gandolfini-type.

    • Tundra

      I hate superhero shit but that looks pretty damn good.

  19. Aloysious

    Autograph is a fine choice for lynx music.

    I click all the lynx. If I don’t, I can’t not follow the command of ZARDOZ to go forth and snark at the brutals.

    • Tundra

      So damn good. My buddy met him at some airport bar. Sat down, did a double take and ended up talking sports for an hour. What a great brush with fame.

  20. LCDR_Fish

    Had a good visit to the Smart Mouth Brewing tap room in VA Beach this weekend. Now sitting in my hotel room working through some old bottles of imports/high quality stuff that I’d been sitting on for too long at the house..(gave away a stack of bottles to a buddy at work)…Delirium Noel from a couple Christmas’s ago. Goes well with an Atkins dinner and some grapes. Although would probably be better in a proper tulip glass rather than a solo cup.

    Still waiting on final paperwork for approval to ship overseas. A little irritating at this point since my household goods are already on the slow boat, but whatcha gonna do?

  21. Spudalicious

    It wasn’t “Elon”, it was “elan”.

    The word élan is a French word that means “vigorous spirit or enthusiasm”. She was hitting that watermelon pretty hard.

    • Aloysious

      I, for one, did not know that potatoes could speak French.

      • R.J.

        He’s a multi-lingual potato. And smart. You might say he’s…
        A cunning linguist.

  22. DEG

    Search result for “Elon” in the media folder. WTF is wrong with you people?

    I’ve seen worse.

  23. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Hmm, strawberry blonde in a bikini chowing down on a watermelon. Anybody got her number?

  24. cyto

    Milei calls out the UN


    7) “World history shows that the only way to guarantee prosperity is by limiting the power of the monarch, guaranteeing equality before the law, and defending the right to life, liberty, and property of individuals.”

    8) “We believe in the defense of life, for all.
    We believe in the defense of property, for all.
    We believe in freedom of expression, for all.
    We believe in freedom of worship, for all.
    We believe in freedom of commerce, for all.
    And we believe in limited governments, all of them.”