Another busy weekend here. Heading out to the Cleveland Gaming Classic tonight and tomorrow (BattleTech Pods!). Sunday I will be off to watch the Giants visit to play the Browns.

I know that there’s the mini cabinets available at the Gaming Classic. I’ll be curious to see if they were impacted by this.
Slate decides to follow football, for no raisin.
Just 30 minutes away from Springfield.
In other local news, I don’t think this argument is as strong as the mayor thinks it is.
Look, I came of age during the time of Zima, Smirnoff Ice, Jager bombs, and calling every gods damned drink in a cocktail glass a “martini”. But seriously, what the hell younger generation?
Netflix just released a movie that has brought a much hated libertarian pet peeve to light. Our friends over at the IFJ explain that it’s real, and it’s terrible.
Alternate headline: QB smarter than pop stars.
I really don’t want to be on Zynga’s side, but I kind of need to in this case.
One more reboot has died.
In honor of a potential tailgating location I may be at Sunday, I’ll go a little old school on the drink choice for today.
The Rum Runner
- 2 parts light rum (1 ounce)
- 2 parts navy strength rum (1 ounce)
- 2 parts banana liquor (1 ounce)
- 1 part blackberry liquor (0.5 ounce)
- 4 parts pineapple juice (2 ounces)
- 2 parts lime juice (1 ounce)
- 1 part grenadine (0.5 ounce)
Yep, this is a big one. Traditionally, this goes into a hurricane glass filled with crushed ice, but if you don’t have one, you can always split it between two glasses to share with your special someone. Add all of those ingredients to a shaker filled with ice, and shake until well chilled. Strain into the crushed ice filled hurricane glass, and garnish with a pineapple wedge and a brandied cherry. If you don’t want to crush ice yourself, there are other ways.
Hope the weekend goes well for everyone, and although it pains me, I’ll need to be rooting for the Cowboys and a Harbaugh in the background Sunday.
The Venn diagram of people who want Harrison Butker to screw up is a vast array of America.
The Venn diagram of people butthurt over Butker’s commencement address and people who are NFL fans are two circles a couple of parsecs apart.
Catholic NFL kicker who gave a commencement speech at a Catholic university in line with Catholic values. Hence the Left now hates him for tarnishing their precious or something.
The Left, so “everybody.”
Another literally Hitler. This one kicks a ball.
And then the author asserts that only evangelicals have views like that. What a maroon.
The Venn diagram of people butthurt over Butker’s commencement address and people who actually watched it or read the transcript are barely touching, I suspect.
He said something Christian. That is all they need to know.
OMG I just skimmed a couple paragraphs.
This person needs to seek help.
When constructing a Venn diagram, doesn’t the architect usually use two variables?
Re: mini cabinets — cute and all (and I’ve seen cheap ones at various stores over the years) but I’d be worried about the controllers wearing out / how much to replace (I remember back when arcades were a thing, that’s what you’d see the employees having to deal with the most… worn out contacts / mechanical issues on the games). Plus if I had a cabinet, I’d expect something like MAME and a whole slew of games given what should be able to be run on minimal hardware now. A dedicated cabinet for just one game? It had better be a game I really, really feel nostalgic for… and there hasn’t been one I’ve wanted that much. Plus I know my reflexes damned well aren’t what HS/college me had…
1) Most hated? I suppose in that most people don’t even think about kickers all that much — and the Left NPCs are all argle blargle blah! about him, that might be true… but really, I think “Tempest in a Teacup” applies here.
2) When I hovered and saw KC — I was thinking you were thinking of a famous girlfriend and implying she was a Raisins girl or something.
At least for full cabinets, there’s switches you can buy to replace the ones for the joystick and button inputs (I’ve got a small bag of them). I get more tempted by the things like the cigarette machine USB hub and the like from that company more than the cabinets (they even have scaled down buttons and joysticks). Last year at the show they had some prototypes there they were still trying to get to work right, like a scaled down skee ball game.
Most hated would be Aaron Rodgers, After his coronavirus thoughtcrime came to light.
I’m tired of all the Diddy bashing frankly. The man’s never written a decent song in his entire life, not even close, and by most accounts is a seriously violent asshole yet he’s managed to become a quadrillionaire somehow. Say what you will but the guy’s got pluck.
I was more bashing the Cleveland Browns than Diddy I thought…
I’m joking, bash away and even if he’s innocent of all charges he deserves everything he gets from foisting “Come With Me” and Biggie Smalls on the world.
I have never had a Rum Runner and it sounds fucking amazing. I’m not drinking tonight, but I’ll have to remember it for next week
Should I use Malibu for the light rum?
I wouldn’t (because coconut), but it would fit in there.
Coconut, innit? Could get a little much.
It’s a tiki drink, too much is sometimes just right for those.
Will definitely use Kraken for the other rum!!
Release the Quacken!
Neph: I defer to your mixing wisdom. I think I’ll just stick with the rum lol.
I usually make it with Smith and Cross with a local silver rum that is fantastic.
The backstory of the concoction.
I used to get Rum Runners at the Mirage in Vegas. I’d sit next to the indoor waterfall and be in heaven.
Someone needs a painkiller
Yeah, saw an article on that a couple of days back — no interest in watching it because I think I already know enough about it (to despise it), and if I do watch it — I’ll have a coronary or something. While the life insurance would take care of the family, I’d prefer to stick around for now.
The cohort that would go for Alcolo is the same one that happily pays $16 per six-pack for Long Drink.
Another alco-pop that’s not long for this world.
Alcolo (and this is really a terrible name) isn’t carbonated, it’s still. Perhaps they’re trying to reach the Ted S. market?
Not carbonated? Someone left a canned “Karen” drink like that at one of our parties. Absolutely terrible. It might be passable with carbonation. I don’t get it.
John Daly makes one too.
Never had one but it doesn’t sound like my thing either.
I clicked and don’t get it. What is it?
PS. I liked Zima – and I’m not even a girl.
Is it just rubbing alcohol and water? WTF?
Zima, because zhit happens.
Better than white wine.
Lately I have been drinking Spindrift Spiked!, ’cause mixed with ice and consumed during the day (also known as day-drinking), they work quite well in the heat.
Now it is turning to fall, I can sit with a heavy(er) German style dark and feel appropriate.
Boo hoo not fair
The civil rights groups included the NAACP, the National Organization for Women, the League of United Latin American Citizens, Asian Americans Advancing Justice and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation.
“Diversity, equity and inclusion programs, policies, and practices make business-sense and they’re broadly popular among the public, consumers, and employees,” their statement read. “But a small, well-funded, and extreme group of right-wing activists is attempting to pressure companies into abandoning their DEI programs.”
Those guys can’t influence corporate policy. That’s our job.
They spelled them all out except this one. Hmm. ..
They didn’t want to color their readers’ perceptions?
That’s really dark, SDF.
“Diversity, equity and inclusion programs, policies, and practices make business-sense and they’re broadly popular among the public, consumers, and employees,”
They are? That’s news to Bud Light and Target and some others I forgot
Re: Zynga and IBM…
Oh yay — so they patented caching and using local processing / storage with only position or other such metadata going over the wire.
That’s not perfectly fucking obvious and probably already done by fucking NetTrek in the ’70s.
Shit like this is where I annoy the hell out of my management, I know…. nothing I’ve ever done feels truly “innovative”. It is always either the damned obvious solution to anyone presented with a problem and even half awake in the industry, or building on everything that came before (so it is evolutionary, not revolutionary). As such, I think most software patents are fucking stupid — and have never applied for one for any of my work. This article certainly doesn’t change my mind.
Remember the era of “Do X, on the internet”?
Or “the shopping cart” – zOMG what a concept!
Yeah this sounds like BS to me but what do I know.
I can’t really fault you there
/software patent attorney
In their letter, the civil rights organizations, which also included UnidosUS, the Urban League, Advocates for Trans Equality, the National Women’s Law Center and the American Association of People with Disabilities, said divesting from DEI would alienate a wide range of consumers.
Yes, of course. The existential threat of people who were never, and never would be, your customers boycotting you.
most nonevangelicals disagree with his worldview
No citation needed as Slate speaks for Catholics, Orthodox Jews, and Muslims.
The worldview where you might find your family more fulfilling than your career?
What a monster.
It reads like they made one season available — too bad. Should have killed it earlier.
Maybe GenAI will give the studios their derivative formulas that they want while at least dressing it up to not be overt sequels….. nah, who am I kidding — they’ll still want the name recognition / play on nostalgia. “Copilot — Give me a screenplay where Indiana Jones is fighting Nazis with the Ghostbusters on the home planet of the Xenomorphs…. and throw in a love story for the chicks!”
The AI was trained on all the bad reboots, sequels, …
“Just 30 minutes away from Springfield.”
Haitian problem solved.
“Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes says he will not endorse anybody for president”
Who do you have to be to “endorse” someone? Can I endorse candidates?
I endorse The Other Kevin.
I promise to give your endorsement just as much weight as I gave T-Swizzle’s, TOK.
I endorse David Burge
Cthulhu is seeking your endorsement.
My secondary choice is SMOD
He knows this means he’s a Trump supporter, right? I hope he has good security.
Ahem… Presidents come, and go.
But the Wu-Tang is forever!
I just tried Space Marine 2. Played the prologue and started the first mission. My impressions so far
It’s pretty. Their graphics guys did a good job.
I did not have any performance issues. I do have a rock of a gaming PC rather than a potato, so your milage may vary.
The default keybinds are crap. I had to shuffle some around to be able to parry because reflexively raching fo ‘C’ is not something I do very well. Z, X, and C might as well not exist for quick response buttons. I kept trying to parry with ‘E’, which doesn’t work. Ended up rebinding it to ‘F’
The boss for the prologue is an immortal carnifex. Basically, they pull the “You must lose this boss fight” nonsense. I put the carnifex’s body weight worth of bolt shells into its head and it didn’t notice. This is supposed to narratively lead to the injury necessitating crossing the Rubicon Primaris, but they utterly botch that. Once the cavalry arrives and guns down the carnifex with only a handful of bolt shells, you wake up and an unnamed chaplain declares they had to perform the surgery. I was expecting a medical emergency cutscene and am annoyed that I didn’t get it.
Even in the little time I played, I frequently stood in one place, turning around and trying to figure out where I was supposed to go next. Even hitting Tab to show the objective didn’t always give me a clue. Given the heavy emphesis on action combat, this seems like a misstep. I’m not exploring, I’m killing bug aliens!
What made me quit – Quick Time Events. Or rather, just one. I got grabbed by a ravenor and had some stupid ‘shake loose by alternating A and D until the meter fills up’ QTE. I hate that garbage.
The biggest thing that annoys me is that of the three guns I’ve had a chance to use (bolt pistol, heavy bolt pistol, boltgun), two of the three are so inaccurate I can’t reliably hit a stationary human-sized bug alien target while stationary from about 20 feet away with the crosshairs on the torso. (most commonly the ranged chaff bug alien variant will stand still and shoot, which is where this circumstance kept arising). The regular bolt pistol at least hit where I was aiming most of the time. I can’t say if the heavy bolt pistol does more damage, since I can’t seem to hit anything with it.
Oh… a Warhammer 40k game, okay. I probably saw it and didn’t care because I’m just not into that franchise.
But thanks for the review all the same, UCS. I’m not into QTEs either — last game I think seriously had them that I played was the reboot Tomb Raider series. They were tolerable there for the most part (i.e. just mildly annoying).
I’ve stopped playing other games (Broken Roads leaps to mind) due to unwinnable fights where you don’t know it going in (so you waste a lot of ammo / consumables trying to win before you realize there’s no way). Yeah, could always backtrack in saves, but it tends to just break me out of the playing mood. If you’re going to ensure I lose, make it a damned cut scene so my lack of control over the situation is clear.
The one invincible boss fight I think was well done was the fight against Vader at the end of Fallen Order. You can’t win, you can only survive (which makes sense). The rest of the game was meh, with a story that makes little sense except as a game plot.
I need to hire a teenager to walk through the library of games I am stuck in and fight the bosses that I can’t.
I just don’t have the patience for that shit anymore.
I finished up the first mission, just to be fair.
I got to use three more bolt weapons – and they all felt so similar that I can’t realyl tell them apart.
Swarm shooters in general are boring, which is a major weakness of this title.
The finale of the first mission is defend objective points until told to push button. These objectives are antennae outside the walkable platform you’re on, so when they get swarmed by flyers trying to destroy them, you have to shoot the aliens off with the inaccurate guns. Worse, there is limited ammo and if you use it on the guys on the platform with you, you might not have enough to shoot the flyers. There is no indicator of this fact before you start running out of ammo.
To elaborate, the gameplay loop breaks down as such – See swarm, start firing into swarm, see no evidence of progress as swarm closes, start meleeing the swarm, lose context of number of enemies until suddenly there are no enemies. There is never a sense of being effective or making progress towards a goal, just “Oh, I didn’t die”
Fuck the developers with a rusty metal cactus.
After the first mission they highly suggest that you play the first of the operations to the point of nagging that you’d lose progress on the current mission if you try to deploy to the non-operations mission.
Why did this piss me off? Because this is an online coop mission where they’re trying to let rando assholes intrude onto my single player experience. I play videogames to get away from people.
Hope you all had a good week. We had a great visit with our youngest, who sadly is going back to WA tomorrow. This week I started PT for a shoulder injury, just in time for me to miss my first hockey tournament in Anaheim. Sigh.
Glad you had a nice time with the kid. Sorry about the shoulder, though. Are you hanging?
I’m not sure I should be. Looks like I took an impact, and my shoulder is shifted forward, kind of jammed. He’s dry needling and has me doing rotator cuff exercises. This guy got me and Mrs. TOK over many injuries, and he’s fast tracking me, so I’m doing what he says.
Roger that. What would you rate your mobility at now?
Mobility is pretty good. I only have pain at the top of when I lift my arm, and after needling even that is fine. He tested with a force meter and it’s definitely weak on that side. I won’t be able to do presses or fly’s for a while. I’m not in a ton of pain, but I can tell it could get bad quickly if I pushed it. We’re aiming for the Sled Classic in Dallas in mid November.
I never ever do flys anymore. At my age and with my shoulders the juice ain’t worth the squeeze. Besides, presses are more than sufficient. With where you are at, I think you’ll be light pressing in a couple weeks.
Good luck! Getting old isn’t for the faint of heart!
I’m going to a cookout tomorrow with 7 other people, one of whom is the RV repair guy. I’m guaranteed to get too drunk and say or do something stupid.
Just keep your eye on the guy with the 14″ Bic.
Mrs. TOK is watching Seabiscuit in the next room. I really like that movie. I hope after our economic crash, Elon Musk starts an electric race car team.
Economic crash. Electric cars. Oooh, I know this one! It’s Car Wars!
Electric cars might make the demolition derbies more exciting.
Either the crowds will get amped up or the returning champions will be revolting.
If we’re going that route, how about Running Man using BattleBots as villains?
I had demo account for Prodigy because I was one of the PC specialists at Radio Shack where I worked part time while going to school. It was pretty weak in what it offered outside of its forums. Because I didn’t have to pay I explored just about every corner of the service and the scale of it compared to CompuServe where I had a paid account was quite small.
I wound up doing almost all of my heavy duty computing needs on CompuServe local dial up BBS and BBS Relay and forum stuff on Prodigy as a result. However, Prodigy towards the end came with wonky way to get into the WWW and Usenet. That in turn lead me to finding a dial-up Winsock so I could get access directly the internet.
Haha. I had a prodigy account way back when. IIRC, the email addresses were incomprehensible sequences.
Fun times.
Well now you gave me flashbacks to using OS/2 as a router/gateway with dial up… I never inflicted myself with Prodigy, thank goodness (or AOL — though I did tech support stuff for some folks who did in the “Know computers, folks ask me to look at crap” kind of way…
Back when I was young and broke, with a young kid, I built a box with an open source routing OS (can’t remember the name any more, sadly) to use as a dial-up router. That was…interesting.
I remember me and my roomie got AOL and the steps it took get to the Real Internet.
Dumped that shit less than a year later for just the Real Internet. We didn’t know any better yet.
We are seeing Hootie and the Blowfish, Edwin McCain, and Collective Soul tomorrow night. Hometown for a lot of them so this should be really fun.
Collective Soul is one of those bands I appreciate more as I get older. Have a great time!
Cage fights have gotten so weird….
Holy shit it really is Wilson all over again!!
Yeah — a little longer version. I assume they’re at the “We’re out in a few months… fuck appearances!” stage.
It isn’t like anyone’s going to ask Kamala about it at this point, so what the hell….
What are you talking about?
Joe is large and in charge!
We all knew he’s not in charge.
IBMs patent group is “fun”. It’s basically a patent troll operating within an operating company. This structure exists in some other companies (heck, we do it to some extent), but IBM has really turned it into an art.
I’ve read that about that group.
No. Go fuck yourselves.
Next up: “World Hold Your Breath for 10 seconds Day!”
About the same effect — going without cars for one day? Doable. Try shutting down transport across the board for good and see how you like it, dumbasses. Enjoy crashing your economy and the food riots… the kids won’t be laughing then.
That’s a great idea. Let’s let everyone see how terrible life will be when you can’t get food, see friends, or get to a hospital in a timely fashion.
100% guaranteed the elites will drive wherever the fuck they want that day.
(and they’ll do it brazenly, out in the open and talk about how “essential” they are)
Think of how fast those motorcades will go on empty streets!
Hell, not even motorcades. Just Rishi Sunak running out to grab some takeaway from the chippie
Well, they need the apples and milk.
They wish they could share, but their need is too great!
So, a tiny fraction of 1%? That doesn’t sound very “car-free” to me.
All of my co-workers that I know are Dems are texting everyone to remind them that voting started.
2 have already voted and 1of those is proud he has a sticker.
I refrained from texting that it’s ridiculous for voting to be open this long and an “I Voted” sticker sounds like something for 5 year olds.
“But I might die before Election Day — how else can I ensure my vote will be counted twice?”
Really mess with them and ask how many votes they’ll get in before the polls closed, and if they’re using any of them on Trump.
I’m using 6 on Trump, and 1 on Harris just for fun.
“Can I just register to automatically vote D in every election going forward?”
I’m sure they would if they could.
That’s easy. Just die.
OFFS. I rather think there is another con$ideration at play here.
The Teamsters withholding an endorsement from Harris this week — after internal polling showed most respondents backing Trump — is sparking fresh concerns that the GOP nominee could have higher-than-expected support among union members, especially men. Labor leaders in other sectors attest that, like in 2016 and 2020, the former president has maintained a grip on key parts of their rank-and-file despite his anti-union record. Privately, Democrats say Harris still has work to do to win over older, white, working-class voters who make up a large portion of the electorate in the Rust Belt and have been hit by high prices.
Despite his anti-union record.
I suspect a lot of Trump’s support among the rank and file is BECAUSE he hasn’t kissed the asses of people like that commie Shawn Fain and Randi Weingarten.
Lower case unions have been drifting GOP for several election cycles now. It would seem that it may be leaking upward… slowly.
Privately, Democrats say Harris still has work to do to win over older, white, working-class voters who make up a large portion of the electorate in the Rust Belt
Simple. Just import a gorillian Haitians who understand the assignment.
I want to go to Dollywood at Christmastime. Who’s up for it?
I rode the steam locomotive train there with my parents back in 2022. Fun times.
We are!
Will Dolly go on rides with me?
Sorry, I’ll be in Mexico. Hopefully. If we aren’t all cinders.
I will say, after a few days in the mountains, Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg were a little shocking.
I shall be on the gigantic new cruise ship, the Icon of the Seas.
You’re cheating on Glibs Cruise
This we paid for two years ago, that plus a new house kept me from doing anything this year. Including GlibCruise. It does make me sad. Nobody gets to blow all my vacation time next year.
Charter School Chronicles – part 5
Wednesday was open house night. A man came to me and said both his sons love my classes. Yay me. I made other parents laugh with my crazy stories.
Found this article the other day and it really spoke to me. It’s called A Mathematician’s Lament. Basically, it argues that math is a form of art and should be taught as such with an emphasis on independence, creativity, and discovery. It makes an analogy with music and painting. How silly it would be to teach music without letting students sing, play, instruments, or write their own songs.
Today, my first question for the students (the bell ringer, as it’s called) was to find the sum of the numbers 1 to 100. A few of them found the shortcut, and after I explained the solution, I told them that this exact problem was given as a punishment to a famous mathematician named Gauss when he was a student in middle school. Gauss solved it the same way many of them intuited- recognizing the 49 pairs that add to 100, then adding the 50 in the middle and the 100 at the end. Then we derived the general equation for the sum of an arithmetic series.
I have requirements from the county and state to teach in a certain way, but I’m also trying to mix in the methods I know are fun and effective. Mathematical truth is the result of play.
A visual aid in that vein:
I’m a little late for this, but a slightly quicker way is to realize there are 50 pairs that add to 101.
WTF is wrong with you?
He wants to be a Cowboy?
And KK can be his cowgirl.
You can always go with this.
Pass. He needs to fill up that bathtub with water and use some shampoo and soap.
Ravens in the same division I suspect.
I live in DFW and I don’t even root for the Cowboys.
Someone hurt him and he hasn’t recovered yet.
Did I just hear Kamalamadingdong at a rally say that 1 in 3 women die because they cant have an abortion?
I guess that is because not long ago 7 out of 5 women were raped 3 times per day.
What? Do they sit around smoking pot, laughing their asses off trying to come up with the most absurd bullshit they can get their voters to swallow?
Look, if Granny got an abortion 70 years ago she wouldn’t be dying of old age now! Science!
Russia Russia Russia Remix
Collusion Remix
No, 1 in 3 women can’t get an abortion because they are rooted to the spot.
You found the Entwives?
get their voters to swallow?
If swallowing is good enough for Kamala, it’s good enough for the voters!
Have you ever wondered what the Gettysburg Address would sound like if it were written by creature of the academy?
Now you know
Hah, I wish I had an hour or two to write a Trump version and a Harris version of the Gettysburg address.
“A big battle was fought here. Very big. Biggest ever on U.S. soil……..”
“For a middle class person like me, and these were middle class people, and I’m all for them…….”
You can probably get AI to do it.
Anytime I see the two words ‘The’ and ‘Academy’ together it makes my lip curl.
[mentally pictures Suthen as Elvis]
Did some AI work the other day. The task was to ask it to summarize or answer questions about audio clips. I decided to give it audio from YouTube videos in Arabic and Russian. It was able to translate them accurately, which impressed me. The stuff that company is working on is more advanced than the language analysis software I used at NSA.
It would be entirely possible to automate most of the analysis NSA does even with the software they have, but that won’t happen if it leads to a reduction in their budget or workforce.
Bill Binney fought this battle and lost it long ago.
Cowboy music
The Chiefs have now officially entered their Villain Era. I’m so happy!
Way back when, Mahomes sort of mildly almost maybe sided with Kaepernick on the kneeling thing, but he looked uncomfortable doing it.
I do not like Brittney Mahomes. I think she’s trashy and has got no home training. She constantly claps back at people on social media. (She and her MIL are two peas in a pod.) I would NEVER, and I mean NEVER would have taken her for a Trump supporter and I still don’t. Liking one post (and then unliking it) is hardly a ringing endorsement. And as per usual, she clapped back. For once, I kinda like it she’s not completely backing down.
But Mahomes has a problem family and he can’t seem to get them under control or he just doesn’t feel like it reflects on him and doesn’t care. He’s the only classy person in his family.
Re Diddy, from dedthred, @Suthen asked what kind of people want to fuck and traffic children? Well, 10 years ago, I would’ve thought very few. Now we know it’s a thing amongst the rich and powerful. Diddy just wasn’t powerful ENOUGH.
Israeli sabotaged those pagers and walkie-talkies at least a year ago. They’ve always seen Hezbollah as their most serious threat, and that has been their greatest mistake. Hezbollah turned into an Iranian diversion around 2006 just after the July War that year.
Hezbollah has better and more formal support than the PLO has, militarily, they are a bigger threat.
More cowboy music
Cowboy Song
Not just cowboys.
Cowboy Music
Whoops! Five minutes too late.
Okay, so, tomorrow, 5p central in Olathe, Kansas, at Joe’s KC for KC Glibs meetup.
Have fun.
I’m a bit far away to attend.
“Last spring, Butker gave a commencement speech at Benedictine College in Kansas. He revealed or heavily implied a wide range of boring, nonunique, and retrograde beliefs about women and gay people. ”
… And now I want him to not lose. Damn you slate.
A couple notes, as I have been busy all day.
1) Slum Bru, the teaser of Theft of Fire was good enough that I ordered the book. So, thank you!
2)Trshy, another vote for even the most basic dog training, a la Petco or whomever. With two proviso’s. A. You need to be incredibly consistent, in that the whole family must follow the same basic commands, and must use them at all times. This will quickly get you Sit, Stay, Long distance recall, and other basics. B. Puppy play is a necessity. An hour a day at the dog park is the best thing for calming the pouch down. Remember, a tired dog is a good dog, and nothing, but nothing, gets energy out than running zooms and wrestling with other dogs of the same size.
I missed it. What kind of pupper did Trashy get?
a Dacian Hellhound?
I wanna say Great Pyr, but don’t quote me on that.
I have a 18# UR terrier, and as we all know terriers don’t, stop, ever, training and play have been essential.
Pyrenees, I believe.
I am about to start chapter 3 – enjoying it very much.
Am almost wondering if it’s in the Expanse universe. Prolly not.
It’s not but sort of could be – the both try to keep the non-alien physics accurate but cheat with the ship drives – the Einstein Drive in the Expanse and alien-based drive in this series.
Otherwise it’d be “17 months later we arrived at our destination”
Young dogs, not young Evil Sheldons.
This will quickly get you Sit, Stay, Long distance recall, and other basics.
She’s pretty good with the basic obedience at this point. My biggest “issue” is that she’s a bit clingy. I tell her to sit, and instead of immediately sitting, she walks to me and sits in front of me. I try to walk away from her when she’s in a sit and it’s a bit of a struggle for her to maintain. Usually it takes 2 or 3 tries before she maintains the sit, and she won’t maintain it if she loses eye contact.
OTOH, She walks loose leash, recalls well, usually obeys first time, and is (more or less) obedient to the rest of the family (she struggles to obey others when I’m around, but will eventually comply).
I think the issue at this stage is boredom. We’ve been trying to get her 2x fifteen minute walks and 1x 45 minute walk daily, but we haven’t been super consistent on the longer walk. I also havent spent as much time as needed playing with her, so she gets bored I’m sure.
We’re watching some friends’ giant schnauzer this weekend, so she is getting all of her energy out with him, but she probably does need some more socialization on a regular basis. I’m hesitant about dog parks. I’ve taken dogs to dog parks in the past, but most of the trainers I’ve been learning from say that’s the last place you want to take a dog youre trying to train, for multiple reasons.
Admitting the obvious
Kamala Harris, Oprah Winfrey hold Michigan campaign event in talk show format
Winfrey, an independent who has endorsed Harris and spoke at the DNC last month, closed the program with a call to undecided voters to choose Harris.
“This is the moment for people who are tired of all of the bickering and all of the name calling, people who are exhausted by the craziness and the made up stories and the conspiracies. This is the moment you want to get on with your life, because you know that we can do better and that we deserve better.”
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