1. Sean

    NC Republican gubernatorial nominee Robinson made controversial remarks on porn forum: CNN report

    Why should I care?

    • Nephilium

      Because it’s “weird” and he’s got an R after his name?

      I don’t know the guy at all, but if he was running on a family values/anti-porn campaign, it may have some bearing.

    • AlexinCT

      Democrats are treating this country like it is a $2 whore and are ravaging it to death, but that doesn’t bother them one bit?

  2. Grumbletarian

    95% negative coverage of Trump on ABC, CBS, NBC after 2nd assassination attempt

    Nation suffers as Trumpenhitler continues to breathe. Meanwhile, far right rhetoric continues to put LBGTQ+IA2JFCWTF people in dire peril.

    • Rat on a train

      He’s an existential threat to the country that must be stopped by any means necessary, except violence **wink**.

    • AlexinCT

      I love how the lefty media’s immediate response was that Trump brought it on himself, again, and if he just surrendered and went away he wouldn’t have to deal with these evil fucks th media keeps brainwashing into wanting to kill him.

      • rhywun

        My god could you imagine the nationwide circus if Herself underwent a couple assassination attempts?!

      • Nephilium


        Don’t you remember that time she dodged sniper fire? She’s already survived attempts!

    • WTF

      Just saw a spot on TV where a reporter was asking Dem senators and Reps if they thought they should tone down the rhetoric in light of the assassination attempts. All of them responded no, because Trump is an existential threat to democracy.
      These people are beyond evil.

      • cavalier973

        “If Trump is ‘fair game’, what does that make *you*, Senator?”

  3. Evan from Evansville

    A Kentucky judge was shot and killed Thursday in his court chambers and a local sheriff has been arrested on suspicion of committing the slaying.

    Damn. That’s fucked up. In Big Ways fucked up. Off for my 9-9. Great news is I worked *too* much last pay cycle. Bad News is I didn’t claim myself a deduction on my taxes, cuz I’m an idiot. So $375 of this paycheck ‘goes’ away for me to hopefully see later. It should be fairly rectifiable, but grg. Silly goose, ev.

    • Toxteth O'Grady

      Ev, you remind me of a more sanguine Holden Caulfield. Please take that as a compliment, or neutrally anyway.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Ooh, he’s a cunt! Me must know more.. but treated as a compliment!

        I’m a good, chaotic neutral Caulfield, perhaps…

  4. rhywun

    95% negative coverage of Trump on ABC, CBS, NBC after 2nd assassination attempt

    Does glee at the prospect of killing Literallyhitler count as “negative”?

  5. trshmnstr

    In-Person Voting Starts Friday in Virginia, South Dakota, and Minnesota

    I’m all for a week, maybe two of early voting. 7 weeks is insane.

    • Rat on a train

      vote early, vote often

    • WTF

      Vote only on election day, in person, on paper, after showing valid ID proof of citizenship.
      Absentee ballot only if requested in advance with a valid reason

      • rhywun

        Why do you hate black and brown people?

      • WTF

        Why do you hate black and brown people?

        Oh shit, I forgot that believing minorities are perfectly capable of fending for themselves and functioning in society is racist…somehow…

      • R C Dean

        Absentee ballot only if requested in advance with a valid reason and requested in person, on paper, after showing valid ID proof of citizenship.

    • WTF

      7 weeks is insane.

      Any foreign country running their elections the way we run ours is generally considered by our State Department to have illegitimate elections.

    • UnCivilServant

      Early voting is arriving at 6am on election day.

      Ballots cast before election day are fraud.

  6. WTF

    Matt Gaetz says Homeland whistleblower claims five assassin teams hunting Trump

    Let’s see, FBI, CIA, NSA, DNC,… not sure about the 4th one.

    • Rat on a train

      This isn’t “Enemy of the State”. The NSA doesn’t have assassins. However the Education Department has good reasons to off him.


        You mean my application to the XXX program was a waste of time?!

        *sad Vin Diesel noises*

    • Drake

      Don’t they all have SWAT teams now?

      • juris imprudent

        Amazingly they seem to have learned from the ATF debacle in Waco.

  7. cavalier973

    Was this Robinson guy really on a porn site, or was it a CIA guy who pretended to be Robinson?

    • Rat on a train

      AI deepfake Robinson looking for AI deepfake porn?

    • juris imprudent

      Imagine most any Glib, later possessed with the stupidity to run for public office.

      • Rat on a train

        What’s the Glibertarian Party platform?

      • WTF

        What’s the Glibertarian Party platform?

        Mexicans, weed, and buttsex.

      • Drake

        Run? The only way any of us get authority is as Warlord of the Post-Apocalypse Wasteland. I don’t think browser histories will matter.

      • juris imprudent

        What’s the Glibertarian Party platform?

        Why not steal the old Guns & Dope one?

      • Swiss Servator

        As WTF mentioned, when the Glibbening happened – at Teh Old Site, it had been Weed, Messicans and Butt Sechs.

    • Drake

      Really on a porn site or CIA?

      Does it matter? From now until election day, the usual people will scream “Black Nazi” at him every second of the day. When your policies are repulsive to the voters, name-calling is the strategy.

    • AlexinCT

      Sean’s defense and answer to every question should start with “I grew up a middle class kid”…..

    • WTF

      “suicide watch” = “this SOB has some info on some important people so we ain’t gonna let discovery and testimony happen”

      • Certified Public Asshat

        They will watch him commit suicide with the cameras off.


        Suicide watch = watching to make sure the suicide is successful.

  8. Suthenboy

    Not reading the first link. They are so predictable. Let me guess….he brought it all himself through his rhetoric because he is worse than hitler and an existential threat to democracy who must be stopped.


    Given the less than lackluster performance and outright hostility to half of voters I think the Dems are counting 100% on cheating. I have heard a number of people over the years claim that without cheating Dems couldn’t win dogcatcher in any jurisdiction in the US, ever.

    Alleged affairs, alleged remarks on some Internet forum a decade ago….I dont care.

    Judge shooting….motive?

    So, is there a betting pool on who gets Espstiened first, Diddy Dude or Trump shooter? Those two have the life expectancy of a mosquito.

    • WTF

      I have heard a number of people over the years claim that without cheating Dems couldn’t win dogcatcher in any jurisdiction in the US, ever.

      And without a Dem Op media that’s probably true.

      • The Other Kevin

        Think of the nonstop lies the MSM is pushing. If they just straight up reported the platforms and records of Harris and Trump, Harris would be polling at 25%.

      • juris imprudent

        Why do you assume that TOK? Why do you think people aren’t what they are?

    • juris imprudent

      I have heard a number of people over the years

      Stop listening to morons.

      The reality is there are a LOT of stupid fucking voters in this country (just as in any country), and yes, they will vote for people you hate. Yay democracy (even in a republic).

      • AlexinCT

        The sad fact is stupid people will always be in the majority, because after Hydrogen, stupidity is the most common element in the universe.


        Universal suffrage was a mistake.

        Heinlein’s starship troopers model is superior to whatever the hell we are doing now.

      • Suthenboy

        “Stop listening to morons.”

        But then I wouldn’t have anyone to talk to.

      • juris imprudent

        Suthen, I don’t hold myself to being a genius or anything, but I do grant I am a little smarter than average (and average ain’t saying a whole lot). Which means half of the folks running around are below average – and their votes count just the same as mine.

    • Beau Knott

      Judge shooting motive — there was, for a brief time, a news article claiming the judge had raped/was raping on an ongoing basis the Sheriff’s daughter.

      • WTF

        the judge had raped/was raping on an ongoing basis the Sheriff’s daughter.

        If true imma have to vote “not guilty”.

      • Suthenboy

        I suspected something like that. I am with WTF on that.

      • Gustave Lytton

        🎶 The judge said “guilty” on a make-believe trial
        Slapped the sheriff on the back with a smile
        Said, “Your daughter’s waiting at home and I got to get to her” 🎶

  9. The Gunslinger

    – “He would masturbate and tell me what to do to Cassie. I was like a sex slave, okay. For them, that’s what I was.'”

    I had plain Jane missionary position relations with my lovely bride last night. I pity these people who need to go to such extremes looking for satisfaction.

    • Suthenboy

      I missed something….where is that from?

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        You see, Suthen, when Mr. Gunslinger and Mrs. Gunslinger love each other very much…;^)

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        It comes from the last link above.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Unless I’m hanging from a trapeze with an audience of at least a dozen people and a bullwhip up my ass I just can’t get off but you do you.

  10. rhywun

    Chicago – 25 or 6 to 4 – 7/21/1970

    It is unfortunate when a band peaks so early.

    Such a great song. 🎶

    • ron73440

      Great song is right.

      I remember when I lived in Florida, my friends thought I was nuts one Friday because I stayed home to drink beer and watch a Chicago concert on PBS.

      That was a great show.

    • The Last American Hero

      Mrs. Hero is one of those people that prefers their Muzak phase over their earlier work.

      • rhywun

        Some of that stuff was inescapable in my early youth, late 70s…. blech.

    • Timeloose

      That live version really rocks up the song as well. The quality of some of the 70’s live acts is incredible. See early Fleetwood Mac prior to the Rumors era.

      I saw a few live acts last weekend, and other then the fabulous Clutch they all were using some amount of electronic enhancement (backing vocals, tracks, etc). They were all singing, playing their instruments, but the full experience was enhanced to make sure they sounded like the recorded songs.

      Clutch on the other hand they just rock out and do everything as real as possible.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I much prefer it to sound different when seeing a live show. If I want the album sound, I will put on the album.

  11. AlexinCT

    Olivia Nuzzi on leave from New York magazine after alleged affair with RFK Jr

    I would not put it past the NYT and these people to either make something like this up or to encourage Nuzzi to make it happen as part of an October surprise. When Kennedy dropped out to endorse Trump, they decided to use it hoping it would damage Trump with the same batshit crazy gaggle that has a serious beef with Trump cheating on his wife, but none with Kamala being the side piece men cheat with…

    • cyto

      Per Kennedy, the only time he ever met her was when she requested an interview. That interview resulted in a hit piece.

      Per her, there was no physical relationship, only emotional.

      Doesn’t sound like anything other than a hit piece

      • cyto

        Reason:she just wrote a story decrying the media cover up for Biden

    • R.J.

      I think you nailed it. I also think Kennedy could give a rat’s ass. He’s a Kennedy after all.

      • juris imprudent

        Well it could be she is below the Kennedy standard for a side piece. Maybe that’s the nature of the hit?

      • The Other Kevin

        He’s owned up to affairs and drug addiction, and a big part of his brand is him overcoming those things. This is nothing.

    • The Last American Hero

      What kind of 30 year old whore has an affair with a guy twice her age to advance her career?

  12. Tonio

    “Oklahoma Removes Over 450,000 Ineligible Voters From Rolls”

    I just checked and their population is just over 4,000,000. So the number of ineligible voters is around 11% of their *entire* population, and an even greater percentage of voting age people.

    • AlexinCT

      That pattern of having an over 10% margin of fake voters to go to for ballots isn’t an accident…

      Like I tell people: Biden never got 81 million votes in 2020. What he got was 81 million ballots that were curated and created, most of them not belonging to a real voter at all, and “discovered” – conveniently – in the middle of the night.

    • Nephilium

      For comparison, here in Ohio, we purged 155,000 this year. The population of Ohio is 11.76 million.

      • rhywun

        It would be interesting to see where those 450,000 votes were concentrated.

      • R.J.

        Oklahoma City and Tulsa would be my bet.

      • The Last American Hero

        TBF, where else in Oklahoma would they be concentrated? Those are the only 2 population centers.

      • rhywun

        If ActBlue can find a thousand donors living at a UPS store then it’s no stretch to find a few tens of thousands of votes in Cimarron County.

    • The Other Kevin

      No matter who “wins”, 50% of the country will have no confidence that the election was fair. I don’t see how this ends peacefully. This is what keeps me up at night.

      • R.J.

        Yes. Especially with all the violent loonies on the left. They are waiting for that reason to burn cities and kill people. Amazing how the media ignores that.

    • Sensei

      Yes, but how many of those 450k actually voted? I need an exact number! Otherwise this is just a distraction.

      /s my prog friends

    • Banjos

      My favorite pollster has been screaming about dirty voter rolls forever. That is how election get stolen. Through dirty voter rolls and old school ballot stuffing. The “Party of Democracy” is always legally fighting the cleaning of voter rolls. There’s only one reason as to why.

    • juris imprudent

      Just because one federal agency approved something (in their own jurisdiction) is no reason for another agency not to piss and moan!

  13. juris imprudent

    I would love this, but I am hardly going to hold my breath for it. I do think it interesting that people really in the Democrat circles see this as a possibility. [Unlike the common fantasy here about Democrats.]

    • AlexinCT

      The only reason democrats consider anything is so they can war game their legal strategy to get away with one or more criminal acts.

      • SDF-7

        It isn’t like they’re already trying to intimidate lawyers from even representing Republicans in any election disputes. Nope…. pure as the driven snow, they are….

      • juris imprudent

        Of course if you read the article you’d see that they see the strong possibility they are going to lose.

    • Suthenboy

      I can only speak for myself but I do not consider Dem party leadership and the average Dem voter as the same animal, not at all.

      • juris imprudent

        True – the Dem leadership has some intelligence and cunning.

      • AlexinCT

        And in true villainous fashion, they also feel obligated to do that whole villain talking to the victim thing we used to see in old Bond movies and such. See that Times “Fortifying the 2020 election” article and a slew of others telling you that there is no cheating, sure there is cheating but it is good, and who cares that there is cheating, after the fact. Just to name one topic..

      • Suthenboy

        I dont know about intelligence. Their cunning seems to be mostly feral. If they had intelligence they would not have chosen the path they are on, given that that road only leads one place. I would call Dem voters mostly low-info voters. Also dead or figments of the imagination…ghosts in both cases anyway.

      • The Last American Hero

        I think the average Dem voter must be really intelligent, since they can make sense of Kamala’s word salads and to me they just sound like gibberish.

      • AlexinCT

        If they had intelligence they would not have chosen the path they are on, given that that road only leads one place

        Democrats are all about power. Getting it. Keeping it. Using it. And their plans are always short term and in the immediate. They are where they are today because the agenda always is to prevent a slide back, and the decisions made are made regardless of any long term consequences. They believe they will deal with those cans kicked down the road when they have to later, as keeping the current power is priority one. And eventually it all burns down. and we are kind of there, which is why they are OK trying to have people murder their political opponent for them.

    • Raven Nation

      Yeah, it seems unlikely. The most likely time for it to go to the House you would need at least three really strong candidates (as in 1824).

      David Stockman was on Tom Woods’ show about a month back (before RFK pulled) out and made a plausible (but by no means likely) case that RFK, jr. could have won the presidency via the House.

  14. Certified Public Asshat

    Olivia Nuzzi on leave from New York magazine after alleged affair with RFK Jr

    Makes sense that it was done via text. No way that voice can keep an affair going in person.

  15. AlexinCT

    I read Dennis Prager’s take on the massive shift by young women towards the left in recent times, and thought it was some sort of satire. After all, I believe that this shift comes from all these “Young and strong women” having been brainwashed to believe that they are all princesses, and more importantly, that they were all GURL bosses that don’t need men, which then, subconsciously, replaced men in their lives with daddy government because you can’t fool biology no matter how hard you try. But then I realized it might just be that: these women are that dumb that they are pissed that the mean girl was not just given her dues in 2016.

    • juris imprudent

      A lot of Western civilization dysfunction can be traced to feminist influence. The biggest irony being how much feminism ends up disappointing women.

    • Q Continuum

      Michael Knowles had a different take; he claims we’ve got cause and effect wrong. Up until the late ’90s, statistically women were more conservative than men before they started slowly (then rapidly) drifting left. His argument is that women are cultural enforcers. Whatever the “elites” are promulgating, women will enforce that as a moral and cultural norm. In the ’70s and ’80s, the “elites” were more conservative and/or neocon so that was what women enforced. In the 21st century the “elites” have become more and more radical and woke so that’s what they’re enforcing.*

      *NB: It bears repeating that we’re talking bulk statistics here and individual men and women are perfectly capable of holding their own unique views. IOW YMMV.

      • trshmnstr

        I’d be tempted to split it on another axis. Men cluster towards the center right. Single women tend to drive the left. Married women tend to drive the right.

        There has been a shift in demographics towards single women and there has been a shift in culture where more married women act like single women (in more than just politics, but in politics, too)

      • Urthona

        Then why do married women tend to be conservative?

      • AlexinCT

        Their kids.

      • Suthenboy

        Sorry…2:13 to 2:30

      • trshmnstr

        Then why do married women tend to be conservative?

        They have (some portion of) their innate need for safety and security fulfilled by having a husband.

    • rhywun

      I agree that it all started with “grab her by the pussy”. That was a calculated election interference that did fail to put Herself in power but was otherwise wildly successful over the years.

      The sex equivalent of the BLM movement. Both were calculated to cause chaos.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Funny how those oopsies fucking ALWAYS benefit one side politically isn’t it?

      • rhywun

        As always, they pivot to race for justification. Black and brown people are too stupid to respond to the census.

      • The Other Kevin

        Yep. If just once someone found some alleged election cheating that benefitted Republicans, they’d stop it yesterday.

    • slumbrew

      Yikes, that’s low-key terrifying (for the Scandinavians). 7+ times larger than the load of fertilizer that blew up in Beirut a few years back.

      • slumbrew

        Ran across that when I was trying to figure out the Tom Clancy(?) book.

        2,300 tons. This ship has 20,000 tons on it. That would be bad times if that cooked off.

      • ron73440

        Never heard of that before.

        Absolutely horrific.

        A 2 ton anchor was thrown 1.6 miles, how much force is that?

      • Sensei

        I remember my grandfather discussing this with me as a child.

      • Suthenboy

        Mine too Sensei. He was standing on his front porch in Pineville, La. He said the sound was loud and he felt the shockwave under his feet.

  16. cyto

    The real story on the candidate porn site scandal is how did they learn about it?

    The obvious answer is google. Whatever story they give, google tracks everything everywhere. We have all seen the lawsuit about chrome incognito mode being tracked by Google.

    Their owners and board are partisan democrats. They even formed a company for the purpose of integrating with the back end of all social media companies to help democrats win. It is called The Groundwork.

    Nobody is ever going to get that deep into the story

    • Urthona

      No they have him way more dead to rights than that.

      They have all account info matching before he was famous. Means they got the db info from the platform itself.

      • cyto

        It isn’t about “is this true”.

        How did they learn?

        Did people scour thousands of porn sites?

        Or did Google have the info and it showed up in the Groundwork profile for him?

        One is rather improbable. Possible, but improbable. The other is super easy.

      • Pine_Tree

        Google had the info but it wouldn’t be that hard to associate a frequently-enough-used sock-puppet with an actual person. Then just go looking for where that sock-puppet showed up in public sites. Then dig deeper into any that look possibly naughty. No Google help required.

  17. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “95% negative coverage of Trump ”

    Shorter ABC, CBS, and NBC: Violence is bad but he sorta had it coming, amirite?

    • creech

      “Rape Victim was dressed like a slut, flirting with men at frat toga party and asking for ‘it’ before she was raped.”

    • rhywun

      Sounds like a white supremacist to me.

  18. Sensei

    An interesting thought experiment on technology.

    2025 Toyota Sienna | Trying to Save Lives

    This is 20 minutes from one of the better YouTube auto enthusiast channels. The TLDW – summary is that Toyota repurposed one of their external radar sensors and use it as an occupancy sensor for the vehicle. Making its minivan the first use case makes sense. Right now just about every new car uses seat sensors used airbags to determine occupancy, but that’s not going to work well for children strapped into car seats. Current systems usually run a chime or the like and you can turn the system on or off. For example my wife’s Acura MDX has the setting tied to the user profile. She doesn’t care and leaves it on. I turn the fucking thing off.

    Toyota’s approach here amps that up to 11. By using radar it can detect occupants by respiration and heartbeat. If child is on the floor, footwell or cargo area it will still detect the individual. It’s exactly rather ingenious and relatively low cost other than the software development cost.

    Why I bring this to the broader Glib attention is:

    1. Personal responsibility – how about counting how many rug rats are in the car?

    2. A solution in search of a problem. This makes headlines now as it happens two to five times a year across the US versus how many other child accident deaths?

    3. Human Factors. Cars today alarm for like 50 different things. It’s unfuckingreal how many things now require the driver’s immediate attention in an automobile.

    4. External annoyance. Car alarms false alarm with regularity. At this point how many of us run right out to check on any vehicle that is alarming and flashing its lights? When this is alarming because it is detecting an occupant how many third parties and first parties are actually going to check on the vehicle.

    That said it appears it seems like using it is optional and this is a good application for it. I wonder if like many other new parts of automotive technology people are going to abuse it by relying on it instead of having it be a last resort.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Modern cars beep and boop at the driver to the point of distraction. I miss the old days of when the “key’s still in the ignition you dumbass” buzzer was the end of it.

      • Grummun

        My car routinely beeps and displays some message on the dash LED screen… so I have to look down to read it. And not watch the road. Brilliant.

      • Sensei

        Now, now, let’s not forget leaving the headlights on…

        Aviation has the same human factors issues with real money and effort being spent on it. Auto is early on the curve and figuring out what more shit needs to distract the driver.

        I also hate it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        My new truck still dings with a headlight reminder. A headlight that is on a soft switch and automatically turns off after a period of time despite being left on. And resets itself back to auto on every key start. But still dings.

      • Sensei

        Gustave, that’s annoying as hell. It’s also going to make you disregard other alarms when parked.

        Say for example a seat alarm occupied by a sleeping child…

      • Gustave Lytton

        Oh, there’s a slightly different cadence to the key in ignition (no push button start/proximity!). I did turn off the child reminder but apparently there’s a calendar timer and it will return in a year.

      • Gustave Lytton

        The GM flashes a message every couple of weeks to remind me to keep my eyes on the road instead of being distracted. On the center screen and has to be manually dismissed to return to what I had on before.

    • R C Dean

      “I wonder if like many other new parts of automotive technology people are going to abuse it by relying on it instead of having it be a last resort.”

      I don’t wonder about that at all. Why would this time be different?

      • Sensei

        Hence the reason Toyota makes sure to distinguish as only a “convenience feature” so as to minimize liability.

        However a member of your guild will litigate that just about the day the first day one of these is sold.

    • Tundra

      I’m probably the wrong person to ask because I detest virtually all of the “driver assist” technology. While the cars have become safer (for some value of that term anyway) I think driving skills have become downright scary. Now the cars are actively participating in data collection and dissemination and literally spying on the drivers. In a very short period of time, for instance, if the detection system thinks you aren’t paying attention (by watching where your eyes are looking) the car will pull over and shut off. I can’t imagine how that will be abused.

      I hate it all. Driving is dangerous, yes, but all this tech does nothing to actually improve drivers.

      • The Last American Hero

        My latest issue is backup cameras. My cars have them, and they are very useful. However, the number of times I’m halfway out of a spot and some jackass comes barreling down the aisle is getting silly.

        This didn’t happen nearly as often when backup cameras weren’t ubiquitous. You knew the guy pulling out of the spot couldn’t see you, so once he initiated his backup, you had to let him complete the maneuver or risk an accident.

      • Tundra

        Perfect example, Hero. Also the reason I park far away!

      • slumbrew

        Rental car had adaptive cruise control, which I quite liked during the 4 hour trip from Utah to Vegas.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        The Caddy I drive has cameras and sensor 360 degrees so backing up it sees better than I do. It has lane assist which is fun on short straight sections of the I5, but I still don’t take my eyes off the road.

      • R.J.

        My eyes don’t point in the same direction* all the time so I would find that a major annoyance. I need to accelerate my plans to buy a fun basic transport, like a Slingshot or a Vanderhall.
        *Not a reference to my avatar, I really do have a weak eye.

      • Tundra

        Yusef that brings to mind another peeve: bumper mounted sensors. My buddy had a “minor” fender bender in his truck that ended up being over $7500 to fix – mainly because of the tech.

      • ron73440

        My boss had trouble backing our rental car up because it didn’t have a backup camera and he was used to one.

        People assume you can see them also once at night, I was backing my truck into a parking space and two women walked behind me.

        They then yelled at me, I couldn’t see them until they were lit by my backup lights.

        How do you walk behind a 20 foot long truck and assume you are seen?

        TLDR: I hate people.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I kneed my protruding taillight cover when climbing into the bed. Multiple hundreds just for the plastic. $100 for like new takeoff from a service body outfitter on eBay. If it had the blind spot module and was damaged…

      • Nephilium

        Ugh. I had a rental a couple weeks back and it had lane assist and all the bells and whistles. I fought that damned lane assist the whole fucking time I was driving, as it would decide that a line of tar on the road was a lane marker and try to “helpfully” nudge me to the center.

      • B.P.

        Exact same thing with me and a rental car about a month ago, Neph. I was on windy roads, and the lane assist was downright scary at times.

    • AlexinCT

      I do not trust any technology to help my driving. My philosophy has always been and remains that the road is full of fucking morons driving, biking, motorcycling, or walking, and it is up to me to avoid them. No law, right of way, or obvious logic will apply to these idiots. Have not had an accident in over 40 years of driving because I always expect the other person to be an absolute moron when it comes to driving and am never caught by surprise.

  19. Gustave Lytton

    Olivia Nuzzi on leave from New York magazine after alleged affair with RFK Jr

    *visualized Cheryl Hines screaming “Bobby!” when seeing the headline*

    • rhywun

      Elon’s fake free speech crusade is nothing more than a gaslighting campaign and power grab. The constitution protects free speech—Elon doesn’t.

      lol Delusional.

    • rhywun

      The harpies on the morning news shows are constantly salivating at the idea of replacing Kamala with Oprah. They don’t seem to realize that Kamala’s IQ is a point in her favor.

    • trshmnstr

      Kamala is not stupid. This is an intentional choice made to avoid alienating any of a thousand of the special snowflake groups in her base while appealing to the low information emoter-voter sitting center left. It’s the Obama strategy on content mixed with the Biden strategy on hiding a lack of charisma. The public image of Kamala is very carefully crafted to appeal to the set of voters who carried Obama in 2008 and 2012.

    • Sensei

      I didn’t know the bit about the spark plugs.

      I also like how they have no water cooling.

  20. Mojeaux

    I finally decided that Diddy is being used as an example by people with more power to tell the nouveau riche that they don’t get the same privileges as old money to fuck and traffic children, and to stay in their lane. Being black may or may not play into it, but I’m fairly certain this is a new v old money spanking.

    • AlexinCT

      I think you are right on that MoJeaux and this is part of the reason they want to end him for sure. I also believe Diddy was a government bad guy, then got too big for his britches, and they are using him as an example for others.

    • Suthenboy

      Maybe I am just old fashioned but no amount of money, new or old, would get me to randomly fuck and traffic children. What kind of person would do that?

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