IFLA: The “Return of the Dog!” episode of the Horoscope for the Week of September 22

by | Sep 22, 2024 | IFLA | 68 comments

I apologize for not having a column ready for last week, for reasons of my own brain-malfunction I thought that the one I wrote for the 8th was going to be for the 15th. You’d think that writing the date at the top of them would be a clue, but… Anyway, such malfunctions occurred at the match too, resulting in my having the worst national score ever, though honestly that had more to do with the extensive amount of running making my times waaaay too long. I need to work on my sprinting, though running past two targets didn’t really help matters any. However, I was finally able to get some new Lily vids, so at least there’s that.

Newdog tries to get involved with Lily and Callie

The week starts off with one of the most positive alignments you can have — the Sun, Jupiter and Venus. Enjoy it while it lasts. The next event is less benign, with Jupiter’s influence running through Mars instead beginning on Tuesday. Because the people who originally catalogued the astrological relations were pretty much bootlickers*, this confluence is something that get positive mentions in the OG resources, but today we** look much less favorably towards domestic use of the military by the state. It could still mean something positive, but it could also mean “protestors successfully dispersed with a minimum of casualties.” That arrangement gets significantly more chaotic on the 26th-ish as the moon swings by to give the hubbub more bub. Before that though, we have another burst of disorder involving Mercury and Saturn retrograde. Again, this is hard to read beyond a generic and unhelpful “change” meaning. Were I reading this for a certain type of client, I’d definitely call it “creative destruction.” The best part of that prediction is that it’s always the client’s fault for mismanaging the opportunity if things go south.

The Basset Hound is also new

Virgo: Queen of Coins reversed – Evil, suspicion, suspense, fear, mistrust.

Libra: Knight of Swords reversed – Imprudence, incapacity, extravagance.

Scorpio: 6 of Wands reversed – Apprehension, fear, disloyalty, indefinite delay.

Sagittarius: 7 of Wands reversed – Perplexity, embarrassments, anxiety, indecision leading to worse results.

Capricorn: 2 of Coins – Entertainment, recreation, news and messages in writing, obstacles, agitation, trouble, embroilment.

Aquarius: 8 of Wands reversed – Jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels, misfortune arriving earlier than expected.

Pisces: 10 of Swords reversed – Advantage, profit, success, favor, but none of these are permanent.

Aries: 5 of Swords reversed – Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonor, loss, burial.

Taurus: 9 of Coins reversed – Roguery, deception, voided project, bad faith.

Gemini: King of Cups –  Fair man, man of business, law, or divinity; responsible, equity, science, law and art; creative intelligence. 

Cancer: King of Wands reversed – Good, but severe; austere, yet tolerant.

Leo: 2 of Swords reversed – Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.

My OPSEC is excellent
Two of the guys on this squad have OPINIONS.

About The Author

Not Adahn

Not Adahn

Despite all my rage, I am still just an impeccably dressed rat.


  1. The Late P Brooks

    Sagittarius: 7 of Wands reversed – Perplexity, embarrassments, anxiety, indecision leading to worse results.

    “indecision leading to worse results”

    I’m all over that one.

  2. juris imprudent

    Degradation, destruction, revocation, infamy, dishonor, loss, burial.

    Well, what more could a fella ask for?

  3. juris imprudent

    What’s with the stray asterisks up there? Sorta looks like there was supposed to be a couple of footnotes.

    • Chafed

      It’s part of your degradation and dishonor.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Chafed! Hail, fellow herbivore.

  4. Mojeaux

    Taurus: 9 of Coins reversed – Roguery, deception, voided project, bad faith.

    I just can’t take you seriously anymore.

  5. Gustave Lytton

    Firearms and clay mud puddles. I’m having flashbacks to Benning School for Boys.


      Its the Moore School for Boys (and a few Girls) these days.

      I have a feeling that the fact that everything that happens there is miserable has not changed with the removal of the problematic moniker.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’m frozen in time. Benning it is, Benning it will be. We weren’t revisionists once, and young.


        Memorials to healing a divide that ended with the death of nearly a million young men can’t be tolerated. Dontcha know it is the current year?




      • Fourscore

        50 years of Benning on my mind are not going to disappear ’cause decisions by committee were made.

        Benning boys will be men by graduation time.

      • Fourscore

        Ooops, 60 years

      • R C Dean

        “Memorials to healing a divide that ended with the death of nearly a million young men can’t be tolerated.”

        Well, if you think the problem is the existence of *spit* men, why would you want to celebrate that?

      • dbleagle

        Bragg is still Bragg, Benning is still Benning etc. despite what a bunch of people who try to erase history.

        I read PPT presentations as part of my job and the erasure isn’t going well. Multiple briefings read “Moore (Benning)” and the same for the other posts.

        At least Moore was a genuine leader and bad ass. Liberty just sucks all the way around. The home of 31 Special Forces Medal of Honor recipients (plus the 82d ABN Division ones) and they couldn’t just pick one? Howard was nominated for 3 MoH.

  6. Mojeaux

    Black Twitter is not having it re slamming Janet Jackson for saying the quiet part out loud. Of all the black people liberal whites could have slammed, they picked the wrong one. Potentially this is bigger than TayTay endorsing Kamala. I’m also seeing that the Jackson family and Trump have been friends for decades. And also, do not slam my Miss Jackson.

    • Urthona

      Kamala is now leading in all the metrics including Nate Silver’s. I don’t think Janet Jackson’s going to turn it around.

      To be honest, I detest the conservative influencers who do this shit.

      “Here’s why Taylor Swift sucks, Meryl Streep is a hack, and D-list celebrity who endorsed Trump is actually great.”

      They sound like they’re 12.

      None of that is persuasive.

      • UnCivilServant

        Funny, I keep seeing the exact opposite about the “metrics”

        It’s almost as if prognostications are about as realistic as Astrology.

      • Urthona

        What metrics are you using that show you Trump is winning?

        Is assume it’s a metric that doesn’t use opinion polls.


        TBF, people who value such endorsements are stuck in middle school too.

        That said, the best course of action is the one that Trump is least capable of executing: shutting his trap.

      • UnCivilServant

        Actually they are opinion polls.

        The problem you are having is putting any faith in the value of polling.

      • Gustave Lytton

        If only Trump was more statesmanlike, like Mitt Romney or John McCain or Bob Dole.

      • Mojeaux

        If only Trump was more statesmanlike, like Mitt Romney or John McCain or Bob Dole.

        If only … 🙄

      • Urthona

        I don’t think polls are perfect, but they’re still used because nothing else is more predictive.

        I fail to see where this weird confidence comes from after Republicans have underperformed for 3 national elections in a row and Trump (barely) overcame a couple percentage point deficit almost 10 years ago.

        He could win, of course, but it seems oddly confident.

        Kamala is at least behind where her predecessors were at this point, but of course there’s no guarantee any Trump bump is coming in early November this time around.

      • Mojeaux

        And so? Better than letting the left go unanswered as if people will figure it out for themselves when they’re not old enough to drink, but they CAN and WILL vote.

        A 12yo on TikTok telling a n00b voter why Kamala sucks is better than nothing, and generates soundbites that the left is adept at, but the right is not.

      • Urthona

        Oh I’m not saying give up.

        I’m saying maybe Republicans should focus on explaining why the people dying from abortions claim is totally fake and not pretending the world’s most popular singer sucks.

        The strategy of right wing influencers, as always, is a lame attempt to copy the left.

        They can say our endorsement stars are mediocre and second rate because… well.. they are.

        Maybe go down a different road.


        I don’t want Trump to stop punching, I just would like it if he were a bit more strategic about where he hits.

        Yeah, I know Monday morning Quarterbacking is easy, taking the good with the bad, etc.

      • juris imprudent

        because nothing else is more predictive

        Bah! Owl entrails will tell you more if you know how to read the portents. If you don’t, you’re just another fool.

      • rhywun

        Kamala is now leading in all the metrics

        The country will finish its descent down the toilet but at least everyone gets an abortion.

      • whiz

        Trump lost the popular vote by 2.1% in 2016, but got 304 electoral votes; Trump lost the popular vote by 4.5% in 2020 and got 232. According to the Real Clear Politics poll summary, Trump is behind by 2.2% now. Because he gets swamped in CA and NY by large margins, he can lose the pop vote and still win.

        Going by state-by-state polls, the RCP averages have him at 262 in the Electoral College, to Harris’s 276. But those averages include some suspect (liberal) polls like Morning Consult and New York Times/Siena. Other polls, including Rasmussen Reports (who have been more accurate in the past), Insider Advantage, and The Hill/Emerson have him winning the EC vote when looking at it state by state.

        I may do an article on this later.

      • Suthenboy

        In my world Dick Cheney endorsing Kamalamadingdong would have cinched the election for Trump. The shooting also, either one of those by themselves would do it.
        Also, kamala and Hillary seething about guns and free speech threatening criminal actions…what the fuck are people thinking?
        What’s with the destruction of the stock market? Crash the market so the billionaire string pullers can buy up the world at a nickel on the dollar? WTF?

      • rhywun

        what the fuck are people thinking?

        Every commercial I see (and there are a LOT of them now that I’m upstate) wants me to believe that they’re thinking about abortion.

        I’d like to think that’s not true but I just don’t know.

      • Suthenboy

        I was expecting a reply of “No, you are wrong. Not a nickel on the dollar, one penny on ten dollars.”
        I guess I am black pilled beyond redemption.

    • Urthona

      I think I object more to his punching being terrible than the fact that he’s doing it.

      The moments that the Republicans were supposed to punch Kamala on were the DNC and the debate.

      She gained steadily in the polls after both.

      Don’t know there’s much left that can be done. Voting has begun. This is the denouement.

      • trshmnstr

        I’m on the side of the polls being hot garbage. That said, she could be winning, he could be winning, RFK could be winning…
        Who knows.


        If polls were actual reflections of the electorate’s inclinations rather than attempts to manipulate them they might be useful.

        Perhaps at some point in the past, they were the former, presently they are decidedly the latter.

  7. Sean

    “Cancer: King of Wands reversed – Good, but severe; austere, yet tolerant.”

    I’ve got your wand right here.

  8. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Aquarius: 8 of Wands reversed – Jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels, misfortune arriving earlier than expected

    So, I will buy that deck of cigarettes on my trip next week?

  9. creech

    The media might not care if Trump was more “statesman” like but perhaps a few “undecideds” will. I don’t think he’d lose any votes. If it doesn’t work, then he’s already lost and we can get used to hearing “Madam President.”

    • Gustave Lytton

      I do. I don’t there’s many true undecideds left. I think being milquetoast is the surest way have his supporters sit on their ballots and be within the margin for fraud. And it’s what the political establishment has been criticizing Trump about from the start. Fuck them, turn it up to 11.

    • juris imprudent

      The only reason I could tolerate hearing Madam President is that it won’t be addressing Hillary. In fact, it will chap her velcro no end. I can be amused by that.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    I’m saying maybe Republicans should focus on explaining why the people dying from abortions claim is totally fake and not pretending the world’s most popular singer sucks.

    That pisses me off based on my purely rational response. A few people might die because of “draconian” abortion restrictions. There is a pretty compelling case to be made for the claim a whole lot of people will certainly die if we allow unrestricted abortion. I am by no means an abortion absolutist, but I definitely think it should not be the default method of birth control, which seems to be a fairly common position on the other side.

    • juris imprudent

      Fake doesn’t matter. The Dems are actually better at painting Repubs as abortion extremists then the other way around. Fear works on an awful lot of people.

      • Ted S.

        They’ve also got the media behind them.

    • Ted S.

      Maybe TEAM RED should be focusing on the “unrealized gains” being a sign they’re coming after your 401k, and the hate speech stuff being a sign they’ll come after you for your political views.

      • trshmnstr


      • Ted S.

        And the immigration stuff.

        The moves by DeSantis and Abbott to send immigrants to sanctuary cities was brilliant, in that it served to send a message to the effect of, “Now do you see what we’re going through on the southern border?”

        Of course, TEAM BLUE knows fully well how much social disruption importing this many immigrants is causing, which is why they’re deliberately inflicting it on places like Springfield OH.

      • rhywun

        “Now do you see what we’re going through on the southern border?”

        But they literally don’t care. The Dems have turned a big chunk of the country into fucking communists, and the rest just go along to get along – be it for more abortions, more grift, more stick it to whitey, what have you.

      • Suthenboy

        They do care rhywun, that is why they are doing it. To destroy the culture and out of pure spite. They delight in this evil. The more people suffer and complain the more they like it.

    • MikeS

      “negligent discharge”

  11. LCDR_Fish

    Chilling at Smart Mouth taproom VA Beach. On my 4th beer but one was only a 10 oz pour. I’d like to try more, but there’s not much more to eat since I already had a pizza. May just have to try coming back once more before my flight.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Gonna have to try and come back again – or hit the other location in the next couple weeks – too many listings to try still. Better selection than F3b when we had a unit event at the norfolk location. I did get a t-shirt though.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Hopey changey

    But the transformation in the presidential contest goes well beyond the horse race. For starters, Harris’ favorability has jumped 16 points since July, the largest increase for any politician in NBC News polling since then-President George W. Bush’s standing surged after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

    Harris also holds the advantage over Trump on being seen as competent and effective, as well as on having the mental and physical health to be president — a reversal from Trump’s leads on those qualities when he was matched up against Biden.

    And in a contest between a sitting vice president and an ex-president, featuring an electorate that overwhelmingly thinks the U.S. is “on the wrong track,” Harris has the upper hand on which candidate better represents change and which candidate can get the country headed in the right direction.

    Competent and effective, that’s what she is. Look at her many and varied accomplishments. As part of the current administration, she is best positioned to be the agent of change we need.

    • rhywun

      the mantle of change

      Oh JFC how can write that with a straight face?

  13. The Late P Brooks

    If the media tell you she’s competent and effective over and over and over, it must be true.

    • rhywun

      And she in no way wants to dial up the disastrous policies of her own fucking administration to 11.

  14. Fourscore

    Maybe, just maybe, if K wins she’ll stay hidden, to avoid the ridicule that comes with being #1. Maybe do nothing to avoid being wrong.

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