Monday Afternoon Links

by | Sep 16, 2024 | Daily Links | 182 comments

Apparently, I am running out of good excuses. I couldn’t weasel out of Links today. So, strap yourselves in for a fairly mediocre effort on my part.


  • In Chicago, they would have been Health Department or Building inspectors.
  • Break out the crossbows, boys. They tryin’ to change the law again.
  • Never forget. Wilson was a slaver.
  • Biden just needs to send moar pallets of cash. That will fix everything.

Music (subtly intended)

Comments are all yours.

About The Author

Swiss Servator

Swiss Servator

Currently serving at the pleasure of a Swiss multinational. Previously a Soldier, rugby player, lawyer, bouncer, bartender, substitute teacher, risk manager, and cubicle mushroom. Will work for raclette.


  1. Nephilium

    I know that I would complain about things a lot less if I were given several pallets of cash.

    • SDF-7

      That’s what the FDNY chiefs apparently said too.

      • Bobarian LMD

        It’s the universal language of love.

  2. SDF-7

    Given the BSOD image — I was expecting this for the music track.

  3. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    Wilson was a slaver.

    Your children belong to us, peasant.

    • SDF-7

      All in favor of killing the ones he didn’t approve of and enslaving the ones he did either literally or by “directed government supervision”, yeah…

  4. SDF-7

    Never forget. Wilson was a slaver.

    Snark response: Makes sense — he doubtless bewailed in his heart being in power 50 years too late.

    Less snarky response: Swiss, you can’t make me despise Wilson much more than I already do, I assure you.

    • LCDR_Fish

      SGT York was one of our greatest warriors – but he should never have been forced into that position.

  5. kinnath

    Future headline: the third time’s the charm

    • SDF-7

      They’re just going through their worthless discards until they pull their trump card.

      • kinnath

        Sluffing off the the weak.

  6. The Late P Brooks

    190 grand? That’s chicken feed.

  7. Shpip

    Two retired FDNY fire chiefs were slapped with a federal indictment Monday for allegedly accepting $190,000 in bribes – the latest high-profile corruption case to hit Mayor Eric Adams’ increasingly beleaguered administration.

    Anthony Saccavino and Brian Cordasco – once the two top highest ranking members in the FDNY’s Bureau of Fire Prevention – formed a crooked “secret partnership” with a retired firefighter to fast track inspections in exchange for bribes, according to the indictment filed in Manhattan federal court.

    I reckon that their careers are consigned to the ash heap of history now.

    • Gender Traitor

      Sick burn!

      • Shpip

        They were both busted. In combination.

        You know… com-busted.

      • The Other Kevin

        I notice that one had a smoldering look.

    • Sensei

      Bonus for the dress clothing and tie underneath the breakout gear put on for the photo op.

    • Pope Jimbo

      They’re hosed now.

  8. creech

    Wilson had to institute a draft because not very many rational men would volunteer for the Great War /Cousins War meatgrinder. How many really believed the Huns were bayoneting babies and ravishing nuns?

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        I assume a far higher percentage of men were called up in WW2, which would skew things considerably.

        Noted however, that almost half the army weren’t slaves.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        Gustave, where are you getting your stats?

        Library of Congress says 72% of soldiers in WW1 were draftees (2.8 million). Whereas just over 10 million were drafted in WW2, way more in both proportion and total numbers, while the rate of conscription compared to volunteerism was much lower.

        Doesn’t that indicate a lot more public support for the was compared to WW1?

      • Gustave Lytton

        10 million drafted of 50M registered in WWII versus 2.8M of 24M registered in WWI.

        both vs 65% volunteer during Vietnam.

    • Drake

      Propaganda has to proceed a completely unnecessary war.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      My grandfather tried to volunteer but was rejected because he wasn’t old enough. My great uncle was a dentist in the Army but I don’t think he left the States. He died with the Spanish flu. We uncovered his last letter to his mother a couple months ago. Heartbreaking when we figured out what it was.

      • creech

        I listened to a talk last week by an historian/virologist. It is pretty much scientifically accepted now that the “Spanish Flu” originated in northern China and not at Ft. Riley base in Kansas. Speaker indicated that most flus that have jumped from animals to humans over the last century have come out of China.

      • Gustave Lytton

        To pay for running metallic conduit in residential SFH?

  9. Tundra

    Never forget. Wilson was a slaver

    With a central bank. A perfect way to ensure forever wars.

    Well played on the tuneage.

  10. Shpip

    Elaborate ceremonies are expected to mark registration in towns and cities all over the United States.

    The day will be a legal holiday. It will be designated “Call to the Colors Day.” Plans will be made to escort men to the registration places and to accord them many honors. Many cities plan patriotic gatherings and speechmaking.

    “Great news, folks. The guy you elected on the slogan ‘He Kept Us Out of War’ has, less than six weeks after his inauguration, convinced Congress to declare war on a group of countries that don’t threaten us in the least. Now we’re going to conscript your husbands and sons to go die in the muddy trenches. Let’s have a big party!”

    • Gender Traitor

      Nice, but missed a trick not using stills from her “totally spontaneous and unrehearsed” calls a few weeks back. 🙄

    • Ted S.

      Obviously not the police, since they don’t knock.

  11. The Gunslinger

    From the dedthread:

    – “He gonna be Epstein’d.”

    If that happens can we put to rest any question of who is behind the first 2 attempts? And if Routh is Epstein’d, then I’d wager there will be more attempts coming against Trump.

    • kinnath

      See future headline above

      • The Gunslinger

        As Ian Fleming said in Goldfinger

        – “Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it’s enemy action.”

    • Drake

      How the hell were both these guys in Blackrock commercials? Should the Secret Service be looking into everyone in their commercials?

    • The Other Kevin

      Given the two attempts now, I would consider any jail sentence Trump receives to be a death sentence.

  12. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    The good news about Wilson is that his commie policies gave us the brief respite of Calvin Coolidge. I actually didn’t know that the 1920 election resembles the 2024 election somewhat. Wilson was essentially pushed aside due to his health, even though he wanted a 3rd term.

    • Tundra

      Yep. And his batshit crazy wife tried to cover it up and run the show herself.

      • Rat on a train

        Was she also a doctor?

      • Tundra

        No, but she was part Indian.

      • Tonio

        That sounds vaguely familiar…

      • Sensei

        Let’s change it up to I own a US dive shop and I book you Bahamian flagged boat that takes you scuba diving in international waters. It goes down.

        Is the US Coast Guard going to investigate that? I get that your family may have civil action against me for lack of due diligence. But do you think there is going to be some kind state or federal criminal investigation of my US dive shop and its operation over this?

        To me this is the regulatory state that is upset that it was gone around. Not that occasionally those regulations don’t actually keep people safer, but stopped clock twice a day and all.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Well course, gotta snip any possibility of them or anyone else restarting the expedition business.

        Deep sea exploration can only be done by academic institutions or people like Robert Ballard (“hey, I’m a civilian”/”hey, I’m a Naval reservist”).

  13. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    In other good news, shitter’s no longer full

    • Tundra

      You’ve been living the lifestyle for awhile now. Are you still digging it? Any plans for the next move?

    • kinnath

      Two quick head fakes to check for weaknesses.

    • Sean

      What about his Romanian connection?

      *side eyes Pie*

    • Sean

      With that kind of “success”, she’s qualified for .gov work.

    • The Other Kevin

      Thankfully my youngest never came up with that idea. She practically lived there from junior high until… well, now.

    • Shpip

      BEDFORD, Ohio – An 8-year-old girl drove herself 24 minutes from her home to a Target store, according to police.

      The young girl also told officers she hit a mailbox during her travels, according to a release.

      Was it a famous astronaut’s mailbox? Has anyone looked into whether Sloopy’s brood are apeing the old man?

  14. The Late P Brooks

    We have nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for that fascist oppressor who hates women and colored folks

    In July, after Donald Trump was targeted in an assassination attempt, the Republican did not immediately lash out at his perceived political foes. The former president’s restraint did not last long, however, and the GOP nominee ultimately started blaming his critics for the shooting — without any evidence, of course — and amplifying conspiracy theories.

    As recently as a few weeks ago, Trump was blaming the Biden administration for the attempt on his life — officials “weren’t too interested in my health and safety,” he told television personality Phil McGraw — and after another conservative media ally questioned whether the shooting might’ve been an “inside job,” the former president responded, “You do have to wonder.”

    In the wake of another apparent assassination attempt, the Republican candidate is already on the offensive and pointing fingers without regard for evidence or propriety. Less than 24 hours after the alleged would-be shooter was taken into custody, Trump told Fox News Digital that the suspect “acted” on “highly inflammatory language” of Democrats.

    Claimed without evidence there has been an ongoing barrage of mudslinging and accusations of malfeasance, personal and official.

    We don’t even know if it was an attempt on Trump’s life. That guy could have been hunting gophers.

    • kinnath

      with sound track by Kenny Loggins

    • The Other Kevin

      Our only consolation is that the more batshit crazy these people are the more normal people will notice.

    • B.P.

      These are the same people who blamed the Gabby Giffords shooting on a target graphic used in Sarah Palin campaign materials, right?

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      “without any evidence”
      The return of an oldie and a goodie.

  15. cyto

    So, the story of our assasin gets stranger.

    I have not heard when he left Hawaii, but he apparently arrived in Florida, stole a couple of vehicles, stole license plates for said vehicles, somehow acquired a modified SKS with serial numbers ground down….

    All theoretically not even knowing if Trump would be around.

    Without connections in the area, how do you find an illegal arms dealer who will sell you a 20 year felony for $300?

    • kinnath

      south park meme — he was on our radar

    • SDF-7

      I expect he found a good Company to deal with.

      And after all — they’re easier to buy than books, right? And you notice no one said anything about him having a copy of Crime and Punishment!

      • cyto

        I thought it was catcher in the rye.

      • creech

        I thought it was “Golf My Way?”

    • cyto

      We shall see how this proceeds.

      If he isn’t a patsy, they will certainly be digging hard on the gun dealer. That would be a bigger arrest, one would think. I haven’t seen this angle yet, but it seems really obvious if we really do have a low income crazy guy who just decided to kill Trump all on his own and flew to Florida, stole a car and bought an illegal gun and body armor and luckily camped out where Trump was going to play golf, even though there was zero outside knowledge that he would be in town….

      Also, that street isn’t a homeless sleep here kind of place. Even without Trump, they monitor every car through the area, have for decades. Richy Mc Rich area.

      • Drake

        That low income guy made it to Europe a bunch of times.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Funny how there’s arrest after arrest of US citizens or residents who allegedly intended to fight in the Middle East yet someone like this can travel repeatedly and not be on anyone’s radar. Sure.

      • B.P.

        Maybe that ATF gun-running-to-Mexico operation lives on and has expanded its sphere of operations.

      • Tundra

        “Keeev” still makes me grind my teeth.

      • Sensei

        + 1 toh-kyhoh (Tokyo)
        + 1 kyhoh-toh (Kyoto)

      • Ted S.

        “Kiev” has a schwa for the second syllable in Russian (and I think Ukrainian), so a two-syllable “Keev” is actually closer to the correct pronunciation.

      • UnCivilServant

        Kiev (Key-Ev) is the English Toponym for the city.

        We should use the English word for the city, and not try to use a foreign toponym.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Peking, Bombay, Kiev, all work for me.

    • The Other Kevin

      Maybe he took a detour through Indiana. DISCLAIMER: I was out of town at the time.

      • UnCivilServant

        What part of Indiana are you in?

      • UnCivilServant

        I ask because I’m driving from Cedar Rapids to Indianapolis Tomorrow.

      • The Other Kevin

        North west.

      • UnCivilServant

        🙁 I might not be getting that close to chicago.

    • Rat on a train

      Post something on Twitter about the need to stop Trump and wait for the CIA to contact you?

    • Aloysious

      Maybe he’s the son of Corn Pop and he’s using his pops criminal connections. He’s trying to take out Trump because”Nobody takes out Biden but my old man!”

  16. UnCivilServant

    Evening, Glibs. I’ve made it to Cedar Rapids. Soon I have to head out and pester Kinnath for mead.

    • SDF-7

      Glad the drive has been going well. You and Kinnath have a good social outing.

      • UnCivilServant

        My car has started complaining that it needs an oil change. I got one just before I headed out, but I’ve driven so many miles…

      • Tundra

        My car has started complaining…

        You are fine. If it’s not using any oil I would just wait until you get home.

    • kinnath

      There is mead in the truck.

      Welcome back.

      • UnCivilServant


        I’ll probably head out at 4:30 local, because traffic looked a little dense on my way in.

      • kinnath

        Sounds good

    • Shpip

      If you get up early enough tomorrow, you can arrive in Indianapolis in time to tour the Crown Hill Cemetery on the north side of town. Because I’m the type of weird history nerd who visits Presidential graves (I think I’m up to eleven now), I stopped by to pay respects to Benjamin Harrison. James Dillinger is also interred nearby. I’ll give you one guess as to which grave is visited more often.

      Also underneath the sod there are “Machine Gun” Gatling, the original car guys Frederick and Augie Duesenberg, and James “You can call me Uncle” Baskett.

      • UnCivilServant

        My spreadsheet says its a 6 hour drive + 1 hour for changing time zones. An effectively 7 hour drive doesn’t leave much time.

    • cyto

      Hopefully nothing, because their time on stage was short

      • The Other Kevin

        All the world’s a stage,
        And all the men and women merely players

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      Being married to a serial fabulist will do that to you.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    Second, Trump clearly sees accusations that he’s a “threat to democracy” as beyond the pale, but, in reality, the Republican candidate really has endorsed an authoritarian-style vision that would undermine democracy. This assessment is based almost entirely on Trump’s own rhetoric and public statements. When the former president’s critics, in Democratic politics and elsewhere, accuse him of being a threat to democracy, their case is rooted in fact.

    Let’s be realistic. When some hero of the regime finally plugs him, it will be entirely his own fault, and a well deserved comeuppance.

    • The Other Kevin

      He’s actually being an asshole for putting all those would-be assassins in danger. He should off himself.

    • Drake

      Pretty much their message. If they keep missing, they’ll have to be even more explicit.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      He was so authoritarian that he obeyed court orders that went against him when he was President. Someone concerned with Our Democracy would ignore those court decisions like the current President.

    • rhywun

      I don’t even know what to say to this stuff, it’s so batshit insane.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Third, these assessments aren’t just coming from the left. Trump’s own former Defense secretary, Mark Esper, has described the former president as a “threat to democracy.” The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, who remained neutral in every presidential race throughout his lengthy career, made an exception for Trump, calling him a “threat to democracy.” Retired federal Judge J. Michael Luttig, a giant of conservative jurisprudence, directly accused Trump and his allies of waging a “war on democracy,” adding that the former president is a “clear and present danger” to American democracy.

    Case closed. Get the rope.

    • cyto

      Woodward remained neutral in every presidential race.

      Uh, yeah….

    • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

      When you get flacc you know you’re over the target…

  19. Shpip

    As one who always looks at the bright side, someone has finally put hatebirds (the birds that hate) in their place.

    • Urthona

      In America? Wow.

      Who knew a Jew could prosper here?

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She did grow up in a middle class Jewish family, after all.

  20. The Late P Brooks


    Tesla CEO and X majority owner Elon Musk wrote and then deleted a Sunday post on social media platform X that appeared to question why there weren’t more assassination threats made against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Musk, who has 197.8 million listed followers on X, posted the message shortly after a second apparent assassination attempt against Republican former President Donald Trump.

    The post was prompted by an X user who asked, “Why they want to kill Donald Trump?”

    Musk replied, “And no one is even trying to assassinate Biden/Kamala,” punctuating his sentence with a thinking face emoji.

    OMG Musk put out a hit on Biden and Harris!

    • cyto

      Really funny how observing that “the super-violent white supremacist greatest threat to America white right wing” didn’t actually do any shooting somehow became “Elon Musk calls for assasination”.

      I was on that thread. It was completely insane. People will believe literally anything they have to.

  21. The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

    “One would be revival of the now extinct rank of general, which has not been used since Gen. Grant’s time.

    This also would make necessary the appointment of an active lieutenant general.

    The lieutenant, next in rank to general, would have active direction of the army overseas. The general would remain in Washington.

    Nelson A. Miles, retired, is the only living lieutenant general.”

    Amazing times. Sad they were so foolish to let the war machine get started.

    How many generals do we have now?

    • cyto

      I dunno, but the first 7 star general is a man in a dress who isn’t in the military, and that is the greatest achievement of all time.

      • creech

        I’ll bet there are some small city police chiefs and podunk sheriffs already strutting around with 7 stars on their collars.

  22. cyto

    Wow, X really is like Usenet. I haven’t really encountered it before because I wasn’t doing politics.

    Under a post about Assasin guy getting a gun being a poster for gun control, tons of people were posting old school garbage.

    Lots say “the fact that 2 MAGA Republicans shot ag Trump proves that they were hired to boost his campaign”

    Others say “MAGA gives us gun laws that allow guys on parole for having weapons of mass destruction to buy an AK-47.

    Lots of raw racism and such too.

    Really old school, like the first posts on Slashdot threads.

    • Urthona

      I’ve enjoyed those takes.

      Every single gun law failing in this case is a great argument for more gun control. Or something.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    free fire zone

    The city’s crackdown on fare evasion turned bloody on Sunday afternoon when four people — including an NYPD officer — were shot by police officers responding to a man who allegedly skipped the turnstile in a neighborhood where many people can’t afford basic needs, much less the cost to ride the train every day.


    MTA officials have for years called for a harsher crackdown on fare evasion, saying the problem costs the transit agency nearly $700 million a year. “We have to change the culture and make sure everybody feels this [paying the fare] is a responsibility,” MTA chair Janno Lieber said in July.

    But after Sunday’s shooting, some advocates questioned whether the push to enforce the fare has gone too far.

    David Jones, an MTA board member and CEO of the nonprofit Community Service Society of New York, said he has long raised concerns about the agency relying on the NYPD as the main deterrent to fare evasion. To reduce fare evasion, he’s urged transit officials to push for more enrollment in the city’s Fair Fares program, which offers half-priced subway and bus fares to low-income New Yorkers.

    Obviously the answer to turnstile hopping is to give everybody discount cards.

    • rhywun

      where many people can’t afford basic needs, much less the cost to ride the train every day

      Ohhh kindly fuck off with that shit.

      This is how you get out-of-control crime – by fucking encouraging it.

    • rhywun

      The surrounding community was shaken by the violence on Monday morning

      They’re so poor they just can’t help themselves from having the highest homicide rate in the city.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Yet somehow Giuliani managed to get turnstile-hopping and quarter-sucking under control without it becoming a bloodbath. But of course that was ages ago, when more New Yorkers understood the relationship between city revenue collection and taxes.

    • Shpip

      Clark, who was commuting on Monday to meet with his attorney, said he made sure to bring money to pay for his fare to avoid another incident.

      Well, this one guy learned. Maybe word will get out.

  24. Fourscore

    My son and girlfriend are visiting from Austin, TX. I know every talking point the blue can make up. She thinks if I’m not a dem I must be a repub.

    Did you know Kamala is a brilliant person that worked her way, was a DA and the best senator and is a brilliant woman? Oh, and Trump lies. I
    was surprised to hear that. I am surprised that anyone believes anything that Trump/Kamala says but there are some very close to me.

    They are absolutely sold. Son thinks John Daily is not a great comedian but a political pundit of note. It’s hard to believe smart, educated people can come
    to conclusions based on talking points. I was told that the we need government to keep the influencing corporations from buying pols.

    They did work pretty hard yesterday but needed a good bit of training. I’m sort of glad Honey Harvest is a one day event but it was nice to
    hang out with new and old known Glibs yesterday. Fun day.

    • Tundra

      My son is in the process tanking his relationship. His girlfriend went nuts on him for not agreeing to voting for the dems for “womens’ rights.” Which of course means killing babies. She won’t even listen to his point of view.

      He’s a little taken aback by her insanity but that’s really proggies in a nutshell. I’ve had conservatards hyperventilate when I slaughtered one of their sacred cows, but none of them have ever refused to argue their point. Proggies just refuse to listen and run away.

      • rhywun

        The left have been trained to believe that they are so obviously correct that they don’t need to argue their point.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        They’ve also been trained not to even discuss anything with anyone who’s been declared to be pure evil. To concede even the smallest point to those of that ilk is to be tainted with evil themselves, a taint that will leave a scar on them for life.

      • Brochettaward

        There’ an element of that self-righteousness, but it’s also just that they are weak people in general who are fostered by cocoon environments. These are the people who consume mass media and live in big cities (no offense) and go to swanky schools that give them an inflated sense of self-worth and intelligence.

        Everything and everyone around them reinforces their views.

        You can’t be right of center and escape the left’s talking points. Don’t care if it sounds like self-validation. People who aren’t left wing tend to be at least slightly tougher on average.

      • Ed Wuncler

        I hear that a lot from a lot of friends still in the dating pool and it kind of makes me sad but also thankful that I’m married. Most Conservative and Libertarian men could care less if their mate is a liberal and I think it’s because we don’t make politics our whole existence. Whereas Liberal women see their political leanings and politicians they like as an important part of their identity.

      • Mojeaux

        I’ll speak up and say politics was a hard line for me, like religion. My husband came to me a bit of a vaguely formed dem because that was his background, but was already changing because he had started to go back to church a couple of years before we met. I laid put my philosophy and he was willing to learn more. He just didn’t know or care about politics till I got my claws in him.

    • Suthenboy

      Reason, logic, facts….they have nothing to do with leftist ideology. They believe what they believe as a matter of faith. Any attempt to get through to them is an exercise in futility.
      See: Videos of leftists being confronted with Margaret Sanger quotes. They refuse to believe, give the ‘yeah but the sides switched’ rationale, or just put up a wall and end the conversation. I have yet to see one consider rethinking their position on planned parenthood.

      “Yes, that is your body and you have a choice. You own yourself. That baby? That is not your body. That is someone else’s body.
      That is when they shut up and refuse to talk.

      • Ed Wuncler

        I remember discussing with a liberal woman about abortion and you could see how they take the hard line on the issue. I don’t get really worked up about the abortion issue and I’m kind of ambivalent about it but I remember telling her that with some exceptions, we have much more access to birth control that is relatively inexpensive. And also that if you aren’t ready for the rigors of child rearing take the pill or abstain.

        She lost her shit and called me a misogynist.

      • rhywun

        And also that if you aren’t ready for the rigors of child rearing take the pill or abstain.

        It didn’t dawn on me what I prude I must be until I concluded that the entire point of abortion for the vast majority of folks is nothing more than consequence-free, no-questions-asked and especially no-thought-beforehand sex.

      • Suthenboy

        People of low intelligence are unable to make fine distinctions between superficially similar but very different concepts.
        In this case those concepts would be libertarianism and libertinism. Self-ownership and hedonism. etc.
        Consider the kinds of people we are talking about.

    • The Other Kevin

      My youngest and her husband are pretty conservative. Guess their upbringing took. They are both less than thrilled with all the woke stuff they see in Washington. He needs to watch his mouth though, he tends to talk like, well, an old-school sailor, and I think if he calls someone a f*g in the wrong company it might not go over very well.

      • Tundra

        Who cares?


        Seriously, these snowflakes have never set foot in a hockey locker room.

    • creech

      Part of the problem is that Trump is such a despicable asshole. I know several long time GOP conservatives that hate Trump just because he ragged on McCain for getting shot down in combat. There are lots of things McCain advocated that invite derision, but Trump had to step out of bounds on that one.

      • Urthona

        I believe he would run away with this election if he could just stop himself from saying stuff like “I hate Taylor Swift!!”

        There’s no strategy or point to any of it.

        But I guess discipline will never be his thing

        I don’t think much of JD Vance before this but it’s so refreshing that he can handle the media without being an idiot.

      • Ed Wuncler

        He’s not a good person. When everyone loved him on the Apprentice before he became, “Literally like Hitler,” I didn’t particularly care for the guy especially with the birth certificate of Obama and the Central Park Five case. I mean I know Clinton was the originator of the so called birther conspiracy but still it was a stupid thing to bank on. He tends to say some stupid shit that would turn potential supporters off and he has a tendency to turn on those quickly who don’t completely agree with him.

        But as someone once pointed out to me, for us to perhaps delay destruction of our country and stop the Left’s total takeover of our institutions, you need an asshole like Trump to slow it down.

      • Ed Wuncler

        RE Urthona:

        That was why I wanted DeSantis to win the GOP nomination. Yeah, he’s not perfect and lacks charisma, but he seemed disciplined and has no problem telling the media to fuck off (without sounding like an idiot) whenever they made an untrue assertion about his handling of COVID and other happenings in Florida.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        This is were I am. Horses for courses, they say, and we needed a brash vulgar loudmouth to get us out from under the Bushes of the world. I am by no means a conservative, generally dislike that point of view as much as liberal, but right now we need some ying to the yang that has been schlonging us for a while now.

        Fuck John McStain, he turned out to be no friend of liberty when he backstabbed the death of 0care*. I don’t give two shits about what he did in ‘Nam, Arizona or Washington, I give a shit about liberty.

        *phrasing, but you know what I mean.

    • Ted S.

      Son thinks John Daily is not a great comedian but a political pundit of note.

      He wasn’t really either while hosting What’s My Line?

  25. Fourscore

    …Daily is not just a…

  26. Suthenboy

    When I think of ‘evil president’ I gauge them on a scale where the standard measure is a Wilson. Until Obama/Biden everyone else scored a <1. Now Kamalamadingdong is telling those guys to hold her beer.

    • rhywun

      Yeah, Obama must be 2 or 3 Wilsons.

      The amount of damage he has caused is unbelievable.

      • Suthenboy

        I think that and then I wonder…I wasn’t there to see it but Wilson probably did a lot of evil shit that has been memory holed.

      • rhywun

        True but Obama’s evil shit largely hasn’t been recognized as such yet.

        Ramping up racial animus, encouraging ME terrorism, ramping up globalism, etc. etc. Most of the shit he’s caused is still being celebrated by the left.

      • Suthenboy

        True, but it seems he did a lot of stuff that was pure malice in the short term and it seems to have been forgotten or barely noticed at the time.
        The one that really sticks in my mind is removing a number of very nasty diseases from the list of reasons not to allow invaders into the country. Very, veery nasty stuff we had whipped a hundred years ago…now making a comeback. Obama did a ton of things like that.
        I wonder how many things like that Wilson did.

  27. SarumanTheGreat

    To Pie in the Sky from the dead thread:

    ‘Interesting tidbit on Rory Stewart’s experience as minister in DEFRA. Plan to plant 500 million trees, at minimal cost to the public, opposed by environmental groups on the basis that they wanted to micromanage “the right trees in the right places”. Sounds familiar!’

    As someone who does botanical surveying for a living, you damn well can plant the wrong species of tree in the wrong places. There are lots of trees that have been introduced to North America that have become horrendous pests; Tree-of-Heaven, Norway Maple, Callery Pear, Tamarisk, just to name a few. Then there are trees that although they never became established brought with them diseases that have absolutely hammered important native trees, like the American Chestnut (Chestnut Blight) and elms (Dutch elm disease). There’s also the fun situation of people planting trees that although common in one part of the country are rare and protected in others, and then 25-50 years gone some environmental wacko tries to stop someone doing something with their property because ‘muh rare tree’ is on or adjacent to their land (happens more often with herbaceous plants, but it’s happened to me with trees). To top it off, there are societies like the Arbor Society who planted lots of trees where they haven’t been in geologic time, such as the High Plains, resulting in wasted $ due to massive dieoffs.

    • Suthenboy

      I am lucky. I live in a place with a wide variety of native species that do well nearly anywhere here that you plant them. I gather seed from native stock and plant in similar habitat. I am selective – food for wildlife, good lumber, good at resisting erosion. Many species, particularly Sweetgum, I consider weeds and kill them at every opportunity. I have planted through my own personal efforts and hiring planters for commercial plantings somewhere around 1M trees.
      Nothing is more surprising to me than the watermelons objecting to tree planting because they cant micromanage the planting. That reminds me of the college commie council meeting that was paralyzed by constant and multiple points of order being called to accommodate each individual present.
      *I planted 200 paw-paws by seed this year. They take forever to germinate but it seems all of them sprouted. The 50 or so I planted last year have survived into their second year but geeeez those things are slow starters. Apparently they put most of their energy into developing a tremendous taproot before the above ground tree goes anywhere. They are a creek-bottom understory tree. The soil they prefer is sandy loam creek sediment. Half of the year they are well watered but half of the year they have to reach down deep to satisfy their thirst.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        ‘Nothing is more surprising to me than the watermelons objecting to tree planting because they cant micromanage the planting.’

        My wife and I have helped local municipalities vet their tree planting lists. Too many times people plant what the arborists want to sell them, not what is appropriate to the area or is likely to survive in local conditions. That’s why we now have a plague of Callery pears taking over our fields and edges.

        Sweetgums have a pretty restricted range in Pennsylvania (generally no more than 5 miles away from the Delaware River) but where they do go they are quite common. Dirt common in the Delmarva Peninsula south of me. Good lumber tree and great fun for kids as long as you avoid getting spiked in the eye (sycamore balls are safer to throw).

        Pawpaws. In my experience they can sucker like mad and produce a lot of shade. Also deer don’t seem to like them, so in areas where there are too many deer they can take over. Fruit’s not bad if you can beat the coons and possums to the fallen ones (I prefer persimmons). In our area they are also traditionally a bottomland understory tree, but with our high deer population levels they are spreading into more upland areas. Also very common in rich bottomlands in the Delmarva.

      • Suthenboy

        I have noticed a significant difference in sweet gums by habitat.
        The ones we have here will not burn. They smolder and smoke forever to make 5X as much ash as there was wood. Tell me how that happens.
        The lumber is light and weak almost cork and not good for anything
        The only thing that eats the seed are one or two species of bird and squirrels but only in February during the starving time.
        They sprout fast, grow like hell and shade out the good trees, in other words – weeds. I hate them.

        Just a few hours west where my brother is they make decent firewood and ok-ish lumber for some purposes. Still nothing eats them.

        Why let one grow when you can cut it and replace with an oak/walnut/cherry/poplar? Or better, a cypress.

    • Shpip

      you damn well can plant the wrong species of tree in the wrong places.

      Florida Man has introduced many exotics to the native habitat, few have worked out.

      From the hydrilla and hyacinths clogging up the lakes and rivers, to the Australian pines and melaleuca screwing up the beaches and Everglades, it seems like there are lots of slow learners out there.

      The one non-native fauna that appears to have been successfully introduced is the peacock bass, as it’s range is limited by its intolerance to cold temperatures.

      • Suthenboy

        ….and it’s deliciousness.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        There’s also the infamous Burmese python, busy snarfing up the local fauna. Too bad many are too full of mercury to be safe to eat.

        Regarding introduction of exotics, Hawaii tells Florida to hold their sixpack. These days most of the vegetation you see in the Islands is exotic.

      • Suthenboy

        I am surprised no one has mentioned the Chinese tallow. It would be difficult to convince me there is a worse invader.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    The left have been trained to believe that they are so obviously correct that they don’t need to argue their point.

    You don’t condescend to “argue” about what a god has carved on a stone tablet.

    • Rat on a train

      Give me air cooled, manual everything, or GTFO.

      • The Bearded Hobbit


      • Tundra


        Yes. Air cooled boxer and simplicity is beautiful.

  29. Tundra

    Appropriately absurd. Thanks!

    The fender and front trunk-body area seem to be all molded as one big piece, where the fenders would have been separate on an original Beetle.

    Which would have been a problem for 16 yo Tundra and his 74 Super Beetle that had a parking lot light pole jump out in front of it.

  30. Suthenboy

    This latest Trump attempt is starting to stink worse than the last one. The info I am getting is a bit scrambled but….
    Dude live in Hawaii. What was he doing in FL?
    Trump’s golfing trip to that particular course was allegedly spur of the moment? The shooter was hiding in the bushes for 12 hours waiting on him?
    How did the shooter know he would be in Florida at that particular course at that time more than 12hrs before? Where did he get his equipment?
    If the shooter was already there before Trump arrived why did the SS not make a sweep of the perimeter by person and/or with dogs?
    I think the BB got it right –

    Just perusing the front page of the BB is worth some really good laughs.

    • Urthona

      Still possible that he just hid in the bushes expecting him to golf eventually. he could not have known at 2 am considering Trump himself didn’t.

      Be interesting to see if he on the golf course other days.

      • Suthenboy

        Weighing possible / likely. Hmm. Something stinks.

        Let’s say some lone loon gets lucky and actually pulls this off. How many people are going to believe the ‘establishment’ is responsible at this point? How many already do believe that?

      • Suthenboy

        Seems unlikely that living in Hawaii he would spend his spare time hanging around on a golf course in Florida on the unlikely event Donnie Two Scoops might show up by chance. If he lives in Hawaii. I cant really tell from the things I have heard.

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