Saturday evening links

by | Sep 7, 2024 | Daily Links | 156 comments

THIS football!!!

That’s right people, our countries long suffering is at an end, as football has returned. Five straight, glorious days this week. I’ll have it on in the background while I’m processing this:

How about some links?!?

Looks like we’re repeating the ’70s. Serpico nods from the grave.

It’s bad for the business of DEI.

Oh look, Ukraine is using thermite drones. They need to throw in a few robotic flame throwing dogs.

That is one fat fucking cat.

Lizard people are real.

I think Epstein’s island is available.

They tried to take out Commie Pope.

Okay, no rest for the wicked. Time to go throw some tomatoes in a pot. Peace out Glibbies, have a great weekend.

The original version of the Monday Night Football theme song. Mmm, young Joan Jett.

About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. Ted S.

    Looks like we’re repeating the ’70s. Serpico nods from the grave.

    He would if he were dead.

    • Spudalicious

      Is he still alive? Holy shit, he’s old.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Not for lack of trying by his now former colleagues.

      • Ted S.

        14 months older than Fourscore, if Wikipedia is to be believed.

      • MikeS

        Wikipedia knows how old Fourscore is?

  2. Ted S.

    That is one fat fucking cat.

    Scroll down for the link to the moral panic story about “hairless bullycats”.

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Part of that journey will include ditching a popular LGBTQ+ equality metric from the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights advocacy and a prominent target of the far-right.

    Notorious militant queer extortionists HRC.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    The DEI backlash has been brewing for almost as long as DEI has been in vogue — roughly since the summer of 2020, when the murder of George Floyd set off a national reckoning over racism in America.

    I thought the Obamas cured America of racism.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      They did. Then Trump ushered back racism with a roar. Don’t you remember when he rescinded the Emancipation Proclamation and sent the quiltbags to concentration camps?

  5. The Late P Brooks

    “Retreating is not a good look. The conviction of a CEO, and their discipline in sticking to declared business strategies, is the measure against which they’re ultimately going to be judged,” Tom Sebok, managing partner at The New England Consulting Group, told me. “And if you start to waiver as a CEO, all you wind up doing is diminishing investor confidence in your conviction as a leader.”

    The mark of a truly great leader is the steadfast refusal to alter a plan.

  6. Shpip

    “In a sense, we had a DEI bubble,” says Cait Lamberton, professor of marketing at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business. “I find it ironic that [companies] don’t seem to recognize that they are just as activist by stepping back from DEI as they would be by participating in it.”

    Declining to hire some token darkies is the same as loudly hiring some token darkies. Okay, “Professor” Caitlin.

    • R C Dean

      Ah, the old “You’re either with us or against us” ploy.

      I’d be careful with that, if I were them.

    • Shpip

      So instead of the low-cut shirt, you’re going with no shirt at all?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Wearing my handmaids tale outfit


        Preparing for the Heritage 2025/Obergruppenführer Trump future already?

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Might as well get ahead of the game. Those outfits are gonna be real expensive come January!

      • Shpip

        Wearing my handmaids tale outfit

        Me: Blessed be the fruit.

        KK: Leave Tonio out of this.

        Me: May the Lord open.

        KK: I said leave Toni… wait, what?

  7. Shpip

    It’s like Spirit Halloween, but for ‘tards

    Brick-and-mortar Trump stores have popped up around Florida and across the U.S. in recent weeks. Others never closed. Unlikely to appear on Google Maps, they draw visitors through word of mouth, roadside signs and the power of Trump’s defiant brand — and sense of humor.

    The shops have no affiliation with Trump’s 2024 campaign and have not licensed the use of his name or image, five store operators told the Tampa Bay Times.

    “Is Trump seeing any of this money?” asked Joe Ramsey from Clermont when he entered Ferreira’s store.

    “No, Trump said he wants me to keep it,” joked Ferreira, 61. “So I can take care of myself and don’t have to be with a hand out to the government.”

    I prefer OMB’s policies, such as he attempts to articulate them, to those of his opponent, but I’d never debase myself by plunking his name or visage on a t-shirt, flag, or anything else — and I can’t figure out those who would.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Trump and Whorris signs are cropping up all over town, as we are the first red county south of Portland. I told my wife once that I would put up a Wu-Tang sign, but that is it.

      Anyway, the signs are so trashy to me.

      • Nephilium

        There’s been a surprising lack of Harris signs in my area. There’s still Trump flags flying, but there were more Clinton signs back in the day. I’ve seen a few in the wild, but not many. In fact, I passed a UAW hall today and even they didn’t have a Harris sign out.

      • rhywun

        I have not seen a single Harris sign in town, and the politics are impeccably leftist here. I have seen more Trump signs, just outside of town.

        Joy and laughter ain’t working.

      • trshmnstr

        Anyway, the signs are so trashy to me.

        You called?

        In seriousness, I’m more of a gray man type. I don’t have bumper stickers. I don’t have any signs proclaiming my beliefs or opinions. I’m even hesitant to put up the flagpole I bought because I’ll have to choose what flags to put up there and I’d be really tempted to put a “come and take it” or “don’t tread on me” flag up.

        I am curious about the Trump shop in my town, though. I may stop in there at some point, just for the fun of it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        There’s a vendor table setup in front of Winco. Hurry down to get your Trump kitsch flag!

      • rhywun

        I don’t have any signs proclaiming my beliefs or opinions.


        Despite the lack of Harris signage around me, there is a never-ending litany of leftist signaling about every other “cause”. Those people are so fucking insecure.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I live in the ritzy area, and, of course I am seeing the Harris signs. But not outside that area so much.

      • Rat on a train

        Fortunately, I live where only retards put out campaign signs. Unfortunately, there are a couple retards in the area.

    • R C Dean

      “Unlikely to appear on Google Maps”

      Funny, that.

      • Fourscore

        Local Walmart (or was it CUB?) had a “Trump” magazine available at the check out . Mrs F picked it up to show me, I was afraid she would waste money and buy it.

        She is a Trumpinista through and through but claims it’s only ’cause she dislikes Biden/Harris,

    • MikeS

      Looks like hot chocolate in that coffee cup, but otherwise, would.

    • Aloysious

      Needs moar bacon.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The utensil is pointing the wrong direction. No way you could grab it easily the way it is currently placed.

  8. Playa Manhattan

    My internet is down. Does anyone have the score to the Cal game?

    • MikeS


      • Fourscore

        Game cancelled due to internet being down.

    • Shpip

      The beat those booger-eatin’ Barners 21-14.

    • Ted S.

      Cal beat John Davis 382-136.

    • Aloysious

      Eleventy one to twiddly two divided by zero.

    • Spudalicious


      • Ted S.

        New link. What dis?

    • Rat on a train

      I will stay silent on this.

  9. LCDR_Fish

    MS – regarding your earlier comments about looking for gifts for your kid…if he’s interested in a sword…see if you can get a weighted training sword for practicing with. Maybe not quite as extreme as Guts’ sword from Berserk, but something designed along those lines would probably be pretty motivational/badass.

  10. Aloysious

    Nice harvest.

    Making any pickles?

  11. hayeksplosives

    Do you guys have any opinions on the shingles vaccine? I never used to worry about vaccines, but after the Covid debacle, I’m now skeptical.

    I have had chicken pox as a kid. I am 50. My new doctor, who seems to be a drug minimalist, at first recommended I get the pneumonia vaccine and the shingles vaccine, but when I told him of my tetanus vaccine allergy, he said eh, maybe not at the same time then.

    They ended up giving me neither one that day.

    • kinnath

      My doc says the old vaccine was useless. He says the new vaccine is pretty good. But I still haven’t taken it.

    • MikeS

      I decided to get it when I go in for my annual. I looed into it (Shingrix) and it’s the good old fashioned kind where they put some dead virus in you instead of fucking with your DNA.

      Full disclosure; I am not a virologist. 🤓

      • Chafed

        Have you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?

      • MikeS

        Yes! I have!

    • Spudalicious

      I had chicken pox as an adult, so I have a much higher risk of getting shingles. I had my second shot on Thursday. My arm hurt and I spent yesterday sleeping and not eating. Back to normal today, but my arm still hurts. You do not want to get fucking shingles. Absolutely miserable.

      I tend not to combine stuff like that. I do need the pneumonia shot.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        My younger brother (late 30s) recently had shingles.

        You do not want them.

      • Rat on a train

        Is the shingles risk related to when you had chickenpox?

    • Suthenboy

      Your skepticism is well earned.
      I was always a bit skeptical but then the covid scam….I dont trust those lying fucks as far as I can spit.
      I took the rabies and all associated critter vaccines cuz…well, what did I have to lose.
      I have had the Pneumonia and flu also but I am wondering if I will do it again.I wont touch any of the cold associated ones. Things I used to think were too far out there crazy conspiracy theories have turned out to be true. Now I dont trust any of them.

      Had chicken pox. Had shingles. I cant remember if a second go-round is more or less likely. In any case, I aint taking the vaccine.

      • Yusef drives a Kia

        Never got a flu shot, never got the flu
        Had pox as a kid, no vaccine. shingles, covid sorry but fuck vaccines, they create more problems than they cure.
        Iron Bob

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        I cant remember if a second go-round is more or less likely.

        You can get shingles twice.

        I took the shingles vaccine a few years after getting shingles. SHINGLES WAS NOT PLEASANT.

        Luckily, the shingles vaccine has been vetted over many years trial (unlike the COVID vaccine)

    • kinnath

      A friend of mine lost his vision in one eye because of shingles.

      That scared the shit out of me.

      But, I still haven’t gotten the vaccine yet.

      • R C Dean

        A friend of mine got pretty significant tinnitus from shingles.

        It’s cost/benefit. The cost of shingles can be pretty bad. A killed virus vaccine should be pretty safe. That said, I haven’t had it, mostly because I have seen a doctor (as a patient) in around 10 years.

      • Mojeaux

        I got tinnitus from chronic aspirin and ibuprofen use. I can’t have either of those now, but the tinnitus remains.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I have gotten the shingles vaccine, but i have MS, so they make sure to give me all of that stuff, as I am super susceptible to everything.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      I’ll get it whoever it’s recommended. Had CP in 3rd grade.

      No to flu vax, pneumonia, or any of that other shit.

    • grrizzly

      Apparently, I had shingles in my early 30s. It wasn’t a big deal. I’m not getting any shingles vaccine.

    • Mojeaux

      Husband and I both had chickenpox as children. He’s gotten shingles, which comes and goes. I haven’t. I’m not going to bother with that vaccine. Or pneumonia. Or flu. Or covid. Or anything but a tetanus shot, which I don’t even know when that’s due. Husband says he’s had the Shingrix vaccine, but has had a shingles outbreak since then.

      • hayeksplosives

        You can request a test for continuing immunity to tetanus. It’s a blood draw and takes a few days to get the results back, so you might want to request it randomly during a blood draw for other reason.

        My last tetanus vax was in 1999, but the reaction was so severe that I was advised never to get another.

        They really wanted to give me one in 2021 when I was badly bitten, but I insisted on “No”. Antibody test revealed that my tetanus immunity was still strong.

        So this idea that you HAVE to get a booster is bogus. Probably varies by person.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Shingles sucks, arguably worse than much of my travails. Avoid at all costs. I say go for it, regardless. The possible gain outweighs disadvantages (to my ignorant self).

      Shingrix. Shingrix. Twix w a side of Chex. I’ve had chicken pox, shingles, so by my proper logic, I’m immune (read: MORE immune) from herpes than most, as it’s in the same family. I hope they’re a naughty Thanksgiving bunch. Prefer to stay away for best relations.

      I stand by it: Shingles sucks enough to do anything to NOT have it. I was 18 when I got it, right after an intense LSD trip, weirdly, and this spring chicken remembers how shitty it was for me as a barely-hatched chick. Don’t get it. It was no-shit like a smallish shark got a damn solid bite into my ribs, from sternum to spine.

      NOW! VALTREX. That’s what they gave me to kill it, which it swiftly accomplished. It’s one of few products I’d happily do an ad-lib, sincere commercial spot for. Shit went into gear and did it’s fucking job. Get it diagnosed early if ya can — I couldn’t cuz MLK Day — and insist upon that shit.

      • rhywun


        I’m on that now, as a preventative I guess.

      • Tres Cool

        “Honey, its just a cold sore…”

  12. Tres Cool

    Just because Ive heard that song on the radio far too many times…..

    Better Joan Jett.
    Second place.

    • kinnath

      The first link is my favorite Joan Jet.

      • Tres Cool

        For a doo-wop song, third place.

    • Suthenboy

      I used to have a thing for her. Then I found out more about her. Decent musician and that’s about as far as it goes.

      • Tres Cool

        Never meet your heros, right?

  13. Suthenboy

    DEI: Keep in mind that the point of it is to create incompetence. It is a methodology for selecting for incompetence, thus doomed to dismal failure.

    • rhywun

      create incompetence

      And chaos and hatred.

  14. Suthenboy

    Kid wants a sword, huh, imagine that.
    Dont choose blades for psychological effect. The spiky swirly magic things are useless junk.

    A proper sharpening will take some time. You want it sharp. Factory edges are shit. Do not use a belt sander or power grinder. Use a flat file going at the edge from behind so none of your strokes are toward the sharp, always away from it. Get it pretty sharp. Hit it with a 600 grit sandpaper until the file scratches are gone. Move to 3000 grit paper until the edge is mirror smooth and shaves har on your arm easily.

    Needs strong sharp point. The rest of the blade is fine as it is. If he is going to have a proper sword some proper fencing lessons might go a long way.

    • Suthenboy

      First one, the chopper is a very useful tool. The poker…not so much.

      • R.J.

        Cold steel is very good if you want a real sword. I have their modified cutlass. Very nice.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        If you are ever in a sword fight, the poker is much better than the slasher, unless you are on horseback.

    • R C Dean

      For my machete, I don’t go for a razor edge. I use it as more of a chopping tool for the woody brush we get around here, than a slicing tool, and so I want a more durable edge.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Did someone say Machete?

  15. rhywun

    Not this football, you dumb, son of a…

    Ackshually, the USMNT just got done losing to Canada. LOL.

    • grrizzly

      That’s how normal bears behave in Russia.

  16. rhywun

    More from CNN

    50 Black-owned businesses to support

    18 of our favorite LGBTQ-owned brands for your home, wardrobe and kitchen

    Just 18??

    LOL never change, racist sexualorientationalist assholes.

  17. Chafed

    Damn Spud. Did you clean Costco’s produce section?

    • Fourscore

      Nice array, Spud. Missus has been busy canning cukes and making tomato sauce. Your peppers are different than mine, none of that hot stuff in my house. We’re eating as much fresh garden stuff as we can, the store stuff is tasteless off season. Tomatoes, cukes, corn, bell/banana peppers. Watermelon is not ripe yet, getting a little late and the days are noticeably shorter/cooler. Squash are HUGE! Like giant flat green pumpkins.

      • hayeksplosives

        I am reaping the benefits of coworkers who are bringing in their excess garden produce.

        Just had a nice zucchini, sliced, with a bit of butter, salt and pepper in the microwave.

        Easy and delicious.

      • Fourscore

        We too suffer from abundance. It makes neighbors more neighborly though. It’s easier to call for help when the snow gets too deep for me to use the snowblower but that’s not often.

      • MikeS

        I love when people start handing out the zucchini bounty. It’s delicious fried in EVOO, sprinkled with a veggy spice mix. Throw in a little (lot) butter right at the end…yummy.

      • creech

        Splosives, try the zucc in microwave with olive oil, garlic salt, and a sprinkle of pine nuts.

      • trshmnstr

        I just pulled 30-40 lbs of sweet potatoes today. Hoping for another 10 from a raised bed.

        We have 2 spaghetti squash put up after giving away a bunch. Pumpkins were done early, so they’re gonna struggle to make it to October. We got 2 watermelons. All from the same 10×20 patch as the sweet potatoes.

        Cukes are all canned, tomatoes never really came in (my fault), and beans were a mess (my fault). Not enough okra to actually eat, and peppers were also a mess (my fault). Overall, the garden has been a learning experience, particularly ia lesson in not abandoning all the planning in frustration just because the help is impatient about the sowing process.

        Eggs started arriving last week, so we’re awash in the. It’d be nice if the chickens consistently laid in the coop, but we’re not there yet. I got a handful (7) of new chicks today on a whim.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ya this was our tester garden so really only a 5×5 and it produced. So next late winter/early spring its going to get expanded and done properly in hopes of providing a bounty.

      • trshmnstr

        Oh, and square foot gardening is overrated. It was amazing from March through May. It started showing it’s weaknesses in June.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I strangled my cukes with the squash..totally my fault. A branch of the tomato plant that split and I tore off mistakingly was planted and it has healed up and produced. Tomatoes are one hearty sucker.

  18. Tres Cool

    Submitted w/o comment other than I’m feeling that Muscle Shoals horn section.

    Ann Peebles.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Very good. Thank you for bringing to my attention.

  19. UnCivilServant

    I have made it to Albany.

    Oddly enough, there’s no sign of my office nor the Hudson river.

    Oh wait, it’s Albany, Oregon.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Hey, it was very nice having dinner with you tonight. Be safe in your travels.

      • UnCivilServant

        It was nice to meet you as well.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Well, IN has Peru, Denver and Mexico within 20mi of each other.

      Good-ish news? Springfield and Shelbyville aren’t mortal rivals, AFAIK. About a three-hour drive between ’em. So it goes.

      • rhywun

        I am familiar with Mexico and Peru, NY but dunno if there is a Denver.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Also within a short drive: Bunker Hill, Twelve Mile, Erie, Converse, Vermont, New London, Young America, Dunkirk, Nevada, and a lovely pairing: Hemlock and Groomsville.

        (One or two may be unincorporated communities, but they are all real places. Quite close to another.

    • MikeS

      Warsaw is about 20 miles southeast of me, and Oslo is about 15 miles further.

    • Gustave Lytton

      The OR one is named after the NY one, not any other.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I do hope you enjoyed the Redwoods.

    • Ownbestenemy

      When is your trek back Unciv?

      • UnCivilServant

        This was technically my turnaround day. I hit the westernmost point in the lower 48 and it’s all East from here.

      • UnCivilServant

        To clarify, my road trips generally do not go to point b, sit at point b for a while, then go back. It is typically just a continuous series of jaunts with maybe a day or two of touristing in between driving.

      • MikeS

        Are you going to hit the northern-most point while you’re in Minny?

      • UnCivilServant


        I’m just stopping in to the Honey Harvest, then headed towards home.

      • MikeS

        Are you taking US2 or I94 across NoDak?

      • MikeS

        Or are you going through *spit* SoDak?

  20. MikeS

    This warms my heart.

    The Texas Billionaire Who Has Greenpeace USA on the Verge of Bankruptcy

    In 2016, Greenpeace, Native American tribal groups and thousands of other activists camped in a remote corner of North Dakota to block the project. The monthslong protests impeded the oil pipeline’s completion and became a flashpoint in the fight over fossil fuels. Images of sometimes violent confrontations between protesters and law enforcement made international news.

    “Everybody is afraid of these environmental groups and the fear that it may look wrong if you fight back with these people,” Warren said in a 2017 TV interview. “But what they did to us is wrong, and they’re gonna pay for it.”

    Energy Transfer’s lawsuit alleges several Greenpeace entities incited the Dakota Access protests, funded attacks to damage the pipeline, and spread misinformation about the company and its project. The case is set for trial in February in a North Dakota state court, where both sides expect a fossil-fuel-friendly jury. Energy Transfer is seeking $300 million in damages, which would likely wipe out Greenpeace USA, according to the group’s leadership.

    • UnCivilServant

      Consequences? You don’t say.

    • slumbrew

      Love it.

    • Evan from Evansville

      That’d be lovely and deserved. I strongly welcome such development.

    • rhywun


    • MikeS

      That really is tempting

      • Gustave Lytton

        I have a coworker with extreme TDS. I so want to hang that up on the wall.

      • MikeS

        Too bad he’s not wearing a Che t-shirt in one of those pics.

    • rhywun


      • Gender Traitor

        Why none of the shirtless pics I keep hearing about?

  21. Ownbestenemy

    Nice haul! Im still getting tomatoes and our squash is coming in nicely.

    Went kayaking down the Licking River. Ya…great name. I took a spill. Might have been beer or maybe I sneezed wrong..I dont know but had to swim the kayak to the opposite bank so I am exhausted.

  22. Not Adahn

    Good morning!

    I’m ready to hit the road, but Lily’s boarder doesn’t accept visitors before 9:00 on Sunday, so it’s time for a trip to the park.

    I am not looking forward to this drive — had to put too many manual waypoints in to avoid the Acela corridor.

    • Grosspatzer, Superstar

      Nice wakeup tune!

  23. slumbrew

    The bad news is my flight is delayed four hours.

    The good news is my wife found that out when she got up at 4:30, so I was able to sleep another couple of hours.

    Ah, well. We’ll just miss out on some pool time today.

    • Sean

      No one wants to see you in your speedos.

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        Rule 34 begs to differ.

    • rhywun

      “I’m not sure what the answer is but I’m sure we need to find one.”

      Please share your sick fascist fantasies with us, Tony.

      • Rat on a train

        Public execution of tyrants may be the answer.

  24. Grosspatzer, Superstar

    Mornin’, reprobates!

    Getting a taste of fall here, I like it. Sitting on the beach is much better when it’s not sweltering. And it’s perfect weather to head over to this lovely place later this week.

    • Ted S.

      Not a lovely place like Vineland? 😉

      • Grosspatzer, Superstar

        LOL, no. Maybe Egg Harbor City.

      • Ted S.

        Combining this and UCS’ being in Albany, let me repeat my call that the Egg really needs to be demolished.

  25. Fourscore

    Morning all,

    We’re back into summer weather for a few days, 80s for highs. Yesterday morning was in the low 40s, garden still can use some warm weather, w’melons are big enough but not ripe yet. The days are noticeably shorter, just early daylight at 6:30. Time to fill the wood box up, get ready for the fall.

    • Fourscore

      The birds are gathering up, robins and flickas have been active and passing through on their way south. Turkeys are bunching though they will be here all winter, begging food.
      Deer are coming out in the evenings and fawns are self sufficient, more or less.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, 4(20), Ted’S., rhy, ‘patzie, Sean, slummy, and NA!

      It’s only 47 degrees outside at the moment, so too chilly to venture out to Tranq Base. 😞 I hope we have a few more warm weekends before I have to stay inside in the mornings until spring.

  26. Ted S.

    Brazilians protest goverment crackdown on X/Twitter; note how AP puts “free speech” in sneer quotes.

    AP also wrote “a few thousand” (the pictures look like more than that), while WSJ said “tens of thousands”.

    • rhywun

      The whole thing is such blatant propaganda it’s impossible to know what if any of it is accurate.

    • EvilSheldon

      Of course, TwiX at large is blaming Elon Musk for being banned in Brazil. “iT wUz jusT Se7en acccOuNts!!1!”

      • Sean

        “Just the tip.”