Yep, it’s September, the finest month of the year. Football is in full swing, garden season is winding down, and the weather is outstanding. I’m heading to the cabin in a bit to start shutting down for the winter.
Shall we peruse some Links?
They will never learn to quit fucking with Israel.
I am always surprised at the lack of violence in TSA security lines.
Stupid Limeys think there’s gold in Fort Knox.
Okay, that’s it for me. Time to go play in the mountains. Peace out Glibbies.
/s Climate Alarmist
It is always about going to 11 with y’all….
We are way under TS/H near us for the year. The only TS to make it this way barely brushed the Big Island and missed the rest of the state, not even a decent rain band or two.
This is our dry and hot period and we are a tinderbox waiting to burn.
The lawsuit said that “SpaceX has never asked for permission to use the Property, much less for the egregious appropriation of the Property for its own profit-making purposes,” and “never reached out to CAH to explain or apologize for the damage caused to the Property and CAH’s ownership interest therein.”
And there it is.
SpaceX took over “pristine” land CAH bought to stop Trump border wall.
it was just undocumented use of the land.
Can’t Elon just have those people get the old Clinton treatment?
I don’t get it. Should be pretty cut & dry who owns the land, right?
They’ve been waiting for the appropriate time.
It is Texas, right? So, no. There is not a single clear title in the state.
You would think so.
I fear the CAH cunts may be in the right. Doesn’t mean I can’t hate them.
Construction crews are known to “accidentally” use adjacent (vacant) parcels. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least. Since the alleged owner is a pack of hardcore lefty loons, though, they lose a couple of credibility points. I’m in wait and see mode on this one.
I mean they bought the land to stop evil
Donald trump from building a wall and that’s literally the only reason.
They might be full of shit.
Has there ever been a TikTok trend that wasn’t stupid and/or downright destructive?
It makes sense when you realize that TikTok is a weapon employed by the CCP against the west.
I am not joking.
I believe it.
Those poor hurricane watchers; there’s nothing on.
Vigilante gun violence is no joking matter!
Harris campaign adviser Keisha Lance Bottoms said the vice president’s comment to Oprah Winfrey Thursday night that she would shoot someone who broke into her house was a “joke.”
“It was a joke, and she knew that we would still be talking about it today, but I think it‘s important that people know that the vice president respects the right to bear arms, that she supports the Second Amendment, but she wants responsible gun ownership and she wants our communities to be safe,” Bottoms told Jake Tapper on CNN Friday afternoon.
Later in the interview, Bottoms, the former Atlanta mayor, added the comment “humanizes” Harris in a way that most don’t get to see.
Humanizes her? Fat chance.
She ment to say that she would blow them away.
“…the vice president respects the right to bear arms, that she supports the Second Amendment…”
“Never mind the decades-long purposeful assault on gun owners by myself and my fellow travelers. My assistant tells me I have a sh… shot… let me check my notes, shotgun, yes a shotgun in my basement!”
Heard she likes hand loads.
Maybe she will take a load to the face from Cheney.
She’d fire her shotgun into the air as a warning shot instead?
That comment must have angered her base. It was a humanizing moment. I can’t think of another reason to walk away from it.
It’s the most real thing I’ve ever heard come out of that witch’s mouth. So naturally, it freaked the fuck out of her NCP base.
It actually gives me a tiny scintilla of hope…maybe she isn’t quite as lefty as we fear?
Of course, even if that’s true, she’s almost certainly an empty vessel that will be directed to do whatever Obama wants.
Fuck it all
She’s definitely as lefty as we fear. Not because she has any principles. Because, just like Biden, she will go wherever the party is going.
lol I’ve been that afternoon guy. Not quite the evening guy.
I just realized they get progressively worse. Uh, we meant to do that.
During an interview with Oprah that aired Thursday, Harris said, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”
She proceeded to laugh and added that she probably “should not” have said it, but that her staff would “deal with that later.”
As if they didn’t focus group that beforehand.
She’s not wrong; however, she should have clarified it would be secret service doing the shooting on her behalf.
Applies to the previous link, too.
Jeebus, that video is a
cardcrime against humanity.Why do college players run the ball with their mouthpiece dangling? Having been hit hard a few times, I would think that’s a thing you only do once.
Netanyahu made them do it.
Not Trump? Didn’t he say that only “suckers and losers” wear protective gear?
Because they don’t learn from experience?
Your phone is listening to you and telling the three letter agencies.
“During an interview with Oprah that aired Thursday, Harris said, “If somebody breaks into my house, they’re getting shot.”
Well, if she’d added she has 24/7 SS protection……
Yeah, she didn’t say by who. I doubt that, if she owns a gun (which I also doubt), she knows which end is “front toward enemy”.
At this point I’m pretty sure that the SS would be more protective and pro-active towards guarding the assumed President Elect than they are anyone else.
But that is only speculation and conjecture on my part.
I have always wanted to start bleating like a sheep in the TSA line. I am too chickenshit to actually do so.
Rebel Ridge on Netflix is worthy of your eyeballs.
It may raise your blood pressure though
/civil asset forfeiture
I saw that, and the setup looked a little too “oppressed POC v white bigot rednecks”. I may give it a look anyway.
It wasn’t terrible but wasn’t great. Everybody in the movie seems to accel at poor decision making.
No thanks.
I’ll be proud to say I didn’t have Sam Adams at oktoberfest.
Atta boy
Did you have a couple before or after though?
Don’t keep us in suspense. What did you have?
Why do we have the White House? Brandon hosted the leaders of Japan, India, and Australia at his home in Delaware today, and then held a dinner for them at his old private high school in Wilmington. Tied the traffic up all over town (as i was trying to get to gdaughter’s volleyball game). Most prestigious address in the whole world and the U.S. presidents can’t wait to get out of town.
The White House is for the President, hence why Biden isn’t there.
Jill has femmed it up something awful.
Remember when the media hated it when GW would do President stuff in Texas?
Remember when the media hated it when Trump would do President stuff in Florida?
Go fuck yourself if you remember.
Remember when Obama kept coming to California for fundraisers and they thought it was great? I do.
Dinner with Ozymandias and Raven Nation was awesome! Great company, great food, great conversation.
Mr/Mrs Kinnath stopped by and we went to lunch. They missed HH but still got the tokens from Richard and MikeS and other take homes. Good times. Glibs are the best.
They have made reservations for next year, Sep 21st.
This is demostrably true.
The calendar…she is a cruel mistress.
Well, one Glib is demonstrably First. The rest of you? Not so much.
I feel like you may be stalking me, Bro’. That’s not cool, brah.
Ozzy is amazing!
Yes he is.
Excellent! Glad you kids had fun. I hope to meet all of you some day.
Awesome! When are you coming to SoCal? I’ll make up the guest bedroom.
Chafed, I would absolutely love that. If/when a Cali trip is on the docket, you’ll be the first to know.
And if you ever decide you want to see thousands of square miles of farmland and/or snow, you have a warm place waiting for you to crash.
I’m single now so you never know. Just tell me there’s vegetarian food and it’s true NoDak women keep you warm in the winter.
Veggy food: not every restaurant, but yea, we can find you some.
NoDak women know how to cure frost bite, IYKWIM.
You are a vegetarian? I mean, I didn’t respect you, but if I had…
@MikeS that’s all I need.
@Bro yes, vegetarian for well over 30 years.
I’m starting to think KC is where it’s at.
That… was a long day. And DAMN. It felt really good. Got good reviews, from donors and higher-ups alike. I also have the next two days off, which I shall cherish. Not sure how, yet. But cherish ’em. The journey home turned in the normal commute into a masterpiece of driving perfection. Not my skill (other than clever lane selection), but my mood, the environment and semi-divine radio songs created That Place. What a wonderful time to Be.
My fave two moments: One dude openly praising my poking, in borderline-jolliness. I ‘spose I poke better than them other phlebs, who are borderline stab artists. Second was an obese black dude who had a prison tat on his inner arm. “FUCK OFF” and two Xs. I couldn’t get the best view, but it was ’round a stick figure, possibly with a face of some sort, but with two Xs for eyes. There was something ’round him as well. Kinda looked like a noose. I am not sure what to make of it, other than bullshit. But. It was something that I saw, and I’m quite glad I did. Wish I could know more.
Ha. I meant something along the lines of I’m jealous of Mo+Ozy/ Raven Nation, and to add a pleasantry to all! Not leave you in pregnant pause.
It’s gotten a bit cluttered over the years, but still love that view in the top pic.
Search says “Boise”. My mom took us out of Boise in 1973 and I’ve never been back. 😔
It’s a nice town. I haven’t been back in ten years. Still have my Coop card.
I was also monstrously confused by the ‘cluttered’ comment. I thought it wiser to remain silent rather than…well. Ya know.
BSU’s abomination in the foreground on the right. The new Hampton Inn and the other one further blocking the Capitol. (US Bank building was there before I knew it so it gets a pass)
Eagle has a fucking five story Marriott Residence Inn. Don’t get me started.
Eagle had George Kennedy.
My in-laws lived on a farm in Star back when Boise had about 10% of the current population. A lot has changed.
For Chafed
Thanks MikeS. It was okay. I’ll say this for it, Vince Neal actually sounded good live.
Yep. I may give it more due than it deserves just because Vince actually sounded like a singer for one whole live song. Well, that and that album brings back good high school memories.
I wasn’t a fan of Motley Crue up until that time, but the album Girls, Girls, Girls played into a very memorable night for me. It was one of those nights where everything seemed to go both wrong and right at the same time. There was acid with strangers at an urban lake, a car running off the road & into a cornfield and sex all rolled into one maniacal/magical summer evening on one of the last days of summer many years ago. There was also an epic grounding issued by my parents shortly thereafter. As a souvenir, I stole the tape from one of the females that accompanied us that evening when the night came to an end as it seemed the perfect sound track for our antics. One of my friends along for the ride that evening would be gone less than a year later and I can’t hear anything off that album without it bringing a smile to my face and remembering his friendship.
lol Waited till college to play those games. No problem with the ‘rents.
That’s… not good.
Palate cleanser
The wonderful thing about slumbrew is he cares a lot.
Well. I just learned I need to explore FNM’s catalog. The Real Thing and a few other singles is all I know.
That’ll be easy, MikeS.
Somehow I missed this entire album
Also, might I suggest Mr. Bungle. A side project of Mike Patton. Not for the faint of heart.
Good mornin! Happy first day of fall.
it’s somebody’s birthday…..somebody whom I don’t think about for months at a time now
I have forgotten her social security number and her phone number
I have tried to forget the deep sacrifices I made to make a life with her
and I have tried to forget that she never noticed that they were sacrifices
I get it, Don. I get it.
I will stick to the meteorological seasons, keeping St Patrick’s Day in spring. Happy 22nd day of fall.
I’m all for more nuclear power, it’s the only “green” energy source that currently makes sense, but it’s interesting how easily the masses can be moved via focused information from “no nukes” to let’s reopen TMI. Is there anything propaganda can’t do?
Say something that bears any resemblance to truth?
IDGAF about sportsball, but this looked link worthy:
They fucking crushed them.
Oh, poor Janet…
That’s Miss Jackson (if you’re nasty).
“irrelevant” and a “leech”
I guess you could say she lost [dons sunglasses]….control.