by | Sep 2, 2024 | Cryptids | 174 comments





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  1. The Other Kevin

    No offense Mr. SMITH, but I think I’ll be ok if I make it through the day without your post.

    Hope everyone had a good day off. Enjoy it while you can, President Harris will make every day Labor Day. And by Labor, mean…

    • Sean

      That phony bitch is going down.

      • Fourscore

        I was reading various polls this morning, I can’t understand people’s choices. I know, I know, we’re supposed to vote but we’ve reached peak Mencken.

      • The Other Kevin

        To make things worse, there are definitely fake (oversampled) polls out there. Hillary was up by 12 at one point. Our whole system is lies and they don’t care if you know.

      • Suthenboy

        Peak Mencken. I am stealing that.

  2. Fourscore

    Another day of labor. Lawn mowing, repair the 50 yard target. Maybe tomorrow I’ll be out to sight in a Contender. Yesterday I heard a lot of shooting around the area.

    • The Other Kevin

      I live right on the edge of farm country, and I often hear shooting. It’s a comforting sound.

      • Fourscore

        I heard about 25 shots a few nights ago. That I don’t like. Daytime shooting here is routine too. Worse at night is 2 quick shots followed by a pause, then 1 more.

      • The Other Kevin

        Thankfully I haven’t heard anything at night. Usually it’s pop-pop-pop-pop-pop because someone is playing with their AR. There is one guy just outside our subdivision who will shoot a goose from time to time because he hates them. So you just hear one.

      • Suthenboy

        When people remark on how they like where I live I describe it like this: When we lived in town we heard gun fire every night. Here we hear gunfire every day. It makes me feel very at-home.

      • Pine_Tree

        I’m kinda on the edge of town. Just got in from starting the grill, and can hear gunfire within 100y in 2 directions. Of course, just a couple of hours ago XY5 was out in the back yard contributing to same.

        Sometimes (mostly at night) we hear full auto from across the road where a tree service dumps their extra chunks and mulch.

      • hayeksplosives

        I grew up listening to the distant artillery fire of Ft Sill.

        I get nostalgic for it when I go to proving grounds (which has been a couple of years, to my regret).

      • Fourscore

        Ft Ripley in the summer, home of the Command, oops, MSG (NG) Walz.

      • hayeksplosives

        I did a few shot campaigns at Camp Ripley!

        Somehow it was always in the dead of winter…

    • Evan from Evansville

      Okily-fuckily-doo. I have never lived near daily gunfire. IIRC, lived in Indiana for 26 years, Evansville for 20.

    • The Other Kevin

      More confirmation, that’s all she has. She either has no policies, or absolutely terrible policies. Hopefully he doesn’t take the bait. Maybe Tulsi can reel him in.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Or, policies that no one wants.

      • juris imprudent

        If I was in front of the Dem policies, I’d be talking about something else too.

    • Pope Jimbo

      In that sense, the source said, it’s going to be less about substance and more about showcasing Harris as a woman who isn’t scared and isn’t going to cower and who is standing up to Trump and holding him accountable.

      Um. This is the woman who won’t do any interviews? And you think that she can pull this off?

      This would be like my team of advisors telling me that the best way to win is to dunk the basketball more. Might be good advice, but it is physically impossible.

      In reality, she is going to be gauged by the same sliding scale they had for Biden. Just making it through the debate is a B+. If she manages to say one clever thing, she will be given an A and lauded as an Obama level orator.

      The debate is Trump’s to lose. I also think that Kamala will find some reason to back out at the last minute.

      • Fourscore

        Missy is already trying to blame it on Trump, “Afraid of a strong woman”

        Good thing she’s past menopause, she can’t use Time of the Month as an excuse.

      • Pope Jimbo

        You don’t think Brave Tim Walz would rush out onto stage with some tampons he had retrieved from the men’s room? There might be enough blood that he’d get scared and resign? (He’d figure he could still run around claiming to have been the VP, who’d really check?)

  3. The Other Kevin

    Had an interesting conversation with my father in law yesterday. He’s a Trump fan, but his sister, brothers, and nieces are all Dems. He said they are all in favor of open borders. These are all professional people with good careers. When he brought us the debit cards and housing costs for migrants, his brother said that was all “Trump propaganda”.

    So yes, there are people out there besides the party leaders who want open borders. They only believe what the news tells them. People are that brainwashed.

    • Sean

      It’s all fun and games until they get shanked by an illegal.

    • Fourscore

      Or when we run out of other people’s money. Who knew that even the government couldn’t keep borrowing money?

    • rhywun

      NYC is literally spending billions to feed, clothe, and house them. Even the MSM can’t hide that. So I don’t WTF is going on.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      You can’t reason a man out of an opinion he didn’t reason himself into.

      For far too many it is all about feels.

  4. Aloysious




  5. creech

    What’s with the huge protests in Israel demanding a hostage deal? France, sure, but didn’t take the Israeli folks for surrender monkeys.
    If those folks decide they want to reward Hamas, then let (((them))) lay in the bed they make. And that should mean no more $$$ from Uncle Sam. as we should respect their democratic choice to handle their own affairs.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I’m surprised by that as well. No more guys like José Moscardó Ituarte anymore I guess.

      On 23 July, Republican forces captured Moscardó’s 24-year-old son, Luis. They called the Alcázar on the telephone and Moscardó himself picked up the receiver. The political officer of the Republican force informed him that unless he surrendered the Alcázar, Luis would be shot. Moscardó asked to speak to his son. He then told Luis, “Commend your soul to God and die like a patriot, shouting ‘Long live Christ the King’ and ‘Long live Spain.'” “That,” answered his son, “I can do.”

    • Pope Jimbo

      I wonder how many of the hostages came from small families. I read something recently about how parents feel about war now that they only have 1 or 2 kids versus back when they had 8 kids. Not so many spares with only 1 or 2 so parents care a lot more.

      Maybe this hostage is the same phenomenon? The mothers of the hostages are a lot more desperate because that was their only kid.

      I wonder also if the parents of these hostages lean way more toward the hippy end of the spectrum. Based on the fact that a lot of the hostages were at that hippy music fest.

    • rhywun

      There has been a large contingent the whole time with that position – they just want their family members back. I get it. It has been a long time and they’re tired of waiting. (Sadly… probably too late.)

      I don’t know how widespread this position is now in reality, as opposed to MSM propaganda which has always been all in for the “cease fire” that is supposed to be part of the deal.

      • hayeksplosives

        Fucking Hanas has a ceasefire on October 6. Israel didn’t break it, and it didn’t break itself.

        These fuckers…

      • Suthenboy

        Hamas does not want peace. They want a reprieve so they can resupply and regroup. Then it will be back to the commission of the most outrageous vile behavior they can dream up.

        I would give everyone a ceasefire, just not the one they want. I would stop shooting when the evil is stamped out. I dont just mean Iran’s proxies are exterminated.

      • rhywun

        Now they’re releasing videos of the hostages taken shortly before executing them. Charming.

    • Ted S.

      The hostages are mostly in two groups:

      a) Kibbutzniks from kibbutzim that largely voted for the opposition
      b) Partygoers at a music festival deliberately held on Shabbat to piss off the ultra-Orthodox

      In short, there are a lot of people who think they can exploit the hostage issue to drive Netanyahu’s coalition from office. They were protesting for months before October 7 because Netanyahu was trying to institute the same sort of court reforms the American Left wants to inflict on the Supreme Court, with the only difference being which side of the political spectrum benefits in which case.

    • Chafed

      I’m a bit skeptical of the claimed size if you are talking about the Tel Aviv protest. It looks like what’s remains of the Israeli left and the families of current hostages. There is widespread support in Israel for finishing off Hamas. This is probably more of a media story then a widespread phenomenon.

      • rhywun

        That has been my suspicion.

  6. Pope Jimbo

    My fellow Glibs! I have with me proof that STEVE SMITH has been sitting around on his ass all day. He has not been taking his duties as the cryptic editor seriously at all.

    • The Other Kevin

      That’s still preferable to him sitting on someone else’s ass all day.

      • Chafed

        No kink shaming!

    • Aloysious




      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!



  7. rhywun

    The food service, janitors, and such at local Big U are represented by UAW – because of course they are – and of course they were on strike last week, an amazing coincidence given that it was the first week of classes.

    At least the kids get a lesson in who really matters to those salts of the earth.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I was always extra nice to the janitors and maintenance guys when I was going to Memphis State. My stint as a semi-pro floor buffer in the Marines was still fresh in my mind.

      I got along well enough with them, that I could get them to open the locked computer lab after hours if I needed to get in.

      • rhywun

        I am always nice to the help – I have had plenty of those jobs and they mostly suck.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        You misspelled FLUFFER.

  8. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    Yo Jimbo! Tell us about your typhoon!

    • Pope Jimbo

      Like Moses, I stood on the sea wall and split the mighty typhoon!

      Absolutely a huge nothing burger here in Sunny Kobe. The south ends of the islands got hammered and Tokyo got a bit of action. It didn’t even rain that much here.

      I did learn, though, to not buy cheap Japanese beer. Even if you think you are going to be socked in with 3 rambunctious kids, you should not buy beer with the slogan “Value and Taste”. I actually should have known that already, but I didn’t notice the slogan until I got it home (it was hidden in a bunch of Kanji and Hiragana writing).

      I haven’t settled on a go to beer yet here. I’m trying to find the equivalent of the High Life. But I was in a hurry (still looked like we were going to get hit) and panic bought. Now I have to choke it down somehow.

      • Fourscore

        Save it for guests. Better still, bring it to next year’s HH and compete with Kinnath’s mead.

      • Chafed

        I definitely missed something. Did you move to Japan? I thought you were in MN?

      • Pope Jimbo


        Yup, my wife and I decided to move to Japan (with side trips to Korea). We are planning on around a year of this. We will see how it goes.

        I am working remotely and managed to get off a team and be a One Man Gang doing special projects, so it is pretty sweet. No meetings, no more people managing.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Glad it was a dud!

  9. Suthenboy

    Just filled out a survey for Judicial Watch and gave ’em some hard earned bucks.
    Survey wanted to know if I want the shenanigans around the invasion stopped. Yes. I started to write in ‘…And Fuck the Doe Eyed Children’ but I was barely able to restrain myself.

    • Suthenboy

      Told this to Mrs. Suthenboy and got scolded. I shouldn’t talk like that. People dont understand me. I pointed out that the people making the emotional appeal dont give a fuck about the humanitarian atrocity taking place with those very children. She said (SugarFree Alert!) “Of course they dont. Joe Biden probably has a dozen 10 yo girls chained in his closet right now.”

  10. The Late P Brooks

    the party of moving forward.

    So unity. Much healing.

    • hayeksplosives

      Don’t forget the joy!

  11. hayeksplosives

    Watched “Patton”, the classic George C Scott version this morning. Never had seen it

    I liked it .

    Cat was not a fan of the loud explosions and such.

    • Suthenboy

      I wonder if Donnie Two Scoops has seen that movie.

      • Fourscore

        No, it came out in the VN era, he was 4F (along with Joe) and didn’t have to see it. The rest, Cheney and Clinton, had deferments so they skipped it too.

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Terror on the campaign trail

    Press pool vans following Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz were involved in a crash on the interstate in Milwaukee while en route to speak at Laborfest at Summerfest grounds.

    The motorcade transporting Walz, which also included Representative Gwen Moore, continued safely towards the Summerfest venue.


    The crash involved three vans carrying press and staff members who were accompanying the vice presidential nominee.

    “Passengers reported injuries considered to be non-life-threatening and were treated by medical personnel prior to transport to an area hospital,” Secret Service Public Affairs Specialist Joe Biesk said. “There was no impact to the protectee and the traffic incident is being investigated by the Milwaukee County Sheriff’s Office.”

    As Walz began his speech at Laborfest, he first addressed the crash and said he’s spoken to both President Biden and VP Harris.

    Just as long as Walz is safe.

    • Sean

      Are they electric vans? If not, why not?

      • Suthenboy

        Because they have to actually get where they are going?

    • R C Dean

      Why is the press following Harris and Walz around? Neither of them will give an interview or even answer a question.

      • creech


  13. The Late P Brooks

    Obviously some sort of Heritage Foundation stooge

    Like many Democrats, I was deeply rattled when Trump ascended to the presidency in 2016. Eight years later I find myself substantially more balanced emotionally, despite polls indicating he has a solid chance of winning. A Trump victory, while feared by many liberals, might not spell the doom so many predict, but rather offer unexpected opportunities for growth.

    In a political era marked by polarization, Kennedy’s decision to suspend his independent campaign and endorse Trump, has left millions reeling. “WTF” was the next reaction felt by many across the political spectrum.

    Another segment of Americans, equally stunned, followed the initial moment of shock with a sobering pause. This interlude echoed with the faint resonance of hope and considerations of what such an alliance might signify. Could this moment symbolize a first step toward bridging our political divide?

    If an association between national unity and a Trump-Kennedy partnership feels like magical thinking, I understand. But, sincerely, when is the right time to begin restoring our country, and what could it look like?

    Would we recognize a first step towards unity if it were right in front of us?

    Unity, as envisioned by the Democrat Party, can only be accomplished by the total subjugation of the MAGAs, a the very minimum.

    • Suthenboy

      Subjugation? I believe the phrase I heard more than a few times at the DNC was “MAGA-free America”
      Maybe having Trump supporters bend the knee is on the list, but it aint the ultimate goal.

      • R C Dean

        Oh, I think MAGAts kneeling, with blindfolds on, in front of a ditch is the ultimate goal.

    • rhywun

      “deeply rattled”

      Seek help.

  14. Shpip

    History Lesson #2 today:

    Today is the 89th anniversary of the Great Labor Day Hurricane, which wallowed ashore near Islamorada in the Florida Keys (about 80 miles northeast of Key West). Due to the widespread use of the internal combustion engine and resultant global warming climate change catastrophe, the storm packed the strongest winds ever recorded by a hurricane during landfall.

    The FDR administration had parked a bunch of World War I vets down there to keep them out of the public eye during the Depression. When the alarm when up, there was an effort to evacuate them, but being a government project, it failed miserably. Some 600 people were killed — at least, that’s how many bodies were found. The number of those lost forever to the crabs and sharks will never be known. Even such notable leftists as Ernest Hemingway were outraged at the government.

    Then began the grim task of gathering up and disposing of the dead. Most were bloated beyond recognition, and disease from the putrefying corpses was a concern. So local officials dug a pit, tossed in the bodies (miscounting the number as they did so), and lit a pyre.

    A couple of years later, a memorial was placed on the mass grave, complete with art deco palm trees adorning the edifice. But because it was a government project, the trees, bent over from the 160-mph winds, are shown bending into the wind.

    • creech

      And it destroyed one of the neatest railroads ever, the Florida East Coast’s line to Key West “the railroad that went to sea.”

    • Suthenboy

      To keep them out of the public eye? They were there to build the railroad. Govt make-work project yes but not hiding vets away. It was giving them work a la Hitler style…haivng the autobahn built by hand with teaspoons or some shit like that. The reason they died was because they were evacuated one day too late…the storm blew the train off of the tracks during the evacuation.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      If they were WWI vets, I am surprised they weren’t eaten by the crabs of France first.

  15. The Late P Brooks

    As a lifelong Democrat, I now find myself among the 51 percent of voters registered as independents. Threats to freedom of speech, censorship and infringements on medical freedom are among my chief grievances with my former party. Kennedy’s campaign, with its shrewd, innovative solutions, drew me in.

    What a traitorous dupe.

  16. Pope Jimbo

    While Bubbles could not be reached for comment, witnesses said he was smiling: A street performer blew bubbles in a park. Officials cited him for littering.

    Sandy Snakenberg who’s been performing as “the Bubble Pirate” for about a decade, was making desk-sized bubbles for children at 5:15 p.m. when two San Diego Parks and Recreation rangers approached and threatened to write him a citation for littering if he didn’t stop.
    Snakenberg protested, saying that most of his bubbles evaporated when they popped, and the droplets that fell to the ground were harmless. One of the rangers, Roberto Bejar, disagreed.
    “It’s littering in bubble form,” Bejar said, according to a video Snakenberg took of the encounter and shared with The Washington Post.

    • Sean

      That’s a top shelf retard. Fuck you Bejar.

      • Pope Jimbo

        To be fair, the bubbles were probably making the tents of the illegals and homeless sticky. Can’t be disturbing them.

      • rhywun

        Plus the cops are probably bored AF cuz they can’t go after real criminals.

    • Suthenboy

      This is a case where someone is making money on public property. The cops are instructed to arrest them for anything they can dream up.
      Remember the people arrested for standing in certain poses at some hill top overlooking the pacific? Arrested for standing.

    • Grumbletarian

      Who do they arrest when it rains?

  17. Sean

    Fuck you Walgreens.

    Fuck you and the Covid shots you’re still promoting.

    “Easy to schedule in our app!” Fuck you, you fucking fucks.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    “It’s littering in bubble form,” Bejar said, according to a video Snakenberg took of the encounter and shared with The Washington Post.

    I’m surprised they didn’t charge him with illegally dumping carcinogens.

  19. robodruid

    I wonder what the post trump GOP is going to be like.
    Will the never-trumpers bring back the uniparty or will people like JD Vance and other ETREMEISTS dominate?

    • creech

      GOP appears dead in the East. so will have a Western/Southern axis. So I doubt it will go back to a Rocksefeller/ Internationalist bent preferred by Never-Trumpers. But please come up with someone with sound principles, an inquiring mind, Reaganeque personality, doesn’t suffer fools gladly, speaking skills, and (this will be the tough one) doesn’t send the media folks into denunciations like “neo-Nazi” and “white supremacist.”

  20. kinnath


    Joe Bonamassa with Skeletor on bass.

  21. juris imprudent

    Sitting in our trailer, mostly packed, while we have an hours long dust storm (locally – a white out). Wondering when that phrase will be cast aside for something woker.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Depends, is it a good thing? Or a bad thing?

      • juris imprudent

        White outs are generally bad, particularly when they last as long as this one.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, there you have it. If bad, then it will stay!

      • Fourscore

        Usually come in the winter here.

        Sandstorm? Those things are tough on the paint

      • Evan from Evansville

        Depends depends on the movement.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        If it is a serious movement, then we call it a brown out.

    • Plinker762

      Rats, I thought that said jiggling.

  22. Evan from Evansville

    I’m amazed my new career is getting to a nice start. (I have no reason to think otherwise. Still training, though.) I put this dive into a new career trajectory in the same category as mine into Korea and the Peru Tribune. I still haven’t really grasped it yet, though it’s early.

    I’m alone at home with the dog tonight til tomorrow afternoon, and I’m off work Tues. I am proud of my accomplishments and not having any desire to drink. (That one feels particularly good right now.) I still haven’t grasped it yet. I don’t say this often, but I’m speechless. Don’t have proper language. It’s not an unpleasant feeling. I hope the Cubs hold this lead.

    I especially hope all is well with y’all. May be a good eve for me to pop onto the zoomy-McZoomZoom.

  23. Gustave Lytton

    Almost done prepping the house exterior. Sand tomorrow, prime, patch, and caulk left to do. Then the easy part begins.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      I hate painting. The only thing worse is taping drywall. For both I have a set ideal of what I want, but no ability to achieve it.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        I can do both, but am at a point in life where I simply refuse.

        I’d sooner call a painter to paint a 1ft^2 area than do it myself, and piss all over doing drywall again.

      • rhywun

        The only thing I know about drywall is how much Dan Conner hated doing it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I used to dread it but have come around.

        Taking shortcuts. Will get a carpenter out next year to replace warped facia boards. Goal is to get good fresh paint on and preserve the siding from weathering.

      • Fourscore

        Just had that done at the cabin, GL. Replaced some rotten siding, scraped, painted. Looks the best ever. I think I’ll put it on the market next spring. It gets very little use and I can’t maintain it myself. The Insurance and taxes keep on rolling even when it’s not being used. It’s available for Glibs, deer season is coming up. I’ve owned it for close to 40 years. My, my, time sure does fly.

  24. MikeS

    If you’d like to do a deep dive into the fuckery behind the Church of Climate Change, this “class syllabus” from Roger Pielke would be a great place to start.

    I like him because he believes climate change is happening, but is sure it isn’t happening anywhere near as fast as the cultists say. He also believes most, if not all, of the government interventions are complete garbage. From everything I’ve read, he is a true scientist that looks at all the data and follows it regardless of his personal biases. And he is trying his damndest to get some honesty injected into the debate. He recently got NASA to admit (to him, not publicly so far) that their “more extreme hurricanes” data is crap and they claim they will take another look at it.

    He’s doing good work, and if he can keep getting traction maybe he can start opening some eyes.

    • rhywun

      he believes climate change is happening

      It may very well be. However to the best of my understanding there is no proof whatsoever that Man is causing it, which is the entire underpinning of the control freakery we’re seeing.

      • MikeS

        Yeah. He does discuss that. Going from my very poor memory, he believes humans are contributing, but doesn’t know how much. In one of his early posts in that link he talks about how we can’t possibly even know for sure what’s happening for many decades. All the “evidence” posited by the extremists is just noise in the data at this point.

      • hayeksplosives

        I am skeptical of:

        1) how much humans are contributing to global warming.

        2) how much of a problem global warming is

        3) whether the “cure” is worse than the disease.

        My observations are that many bad actors are stoking climate change panic in order to enrich themselves, limit freedom of the Western middle and low income folks, and enact communism.

        Some even are vocally trying to cut down the human population to 1 billion or fewer. No coincidence that they also are pro-trans and anti-family in other ways.

      • MikeS

        On all points, I believe Pielke shares your skepticism. And he invites anyone who disagrees with any of his theories to debate him and change his mind with evidence. He’s one of the good guys.

      • robodruid

        If they are not pro nuclear, they really cant be worried about AGW

  25. Muzzled Woodchipper

    Short rant:

    I’m on a small(ish) online forum dedicated to making electronic music. Unfortunately, electronic music is vastly over-represented by woke fucks. Some days it seems like every other person is “transitioning”, but even those who aren’t all seem to be a victim of society in some way. They’re neurodivergent or a POC, or a trod upon woman, or….. The only ones who aren’t are apologetic soy boys who are “allies.”

    Identity Wackos are the most tiring fucking people alive. These narcissistic fucks think the entire world should revolve around their “marginalized identities”, and feel the compulsion to revolve their entire existence around their “marginalized identities.” They mish-mash their way through conversations saying nothing but buzz words, while demanding the rest of the world deny reality for their sake.

    Fuck! I hate that the hobby that’s called to me is absolutely filled with leftist identitarian retards who are educated, but dumber than fuck, and absolutely self-righteous on top of it.

    Fuck these idiots with a rusty chainsaw.

    • MikeS

      Excellent rant.

    • rhywun

      making electronic music

      If I had a creative bone it would be that, but alas – the same phenomenon is infecting everything these days.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This segment is infected through and through, though I’m not sure infected is the right word. Infected implies that it started off okay, but was compromised.

        This particular segment of electronic music (modular synthesis) is borne out of far left politics in many respects. Modular synths were created in university labs, with one of the main strains (additive, or West Coast synthesis) being the product of lsd-laden physics professors at Berkeley in the 60s. Subtractive (or East Coast – Moog, basically) synthesis was also invented in university labs, just not the ultra-crazy ones. The entirety of the medium was made as a cultural counter to traditional western music, and was born and nurtured for decades in university settings before Modular got a more wide appeal with the invention of Eurorack in the mid-90s.

        But it’s one thing to say that I’m going to go against (broadly speaking) traditional western musical norms with this new sort of instrument, and saying “I was born a man, but now I’m a woman (even if you see my cock bulging in the woman’s locker room), just as your mother or wife, and I’m going to make sure that you must also deny reality based on only what I say I feel like at any given moment. I’m also going to make sure that every conversation or topic at hand somehow intersects with my marginalized identity, and let you know how bad you are when you let slip the mask on my fantasy. And if you don’t uphold my fantasy-land, I’ll rile up marginalized people everywhere and destroy your ability to participate.”

        Fuck. These. People.

      • rhywun

        I hate fucking narcissists. That seems to be the root of the problem.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      I belong to a hobby forum that would, I suspect, be mostly conservative people. And the owner of the forum, who I think is kinda liberal, has a very wise No Politics, No Religion, No Assholes policy. If it was a small forum I think you could just reach out to anyone who was being a jerk about things, but it is a massive space, and to many people just cannot stay within the lines.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        This board caters to the identity bullshit, and has a firm grasp on thoughtcrime. They rule with an iron fist, and ban without warning. It’s a hive of woke retards.

        The entire scene is filled with them from top to bottom. At a modular synth gathering, I’m more likely to see multiple of the funkiest shit you can imagine before I see another “white cis male” (or one who would admit to being one). It’s fucking maddening.

      • rhywun

        And I bet it’s all performative bullshit, too. The non-woke are terrified to admit it.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        Yes. It’s fucking tiresome. I just wanna talk about how we use these things in interesting ways, not discuss how these things empower those with marginalized identities.

        The incentivization of victimhood is fucking sick, and communities like these are grasping at every way they can to define themselves as somehow shut out of society.

      • rhywun

        Blech. I just can’t imagine infusing everyfuckingthing with politics.

      • Suthenboy

        Re: logo
        Everyone is welcome?

        Muzzled: “Suthenboy, it really hurts when I do this”
        Me: “Stop doing that.”

        Get away from those people. Nothing good will come of their influence in your life no matter how small. They are poison.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      FWIW, it’s good to see you! Come on Zoom again sometime!

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Now is the time on Sprockets when we dance!

  26. UnCivilServant

    I need serious advice from the car Glibs.

    A: does altitude impact the amount of cooling a car can manage?

    B: How can I improve the cooling when going up a mountain incline?

    I ask because at three points during today’s drive, at the top end of a long climb, I got a “coolant temperature too high” message from my car. After cresting the ridge this error cleared, less than a minute active each time. But it had me on edge for any hill I came to. Other than the message from the car, I did not have any change in behavior, so if it hadn’t said anything I would not have noticed.

    How do I prevent it from getting too hot again?

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      First, check you coolant level, make sure that it is correct. Second, if you are having issues while climbing inclines, you can always pull over and let the car cool down.

      But, in all my years of driving, that has never been an issue, unless my thermostat need replacing.

      • UnCivilServant

        How do I know how full it’s supposed to be?

        The coolant is something I let the mechanics handle

      • MikeS

        What year/make/model?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Well, you can read your manual, that is a good place to start.

        But, there is a coolant overflow tank, which should have a high-low mark on it.

      • UnCivilServant

        2016 Ford C-Max. I just found a similar message from Ford in terms of where to look. I also found the PDF indicating the coolant types it’s supposed to use.

      • UnCivilServant

        I apparently have to let it cool down. Since it’s dark out anyway, I’ll check the levels when the sun comes up. It should be cool by then.

      • MikeS

        Godspeed. Be sure to wear your mechanic gloves.

      • hayeksplosives

        There’s a known issue with some Ford trucks and SUVs wherein there is a very subtle leak in the windshield that lets a smidge of water or condensation into the drivers side dash board area.

        Under that is where the all-important electronic “brain” of the Ford is located. My Expedition started giving me weird issues (AC fan running even after turning off the engine; random error lights), but I noticed that happened only when it had been raining.

        On a hunch, I got the windshield replaced even though it had not cracks.

        Problem disappeared. Later I found on a Ford forum it was common. See if you can find a Ford forum.

      • UnCivilServant

        Except, it hasn’t been raining. And the fact that it cleared when I crested the ridge has be thinking that it is indeed a low fluid problem, since if it were pooling in the engine and not filling as much of the radiator for an extended climb, the cooling effect would be diminished, allowing it to heat up on a long incline.

      • UnCivilServant

        If there are weird issues, it is something to keep an eye out for, but looking at your description and the way my issue manifested, it just seems lower probability.

        Once the car cools down I can check and either verify or rule out the coolant levels.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Also coolant bottle for the hybrid if you have that version. Think you might but my memory isn’t the greatest.

      • Gustave Lytton

        If it’s not the level, then marginal t-stat or water pump would be my WAG guess. Climbing while maintaining highway/freeway speeds is a pretty good load on the engine.

        A cheap OBD reader should show the sensor temps I think.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Just wild guessing here, but maybe you are right on the edge of needing more? When you climb a big hill maybe it tilts back in a way that keeps the fluid from getting used correctly?

        No idea, I’m completely guessing.

      • UnCivilServant


        I wouldn’t have found both if I was only expecting one.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Pop the hood, they should be right there on the top.

    • UnCivilServant

      Thank you guys.

      It was not an error I was expecting, and with a three hour traffic jam making my day miserable, I was off kilter and not thinking the issue through.

      • Plinker762

        Stuck with the herd returning to the city after a 3 day?

        Cooling effectiveness is reduced with increasing altitude. For electric motors its starts at 3300′ and is reduced about 2.5% per 1500′

      • UnCivilServant

        There were a bunch of people on the road, plus I-80 was closed 4 miles shy of my exit. Funnelling three lanes of traffic into a one lane exit backed it up miles and miles. You could walk faster than we drove.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Plinker probably has the correct answer. Given that you were climbing, your engine was heating up. And, at altitude, your cooling system is less effective. What vehicle are you driving?

      • UnCivilServant

        2016 Ford C-Max (Hybrid)

      • Plinker762

        That matches my I80 experiences. (the delay not the overheating)

      • Chipping Pioneer

        OK. Reading above, I can see what you’re driving. All else being equal, ZWAK is probably correct that your thermostat may be f’ed.

      • Plinker762

        The problem has been circled and highlighted in blue

    • Chipping Pioneer

      Have you tried turning it off and back on again?

      • Plinker762

        Piece of tape over the indicator or message display

  27. Shpip

    I gotta admit, I didn’t see this coming.

    Someone check on Brett L.

    • Gustave Lytton

      I remember when BC knocked off Norte Dame.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        I remember when I knocked off a Dama del Sur.

    • hayeksplosives

      Yeah, that was good entertainment.

      I have a couple of friends to troll tomorrow…

    • hayeksplosives


      Yeah, it’s all well and good to seize personal property from “icky” Venezuelans or Russians, and such.

      But the US is gonna be shocked when other countries start doing it to our guys!

      I’ve never understood how it’s not obvious to politicians that turnabout is fair play.

      • creech

        The 800 lb. gorilla doesn’t worry about “turnabout.”

      • Gustave Lytton

        The last 5-20 years has been pissing away the high road and any semblance of rules* applying equally to all.

        *rules touted as universal civilized norms but really are just We Say So and victor’s justice

      • Suthenboy

        Now some blank eyed zombie commies are going to wander into Venezuela’s reach just to prove that all those things people say about commies is slander and get their crazy asses kidnapped.
        I say fuck’em. Rot in a Venezuelan prison.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Sean!

      Back to the ol’ grind. 😐

      • Ted S.

        Too bad we’re not going back to the ol’ bump too.

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, Ted’S.!

        ***SIGH!!!*** Here you go.

      • Ted S.

        By the way, I only meant “we” in the generic “all of us” sense, not anybody in particular. 🙂

  28. Fourscore

    Morning GT, Sean and TedS’

    Another day and looks like summer returned, at least for today.

    A short, long story about your music choice, GT. Too long for here but too boring anyway.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, 4(20)! Thanks again for sending me The Wright Brothers bio. I finished reading it yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. It was great to get to know the human beings behind the icons that seem to be part of every Daytonian’s DNA.

      • Fourscore

        You are certainly welcome. I enjoyed it as well. A gift from my son and it was local for you so away it went!

  29. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody