I somehow ended up on the hiring committee for my replacement. OK, I can have fun with this. Unfortunately… I had to take an online training course on “Implicit Bias.” I will state my explicit bias: I will only recommend the hiring of someone who knows their shit, has a good personality, and will stick to science in his or her teaching. This of course is unacceptable.
Through a multimedia course, we are taught that we’re all sinners, except for the saints who are the “underrepresented” groups who are “underrepresented” because you don’t even realize what a bigot you are. The course actually begins by saying the quiet part out loud- there’s too many white males in the professoriate. And the goal is proportionate “representation.” And if I want to keep my job, in the final screening test, I must acknowledge that the chocolate ration has been increased to 100 grams, we have always been at war with Eurasia, and 2 + 2 = 5. Which of course I cravenly did.
This is an hour of my life, filled with disgust and contempt, and wishing that every participant in the DEI grift would go die in a fire and leave sane people alone.
Birthdays are fairly objective, though, and today’s include the prime example of the difference between brilliant and educated; an actor whose versatility still stands alone; the professor I’d LIKE to be; a talented cartoonist from the days when his magazine was funny; Obama’s mentor and not coincidentally a leading figure in black antisemitism; a woman at the center of the 2024 presidential election; and a woman who is a hot, sexy, talented danger.
And here’s some hot, sexy, talented Links.
Rule One: don’t sign your threats.
And once more, politicians are standing on bodies and blaming the hardware. If you think that the South is better about the Second Amendment, you’d be wrong.
Speaking of which, this might not have the intended effect.
Every time you think that the UN can’t get worse, they say, “Hold my arak.”
It’s terrible when you don’t allow enemy agents behind your front lines in a war zone.
Hey, Jonny, slap me two and a half on your way out!
“Each tragedy tells a story about a shifting and more dangerous landscape.” Or maybe each tragedy tells a story about stupidity and Darwinism.
This is Mister Toad’s Wild Ride of prog rock. And Danny Carey shows again that Tool wasn’t an accident. The Old Guy can’t wait to see this show.
the professor I’d LIKE to be;
Happy birthday Russell Johnson!
As the self-professed World’s Biggest Gilligan’s Island Fan, I applaud this comment
“The game called ‘The Final Exam’ challenges players to survive a school shooting.”
Hey, I remember playing as klebold and Harris back in the day on my school’s computers.
Maybe this is the final exam OMWC should give his slow student.
That’s one way to ensure he doesn’t get his contract renewed.
It’s a good thing that we don’t have to pass a committee’s judgement to be a Glib. It would be a lonely place…
We dont? Waaaait a minute now…..
the prime example of the difference between brilliant and educated;
Either Bill Nye or Neil Degrasse Tyson.
Well Bill Nye isn’t that educated, iirc. So maybe Tyson? But honestly there are so many to choose from.
Whaddya mean? He’s got an undergrad in mechanical engineering. If you ask most mechanical engineering undergrads, that’s like a PhD in any other field.
Mike Tyson? The smarter of the twins…
** shrugs **
you’d damnsure ruther have me on your team after the apocalypse than an accountant or a graphic artist
or before the apocalypse, for that matter
the real crime isn’t what people study anymore: it’s that they’re being taught a reliance on computerized tools;
I haven’t met a single soul under 40 who can estimate anything on the fly or who can catch even obvious keypunch errors
***awards DeT the Golden Slide Rule***
Don, from last thread: You OK?
Forget her, she wasn’t worth it.
Well, I knew we weren’t talking politics.
No suspects. No weapon found. But they know a switch was used. /eye roll.
Glock switches are the number one public safety issue in our city and state,’’ Mayor Randall Woodfin said
I’d think your citizens trying to kill each other over real and imagined beefs are a bigger problem, but I guess that’s why I’m not mayor.
They’re probably just trying to feed their kids.
I dont know what a switch is.
I assume it’s something Glock installs in inner City youths at birth. When they flip the switch, the victim gets all shooty.
“In an official document filed in a US court, the United Nations, with support from the US Department of Justice, has argued that UNRWA employees who were involved in the October 7 massacre are immune from legal action”
Sounds like a good way to make your employees the target of extra legal actions.
Lots of people don’t realize why the legal fiction works. They will find out.
And the usual suspects will claim it’s all Israel’s fault.
Move the UN’s HQ to Tehran already.
“with support from the US Department of Justice”
I can’t even.
Why not?
First, the government loves it’s own immunity. Second, they didn’t seem approval from the powers that be, so fytw.
“…with support from the US Department of Justice…”
And there you go.
Happy birthday Frank Marshall Davis?
Happy birthday Stormy Daniels?
Happy birthday Jerry Lewis?
The real answer is well-played.
She is going to be the center of every election going forward until the Dems inevitably get their way with national legislation.
Re: deadly glaciers
Isn’t this somewhat of a stereotype of German tourists?
Recently my employer subjected everyone to DEI training, with a must-pass quiz at the end. Proudly I failed the 1st time (barely).
However, the passing score was 85%. Which leads me to think that in the corporate world, being 15% bigoted asshole is somehow acceptable.
I asked the DEI Director at the beginning of my training to give us the metrics on our organization’s leadership. How much better could our organization be with more diversity, what were the numbers.
She was a very talented and accomplished engineer prior to taking this role and knows that numbers should drive decision making.
Her answer told me all I need to know about why we as an organization were doing this training.
“We need to hire the best and most talented people, but the best expect to work for a diverse and inclusive company. Training like this is one of the many ways that we can demonstrate that we care about DEI and take it seriously.”
My response was ok, but can we measure if we are becoming a better organization, what are the metrics in actual performance? At this point I was told to take the training and it would become clear.
Ultimately the company doesn’t give a shit, they needed to do this so we can check boxes for the DEI certification firms and pretend that merits, character, an capabilities are only part of what makes a good employee.
The wife is an HR director for an R1 university, and, holy cow does she hate DEI, mostly from a left/liberal standpoint. She wants it to matter and make a positive difference, but she can see the results clearly in all of the data; it just doesn’t matter, and most likely makes things worse.
My jokes about it do not help.
My company applies the DEI horseshit with a very light touch. I suspect it’s because the owners are fairly (((conservertive))). They know they have to check the boxes but the only requirement for us is the annual easy-to-game video training.
I gather that (((they))) are not a protected class in Alfred.
(((We))) definitely are not.
OTOH, the university has avoided the sort of conflicts we’ve seen at other institutions. I attribute this in great part to the extremely high proportion of student athletes who are just too busy for this shit. And being far away from any urban areas can’t hurt.
Yeah, the usual suspects play games at local Big U but it’s only half-hearted as the national media doesn’t give a shit.
“If you think that the South is better about the Second Amendment, you’d be wrong.”
They’re not ideal of course but I’ll take the Alabama gun laws over the idiocy of New York state, New Jersey, Illinois, and Cali every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
What you call idiocy I call criminal behavior.
“well-intentioned people unaware of the hidden meanings…”
Complete bullshit. Also, utterly terrifying in the implications.
That’s why it’s so difficult to tell a joke, someone will always be offended.
I seem to remember some early 20th century writers warning of the dangers of totalitarianism.
Oh, well.
As reinterpreted by Hillary Clinton. 🤦🏻♀️
“Obama’s mentor and not coincidentally a leading figure in black antisemitism;”
It’s amazing how Obama got away with being associated with actual real terrorists and terrorist sympathizers who specifically targeted America as a whole. All while promising to fundamentally change the country. Much hope.
All because he was brown and “articulate”. I hope every asshole at TOS who proudly voted for that piece of shit rots in hell.
I wrote in Ron Paul.
Yep, that was telling wasn’t it. I smelled ‘closet commie’ long before they came out.
I see you need a DEI refresher course.
Assault weapons are already banned on account of the NFA, the Parkland shooter reloaded multiple times anyway from all of the reports I read, you already have to be older to purchase a gun than you do to drive a car or buy tobacco, which kill a few orders of magnitude more people per year, and a background check wouldn’t have stopped the Parkland shooter from purchasing a gun.
This is going to sound cunty, but I’m kind of glad these morons’ genetic line has come to an end. 3 generations of imbeciles may actually be enough.
If there’s anything video gamers love it’s being politically preached to on a divisive subject while engaging in escapism. David Hogg might give this a playthrough but that’ll be about it.
Yes, lets kick off the next Gamer Gate.
Next you’ll be telling me there are underage alcohol consumers. No way! It’s against the law!
OTOH legal age alcohol consumers don’t always set a good example.
None of that will have any effect whatsoever and they know it. Their arguments are never about safety or crime whatever…they are about disarming the public.
If we didn’t have all the rules and regulations we do today, 3 generations of imbicile might actually take care of itself through what I like to refer to as the Darwin act. We save these idiots from themselves so that they can inflict they’re stupidity on us another day as it is now.
Well. I misread that. That’d be some helluva Howe Hat trick: Goal, Assist and Shooting. Damn, Edmonton. Y’all came out to play, didn’tcha?!
Well, at least they have a Chapman stick this time, but Belew is STILL wearing stupid pants!
And covering up his massive baldness. But jesus, that playing!
I don’t want to look at his massive baldness, if it is being covered up by his stupid pants.
Pretentious wankery you mean?
The three albums, Beat, Discipline and Three of a Perfect Pair, are about the only Prog rock I can stomach, but, as a balding person, I love the hat.
I do miss the Fripp though.
“Birthdays are fairly objective, though”
I thought your birthday was when you were unfairly and arbitrarily assigned a gender by the oppressive heteropatriarchy, without taking into account how you identified at the moment the cord was cut and you were transformed from a parasitic clump of cells to a human being with full knowledge of your sexual preferences and culturally influenced gender expression.
I think the best video I saw on this explained it along the lines of “a doctor takes his best guess on your gender with the little information he has at the time.”
Ackually, the calendar is a system of white oppression, so who knows what day these people were really born?
We are both born and unborn. Although, that is to say, not unborn at the same time of being born. Which we will be unburdened of once we become unborn.
I will only recommend the hiring of someone who knows their shit, has a good personality, and will stick to science in his or her teaching.
Sounds like a good hill to die on.
“Who said it was going to be me dying on this hill?”
Even better reason to stand on that hill.
Can it be a hill made from the bodies of my enemies?
slumbrew – shouldn’t it be just the skulls?
TIL that this is a correct usage of the term.
I feel eruditer.
I do not want a ChatGPT voice assistant built in. I don’t want to converse with my fucking car.
That shifter nub is ridiculous. The seats look too boy racer.
Do better VW.
I wonder how many menus one has to cycle through on that dash mounted iPad to change the fan speed? Give me physical knobs, not that verdammt Scheisse.
They might do better after the implosion and subsequent reorganization.
Cobbled together this little meme from some screenshots I pulled off my phone for a surprisingly engaging and entertaining (albeit horny) gatcha game. I larfed.
Always the violence and assassinations with the leftist lot. I guess when your arguments are gibberish and you dont think rationally resorting to the fist comes naturally.
Arent they supposed to wait and make sure it isn’t black or gang related before crowing about it?
Does the game have a segment where you can block federal dollars to police depts who keep their juvenile crimes rates low and thus arrest dangerous juveniles like Nikolas Cruz and Trayvon Martin and then no violence is perpetrated on the public? It does, doesnt it?
Exit the UN, exit NATO and stop paying those congresses of demons. Get them the fuck out of my country.
Everyone involved in supporting the Palis should have their bones ground into butter.
I have been in a number of environments that are NOT where humans are meant to be. I wont do that anymore. You get a deep feeling of “You aren’t welcome here, I want to kill you.”
I haven’t been on a glacier and dont plan to. Why the rush to see them when all we have to do is wait about 10K years and they will all be back.
wait about 10K years
This. We do seem to have a fascination with “all the important stuff happens when I am here”
The world was spinning before I got here and when I am gone it is gonna keep on spinning.
That’s really weird, isn’t it?
He should be thanking the American taxpayer for making him filthy rich.
Two-bit grifter, tin-pot thug. And we choose to make Putin the boogey man?
Zelensky is our tin-pot thug though, bought and paid for by the CIA
Yeah, Putin is also a thug but he’s not our thug.
CIA in this case stands for Citizens In America.
Re b-day boy Will Elder – the pranks alone he pulled as a kid were worth the wiki read. I also seem to remember seeing his work in other magazines, which I perused for the articles, besides Mad.
Tis a glorious morning! Thrilled to have today and tomorrow off. I do have Thurs off, and then a nutsy Fri-Mon 4-day, 12 hr work days w lunch attached.
Also happy work gave me another 30 min unpaid lunch yesterday and even had to kinda kick me out at the end end of our busybusy Sat day. Only three workers left by then. Quite proud again I don’t pull myself from games unless Wolf is IMMINENT, I’ve simply worked too many hours. Not me gaming the system, but their scheduling+ company wants no OT. Sorry lad and gent, ya literally told me zi had to go.
I’m far more thrilled I got some kickass reviews from donors. Turns out I’m nowhere near as stab-y as the other phlebs who sig and dive. I’ll have to learn that too, but time/ patience. Today tomorrow? This proud n happy puppy is still kicking ass in his own, nearly whimsical way. I’ve got a corkscrew pathway in life. I love melding in pretty much wherever I go. I slip into the oddest cracks in society. Winston’s Mom doesn’t count, but I find my ways. Me likey. Should write today. I plan on including several shots of mine from ’round the world, something for everyone to enjoy, from Mountain, to Beach and Bedlam folk alike.
Evan, I apologize. I meant that your writing style reminds me of Holden Caulfield, not you specifically. Although I seem to be the last person left who has sympathy for him.
Oh, I took it as a compliment of some sort either way. I get how folk can look at me like that. Kinda a habitual thing, really, and I don’t blame ’em. I’d actually say Caulfield and I are a bit similar. There’s much topsy-turvy transitioning to life back in the States after a decade-plus away. Of folk I still stay in contact with: The married ones are doing great. The other one in MN, also single and has been invited to Glibs, is facing the same bugfuckery moving back after ten years in Daejeon.
My idiocy alone is pissing me off, esp via taxes. Who the hell do ya call/email to fix your W2 tax submission?! I was ignorant that *I* can count myself as a whatever-it-is-they-call it. So I paid $375 in taxes this paycheck. $600 total. Normally only the local ones would count and I’m paying ass-over-face fed shit I shouldn’t be. Me no likey, but idiocy and $ is like touching a red stove… it DOES teach you (fairly) quickly.
When you know the Japanese, but not the English.
Shooting Squirrel.
Although that also has the suggestion of seeing something else.
“Who the hell do ya call/email to fix your W2 tax submission?!”
Whoever does HR/;payroll. You can change your withholding elections at any time. You just resubmit the form.
Well, you know where I meant to reply.
Different kind of snatch!
Oooh, and a nice snatch on my part commenting here as well! I’m drawn to Sensei’s Japanese. I am thrilled to know this is an easy fix. They send the new W2, get it sorted, and we will all be on our merry way? I highly doubt I do it myself and send it to them, though I’m sure that’s doable.
Taxes: A great example of feeling like an actively retarded adult in the States. I’ve done ’em once since high school. I kiiiiinda sorta didn’t for several years and mostly went unnoticed. I was able to create a workaround once it caught up to me, tho wasn’t a biggy.
And I’m pretty sure you mean your W-4. 😉
So what’s the W-1 and W-3?
W-3 is the summary an employer sends to the IRS with copies of all their employees’ W-2s.
W-1? 🤷♀️
W1 is defunct.
Time to abolish the income tax.
It would help if, as a first step to that, we stop making employers serve as uncompensated tax collectors. Abolish withholding!
As long as I’m into the gal, I’d call that: a glimmer of hope. I’d like to add ‘causing erotic stir,’ but that further highlights Japanese ‘simplicity.’
I CAN say I’ve never glimmered enough, nor longed to, to know how I should feel. Is chiralism good, sexy, or disgusting, etc? I’m guessing the first two, but I’m oft wrong in the best ways possible.
Made me look.
Interesting collection of thoughts on this guy’s blog on lots of jpop.
Love that blog! J-Canuck is a Canadian chick, who worked as an English teacher for a number of years before moving back permanently. Big fan of her and her co-bloggers work. I’ve been introduced to a lot of artists and songs through the daily posts, and my go to for finding out who semi obscure kayo singers and groups are.
“The course actually begins by saying the quiet part out loud- there’s too many white males in the professoriate.”
The Great Replacement, one profession at a time.
The Dems just can’t stop making Trump campaign ads:
What do you mean “we” Kemosabe?
“I despise feckless, incompetent people. How does that make you feel?”
We’re talking an extra 15kW of power – meaning the Golf GTI now makes 195kW and 370Nm, all sent through the front wheels via a standard seven-speed DSG dual-clutch gearbox.
Speak English, goddammit!
What language did James Watt and Issac Newton speak?
I used to know a guy that sometimes jammed with Adrian Belew when he lived in Urbana. The Tom Tom club days. He said he was a really nice guy but something of a perfectionist about his music. Sadly, I never got to meet him.