Sunday Morning Pre-Holiday Links

by | Sep 1, 2024 | Daily Links | 145 comments

Let’s be honest- Labor Day is a fucking Commie invention, specifically designed to honor unions. And thus Team Blue. It’s so Commie that it’s not even an official holiday for our school. Nonetheless, through creative arrangement, I have no classes on Mondays, so every weekend is Labor Day for me.

And, fittingly, I’m surrounded by Commies.

Well, I’ll spend Labor Day on my back deck making pizza using a method that is likely illegal in New York (involving combustion of previous plant life). So today, I prepare the dough and let it ferment and develop gluten overnight.

Birthdays today include a guy who was canonical; a guy I was disappointed to find out wasn’t a German lounge singer; a fellow who was a true gentleman; a guy who wrote extensively about swingers; a true lily of the valley; a woman who wrote half the stupid Team Blue slogans that we all know; a perfect example of a leftist becoming a right winger without ever changing his views; yet another extremely talented performer who lacks even two brain cells to rub together; a guy clearly in the running for Dumbest Person in Congress, which is a strong competition; and a guy clearly in the running for Dumbest Person on Daytime TV, which is even a stronger competition.

OK, gotta go make the dough. I’ll toss some Links at you to keep you from attacking me en masse.

“Has died.” No, CNN, he was murdered, you piece of shit propagandists. He was MURDERED.

Speaking of CNN being piece of shit propagandists…

Hmmm, imagine that. Couldn’t possibly happen here.

This is a good thing- I don’t have to watch some chick chew her food.

The interesting thing here is not so much the usual Jew hatred, it’s the progression of this guy’s transparent grift.

In case you’re wondering about what the midget commie has to say… it’s, “Fuck the constitution.”

The Old Guy dearly loves Les Claypool and the delightful reworking of this song.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. SDF-7

    yet another extremely talented performer who lacks even two brain cells to rub together;

    Huh…. I did not know that. I’ve enjoyed some of her work over the years — and have zero clue what she thinks about anything, honestly.

    Which leads to the natural thought of — “As it should be”. Insert bog-standard rant I’m sure any of y’all could give about looking to professional liars and readers-of-other-people’s-words for wisdom, etc.

    Happy Commie Weekend and good morning, OMWC. At least we have the blessing on Monday that people tend to not worry about the why behind most holidays (Cinco De Mayo, Memorial vs. Veteran’s Day, etc.) so the overwhelming majority probably aren’t giving the unions and communists any moral support as they celebrate the end of summer.

    • Fourscore

      As a kid I hated Labor Day. It meant summer was over and back to school the following day.

      • SDF-7

        That’s probably why most schools seem to start before it now I expect…. Tease them with a little school then “A small vacation!” then back to the yeast vats daily grind.

      • Gender Traitor

        That, and Jerry Lewis’s Muscular Dystrophy beg-a-thon. (Cue blubbering “You’ll Never Walk Alone.”) What I can’t get over is that now all the school districts start back before Labor Day. A few toyed with a year-round schedule with several shorter breaks, but I suspect that went by the wayside not due to the kids working the fields but due to kids traveling out of state for their stint with the non-custodial parent.

      • Old Man With Candy

        We started a full week before Labor Day.

      • Gender Traitor

        And O/T to 4(20): I’m still thoroughly enjoying The Wright Brothers, and I got a kick out of the fact that the publication that really broke the story of their early flight successes was Gleanings in Bee Culture. 😄

      • rhywun

        Yeah we always started the week after Labor Day, either Tue. or Wed.

        But I liked school and hated summers so it was no skin off my back.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Schools don’t go year ’round due mainly to teachers wanting a three month vaca.

      • Homple

        Summer is three months when kids are not under the control of woke, unionized commies.

      • Chafed

        CA public schools typically start between August 10 and 17.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        SD Co. was until recently just after Labor Day until mid-June.

        UC strangely still begins in late September. Once it started in very early October.

    • Pat

      I will celebrate by clocking out from my full time job at 6:00 AM and heading up to my local part time job at 6:30.

      • Evan from Evansville

        Sadly, a true Labor Day.

      • Pat

        Meh, it’s not a bad gig actually, and too much work is better than the alternative. Particularly when I first arrived in my new digs, being too busy to think too much was beneficial. I’ve got nothing to bitch about. I will, however, quit exactly 5 minutes after I can afford to, as I’m starting to miss my free time.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Here’s a pretty good explanation as to why schools have summer vacation; it seems it was summer heat in the cities prior to the invention and widespread use of AC that drove the movement:

      It’s a myth that summer vacay was driven by the need for labor in the fields in ag areas; the busy seasons are spring (prep and planting) and fall (harvest, cleanup, tool repair). This applies of course only to Western Civ agriculture; in wet-rice cultures only ‘winter’ is the idle season (and usually a pretty short season).

  2. Sean

    “develop gluten overnight.”

    You monster! That should be gluten free dough.

    • SDF-7

      No offense to OMWC (seriously, you eat what you want)… but a vegan and gluten free diet sounds like it would be brought to you by the Dante and Virgil Travel Agency — Previously Unseen Levels Department.

    • Suthenboy


      • Sean



  3. SDF-7

    Well, I’ll spend Labor Day on my back deck making pizza using a method that is likely illegal in New York (involving combustion of previous plant life).

    Probably. I’m sure CARB will be coming for pellet grills and wood fire pizza restaurants any time now if they haven’t already.

    Nothing like the strong chance we’ll get to be peasants — and this time can’t even burn dung for our fires. Progress!

    You seem much more epicurean than I’ll ever be — so I’m sure your pizzas will be successful. As much as I watch Bake Off and whatnot, I’ve never made my own dough. Maybe someday when I manage to declutter the kitchen enough to actually have enough space to work dough. Knowing my wife and myself, biscuits (not the Limey kind!) would come well before pizza crusts.

    • Old Man With Candy

      SP and I spent YEARS perfecting our pizza game, and we worked things out for several different styles and cooking methods. The dough I use for Neapolitan done in a proper 1000° wood-burning oven is adapted from one developed by sorely-missed commenter RAHeinlein’s husband.

      • Chafed

        Why did she leave the site?

      • Old Man With Candy

        Demands of real life.

      • Pat

        Why did she leave the site?

        We seem to have that effect on the womenfolk.

    • Pat

      I’ve got a really good cinnamon roll recipe if you want it. The odds of me ever actually dragging out the ingredients and taking the time to make a batch when it’s just me here are about the same as the sun going supernova tomorrow.

      • SDF-7

        Outer Sagittarius Arm Observer Overseer Sigma-5’s report:

        This was when the Terran Pat doomed his species as their sun went supernova on the next turning of Sol-3. Final research report appended…

      • Pat

        Lol, if only it were that easy…

  4. SDF-7

    I’ll toss some Links at you to keep you from attacking me en masse.

    Quick everyone! Go to the flanks and stagger your attacks so we only do it en petit!

  5. The Gunslinger

    Israeli American tortured and murdered by Hamas. Literally had his arm blown off.

    At least we have the comfort of knowing the Biden Harris administration will make Hamas pay by crafting a mealy mouth word salad and then warning Hamas that they’ll release the mealy mouth word salad if it becomes politically necessary.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      It’s rarely mentioned that some of the hostages are American. I’m sure that’s just an oversight by the media.

      • Pat

        Well, they obviously have dual loyalties, or else they wouldn’t be in Israel. Now here’s a thinkpiece on why looking up George Soros’ contributions on OpenSecrets is anti-Semitism…

      • rhywun

        I seem to remember practically a new genre of news programming springing forth from all of the attention that another group of American hostages were receiving.

    • Chafed

      Blinken released it. It has all the impact you would expect.

  6. SDF-7

    Hmmm, imagine that. Couldn’t possibly happen here.

    Sigh…. squirrels ate my attempt at a response at this. I really have to start just writing in a separate text editor or something if I care.

    TL;DR: “Where are they gonna go, anyway? Everywhere sucks for various issues these days — and the West still has enough weight to get local governments to turn you over / change tax policy if they feel really dictatorly. Oh… Spain… and Ireland? Yeah, good luck with the EU and the Land of St. Pat, Woke Abortions and ditching low corporate rates after it built their country!”

    Dang server squirrels.

  7. SDF-7

    This is a good thing- I don’t have to watch some chick chew her food.

    Not really my thing either — but I thought we didn’t kink shame around these parts….

  8. Pat

    a guy who was canonical

    Happy birthday Mark Shuttleworth?

    • Pat

      a guy who wrote extensively about swingers

      Happy birthday Jon Favreau?

      • Pat

        a perfect example of a leftist becoming a right winger without ever changing his views

        Happy birthday Elon Musk?

      • rhywun

        Little baby’s all grows up!

  9. SDF-7

    The interesting thing here is not so much the usual Jew hatred, it’s the progression of this guy’s transparent grift.

    It isn’t my area of historical study/interest really…. but hasn’t the entire history of Islam clearly reflected that their clerics / rulers come to power through pitching grievances… and then enrich themselves immensely?

    That’s how you know they’re a major religion, after all!

    But more seriously — when I look at Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Libya pre-post, the PLO/Hamas/whatnot, etc…. it sure looks like “exploit the shit out of 99% and keep them poor while we live in extreme opulence”. Happens everywhere, but they seem particularly blunt about it.

    • Old Man With Candy

      It’s the Arab cultural influence. In order to understand the way their society works, and hence how their religion works, is to understand the concepts of honor-shame culture and power-seeking/money-favoring. Eurocentric thinking is just not appropriate in these contexts.

  10. SDF-7

    In case you’re wondering about what the midget commie has to say… it’s, “Fuck the constitution.”

    Your plot to get us to read the articles to figure out which midget commie it is this time worked.

    I miss when the free flow of information combating erroneous idea through debate and more information was the obvious good. So popular culture even had lines like this (which while I never liked them as a Faction… was always a great line that returns to mind):

    “As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth’s final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last lose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

    I guess on the plus side we’re learning… so maybe we’ll make it to Planet and have to deal with the mind worms?

    • rhywun

      Evidence is mounting that Russia and other foreign agents are using X to disrupt this year’s presidential race, presumably in favor of Trump.

      An oldie but goodie as hysterically hyperventilating bullshit goes.

      Never change, Robert.

      • SDF-7

        Hey — $4k in Facebook ads (or whatever stupid figure it was) swung the 2016 election after all!

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Sure…on X only…doesn’t happen on other platforms.His arguments are such transparent horseshit that they’re painful to read.

      • Pat

        I still get a kick out of how quickly and seamlessly the left went from perpetually accusing Republicans of being McCarthyist Cold War dinosaurs obsessed with the Russian boogeyman, to unironically calling for nuclear war with Russia. Say what you will about the GOP, but at least they have their schismatics – the old Rockefeller Republican/NeverTrumpers taking the place of yesteryear’s paleocons since 2016. The donks will just up and do a complete fucking 180 from one day to the next (“Biden is as sharp as ever!” – “Biden is simply too decrepit to run for the presidency!”), and not a single one of them from the policy wonks, to the political figureheads, to the footsoldiers and network news watchers ever bats an eye. It must be nice to be either so fucking evil or so fucking vacuous that you can do that without even a hint of cognitive dissonance.

  11. Pat

    “Has died.” No, CNN, he was murdered, you piece of shit propagandists. He was MURDERED.

    No such thing as an innocent Jew, doncha know. Passive voice: not just for “cop shoots someone who isn’t politically convenient” stories anymore.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      It was because Russia stopped being the world’s shining example of ‘successful’ Communism in practice to a dog-eat-dog oligarchical kleptocracy that the Communist true believers felt was ‘real’ capitalism. How dare Russia betray them!

  12. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “Top earners and entrepreneurs already fleeing Britain over tax raids”
    Jeez, all it took was a couple of months of a leftist PM who looks like 200 lbs of bland gruel poured into a silk stocking to turn Britain into a true Airstrip One. It’s actually a shame that they left the EU at this point as that garbage kleptocracy may have served as a moderating influence on what the Brits are receiving now.

    • Chafed

      What makes you say the EU would be a moderating influence? Genuinely curious.

  13. rhywun

    The Jersey-born Facchine left Christianity to become atheist, found Marx in college and converted to Islam in 2010.

    No way!

    • Gender Traitor

      I’m trying to figure out what’s next in the sequence (don’t want to call it “progression,” though it might fit in the modern sense of “prog.”) Going militant tranny?

      • Pat

        Ironically enough, since his entire shtick seems to be jumping on whatever appears to be subversive to the mainstream, he may have to return to Christianity.

    • R C Dean

      How you go from finding Marx, who was an atheist, to finding Muhammad, who was a religious fanatic, I don’t know.

      • Pat

        It’s easy when you frame everything through an anti-western/anti-imperialist lens. It’s why the collective left in general sides with Islamic radicals overseas who throw fags off of tall buildings, while they threaten to murder the proprietors of mom and pop businesses down the street for being insufficiently obsequious to POC genderfuck transfolx.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, just look at any college campus since last October for evidence of commies joining forces with Islamist radicals. They seem very comfortable with each other.

      • Muzzled Woodchipper

        They aren’t comfortable with each other.

        The left FEELS comfortable, but the Muslims are simply biding their time. Once they get any semblance of power, they are more than happy to turn on a dime.

        “The city council of the only U.S. locale with an all-Muslim governing body and mayor voted unanimously Tuesday night to ban the display of LGBTQ Pride flags on all city properties.”

        In this case it’s only a flag. But Mr. Hassan would be happier if he were hanging gays from cranes in the street.

      • rhywun

        We serve everybody equally with no discrimination, but without favoritism

        Ha, they can spin bullshit as good as anyone – good for them.

        They are of course right. I have had about enough of sexual orientation flags everywhere.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        For people seeking perpetual victimhood converting to Islam is a twofer. You (1) now belong to a superior religion and (2) according to CRT now belong to an oppressed underclass who has no agency and thus cannot be held accountable for any fucking atrocity you do, whether or not it is directed at the oppressor class or not (killing fellow co-religionists is OK because ‘The Man’ made you do it).

      • whiz

        They are of course right. I have had about enough of sexual orientation flags everywhere.

        Our county finally decided to not allow any flags other than US, the state, and MIA, to avoid any issues with people complaining about this flag or that. The MIA flag was the exception since they decided that nobody would complain about that.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I will. It looks stupid and amateurish, and not in a good way.

      • Pat

        I mean, Paper Planes was OK, but she’s completely overrated. And a flag?

    • Beau Knott

      Take a look at the number of Vatican representatives to Saudi Arabia, et al. It ain’t zero.

    • Chafed

      When I saw his photo and last name I figured it was something like that.

  14. Evan from Evansville

    I work Labor Day..but have Tues off. *shrug* Absolutely love Les Clayplool. Sailing the Seas.. and Brown Album, which I esp love, are the only two Primus albums I’ve explored, sadly. Love that he did South Park’s theme, and w other work and private interests, I think he’d be a hella good chill-bud.

    I’m guessing Goldberg-Polin is ignored. Read the remarks by Biden. Uh. Sure. Released Saturday night. Highly doubt it’ll be in folks’ Monday-mornin’ minds. The whole thing is an obvious keg. Israel has been excessively polite not glassing the place years ago. Neighboring Arabs hate ‘Palestinians,’ who I kinda don’t think really exist. Like a largish Gypsy ‘state.’

    I do plasma donor (machine) set-ups just fine by myself and I’ve done (w eyes over shoulder, SOP) the tubing disconnects a few times, but never solo. I have removed needles from donors all well, though more complicated and not as easy as the hospital method. Huh. They haven’t even begun my actual phlebotomy work there. That’ll be quite curious. The donors know it’s gonna hurt and that’s just part of it. Curious how/when they start me on it.

  15. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Robert Reich writing in a British newspaper in advocacy for going after a specific American citizen and American’s rights in general is unAmerican at best. The man is a complete sack of shit.

    • rhywun

      He and The Grauniad were made for each other.

    • Chafed

      Yes. Yes, he is.

    • Old Man With Candy

      At his size, “sack” is generous. Sock-full?

      • MikeS

        Baggie of shit

      • Spudalicious

        Bindle of poo.

  16. SDF-7

    Crappy day for accuracy — had a couple of words I thought should be there that then weren’t… but on the plus side, on the main event a good showing (for me) on bonus words… about 33% of the possible. I expect Sean will now come back with at least 50%.

    I played 09/01:
    *19/19 words (+2 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 10% by accuracy

    I played 09/01:
    *72/72 words (+25 bonus words)
    🎯 In the top 16% by accuracy
    🔥 Solve streak: 525

    • Sean

      I played 09/01:
      19/19 words (+11 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 3% by bonus words

      I played 09/01:
      72/72 words (+35 bonus words)
      📖 In the top 4% by bonus words
      🔥 Solve streak: 423

  17. UnCivilServant

    Good Morning Neverland Glibs.

  18. LCDR_Fish

    Surprised you didn’t link that NYT “constitution is too dangerous” article- although I guess it did come out a couple days ago.

    After church today, getting brunch and a few beers downtown and then seeing Fellowship of the Rings extended cut on the big screen. (May have seen it in that format about 20 yrs ago…maybe only on disc – been a while).

    Tomorrow gonna be doing more packing and shifting stuff to the storage unit.

    • Old Man With Candy

      I saw it but wasn’t sure if it had already been done here (first week of classes so no time to read the site until today).

    • Pat

      Fellowship of the Rings extended cut

      For those who thought the 4 hour original Peter Jackson cut was too restrained…

      I left the theater like Elaine with The English Patient.

      • LCDR_Fish

        The Extended edition is still less than 4 hrs. Theatrical wasn’t much more than 2 hrs.

      • Pat

        I’m exaggerating to be a wise ass, of course. Although Wiki and IMDb have the runtime listed at 178 minutes. I was not the target audience for those movies.

      • rhywun

        I found the extended versions (the only versions I have seen) to have no wasted minutes. Just brilliant all around. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  19. The Other Kevin

    Happy day off y’all. Going kayaking this morning.

  20. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    The modern hip hop dance music that was played at the wedding reception I attended last night is utter crap, and all those twenty somethings who seemed to like it should get off my lawn.

  21. Timeloose

    I’ve seen Les Claypool a few times with Primus. He is very entertaining. I think he must have a left leg 2X the size of his right just from performing.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Leg or arm?

      • Timeloose

        Leg. Whatchthe stomping done.

  22. creech

    Yay, I made it to fourscore today! Now for another seven. By then Comrade Leader Harris will have camps ready for folks who think like us and I can skip the nursing home experience. What are you all going to do when they come for you?

    • Pat

      Mazel tov! I don’t know if this will flatter or insult you, but I had assumed you were substantially less, uh, scored than that.

      What are you all going to do when they come for you?

      Save the last bullet for myself.

      • Chafed

        #MeToo. Happy birthday screech.

    • Fourscore

      My hat is off to you. It’s a milestone worth shooting for. Now all we have to do is stay out of sight and pretend we’re productive. As long as we keep paying taxes we’re probably safe..

      Happy birthday !

    • SDF-7

      Happy birthday, creech. Thanks for making this one of the few places I still feel like a whippersnapper!

    • Sean

      Happy birthday 🎂🎈🎉

      That’s a lot of candles!

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!


      And when they come for me, I am not going down without a fart!

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, SpaceX is cornering the rocket launch market.

    Musk sent his leg-breakers to advise Boeing to lay off the rocket business?

    • Timeloose

      The comments section are poison. Calls for nationalization and sanctions of Space X, X, and Tesla abound.

      • SDF-7

        If they’re British commenters — I’d want to ask how that worked out for their rail system (and NHS if I’m feeling particularly cheeky).

        But yeah — if we ever wonder why Team Be Ruled keeps surging back…. they very much seem to have a built in consistency of those who wish it. I don’t get that instinct at my core — but if I did, I almost certainly wouldn’t be hanging out here, so that’s no surprise.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Why is the US government allowing Musk’s satellites and rocket launchers to become crucial to the nation’s security when he’s shown utter disregard for the public interest? Why give Musk more economic power when he repeatedly abuses it and demonstrates contempt for the public good?

    Noted anti-authoritarian political philosopher just wants to preserve freedom.

    • Pat

      To be fair, I’ve long bemoaned Musk’s grift as the monopolist supplier to fedgov for something that fedgov shouldn’t be involved with in the first place. That’s not what they’re talking about though – they just want their favored cronies in the monopolist seat. Fuck them with Musk’s most explodey Falcon 9.

  25. Timeloose

    Those calling for X to moderate really just want more of the slanted messaging that the rest of the media has been cranking out.

    If true freedom of speech is allowed then there will be times when you should be offended or despise was is being said.

    As long as what is being said remains only speech and not direct slander or calls to violence then I’m ok with it.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Musk is out of control. Send in the Black Shirts.

    “Everything within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state”

  27. Timeloose

    Great. I just saw a rat run under my deck. How do I kill it without poisoning all of the squirrels in the neighborhood.

    • Sean

      BB gun?

      • Suthenboy

        This. I use peanut butter dob out in the open. The I sit and read with the gun at the ready and a book in my hand.

    • Pat

      How do I kill it without poisoning all of the squirrels in the neighborhood.

      Kill ’em all, let god sort ’em out.

      For field mice at my old place, I would pick up a few free Medium Flat Rate boxes from the Post Office lobby, hot glue a snap trap to the back wall, bait it with peanut butter, cut a hole in the front big enough for a mouse, but too small for any neighborhood cats or other small pets, set the trap, tape up the box, and leave one out at each of the 4 corners of the house. Rats being as large as they are, a hole big enough for the rat is also probably going to be big enough for the squirrels.

    • Timeloose

      I’m all for killing the rat, but I need a repellant and or poison to make sure they stay outside. My house has tons of possible entryways being old as the dirt it is sitting on.

      • Pat

        Also, rodents don’t die immediately after eating the poison, and sometimes they like to crawl into your duct work before meeting their demise, causing a gut-wrenching smell that takes weeks to subside even if you’re lucky enough to be able to fish the carcass out. Ask me how I know…

      • Fourscore

        Small live trap, squirrels can be released, rats can take a bath, trap and all, in a 5 gallon bucket of water.

    • The Last American Hero


      • Chafed

        Best answer and highly effective.

      • Toxteth O'Grady

        Some cats are useless that way. Or prefer birds or lizards.

  28. Pat

    Tomcat sells a rat-sized rodent poison bait station, and I can vouch for the effectiveness of those little green poison blocks, but here again, the opening being large enough to accommodate a rat, it’s probably also large enough to accommodate a squirrel.

    • Pat

      That was supposed to be a reply to TL…

      • Timeloose

        I’m willing to let a few squirrels take a hit to get the rats gone.

      • Fourscore

        Also close up any entrees to the house, garage. Keep food storage (pet/bird) in closed containers, like a metal trash can.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Preposterous hogwash

    As the cemetery noted in a statement, “Federal law prohibits political campaign or election-related activities within Army National Military Cemeteries, to include photographers, content creators or any other persons attending.”

    What a ridiculous charade.

    • Fourscore


    • Suthenboy

      They are still on about that, are they?
      Nothing they say is going to get us to forget how Biden and Harris have behaved.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    More broadly, intimidation has been an essential feature of Trump’s campaigns. In his first run, he excused and even applauded when his supporters roughed up protesters. His second run culminated in his incitement of the Jan. 6 insurrection. And in his third run, with staffers like LaCivita and Cheung in key positions, he has done nothing but double down. Now he and his campaign are bullying a woman who merely followed the law protecting the country’s war dead from being exploited as campaign props. It’s a campaign of thugs, led by a thug.

    The events at Arlington and the way Trump maligned the character of the woman doing her job epitomize one of the key stakes of this election: whether a man who embraces intimidation over law returns to power. Recent decades have seen America tilt away from the idea that “might makes right.” But that principle reigned during much of our country’s history, and defeating Trump is a way to help keep this dangerous idea from roaring back.

    Blood in the streets. Lynch mobs. Death camps. Reign of Terror. No honest man, no virtuous woman will be safe.

    • Pat

      Brief reminder that Trump was shot in the head by a lunatic cranked up on MSDNC assassination porn. Forgive me if I’m less than convinced the true danger of political intimidation is emanating from the right.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Jack Smith will issue a criminal indictment in 3, 2, 1 . . .

    • rhywun

      It’s a campaign of thugs, led by a thug.

      The lack of self-awareness is breathtaking.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      ” In his first run, he excused and even applauded when his supporters roughed up protesters.”

      AntiFA says “what?”

  31. groat scotum


  32. groat scotum

    i’M REALLY enjoying Flashaman. He’s in Madagascar now. He’s quit entertaining. Ravishing the queen Ranavalona, of course. WHAT ELSE WOULD YOU DO AS FLASHMAN. And his wife? Well, I’m sure she’s enjoying herself.

    • groat scotum

      I’m fond of how fond Flashman is of Elspeth. He’s awfully dedicated to his wife. She’s never actually in danger except for this novel, and despite his being a consummate coward, he can’t help but rescue her.

      • groat scotum

        Can you fear for a character who’s guaranteed to live on account of writing his own memoirs?

        I guess we can on account of worrying about Elspeth, that trollop.

      • UnCivilServant

        One of these days, I’m going to write that story narrated by a ghost.

        Plot twist – he doesn’t die at the end.

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Act of You-Know-Who

    A month after having their gas shut off, residents began scrambling Saturday when SoCal Edison announced they would shut off electricity indefinitely for the 135 homes continuously shifting from a Rancho Palos Verdes landslide.

    The shut-off is scheduled to start on Sunday, Sept. 1. at 12 p.m.

    Mayor John Cruikshank noted to make matters worse, the city’s sewage system runs on electricity. Water sewage cannot be ejected from some homes safely and properly, becoming a sanitation and health issue.

    What a fucked up situation. Must be global warming.

    • Fourscore

      Corner port-a-potties is a solution or ask a homeless person

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Reporters without consequences

    “The level of distrust in the American media is unprecedented,” Reporters Without Borders wrote of the United States. “The disinformation affecting American society has created an atmosphere where citizens no longer know who to trust. Online harassment, particularly towards women and minorities, is also a serious issue for journalists and can impact their quality of life and safety.”

    It’s inexplicable. Why don’t people just accept our assertions as unchallengeable truth?

    • Chafed

      Holy cow. Look in the mirror, lady.

      • Pat

        It’s like a serial philanderer blaming tawdry romance novels for his wife’s mistrust.

    • rhywun

      particularly towards women and minorities

      I truly hope people are getting sick of this tired shit.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      “The disinformation affecting American society has created an atmosphere where citizens no longer know who to trust.”

      She has a point, just not in the way she thinks.

    • MikeS

      How about you stop disinforming us and maybe one day we’ll start trusting you again? Now shut up and make me a sammich.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    ,em>I just saw a rat run under my deck.

    I just went to the kitchen for more coffee, and there is a bull calf in my back yard.

    • Fourscore

      Looks on Amazon for Brooks Coffee.

      • MikeS

        I think you need to know a guy to get coffee like that.