Sunday Morning Remote Links

by | Sep 29, 2024 | Daily Links | 111 comments

Heading back home shortly, after a night in The Big City. So this is being written in a hotel room near Westchester. I am surrounded by the worst of humanity- the person in the room above me is apparently practicing juggling bowling balls. The people in the room next to me are having a day-drinking argument. In the room on the other side, a loud gay couple are coupling. Outside are cranes, jackhammers, shouting sweaty construction crews, truck horns and sirens. I can’t wait to get back to the rurals.

Birthdays today are numerous and include the actual victim of The Lost Ark; a pioneer in wind power; one of our philosophical forebears; the creator of a massive industry of bullshit; the guy who pioneered the intersection of science and politics; a guy who made oaters into musicals; a guy was Aaron Sorkin and Normal Lear rolled into one if Sorkin and Lear were actually intelligent; a guy who, once I was the parent of a six year old, I grew to hate; a guy who was my inspiration when it came to chasing girls; Donald Trump with a vowel at the end; a guy who was a major player in one of the worst TV shows ever and whom I was trapped next to for a five hour flight (and we actually had an interesting conversation); a woman who was so tired; a much better moustache than John Bolton; a guitarist whose ineptitude became the stuff of legends; a TV host whose brainlessness became the stuff of legends; an NPR Lady often and deservedly parodied and whom I never dated; and one of the few actual statesmen the Palestinian Arabs ever had (so of course was exiled).

So with that, we turn out gimlet eyes toward Links.

“How the fuck are we supposed to leak stuff if you don’t tell us?”

Perhaps if you stopped being actual Nazis…

Maybe if you stop talking about stupid shit and just keep pounding the “Are you better off today than four years ago”, this wouldn’t be happening. Trump really is an idiot and is going to stick us with four more years of Obama.

Stupid shit. Shut the fuck up, moron.

More stupid shit. Get ready for eight more years of Obama’s retreads.

How do you speed up the rush toward automation? This is how.

Well, this is a… novel take.

You can hear the teeth-gritting in the NYT newsroom from here.

Ice T covering Pink Floyd was not on the Old Guy’s 2024 bingo card.

About The Author

Old Man With Candy

Old Man With Candy

Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me. Wait, wrong book, I'll find something else.


  1. Pat

    the actual victim of The Lost Ark

    Happy birthday John Rhys-Davies?

    • Pat

      one of our philosophical forebears

      Happy birthday Charles Bukowski?

      • Pat

        a guy who, once I was the parent of a six year old, I grew to hate

        Happy birthday Walt Disney?

  2. robodruid

    So we are all interested….
    Did the Non NPR date go well?

    • Old Man With Candy

      Silence speaks loudly.

      • Pat

        I have a theory that the Old Man is secretly a masochist and requires at least a baseline level of NPR-ness to keep things spicy.

      • The Other Kevin

        I wonder what the people in the surrounding rooms are complaining about today.

      • Old Man With Candy

        requires at least a baseline level of NPR-ness to keep things spicy

        If we hadn’t cremated her, SP would be spinning in her grave.

      • Pat

        The exception that proves the rule, and all that.

        (I’m only kidding, of course)

      • juris imprudent

        Silence speaks loudly.

        Gagged eh? NTTATWWT

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        Silence speaks loudly.

        Well, shit.

      • Chafed

        Sorry OMWC. I was hoping a spicy Israeli would fit the bill for you.

  3. Pat

    “How the fuck are we supposed to leak stuff if you don’t tell us?”

    You have to admire the chutzpah of a nation that’s still bleeding treasure, if not actual blood, on a mideast military adventure begun 22 years ago with the declaration that “you’re either with us or against us” lecturing other nations on a lack of consultation on a military campaign.

    • robodruid

      Could just say Sec Dev was sick and did not have his out of office auto reply setup?

      • Chafed

        That would have been a thing of beauty.

  4. Pat

    Maybe if you stop talking about stupid shit and just keep pounding the “Are you better off today than four years ago”

    Who are you going to believe, the AP, Reuters, NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, the St. Louis Fed, the the BLS (before the “correction” 2 months later, after every jobs report, for 4 years), or the lying price tags at your local grocer?

    • Old Man With Candy

      And if he would just keep saying THAT, this election wouldn’t be close.

      • Sean

        Even if he said it 90% of his waking hours, you’d never see any of it in the MSM.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        And yet, everyone is talking about pussy eating Haitians. And, by extension, immigrants in small, poor communities and how they got fucked.

        Except the pussy eating Haitian.

      • juris imprudent

        *insert befuddled Nathan Filion gif here*

      • rhywun

        The vice president has taken her share of the blame [re: the southern border]

        And he’s running against the entire MSM filled with whoppers like this.

        Really, he barely stands a chance.

    • creech

      “your local grocer?”
      You mean the guys who just started to gouge you on the price of food? The guys at Kroger that we have to stop because their combination might control 4% of the grocery market? The guys who might have to sell you bananas for cheap, even when the dudes unloading the banana boat get a 40% pay raise?

  5. Pat

    “This is an ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, and hopefully the Justice Department will criminally prosecute them for this blatant Interference of Elections,” he said in the post.
    “If not, and subject to the Laws of our Country, I will request their prosecution, at the maximum levels, when I win the election,” he added.

    This is another one of those “seriously but not literally” things that gets Trump’s detractors and supporters both frothing, for entirely different reasons. Given that he spent his entire last administration under investigation by his own executive agencies with his ostensible underlings withholding information, illegally spying and leaking, and conducting foreign policy behind his back, my level of concern that he may request his future justice department to investigate Google is around the same level as my concern that the moon may de-orbit and smash into the earth.

  6. CPRM

    All the Trump links were distilled in Wednesday’s cartoon. The poor lonely Hair. Trump and The Hat never listen to him.

    • dbleagle

      It was indeed visionary. OMB isn’t really a GOP’er but he’ll live down to being the stupid party.

  7. Pat

    Jewish New Yorkers have an obligation to stand up against a corrupt Democratic Party lawfare campaign that is targeting the mayor who stood up for us

    In stark contradistinction to that Nazi president who moved the US embassy to Jerusalem because he wants to kill all the Jews.

    • juris imprudent

      Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem means stoking outrage in the Muslim world, leading to more Jew deaths. Don’t you 7D chess bro’?

      • Homple

        Yes, the Palestinians were so peaceful and compromising before the embassy move.

  8. Ted S.

    a guy was Aaron Sorkin and Normal Lear rolled into one if Sorkin and Lear were actually intelligent;

    Yeah; this scene from Not as a Stranger is real intelligent. (Apologies that the only version I could find was a point the camera at a TV capture.)

    The whole movie is a great example of the points the director wants to make getting in the way of good storytelling.

    • Old Man With Candy

      But then there was The Caine Mutiny. And Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner. Judgement at Nuremberg. On The Beach….

      • Ted S.

        The best thing you can say about Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner is that it’s subtle in comparison to a movie like Philadelphia.

  9. Ted S.

    a much better moustache than John Bolton

    Happy birthday Adolphe Menjou!

  10. The Other Kevin

    I’m fighting a bad head cold this weekend. But I will endeavor to persevere.

    Today is that Rescue the Republic rally in DC. Basically every smart and interesting person on Twitter will be speaking. If I had the means I’d go. Although everyone who attends will walk a way with a free FBI file started, and end up on yet another list.

    • Sean

      Like most of us don’t already have a file; except The Hype.

      • Pat

        A Discord server of which I’ve maintained membership in order to keep in touch with some of my old gaming buddies who refuse to use a sensible, privacy-respecting alternative recently got shut down for “violent extremism” over some Nazi jokes. Probably one of the lesser entries in my file. On the brighter side, I got to say “I told you so,” although by now I’m starting to feel like Ian Malcolm.

    • Pat

      Basically every smart and interesting person on Twitter will be speaking.

      That’ll kill about 8 minutes, what are they planning to do with the rest of the rally?

      • The Other Kevin

        It really is a good lineup. RFK, Tulsi, Matt Taibbi, Walter Kirn, Russell Brand, Mike Benz, Jordan Peterson to start.

  11. Sean

    Soak the rich!
    Kill your babies!
    Strangle manufacturers!

    ‘This message brought to you by the commie rat fuckers of the DNC.’

    Fuck, these political ads are putting me in a bad headspace.

  12. Fourscore

    Every thing is so confusing but luckily I have my son from Austin to explain things, Austinesque.

    • Gender Traitor

      Now I’m imagining an ad for some Texas beer (Lone Star? Shiner?) with the tag line “Your son… 🎵from Auuuu-stin🎶”

      • Fourscore

        Buckhorn? Texas Pride?

      • DrOtto

        Buckhorn was my dad’s go-to when I was a child. Occasionally, Cold Spring would make an appearance.

  13. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    Well, that confirms it. There is nothing you can do to a Pink Floyd song that makes so I can listen to it for more than five seconds.

  14. rhywun

    The Guardian has outdone itself, amazingly.

    • Chafed

      Truly incredible.

  15. rhywun

    Harris‘s lady-parts have proven to be a stronger messenger than Biden on a host of issues and has excited Democrats and independents in a way the current president did not


    Just saw another Harris ad. Apparently, Donald is now banning IVF in some states.

    • juris imprudent

      Yep, the only thing he hasn’t done is break out the robes and hats for the Handmaids.

    • Sean

      It’s too much. I’m on sensory overload here in PA. 😱

      • The Other Kevin

        Oh god I’m so sorry.

      • creech

        Yes, the ads here for Harris and down ticket races are “all cuntes, all the time.”

  16. Suthenboy

    I dont remember who…some TV prognosticator said a week ago “Everything you hear from here on out is a lie. Every word of it. It will all be lies.”
    I thought “How has it been different up to this point?”

    Donald is losing! Harris is gaining on him like a gazelle! All hope for MAGA is lost!

    Yeah, whatever. I will agree with OMWC, Donnie Two-Scoops really needs to quit saying stupid things. Good Lord.

    • Suthenboy

      If I made a MAGA ad:

      *Me, standing at a gas pump putting gas in my car. Camera shows a close-up of the turning dials, and posted price. Back to me pumping gas*

      “I remember doing this in 2019. I heard the pump cutoff and glanced at the gallons pumped and the total price. I thought to myself Wow, I thought I needed more gas than that. ”

      *Pump auto-cutoff trips. Camera cuts to the total sale, gallons and posted price. I grimace and shake my head*

      “Back then I was amazed at the price of gas being $1.85 per gallon here where I live. I thought, my wife and I are retired and dont drive that much, we were paying less than 100 bucks per month. Even people that had to drive a lot were breathing easy. I thought about how little we were paying for groceries. We were eating well, whatever we wanted. If I wanted some new shirts or a new weedeater we went and bought one. My wife got new glasses and some dental work done. We payed for it comfortably. On the grandchildren’s birthdays we got them whatever they wanted. I was very conscious of what it feels like to live in a prosperous country. For my family to be prosperous ourselves. What it is like to have leadership that cares about the welfare of the citizens. What it is like to enjoy the rewards of generation after generation working very hard to make the world a better place for their children.”

      *camera cuts back to the pump metrics, then back to me*

      “I really feel bad for people who have to commute now. For people who have to pay electric bills. For people on fixed incomes. I feel bad for people who like food.” <— emphasis on the word 'Food'.

      *camera cuts to very small, old woman going slowly across the parking lot pushing a buggy with a few small items in it. She stops and holds up her short, white recipe to read it. Drops her arm with the receipt to her side. She just stares down at her shoes for a second or two, then dejectedly continues on to her car*

      "Think about that on November 5th. It doesnt have to be like this, people. "

      *Camera cuts back to pump metric and holds for 5 seconds…wind blows in background. Fade to Trump-Vance campaign logo*

      No, I take that back. Instead let's bluster about how we are going to get revenge for the evil banana republic dumfuckery by having more of it.

      • creech

        Yeah, and Haitians eating cats and time wasted coming up with new insulting nicknames for Kommiela and not eviscerating the “bans on abortion even for rape and incest” nonsense.

  17. rhywun

    Well, this is a… novel take.

    Adams also struggled to fight crime as his party increasingly deemed the very act of policing inherently racist, and he stood for New York’s Jews as his party increasingly snuggled up to their pogromists.

    Yeah, I think it’s hard for folx outside the blue bubble to see how visceral the hatred of cops has become and how high the antisemitism has risen. They want Adams out so that one of the Antifa Dems of their dreams (and all of the potentials are far-left scum) can swoop in and finish the job.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Polls are completely real and dependable.

  19. Q Continuum

    “Trump really is an idiot and is going to stick us with four more years of Obama.”

    He is so undisciplined I wonder if he really wants to win.

    • Don escaped Texas

      He is so undisciplined

      And frankly, he wants to keep it that way….Well, he treats everybody well. Have you met him? He’s a good guy and he’s not going to hurt anybody. And he’s really been working hard and doing well. He gets called by a lot of people. He’s got a whole open field really; I mean, they call; They just call: Actresses, people that you write about just call to see if they can go out with him and things. You know, Madonna called….He’s got zero interest in Madonna…You know, she’s got this PR machine, ….but it really was nonsense…so, anyway. So when he got a lot of bad financial stuff, he liked it because, you know, it was good because he could get a divorce finished. I’ve never seen anybody get so many calls from the press.

      It doesn’t matter to him. He truly doesn’t care. I’ve never seen somebody that’s so immune, that he gets immune to, you know, some people would say you got bad press three or four months ago. Now, he’s starting to get good press where I don’t know what you call this but this is a big press.
      But I’ve never seen somebody so immune to — he actually thrived on the bad press initially. And once the divorce was over, he said, “We have to change this” and it’s very interesting. Frankly, if he got good press during the divorce, he’d be in court right now because she settled because she thought that she better believe the press and she settled. And now, he’s doing great and now she would like not to settle. Ivana, when she didn’t settle, she made a huge mistake and she’s now had a huge fight with her lawyer, Michael Kennedy, over why they made the settlement. And it’s over. He sort of laughs at everything.

      This is I think an interesting point. Carla is a very beautiful girl from Italy whose father is one of the wealthiest men in Europe. Her father’s name is — her name is Carla Bruni Tedeschi….She doesn’t use the last name because it’s too complicated, you know. But anyway, but her father is one of the wealthiest men in Europe. Carla is extraordinarily beautiful and didn’t want to be a model except that every time she’d go to a show to look, Ralph Lauren and various people would say, Carla, you have to be on the show, etc., etc. So she does all of the top shows and she’s always very busy and very successful, etc., etc. She was having a big thing with Mick Jagger. Did you hear about this? Mick Jagger, as of three months ago she was having a big thing. What she – Just doesn’t want to be in the limelight. What she was having a very big thing with Mick Jagger. And then what happened, she was going with Eric Clapton, and Eric Clapton introduced her to Mick Jagger, and then Mick Jagger started calling her, and she ended up going with Mick Jagger. And then she dropped Mick Jagger for Donald, and that’s where it is right now. And again, he’s not making any commitments to Carla either just so you understand.

      • Chafed

        Ken Schultz is that you?

  20. hayeksplosives

    Should have nominated Vivek.

    • Tundra

      Nah. Whoever wins will be sacrificed to the gods of economics and war. Let’s save a few smart people to rebuild.

    • Suthenboy

      The photo…I thought “Is that Jesse Waters?”

    • DEG

      “Best hot dogs”


    • Common Tater

      Wasn’t that from Legally Blonde?

      • Suthenboy

        The dog? The blonde? or the situation?

        I dont think dogs are gay. They are just pure hedonists. If they cant eat it or fuck it, they piss on it.

  21. Common Tater

    “The editor-in-chief at Mother Jones magazine caught hell on social media by colleagues in her profession after complaining about an Alaska Airlines flight attendant who had wished her and others a “blessed” evening as they disembarked a flight in San Francisco.

    Clara Jeffery was told to “get a grip” by Washington Post columnist Marc Thiessen, after posting a critical comment on X, alleging the salutation was evidence of “creeping Christian nationalism” in the United States.”

    Bless her heart.

    • Suthenboy

      Denigrating someone for wishing her well. She seems nice.

      • SarumanTheGreat

        Like most Firstish World nations (I say firstish because I’m including China) they have a major native population demographic crisis. 1.41 replacement rate.

    • creech

      They have copier rooms and supply closets in Russian workplaces?

  22. Common Tater

    “NPR found others to confirm that eating beef is a man thing to do and even statistics prove it, according to Diego Rose, nutrition program director at Tulane University. “Whenever we’ve looked at the question of gender, we’ve seen that,” Rose told the outlet. “Men eat greater amounts of beef than women.”

    That might be fine, but according to NPR, all the beef eating is promoting more climate change, because, as “scientists say,” beef is worse than any other food when it comes to global warming. Cattle require grazing land that must denuded of its trees. And of course, cows are constantly flatulating and that produces “powerful greenhouse gas emissions” that produce climate change. Climate change alarmists also blame human breathing for emissions.”

    Surprised they didn’t say white men.

    • Homple

      Another reason to eat bugs, right?

      • Suthenboy

        one ounce of bug protein…one ounce of beef protein….same input gives the same output. Nature is funny like that.
        Does anyone actually believe these people give two shits about their fake AGW?

        “Eat bugs and live in a dark cave or the world will end!”
        Really, who buys that shit?

    • whiz

      They don’t give details, only innuendo, but I would think men would eat more beef per capita simply because they on average weigh more.

    • The Last American Hero

      What if we stopped using cows and started eating buffalo. Like the noble savages who lived in a garden of eden before the white man showed up with his guns and his cows.

      • creech

        You forgot “and slaves.” Oh, wait, Sacajawea was enslaved by another Indian tribe and returned to her people by White folks.

    • SarumanTheGreat

      “Cattle require grazing land that must denuded of its trees”

      The Eurasian Steppe, Western NA, and most of South African says bullshit.

  23. The Late P Brooks

    Turn the page, America

    Harris, meanwhile, held a fundraiser in San Francisco on Saturday, telling a crowd full of raucous supporters that “so much is on the line in this election,” as she talked about abortion bans in states and the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision that granted broad immunity to presidents.

    “I am convinced,” she said. “The American people are convinced that it is time to turn the page.”

    She said the American people were ready for “leadership that is optimistic,” and that’s why her supporters, including Republicans like former Vice President Dick Cheney “are supporting our campaign because they want an American president who works for all the American people.”

    And then she burst into flame.

    • juris imprudent

      And then she burst into flame.

      While cackling?


      While screaming in horror at paying for her lies? [The timeline I wish we were in.]

    • creech

      Didn’t she and Joe turn the page four years ago? Looks like Obama 2.0 didn’t go down well, so let’s turn the page again? Her Reaganistic “Morning in America” platitudes are so much b.s. considering who the incumbents are.

      • Suthenboy

        She is going to keep all of the Biden appointees because she is just going to double down on the same policies.I guess hitting it harder counts as ‘turning the page’?

        If she makes it in I cant wait to hear all of the insane pretzel logic justifying what she does as we all go down the drain.

  24. The Late P Brooks

    Today, in Who Gives a Shit?

    The findings of a two-week US Coast Guard hearing into last year’s implosion that killed five people in the Titan submersible on a North Atlantic dive to the wreckage of Titanic will be analyzed with an eye toward understanding what contributed to the tragedy and, in the words of one investigator, ensuring “that nobody has to endure a future similar occurrence.”

    The Marine Board of Investigation hearing delved into a series of fateful missteps before the implosion, concluding Friday with a pledge to shape future safety standards with recommendations that will “improve the entire framework of the maritime domain,” board chairman Jason Neubauer told reporters.

    “My priority is to get this investigation done expeditiously because I feel there are global issues at stake,” he said, leaving open the possibility of additional hearings and adding that he was unable to provide a firm timeline on a final report.

    Unless those people were forcibly abducted and put in that sub against their will, why should it be a concern of the U S government?

    • Suthenboy

      Small comfort: They probably never knew what happened. It would have been instantaneous.

    • The Last American Hero

      Do you really want to start a war with the Deep Ones? Because this is how you stir up a war with the Deep Ones. The sub incident was a warning shot.

    • creech

      Government concern is with cost of rescue operations? How about private enterprises be left to their own devices? Same with “Amelia Earhart” type adventurers and folks who insist in hiking in Iran or Congo.

    • Chafed

      I don’t get it either. That trip was risky as hell. Everyone knew it. I’m sorry they all died. The lesson for next time is don’t trust an unqualified idiot.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    If Rip Van Winkle woke up today and turned on the teevee to catch up, he’d probably think Donald Trump is President.

  26. The Late P Brooks

    Peter Girguis, a Harvard University professor and oceanographer who monitored the hearing, told CNN evidence of Rush’s ego-driven approach and heedlessness to repeated safety concerns appears to loom large in the disaster.

    “Stockton Rush will be remembered alongside many others who in their quest for fame and their journey towards success were willing to put the lives of other people at risk,” Girguis said.

    Now do politicians, you sanctimonious pigfucker.

    • The Last American Hero

      Deep sea travel is dangerous. So is mountaineering. So is space exploration, but the government wouldn’t know about that since they haven’t sent anyone higher than Low Earth Orbit in 50 years.

      • juris imprudent

        The govt knows going beyond LEO is too dangerous!

      • cavalier973

        Speaking of…are those astronauts still stranded?

      • Chafed

        Yes. Their expected return date is next February.

  27. Tundra

    What kind of shit hotel were you staying in?

    Apparently Trump wants to lose, but I don’t believe for a second that Kammy has any meaningful support. This is all noise.

    It’s a long read, but bad kitty came in hot on this one.

    Highly recommend.

    • cavalier973

      “your mask protects me, my mask protects you” was absolute pseudoscience and twaddle, but as a soundbite, it was epic. if they had clio awards for propaganda, this one would have won the whole night. it’s perfect.

      The masks mandates were enraging, also, because the state governments threatened fines against people for not wearing them. So, people wore masks, not because they were true believers, but because they didn’t know whether the police could be trusted to be sensible, and ignore flaunting the “law”.

    • cavalier973

      Trump’s gullibility with regard to the ‘Rona, and his continued praise for the mRNA shots had me planning not to vote.

      A judge up in New York changed my mind, earlier this year.

      This article is spot on, about not letting people off the hook for the evil lies they promoted. Bird should be brought before a tribunal of citizens, tried for her crimes, and punished appropriately.

      There is no one, unfortunately, on the political stage promising to prevent the return of these evil authoritarian measures.

      If Trump would say something, like, “We will never lock you down, again”, then I would be voting for him with some enthusiasm instead of as a protest vote against lawfare.

      • Don escaped Texas

        We will never lock you down, again

        Take the guns first, go through due process second

  28. Common Tater

    ““We know that we’ve had the Latino support in the past,” said the Harris campaign’s Casado. “But we don’t take anything for granted, and we understand that we have to work hard to earn every Latino vote.” She said the campaign was conducting “the first bilingual campaign in American history,” with Spanish-language versions of all the campaign literature and even some TV ads.”

    Because of all the citizens who don’t speak English?

    • rhywun

      “No old white guy could ask for more.” Actually, he could. He could’ve asked for more Latinos. Of the estimated 1,500 people who showed up for the rally, one official told me there were probably fewer than fifty Latinos.

      LOL. They need to up their pandering game.

  29. DEG

    During a strike, the East Coast union said it would continue to move military cargo and handle cruise ships, so as to not affect people’s vacations.

    How kind of them.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Reasonable precaution

    Electric vehicles can catch fire if they are inundated by saltwater, so owners who live in the path of a major storm like Hurricane Helene should take precautions and prepare for the possibility that they’ll be unable to charge their cars during a power outage.

    Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis urged EV owners this week to get their vehicles to higher ground before Hurricane Helene arrived. Although the problem is rare, there have been a number of instances in recent years of electric vehicles igniting after hurricanes.

    Keeping electric vehicles out of standing water is the best way to avoid the possibility of a fire.

    Tesla offers similar advice about avoiding letting its vehicles become submerged if at all possible, but if that does happen the carmaker suggests towing the vehicle at least 50 feet away from structures or anything combustible until it can be inspected by a mechanic.

    Keeping your car out of standing water is good advice no matter what you drive.

    • Common Tater

      But ICE vehicles don’t suddenly burst into flames.

      • Suthenboy

        True. TBF anytime you have a large reservoir of potential energy the possibility of something going awry and disaster is possible.
        Still, ICE vehicles are far safer and more reliable.

  31. The Late P Brooks

    Electric vehicles with lithium ion batteries can catch fire if the batteries short circuit and start to heat up. Tom Barth with the National Transportation Safety Board said that if the heat starts to spread between different cells in the battery back it can cause a chain reaction called thermal runaway.

    “If the saltwater is able to bridge the gap between the positive and negative terminals of battery, then it can cause a short circuit,” said Barth, who is chief of the special investigations branch of the NTSB’s office of highway safety.

    Maybe don’t buy an electric car if you live in hurricane country.

    • dbleagle

      Look at P Brooks trying to kill the planet.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    It’s a mystery

    “The market of electric vehicles was supposed to bloom in the 2020s, and it just hasn’t occurred to that level yet,” said Sam Fiorani, vice president of global vehicle forecasting at AutoForecast Solutions. “We have all these plants that are ready to build 200,000 or 300,000 electric vehicles and nobody to buy them. So we’re waiting for the market to show up.”

    Stupid consumers. Why aren’t they buying these technological marvels we have produced at government behest?

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