The lock downs fucked with everyone’s sense of reality. At work we were deemed ‘necessary’, but we had rolling layoffs where every 2 weeks you were laid off. I was only there a month before before all this started. I was disgusted by the whole thing. We would work for 2 weeks, then get laid off for 2 weeks and were told to file fore unemployment before getting ‘rehired’ for two weeks only to get laid off for 2 weeks. This went from March until September. And when we came back at full staff there were people complaining they didn’t get laid off as many times as other people. The whole thing was fucking sick. Enjoy the cartoon I made in my rage of how shit people actually are. Here, take this Black pill Alice.
The Hat and The Hair Animated: Rerun ep 30
About The Author
Organic troll farmer.
Wow, you black pilled Mickey Fickeys must really be despondent, was Donny really that bad last night?
Wasn’t quite that bad, I think everyone just expected Kamala to be terrible like Biden. Trump wasn’t landing the kill shots like he’s done in the past. But I don’t see any sound bites or clips from either of them, so this is going to be memory holed pretty fast. I’ve seen a few focus groups, and the most important takeaway was that Kamala didn’t give them any concrete plans.
He did terrible defending she did terrible explaining. Either way…we continue on towards something that only time will tell
Not bad enough to change any minds.
I’m very open to arguments that debates and VP picks can hardly be proved to have ever mattered
It will move less than 1% of voters my guess. VPs…I think that is shifting a bit into the category of ‘is this a worthy sidekick’.
I don’t know what a Mickey Fickey is, and I didn’t watch the debate, but yes, I’m black-pilled and coming up on despondent.
Black pilled is fine, but don’t let it eat at you. You’ll need your wits about you when the next phase comes.
when the next phase comes.
too many questions to think about.
I don’t even know how to start preparing, to be honest. It’s like real life is just put-put-putting along, but underneath it is this pit of tar just waiting to open up and swallow everything, and it will. Someday. Maybe. But not today. Maybe not in 10 years. Maybe next month. But who knows. And there are lots of geese in the pond one subdivision over just waiting for some illegals to eat.
What I do know is that I’m terrified of a Kamala presidency.
Don’t be terrified. Be brave. As long as you have good connections in your community, and cultivate income streams that are local, you well positioned to prosper when the U.S. inevitably starts breaking up, even if you find yourself trapped in socialist New England.
Doesn’t Kamala want The Wall too now?
D.C. Police Searching for Man Who Sodomized Himself with a Cucumber
FedGov does the only sodomizing in these here parts.
Was he a Mexican high on pot?
Gonna be too late/early for me but non-government people gonna space walk in a few hours.
Damn amazing
I got to spend the day walking around folks upgrading a system that Air Traffic has openly said “what is that? We never look at that”
Taxpayer funds for things that no one uses is the name of the game
I’m watching 9/11 documentaries to keep my hatred for Islamic extremism fresh and fiery.
And to listen to the tales of heroism by ordinary Americans.
Trying times when 9/11 cheers you up.
Our featherweight VP’s message was we should be kind to one another.
* company vp
** no idea why she felt the need to send something out on the 23rd anniversary
No time for Black Pills on Ass Wednesday!
Thanks, now where are my little blue pills?
Ooohhhhhhh. You think being First is your ally…
It’s my birthday quarter.
Where’s that damn meteor of death?
SMOD doesn’t want to get involved in our mess.
Bonus track today!
Good morning, Sean, Roat, and Ted’S.!
Morinin’, GT.
And welcome to another day of Kamala’s Kotton Kandy Kampaign.
Good morning, myb….I think. 😕
Mornin’, GT!
Nothing like the shore after Labor Day. No crowds, upper ’70s, perfect. Well, except for the dearth of bikini clad coeds… Mrs. Patzer considers this a feature.
Good morning, ‘patzie!
Cheer up Sean, you’ll die someday.
She’s the fakest bitch in fakertown.
Meanwhile, WaPo asked “How resoundingly did Kamala win?”
Did Drew flash her tits to Kamala?
Poor Drew gives me the impression of an incredibly damaged human being. Growing up a child star in the ‘70s and ‘80s must have been, uh, something else.
And apparently it was (rehab at age 13):
Also guranteed that wasn’t the worst part of it.
I also seem to remember hearing her say it “kuh-MAH-la”.
Republicans just should resolve to never appear on the network again.
After which Team Blue will call them cowards, while ignoring their unwillingness to have Cammie-la appear on Fox or anywhere remotely less than obsequious.
My bacon has shipped!
Mornin’, reprobates!
Bacon is good for the soul, Sean. Enjoy.
Went to a memorial in Absecon yesterday because… it’s what I do. Very military vibe, lots.of rhetoric about freedom, never mind that the desire for security has put freedom on life support. Nice memorial in the park, though, I’m sure it cost a pretty penny to secure a piece of steel from the 39th floor. My tax dollars at work, in a town 3 hours from NYC with no actual connection to the attack. Oh, wait, they have police and firemen, I guess that counts.
It was business as usual in Podunkville. Tourist season is over, there will still be a little traffic on week ends but not a lot ’til Deer Hunting season n November and then only for the first weekend.
Good Morning to all,
Another beautiful day in the woods. Still dark but beginning to show signs of life outside.