Thursday Afternoon Ambush SugarLinks – Your Former Glories

by | Sep 5, 2024 | Daily Links | 147 comments

“Hey, SugarFree, how’s it going, my man?”

“SugarFree, why do you hate the idea of student debt forgiveness?”

“SugarFree, what you laughing so hard about?”

Dysgenics: The Video Game

Your city lies in dust, my friend.

About The Author



Your Resident Narcissistic Misogynist Rape-Culture Apologist


  1. R.J.

    Yay! SugarFree! SugarFree!

  2. Nephilium

    The Concord debacle warms the cockles of my cold black heart.

    • R.J.

      Me too! Might just be the point where the brackish floodwaters began to recede.

    • Rat on a train

      So no GOTY edition now?

    • UnCivilServant

      If I were in a decition-making capacity at Sony I’d go “Get some Korean artists to churn out fan service art assets to apply to the engine, re-release it under a new name when this mess faded from memory.”

      • Nephilium

        There’s already rumors of a retool into a Free to Play game.

      • UnCivilServant

        That would work if they redid the art (including audio) and scrubbed the woke from text entries. Especially if they started selling additional outfits for the not fugly replacement characters.

    • rhywun

      The game also faced criticism for being a full-priced release in a genre where most competitors are free-to-play



      I don’t get “free-to-play” – that’s just garbage where they try to nickel and dime you in-game, right?

      • Nephilium

        There’s several models:

        1) Freemium – Technically free to play, but there’s a resource that’s time limited. You can pay real money to get more of that resource to play more. Usually also sell things to make the game easier to play. (Candy Crush and the like, spoofed mercilessly in an episode of South Park).
        2) Free to play/Pay to win – Free to play at an entry level, but you’ll be woefully outmatched by anyone who dropped money. Especially egregious in games that feature PvP.
        3) Free to play – The rarest of them. Entirely free to play, money can be used to buy cosmetics and minor conveniences (player slots, more storage in game, etc.). A really good example of this is Path of Exile which has a sequel coming out.

      • rhywun

        Any of that is just a huge turn-off to me. It feels like scamming.

        I actively filter that shit out of my Steam results.

      • UnCivilServant

        It is a scam. “Free to play” is more expensive than “buy once, play forever”

      • Nephilium

        I’ve got nearly 100 hours into Path of Exile, and I’ve spent exactly nothing on it. It’s an ARPG [Diablo clone], with an emphasis on a massive skill web. The only cost to play it is the bandwidth to download it and run it. It’s profitable because they don’t fuck the player base over. There’s a base standard and hardcore league (hardcore is single death, if you die, you get bumped down to standard league), and they do various themed leagues throughout the year.

      • Rat on a train

        What about Adware/Nagware?

  3. Tonio

    I want to thank Neph for wrangling MLW’s midday piece, and SugarFree for doing links. I took a day off to have fun.

    I’ll be back next Thursday.

    • Nephilium

      I guess there is time off for good behavior. Hope the day of fun went well.

    • SugarFree

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m not sure I even understand the question.

      • Mojeaux

        Well, I’m glad I’m not the only one!

      • Nephilium

        I took it as “How do we eliminate the student debt problem”. Avoided the false premise that it was conservatives who caused the issue, and went from there. I’m sure that makes me a reactionary racist fascist though.

      • DrOtto

        I do – he’s suggesting colleges should be mandated but free so it’s stuffed to the brim with people who don’t want to be there in order to boost attendance. Just like K-12. Then we could employ more professors.

    • Nephilium

      There are several options:

      Overturn Griggs v. Duke Power, and allow employers to use testing instead of relying on a degree as a proxy for intelligence.

      Bring back trade schooling as a path beginning at the high school level.

      Move to blind admissions policies.

      Stop pushing college on everyone, and stop degrading those in the trades.

      Stop federally providing student loans and allow the banks to take the risk. There can be no bailout for banks that go under due to bad loans following this option.

      • The Other Kevin

        We have a pretty robust vocational program in our school system. It’s available to juniors and seniors. They have school half day, then go to a different location for vocational classes. They have things like marketing, health care, welding, farming, etc. You can come out with a CNA license or EMT training and go right into a job after graduation. My son in law did the welding program. When he went to school in the Navy he was top of his class in welding.

      • rhywun

        None of that is possible due to the “race” hooey that overshadows everything in America today.

        We used to have trades in high school. They called it “tracking” and then “racist”.

        College must be pushed on everyone until the race numbers match.

        Etc. etc.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Stop requiring licensure for everything.

        Stop thinking that every job should provide upper middle class standards of living.

        There’s other changes over the past 40-50 years that are largely never coming back like extensive in-house employer ran training. Also lifetime employment or the postwar economic aberration.

      • DrOtto

        “…postwar economic aberration.” Because we haven’t been postwar since the ’90s. We just got out of Afghanistan (kind of, wasn’t there just some dust up again the other day?) and already rattling sabers around the world.

    • R.J.

      They absolutely did not create the program in order to keep the wrong people out. That’s preloading his question. The main reason they wanted to stop subsidizing everybody’s college education is that it was expensive as hell, and the rates Extracted from the tax payers were going up and up. Now I will tell you, I don’t think his solution solved that problem at all. The cost of administrative oversight for an education Continued to climb until we are at the point we are today. I think the only solution for that is to not have state sponsored education institutions. All institutions should be for profit. If they cannot make a profit and stand on their own two feet, then they must go.
      Of course, I am just the class clown. So I don’t know that I could hold my own in this debate. But I did spend some time in California and I cannot believe how much money they wasted on schooling, etc…

      • SugarFree

        He’s doing the correct usage of “begging the question” fallacy.

    • kinnath

      I don’t even understand what the allegation is

      • Mojeaux

        Me neither!

      • R.J.

        He preloaded a discussion about Ronald Reagan, removing public funding for higher education and said that Reagan did it to keep the wrong people out. Bullshit. His decision had nothing to do with that. That basis, alone, his question should be thrown into the garbage bin. I can’t see what he was responding to, but it doesn’t really matter because his entire question became garbage as soon as he preloaded it with a false statement.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        I think it’s “Republicans made college more expensive in order to keep out the darkies, which forced everyone to get loans to be able to afford college”?

        Anyways, according to wikipedia, Reagan as governor “demanded” that higher education spending be cut, but then compromised and settled for massive increases in higher education spending.

      • UnCivilServant

        @Mo, so he’s really off his rocker.

      • Mojeaux

        I guess…? It’s really hard to talk to these people when you’re not sure if what they’re saying is gobbledygook or not. I mean, just because I don’t understand the question doesn’t mean it isn’t a perfectly valid question.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s gobbledy goop, he’s trying to force a presupposition into the discussion without discussion of it.

      • trshmnstr

        I mean, just because I don’t understand the question doesn’t mean it isn’t a perfectly valid question.

        Its an assertion cloaked as a question. He’d have to actually ask a question for it to be valid rather than rhetorically manipulating his argument into a “gotcha”.

    • UnCivilServant

      “End all Government funding of schools – problems fixed.”

      • R.J.

        Where have you been? You could’ve saved me 300 extra words.

      • UnCivilServant

        I’ve been on vacation, I just got back from lunch. Pacific time is messed up.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        It is gonna be fun seeing when you show up for dinner.

      • UnCivilServant

        Just because internally I’m still running on eastern time doesn’t mean I’ll have trouble reading a clock or setting an alarm.

    • trshmnstr

      “Show your receipts”

    • Suthenboy

      I will give it a shot.
      Student loans started with the space race. Looked like the Soviets might get ahead science and technology wise so we offered loans for college restricted to STEM fields to increase our talent pool. That was late ’50s
      ’60’s came along and the hippies, seeing an opportunity, expanded the loans to other fields in the name of advancing economic mobility for the poor – i.e. sneaking in marxist cultural rot.
      Once they did that they started doing what the left does…stir shit. Reagan, as governor broke up a protracted, nasty student protest at Berkley by running them out with the state police. Shots were fired, wounded and one dead. He had vowed to clean up the mess on CA campuses. Then the Ohio state thing happened and students were killed.
      At that time the leftist and non-leftist students had a righteous cause: the draft, the war in Vietnam, civil rights and the women’s liberation movement. It was a different time and those issues were not what they are today. Because of that the leftists gained a lot of traction with their causes.
      I am guessing that is why fucknugget there is blaming Reagan?
      In a nutshell the question is a non-sequitur. A few people could see the snake-in-the-grass tactic the left was using and tried to stop them.

      The answer, if there is one in the last sentence, is ‘stop all student loans. Let the schools take the hit. Finish what Reagan started – purge the leftists from academia kindergarten to graduate school.

      Does that help?

      • Nephilium

        Then the Ohio state thing happened

        Kent State, a bit away from tOSU. From family stories, I had an aunt who was there the day of the shooting.

      • Suthenboy

        Dorthy Parker comes to mind – “All movements go too far”
        The left gained so much traction back then because women’s liberation was a real cause. Anecdotal case: Late ’50s here we had a doctor who came home from lunch early found his wife in bed with some dude. He shot both of them dead in the bed. DA’s office looked at the case, said oh well she was asking for it and declined to charge the guy. That was not an uncommon occurrence in those days. Also women faced a lot of disadvantages in the courts regarding domestic violence, being committed against their will, child custody, property settlements etc.

        The draft was involuntary indentured servitude, to be generous….slavery really. A righteous cause.

        Vietnam was a questionable war at best. It was the hatching of fake wars for money laundering and market capturing and people were starting to come around to that. A righteous cause.

        Civil rights…self explanatory…all men are created equal and so are supposed to be equal under the law. A righteous cause.

        The left used these causes to sneak in their destruction of culture through education, part of the long march through the institutions.
        Student loans were a powerful tool for this end and they have been wildly successful.

        Student loans are not even a turd in the punchbowl. They are cyanide in the punchbowl. Get rid of ’em.

      • Suthenboy

        Oh yeah. Kent state. I actually remember that.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Post war GI Bill dumping fed money into colleges + expanding enrollment = higher costs

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      You can’t answer a nonsense question. RR did not do any of that, exploding college bound population (via draft avoidance) killed cheap education, while fed subsidies further drove up costs.

      It is similar to the “why did Regan close the asylums?” He closed them due to laws regarding self governance passed by JFK and subsequent lawsuits by the ACLU. They both start with bullshit feelz and end with a tone of accusation.

    • Ted S.

      I graduated high school in 1990, and we had to do the whole FAFSA thing.

      My first-choice school sent us a financial aid response breaking down how much I’d get in scholarship, how much in work-study, how much in Pell grants and so on. One line was “Family contribution”. It was immediately clear to me that regardless of how much financial aid was available, we’d have the same contribution. This implied that if there was more financial aid available, prices could go up and we’d still have to pay just as much out of pocket.

      • UnCivilServant

        The price of university is “How much do we think we can squeeze from this student” Plus “How much can we squeeze out of the government” plus “How much can we pile on in loans?” As long as those three numbers get close enough to the fictitious list price, they’ll admit you.

        I had a line item on my bill that was “RIT Grant” It was $1,500 is was the difference between those three numbers and the nominal list price. I didn’t quite reach 100% of the nominal amount, but it was close enough that it wasn’t worth arguing over it for them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And how much can we squeeze from the student’s family.

        Doesn’t matter if you’ve been on your own since the day you reached majority. FAFSA expects that if you’re under 24, your parent will contribute.

      • rhywun

        FAFSA expects that if you’re under 24, your parent will contribute.

        Yup. That is the reason I went to State U instead of Ivy U – the parental contribution suggested by the latter was a fantasy that was never going to happen.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Also, don’t forget that if you aren’t getting a full free ride, you are paying for someone who is.

    • juris imprudent

      The answer is punch the insufferable douche in the face.

  4. The Late P Brooks

    That FAFSA thing should be a video game of a masked robber going from bank to bank gathering a big bag full of loot.

  5. Suthenboy

    Federal student loans was the worst idea our govt has ever had. As I recall they started with the space race and were fairly quickly skin suited to promote the demise of our culture.
    Higher ed has become a joke and academia overall barely more than a soviet style brainwashing mill.

    • R.J.

      Yes, and you can see what happened in real time now with electric car subsidies. Make a subsidy for 7500, magically. The cost of the car goes up by $7500. They just don’t work. It did the same thing and higher education. The more student loans a kid took out, the more costly the education became. Administration can always find money to spend. It doesn’t help that a lot of those admins were unionized, when they never should’ve been.

    • Social Justice is Neither

      Please. Student loans through the government may be stupid but it is far from the stupidest thing implemented by the US Government let alone governments globally. I’d put SS, Medicare and taxes collected directly through payroll far ahead of student loans just to go big.

  6. The Other Kevin

    I had to do that FAFSA crap for all three kids. Two didn’t make it past one semester.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    how the fuck do I answer this question?

    My guess is he wants to pretend college should be free and open to anyone, regardless of qualifications.

    • Sensei

      It’s a pig efficiency wise.

      The Lucid is better imho, but it’s not an SUV.

      • R C Dean

        Wait, you’re telling me a 905 HP car doesn’t get good gas mileage?

  8. J. Frank Parnell

    Speaking of student loans, I was informed this week on Facebook that forgiving all student loan debt will be free. You see, most student loan borrowers have already paid back their principal and are just paying off interest now, canceling all that debt just means the rich bankers won’t make as much profit off the backs of poor hardworking people who just wanted an education.

    • UnCivilServant

      A: It’s not Free, it’s Taxpayer money.

      B: The banks don’t issue or back the loans anymore.

    • trshmnstr

      Is this the vaunted “girl math” I’ve been hearing about?

      • Suthenboy

        We are ‘saving money’ by cancelling the loans.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        Worse, it’s politician math.

    • R C Dean

      Err, they haven’t paid back their principal. If they had, there wouldn’t be anything to forgive. They’ve paid some principal, and some interest. Want to pay less interest? Pay more to pay down the principal.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        The assumption, I think, is that the total of all the payments they’ve made > the principal.

        No data about this was provided, of course; it’s apparently based on the anecdotal sob stories that sometimes make the rounds about some woman who borrowed $10k for college back in 1987 and has paid $250/month since graduation and she still owes $100k somehow.

      • R C Dean

        I’m sure that’s right. But financial illiteracy (“ already paid back their principal and are just paying off interest now”) can’t be a solution that was caused in (large?) part by financial illiteracy (“ borrowed $10k for college back in 1987 and has paid $250/month since graduation and she still owes $100k”). Low payments = slow amortization = slow (or even negative) paydown.

      • DrOtto

        When I got married, we went through what we each owed. My wife owed a bunch in student loans. I asked what her interest rate was (she didn’t know) and what her payment was. When I broke it down for her, she was paying $0.08 towards the principle every month. I told her that is not sustainable and that we needed to at least double the payments. Financial literacy has been lagging for several decades.

    • Muzzled Woodchipper

      Except when they received that money, it was not cash taken from a pot, but cash borrowed. I’m not responsible for paying off their interest either, much less their whole education.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Meanwhile, college “endowments” have become largely untouchable, dedicated to their own existence, rather than a source of funding for operations.

    Somebody described Harvard as a hedge fund with a day care subsidiary.

    • The Other Kevin

      At one point I did some research on those endowment numbers and holy crap there is a lot of money. Billions. The rich folks don’t know what to do with their money so they donate and get a building named after them. Year after year. If there is anyone with a Scrooge McDuck vault it’s these guys.

    • rhywun

      Big U in my town says they use their endowment to cover the tuition gap for any students below some family income level (75 or 80K IIRC).

      • Fourscore

        According to the school admin where I went tuition was allegedly subsidized. I went on the GI Bill and tuition was reasonably low so I took home a couple bucks.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    The 905 Horsepower Lotus Eletre R Weighs The Same As Three Lotus Elises But It Definitely Doesn’t Suck

    Really? I bet it sucks at least as hard as the useless idiots at Autopian.

    • R.J.

      They are not idiots. They are still better than moat Automotive reporting. Not sure what happened to Tracy, he is definitely huffing the big electricity fumes lately.

      • Sensei

        I would agree.

        There are a few of us enthusiasts who have no issues with unsubsidized electric.

  11. Fourscore

    At lunch time I saw a few minutes of Trump. Daycare and a 10 % import tariff (paid for by the seller, of course) and something for old people. Those with no kids will be subsiding the daycare (as they do with public schools). Trump still hasn’t learned who pays tariffs. He was talking about Biden’s deficits.

    Hard times are on the way, don’t sell your guns.

    • R.J.

      Yep, yep yep.

    • The Gunslinger

      – “The tax charges carry a maximum sentence of 17 years, although Biden’s sentence would likely be lower.”

      Yes, zero days in prison is unquestionably lower than 17 years.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Time served.

        In the white house…

    • Fourscore

      …and Hunter gets a pardon before the door slams…

      • Suthenboy

        Everyone is tying themselves into pretzels trying to keep it ‘secret’ that ‘ol Joe was the ringmaster in their family money laundering/bribery scheme.
        I cant understand why that moron Garland would bring charges now against conservatives for doing far less. I guess they really are beyond the point of giving a fuck.

      • Pope Jimbo

        If the judge wanted to have some fun, they should have scheduled sentencing on Jan 20th. After Daddy would no longer be in a position to pardon him.

        I bet Hunter wouldn’t have taken the deal if he knew that was part of it.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Doesn’t matter. As with Nixon, the pardon can be issued in advance of a conviction.

      • Gustave Lytton

        That is awesome! Bookmarked for later.

        I find it surprising that he’s Japan’s worst politician. Or stupidest. There’s a lot of competition.

  12. UnCivilServant

    This hotel room came with a free local paper each day, so I don’t have a web link to this story in the cage liner.

    There’s apparently a legal fight going on between a solar development project and the local tribes. It’s a case where I’m going “can they both lose?”

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Voice of reason

    When the “Republicans for Harris” rollout began in earnest a month ago, the effort featured some fairly prominent names, including former GOP governors, members of Congress, and even Republicans who served on Donald Trump’s White House team. In the days and weeks that followed, the list of Republicans backing Vice President Kamala Harris continued to grow.

    There was, however, one name in particular that many political observers in both parties were keeping an eye on: What would former Rep. Liz Cheney do?


    “As a conservative, as someone who believes in and cares about the Constitution, I have thought deeply about this. And because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris.”

    Not surprisingly, the Harris campaign was delighted.

    Won’t you heed the siren song of the Judas goat?

    Harris reveres the Constitution and every freedom it represents. Vote Joy Party, Citizen!

    • slumbrew

      There was, however, one name in particular that many political observers in both parties were keeping an eye on: What would former Rep. Liz Cheney do?

      That’s not even a little true.

      • UnCivilServant

        I tend to forget she even exists.

        I prefer it that way.

      • Rat on a train

        I already figured she would vote blue no matter who.

      • R.J.

        I read that line and nearly choked on my burger

    • Suthenboy

      Liz Cheney…conservative. Got that?

    • rhywun

      Wow. That’s nuts.

      • Sensei

        Be happy you are gone.

      • rhywun

        I was down there for a few days a couple weeks ago.

        Miss some things but yeah. 25 years was enough.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      I am betting that is the sub-rosa background re Hochul’s aid getting FEDed.

    • UnCivilServant

      Shaknovsky had made a similar mistake in 2023, removing portions of a pancreas instead of an adrenal gland, in a case that was settled privately, Zarzaur said.

      Da Fuq? And they let this man near a knife again?

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      How about between a Spleen and Ideal?

  14. The Late P Brooks

    “The Vice President is proud to have earned Congresswoman Cheney’s vote,” campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a written statement. “She is a patriot who loves this country and puts our democracy and our Constitution first. … Vice President Harris will be a president for all Americans, regardless of political party. For any American who is looking to reject the chaos and division of Donald Trump, turn the page, and pursue a new way forward that protects our freedoms and defends the American values we all believe in, there is a place for you in the Harris-Walz coalition, and we will continue working to earn your support.”


    • creech

      “pursue a new way forward.”. Take your soft communism and shove it, lady.

      • Suthenboy

        Communism is never soft, just temporarily disguised.

  15. Rat on a train

    Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle-Sears files paperwork to run for Virginia governor

    Earle-Sears is the first woman of color, and only the second woman, to hold statewide office in the commonwealth. If Earle-Sears prevails next year, she will be the first Black woman to serve as a governor in the country.

    Not true. Stacey Abrams is the real governor of Georgia.

    • juris imprudent

      True, but she didn’t serve.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    They are not idiots.

    When I start reading what is alleged to be a car review which instead turns out to be a bunch of insipid whining about how “trans people can’t get car loans” I ‘m calling the writer and publisher irredeemable idiots. Done.

    *spoiler alert- crazy people are bad credit risks

  17. Shpip

    This is the NFL, which stands for “Not For Long” if you’re caught accidentally telling the truth.

    The Commanders have fired an employee one day after a video surfaced in which he made comments about the team’s players being anti-gay, accused Cowboys owner Jerry Jones of being racist and called NFL commissioner Roger Goodell a “$50 million puppet.”

    • slumbrew

      NFL players universally love teh gheys. It is known.

      • Social Justice is Neither

        That’s on the downlow.

  18. Pope Jimbo

    Poor KC Royals! Mojeaux and her skinflint buddies won’t build them a new stadium and look at what they have to play in now.

    This is an actual Ray of Sunshine. Be sure to look at the video of Willie Mays in that story.

    • Mojeaux

      LOL Jackson County is a poor county. Ain’t nobody wanna pay for billionaires no mo.

  19. Mojeaux

    Pizza bites have two temps:



    • UnCivilServant

      Aren’t they just Mini Hot Pockets? Of course they have the same bimodal state.

    • Suthenboy

      recipes that have ingredients with wildly different specific heat are like that. Also ingredients microwave ovens heat them with different efficiencies.
      NOT microwave material.

  20. Suthenboy

    Dana Loesch is on the tv now outing Tim Walz. She just pointed out that he waves like Richard Simmons. No shit, he really does. His body language screams “It is uncomfortable in this closet”.
    Even after the commie freak show loses the leftists will spend years trying to cover him up. My bet? Despite that accusations will come out from some of the boys he took on those ‘field trips’.

    • UnCivilServant

      Oh come now, it’s entirely possible there’s such a thing as a flaming heterosexual.

      • DrOtto

        If I had linking abilities, this is where I would put one of Dana Carvey’s “Lyle – The Effeminate Heterosexual” skits.

    • Pope Jimbo

      King Walz may be many things, but I don’t think that he is a kiddy diddler.

      What amazes me is how fucking much he loves the adulation. That fucker is in heaven going to these big rallies. It is unseemly.

      But it fits with his history of fibbing and exaggerating his story. He is a junkie for acceptance.

  21. The Late P Brooks

    Brotherly disdain

    Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz’s brother said Tuesday that he doesn’t agree with the Democrat’s policies but expressed some remorse for inserting himself into the spotlight after he posted on social media last week he is “100% opposed” to his brother’s political views and was considering officially endorsing former President Donald Trump.

    Jeff Walz, the older brother of Vice President Kamala Harris’ running mate, told NewsNation in an interview that he didn’t intend to “influence the general public” with social media posts that indicated his support for Trump over Harris’ and his brother’s campaign and said he has no plans to be campaigning “for him or against him” ahead of November’s election.


    Jeff Walz’s comments come after he wrote on Facebook that he hasn’t spoken to his brother in eight years but is “100% opposed to all his ideology.”

    In another comment on Friday, he responded to someone suggesting he “get on stage” with Trump and offer his official endorsement by saying he’s weighing his family’s privacy against his desire to keep his brother out of higher public office, indicating he knows “stories” about Gov. Walz that would reflect poorly on him.

    How long ’til the FBI come calling?

    • R C Dean

      “he knows “stories” about Gov. Walz that would reflect poorly on him”

      $20 says its kiddy diddling.

      • UnCivilServant

        Not gonna take that bet.

      • R.J.

        Too easy. He eats his dog for Thanksgiving every year.

      • UnCivilServant

        “We simply show cultural appreciation for East Asian Cuisine!”

    • Pope Jimbo

      Distant cousin disdain too

      Walz’s sister, Sandy Dietrich, of Alliance, Nebraska, said she suspected it might be people from that branch of the family. Dietrich and Walz’s father, James Walz, died of lung cancer in 1984 when the future congressman and Minnesota governor was just a teenager. His father had been the school superintendent in Valentine, Nebraska.
      “We weren’t close with them. We didn’t know them,” she said.

      Jeff Walz told NewsNation that he and the 60-year-old governor have not spoken since the funeral of their younger brother, Craig Walz, in 2016, aside from a brief phone call last month through their mother. He told NewsNation that what he was referring to in his post by “stories” were from their childhood.
      “Nobody wanted to sit with him, because he had car sickness and would always throw up on us, that sort of thing,” Jeff Walz said. “There’s really nothing else hidden behind there. People are assuming something else. There’s other stories like that, but I think that probably gives you the gist of it.”

      Sounds like Jeff might have already been visited and is walking his earlier comments back?

    • Social Justice is Neither

      He’s expressing remorse so what makes you think they haven’t already had “friendly” chat?

  22. The Late P Brooks

    Zwak- thanks for that Aston article. I had no idea. It looks like fun. It just needs some fairly minor performance tweaks.

  23. Shpip