Thursday Afternoon Links

by | Sep 12, 2024 | Daily Links | 139 comments

CRY ME A RIVER, ALL THE WAY TO THE SEA: NYT Magazine (paywalled, of course, so you get a link to the archived version) whines about poor UNRWA and how unfair it is for donors to withold aid after it turned out the organization was infiltrated by Hamas operatives. The term “collective punishment” is used (hint: taking no action whatsoever is different than taking positive action). And there is this: [UNRWA] is the only U.N. agency dedicated to a specific group of refugees, but it has no ability to solve their root problems of displacement and statelessness. One of those things is irrelevant and not like the other one. They are positively salivating at the thought of solutions being imposed upon Israel. Update: A day after UNRWA said that its staffers were killed in a strike on the Al Jaouni School in the area of Nuseirat in central Gaza, the IDF revealed on Thursday that nine terrorists had been eliminated in the strike.

PROPAGANDA! COLLUSION! TRUMPISM! The narrative that would not die lives on, most recently at the hands of hyperactive idiot Anne Applebaum. You see, we can’t criticize the things that are obviously wrong with America because that gives aid and comfort to our enemies. Sound familiar? Link to archive because The Atlantic is of course paywalled.

GERMANS INSTITUTE STRICTER BORDER CONTROLS: Germany’s government announced plans to impose tighter controls at all of the country’s land borders in what it called an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism. “Irregular migration,” for the lulz, but I’m surprised they (or Reuters) mentioned Islamist extremism. Your word/phrase for the day is “Schengen zone.”

CONGRESS, INDUSTRY CRITICIZE FAA LAUNCH LICENSING REGULATIONS: Two topics near and dear to my heart, spaceflight and government incompetence. “We have a licensing regime with a lack of certainty, a lack of transparency and significant delays,” said Pamela Meredith, chair of the space law practice group at KMA Zuckert LLC. Rep. Brian Babin (R-Texas), chairman of the subcommittee took things even further, saying “I fear at this rate the Communist Party will launch taikonauts to the moon while U.S. industry remains tethered to Earth with red tape.” The FAA’s excuses for the delays and lack of guidance are like something out of a Terry Gilliam film. And of course, they want more money and more staff. I think that part of FAA could use less funding and staff. A lot less.

CHINA TO LAUNCH MARS SAMPLE RETURN MISSION IN 2028: This is an ambitious plan because they will also have to select and collect samples, in addition to getting them back to Earth. Meanwhile, NASA Rover Perseverance has dumped caches of sealed samples on the Martian surface but NASA has no way of getting them back to Earth (see links inside article for details).

BATTLE SPACE PREPARATION: While this may well be a case of a company doing their legitimate duty to try to allay public fears about a new technology, it will also be seized upon by the enemies of privately-owned vehicles, and the enemies of privacy and freedom of movement.

MALAYSIAN JOGGER SAVAGED BY OTTERS: The reportage here is a delicious mixture of tabloid snark and exaggeration. Take that, Sloopy, with your lame big fish AM link.

About The Author



Tonio is a Glibs shitposter, linkstar (Thursday PM, yo), author, and editor. He is also a GlibZoom personality and prankster. Tonio is a big fan of pic-a-nic baskets. His hobbies include salmon fishing, territorial displays, dumpster diving, and posing for wildlife photographers.


  1. EvilSheldon

    Otters, as in not Bears? 😉

  2. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Anybody who’s still spewing the Russia vomitus is either a propagandist or a Goddamned retard. Christ on a cracker that shit’s getting old.

    • Tonio

      Porque no la dos? LOL

      She’s a one-trick pony. It’s much easier to keep on beating the same rhythm on the same old drum than to come up with something new, something which would require thought.

    • bacon-magic

      Yet there are still those that believe it.

    • SDF-7

      Ok… not trying to be a contrarian here or anything — but while I don’t seriously think Russia is trying to influence our society / politics any more than any other country on the globe (i.e. they’d all do it if they could)…. I thought that they actually had some proof here that there were serious funds being funneled into this to pay off “influencers” and all. At the least there’s that whole “Undeclared foreign agent” issue, I would think.

      If they were up front about it, I wouldn’t care, granted. And I don’t think Putin is doing anything really meaningful, influential or (as stated) different than anyone else might try to do. Except China — who goes for bribing the Education Industry, buying politicians, and programming TikTok…. they’d never stoop to just funding a Tennessee media company… too gauche.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        I was away when this story broke so I am very behind on it. It’s not clear to me what spicy Russian propaganda they were paid to say, if there is anything concrete at all. Russia just liked that they said this is not our war and we should stay out of it?

  3. Rat on a train

    “I shall smash your skull like a clam on my tummy.”

  4. Tonio

    The UNRWA story has been updated with a link, that if accurate, paints the alleged humanitarian relief org in a worse light than previously.

    • Suthenboy

      Is anyone unaware that the UN is a front for globalists who use totalitarians as proxies for their war on western civilization?
      The worst of the worst turds rise to the top of that barrel of sewage.

      • SDF-7

        Is anyone unaware that the UN US Government is a front for globalists who use totalitarians as proxies for their war on western civilization?


    • rhywun

      I think we already knew that agency was littered with terrorists. At least, I recall reading it months ago.

      As far as I am concerned, the rot goes all the way up to the top in that fucking organization.

  5. Timeloose

    SAVAGED BY OTTERS is touring with the Weasels. They plan on jamming together on “Beat Her With a Rake”.

  6. Tundra


    I’ll admit it, I’m a luddite. A cavemen. A guy who loves real cars. I even like the smell of a carburetor in the morning.

    So I fucking hate car tech. The only thing worse in my mind than robot cars is mixing robot cars with retard drivers and spewing them all over my roads. Make no mistake, this is another Trojan horse to outlaw real cars.

    *takes another black pill*

    • SDF-7

      Just because the supposed Secretary of Transportation keeps making a big deal about “If it saves just one life!” (as if there’s no such thing as cost/benefit analysis)…..

      • Rat on a train

        If it save one life … as long as I’m not paying for it.

    • The Hyperbole

      You can keep all the winding state routes and back roads for you people who “Love to drive” but the interstates should have mandated cruise control and they should all be synced at five mile per hour intervals. none of this speed up-slow down shit, or that one jerk who is sitting on your left hip, sure he’s gaining on you so he’s technically passing, but not fast enough for him to pass you before you rear end the semi in front of you.

      • kinnath

        I speed up when passing to make sure I don’t do that to someone else.

      • Tundra

        Ja, mein Führer.

      • SDF-7

        That sounds like pure hell west of the Mississippi, frankly.

        I’d rather go full Autobahn and let people drive the speed they’re comfortable at and add a dedicated truck lane personally. (I see more traffic snafus with semis jumping out in front of cars to pass at 0.05 mph faster than issues with cars most days… I especially hate it when they go 3 wide up hill when there’s a truck lane because of the grade — assholes should never go beyond the middle lane and leave the left for cars that aren’t affected by the incline…).

      • Rat on a train

        I-95 truck races are often long. They are too evenly matched.

      • Tonio

        Glad you’re still around. You are missed.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Lane discipline should be strictly enforced. Every state I went through on my recent road trip slow drivers moved right except to pass. It was beautiful. The minute I got back into California everyone was driving in the left lane and the right lane was practically empty.

      • Tundra

        Lane discipline should be strictly enforced.

        It’s such a joy to drive in places that understand this. We were on a road trip to Wyoming and it was wonderful. 100 mph and every car did what they were supposed to. As we were headed out of Cheyenne and back into CO I told the kids “watch what happens when we cross the line.” Sure enough, chaos and retardation.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Swing a couple of those rat fuckers from the overpasses and maybe CMVs will actually stay in the right two lanes only.

      • trshmnstr

        I speed up when passing to make sure I don’t do that to someone else.

        Ditto. It’s a safety issue. I find it irksome when the slowpoke in front of me decides to gas it 10mph higher when the passing lane comes. I’m doing 58 in a 60 behind you, and then I have to pass you at 72?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Here in Oregon, the middle lane is the slow lane. Drives me bonkers.

        That, and people will make a left turn across three lanes of traffic.

  7. rhywun

    The narrative that would not die lives on

    Meanwhile Putin 5D-chesses us into believing he prefers Bidenharris.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      This time our government is telling the truth about Russia because clearly he is still lying and wants Trump!

      • Rebel Scum

        He probably does actually want Trump because Trump doesn’t want war with Russia.

  8. rhywun

    I’m surprised they (or Reuters) mentioned Islamist extremism

    That tells me that the problems are way worse than the media have let on. The flood was set to continue until it could no longer be ignored.

    • Tundra

      It’s always when the problems start affecting the wealthy dipshits. I know what it’s gonna take here for the government to attack the illegal gang fuckos – Boulder being overrun by Venezuelan bangers.

      • The Other Kevin

        There are already gangs targeting homes in rich neighborhoods in California.

      • rhywun

        It is amazing how the situation in Aurora keeps evolving. The details change every day, at least in honest media.


        I honestly don’t feel too bad about Boulder getting hit. They are getting what they voted for good and hard. If only we could get them pointed toward Teller County/Aspen too…

      • Tundra

        They are getting what they voted for good and hard.

        I get it, but shithead criminals aren’t precision weapons. There are a lot of good people who have been here their whole lives who don’t deserve it.


        That was mostly tongue-in-cheek. We just need to hand out flyers letting the illegals know that “We welcome migrants” lawn signs mean that they have the best stuff to steal.

  9. The Late P Brooks

    Did you know? You can buy a 55″ teevee from Walmart for less than $250. Take that, greedflation whiners. I probably oughtta buy one before Il Trumpuche imposes a 500% tariff.

    I have given up on trying to find a dumb teevee. I guess I’ll just bag one of them cheapo ONN roku models. There’s no law saying I have to connect it to my wifi. Or is there?

    • SDF-7

      There isn’t (for now, anyway)…. and even with tariffs it would probably stay cheap since they’re selling that low so they can make money data mining the poor saps who do let it be “Smart”, after all…

      With 5 and 6G, I’m honestly more than half expecting them to sneak in cellular modems if they can get the bulk cell accounts cheap enough. That way it wouldn’t matter if the customer doesn’t hook it up / blocks it at the router. You’d have to Faraday cage the things.

    • Drake

      You could hook it up to a digital antenna. We have a TV with an antenna. Gets about 40 channels. Results may vary at your location.

    • Sensei

      There is if you want to select the HDMI port on some crap laden models.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Has anybody asked the “foreign influence” hysterics if they have ever heard of Radio Free Europe?

    • SDF-7

      “Yeah, man… I dig REM’s back catalog! Gnarly!”

    • Drake

      No mention of AIPAC .

  11. The Late P Brooks

    You could hook it up to a digital antenna. We have a TV with an antenna. Gets about 40 channels. Results may vary at your location.

    I have a digital antenna for network stuff, i e racing and he-man Amurrican footsball.I have a separate roku device which I will be plugging into the new teevee, but I am going to pretend the data snoopery will be less all-encompassing than having the teevee watching my every move.

    • SDF-7

      That’s my current setup / finger crossing wishful thinking with mine and Apple TV hardware, streaming stuff from a local Mac so it shouldn’t have to talk to the mothership (though it does — when the cable internet is out, there’s long delays on stuff purchased via Apple — pretty sure it is phoning home to check that the digital permissions are allowed or whatnot… the joys of modern life).

  12. The Late P Brooks

    Sometimes, the messages from Grigoriann’s team were time-stamped in a way that indicated they were written in Moscow.

    Moscow has its own time zone?

    • Tundra

      Gee. A bad decision. Never saw that coming.

      • Sensei

        From Two Scoops? Shocking…

    • Nephilium

      I at least thought he would push for one on Fox or TwiX and frame it as balance for the moderation on the last debate, but I wasn’t going to watch regardless.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      He is a merciful leader, saving us from more debate takes.

    • Tonio

      Yeah, no bueno.

      He’s ceding ground to her and tacitly admitting that he can’t control himself enough to not be goaded into that ranty place he went.

      Also, where the fuck did that Kamala come from? We’ve never seen her that collected before.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I’m guessing because pundits said he is done…but polls and focus groups liked what he said, internal polling is leaning towards continue with interviews far and wide while burying her record/non-record.

        Probably also she claims to want more debates but on her terms

      • SDF-7

        One of your links was a NY Post story — and linked off from there was this gem of a conspiracy theory I hadn’t heard before. It might explain her composure, which is why I thought of it again when you mentioned that (I don’t seriously know or care if it is true… probably isn’t… but found it amusing in context).

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        They should debate naked. It’s the only way to be sure they don’t have hidden mics or wifi anal beads.

    • rhywun

      I guess he figures he can’t get fair moderation.

      He’s probably right.

      • Tundra

        That was atrocious and it probably weighed on the decision.

        I’ve been reading that lots of people think Heels-Up won handily but since they are getting ass fucked economically they are still voting for Two Scoops.

        Who the hell knows.

      • Ownbestenemy

        I can see that though. If she would have actually countered the little policy he did talk that would be a lot different.

        Two scoops fucked up but she didn’t fair any better

      • Tundra

        QTR has some thoughts

        There are some fair points here. I still think a sharper brain could handle it, but we’ll see.

      • rhywun

        independent voters were not swayed to her side

        This. He’s getting the majority of independents – who needs another debate?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Looking at the reactions across the internet here a couple days later, no movement in the pols. So, while he didn’t “win”, neither did she.

    • Suthenboy

      He should agree…on his terms this time. No notes, Muted mics, auto activated time limits, live on the Tucker Carlson network, mediated and fact checked by Carlson and Gutfeld.
      One thing that enrages me is watching fake conservatives constantly playing on the left’s terms. Fuck that.

    • KSuellington

      Stupid move on TDog’s part. He should have said he’d be happy to do a debate with better moderators. I wouldn’t watch that either but he wouldn’t look weak that way if she balked.

    • R C Dean

      My idea for a debate:

      The candidates, with a single stationary camera that takes in the chair that each candidate will have, with a coffee table, a pitcher of water, and two glasses. No moderator, no audience, of course no notes, earpieces, etc. Let’s see the two candidates deal with each other face to face with no filters or buffers.

      I think you’d learn more from that than any other format.

      • Suthenboy

        Nah. Dictate terms to them the way they have to him thus far, same terms as the Biden debate but slanted in his favor this time, then when she declines call her a chicken.
        Stop playing on their terms. Turn it around and rub their faces in it.

      • Tundra

        My idea for a debate:

        I like it, but they need to be in swimsuits.

    • Gustave Lytton

      Does Trump actually want to be President? I’m getting the feeling is no but he can’t pull out. He’s much less energized than 8 years ago and it shows.

  13. The Late P Brooks

    Donald Trump says no more debates against Kamala Harris

    Too busy hashing out the details of his policy proposals?

    • creech

      Next news cycle will be what a coward Trump is. He needs to counter by agreeing to a debate on Fox. And then see how Kommiela reacts.

      • Ownbestenemy

        A couple nights of news? I’d weigh that too. News is jumping so quick will it really matter?


    Only Pollyanna of No Shit Sherlock Nation doesn’t realize that foreign actors are trying to influence American politics for their ends.

    Perhaps if we weren’t dicking around with them they wouldn’t see the need to attempt to tilt things one way or another.

    Would Putin, to whatever extent the Rooskis influence our electoral politics, be so keen on getting a particular outcome if we weren’t conducting a proxy war against him?

  15. The Late P Brooks

    There is if you want to select the HDMI port on some crap laden models.

    Does that mean what I think it means? The remote only controls via wifi? That’s special.

    • Sensei

      No, it will force you to log in so the setup completes and the TV becomes functional.

      From memory the box will say internet is required for use because people were rightly pissed.

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Would Putin, to whatever extent the Rooskis influence our electoral politics, be so keen on getting a particular outcome if we weren’t conducting a proxy war against him?

    That’s just crazy talk.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Maybe install a trap door for anyone who orders something ridiculous like a triple chai latte with 2 pumps of peppermint and a slice of lemon. Your order should be five words max, people!

      • Sensei

        With a single serving of any size being less than 1,000 calories.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Medium dark roast with cream to goooooooooo…..

    • Gustave Lytton

      How long before the new guy departs? My guess under a year.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      He’s exactly right. Next he should fix McDonald’s. Burgers and fries, not whatever the fuck else they’re doing these days.

      • Gustave Lytton

        McD’s has chopped their menu a while back and got rid of a lot of the extras, and it’s not working. Burgers and fries, inconsistently done, at post inflation pricing isn’t drawing in people.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        I saw this summer you could get a flavours of the world Thai McChicken. Goddammit if I want Thai food I’ll go to the pretty decent Thai restaurant across the fucking street.

      • Tundra

        Just use tallow again and I’ll darken the door of McDs again.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Sadly I think the vegetarians won that battle.

        There was an obnoxious vegetarian girl where used to work. She was a bigger girl.

        Buddy 1: “That’s a lot a vegetables!”

        Buddy 2: “That’s a lot of French fries!”

      • Tundra

        Lol. Nice.

  17. The Late P Brooks

    No, it will force you to log in so the setup completes and the TV becomes functional.

    From memory the box will say internet is required for use because people were rightly pissed.

    Swell. Hopefully the bottom tier brands I’m looking at don’t have that malfunctionality.

  18. The Late P Brooks

    Starbucks: they keep talking about the growth of app based ordering and pickup. How does that work? You order your steaming hot extra special frothy concoction via your phone, it comes up on the screen, the barista crafts it, and then it sits on the counter for ten or fifteen minutes waiting to be picked up? That doesn’t sound like a winning concept.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Yes and yes. Starbucks isn’t the loser here, the consumer is.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Also my phone dictionary didn’t have ‘loser’ and I had to add it. Good job Google..
        Good job

    • rhywun

      Speaking of… I was out of town a couple weeks ago and every restaurant in Manhattan has order-on-a-tablet now. And they still expect a tip. 🤦‍♂️

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Yes. Seat me at a table. Bring a menu to the table. Take my order at the table. Bring the food to the table. Take the dishes away from the table. Bring the bill to the table. Take payment at the table. Do those things competently, then you get a tip.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Yeah, the next restaurant that has me scan a QR code for a menu is just gonna get told “I don’t have a phone” even if I am holding one. Fuck that shit.

      • Raven Nation

        The ones that irritate me have a regular menu, table service but, if you pay with a card, they swipe it at the table then hold it out and stand there waiting for you to sign and add a tip.

    • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

      Yes. I’ve never ordered Starbucks via app, but I order McD’s from time to time. I don’t ever place my order until I’m in a parking spot at the restaurant.

    • The Last American Hero

      You usually order the same thing. So order as you are walking over there and it’s ready when you get there. Saves them money on cashiers as well.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Also, where the fuck did that Kamala come from? We’ve never seen her that collected before.

    Didn’t you see all the coverage of her queenly prosecutorial skillz? She was one of the best practitioners of scripted Senatorial inquisition, like, ever. She had tightly scripted soliloquies ready and waiting.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Also my phone dictionary didn’t have ‘loser’ and I had to add it. Good job Google..
    Good job

    Long time ago, I was headed to lunch with a couple of guys I was working with. We went by a McDonalds with a sign out front which said, “Closers wanted”. One of them said, “We should go steal the C off that sign.”

    • Sensei

      Coffee’s for closers.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      How precious. They included a picture of those gallows that weren’t even large enough to deal with Fauci. Is that cross beam even secured to anything?

    • Suthenboy

      Is anyone embedded in the DOJ/FBI and going to rat out their plan for a Jan6 repeat performance?

    • Grumbletarian

      The rabble will not delay the coronation of Kween Kamala.

  21. Rebel Scum

    an attempt to tackle irregular migration and protect the public from threats such as Islamist extremism.

    I did Nazi that coming. But it prolly has something to do with stifling AfD.

  22. Gustave Lytton


    So they’re going to step up harassment of US citizens entering on an American passport for failing to obtain and enter on a German one because one of their parents was a German citizen at the time of birth?

  23. Rebel Scum

    This is an ambitious plan because they will also have to select and collect samples, in addition to getting them back to Earth.

    “You will find abundant happiness.” …in bed.

    *Checks lucky numbers*

  24. Rebel Scum

    A woman was left crying in a pool of her own blood after getting savaged by a gang of otters in Malaysia.

    Send Malaysia some Haitians.

    • Sean


    • Tundra


  25. Sensei

    I get home from work and check the YouTube feed. WTF.

    Anime channel, but live action.
    I recognize the voice, but it’s not matching the actors.
    It’s a K Drama???
    It’s a lesbian K Drama…
    They are lipstick lesbians. The kind according to my wife who don’t exist.

    GAP The Series

    • Suthenboy

      Why would she think that? The reason rule 34 exists is because corresponding to those ‘anything you can think of it someone is into it’ are the people into it. Of course they exist.

      • Sensei

        More so the joke of porn aimed at men with lesbian scenes.

        I agree that they do exist in real life, but not so much in the male fantasy portrayed in lots of porn.

      • DrOtto

        I have a story that can never be told here. But they are real…and they’re fantastic.

  26. Shpip

    Can we just combine the Malaysian jogger story with the FAA story and send everyone involved to otter space?

    • creech

      that’s a bunch of abalone.

      • Chipping Pioneer

        creech is just trying to mussel his way into the discussion.

  27. The Late P Brooks

    If you truly hate modern America—its diversity, its immense energy, its raucous debate—then you won’t mind hearing it denounced by other people who hate it and wish it ill. On X earlier this year, Chen referred to the U.S. as a “tyranny,” for example, a phrase that could easily have been produced by one of the Russian propagandists who regularly decry the U.S. on the evening news.

    Relentlessly hunting down dissidents is one of the primary markers of a successful healthy democracy.

    • Chipping Pioneer

      I don’t care if she’s A Russian agent, I would go full Swalwell for her.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Wait, isn’t she Canadian?

      • Chipping Pioneer


    • rhywun

      a phrase that could easily have been produced by one of the Russian propagandists

      …anyone who has been paying attention the last couple decades….

  28. DrOtto

    Is UN HQ in NYC considered sovereign? If so, I’d be fine with IDF running roughshod over the whole organization.

    • Sensei

      Kind of sort of. The big players all have diplomatic immunity.

      The UN itself has quasi nation status.