1. Pat

    Since 2020, food costs in American homes have risen by 22 percent, while restaurant prices are up 27 percent.

    On the bright side, I guess we’ll get that obesity epidemic licked.

    • Rat on a train

      Amateurs. The cost of the federal government increased almost 50% in 2020.

    • Drake

      Unfortunately, it’s only the carb-loaded ultra processed foods that make you fat and sick that are still affordable.

    • Suthenboy

      The costs are much higher than that. Maybe 3 or 4 times that high.

  2. Mythical Libertarian Woman

    If any site editors see this, my Woke Charmed Tudors posts are scheduled out of order, the first episode is queued for 11:00 AM today but the introduction post is scheduled for September 12! If any site editors see this, could you rearrange that order please? Thank you!

    If it doesn’t get fixed… sorry everyone 🤦‍♀️ you’re going to be launched in with no explanation of what this show is or why we’re watching it, and I’m going to make a lot of references to what I said “last time” and there will be no last time 😓😓

    • Pat

      you’re going to be launched in with no explanation of what this show is or why we’re watching it

      All the better, IMO.

    • Sean

      Either way, I’m looking forward to reading.

      • Ownbestenemy


      • R.J.


      • Chafed


    • Mythical Libertarian Woman

      Feeling like a HUGE dumbass because Tonio asked me on August 24 if they were scheduled in the right order and I utterly missed that (there was other stuff in the email). I really screwed this one up, I’m so sorry everyone

      • Pat

        (Mythical Libertarian) Woman moment?

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        Absolutely and I am disgusted by it

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        I just looked at my old emails and I did see that Tonio asked me that and I told him it was fine?? Do I remember this? No. Do I know what I was thinking? NO.

        Guys. This show. Is draining my IQ points. So prepare yourselves. Because that’s how bad it is.

      • Not Adahn

        This is the version of The Tudors with the hot slutty Anne?

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        Adahn, there are many sluts in this particular show but none of them are hot

      • Not Adahn

        Aww, I like looking at Natalie Dormer.

      • Pat

        I like looking at Natalie Dormer.

        I’d never hit a woman, but I gotta be honest, I want to slap that weird permanent semi-smirk off her face.

    • Nephilium

      Should be corrected now.

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman


      • Nephilium


        No thanks needed, thanks for coming back and writing some more.

      • R C Dean

        What Neph said. Glad to see you back, and I’m looking forward to the new posts.

      • DrOtto

        Thanks for taking one for the team at risk of personal mental injury!

      • Nephilium

        Thanks DrOtto!

        It really wasn’t that much of a risk, I mean it’s just WordPress. 🙂

      • Pat

        It really wasn’t that much of a risk, I mean it’s just WordPress.

        I used to wonder why WordPress “developers” could charge as much as full stack webdevs for just implementing features and templates, until I bothered taking a look at a WP template in an editor. Put me in mind of the gobbledygook Microsoft Frontpage used to spit out.

      • Swiss Servator

        Oh sure, Neph beat me to it.

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        Thank you, Swiss, and I’m sorry for the fuss! I really do not know where my brain was other than literally leaking out of my ears because of the contents of this show 🫠

      • Nephilium

        Eastern Time Zone privilege.

  3. Pat

    US job openings fall to lowest level since January 2021

    Well, yeah. We’re at full employment due to the bustling economy brought to us by Bidenomics. We will, of course, needs drastically higher levels of immigration to fuel any remaining growth since every able-bodied American is either employed in a high paying green job, or else a lazy piece of shit who won’t do the work a Honduran will.

  4. PieInTheSky

    Cost of Food Hits Record High Under Biden-Harris Govt. – I blame the republicans on the supreme court.

    • Ted S.

      This vampire gets it.

  5. trshmnstr

    Cost of Food Hits Record High Under Biden-Harris Govt.

    The graph in the article is so telling. Anybody saying they’ve got it under control is lying. There’s an elbow in the price inflation graph in 2020 and then it starts on a new, higher slope and hasn’t changed.

    • Pat

      I eat about as frugally as a person can, and even I’ve seen an uptick. Just checking my grocery spreadsheet, my average for January through April, rounded to the nearest whole dollar, was $291. May through August, $317.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Ya moving away from the garbage disposals that are called teens has helped reduce food costs.

      • Not Adahn

        Lily’s food bill is higher than mine.

      • PieInTheSky

        Lily should start an onlyfans to make some dough.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Which we have all learned, there is probably a sick market for it.

      • PieInTheSky

        feet pics are not that sick

      • slumbrew

        *puts Pie on a list*

      • Not Adahn

        She does have adorable fuzzy paws.

      • Nephilium


        Subscribing to this one?

  6. PieInTheSky

    Volvo reverses goal to make only EVs in 2030 – so ungreen, giving plebs the choice

  7. Pat

    Hunter Biden’s criminal tax trial begins with jury selection in California

    After his attorneys use their peremptory challenge to eliminate the one Republican from the jury pool, things should be good to proceed.

  8. Suthenboy

    “Dont worry, everything is coming up roses! Now, raise your hips up just a bit.” – Democrats

    • Suthenboy

      I may have touched on this subject in the end of the last thread. I will refer everyone to my comment there.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The media and government have nothing if they drop their monolithic views on blocs of voters though. So it must keep it up by saying [insert type]-community believes…

  9. Pat

    Michigan Judge Orders RFK to Remain on Ballot
    RFK Jr. Sues to Remove Himself From Wisconsin Presidential Ballot

    It really is Terry Gilliam’s world, we’re just living in it.

    • Ownbestenemy

      It just really proves his point. A candidate swap is a-okay late in the game; dropping out of certain states? Nah, Democracy!

    • Suthenboy

      A person commanded to stay on a ballot whether they want to or not? How about ‘Go fuck yourself’?
      Can he sue these fucksticks for indentured servitude somehow?
      If they can do this why cant they just randomly pick 10,000 random people and force them to run on a ticket of the court’s choosing?

    • Ted S.

      He was obviously killed by the Houthis.

    • Rat on a train

      The US is nearing the stage of fighting disguised as natives.

      • Drake

        My son went to high school with 3 guys a couple years older. All 3 enlisted in the Army together. When they got out after 4 years, they signed up as Mercs in the Ukraine. Had thousands of social media followers as they headed over there. All 3 dead a week after they got to the front.

      • Rat on a train

        I’m thinking more of voluntolds like the Russian pilots in Korea.

      • Pat

        All 3 enlisted in the Army together. When they got out after 4 years, they signed up as Mercs in the Ukraine. Had thousands of social media followers as they headed over there. All 3 dead a week after they got to the front.

        While it’s certainly not anyone else’s place to question their choices, Jesus Christ what a fucking waste. On the other hand, I guess if they were that retarded, perhaps we’ll get along OK without their contribution to the future.

      • Drake

        Pat – That was my son’s reaction. Total waste of 3 lives. Lost to their families, never to have families of their own. All for people who just used them as cannon fodder.

      • Aloysious

        All 3 dead a week after they got to the front.

        Allow me to paraphrase a retarded politician: Women hardest hit.

  10. Suthenboy

    Free Market Dude: *wakes up in the morning, asks himself* “How can I make my product more appealing and useful to people so they will willingly give me money for it?”

    govt vampire: *wakes up in the morning, asks himself* “How can I take force people to give up more of their stuff? I cant just say ‘you are all enslaved forever with no hope of getting ahead. I cant come right and say ‘all of your shit belongs to me forever’. I could couch it in ‘unrealized gains’. Yeah, that sounds good. Let’s do that.”

    • Pat

      Some percentage of them are like that. Sadly, comically, perhaps even tragically, the majority are of the type described by the shopworn Lewis quotation about those who torment us for our own good with the approval of their own conscience.

    • Rat on a train

      It wouldn’t be as bad if it was only unrealized capital gains … the change in value for the year is treated as income or loss. No, they want a tax on the total value every year.

      • slumbrew

        “loss”?! That’s adorable. You’ll be taxed on unrealized gains, but you will not get a credit for unrealized losses

      • Suthenboy

        “…tax on the total value every year.”

        So, if they just take it all now in one chunk they wont get ‘interest’ on it as if it were a loan. They will just take it a little at a time plus what you would have gotten had they not taken it. Genius.

        These people have to go.

    • Grumbletarian

      We’re not too far away from taxing people for imagining they’re rich. “Oh, did you imagine what it would be like to win that $500 million Powerball? You owe us a percentage of that unrealized income, Citizen. Now fork it over.”

      • DrOtto

        Isn’t a Powerball ticket unrealized income?

    • slumbrew

      Oh my.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Audio off, cannot read subtitles…who cares.

      • slumbrew

        She’s speaking Hebrew anyway

      • Ownbestenemy

        She was speaking?!

      • The Other Kevin

        Hebrew is not the sexiest language, so you weren’t missing anything.

      • Chafed

        This is why slumbrew married into the Tribe.

      • slumbrew

        Apparently I should have gone for full Israeli.

        Although that girl was probably, at best, a toddler when I met my wife.

      • tripacer

        Listening to her say “Otterbox” is worth it, in a Multipass sort of way.

      • Bobarian LMD

        She’s got a nice Otter Box.

    • UnCivilServant

      The video cut every half second was giving me a headache. You can do an ad spot in a continuous shot, people.

    • Evan from Evansville

      *Shrug* Oh, hands down, I certainly welcome her into Ev’s JunkBunk with a plumber, but I must be an outlier: Not my thang. a) tits aren’t really *too big,* but the ‘more than a handful…’ holds truth.

      I’m much more into smaller gals. (I *do* have a noted levy of Jewy-Middle-Eastern gals as partners. Me likey.) I’m a fit, 5’7″; 135lb. Smaller makes sense. (Much easier to pack and sort them as luggage for instance…) I’ll review her folding case if she pounces first, but y’all will beat me to it. Go forth.

      • Evan from Evansville

        *I certainly welcome her into Ev’s JunkBunk with aplomb.

        With a plumber is a perfect John autocorrect. Damn.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I just cannot get worked up about it though. They looked into it, investigated and found nothing they could do*. What do we want the FBI to do here? Arrest the kid and worry about due process later? Tragic event, but I really don’t want the FBI to take the next step and just start detaining people on their ‘radar’.

      *Of course, we are talking about the FBI here so there is that.

      • Not Adahn

        I honestly don’t know. Is the contention that the kid got smarter and shut up? I’d imagine that after the first “not enough to be actionable” they (“they” being a combination of LE, schoolteachers and parents) would have been more observant. Maybe the guy that was assigned to monitor the kid’s chatroom activity got shunted over to Tulsi.

      • Not Adahn

        Honestly, the only “lesson” I think could be made from this incident at this point is that relying on some sort of benevolent outsourced violence (thanks Dr. Yamane!) doesn’t work. Personal protection needs to be decentralized and localized.

      • Pat

        I’d imagine that after the first “not enough to be actionable” they (“they” being a combination of LE, schoolteachers and parents) would have been more observant.

        On the one hand, given the track record of law enforcement, and the state of modern parenting, it’s easy to assume somebody fucked up, but on the other, our scumfuck brains are also adept at concocting post-hoc evidence that was impossible to ignore, but which might have looked quite different in real time, particularly to someone disinclined to intervene without a clear cut legal rationale. Sometimes bad shit just happens.

      • The Last American Hero

        If they didn’t spend so much time hanging out in Catholic churches and taking names of people who attended Latin Mass, maybe they could devote more resources to investigating potential mass shooters.

  11. PieInTheSky

    The Economist on the judge who shut down X: “Yet Brazil’s laws are only half the story. Mr Moraes also has form: he is a man who likes and understands power. He has extensive contacts in the federal police, military and intelligence services…

    The ‘fake-news’ inquiry was contentious from the start. Normally investigations are opened by the public prosecutor or the police. By giving itself the power to initiate investigations the Supreme Court became victim, prosecutor and judge all at once. No time limit was set, there is no legal definition for disinformation in Brazil and Mr Moraes has not made public which accounts he has ordered shut and why.”

    The entire point of the rule of law is to prevent men like this from gaining power.


    I am more and more starting to think functional rule of law is a figment of imagination

    • Suthenboy

      “…a figment of imagination.”

      Human nature is the problem. Even the greatest political philosophers in. history could not bring themselves to say ‘.. life, liberty and property’. They shied away and said ‘…life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’. What the fuck is that? They deliberately left the door open for govt to take your shit.

      They also could not bring themselves to put any teeth to the constitution’s forbidding this that and the other.
      Constitution: “You definitely can not do that.”
      Pol: “Yeah? What happens if I do it anyway?”
      Constitution: “Uh…well…nothing really.”
      Pol: “Ok, got it.”

    • Ted S.

      I prefer Dorothy to Bing or Bob.

      • Bobarian LMD

        The Road to Venezuela.

  12. Pat

    So, after a solid run of ~5 years, my venerable New Balance 517s have gotten worse enough for wear that they’re being relegated to workouts. On the advice of feminine counsel, I am begrudgingly embracing adulthood, and opted for a “fashion sneaker” for work and general use. But here’s the thing: my goddamn troll feet are as wide as they are long, and it’s tough finding anything that fits. I went with a deeply-discounted pair of these Florsheim Crossover Lace to Toe Sneakers, but had to send the first pair back and go up half a size. The new ones just arrived, and I’m on the fence. The toe box technically fits, but I prefer a tad more breathing room. On the other hand, I think part of it is just adapting to wearing leather shoes that are more inflexible than the synthetic cloth athletic shoes I typically wear. In any case, if I end up sending them back again, anybody here know of any brands with ultra-wide sizes that aren’t either insanely expensive or look like Herman Munster boots?

    Tl;dr: anybody know any decent, semi-fashionable shoes that come in platypus-foot ultra-wide sizes, preferably under $150?

    • Nephilium

      I’m up to a 4E for width, and it’s a pain to find shoes that fit. Especially things like cycling shoes.

      Best of luck to you.

      • Pat

        4E is probably about right for me as well. These and my previous NB’s were 3E, but I have to size up to a 10 or they still pinch my pinky toe, and a 10 leaves probably over half an inch of space past my big toe to the tip of the shoe. Dress shoes are a total cunt. I pretty much just gave up on that, and deal with cramming my foot into an ostensibly 3E 9 1/2 that clamps my toes like a vise.

      • Not Adahn

        If you fatten up your feet to 4F, they can’t draft you.

    • kinnath

      Fashionable? No.

      I wear New Balance 928s for work. Available in 6E.

      New Balance is the only shoe that I can wear.

      • Pat

        Those 517s are some of the best shoes I’ve ever had. Heh. I guess 37, single and no kids may be as good a time as any to embrace the suburban boomer New Balance dad aesthetic.

      • Nephilium


        It hasn’t helped that my feet have gotten wider as I’ve gotten older (Thanks arthritis!). I can no longer really fit into several pairs of my old stomping Docs.

      • Pat

        It hasn’t helped that my feet have gotten wider as I’ve gotten older (Thanks arthritis!)

        Welp, I guess I’ve probably got that to look forward to then. Which is nice…

    • PieInTheSky

      Nike is the official glibertarian shoe.

      • Pat

        I had a pair of previous-year Jordans in the first grade. Last time I’ve been able to fit into a Nike model. Their wide models are still narrower than any other brand’s standard D width.

      • Pat

        Damn, they have all black low tops on discounted to $30. Kind of hard to argue with that. Danke.

    • Tundra

      Check out the Whitin brand on Amazon. I’m wearing some as we speak. Cheap, wide and comfortable.

      • Pat

        Checking them out now. The toebox looks accommodating. Danke.

    • R.J.

      “Fashionable” I have two recommendations. I have EEE wide feet:
      Olukai slip ons with fake laces fit me quite well. Link:


      • R.J.

        Next, Twisted X has some quite comfortable “smart casual” shoes I wear when I have to be around people.


        Both my recommendations come in just under your price point.

      • Pat

        Bookmarked as well. Drop heel for the slip ons would actually fit my needs really nicely.

      • R.J.

        You can wash those too, with no damage. The insole is removable. I have some 5 years old that get washed monthly.

      • slumbrew

        I like those Olukais. Next summer, perhaps.

  13. PieInTheSky

    The world’s smallest ocean island* with shared borders, Märket, between Sweden and Finland.

    The border was originally a straight line, but in the mid-1800s, Russia built a lighthouse on the Swedish side. After Finland gained independence from Russia, Sweden asked if they wanted the lighthouse. Finland agreed, and the border was adjusted to what it is today. Now, you can easily take a sauna on the Finnish side and then go for a skinny-dip on the Swedish side.

    *Smaller islands with shared borders exist, but they’re all located in lakes or rivers.


    • Rat on a train

      It looks like the lighthouse is the only thing on the island so don’t know how many people take advantage of the sauna/skinny-dip opportunity.

    • DrOtto

      Certainly millions of illegal new comers with family in tow aren’t squeezing the affordable side of the housing equation. No sir rheeeeeeeeeeeeee bob.

      • rhywun

        Nor the fact that you can’t build anything without set-asides for the poors.

    • PieInTheSky

      poor old England is dealing with the Oasis tickets price crisis also to blame on interwebz tools

      • Nephilium

        Because there’s never been any price manipulation in ticket prices before! Scalpers have never existed!

    • The Other Kevin

      It’s not us. Everyone else is engaged in a conspiracy to make us look bad.

  14. Drake

    Definite – The Swedish Foreign Minister surprise resignation.

    Rumors that will never be confirmed – the Russian strike in the Ukraine killed a whole bunch of Saab Aerospace managers in Poltava (ironically the site of a massive defeat of the Swedish army by the Russians in 1709).

    • Suthenboy

      I was gonna ask dead hooker or live boy? No…yeah, that would do it.

    • Not Adahn

      Dinner? That’s not breakfast?

      • PieInTheSky

        you can eat that as any meal.

        Also you can’t have onion rings for breakfast.

      • Not Adahn

        With the rasher bacon and the grilled tomato, I was thinking “Full English.” The bottle of HP Brown Sauce confirms that.

        But… is that soy sauce?

        In any case, I like that diner.

    • DrOtto

      The mushrooms taint the entire meal.

      • UnCivilServant

        That’s a funny way of spelling ‘runny yolks’

      • PieInTheSky

        you people don’t know how to eat

      • UnCivilServant

        If you saw me, you’d say that’s all I knew.

        /fat bastard.

      • EvilSheldon

        I’ll trade you my tomatoes for your mushrooms.

        And if the yolks ain’t runny, you’d better be making egg salad…

      • UnCivilServant

        Unless you’re making custard or a sauce, yolks should never be runny.

        To come into direct contact with runny yolk is disgusting bordering on the vomitous.

      • Pat

        To come into direct contact with runny yolk is disgusting bordering on the vomitous.

        But then what does one dunk his toast in when eating a breakfast of fried eggs, hashbrowns, and toast?

      • Not Adahn

        If the yolk isn’t runny, the hash browns cannot properly absorb it.

      • UnCivilServant

        @Pat – You do not dunk toast. You make sure it has an amply coating of melty butter.

        @Not A – hash browns are sad enough as it is, no need to make them worse with the addition of wet yolk.

      • Not Adahn

        An Irishman shitting on hash browns? What would your mother say?

      • UnCivilServant

        “you need to cut carbs anyway.”

      • R C Dean

        Mushrooms add umami/savory. The tomato adds acid to balance the meal. I’d eat that for any meal of the day.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Has tomato.

      Rated zero.

  15. PieInTheSky

    BREAKING: The Internet Archive has lost its appeal in Hachette v. Internet Archive, the long-running, closely watched copyright case over the scanning and lending of print library books. Full story to follow.


    • Pat

      I’m honestly not quite sure where I land on IP. It’s obviously a legal construction without much rational basis from a natural rights perspective. No one is harmed by the Internet Archive lending out a copy of a book any more than if the local library lent it out. But modern technology eliminating any marginal cost of additional copying makes it difficult to monetize creative content, which stifles the incentive. Leaning more towards the deontological side of the autism libertarian spectrum, I’m inclined to support the right of owners to copy and lend, in spite of the social cost of reduced output and quality of creative works.

      • Nephilium

        In an idealized ancapatopia, IP wouldn’t exist. I can see a place for it in a minarchy state, but it would need to be for much lower time periods, and allow an easier path to claim something was abandoned and is now in the public domain. Personally, I think something along the lines of 10 years, with a single 10 year renewal for term (although I’m open to discussion on this) and a requirement that if it is impossible (not merely expensive) to get a new copy legally, then it can be placed into the public domain.

      • UnCivilServant

        I draw the line at creating additional copies from the one you purchased. You cand out the one you bought, but not start duplicating it for the purposes of distribution to others.

      • PieInTheSky

        There was a big case here about a company that bought books and then for a monthly subscription employees of corporations could get books and read them. Free libraries here can do that but private ones need to pay a fee. But the lending company claimed the books are free to read the only cost is the fee to deliver the book to the reader.

        A few local publishers apparently tried together to limit sales of books to the company – called bookster – and they got a massive fine from anti-trust authorities for colluding.


      • Pat

        Exactly. I’m sympathetic to the practicalities, even though they can’t be supported from first principles. The exception, of course, would be representing another person’s work as something you produced yourself, constituting fraud. But merely copying something you already own and lending or giving it away? It’s hard to reach a conclusion where that violates anyone’s rights in any real sense, even in a world where technology has made it as simple as pressing ctrl-a, ctrl-c, ctrl-v, ctrl-s to create a copy of a 10,000 page masterpiece.

      • UnCivilServant

        Princples ad absurdum leads you to very bad places where you are enabling many of the behaviors you would seek to prevent.

      • Pat

        Princples ad absurdum leads you to very bad places where you are enabling many of the behaviors you would seek to prevent.

        True, although in this particular case, I can’t really articulate a reason why preventing people from copying and distributing copies of something they rightfully own should be something I’d seek to prevent. While I’m not in a creative field, I’ve dealt with this at least tangentially from both sides, as I have a side business selling a product that, white it’s embellished with certain trade secrets, is essentially a completely open source thing that my customers could easily make themselves, if they were so inclined. On rare occasion I’ll have somebody ask me for instructions or part numbers, and I’ll refer them to the appropriate resources without drawing them a map. The value of my product is far too low to bother with patenting, and probably wouldn’t be patentable anyway due to being insufficiently distinct from prior art. I’ve also sent friends and strangers copies of intellectual property that I rightfully own, from music, to books, to videos, to physical CDs and prints. If in 1940 I had hand-scribed a copy of Gone With the Wind and given it to a friend, making no representation that I was the author of the work, I can’t really see how it would be a violation of anyone’s rights, and the same is true even when the act of copying takes a few seconds rather than weeks of hand scribing.

      • UnCivilServant

        Spend five years writing a book and you might develop a different opinion.

        I can give it away if I feel like it because I put in the effort to come up with the story, develop the characters, compose the text, paid the artist for the cover.

        What I don’t want is other people proliferating my work, or worse, profiting off my efforts without me getting a cut. And I’m not noted as being particularly greedy.

      • The Last American Hero

        Like Uncivil said. I write a book that gains some level of cult popularity and some corporate behemoth steals the IP, puts out a movie, merch and all the associated stuff (probably while shitting on the story), and I get nothing, except maybe a size 4 font size credit buried at the end of the movie credits.

        No thanks.

      • Pat

        I write a book that gains some level of cult popularity and some corporate behemoth steals the IP, puts out a movie, merch and all the associated stuff (probably while shitting on the story), and I get nothing, except maybe a size 4 font size credit buried at the end of the movie credits.

        That’s the situation that feels particularly unfair, even if you can’t really oppose it from first principles. I’m less sympathetic to “you can’t copy that book you purchased and give your buddy a copy; you don’t really own the content of the thing you bought, only the form it took.”

      • R C Dean

        In ancapitopia, creative content would all be licensed under EULAs. Copyright is essentially a standardized EULA, adopted to streamline/simplify things. It does open the door to post hoc revisions of the EULA, I suppose, but as we all know, post hoc revisions of EULAs are a thing anyway – you just write it in that you reserve the right to change the deal. In ancapitopia, that would of course be fully enforceable.

      • R C Dean

        “I can’t really articulate a reason why preventing people from copying and distributing copies of something they rightfully own should be something I’d seek to prevent”

        I’d have to give some thought to whether owning something inherently gives the right to copy it. Something about profiting, at least, from someone else’s efforts feels like a species of theft, somehow.

    • Common Tater

      How is that different from Google Books?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Better gov’t connections.

      • Pat

        IIRC, they got sued as well, and ended up capitulating to paying royalties for full, unredacted copies, and otherwise limiting the publicly available text to reasonable fair use standards.

      • UnCivilServant

        I can guarantee that Orangutan is not human.

        Why did the zoo put the poor ape in an enclosure with so many otters?

      • The Other Kevin

        They are going to eat him when he falls asleep.

      • kinnath

        I’ve seen this and other videos.

        The Orangutans are in a very large, open enclosure.

        There is a stream running through the complex.

        Otters were added to some other enclosure, but they can go where ever the stream lets them go.

        For whatever reason, the otters like to go to the Orangutan enclosure and fuck with play with the Orangutans

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Looks like the squirls that come to my yard to taunt my dog.

    • Pat

      Root canal treatment visualized.

      Was expecting a link to the Harris CNN interview.

      • Drake

        “The canal is a place in a tooth in the root of your mouth. The root is the root of the problem with the canal…”

        *In drunk day-drinker voice.

    • slumbrew

      Very sweet. He sounds local.

  16. Common Tater

    “A smirking Vladimir Putin said Thursday he supported Kamala Harris in the upcoming US presidential election just a day after Washington accused Moscow of tampering with the vote.”


    “Conservative influencers were allegedly ‘duped’ into working with Russian assets as they raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars for their videos under a sprawling $10million ‘covert project’ by Kremlin-backed RT, federal officials said Wednesday.

    The bombshell indictment unsealed in the Southern District of New York accuses RT employees Konstantin Kalashnikov and Elena of Afanasyeva of implementing a plan to shell out nearly $10million to a Tennessee-based company to churn out videos ‘consistent’ with the Kremlin’s ‘interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions.’

    Though the indictment does not name the Tennessee-based media company, its details match up exactly with Tenet Media – which employs well-known conservative personalities like Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson.

    Its president Liam Donovan is the husband of Lauren Chen, a Canadian influencer who is listed as a contributor of several opinion articles for RT from 2021 and 2022.

    But the conservative media darlings were unaware of the scheme, and at least two of them were provided false information about the source of the company’s funding.”


    • The Other Kevin

      That crafty Putin is trying to fool us into thinking he doesn’t support Trump. Because obviously he does.

      • Drake

        Imagine Putin sitting down with Kamala to negotiate – without any handlers telling her what to do.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Not to worry! Genius HR McMasters prepped her.

    • R C Dean

      “a plan to shell out nearly $10million to a Tennessee-based company to churn out videos ‘consistent’ with the Kremlin’s ‘interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions.’”

      What law does this break?

  17. Sensei

    The news is all aflutter – Liz Cheney endorsed Harris. Totally unexpected…

    • The Other Kevin

      I thought it was already known that she endorses any Democrat who runs against Trump. I wonder if any of those articles mention how she got her ass handed to her in her last election.

      • Pope Jimbo

        What is amazing to me is that Liz is the daughter of a guy who the entire left hated with the burning passion of a thousand suns. They pretty much hated her too back then. Then when Liz turned on Trump, the Left pivoted immediately and hailed her as a principled person.

        Fuck, pretty soon you will tell me that the Left is also now in love with Big Pharma.

      • Pat

        a guy who the entire left hated with the burning passion of a thousand suns

        Only when he was running for the presidency. When he was blowing Feingold on government-mediated elections campaign finance reform, he was a certified Maverick.

      • slumbrew

        Chaney, not McCain.

      • Nephilium

        Pope Jimbo:

        Have you not been keeping up with your ‘vid boosters? Did you know you can still get free ‘vid tests in the mail from the government?

      • Pat

        Chaney, not McCain.

        Geez, brain fart I guess. Cheney, of course, only became glorified once safely out of office and opposing the [current Republican thing], like Mittens and Bush.

      • Pat

        Heh, my curiosity sparked, I took a look at McCain’s progeny. She’s apparently married to the proprietor of The Federalist. Note to self: reduce the default credibility of The Federalist by at least 50%.

      • Pope Jimbo


        My wife has socked away dozens of those free tests. I didn’t even tell her about the most recent giveaway. We absolutely don’t need them.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And his dad is a swamp creature. What a shock.

      • The Other Kevin

        There’s nothing the left loves more than Republican who gets religion and turns to the glorious Democrat party. But all they ever get is their face on TV. The Dems never support their campaigns or anything else. They sell their soul to sit at the lunch table with the popular kids, but never get invited to any parties.

      • Gustave Lytton

        “I’d vote for a Republican if they weren’t right wing…”

        (Not a snowballs chance)

    • Sean

      Like, whoah. Shocker!

    • J. Frank Parnell

      So I guess a Harris administration will be better for Halliburton stock?

  18. Common Tater

    “Several members of Meta’s Oversight Board – which faced intense criticism after it determined the anti-Israel phrase “from the river to the sea” doesn’t constitute hate speech – have espoused views critical of Israel’s actions in Gaza.

    The advisory board, which claims to be independent from Meta, determined that Facebook and Instagram users can use the controversial slogan – which has sprung up at anti-Israeli protests around the country – as long as it is not used in a way that glorifies Hamas or calls for violence.”


    So peacefully kill the Jews?

    • Not Adahn

      Kill them softly?

    • rhywun

      Narrator: It is used in a way that glorifies Hamas and calls for violence.

    • Sensei

      “Work makes one free”

  19. Pope Jimbo

    Uffda. Wonder why the work ethics of our kids stink? The learned it at school.

    As students return to the classroom across Minnesota, a handful of districts in more rural areas of the state are using a four-day school week model, with the Carlton Public Schools near Duluth becoming the latest to join the trend this fall.
    Smaller districts have often cited the financial benefits of having school four days a week instead of five. For example, the Belgrade-Brooten-Elrosa schools have worked on a four-day schedule for more than a decade and estimate a cost savings of five percent each year.
    In Carlton, Superintendent Donita Stepan said her district decided to make the move this year to improve student mental health and prevent staff members from leaving for other districts. She told KARE 11’s Jana Shortal in a Zoom interview that the district of roughly 300 kids is nearly fully-staffed this year for the first time in years.
    “We have to do something different in public education. Our kids are suffering and our teachers are suffering. This was one thing that we came up with that we thought could help solve that problem,” Stepan said. “It’s difficult for us to retain staff when they can make quite a bit more money four miles up the road. So, we’re always trying to think of what can we do that’s different and unique.”

    I was complaining years ago about this. The school district didn’t have a formal 4-day week policy, but there were so many days off given to the kids for teachers’ workshops, or training or in school whatevers it seemed like the kids never did a full week. I wondered what would happen to the kids when they had to work for five days a week, every week.

    • Pat

      Meh, I can’t imagine another 7 hours a week of classroom time in a modern public school would provide the students any additional benefit. Something tells me property taxes probably won’t decline in light of this wonderful cost savings though…

      • Nephilium

        They cut class time down by 20% to get a 5% saving? I know there’s fixed costs and the like, but why am I also willing to guess that the teacher and administration salaries weren’t lowered at all?

    • trshmnstr

      It’s them trying to slip in the 4 day workweek by getting them young.

      They do 4 day a week school around here, but I get the sense that’s because the farm kids are expected to do farm work on Fridays.

      We do 2-3 hour per day homeschool and we’re outpacing the regular school curriculum. Public school is babysitting with a small educational component.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Such a bandwagon jumper, you are Trashy.

        According to data from the Minnesota Department of Education, there were more than 29,000 students in Minnesota that were homeschooled last year, which is a 10% increase from the previous year.

        Unfortunately, the journalo was not homeschooled so they failed to tell us how much of a % that 29K was of all students. Or how much it grew from 2020 to now (my guess is that Covid really poured gas on the home school movement).

      • The Other Kevin

        I will second that Trashy. We tried to homeschool one of our kids. She has ADHD and some learning disabilities that made it nearly impossible for us so we sent her back to school where they had special ed teachers. But still, the curriculum would have taken a normal kid 2-3 hours a day. Public school is mostly wasted time. Moving from class to class, passing out papers, listening to announcements, class time doing work that doesn’t teach anything useful, waiting on the slower kids. The day is that long so it matches the parents’ 9-5 jobs.

  20. UnCivilServant

    I’ve decided what I’m going to do in Reno – gaming. But not gambling gaming, I’m going to go look at plastic crack and the other products in the stores that sell it.

    • Not Adahn

      You’ll frag a mech in Reno just to watch it die?

    • KSuellington

      The worst part of Reno is the casinos. It’s all about outdoor rec stuff around there. The river walk is pretty nice if you’re just in town and want something to do for a bit. For breakfast I recommend Pam’s Glorified Egg and for lunch or dinner the venerable Louis’ Basque Corner. Both are right in/next to downtown.

  21. Tundra

    Volvo reverses goal to make only EVs in 2030

    You know, electric might be the way to go for companies like Volvo. The qualities that made them popular – safety, tank-like builds and longevity – are really not a thing anymore. Thanks to regs, everyone makes cars that are some value of safe. Volvo di dsome performance stuff for awhile but ended up with just badging and too much tech. Nice cars, of course, but why buy one over another manufacturer?

    It may be time for these companies to pick a path, shrink to the appropriate market demand and just accept that the good old days are over.

    • trshmnstr

      just accept that the good old days are over

      But muh growth stock valuation!!!

  22. Pope Jimbo

    You’d have to have a heart of stone to not laugh at this story.

    The group that was formed to extort Uber and Lyft for minimum wages here in Minnesoda turns out to have been a grifting opportunity for its leaders.

    The organization that led the two-year-long campaign to win minimum wages and labor protections for Uber and Lyft drivers now faces a lawsuit brought by drivers alleging fraud and deceptive trade practices.
    The six drivers bringing the lawsuit allege Minnesota Uber/Lyft Drivers Association President Eid Ali set up other organizations with similar names to funnel money to himself. They also accuse Ali of fraud for soliciting membership payments through MULDA’s website long after Ali changed the bylaws to say the group doesn’t have members.

    I’m shocked that our new Somali neighbors are engaged in complex grifting schemes that involve various sham organizations.

    • Tundra

      God dammit, Holiness. Stop being a bigot.

      Diversity is our strength.

      • Pope Jimbo

        When we welcomed in all the Vietnamese we ended up with a bunch of great restaurants. The Hmong brought us super good Farmer’s Markets and fresh produce.

        The way immigration usually works is that we steal the best parts from your culture and blend it into ours.

        The only thing the Somalis have brought with them is a level of sophisticated govt corruption that is amazing. They have formed at least 3 NGO’s per person all of which get some sort of funding either directly from the govt or from some other NGO.

        They realized how easy it is to rip off the govt and have shown an industriousness in that endeavor that would be admirable if it wasn’t my money they were stealing.

      • Tundra

        Yes. Exactly right. Some growing pains at first, but overall successful assimilations.

        Thanks, NGOs!

    • rhywun

      How about letting people do their jobs without the stupid reeducation camps?

  23. Gender Traitor

    Two local residents’ absentee ballot applications were just delivered to my office in error (as is a fair amount of mail,) further eroding my confidence in both the U.S. Postal Service and in the integrity of my state’s election process. 🙄

    • Tundra

      I can’t believe voting has already started in some places. This is ridiculous.

    • creech

      How did you vote them?

    • Nephilium

      There’s a big to do over the fact that the state government has said that you can only drop your own ballot into a drop box. Taking anyone else’s ballot is not allowed.

      iT’S VoTeR SuPPReSSioN!

      • Gustave Lytton

        Do you have to show ID to use the drop box?

      • Nephilium


        I don’t believe so. The state mailed out a absentee ballot request form to every registered voter as well. Because why would we want consistency?

    • Pat

      To be fair, could the cartels be that much worse than the elected government?

    • The Other Kevin

      Our friend in BP told us the cartels run the border, and that anyone who crosses is indebted to the cartel for life. If they call you for a favor later on, you damn well better do it. We have millions of people in the US who are owned by the cartels. That’s scary as hell.

  24. Common Tater

    “Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz offered parents a cash reward to encourage their children to get vaccinated against COVID-19, which was available to children as young as five at the time. The vaccine incentive titled “Kids Deserve a Shot” was announced by Walz in Jan. 2022 offered $200 to families who got their children between the ages of 5 and 11 “fully vaccinated.”

    Walz, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, wrote on X at the time: “Big news: Starting this month, families who get their 5- to 11-year-olds vaccinated can get $200! That’s cash in your pocket for starting the year off right by protecting your child from COVID.””



    • Tundra

      Is it any worse than spiffing docs who hit a certain percentage of a fully vaccinated patient base?

    • Suthenboy

      He can right go fuck himself. There isn’t enough money in the world to get me to do that. You know what is 100% effective at preventing covid? Shooting yourself in the brain.

    • Pope Jimbo

      My favorite Walz Covid move was when he let the teachers jump the line and get the first vax shots (people thought they’d work then). Even ahead of the old and sick.

      The rationale was supposed to be that letting them go first would let us open the schools early. Then the Teacher’s Union (the 800lb gorilla in Minnesoda politics) told Walz to pound sand. Even though the teachers were now vaxxed they weren’t going to go back to in school classes.

      And like the warrior he is, Walz, tugged his forelock and thanked the Teacher’s Union.

    • The Other Kevin

      Give your kid a heart condition so you can afford groceries for a month. Great trade off.

      • The Gunslinger


        I’ve not seen week spelled like that before.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    It may be time for these companies to pick a path, shrink to the appropriate market demand and just accept that the good old days are over.

    Unfortunately, the “regulatory environment” has made that pretty nigh unto impossible, I think. Other than insanely expensive makes like Ferrari and Aston Martin, manufacturers can’t just decide to occupy a niche, because of that corporate AVERAGE mileage bullshit. GM should have spun off Pontiac as a niche small(ish) performance car company, but that wasn’t really an option.

    • Pope Jimbo

      I was talking earlier this year with my old business partner who is a huge car guy and he said that you can build 30 kit cars a year and sell them.

      He’s getting ready to retire and we were talking about things that we could do. We were talking about all the gripes here and thinking that you could make some decent money creating a simple car with no technology in it (especially when they mandate the remote kill switch) and building them as a boutique service.

      I’m sure that if we dug into it further there are all sorts of regulations around those kit cars and how you can sell them.

    • Tundra

      I was thinking of smaller companies like Volvo. RAM has already chosen their path and the bizarre math that allows elephantine vehicles to get lower mileage will give them a shot.

      Others may have to work the fines and indulgences into their business models.

      Regardless, the car companies we knew and (sometimes) loved are toast. I think a total financial meltdown might change the playing field dramatically, but I fear we will riding bikes for awhile.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Still would need to get those laws off the books. Those fuckers would be sitting around a vine encrusted Capitol building shooting anyone who tried to do so rather than use whiteout on one page of the federal register.

      • Suthenboy

        That’s funny because I would take the entire federal registry without reading a word of it and bulldoze it into an incinerator.
        Start from scratch boys. The cherry on top would be all of the federal laws, SC rulings included. One law, one ruling, one page, hand printed 12pt or larger.
        Do I get to re-write the declaration and constitution as well? Good. No life, liberty happiness bullshit. Life, Liberty, Property.
        Add some teeth to the constitution – violate it under color of law, removed from officer and you go to gen-pop prison, no fucking around. <— applies to state officials as well.
        As for private citizens/entities violating people's rights severe civil penalties or criminal depending on the severity and cost to those affected.

  26. The Late P Brooks


    An indictment filed Wednesday alleges a media company linked to six conservative influencers — including well-known personalities Tim Pool, Dave Rubin and Benny Johnson — was secretly funded by Russian state media employees to churn out English-language videos that were “often consistent” with the Kremlin’s “interest in amplifying U.S. domestic divisions in order to weaken U.S. opposition” to Russian interests, like its war in Ukraine.

    In addition to marking the third straight presidential election in which U.S. authorities have unveiled politically charged details about Russia’s attempted interference in U.S. politics, an indictment indicates how Moscow may be attempting to capitalize on the skyrocketing popularity of right-wing podcasters, livestreamers and other content creators who have found successful careers on social media in the years since Trump was in office.

    Working hand in glove with the Russians to resurrect the Soviet superpower.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Will there be more installments in this series? I can hardly wait to learn who took ChiCom money. Or the more direct plans Iran has to assassinate Trump.

    • Gustave Lytton

      the third straight presidential election in which U.S. authorities have unveiled politically charged details about Russia’s attempted interference in U.S. politicsinterfered in domestic politics just weeks before the election, rather than the other 3.5 years.

      GFY, you lying deep state propagandist.

    • Suthenboy

      Is there a crime somewhere in that?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    I’m sure that if we dug into it further there are all sorts of regulations around those kit cars and how you can sell them.

    California is the lead actor. A few “KKKalifornia is killing Hot Rod Culture” youtubes (which I have not watched) have popped up on my feed. I am amazed they have not yet ruled that any “newly built” car must conform to current CARB regulations.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Once upon a time, there were dozens, if not hundreds, of niche car makers. Mostly they were killed off by economies of scale, but GM and Ford locked the gate behind them. I have no sympathy. I wouldn’t shed a tear if GM announced they were shutting down Buick; the way things are going in China, it’s not out f the question.