About The Author



Survey says I’m a Paleolibertarian bitches. That means I eat “L”ibertarians for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Soave tastes a little fruity. Wait a minute, that doesn’t sound quite right…


  1. UnCivilServant

    Oh noes! Corruption at the highest levels of NYC government!!!

    Who did he piss off that they’re actually prosecuting?

    • The Gunslinger

      – “The Secret Service holds its personnel to the highest standards,”

      They claimed, despite all evidence to the contrary.

      • The Gunslinger

        Wasn’t supposed to be a reply. Ugh.

    • rhywun

      claims feds persecuting him over migrant crisis

      Actually sounds legit to me. You do NOT question the narrative.

      • UnCivilServant

        I notice no one asserts that he might be innocent, or even that by nature of principles, we have to apply a standard of “innocent until proven guilty” we’re just all “yeah, he did something,”

      • rhywun

        Yeah, he did something.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Oh, I am quite sure they are pissed about his pushback on immigration, but the dumb fuck left the door wide open due to “campaign irregularities”, so to say.

      • B.P.

        His offices were raided last December or so by the feds when he started making noises about mass, unfettered immigration maybe not being the best thing for his town.

  2. Pat

    Prostitutes in Brazil, assassination attempts. What’s a little groping of a Harris aide?

    It was Trump’s rhetoric what done it.

    • bacon-magic

      Trump told us to grab them by the pussy. – SS guy who is in on the plot to off him

  3. PieInTheSky

    “Optics.” – what brand?

    • Nephilium

      I’m fond of Tifosi.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!


    • WTF

      Hey, you can’t have a Reichstag fire with the fireman there to prevent it.

    • EvilSheldon

      Depends on what you’re using them for, but it’s hard to go wrong with Nightforce…

    • Spudalicious

      I’m partial to Vortex for the quality and value.

  4. Pat

    Yeah, Trump is going to start WWIII.

    I think this would technically be WWIV. He started WWIII after they droned that Iranian so and so. And that was in addition to Civil War II after J6.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      They should just come out and say it; Trump started ALL the wars, I and II and Civil War…

      • creech

        That was him in his Confederate uniform firing the first shot at Ft. Sumter. He started the KKK too didn’t he?

      • Gustave Lytton

        No, the KKK was Vance’s dog whistle.

  5. PieInTheSky

    Keep our Florida brethren in your thoughts and prayers. Tomorrow brings a good flushing. Followed by Georgia getting a high colonic.

    we might get a cyclone next week here bringing rain so I feel floridian

    • Sean

      I don’t know if you can compete with their meth & gator levels.

      • Nephilium

        Meanwhile… the Lake Erie alligator is still at large!

      • slumbrew

        Two words: meth vampires.

  6. PieInTheSky

    Go ahead, piss off the blokes.

    the blokes have no more power in England.

    • Swiss Servator

      I wouldn’t want to be a rural busybody who goes to shut down a noncompliant pub. Might just happen to get lost out on a moor or somesuch. In certain urban neighborhoods, a couple of hundred yobbos might be difficult to send home early. Most of the rest will baaaa and be shepherded home.

  7. Pat

    He seems nice.

    Imagine spilling 1,300 words worth of ink discussing what an insufferable self-pitying faggot you are to justify beating up women.

    • PieInTheSky

      hei language

      • UnCivilServant

        *justify beating up birthing people.

    • Fourscore

      I can hardly wait ’til Selective Service is re-instituted and the big sorting out process begins.

      /Actually I can wait

      • R.J.

        Well, most of the useless leftists are in college, passing their underwater basket weaving degrees. So that may not have the desired sorting effect.

    • The Last American Hero

      Imagine an FTM fighter. Funny how that’s not a thing. There weren’t any dickless fighters winning men’s boxing medals.

    • slumbrew

      Is that image real? I had assumed some AI thing…

      • Ted S.

        It’s Spud’s selfie.

    • Ownbestenemy

      Well we gave them the Abrahams with none of the bells and whistles. Same as I would assume the F-16 sans the avionics packages. We’d be insane to give them otherwise.

      • Ownbestenemy

        When the internet was the wild west.

    • PieInTheSky

      I found Pentagon Wars funny despite not knowing how accurate.

    • EvilSheldon

      When fielded by a first-tier, first-world military that can handle the maintenance requirements and the logistics train, the Abrams is pretty much unbeatable. It’s not the Abrams’ fault that the Ukrainians are pretty much irregular forces.

      Similar deal with the M-16 vs. the AK.

      • Spudalicious

        The problem with the Abrams is that it’s very difficult for a tank to not get droned.

  8. Pat

    Elon Musk not invited to top UK investment summit

    The world’s richest person, Elon Musk, has not been invited to the UK government’s International Investment Summit in response to his social media posts during last month’s riots, the BBC understands.
    Violence spread across the UK after a stabbing attack in Southport, in which three children attending a dance class were killed. The tech entrepreneur posted on X, formerly Twitter, predicting civil war in the UK and repeatedly attacking the prime minister.
    The summit in October is the key moment that PM Keir Starmer hopes to attract tens of billions in inward funding for business from the world’s biggest investors.
    Mr Musk went to last year’s event and took a starring role in November’s AI Summit, including a fireside chat with then PM Rishi Sunak. The government and Mr Musk have been approached for comment.

    That’ll teach him.

    • PieInTheSky

      we could use a starbase in Romania.

      • Drake

        You got a NATO base with a couple hundred Russian nukes aim at it. Don’t get greedy.

    • R.J.

      Freudian slip. He’s a dickless wonder.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        He is the walking embodiment of a stick up the ass.

    • R C Dean

      Was he talking about Palis taken prisoner by the Israelis?

  9. PieInTheSky

    What counts as junk food? The government has drawn up a list for its advertising ban next year – but many Britons disagree


    I am, with the 1% who consider carrots junk food.

    • PieInTheSky

      Biscuits: 74%

      Crackers: 21%

      this makes no sense. The again yougov rarely does.

      • Cunctator

        Biscuits: 74%
        Crackers: 21%

        —“this makes no sense.”—

        I may be mistaken, but in the UK, aren’t cookies referred to as biscuits?

      • PieInTheSky

        no you got that mixed up, in thew US biscuits are refereed to as cookies

      • Nephilium


        Yes, the Limeys call cookies biscuits, which must really confuse them when they hear about biscuits and gravy (which is of course the best breakfast).

      • Gender Traitor

        …and in the US, crackers are referred to as rednecks.

      • Aloysious

        Gender Traitor wins. Unplug the internets.

      • Fourscore

        And rednecks are whiteys. Confusing?

    • The Other Kevin

      Does any of this work? Are countries that restrict junk food and ban food additives healthier?

      • UnCivilServant

        Of course not, they’re severely diseased.

  10. Drake

    “Miller responds by saying, ‘Hey, we’ve got a plan, and we’ve got it covered.’ And that’s about it,” Milley recalled.

    And everything went according to that plan.

    • Pope Jimbo

      The fact that Milley coordinated with the CCP and he’s not in Ft. Leavenworth now is amazing.

      Now we learn that DoD personnel disobeyed orders from the Commander in Chief and nothing will be done about it. In fact the results of their dereliction of duty are being used to disparage Trump.

      Anyone who disobeyed the chain of command should at a minimum lose their job AND pension.

      • Drake

        Pulled that shit because Trump didn’t know how to respond and Pence was a fink.

        An Eisenhower would have collected his 8th & I Marines and a couple of companies of MP’s and walked through the Pentagon arresting people and relieving them of their commands.

        Maybe Trump II with Vance will respond correctly – assuming he’s alive and there isn’t enough rigging in the election.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “arguing the company must preserve the value of its brands”
      Your brands are junk.

    • DrOtto

      Yep, they acted like that was the way it was going to be from now on and got really cocky about it. If ever there is a business that seems to consistently be run by short sited, half-wits, it’s the auto industry.

      • Tundra

        It’s been that way for a long time. Between the executives and the unions they wrecked what should be the coolest industry on the planet.

      • Gustave Lytton

        And the dealers! They were the ones fucking over with additional dealer markup and said FU to both customers and the manufacturers.

    • R C Dean

      I am enjoying watching the Big 3 meeting their destiny after the Obama bailouts.

      • Sensei

        Part of the reason I continued my Ford loyalty was that they took way less. Until their quality just made me give up.

    • Tundra

      I rented a hybrid Wrangler last weekend. It’s been a long time since I was so happy to hand back the keys.

      • Spudalicious

        I rented a Kia hybrid the last time I was in NY. One of my nicer rentals.

    • The Last American Hero

      Ah, so you are looking forward to bailing them out once again when they inevitably fail?

  11. PieInTheSky

    The real question of the day is if Elon Musk banged Giorgia Meloni

    • The Last American Hero

      I know the photos posted on the internet are selectively edited, but signs point to yes.

    • bacon-magic


    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Our CEO met her several months ago and he seemed completely smitten with her. I think more likely she knows how to flirt with these guys.

    • Tundra

      Fabulous! And look how small that damn thing is!

      Thanks, Pie. Good find

  12. Drake

    Upstate SC and Western NC are going to get a good dousing too. It’s already pouring here. I had to drive my wife to the Asheville Airport at 5am – she was supposed to fly out tomorrow but no way are those flights happening.

      • Gender Traitor

        Ruined by raisins. Sad!

      • Nephilium

        Gender Traitor:

        I seem to recall they used to have at least one flavor that wasn’t ruined by raisins.

      • Cunctator

        —“Ruined by raisins. Sad!”—

        They weren’t ruined by raisins. They are MILK chocolate. You have to put SOMETHING it it to make it edible.

      • UnCivilServant

        You people are sick.

        Milk chocolate is the best chocolate with cocoa solids in it, and raisins are a net positive.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Easy, remove the chocolate. And then get rid of the milk, as that stuff is gross too.

        All in all, just have vanilla!

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        *stands next to Gender Traitor*

      • Cunctator

        —“Milk chocolate is the best chocolate”—

        It’s probably just me, but milk chocolate always has a slight under-taste of sour milk.

        Also, candy makers know it tastes bad, so they fill (milk chocolate) candy bars with other stuff to mask the after-taste.

      • UnCivilServant

        The only thing that needs covering is the bitterness from cocoa solids

      • Grummun

        Milk chocolate is the best chocolate

        In the history of wrongness, this assertion ranks between “Lena Dunham is attractive” and “Trade will liberalize China into a capitalist economy.”

      • Gustave Lytton

        UCS has his correct gloves on today.

    • Grummun

      How is one welfare queen going to use her fake tits to prevent accidental defenestration across all of Britain?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Her fake boobs will cushion the fall.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      What the hell is a designer vagina?

      • Nephilium

        Costs ten times as much and wears out after one season?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        A Gucci coochie.

      • R C Dean

        *opera applause*

    • Drake

      I hope the horse and the designer vagina were unrelated purchases.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Rode hard and put away wet?

    • WTF

      I guess she’s considered somewhat attractive in England?

      • DrOtto

        She’s an English 9.

    • PieInTheSky

      goddamnit wrong link

      • Drake

        Defenestration is an old European tradition.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Safety bars for windows eh? Just how damn stupid are the Brits that they can’t comprehend a dwelling feature that’s existed since the Neolithic era at least?

      • The Last American Hero

        If it saves just one life….

        Also, how are young women supposed to sit on the sill, read Bronte, and gaze wistfully across the moor with those damn bars in the way?

  13. Suthenboy

    Ducking in real quick after the morning routine and before a trip to the store, which I dread: Wife just alerted me to a photo of Tampon Tim meeting with the Soros spawn. TT is covering his balls and slightly bowing his head making no eye contact while Weiner’s replacement explains to him how things are going to be. It is striking. Why didnt Timmy just flop on his back spread eagle to show his belly?
    I smell a new SugarFree documentary on the way.

  14. The Other Kevin

    I need some Glibs tech support. Mrs. TOK has an Android phone. She’s hooking it up to our Mac to transfer photos. When she does the transfer, the Mac shows her photos, plus hundreds of photos of other people she doesn’t know. If she goes on to the phone she doesn’t see those photos anywhere. Weirdest thing.

    • Nephilium

      What application on the Mac is showing the other photos? Does it offer an option to pull up details/properties for those photos?

      In full disclosure, I know nearly nothing about the Apple-sphere. I have avoided their walled garden by choice.

    • Common Tater

      It shows them in the finder or some other application?

    • Common Tater

      Is she using Android File Transfer? It’s an application for Mac.

    • The Other Kevin

      It’s the “Photos” application on the Mac.

      • Common Tater

        I’ve never used Photos. Try Android File Transfer, the phone shows up as a hard drive.

    • Pat

      At a guess, I’d say the Photos app on the Mac may be showing cloud uploads shared from people in her contacts, but not being an Apple person, and running de-googled Android, I couldn’t be sure.

      • Pat

        Easiest solution probably would be to just use the file explorer to pull images from the Android phone as a local storage device (in the pull down menu you should be able to select “file transfer” when it’s plugged in to USB). Alternatively, for now and the future, use Syncthing.

      • Common Tater

        Unless something has changed, it won’t show up in the Finder without Android File Transfer. On my flip phone, you also have to select “file transfer” (the default is just charging).

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Syncthing worked for us.

      • Pat

        Unless something has changed, it won’t show up in the Finder without Android File Transfer.

        It won’t in Finder, or any other file manager, at least not as a block device. That was what I meant by using the pull down menu to select file transfer. However, the Photos app might use MTP.

  15. DrOtto

    Is Eric Adam’s corrupt or is he being targeted for pushing back on illegal immigration? – yes

    • Ted S.

      Is Eric Adam’s what corrupt?

      • DrOtto

        To be fair, I spelled his name correctly, but autocorrect fucked me on that one.

  16. Brawndo

    That trans mma fighter article seems more like rage bait than a real article, but who knows these days

  17. Common Tater

    “Being gay, bisexual or trans linked to a higher risk of dementia, say top psychologists”


    “Former NFL quarterback Tommy Kramer reveals he’s been diagnosed with dementia”


    Sure the purple uniforms were a hint, but finally, there is scientific proof the Vikings are gay.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Whacks to the noggin just aren’t good for you, ask any champion boxer except Foreman and Tyson.

    • DrOtto

      Tommy “learn to tip your waitress better if you don’t want them to drop dime on your drinking and driving” Kramer

      • Tundra

        Haha! Used to see him at the fashionable bars along the 494 strip. He was actually a pretty nice dude.

  18. Brawndo

    “Coca-Cola sparked backlash after reportedly banning the words ‘Jesus'”

    Why does Coke hate Hispanics?

    • UnCivilServant

      They’re too white.

    • Drake

      They won’t allow corn syrup in their diabetes juice?

  19. slumbrew

    Good news, everyone!

    Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg hires Republican strategist to fix his PR with conservatives after years of censorship.

    Zuckerberg reportedly now identifies as “libertarian.”


    (the scare quotes are a nice touch)

    • db


      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical


    • DrOtto

      We’ve been saying he’s autistic for years.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Needs a bigger ‘fro to go with the medallion.

    • UnCivilServant

      Here’s what you do, Mark.

      Log on a user ‘root’

      rm -rf *

      And then set fire to the backup servers.

      You can now appologise and begin making amends.

      • db

        you missed cd /

      • cyto

        Or just leave that large neodymium magnet on the hard drive while you organize the cabling….

      • UnCivilServant

        @db Once upon a time, the home directory of root was /

        But they might have done something foolish like went with a newfangled distro.

        Better just throw the servers in a shredder.

      • db

        As far back as I can remember (1993), root’s home has been /root in every flavor of UNIX including AIX, SunOS, Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, I have used but I don’t dispute that at some point it may have been /

      • slumbrew

        I am 99.9% certain SunOS and Solaris until at least 2.6 just had / as root’s home dir.

      • UnCivilServant

        I was a Solaris Admin for years…

      • db

        Well, I stand corrected

    • Pat

      Confirmation that Republicans still buy sneakers, and nobody under 40 still uses Facebook.

    • Suthenboy

      Self identifying ‘libertarians’ are much like sufferers of Celiac’s disease.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m open to people changing their minds. But he’s still censoring people, so unless he does something about that all the PR is bullshit.

      And who is this “Republican strategist?” He could have hired any one of us to tell him what he’s doing wrong in about 10 minutes.

    • Suthenboy

      I dont give a shit. How are you going to fix what you broke Mark?

      • cyto

        He isn’t.

        The government of France struck the final blow in that war. When they lured Durov there to meet with Macron and then arrested him on a bunch of RICO style charges including child pornography, Telegram caved in and added a back door and started censoring.

        Within a very short time, Musk gave in to Brazil. He had stood up to them as they threatened executives with arrest, issued fines and even stole money from SpaceX and threatened SpaceX licensing for Starlink.

        But then they arrest Durov. And not in some dictatorship, or even in some teetering dictatorship like Brazil… but in France. That let all of them know that they are not safe anywhere.

        Unless the people demand it, free speech is just about over.

      • UnCivilServant

        It’s only over if you keep up this defeatist approach.

      • Suthenboy

        “…not in some dictatorship, or even in some teetering dictatorship like Brazil… but in France. ”

        Whut? Where is the distinction?

        “Stupid is what stupid does” – Forest Gump

      • LCDR_Fish

        How did Musk give in to Brazil? I thought he closed offices and pulled out.

      • Suthenboy

        I wasn’t aware that Musk gave in. What happened?

      • The Last American Hero

        Musk only owns 40 percent of Starlink. He was outvoted.

      • The Artist Formerly Known as Lackadaisical

        ‘Musk only owns 40 percent of Starlink. He was outvoted.’

        How does that make ‘X’ change their policies?

    • Ted S.

      To be fair, he’s not libertarian.

    • R.J.

      When is he getting his Glibs handle?

    • Grumbletarian

      Zuck identifying as a libertarian seems as legit as me identifying as a billionaire.

      • EvilSheldon

        I dunno man, autistic + BJJ and the next thing you know you’re reading Rand and Bastiat and buying your first (and second, and third…) AR-15. I’ve seen it happen more than a few times.

  20. db

    Discussion about the return voyage of Dali to China for repairs. Interesting comments from a long time experienced mariner about the handling of such a large vessel operating with essentially no load but ballast.

  21. cyto

    Remember when Balko heroically took down abusive police and prosecutors with daily nutpunches?

    This guy is a good replacement. Civil rights lawyer from West Virginia, highlights good cases from across the country.

    In this installment, we get a Trooper who likes to take people who annoy him slightly to jail.


    • Nephilium

      Sigh… losing Balko to TDS hurt. I remember the Agitator, and while I didn’t comment frequently there, I did read the comments there as well.

      • cyto

        That was the best place on the internet for a while. Genuine discussions about issues of liberty, no partisan trolls, good people.

        Kinda like this place before this place existed, except more focused.

    • The Last American Hero

      Speaking of which, his dog died the other day. That was the same dog from like 15 years ago when he was still cool.

      • Gender Traitor

        Shot by a cop?

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Damnit, cyto, now my blood pressure is through the roof.

  22. Suthenboy

    Institutional Arrogance? The current admin has posted a wanted poster for Trump. Is anyone pretending anymore that they aren’t outright trying to kill him banana republic monkey style? The groping, drinking, partying etc…the SS has always been up to those kinds of shenanigans.

    Trump is going to start WW3….this all projection all of the time stuff gets a bit tiresome after a while.

    Britain, so brave, leading us to a shiny new world.

    Coke…Bud Light…Target….it’s like watching a 3 Stooges marathon.

    The Florida Panhandle…if you wander around the woods there you will find a number of ‘towns’ that no longer exist. Much of it near the coast, especially in the Big Bite area, have elevations measured in low double digits.
    That is NOT a place to be right now. Anyone there really really really needs to get out now. Not this afternoon, not tomorrow, now.

    I tried slogging through the tranny thing. I cant sort through all of the self-absorbed whining to figure out dude or chick?
    Born a dude? You dont get to beat up women. It’s that simple.

    Trump and Pelosi’s false flag: This is not a bombshell. We knew Trump requested troops and Pelosi refused. It was all over the news while Pelosi’s FBI plot was being played out in real time. What the fuck are these people talking about? I could be wrong but I think I remember it was publicly announced before the actual circus began…he was complaining that Pelosi stymied his attempts to prevent trouble.

    I dont recommend drawing and quartering Adams but my sympathy is very limited. He was all on board for the leftist insanity until the policies landed on his doorstep. At least he had the courage to protest. Clearly that is not allowed. My question to him: What the fuck did you think was going to happen?

    • cyto

      Yeah, at the time of the Jan 6 rally, they were talking about Trump requesting the guard as proof that he was going to use the military to stage a coup.

      Amazing how brazen they are at rearranging facts.

      And amazing how weak-minded we are for falling for it. Again and again…

      • cyto

        The whole fake riot with pre-arranged narratives came to my attention with Charlottesville. I had noticed that the left was trying to provoke a white backlash that they could label as racist for some time – they had done this in several small towns and even tried to come after Stone Mountain a couple of times.

        But in Charlottesville they had full cooperation of the politicians. They orchestrated a conflict with Antifa. And they also had the full cooperation of the press, as I watched NBC news live coverage. I saw Savanah Guthrie and Hoda Kotb calling the Antifa kids Nazis and pointing out how they were attacking “innocent protesters”. They even pointed out how they were dressed in all black and brought weapons.

        Cut to commercial…. no more calling antifa Nazis. Now the guy in dad pants getting pushed and attacked by a half dozen black clad kids wearing helmets and gloves and carrying sticks and shields is a Nazi who is attacking people.

        We saw this play out again in 2021… and only the fringe has any curiosity.

  23. rhywun

    Question for UnCiv – is there some difference between state DMV and county DMV offices?! They want me to travel to Syracuse for an appointment. I don’t see that happening when there is a perfectly good DMV office here.

    • UnCivilServant

      I am not aware of any difference. However, some offices cannot process some forms of business. So it depends on what you’re trying to do whether the local office is any use.

      I have a DMV office down the hall from my office, but you can’t do basic stuff like renew registrations there, you have to go to one over on route 5 for that.

      • rhywun

        Well that sucks. I don’t want a “Real ID” that bad. I guess I’ll keep the one I have.

      • kinnath

        Get a passport. It’s easier.

      • Not Adahn

        Get a passport card you can keep in your wallet. Especially good for spontaneous trips to Montreal.

      • trshmnstr

        Online passport renewal wasn’t bad at all. The hardest part was getting a photo that passed the AI’s scrutiny. It involved zooming in and out arbitrarily until it gave a green check.

      • rhywun

        The last time I got a passport I had to bring a friend to vouch for my identity. That’s not happening either.

        It expired long ago so I doubt I can renew it.

      • The Last American Hero

        Mine expired and I had to get a new one since I had let the renewal period lapse.

        No “bring a friend” required. Just file the paperwork, schedule an appointment at a post office, and they mail it to you a few weeks later.

        Not a big deal.

      • Drake

        You can always renew – like a social security #, you only get one.

        My son let his expire and had to use it as an ID for a new job. They were amused at the picture of him at 11 years old.

      • kinnath

        My wife’s passport had expired a decade or more before when we renewed our passports a year ago. It was still painless.

        Now she has a passport and still doesn’t have a RealID.

    • Suthenboy

      Best example of govt at its best – DMV: “We just want to keep up with who is driving what and make sure they are competent to do so.”
      It is almost like the DMV has gone from a legit public service to an unnavigable ocean of bullshit that sucks of untold amounts of loot from the populace.
      It needs to go the way of the dinosaurs…along with the IRS, the Dept of Ed, ….well, with about 75% of govt. fed, state and local.

      • Fourscore

        The DMV here is contract workers. Easy to do, pain in the ass, but easy to do. The worker ignored the fact that I just made up a bunch a letters for the eye test, “see a blinking light on the left?”

  24. cyto

    Murder Journal: Triple Homicide. “I’m not angry at him at all,” said the woman, sounding genuinely surprised when I asked how she felt about her son, during a meth-induced frenzy, beheading one woman and burying two men alive


    • Suthenboy

      What am I missing here? A photo of a buck in the headlights?

  25. Suthenboy


    I know jack-shit about computer programs/systems etc these days but I will toss this in: I get shit-tons of photos on my phone what my wife has taken. Our phones are hooked together somehow that I dont understand or care about.
    Perhaps your wife’s phone is somehow sharing info with someone else’s system? Whatever the case have her keep in mind that if she is getting their’s…they are probably getting her’s. She might want to stop sending you nudie pics and videoing your lair while y’all plot the libertarian coup that will control the world.

    • The Other Kevin

      I’m guessing there is some sharing thing turned on that’s causing her to get photos from people she was physically near. As for the nudie pix, she and I have never taken nor sent each other compromising pix. We’re old school, we send those things through passenger pigeon. This also includes the meeting minutes of our libertarian coup.

      • Pope Jimbo

        Passenger pigeons? Free riders! Your libertarian coop will never work as long as you keep using them.

      • The Other Kevin

        She uses Android, I have an iPhone.

    • Tundra

      Lovely. Thanks, Holiness.

  26. UnCivilServant

    Okay, someone showed part of a video from TikTok on another platform and my reaction was – how the fuck can you have such a busy UI crowded with random crap on a video service without just deleting the whole thing? The short clip hurt my brain.

    • UnCivilServant

      Though it’s partly my fault. I’ve somehow ended up watching person A reacting to person B reacting to tiktok idiot reacting to person B reacting to tiktok idiot.

      How did I get here?

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        How did I get here?

        This is not my beautiful wife!

  27. Sensei

    So perhaps we could call it “fab u less” Intel.

    Two things can be true for Intel’s new Core Ultra 200-series processors, codenamed Lunar Lake: They can be both impressive and embarrassing.

    Impressive because they perform reasonably well, despite some regressions and inconsistencies, and because they give Intel’s battery life a much-needed boost as the company competes with new Snapdragon X Elite processors from Qualcomm and Ryzen AI chips from AMD. It will also be Intel’s first chip to meet Microsoft’s performance requirements for the Copilot+ features in Windows 11.

    Embarrassing because, to get here, Intel had to use another company’s manufacturing facilities to produce a competitive chip.


    Once again proof that generally companies on the ropes take government cash for a business they can’t manage.

  28. The Late P Brooks

    8 billion here, 8 billion there

    U.S. President Joe Biden announced more than $8 billion in military assistance for Ukraine on Thursday to help Kyiv “win this war” against Russian invaders, using a visit by President Volodymyr Zelenskiy to make a major commitment.
    The aid includes the first shipment of a precision-guided glide bomb called the Joint Standoff Weapon, with a range of up to 81 miles (130 km). The medium-range missile gives Ukraine a major upgrade to the weapons it is using to strike Russian forces, allowing the Ukrainians to do it at safer distances.
    The bomb, capable of striking targets with high accuracy, is to be dropped from fighter jets. Biden will not announce that Washington would let Ukraine use U.S. missiles to hit targets deeper in Russia, a U.S. official said.

    When will we stop the nickel and dime stuff and get serious?

    • Drake

      Remember when only Congress had the power to pass new spending?

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Must be the loophole of it being existing equipment so we aren’t appropriating funds, we’re handing them surplus. Surplus it’ll cost eight billion to replace but there you go.

      • Drake

        Surplus we won’t have when the warmongers get their wish and WWIII kicks off? These people are insane.

      • Tundra

        Remember when only Congress had the power to pass new spending?

        Actually, no.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He just waves a wand and *poof* they get eight billion? What kind of bullshit is that?

      • The Other Kevin

        As Pie often laments, he never waves that wand in our direction.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    “That is why, today, I am announcing a surge in security assistance for Ukraine and a series of additional actions to help Ukraine win this war,” said Biden, who leaves office in January.

    The war won’t be over until Zelenskyyy makes his triumphant arrival in Moscow atop a tank.

    • The Other Kevin

      Surge? This is just another in a long line of checks.

    • Nephilium

      If he wanted it in bulk, he should have gone with the 55 gallon drums of lube. We know a guy.

    • EvilSheldon

      Who in the hell uses baby oil as lube?

      • Not Adahn

        Hugh Hefner.

    • Mojeaux

      Live, laugh, lube.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    Looking for a kinder, gentler panicmongering

    The new order directs his administration to research how active shooter drills may cause trauma to students and educators in an effort to help schools create drills that “maximize their effectiveness and limit any collateral harms they might cause,” said Stefanie Feldman, the director of Biden’s office of gun violence prevention.

    We must terrify the little children with grossly exaggerated threats of doom and terror, to make them better citizens.

  31. PieInTheSky

    Did I mention I hate the new wordpress editor when trying to do a post? I hate the new editor. Never understand the urge to ruin something fine.

    • Mojeaux

      I feel you.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    The order also establishes a task force to investigate the threats posed by machine-gun-conversion devices, which can turn a semi-automatic pistol into a fully automatic firearm, and will look at the growing prevalence of 3D-printed guns, which are printed from an internet code, are easy to make and have no serial numbers so law enforcement can’t track them. The task force has to report back in 90 days — not long before Biden is due to leave office.

    Overall, stricter gun laws are desired by a majority of Americans, regardless of what the current gun laws are in their state. That desire could be tied to some Americans’ perceptions of what fewer guns could mean for the country — namely, fewer mass shootings.

    You wouldn’t want to focus on making the country a better, freer, less antagonistic society. That would be crazy.

    • R.J.

      Oh please…

      • cyto

        And sexually explicit cartoons. Marge Simpson is very angry about certain deepfakes

  33. Drake

    With another 10 inches of rain predicted in the next day, I’m debating between pumping water out of my pool constantly. Or just letting it overflow and pumping when it’s all over. Leaning towards the second option as long as the overflow doesn’t head towards the house.

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Gun violence continues to plague the nation. Four people were killed and 17 others injured when multiple shooters opened fire Saturday at a popular nightlife spot in Birmingham, Alabama, in what police described as a targeted “hit” on one of the people killed.

    That’s just sloppy. Where has our pride of craft gone?

    • Sean

      Should have used a beeper.

    • Fourscore

      Seems like anyone can do a drive-by these days. EVs are quieter and have faster get-a-ways.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        EVs are like silencers for cars. Maybe they should be banned.

    • Not Adahn

      Yeah, there was a time when this situation would have been called a drive by shooting. Now it’s being referred to as a mass shooting.

  35. UnCivilServant

    I spent my lunch half hour playing Echos of Wisdom. It marks the fastest I’ve ever beaten Ganon in a Legend of Zelda game… he was the Tutorial boss before Link gets pulled into a rift and you start playing as Zelda.

    • R.J.

      How is it overall? I am considering it but Mario Party is coming out soon.

      • UnCivilServant

        So far so good. If you’re okay with the cartoony art style from the Link’s Awakening remake, you should have fun. Mind you I’m a half hour in, so I haven’t gotten through much of the story yet. But the controls haven’t caused me any grief yet, and the echo mechanic has been easy to handle.

      • R.J.

        I am a big fan of the cartoony style so that does not bother me.

    • juris imprudent

      That’s not an interview, it’s another tongue-bath.

    • cyto

      Hey, that isn’t fair!

      She fact checked her on sesame seed buns! That was a tough interview!

      Last one we saw that tough was Savanah Guthrie with Nathan Phillips.

  36. cyto

    X agreed to appointment a legal representative in Brazil and comply with court orders (under objection).

    Judge says they have yet to file appropriate paperwork, so they are still banned.

    Since the ban is not legal and isn’t following any legal process, it is anyone’s guess what paperwork will be required.

    Greenwald talks a bit about it here


    • Sean

      it is anyone’s guess what paperwork will be required.

      A suitcase filled with money.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Giving in like that is especially stupid precisely because no process has been followed. What’s to keep that sack of dogshit judge to just alter the requirements again?

      • cyto


        But, if the alternative is to get arrested in Spain and extradited to Brazil sometime next spring…. maybe you just live to fight another day.

        Dude put $44 billion on the line for the censorship issue, so it ain’t the money.

        Also note: the US is using the regulatory state to impose costs on SpaceX in response to his politics. Many on the left are openly calling for the government to sieze control of SpaceX under national security.

    • cyto

      They did not elaborate on their reasons for changing course, but they stood up to them as they stole money, and even as they threatened hundreds of millions in monthly income via starlink (not the same company).

      But, shortly after Durov gets arrested and threatened with life in jail, both Telegram and X altered course.

      Any social media company could easily be hit with those charges. X has done more than anyone to fight CP, but they still get accused by prosecutors.

      Heck, remember Kamala and Backpage. The FBI said they were great partners fighting trafficking. A judge exfoliated her from the bench.

      They still kept after them for over a decade until 1 killed himself and the other is still being prosecuted.

      It is no idle threat.

      Brazil succeeded in marginalized Rumble, so their company has been allowed to simply withdraw (so far). But X was being used widely by the opposition in Brazil via VPN even after the ban.

  37. The Late P Brooks

    The news is full of “shocking revelations” about sloppy preparation and performance on the part of the Secret Service. How did that kid know? Was he trailing Trump for months, doing a freelance performance review of security? As far as that goes, was Butler a one-off fuckup, or is there an established pattern of incompetence?

    The notion that he just hopped out of bed that morning and decided to cruise over to Butler and see if he could get a few rounds off is rather hard to swallow.

    • cyto

      When the directer of the SS testified that they didn’t put anyone on the roof because it was too steep, that was an admission.

      The pac-man shaped map of the security zone was an admission.

      Not being able to access his phone is an admission.

      The new guy writes a call to action offering $15k to assassinate Trump. They release it within hours.

      That was an admission.

      For years they have been telling us that they can’t release the writings of these people. Too dangerous.

      His phone is also impenetrable, apparently.

      Also, they immediately arrested his son for CP. Was that leverage?

  38. cyto

    Question: the Coke can personalization article says that it was documented that Jesus and Trump 2024 were banned, But Harris 2024 wasn’t. Neither were Satan or Allah.

    Yet the article repeatedly calls it a glitch. A glitch which has been fixed.

    That is not a glitch. You have to do that on purpose. Zero chance that some coding error did that.

    So why does the press participate in such spin?

    • trshmnstr

      So why does the press participate in such spin?

      Because they are not neutral fact tellers. They are regime propagandists, and somebody in the regime benefits from this story, but with it spun that way.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      I tried it out and couldn’t do Harris 2024 or Harris Walz 2024. Whatever the issue was, they fixed it. “Glitch” is a bogus spin though. A crappy block list was the issue.