Tuesday Morning Links

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Daily Links | 231 comments

Well I guess I should have stayed up and watched more of the football game. Atlanta stole one from Philly. The Astros lost and are clinging to a 4 game lead with 12 games to go. I think that division and the WC races are gonna come down to the last weekend, if not the last day of the season. Also, UCL starts up today! Should be some fun matches. Now on to…the links!

Oh, give me a break. These people were perfectly fine with platforms and their owners manipulating opinions by removing things that ran counter to the narrative before. When this guy speaks his mind they go nuts. These people aren’t journalists, they’re regime shills.

I’m shocked! Just kidding. That’s what this guy has always done.

Adios, dickhead. Oh, who am I kidding? This guy will be back across the border in a month. And he will be helped to make the trip through a government-funded NGO.

OK. Swear out a statement under oath then. Because your track record isn’t exactly stellar.

I must not have been paying attention. I honestly thought this guy was arrested a long time ago.

I wonder how much coverage this will receive. My guess is “none.” Let’s see if I’m right.

This headline was inevitable. Remember, friends: however much you hate journalists, it’s not enough.

First you win a Nobel Prize. Then you go for the Guinness Book Of Worlds Records. There’s bound to be a record for most retractions of scientific papers, doesn’t there?

OK, now I think it was aliens. Just kidding. That is pretty weird though.

We’re gonna do some fun stuff this morning. I can think of few better to do it with than these guys. And this one was always one of my favorites. Enjoy them both.

And enjoy this lovely Tuesday, dear friends.

About The Author




  1. AlexinCT

    I love the smell of napalm in the morning!

    • cyto

      I get that whenever we have fondue. It comes from leaving the sterno can out.

      • Swiss Servator

        *squints suspiciously*

  2. AlexinCT

    Oh, give me a break. These people were perfectly fine with platforms and their owners from manipulating opinions by removing things that ran counter to the narrative before. When this guy speaks his mind they go nuts. These people aren’t journalists, they’re regime shills.

    You have to admit that nothing has done as much damage to the machine and its corrupt and illegal efforts to censor information they do not want out there than Musk acquiring Twitter, cleaning it up, and now having it fight them as X. if Musk was not also in charge of Space X (the only way the military cabal gets stuff into space since NASA is a DEI failure) and Tesla (which will soon be building robots for everything) and working on serious AI, they would have murdered him by now too.

    • Suthenboy

      When a governing institution starts singing the same old censor’s song every tyrant has sung since the beginning of time you aren’t looking at the governing of a free people. If they depend on tightly controlling info it is a pretty good bet their days are numbered. It is still not as bad here as elsewhere int he anglosphere, the rest of which has slipped completely into totalitarianism. Get thrown in prison for stating the obvious and your society is in deep shit (looking at yo u England)

    • The Other Kevin

      I still can’t wrap my head around the idea that 90% of our news media is constantly repeating easily disproven lies every day.

      • AlexinCT

        Ask yourself why they would do so, and then you will realize that you are not despising them enough for doing the dirty work of evil entities.

  3. AlexinCT

    This headline was inevitable. Remember, friends: however much you hate journalists, it’s not enough.

    I am certain every one of them is pissed they have not been able to publish the “Trump finally assassinated!” article they all have in the hopper yet.

    It was not a mistake when the machine immediately went into damage control and complained that this second attempt would again serve to bump Trump’s numbers.

    • sloopyinca

      “The left needs to spend more time at the range” is a headline I expect to see any day now.

      • Pat

        They don’t make ’em like old LHO anymore.

      • Grummun

        Basically what I heard from my in-laws over the weekend, which is sad, because they are otherwise pretty down-to-earth, self-reliant kind of country people. In fact, the sort of deplorables that Kamala would destroy. But lifelong Democrats, and they watch the network news every night.

      • EvilSheldon

        Conversely, the right needs to carry more often.

        Remember that dweeb who shot up the Congressional pickup baseball game here in Fairfax? Wouldn’t it have been cool if, say, Rand Paul had pulled out his S&W Shield and put one in his dome while he was panic-firing all over the place?

  4. Pat

    These people were perfectly fine with platforms and their owners from manipulating opinions by removing things that ran counter to the narrative before. When this guy speaks his mind they go nuts. These people aren’t journalists, they’re regime shills.

    The fact that you had think tank libertarianism reciting a chorus of “MUH PRIVATE COMPANIES!” from their psalter, even while the evidence culminating in the Twitter files was mounting, is one of a fucking litany of reasons that I only refer to myself as such among my non-political friends who can no more comprehend the idea of someone not fitting neatly into the conservative or liberal camp than Hank Hill could comprehend someone from Laos being neither Chinese nor Japanese.

  5. Rat on a train

    This headline was inevitable.
    I’ve already read that Trump’s rhetoric is to blame for the assassination attempts.

    • sloopyinca

      There’s a whole litany of “she shouldn’t have worn that short skirt”-type articles I could have chosen from this morning. These people are beneath pond scum.

      • AlexinCT

        Like this? As you point out Sloop, the idiot making this ludicrous assertion would be the first to blow a gasket if you made her argument vis a vis some leftist trope. True fucking evil.

      • Rat on a train

        The best ones blame Trump’s statements as well as call Trump a threat to Democracy that must be stopped.

      • Grumbletarian

        “There is no place in politics for violence,” Felicia Duncan wrote in a letter that the editors of the Cincinnati Enquire chose to publish. “That said, the former president, Donald Trump, brings a lot of this stuff on himself.”


        There is no place in America for rape. That said, women bring a lot of this stuff on themselves.

      • Suthenboy

        “There is no place in politics for violence,” ….but?

        But rule for the win.

    • Pat

      “Trump assassinated; women and minorities hardest hit”

    • Suthenboy

      I also heard California has turned into a shithole because Republicans are too conservative to get elected. It’s their fault.

      Latin Wife: “You dont love me!”
      Gringo Husband: “Why would you say that?”
      Latin Wife: “You never beat me!”

      Short skirt argument indeed.

      • AlexinCT

        Team blue to people: I am sorry I had to bust your teeth out of your mouth, babe, but next time I tell you to go make me a sammich you better run to it and not mouth off…

  6. Pat

    I wonder how much coverage this will receive. My guess is “none.” Let’s see if I’m right.

    “Trump lies about 2,000% increase in Haitian residents. In fact, the population increase only amounted to 1,997%”

    • Rat on a train

      “Trump claims he finished his golf game 3 over par. We rate this claim as false. He finished 2 over par.”

    • SDF-7

      From what I can tell, we’re firmly in the “If it is happening, it is a good thing!” stage of the meme.

    • rhywun

      “Pennsylvania Town Grapples with Dramatic Rise of Racist Hate”

    • The Other Kevin

      That’s how they fact check him. He does exaggerate a lot, but he’s almost always “directionally” true. So he might say we have the highest inflation every, and they fact check him as “Akshuly it’s the SECOND highest ever. LIAR!” Meanwhile their side says outright false statements like “Trump injected a Hattian with bleach” and that’s never questioned.

      • R C Dean

        “So he might say we have the highest inflation ever, and they fact check him as “Akshuly it’s the SECOND highest ever.”

        Just getting them to admit it’s the second highest inflation ever is a win. Kinda like the “Ackchually, they aren’t eating cats in Springfield, it’s Dayton where that is happening” isn’t the big win the DemOp morons think it is.

      • Pat

        Kinda like the “Ackchually, they aren’t eating cats in Springfield, it’s Dayton where that is happening” isn’t the big win the DemOp morons think it is.

        Kind of a throwback to the classic old joke about an Israeli UN ambassador coming to the floor to deliver a speech:

        “Before I begin, I would like to tell this assembly something about Moses. When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, ‘What a good opportunity to have a bath!’ He removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock, and entered the water. When he got out and came back to the rock to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Palestinian had stolen them.” The Palestinian representative jumped up furiously and shouted, “That is a lie! The Palestinians were not even there at that time!” The Israeli ambassador continued, “And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech.”

        On the other hand, people’s minds have been solidly made up on that issue for the last 20 years. Finding out there’s no Haitian pet food trucks isn’t going to sway a single Trump voter who wants immigration restricted, and finding out every Haitian immigrant in the country is responsible for an average of 50 feline deaths isn’t going to sway a single Harris voter who wants open borders. It probably works more favorably for Harris, since Trump’s real and imagined lies have been a central theme of his opposition since 2015.

      • Pine_Tree

        The “seriously vs. literally” thing that (I think), Scott Adams described.

      • Ownbestenemy

        And they play the opposite game when they need to defend it. “Harris said ‘as of today’ and ‘active duty'” were not in a war zone. Well today only reservists are on rotation to shitholes so neener-neener Trumpalos!

      • R C Dean

        Pat, I tend to think the Springfield story is a net negative for the Dems. It foregrounds all the things about immigration that a lot of people (and not just hard-core Trumpalos) are worried about, in a way that catches public attention and is hard to handwave away as bigotry and racism.

        And the DemOp Media simply cannot seem to get it out of the public eye.

  7. SDF-7

    OK. Swear out a statement under oath then.

    C’mon, man! They all the integrity of a Dan Rather or a Bryan Williams!

    • AlexinCT

      There is a reason they are trying – desperately – to rehabilitate those two as well…

    • Rat on a train

      Fake but accurate is still accurate!

  8. SDF-7

    I must not have been paying attention. I honestly thought this guy was arrested a long time ago.

    Honestly, that article was a bit of a puff piece.

    • Pat

      To be fair, he’s innocent until proven guilty. We still don’t know: diddy or didn’t he?

      • The Gunslinger

        Diddy or didn’t he?

        Is tough to say with all the puff pieces written about him.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      He’ll be out, can’t nobody hold him down.

  9. Pat

    First you win a Nobel Prize. Then you go for the Guinness Book Of Worlds Records.

    inb4 some fucking chode chimes in that because this guy got caught in flagrante a decade after the fact by an anonymous researcher after his falsified work was cited 200 times, peer review is working exactly as intended.

    • AlexinCT

      These days one should assume any study that postulates something big government types want as true is a fake. Like the left used to say back in the day: follow the money. Tobacco and Fossil Fuel company paid for studies were bad because it was about money. The fact that these idiots can’t see governments spending magnitudes more money to get studies concluding the things that help governments become more totalitarian is a bigger problem shows you that these are not very intelligent people.

      • Pat

        Tbh, as much as public funding has corrupted the sciences, I suspect it’s just as much or more to do with egos, reputations, and academic politics. Because of the level of specialization required within sub-fields of sub-fields, every research community is its own little incestuous silo, with its own pet theories and bête noires, and favored and disfavored children.

      • Suthenboy

        Egos, reputations, and academic politics were always a problem. Govt money has just magnified that problem exponentially.
        Who could have seen that coming?

      • The Other Kevin

        Where there’s money there’s corruption. Science has been completely taken over by big business and big government.

  10. The Gunslinger

    – “You hate to say it, but what this looks like is an intentional [act] of not funding what they should fund to help him.”

    It looks like an intentional act to me as well. But lack of funding is not the issue I see.

    • AlexinCT

      Choosing not to fund it is more accurate.

  11. Grummun

    GOP lawmakers returned to the Capitol angry and upset, and pointed fingers at the Secret Service for not having a sufficient security presence around the former president and GOP presidential nominee.

    Not to let the Secret Service off the hook, but even if they were completely staffed and competent, eventually you’re going to get someone who does not have an escape plan in mind, who is willing to die to get Trump. And that is really hard to stop, when Trump has to be out in public.

    So the finger wagging really ought to be at the pols and press that are inciting homicide with the “Trump is Satan” rhetoric.

    • Nephilium

      As strong as you think you are, the one thing you can’t stop is the lone gunman determined to kill you, even if he gets killed in the process. I’m that man, Sheridan.

      —Babylon 5

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The blaming his own rhetoric for the assassination attempts has made it clear that they want him dead and that no amount of shaming or finger wagging is going to get the media and the pols to moderate their tone. It’s a shame that it’d be even money that he’ll even make it to the election in a straight bet but here we are.

      • AlexinCT

        They are here because their policies make it so they can’t run on anything positive. In fact, they have not been able to do so since Obama fucked everything up when he fundamentally changed the country into a shithole run by an unaccountable cabal of criminals. Since then the left has only had fear to keep their lemmings in line. If they have to stop the fearmongering, it will impact their control of the herd of idiots that work to collect votes for them.

    • Pat

      even if they were completely staffed and competent, eventually you’re going to get someone who does not have an escape plan in mind, who is willing to die to get Trump.

      To be fair, you can help increase those odds if one of the turrurists your FBI has been grooming for the last couple years in an undercover operation suddenly and mysteriously slips away from his handlers and does something no one could have possibly predicted. If they can’t goad that rare Antifa clown who can actually hit the Empire State building from 10 feet away, they’ll dredge up something from the Aloha Snackbar, or better yet, one of the 8 remaining sovereign citizens, 6 of which are on the federal payroll. Make no mistake about it, if the polls are looking close enough that a 4 AM ballot dump won’t do the trick, Trump will absolutely not survive the election.

      • Suthenboy

        “…one of the 8 remaining sovereign citizens, 6 of which are on the federal payroll.”

        Why does Stephen Paddock jump to my mind?

    • Pope Jimbo

      I think the SS “protection” has always been this shoddy. Nothing has changed there. Which is good news because it means that for the most part, we haven’t really had many nuts that wanted to kill a president. Maybe we could stop with the stupid security bs and the locking down of roads anytime the president goes somewhere.

      The downer, though, is that the rhetoric really is triggering some of the less stable loons out there.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        What? Those are the things that bring budget increases! We can’t get rid of those!

      • dbleagle

        Good points there Pope. Why should the USSS be any less incompetent than the rest of government- especially DEI follies government.

    • Rat on a train

      So it arrived on time? I was worried.

    • Pope Jimbo

      See what happens when I am not there to dispense papal blessings?!

      Especially since Fourscore has been mocking the end of my reign as Grand Old Man of the Honey Harvest.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      You’ve been collecting specimens in your nasal petri dish from the East coast to the West Coast, yet you are sure it came from a Honey Harvester?

  12. rhywun

    Atlanta stole one from Philly.

    Nah, Philly sucked ass towards the end.

    • sloopyinca

      True, but nobody expected Atlanta to even be in a position to win.

    • Nephilium

      So last season encapsulated in single game form?

    • R C Dean

      Philly is one of the (few) teams I will root against no matter who they are playing. I had the game on solely to see them lose, and I turned it off in disgust in the 4th quarter because Atlanta just laid down. Shoulda kept it on, I guess. I would have really enjoyed watching that.

      • Pope Jimbo

        As a Viqueens fan, I can’t blame you for thinking that there is no way Kirk Cousins would lead a comeback drive in a prime time game.

        Those are usually the games where he makes a great 7 yard pass on 4th and 15.

      • AlexinCT

        When the Redskins traded that dude to the Vikes I knew the Vikes had cursed themselves….

      • Pope Jimbo

        I like to point out that Case Keenum had basically the same stats with the Redskins when he ended up there later that Kirk had. And Case did great the year he got to start here.

        Maybe it helps to play for a good team with good receivers?

        If Sam Darnold looks good this year, I think that might be a theory worth investigating.

        Wonder if GM’s might start catching on to that? Maybe instead of giving Dak a huge contract, you figure you can get some affordable but OK QB while you try to draft or trade for a real franchise QB.

      • Tundra

        Vikes played a couple of very entertaining games so far. I’ll take it. Just happy to see Kirk somewhere else.

      • R C Dean

        The Cowboys fucked themselves for a decade with that Dak deal. They’ll be scavenging for backbenchers under the salary cap, and Dak is untradeable with that guaranteed contract. Mrs. Dean and I did the math, and his new deal comes out to something like $50K per pass attempt. Its absurd.

  13. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Puff Diddy was a low rent mini Epstein who filmed music industry muckymucks doing incriminating shit at parties for blackmail and was a fed asset at the least. It’s no wonder it took so long to arrest him.

    • Tundra

      Most of the (big) music business has drug money laundering/three letter agency ties. Read about Laurel Canyon sometime – the counter culture bullshit was not remotely organic.

  14. rhywun

    Nicolás Maduro’s administration recently stopped accepting flights of migrants, complicating the deportation process.

    “They’re not sending us their best.”


    • sloopyinca

      Pin their wings across their chest. Tell their girls they did their best…

      Then take them on their first static jump over Caracas.

      • bacon-magic

        Pinochet is that you?

  15. Pat

    Men can never be lesbians

    Lesbians of all ages came to Leeds last Saturday for the Lesbian Strength march, to enjoy each other’s company and to remind the world that we exist. Paula Boulton, co-founder of Lesbian Labour, and a small group of organisers managed a perfect event. The police kept the trans-activist ‘Black Pampers’ at a reasonable distance and solid stewarding ensured a trouble-free day.
    One useful idiot on X did try to advise all and sundry that this was not, apparently, a lesbian march at all. Who knew? But he was dispatched quickly and efficiently with an Exocet-like response from JK Rowling. Why is it some men just cannot tolerate the idea of a lesbian march?
    We nonetheless whistled, shouted, banged drums, smiled and waved at people watching from the pavements. Then we had speeches, music and drinks. It was fun! But it was also deadly serious.
    We hope we did the lesbians from the first Lesbian Strength march in 2019 proud. Like them, we honoured the memory of inspirational feminist Magdalen Berns, who died five years ago. Magdalen did not mess with words – she knew exactly what a lesbian was and said so. If you haven’t watched her YouTube videos by now, you’re in for a treat.
    What Magdalen told the world – and we are continuing to relate the same message – is that lesbians are women who love other women. That’s it. It really is that simple. And it remains that simple for those whose understanding of what a woman is hasn’t been ‘queered’ to be ‘inclusive’ – that is, to include men.

    Couple of things here:
    A) You’re right, men cannot be lesbians, because words have meanings, and even dudes who cut their dicks off, wear skirts long enough to hide those tell-tale knees, and wax their Tom Selleck moustache still aren’t actually chicks.
    B) No, screeching and banging drums to let the world know you’re a dyke in 2024 England was not deadly serious. It was, in fact, profoundly unserious. Nobody has given a shit that you’re a lesbian within my lifetime. Your performative ritual was exactly as serious, and stunning, and brave, and important as hosting a Christmas pageant on December 24th at the Vatican.

    • Nephilium

      Is there anyone with internet access who is unaware that lesbians exist?

      • Rat on a train

        Is there some video people could watch demonstrating what lesbians do differently than other women?

    • AlexinCT

      As a lesbian trapped in a man’s body I am offended!

      • Suthenboy

        Yeah…see, that line was always only a joke.
        One of the aspects of mentally/emotionally disturbed people is that they are completely, totally self-absorbed. Such people take themselves so seriously that they are incapable of humor.
        Perhaps these swarms of disturbed people would be less of a problem for society if we would stop giving them so much attention.

    • The Gunslinger

      – “to enjoy each other’s company”
      Bow chicka wow wow

    • rhywun

      Why is it some men just cannot tolerate the idea of a lesbian march?

      Because their brains have been scrambled by a couple decades of destructive propaganda.

      • Suthenboy

        Why some men cant tolerate a lesbian march? I would get a giant bucket of popcorn and find a nearby bench….
        Ok, probably not. Aren’t there a zillion ‘expectations vs reality’ videos on Youtube? I should know better.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        Jeez, there’s already Pride Month in June. Now they want Lesbian March?

    • DrOtto

      The thing about the article that bothered me most was the letter “u” where it shouldn’t be and “s”s where “z”s should be.

    • PieInTheSky

      never? that is not the sort of can do attitude that made America great. especially since what most lesbians need is a good deep dicking.

    • Nephilium

      I saw a meme the other day of a shop with individual cans of Spam inside anti-theft cases.

    • Rat on a train

      Stores are locking up merchandise because they are greedy.

      • rhywun

        And they hate the poors who are forced to steal in order to support their families.

    • Grummun

      Anyone else remember Service Merchandise stores? You would go in and they had items on display, but you didn’t buy items off the shelf, you would fill out a ticket and they would fill your order from the warehouse in back and you picked up your order at the checkout.

      • Sensei

        Yup. However as a kid it seemed like it took like 20 minutes for them to get you your product.

        I hated going there.

      • Rat on a train

        I remember Best Products with the conveyer from the warehouse to the checkout. They also had unusual architecture which was unique to the store.

      • Nephilium

        Up here it was Best.

      • Grummun

        However as a kid it seemed like it took like 20 minutes for them to get you your product.

        Yup, as a retail experience, it sucked. Much better as a catalog service.

      • Suthenboy

        Yes, I remember them well. I never like the Soviet retail model. They went out of business for a reason.

        The retail model we have here, had sorry, could only work here in America. Of course the left has worked overtime to destroy that, the evil fucks.

      • B.P.

        That’s pretty much the model of the mercantile store of the late 1800s-early 1900s.

    • PieInTheSky

      I thought the point was to steal used panties

    • The Other Kevin

      They’re just spending the extra money to lock everything up so they can make more profits and price gouge. /prog logic

    • SarumanTheGreat

      Everyone knows that if it’s not reported it doesn’t exist!

  16. Sensei

    I learned two new things this morning.

    1. Don’t rely on TikTok to do anything consistent.
    2. The latest buzzword “disordered eating”.

    Her ‘Skinny’ Videos Divided TikTok. She Says They’re ‘What the Viewers Want.’

    Last week, after The Wall Street Journal sought comment for this article, TikTok disabled Schmidt’s account.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Sounds like the fatties who know deep down what they’re doing is dreadfully wrong but don’t like having it pointed out complained and had her canceled. She’s a bit on the thin side but doesn’t appear to have crossed into anorexia territory.

    • Suthenboy

      An article about a girl promoting ‘skinny’ with only head shots? *sigh*

  17. Nephilium

    Are we back to finding out there’s pro-anorexia people on the internet?

    (Meant as a reply to Sensei)

    • Pat

      Meh, it’s hard to decode, since anything short of exalting the pretended beauty of the morbidly obese is considered “pro-ana” on modern social media.

    • AlexinCT

      He embarrassed them so they threw him under the bus. That evil entities agenda has not changed.

      • Sensei

        100%. However, he was no innocent little person who was tossed there.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Absolutely, this stuff is supposed to be done with misdirection and obfuscation, it’s for the children and whatnot, not out in the open.

      • Suthenboy

        “…not out in the open…” A certain sign that they do not yet have the total power they crave.

    • PieInTheSky

      A great man goes into obscurity. Or into a new well paid role do continue. who can say

  18. Pine_Tree

    Regarding the line about an NGO shipping him back across the border: “The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water…”

    I’m truly befuddled that nobody in Congress is just plainly calling for a declaration of war against some suitable and workably broad list of NGOs and foreign powers who are facilitating the current invasion. Granted, most of them are there to be grifting mini-dictators themselves, but surely at least one of them should find it in their interest to do so.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      The fact that a bunch of these NGO bad actors are American based kind of throws a wrench into that idea.

      • Pine_Tree

        Nah. The “…and domestic…” in the oath is specifically for that.

      • Pine_Tree

        Also the definition of Treason. Commit war against the US while yer still a US-ian and you’re there.

    • Suthenboy

      As far as I can tell they are proxies for various lefty govt agendas and of course money laundering operations.
      Kill them all with fire.

    • rhywun

      And are being paid off by lobbyists for the companies those NGO’s are supplying labor for.

    • creech

      Acknowledging that the Trump “warp speed” Chicomvirus vaccine was not “scientific?”

    • The Other Kevin

      I think the first time was Biden. So the last 2 times in a row hardly counts as an extremely rare event.

      • cyto

        And they have been political propagandists since the 90s

      • Suthenboy

        I distinctly remember that turning point Cyto. It broke my damned heart.

        I also remember when Discover, The Lancet and Scientific American were the flagship scientific periodicals.
        The light is dimming.

    • Suthenboy

      I, for one, am shocked. Shocked I tell you.
      SciAm is right up with the WaPo in my view.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Politicizing science, eh? This’ll end well.
      (I know these cocksuckers let that horse out of the barn years ago but still)

    • Rat on a train

      For the second time since skin-suiting was completed …

    • Tundra

      How the hell am I supposed to hate everything when you keep doing this?

    • Tundra

      Amazing. I’ve had some well trained dogs but that’s crazy.

    • AlexinCT

      Your book is gay!

      Stupid people…

    • SarumanTheGreat

      That was one of Correia’s less profane rants (I enjoy them all) but still on point.

      Marxists think EVERYTHING is a fixed pie, and want their slice because they breathe.

      • AlexinCT

        Marxism is based on the principle of overthrowing the current feudal lords by destroying everything that works and creating chaos that will make the desperate demand action, installing a bunch of new feudal lords, and then these new feudal lords looting the existing system. Of course, if this is your view of life, the pie is always fixed. You can only destroy.

    • EvilSheldon

      If you think you can stop me from reading everything Brandon Sanderson writes, you’ve got another thing coming. Only my job and the everpresent need for food and sleep can do that.

      Also, Larry Correia is a terrific guy, a very good shooter and even better DM. He hosted a shooting class last year that I attended, and ran an Aliens-themed RPG one-shot in the evening. Probably the best four-day vacation I’ve ever had.

      • ron73440

        Have you read much of Corriea’s writing?

        His early stuff was entertaining, but raw, it has gotten better and better.

        I just reread the 4 books of the Forgotten Warrior because the new one comes out in November.

        I can’t recommend them highly enough.

      • R C Dean

        Sanderson just isn’t my cup of tea – he’s fine, but there’s always plenty of others ahead of him in my line. I do like Correia. I think I’ve read most of his stuff, and I’ve been collecting the Forgotten Warrior books as they come out (I think I read the first couple, but will have to re-read before I do the whole series back-to-back when its finished).

  19. creech

    Well, I’m off to confront the Fellowship speaker scheduler who thinks Harris is awesome.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)


    • Pope Jimbo

      The Fellowship of the Cackle?

      Kamala has to bring the Ring of Trump to Mount Democracy and destroy it there. While Timwise Walzee has to drag all her baggage (but it is way better than having to fight at Mar-a-Lago Deep).

      • AlexinCT

        The One Wine bottle to rule them all?

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      He just misspoke somehow, don’t know what he was actually trying to say but it’s obvious that he tripped over his own tongue for a split second there.

      • AlexinCT

        I suspect that was the language used in the calls…

      • PieInTheSky

        possibly immigrant vs migrant

      • Pope Jimbo

        I think he was saying migrant but tripped up and started with mig (like the ruskie jet) before changing. I definitely heard an “m” at the beginning of that.

        And Lowry is a douche and I hate having to defend him.

      • Urthona

        He messed up migrant and immigrant. very obviously.

    • AlexinCT

      That’s a bad Freudian slip…

    • rhywun

      the internet seem split on this one

      And in very predictable ways.

      “Dude, we should just stay out of this one.”

      /Kyle or Stan

    • Sensei

      Sure, but they will drag the “investigation” out well past the election. And at that point pull the “what difference at this point”.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Any investigation doesn’t really matter; this is a statement of distrust, which is infinately worse to them.

        The cracks in the dam keep getting larger.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Should be but it won’t amount to a hill of beans regardless of what they find.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, compared to the brazen election fraud that everybody knows is coming and everybody knows they will get away with – again.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      “Our adversaries’ conviction that the inattention of a flabby political class is bringing the Pax Americana to an inglorious end is a key reason why nations as suspicious of one another as China, Russia, Iran and North Korea have chosen this moment to make common cause against us.”

      We’ve mismanaged this supposed Pax Americana, which never really existed BTW, to the point where maintaining any semblance of such is unsustainable either fiscally or morally. No one wants their kid to be like the marines who were on their way out of the lost adventure in Astan who paid for the systemic incompetence with their lives.

    • PieInTheSky

      Maybe we should just spend even more money we don’t have and throw it across the globe. — ooh ooh can I have some?

      • Sensei

        Do you think you are paying full price for those F-35s?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        If they are paying full price, they are paying someone else’s bill.

        If we thought Romania really needed them, we would be giving them out like Halloween candy.

    • AlexinCT

      I know many a toilet bowl that have rings too…

    • Suthenboy

      At some point in their coalecence all planets have rings.

  20. PieInTheSky

    Weather Report – Birdland

    This is from the Stadthalle Offenbach Concert that took place 1978.


    no idea why this is in my youtube recommends but I feel like you people and your obscure music are to blame.

    • AlexinCT

      Banana republic!

    • Pat

      Hmm, the same Jeremy Kauffman who created LBRY, which got sued out of existence by the SEC for using an initial coin offering on their blockchain to monetize their decentralized video sharing network getting visited by the FBI? Obviously all on the up and up.

      • Ownbestenemy

        The a drug-commanded dog at a traffic stop, social media posts are pretense to increasingly use the FBI to show up to your house.

    • cyto

      If comments are to be believed, he is the doofus who posted from the libertarian party NH that anyone who assassinates Kamala Harris would be an American hero.

      So… epic encounter, well handled (loved “go home and think about what you’ve done”)….


      I’d say his post crossed the line of decency and he ought to apologize for that. They think we are nutjobs as it it.

      Still… pretty epic.

      Never talk to the FBI without recording the whole thing. When they can just claim you lied to them and send you to jail, speaking at all is sketchy, but without a recording? No way. Not even to ask for a drink of water.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Funny, I don’t remember reading the part in the 1st that talks about “decency”. Is it in the hate speech glossary?

    • Suthenboy

      Give these people more power and they wont be just driving away.

    • Urthona

      Not a crime, but I bet they do have to visit everyone who says anything semi-threatlike.

      That way if the person kills a bunch of people they can say “he was known to the FBI”.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Well there you go, it’s Trump’s fault. In fact, he’s putting the lives of those brave Secret Service agents in danger.

  21. cyto

    Speaking of Sovereign Citizens and weird youtube recommendations….

    After watching several civil rights / police abuse videos, youtube decided that i needed to see Sovereign Citizen court case videos.

    Videos where they try that crap in court.

    I watched (or scanned) a few.

    I was very surprised at the number of black dudes giving it a go. My impression, probably from Hollywood, was that this was a white trash phenomenon, associated with white supremacy.

    I’d say more than half, maybe even more than 2/3 were black dudes.

    No women that i recall.

    Nobody was successful, but the draw of judge was critical. One guy being arraigned tried to claim he was a trust and refused to identify himself by name, so the judge sent him back to jail and scheduled a new hearing in a month. Others played along and didn’t get confrontational, just went with the law.

    • Rat on a train

      – “I am not Bob. I am the designated representative of the trust for Bob.”
      – “Well, this is a hearing for Bob. If Bob isn’t here I will issue a warrant.”
      – “I’m Bob.”

  22. The Late P Brooks

    X and Musk are raising the temperature of politics dangerously and irresponsibly at a critical moment,” said Heidi Beirich, co-founder of the Global Project Against Hate and Extremism. “It’s shameful.”

    Cockroach complains about the lights being turned on.

  23. PieInTheSky

    Mike Hudema
    New study: each “1°C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world GDP.”

    Society loses more than $1,000 for every ton of CO2 emitted.

    Climate inaction is bankrupting us.



    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Garbage in, garbage etc.

    • AlexinCT

      I call bullshit.

      • cyto


      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        That would be methane, not CO2.

    • Pat

      That explains why material standards of living have cratered since the industrial revolution.

      • cyto


      • PieInTheSky

        according to e.g. Jason Hickel or R.C Allen they did not.

      • cyto

        According to “every poor family in America has a 65 inch HD flat panel TV from Walmart for under $500….. they did not.

    • Suthenboy

      Shorter Hudema: “Look at this giant turd I just pulled right out of my ass”

    • Grummun

      Published in the prestigious Journal of Results We Pulled Out Of Our Asses

      • PieInTheSky

        models never lie

    • robodruid

      Nuclear power saves lives?

    • cyto

      Holy crap! Casa Bonita is real!?!?!?

      • Sensei

        My first thought too. And also how accurately it was portrayed in “South Park”.

        Casa Bonita, a 50,000 square foot attraction in a Lakewood, Colo., strip mall that has been dubbed the Disneyland of Mexican restaurants. It’s an Anglo businessman’s fantastical riff on an old Mexican village, one decked out with Old West outlaws, volcanoes, cliff divers and even a gorilla that runs through caverns studded with stalactites.

      • Urthona

        Delightfully, yes it was. And now may be again for the low price tag of $20 million.

    • Suthenboy

      My brother, the civil engineer: “It is cheap and easy to draw stuff”

  24. PieInTheSky

    Judge orders Rotherham rape gang survivor to remove demand for deportations in her victim impact statement

    The survivor gave a moving statement in Sheffield Crown Court last week, over 20 years after she was groomed at the age of 11 at her primary school playground.

    By the time she was 16, over 150 men had sexually exploited her.

    Finally, she had her chance to confront some of her abusers.

    Addressing five of the seven defendants in the dock, she said: “You stole my childhood, now I’m taking your freedom. I am your karma.”

    But just before she arrived in court to deliver her statement from the witness box, the CPS barrister discussed the upcoming address with the judge.

    The lawyer said: “Whether they [the abusers] remain in this country or not” is up to the Home Office, and that “the decision should happen” regardless of what “the victim should say one way or another.”

    The judge had prior oversight of the statement, and GB News can reveal that he censored sections of her address, including where she requested that two of her abusers — who have Pakistani nationality — to be deported.

    The censored conclusion reads: “I’d like to request that after sentencing and upon Rudy and Showabe’s release, that they should be deported back to Pakistan as this is where they originated from and came here to exploit children. Thank you.”

    It never made it into her speech, but the survivor has passed her FULL statement to me, including the sections that were not permitted in court.


    The question is what is the british government doing to ensure this never happens again… not much I would wager.

    • cyto


      We really are in a clown world.

    • rhywun

      It’s shocking how evil the British government has become. And it’s spreading rapidly to all the Anglosphere countries.

  25. The Late P Brooks

    New study: each “1°C increase in global temperature leads to a 12% decline in world GDP.”

    According to my model, my model is correct.

    • Urthona

      So, when do we expect the first decline in world GDP in human history to happen?

  26. kinnath


    Hezbollah members wounded in Lebanon when pagers explode

    More than 1,000 people, including Hezbollah fighters and medics, were wounded on Tuesday when the pagers they use to communicate exploded across Lebanon, security sources told Reuters.

    A Hezbollah official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the detonation of the pagers was the “biggest security breach” the group had been subjected to in nearly a year of war with Israel.

    • kinnath

      What an amazing psyche out. You can never hold an electronic device again without worrying about it blowing up in your hand/face.

      • Sensei

        Agreed. Wow.

    • cyto

      Hey, that reminds me…

      Are there still American hostages in Gaza? Or did they kill them all?

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        There are American hostages in Gaza? Can’t be. The press would have reminded us every day if there were. CNN would have a counter in the top right corner of the screen showing how many days they’ve been held hostage.

      • R C Dean

        There are certainly American citizens who were taken hostage that haven’t been returned. How many were dual citizens, I couldn’t say. How many are still alive, nobody but Hamas knows.

    • Urthona

      This story is so awesome. Really perks me up today.

    • Sean

      Never be an early adopter of new technology.


      • kinnath

        Pagers are like antique technologies.

      • Sean

        The pagers that detonated were the latest model brought in by Hezbollah in recent months, three security sources said.

    • Nephilium

      You know it’s because someone forwarded their pager number to the party line, right?

  27. The Late P Brooks

    It’s threats to democracy, all the way down

    He told Fox News Digital on Monday without evidence that the alleged would-be shooter “believed the rhetoric of Biden and Harris, and he acted on it.” Trump went on: “Their rhetoric is causing me to be shot at, when I am the one who is going to save the country, and they are the ones that are destroying the country — both from the inside and out.”

    “It is called the enemy from within,” he said using a familiar trope of totalitarian leaders. Trump warned that “dangerous fools” like the suspect in Sunday’s incident listen to what Democratic leaders say and react to what he has claimed, falsely, is an orchestrated attempt by the White House to use the justice system to persecute him.

    Trump’s running mate advanced an even blunter argument.

    “The big difference between conservatives and liberals is that … no one has tried to kill Kamala Harris in the last couple of months, and two people now have tried to kill Donald Trump in the last couple of months,” Ohio Sen. JD Vance said.

    “I’d say that’s pretty strong evidence that the left needs to tone down the rhetoric and needs to cut this crap out.”

    Nobody listens to Biden or Harris. But if they did, it’s only because they are telling the unvarnished truth.

    • The Other Kevin

      Trump has no right to be angry or upset just because two people attempted to kill him. He need to tone it down.

    • rhywun

      “It is called the enemy from within,” he said using a familiar trope of totalitarian leaders.

      Examples include deplorables and white supremacists – yes, Hillary Clinton and Joseph Biden?

  28. The Late P Brooks

    Mind you the fare evasion needs to be stopped, but as usual we can’t seem to approach this rationally.

    Maybe a big Irish cop dishing out a quick thump or two with a nightstick wasn’t the worst system imagineable. Immediate negative reinforcement of unwanted antics can be an effective behavior modification tool.

    • rhywun

      Or, you know, arrest and prosecution. Which seemed to work well until Obama and followers convinced everyone that enforcing laws was racist.

      • EvilSheldon

        If I had to pick between getting tuned up by some potato-head flatfoot stereotype and doing an overnighter at Rikers…not a hard choice.

  29. The Late P Brooks

    Democratic Rep. Nikema Williams condemned Vance’s remarks about assassinations and the difference between liberals and conservatives.

    “Would he want that? Why would you say that at a time when we’re talking about bringing down the temperature and changing the rhetoric and bringing the country together – unity – moving forward?” the Georgia Democrat said on “CNN This Morning” with Kasie Hunt. “We can disagree on policies, but we don’t want anyone to have an assassination attempt.”

    And, of course, she gets it ass backwards. The comment wasn’t an incitement to “be worser” it was an observation that so-called ultra extremist right wingers have refrained from taking shots at the sitting President and Vice President.

    • rhywun

      we’re talking about bringing down the temperature and changing the rhetoric and bringing the country together

      Wow. The lack of shame is breathtaking.

    • EvilSheldon

      Which of these dimwitted tropes doesn’t belong?

      a.) ‘Bringing down the temperature.’
      b.) ‘Changing the rhetoric.’
      c.) ‘Our thoughts and prayers go out to the victims and their families.’
      d.) ‘Bringing the country together.’

      Show your work.

      • cyto

        They are identical.

        By bullying you into changing your rhetoric we are lowering the temperature. By sending our thoughts and prayers to the victims and their families we are bringing the country together around our power… er ideology… uh, just everyone join our side or you are Hitler.

  30. cyto

    YouTube thought i needed to see this. Therefore, I pass it on to you.

    Pretty black lady i never heard of reviews “Am I Racist”.

    Pull Quote: If you didn’t laugh at least once, leave a comment below… sp I can help you find a doctor to pull that stick out of your ass.


  31. The Late P Brooks

    The experience of being singled out for apparent attempted murder twice in two months would weigh on anyone. Trump is also facing an election, less than 50 days away, that is a dead heat between him and the vice president, according to most polls.

    These are two completely unrelated situations. That’s some top notch journalisming.

    • cyto

      Also random and unrelated, multiple prosecutions and civil lawsuits in kangaroo courts in multiple state and federal venues.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    But Trump’s claims that Biden and Harris bear direct culpability underscore the extreme nature of his own political instincts.

    His claim that their warnings about his supposed threat to democracy risk getting him killed is particularly stark. By implication, he’s saying that it is illegitimate for his opponents to point out the truth: that his past behavior — in seeking to steal the 2020 election and spreading false claims that this year’s voting will be corrupt — suggests that he poses a danger to America’s democratic system. His position, which looks like an attempt to stifle free speech, may also be a dark harbinger of how he would behave if he won a second term.

    Evidence free claims of Trump’s intent to suspend the Constitution and dissolve the government immediately following his inauguration don’t qualify as incitement. He’s trying to take away their right to free speech.

    They can say it, but he can also use it against them. That’s how free speech works.

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