1. The Gunslinger

    Morning Banjos

    • The Other Kevin

      Morning Banjos >>> Morning Joe

  2. The Gunslinger

    1.3 million teamsters. 700,000 vote for Trump. How long does it take to import that many Harris voters across the southern border? A couple months? A few weeks?

    • The Other Kevin

      All those teamsters and a decent number of minorities. If there are any election-stealing shenanigans there are going to be a lot more angry people than just white male MAGA Republicans.

  3. Pat

    Man Charged in Apparent Trump Plot Left Note: ‘This Was an Assassination Attempt’

    Well, he’s obviously crazy, and we can’t take the word of a crazy person. We may never know his true motivation or intentions. Investigation closed.

    t. FBI

    • The Other Kevin

      “Still no motive for the apparent assassination attempt.”

      • Nephilium

        “We have no idea why someone would attempt to assassinate Trump, a true threat to Democracy who’s platform rivals Hitler. We just wait for someone to rid our country of the blight of this meddlesome candidate.”

      • CatchTheCarp

        I doubt a confession will sway lefty MSM “journos” from continuing to use the word “apparent” to describe this event.

      • J. Frank Parnell

        He was stirred up by Trump’s hateful violent rhetoric.

  4. Rat on a train

    If we don’t know she can brake with the brake pedal, then how do we know she can drive a non-Tesla?

    All driving tests must be with a 1976 Beetle so we can be confident you can drive without any vehicle assistance.

    • AlexinCT

      Stick. Everyone needs to learn to drive stick.

      • SDF-7

        “I’m Kamala Harris — and I approve of this message! Look where it got me!”


        And the test should include an assessment of how awesome your handbrake turns are (on both high school parking lots and gravel roads).

      • Certified Public Asshat

        What if you’re in the middle of nowhere and the only option is a horse and buggy?

      • UnCivilServant

        Then I’ll pay the Amish guy who owns it.

      • Tundra

        And the test should include an assessment of how awesome your handbrake turns are (on both high school parking lots and gravel roads).

        Sadly, I think the WRX is the only car left with a handbrake.

      • DEG


        It’s a good experience.

    • Homple

      1976 Beetle for drivers’ tests: good idea.

  5. Pat

    Following the end of the test, the budding young motorist was under the impression she had passed, but was told to return to the DMV the following day to finalize things.
    It was when she went back she was told she had failed because the examiner believed the she had been relying on the car’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature and had not been using the brake pedal enough.
    Despite the family’s explanation that the car didn’t have FSD engaged and that the car’s regenerative braking system was responsible for the limited use of the brake pedal.

    If anything, she’d probably have been more likely to crash due to a software failure if FSD was engaged.

    That said, no self driving features should be allowed during a road test if the goal is to test the driver’s capability of, you know, driving. The test proctor should be able to verify that. Although I wouldn’t be shocked if sufficiently motivated hackers could engage FSD and disguise it in the settings menu.

    I had to parallel park and try to back around a corner within 8 inches of the curb in a Mercury Mountaineer with a turning radius physically incapable of performing that maneuver, so these kids can all get off my lawn.

    • UnCivilServant

      What is with giving vehicles the turning radius of a lunar orbit? I am often frustrated at the wide turning radius of my car, which isn’t even that big a vehicle, it just won’t turn tight circles.

      • Sensei

        AWD and larger tires on modern autos.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Four wheel drive vehicles have larger components at the front wheel to connect the drive shafts. These, obviously, take up more room in the area inside the wheel well, which will reduce the amount the wheel can turn.

        /simplified version.

      • UnCivilServant

        I don’t have any of those features, nor are the wheels all that big.

      • Sensei

        So it’s FWD? Same issue with the drive shafts ZWAK mentioned.

      • DrOtto

        @Sensei – my daughter’s 2001 RWD Nissan Pathfinder had to do T-turn at the end of our street due to the terrible turn radius (this thing had the worst turning radius I’ve ever noted in a vehicle). My wife’s 2015 Audi Q7 can do a U-turn with room left over to make the same turn. So I don’t think that’s it.

      • DrOtto

        The Audi is AWD

      • Sensei

        DrOtto – I’m betting that’s because Nissan didn’t change a thing about the front suspension on that truck between the RWD and 4WD versions.

      • Tundra

        Yeah, my Q5 can pretty much turn in its own footprint.

        My F150 is as nimble as a cargo ship.

      • ron73440

        My F150 is as nimble as a cargo ship.

        I can’t do a U-turn in my truck unless there are 2 lanes and that cuts it a little close.

    • Nephilium

      I had the same thought about the “driver assist” features when I had the rental with lane assist. The driver should be the one in control of the vehicle, they should not be relying on software running on the vehicle to maintain control.

    • R C Dean

      “the examiner believed the she had been relying on the car’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature”

      Isn’t that easily checked? I have to believe Tesla’s keep a record of when its engaged.

  6. Shpip

    A teenager who believed she passed her driving test ended up failing after the DMV deemed the vehicle in which she took the test to be ‘too advanced’.

    It was when she went back she was told she had failed because the examiner believed the she had been relying on the car’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) feature and had not been using the brake pedal enough.

    A Tesla with Full Self-Driving mode can automatically brake in certain situations, including traffic lights and stop signs.

    I got a Tesla via Turo when I went to Texas to watch the eclipse in April. The things drive like car-sized golf carts. I can see why someone relying on those systems would get failed as soon as he or she tries to drive a non-Tesla in real world conditions.

    • Sensei

      It’s clickbait crap.

      The examiner claimed she was using the driver assistance when she (likely) wasn’t. Tesla’s have strong regen – just like the golf cart. Also they have brake hold. So I can one pedal the car if I want. They simply blend friction braking and regen and automatically.

      The only time you need to use the brakes is if you want to decelerate faster than the automatic blended braking. I read how much, but I forget – something under 0.8G.

      On my old model you can change all of these features to be what you want. You can actually have it always move forward like a torque converted automatic ICE vehicle if you’d like. On the new Tesla’s in the US (naturally) you only have this blended one pedal driving because it get the highest EPA rating and turning it off means they don’t get the same EPA rating. i.e you can’t have nice things.

  7. AlexinCT

    It’s not just Springfield, Haitians being flown to small towns nationwide

    Quickest way to change voter demographic is to replace the voters with ones that will vote for you.

    • UnCivilServant

      You know, we’ve been approaching this Haitian situation the wrong way.

      We should invite them all to a cultural appreciation barbecue where we server Haitian. Give them the warm, toasty warlord welcome.

    • rhywun

      I love how almost without exception the politicians are enthusiastically on board.

      • SDF-7

        They get to look compassionate, they help their Chamber of Commerce cocktail club friends with indentured servants cheap labor, they lock in a consistency because no one looks too hard at the ballots — and all it takes is the money and culture of the deplorables! “What’s not to love?” they ask…..

      • R C Dean

        Along with the Haitians comes graft.

      • Homple

        Haitian and other border jumping migrants bring with them a dependable stream of federal money that ends up in the pockets of those politicians and their fellow grifters.

  8. AlexinCT

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr: ‘Dumbfounded’ That DOJ Would Release Routh Letter

    Evidence the government is fucking evil/broken should never be shared with the sheeple?

    • bacon-magic

      Bill Barr has been “shocked” by a lot of things the Deep State has done. I’m not buying it one bit.

    • cyto

      I’m glad to note that Barr agrees with many here on that point.

      The question then becomes, why didn’t anyone notice sooner, and why isn’t it an issue in the press? We noticed immediately and discussed it the same day.

      It is obvious that there are other motives at play when some “manifestos” are instantly released and endlessly discussed, and others are hidden forever.

  9. R.J.

    “Your car is far too safe to use for your driving test” is the most ridiculous thing I have heard this week. Thanks for that.

    • Sean

      It’s still early in the week.

  10. Pat

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr: ‘Dumbfounded’ That DOJ Would Release Routh Letter

    Well, if there’s one thing that bloated sack of shit knows first hand, it’s how to keep information locked up from being seen by the public.

    The guy’s been locked up. His letter is likely to do far less to incite further violence against Trump than the incessant stream of assassination porn from the network news, cable news media, internet news, social media, weekly Act Blue PDFs, DNC talking points, White House press releases, and journ-o-list.

    • Sean

      It’s a thinly veiled statement of intent by the deep state.

      • cyto


        So was the Pac-Man looking security perimeter at Trump’s speech.

        The fact that anyone could look at that and not immediately suspect foul play is astonishing.

  11. Drake

    Hey everyone, it’s Bill Barr. I’m still dumbfounded that the FBI never arrested or charged anyone for organizing the 2020 riots. Never even investigated any allegations of election fraud.

    • cyto

      Hey Billy, why didn’t anyone investigate why Georgia failed to follow Georgia law on the recount and audit in 2020?

      And why didn’t anyone from the DOJ take action when Pennsylvania illegally changed election rules by consent decree?

  12. SDF-7

    Rand Paul’s sensible vision to balance the federal budget

    Fucking hell… so relatively recently, just freezing spending (yeah yeah all you f’ing Fed bureaucrats — the dreaded “cut of not spending more”) would have balanced the budget within a reasonable timeframe… and even now, just a 6% across the board cut will do it in about 5 years?

    And these assholes can’t even find the fucking will to do that when we’re obviously Wile E. Fucking Coyote (Soooper Genius!) holding the anvil, our rocket powered roller skates having us about 200 yards past the cliff edge? My contempt for Congress knows no bounds this morning.

    (and yes, Alex — we know… they’re looting and scooting with the Treasury and have no morals or compunction about hiding it anymore… still have to rant….)

    • Drake

      They won’t even extend their continuing resolution past 6 months because that would make the dread 1% spending cut kick in.

      • AlexinCT

        (and yes, Alex — we know… they’re looting and scooting with the Treasury and have no morals or compunction about hiding it anymore… still have to rant….)

        Rant away homie.

        I am hoping that as more people realize what they are doing we will finally get the momentum necessary to erm,… fix this problem.

      • juris imprudent

        as more people realize

        We happy few, we band of brothers…

    • Tonio

      Rand Paul, the Don Quixote of the US Senate.

      • Nephilium

        Don Quixote (Apologies, but this is their best non-swing song).

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        So, is Massie Sancho Panza?

    • rhywun

      Because cutting spending means some combination of you hate black and brown people and you want Putin to win.

      • Rat on a train

        Don’t forget killing grandma.

  13. SDF-7

    Poll: Donald Trump Leads Kamala Harris Among Teamsters in All States

    It is just all about the Teams in politics….

  14. mindyourbusiness

    Mornin’, Banjos.

    Just wanted to mention that today is David Drake’s birthday. One of the best SF writers of our time, IMHO.

    • bacon-magic

      Hammer’s Slammers was one of my favorite series.

      • UnCivilServant

        I read one anthology from that series.

        I can’t remember any of the characters.

        No, I don’t recall what year I read it. So it was probably long ago.

      • Drake

        Grimmer than Hell was good too.

    • Drake

      I was just thinking that it’s time to reread the Northworld Trilogy.

      • bacon-magic

        That was a good one too. The AI in that is scary/promising.

  15. UnCivilServant

    The people in my office kept a watering log for my plant. They had too much fun with the comments.

    Looking Spry

    Seems happy, for a plant

    He looked a little dry, so I gave him a drink

    However, I suspect they may have overwatered it a bit.

    • Pat

      Seems happy, for a plant

      If I planned on being interred, I would consider having that inscribed on my tombstone.

      • B.P.

        I’m going with “He really knew how to stack dishes in a dishwasher”.

        I am pretty good at it.

    • Not Adahn

      Your coworkers seem much nicer than I’d imagine.

  16. SDF-7

    Bombshell transcripts: Trump urged use of troops to protect Capitol on Jan. 6 , but was rebuffed

    And that multiple layers of FedGov think direction from Congress and/or the President merits a shrug and a “mmmmm…. nah… not gonna do it. (wouldn’t be prudent… at this juncture!)”, especially the TLAs and PigSty Pentagon should be an overriding reason to let Musk loose to winnow their ranks. Not just Fourth Branch, but Fourth Branch that believes it is Supreme over the other three….

    • WTF

      Yeah, the brass seem to have no problem defying orders from the commander in chief.
      Too bad most people have no clue how dangerous that is.

    • rhywun

      Can you imagine the response if the Pentagon refused orders from the Lightbringer or his acolyte?!

      • cyto

        Do we know they didn’t?

        Obama the candidate was pretty loudly pacifist. Obama the president sent troops hither and yon without even notifying congress.

        Think that was his idea? Or did he do as he was told?

      • R C Dean

        Could be that. Or could be he was just lying to get elected.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I would say that 0 was blackmailed due to his sexuality.

      • Suthenboy

        Obama was as much a sock puppet as Biden or Harris. The military knew he was passing along the marching orders.

    • ron73440

      Obama the candidate was pretty loudly pacifist. Obama the president sent troops hither and yon without even notifying congress.

      Wilson’s campaign slogan, “He kept us out of war!”

      6 months after he was re-elected we joined the war.

      Although with Wilson it was obvious he was on Britain’s side Obama might just be an unprincipled hack that did whatever he thought would give him power.

  17. Pat

    Suffice it to say that our national debt is a serious problem. At the crux of Paul’s proposal is a resolution that would rein in government spending by cutting “six pennies off every dollar projected to be spent in the next five fiscal years,” according to the Kentucky senator’s press release.

    But reducing the rate of growth in the future budget by 6% will mean we can’t even keep the national parks open, and we’ll have Russians storming the beaches and raping our children while the few people who survived the 400 foot rise in sea levels and volcanic hurricanados caused by the 35 degree Celsius increase in average global temperatures have to survive on tinned cat food from looted Amazon warehouses in flyover country, so let’s stop talking nonsense here.

    • UnCivilServant

      So we should have 12% year over year absolute reductions in spending instead then?

    • Sean

      No roving gangs of cannibals?

    • PieInTheSky

      cutting “six pennies off every dollar projected to be spent in the next five fiscal years,” – PEOPLE WILL DIE

    • J. Frank Parnell

      Yeah, they’ll have to put up cones blocking the road to Mt. Rushmore and tape off access to the Lincoln Memorial again. Maybe fire all the firefighters as well.

      They’ll still find a few billion a month for Ukraine, of course.

  18. Stinky Wizzleteats

    “$35,319,710,736,132.06 ”
    Be right back fellas, I think there’s some change in my couch.

    • Nephilium

      Well, we only need 36 of those trillion dollar coins. Should be easy to find, right?

    • Tundra

      Isn’t the $220T in unfunded liabilities an even bigger issue?

    • Tonio


      And why is someone with no official role in government making these pronouncements?

    • PieInTheSky

      how not to get pregnant on active duty?

      • Q Continuum

        Only anal sex while deployed.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Desert Queens and 2-10-2s need lovin too

      • DrOtto

        Can’t knock ’em up with spit.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      They already outlive men.

      • PieInTheSky

        because men are dumb and icky and good for nothing.

      • AlexinCT

        And here I thought women outlived men, and especially married men, because the men got to the point they just wanted an out…

        Just kidding ladies.

      • Certified Public Asshat

        Hmm, actually in all seriousness, do single women outlive married men?

    • Common Tater

      The government already spends way more on women’s health than men’s health.

      • WTF

        Never mind the government has no constitutional authority to spend anything on anyone’s health.

      • Pat

        Never mind the government has no constitutional authority to spend anything on anyone’s health.

        I could see a case for spending money on the health of those directly employed by the DOD (although ideally, it would be indirect spending in the form of insurance benefits or repayment for treatments costs incurred). Half a billion dollars per year on health research based on sex, which also violates equal protection in addition to having exactly nothing to do with defense, on the other hand…

    • Drake

      Judith Wilson wants half a billion spent to make our military weaker.

  19. PieInTheSky

    Teenager who aced driving test is denied a license for using a Tesla

    Here in Romania is quite different. You need to get a driving instructor which uses a school car on which you learn, and then you do the test on the same car. But you never use a family car or your car.

    • Sensei

      Japan restricts your license if you took the test on an automatic transmission you can’t drive a manual.

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        Not being able to drive a manual should bring shame on you and your family no matter where you live. Do they have to commit seppuku if they don’t eventually get it?

      • Sensei

        Similar to the US, the number of passenger vehicles with manual transmissions is approaching zero in Japan.

      • PieInTheSky

        when I learned there were zero school cars with automatic. everyone learned a manual. And not even a particularly good one. I was a 20 year old Dacia for me.

      • ron73440

        My wife has a Japanese manual transmission license.

        While she can drive my car, her short legs make it difficult to drive my truck.

        She scared both of us the one time she tried.

      • Sensei

        Ron – that’s problematic for me as a guy with short legs. Some trucks can be hard for me to comfortably reach the clutch. I can still drive them with no issues, but it’s not fun.

        Of my three closest Japanese friends – one has no license (other than 50cc), a second is restricted to auto only and the last drives a manual 4WD. She’s a big skiing person.

      • ron73440

        My wife is 4″11″.

        We keep a couch cushion on the floor of the truck on her side so her lags aren’t dangling.

    • Drake

      20+ years ago when we moved to NJ, my wife waited too long to get a new license and had to take a driving test. We had a Maxima with a manual transmission – the guy giving the test was highly amused that somebody was testing with a manual.

  20. Shpip

    Your movies are a money sink. Will your theme parks be next?

    Disney’s (DIS) parks business has historically captured the lion’s share of profits for the entertainment giant, bringing in about 36% of the company’s overall revenue in its latest quarter. But recent signs of a slowdown have led to concerns the theme parks could be losing their magic.

    In Disney’s latest earnings results, weakness in the parks division dented an otherwise positive report after the company reported a 6% year-over-year drop in domestic operating income and pointed to a “moderation of consumer demand” toward the end of the second quarter. That “moderation,” executives warned, could continue over “the next few quarters.”

    Your average dude who wants to take his kids to the Magic Kingdom is getting squeezed. Woke companies hit hardest too.

    • Pat

      Me and a buddy of mine dropped in on Disneyland and Universal during a road trip to SoCal when I first moved to Las Vegas 18 years ago (fuck me… I really am getting old). Even then, the price of a 3 day pass had increased to just above what my dad paid for annual passes when we visited about 7 years earlier. I doubt it’s gotten cheaper in the intervening decades, even in inflation-adjusted terms. It’s not exactly mystifying that frivolous entertainment is price elastic.

      • Ownbestenemy

        Same for us. Only way we were able to take the boys to the park was because my niece and nephew were cast members and we got free or next to free park hopper passes. Growing up in LA, that was the hangout spot because an annual pass was like $80 bucks with little to no blackout dates. So as 16-17 year olds that didn’t want to get into too much trouble we’d swing by after school with the girlfriends to just go on rides or screw around (IYKWIM)

      • Rat on a train

        My 1996 annual pass was $99 + $25 for parking.

      • Nephilium

        Rat on a train:

        The girlfriend and I picked up season passes to Cedar Point in 2020 (as they were good until the end of 2021). From memory they were about $100 each (and they covered regular parking, or you could pay more for premium parking). Just checked the prices, and they’re currently $100 for the summer pass (good until Labor Day), $125 for the full pass (includes the Halloween themed weekends), or $340 for the fancy one that includes preferred parking. For anything but the summer pass, for $150 more, you can add access to most of the Cedar Fair/Six Flags properties as well.

      • Rat on a train

        @Neph: We have annual passes to Kings Dominion (another Cedar Fair park). The 2025 renewal price is $92.

    • R.J.

      Also, the parks are old as Hell. Food sucks. And right across the way is Universal Studios, which kicks ass and constantly updates the park.

      • Ownbestenemy

        There are a couple good restaurants in the CA park, but usually booked with no seats.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, I’d take any Six Flags or some local honkey-tonk over anything Disney.

        I’m just there for the rides.

      • Pat

        The food selection in the park was always shit, and then they made it even worse after they built the California Adventure (which is like if Knott’s Berry Farm did a bad pastiche of Disneyland) in order to funnel diners into the then-new Downtown Disney. During the aforementioned road trip, I ended up throwing out an $8 slice of “Neapolitan” pizza that consisted of a spoonful of canned tomato sauce on a triangle of matzo with a sprig of basil and something that might have once been cheese, that had been in the vicinity of an oven at some point that week. Spent the same amount on a Wetzel dog, but at least it was edible.

        Also, while there’s parts of the parks that are too classic to fuck with (New Orleans Square and Main Street in CA), every update they’ve made to the park since I was a kid has been for the worse. I last visited not too long after they had reskinned Pirates of the Caribbean to match the shitty movie and what was then only the 2nd or 3rd sequel. The 1998 Tomorrowland reskin was nothing but product placement and tacky shit that was dated by the time they finished building it (a Honey, I Shrunk the Kids ride in 1998? to replace the Michael Jackson experience that came out around the same time as that movie?). Now they’ve turned like 20% of the park into Star Wars Land to match their shiny new IP. Because God knows that franchise is still fresh.

      • Rat on a train

        I normally got the clam chowder in a bread bowl sold out of a window in New Orleans Square. I’m sure that’s gone with all the “upgrades” over the years. The other fast food was standard theme park garbage.

      • Not Adahn

        There is one stand at Harry Potterland that had Cornish Pasties and hard cider. The best breakfast there by a long shot.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      In some way we are all going to Mouschwitz, to die.

    • Certified Public Asshat

      Your movies are a money sink. Will your theme parks be next?

      You don’t understand the business acumen that went into shitting on what made you popular and pivoting to generating endless terrible content at a loss.

    • trshmnstr

      Disney world is becoming less and less of a kids’ destination and more and more of a Disney weirdo destination.

      My girls (3 and 7) loved visiting Disney world this February and have great memories of it, but there was a whole lot of “noise” compared to “signal”. Lots of waiting in line to do a 90 second visit with a princess. Lots of waiting in line to ride a 5 minute ride that is a rethemed version of the last 5 minute ride we did.

      Compare the experience to what we get at the local amusement park, and Disney ain’t worth it. That said, if FIL is paying, we’ll go.

      • The Other Kevin

        That, and everything you do has to be on “the app”. So you’re spending all your time looking at your phone instead of enjoying your experience.

      • trshmnstr

        Thankfully we didn’t do too much with the app when we were there. Probably why we were waiting in line so long. We weren’t gonna pay the ridiculous upcharge for whatver they call fastpass these days.

    • The Other Kevin

      The problem with the parks has been brewing long before the company went woke. I used to go once a year, sometimes twice (before we had kids). The quality has gone way down, and the prices way up. They made a conscious decision to do this, because they just assumed people will still keep visiting no matter what. Now with inflation even fewer people have that kind of money to spend. They either need to wait it out and hope the economy rebounds, or lower their prices.

      We wouldn’t be reading this story if Nelson Peltz’s takeover was successful. This is exactly what he was talking about.

    • rhywun

      Pennsylvanians may see through his claim to be a pro-fracking economic centrist.

      I don’t believe that any more than Kamala’s claim to be a pro-fracking economic centrist.

    • WTF

      It’s not about whether Pennsylvanians see through the facade, it’s about making the “fortification” at least slightly plausible.

      • dbleagle

        Touches side of his nose as he passes WTF.

    • juris imprudent

      I wasn’t going to vote for either, but Casey’s advertising has convinced me to vote for McCormick.

  21. Grummun

    Former Attorney General Bill Barr: ‘Dumbfounded’ That DOJ Would Release Routh Letter

    I assume Bill’s concern is over the damage to the image of the DOJ rather than any concern for Trump’s safety.

    • slumbrew

      That’s just good science.

    • UnCivilServant

      Citation needed.

      You’ve been wrong before

  22. MikeS

    Why did this dumbass ever go to France in the first place?

    After Years of Warnings, Telegram Founder Cedes to Police Requests About Users

    For years, police have complained that Telegram would ignore most of their requests for help in tracking down suspected criminals using the platform.

    Now, following the arrest of its founder in France, the messaging and social-media app has reversed course and is regularly turning over phone numbers and other information about users suspected of illegal activity, French prosecutors said.

    The change started immediately after French police arrested Pavel Durov in late August, French prosecutors said.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      I read somewhere that he was with some woman who was likely in on it so the answer is he was there for pussy. Hope it was worth it, stupid.

    • PieInTheSky

      this is not good for some technolibertarians who think technology by itself will set us free

      • juris imprudent

        You horning in on Winston’s turf?

    • R.J.

      Define “criminal activity.”

  23. PieInTheSky

    Politics UK
    🚨 NEW: The government is considering forcing pubs to close their doors early to target harmful drinking


    the government should also hold your hand when you cross the street.

    • UnCivilServant

      The English should close the government early to target harmful authoritarianism.

      • Not Adahn

        The government is never harmful, citizen. Did you misplace your Newspeak lexicon?

      • UnCivilServant

        You misspelled always. Get in the box, you’ve been retired.

      • Not Adahn
    • MikeS


      At £5-6 a pint, I do my least harmful drinking down the pub

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Good Lord, if the English will take this attack on their favorite past time of being drunks they’ll take anything.


        The real test will be in Belfast.

  24. PieInTheSky

    An uplifting story of a community rallying to show its gratitude to the man who keeps their streets clean has soured after his bosses said he could not accept their donations for a holiday.

    More than 200 people in Beckenham, south-east London, made contributions to send Paul Spiers on a summer break in Portugal. By Monday, £3,000 was in the kitty, mostly from small sums of £5 or £10.

    But Spiers, 63, will not be getting on any plane. His employer, the waste management company Veolia, decreed that its staff were prohibited from accepting “gifts or incentives”.


    • UnCivilServant

      I like not this news, bring me different news.

  25. Suthenboy

    An assassination attempt? No shit?

    Bill is dumbfounded exactly like the rest of us are. If Trump gets in I hope he makes better choices this time.

    Trump urged use of troops for the Jan6 false flag. We already knew this and know that Pelosi is the one who thwarted that and is behind the whole thing start to finish. We have criminals amongst our highest ranks who will likely never see the inside of a cell.

    I forget..what happens when the increase in national debt outpaces the increase in GDP?
    *I totally believe the numbers the govt is putting out are accurate and not fabrications.

    Balance the budget. Yeah, that’s gonna happen.

    The poll numbers on the election are as beleivable as the feds numbers on the economy.

    The basis for the ‘replacement theory’ is a conspiracy theory. Only nuts would buy that.

    We really need a cultural sea-change and start punishing the commies severely.

    I am going with the driving instructors on this one. Also, regenerative braking? How often does one have to change brake pads and how much does it cost?
    Fucking EV’s…who came up with that shit? Musk?

    • UnCivilServant

      Also, regenerative braking? How often does one have to change brake pads and how much does it cost?

      Regenerative braking doesn’t cause wear to the pads, it’s entirely electromagnetic, using the wheel as a dynami and the energy from slowing the car to produce an electric current.

      What it does is lead to rot of the calipers because they don’t get engaged frequently enough to allow the automatic lubrication system to work.

      • PieInTheSky

        if it means more electronics in a car I am for it either way

      • UnCivilServant

        Replacing calipers every year or two when they’re supposed to last several gets fucking expensive.

      • Sean

        Replacing calipers every year or two

        For real?

      • UnCivilServant

        If you don’t make sure they are manually relubricated, they will rust out.

        Normally the act of braking will auto lubricate the calipers, but regenerative braking means they rarely get engaged.

      • Sensei

        On the Tesla if you keep them properly lubricated it’s OK. Worse that happens is they need new pins.

        OTH, poor UCS has a Ford – they hate selling component parts. I wouldn’t be surprised if you can’t buy just the pins given more Ford experiences.

    • DrOtto

      In low rust climates, it’s not a big issue, but I could see it being one in the rust belt. Even on the Prius, which has pretty tame regenerative braking response compared to the Tesla, I think I’ve seen the original pads/rotors last close to 200k miles. Now the ABS modules on the Prius…

  26. PieInTheSky

    How We Vote in the European Parliament


    good job if you can get it. High salary, lifetime pension, you can hire relatives for good salaries as assistance, paid housing and travel and food, no responsibility, no accountability, , no work.

    • EvilSheldon

      I thought that the soyboy smirk had gone out of fashion. Pity.


      I was under the impression that EU parliament votes were akin to giving your little brother a controller that isn’t connected so as to make them think they are affecting the outcome.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I wanna say setup but I have seen it first hand so ya…

    • R.J.

      That’s exactly what it’s like asking kids their thoughts nowadays. Probably not a setup.

      • The Other Kevin

        These kids have already discovered minimal compliance and I think that’s a good thing.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Irish Democracy.

    • ron73440

      In my head, this is Robert Reich.

      • cyto

        And also, everywhere else. Pretty spot on

      • Pat

        Danny Woodburn does not deserve that, you take it back.

      • ron73440

        Danny Woodburn does not deserve that, you take it back.

        You’re probably right, he was one of my favorite side characters on Seinfeld.

      • Pat

        Same. I actually booked him on Cameo to do a birthday greeting for a buddy of mine who’s as big a Seinfeld nut as I am. Responded in less than 24 hours and recorded like a 5 minute message with all kinds of fan references and trivia. 10/10.

    • Ownbestenemy

      I know Reich won’t agree to it, but Stossel interviewing him would be entertaining.

      • cyto


        Following that idea, married lesbian fitness guru Jillian Michaels interviews conservative Christian Podcaster, filmmaker and gadfly Matt Walsh.


        It is a pretty great interview. Oddly, she seems to be doing the lord’s work with respect to civilly disagreeing with someone but listening to their arguments to try to find common ground.

  27. UnCivilServant


    This is why you don’t do DEI.

    The ‘mandatory’ “Gender Identity in the Workplace” training would be finished in under a minute by clicking to the end of the video timeline and letting the computer register that you’ve reached the end of the video.

    • UnCivilServant

      What’s even funnier, is the “Internal Controls” training won’t let you just skip ahead in the video. So the content delivery software has the capacity to thwart this, but the DEI folks don’t know the tech.

    • rhywun

      Mine has questions sprinkled throughout. There is no clicking to the end.

      • UnCivilServant

        Some of the other non-DEI courses do that, but we apparently didn’t get their brightest.

      • Sensei

        So much this. Also some mandatory train will tell you that you are clicking too fast and you need to slow down.

      • R C Dean

        “mandatory train“


  28. The Late P Brooks

    My unsupported theory about turning circle- it might have to do with what has been done to do away with torque steer.

    • Sensei

      I also have a theory that for crash mitigation there is more steel up front and reduced turning so as to keep the wheel in specific orientations for crush space.

  29. Common Tater

    “The breakdown of sites filtered into each respective category is telling. The cadre of news outlets that collectively make up the mainstream media — ABC, CBS and NBC News, Associated Press, Vanity Fair, Vogue, The Atlantic, Axios, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, Wired, CNN, AFP — are classified green for reliable. Strongly left-leaning outlets like Vox, Mother Jones, The Guardian, HuffPost and The Intercept are as well. But so are outright leftist or socialist outlets, including Jacobin, The Nation, and The Independent, as is civil rights advocacy NGO Southern Poverty Law Center.

    Conservative outlets like Fox News (on politics and science), The Federalist, The Post Millennial, and Washington Free Beacon are red for generally unreliable. A lower ring of “deprecated sources,” whose use is outright prohibited, includes the Daily Mail, The Daily Caller, The Sun, NewsMax, and The Epoch Times. The Weekly Standard and Wall Street Journal (the latter of whose news pages are known for tilting more leftward than its right-of-center opinion page) are the only American conservative outlets with a green rating. Right-leaning tabloid New York Post is red; left-leaning tabloid New York Daily News is green.”


    • cyto

      But these are objective, 3rd party ratings!

    • Pat


    • WTF

      Well sure, the NY Post publishes disinformation like Hunter’s Laptop. Which was dismissed by all reliable source as Russian propaganda.

    • rhywun

      Today in “no shit?”

      • Common Tater

        OK, but if you read the rest of the article, it gets worse.

  30. The Late P Brooks

    If you don’t make sure they are manually relubricated, they will rust out.

    By “rust out” I suspect you mean ‘seize”. I assume this has to do with the slider pins. Which leads me to the astounding conclusion that Ford cheaped out on the material.

    • Sensei

      Ford? No way.

      Tesla is aluminum caliper steel pins. That plus salt makes for fizzy times. I wonder if the Ford has all steel calipers?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Wait, Tesla is set up for bi-metal corrosion?

      • Sensei

        Bimetal corrosion is common on lots of automotive applications now.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Yeah, I remember the horrors of aluminum heads on cast iron blocks. But I would think Tesla wouldn’t set itself up for this kind of failure in brakes, FFS.

  31. PieInTheSky

    “The toxic stereotyping of free speech as a right-wing cause has to end,” writes FSU member Erica Blair. “And that means that self-identifying leftists must step up, walk the walk, and actually stand up for free speech in word and deed.”


    here is me holding my breath.

    I am not sure the right wing is entirely pro free speech, they are just on the wrong side of it

    • R.J.

      Let’s just say there are very fine people on both sides that need to come together and support free speech.

    • trshmnstr

      toxic stereotyping

      Step one is stopping the use of nag phrases like this.

      • R.J.

        I don’t think they can break the habit. Those catch phrases are the new lazy English, like curse words used to be.

  32. The Late P Brooks

    My brother left a little while ago. He was here for a few days to sample the fishing. He did day trips to a couple of rivers. Good and not so good fishing. we went out to dinner and watched movies. Not one fucking word about politics. I declare success.

    • Urthona

      You didn’t convince him to vote for Trump?


    • Pat

      “An experience they said they’d never forget and a story for their kids in the future. Some of the uni students that didn’t know each other before the experience are now friends and go out socialising together.
      Bonnie added: “Group chats have been made and friendships have started, all from me sharing myself with them and giving them a pleasurable experience.”

      I’m picturing this transpiring like the scene in Office Space where Peter dreams about Lumberg discussing TPS reports with him while he’s banging the waitress.

      Call me prudish, and maybe it’s the general social reticence, but bonding over running a train on the same whore just wouldn’t have been my thing even back when I was young enough to chalk it up to youthful exuberance.

    • UnCivilServant

      Zombie Knives and Ghost Guns? What type of weapon becomes vampiric?

      • PieInTheSky

        vampire bats, obviously

      • trshmnstr

        vampire bats, obviously

        *standing ovation*

  33. The Late P Brooks

    Number of crimes involving large blades and swords has doubled in five years as ban comes into force

    So- if you make more things illegal, the crime rate goes up? Imposserous!

    • PieInTheSky

      the ban is recent, the rise was mostly before the ban

      • R.J.

        Next, crimes committed with pointed sticks will be on the rise. And those will be banned.

      • WTF

        Suppose some maniac comes at you with a fistful of Lingonberries, what then, eh?

  34. The Late P Brooks

    Tesla is aluminum caliper steel pins. That plus salt makes for fizzy times.

    That’s what the hard anodizing is for. You mean it’s not holding up?

    • Sensei

      Mine are holding up fine. You just need to clean them in grease them.

      For whatever stupid cheap reason Brembo (OEM) and Tesla don’t grease them as delivered. So in the salt belt people have issues.

  35. The Late P Brooks

    He’s leaving the world a better place than he found it

    President Joe Biden will attempt to square the diplomatic achievements and goals of his presidency with the grim reality of wars in the Middle East, Ukraine and Sudan during a major address Tuesday at the annual gathering of the United Nations General Assembly in New York, the final one of his presidency.

    With four months left in office, the speech is one of Biden’s few remaining opportunities to frame his foreign policy legacy in front of an audience of global leaders.

    He deserves our thanks and admiration.

    • Rat on a train

      Like Obama, we are not worthy of Biden.

    • rhywun

      I don’t think I’ve ever seen “Biden” and “Sudan” in the same sentence, or article, before.

  36. PieInTheSky

    The Home Schooling Crowd is big mad. lol

    But also, how insulting is it to teachers who literally train specifically to teach kids of a certain age a specific subject that Ashton and his trad wife think they can do it just as well in the playroom of their log cabin mansion?


    given home schooled kids don;t do so bad that says a lot of the quality of teachers.

    • trshmnstr

      It’s very insulting to teachers. I hope they take it to heart.

      *walks over to the school room to see my kids learning concepts their government schooled peers won’t touch for another year or two*

      • Nephilium

        I wouldn’t call it insulting to teachers, but that it should rather have them asking why they need a college degree to teach basic arithmetic to children.

      • UnCivilServant

        So you can be properly indoctrinated, obviously. Only rightthinkers should be allows to instruct children.

    • PieInTheSky

       Dr. Waitman W. Beorn (@waitmanwbeorn.com 🟦)🇺🇦
      Amazing! And you can teach like 20 disparate subjects through to the high school level?

      You sound like a genius!


      given the output of most high schools, I am confident I could teach any high school subject better than most teachers.

    • Pat

      Imagine throwing a hissy fit because normal parents with some text books and blank quiz forms can easily perform the job for which you spent 7 years getting a meaningless credential after you were too stupid to pass the classes for your first 3 majors, and their kids beat the asses off your students in every measurable way, including college admissions.

  37. Common Tater

    “Olivia Nuzzi had a fling with former MSNBC and ESPN star Keith Olbermann over a decade before her ’emotional and digital’ affair with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

    Olbermann admitted to their relationship on social media Tuesday after he claimed a reporter was set to publish details of their affair after Nuzzi was placed on leave for her tryst with Kennedy.

    ‘We didn’t do much to keep it quiet,’ Olbermann said of the relationship, which took place when the ex-SportsCenter anchor was 55 and Nuzzi just 21.”


    Having sex with Keith Olbermann — the only thing worse than RFK, Jr. phone sex.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      She must be way down on the crazy side of the hot-crazy matrix.

    • Rat on a train

      It’s not the Lexus Cylon grill.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      That doesn’t bother me, in black. Chrome might be different. That said, bring back the kidneys for BMW, and the Chinese eyes for Bentley.

      • R C Dean

        It’s a little too jr. high/videogame busy for me.

    • Sean

      It serves the same purpose as grooves on a golf club face. Except it’s for pedestrians.

  38. The Late P Brooks

    “Given that this is the President’s last General Assembly, it’s a chance for him to talk about how this approach has produced results, real achievements for the American people and for the world,” a senior administration official said in a briefing with reporters on Monday.

    He has brought the nations of the world together in their low esteem for America and her president. Truly, a legacy to be proud of.

  39. PieInTheSky

    Usagi Yojimbo 𓃹
    What people think degrowth looks like:
    – No washing machines
    – No restaurants
    – No car
    – No phone

    What degrowth actually looks like:
    – Public high-efficiency laundromats
    – Public cafeterias
    – Public transit
    – Public communications networks on durable devices


    Ahh communism… who’d ev thunk it? (everyone)

    • UnCivilServant

      What it really looks like:
      -No food
      -No empty shelves
      -No transit
      -Complete censorship of communications.

      • UnCivilServant

        Sorry, I am trying to navigate repeated “trainings” with as little effort as possible while snarking commie morons.

      • Rat on a train

        I read that as even the empty shelves are gone.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      “– Public high-efficiency laundromats
      – Public cafeterias
      – Public transit
      – Public communications networks on durable devices”

      Tragedy of the commons and zero privacy. Fuck. That. Shit.

    • rhywun

      “anarchist” 😂🤣

      I’ve known one or two of those – straight up commies.

    • R C Dean

      So the “what people think degrowth looks like” is accurate, I guess, because that list is 100% consistent with the “what degrowth actually looks like” list.

      Which, oddly, aligns with what society had 80+ years ago.

    • KSuellington

      Wow, degrowth in reality is just as shitty as I imagined it would be. Yojimbo can wander the desolate countryside all he fucking wants in his glorious future.

    • Rat on a train

      I’m flying later today. My fear is getting sick during the flight.

    • Tundra

      ‘Pilot asked if anyone was carrying a Phillips screwdriver to help fix the bathroom,’ she then states, adding series of question marks to illustrate the situation’s absurdity.

      I used to, you stupid fucks. Until you decided my Leatherman was a WMD.

      • Sensei

        Coworker I sent this to also noted the same thing.

      • Rat on a train

        I use a Leatherman Micra as a keychain but you asshats won’t let me bring it.

      • R.J.

        Agreed. Absolutely stupid. I can’t even wear my leatherman bracelet on a plane or to a concert anymore.

    • Pat

      If the flight included the Korean flight attendants they feature in the commercials, it might not be so bad.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      As I always ask, which section do you keep The Turner Diary’s in, and where is the latest copy of Shaved Snizz?

      • Rat on a train

        They’re next to Mein Kampf and Anarchist Cookbook, or maybe they are behind the curtain section with all the porn videos.

    • Pat

      Where “banned books” means “hey guys, we think maybe you shouldn’t put the graphic novels featuring pedophilic cock sucking in the children’s section of the public library.”

    • Suthenboy

      I am not slogging through that. I see the list…all books pushing altered reality so I am guessing most of the banning is taking place in public schools.
      The mendacity of these fucks is predictable.
      I am sure the ALA is as much a champion of the 1A the same way the ACLU is. The ACLU came right out and said they would no longer defend freedom of speech. How long before the ALA does, or have they already and I missed it?

    • rhywun

      “claimed to be sexually explicit”

      Which one of those is the one where one boy trains another to suck his dick?

    • MikeS

      Excuse me…I’m looking for Huckleberry Finn.

      Oh sorry, we don’t have that book anymore. It’s problematic.

      • Nephilium

        “I’m sorry… N-word Jim.”

  40. Sensei

    Nice roast. If you disable JS you can read it.

    Opinion Shoemaker Nike tried to go digital. Mostly, it stumbled.

    “We will transform Nike faster to define the marketplace of the future,” Donahoe wrote that summer, deploying both the anodyne language of the management consultant he once was and the cocksure techno-optimism of the Silicon Valley executive he had become. “We expect our business to reach 50% digital penetration,” he continued, meaning that half the company’s sales would be online, “and we will create a truly consistent, connected and seamless digital marketplace to match.”


    • Chipping Pioneer

      50% digital penetration


      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Just the tip, Ma’am.

    • Suthenboy

      Some things you dont buy online. Shoes are at the top of that list.

      • Tundra

        Huh? I haven’t bought shoes in a store for 10 years or more.

      • Pat

        Zappos and ShoeBuy pioneered the “try them on, there’s a return label in the box, send them back for free if you don’t like them, repeat as often as necessary until you find something you like” model 20 years ago, and everybody else followed suit. No reason not to buy shoes online anymore, unless you’re going full bespoke.

      • R C Dean

        Once you find a brand/size that works for you, it’s fine.

        Until they change the lasts they use, anyway.

        I think every pair of shoes I now own was bought online.

      • R C Dean

        “full bespoke”

        If I ever win a big lottery (which probably won’t happen unless I buy a ticket), that is on my list of things to spend money on like I just don’t care.

      • Urthona

        I tend to wait for someone snazzy and about my size to walk by and then I knock them out and steal their shoes.

      • UnCivilServant

        Ewww! Preowned shoes.

      • Urthona

        But they’re already broken in.

        That’s the worst part is the breaking them in.

      • Pat

        I tend to wait for someone snazzy and about my size to walk by and then I knock them out and steal their shoes.

        It’s either that or wait for a riot peaceful protest Footlocker clearance sale.

  41. The Late P Brooks


    His comments also echoed one of his most notorious and chilling remarks as president, when he told a crowd on January 6, 2021, to march to the US Capitol and “fight like hell” otherwise they were “not going to have a country anymore.”

    The Republican nominee’s warnings of disaster are not a new wrinkle. In 2020, with Covid-19 rampant, he warned that if he was not reelected, there would be “no kids in school, no graduations, no weddings, no Thanksgiving, no Christmas and no Fourth of July together.” While such rituals were severely disrupted when he was in office in 2020, the country gradually got back on its feet under Biden, who used his first Independence Day celebrations in office to declare independence from the virus, even if it ultimately took longer for normal life to resume.

    If Trump had had his way, millions would have died. If you re-elect him, he will destroy the country.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      “We had to burn the village to save it.”

    • Ted S.

      “When we fight, we win!”

  42. The Late P Brooks

    With his menacing predictions of America’s future if Harris wins, the former president is adopting a tactic typically used by strongmen and dictatorial leaders overseas who personalize leadership and predict disaster unless they are in power. Things get so bad that only a strongman’s touch can save the country. “I alone can fix it,” Trump pledged at the Republican National Convention in 2016. He expanded on his theme this year in one of his frequent tributes to hardline Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán during a Fox interview: “They say he is a strongman,” mused Trump. “Sometimes you need a strongman.”

    Don’t you see? He’ll dissolve Congress and suspend the Constitution if he wins the election. He will seize absolute control of power. Don’t allow your vote to be based on fear.

    • Ted S.

      The projection is strong here

    • R C Dean

      It’s a good thing Harris doesn’t make menacing predictions of America’s future if Trump wins. That would be adopting a tactic typically used by strongmen and dictatorial leaders, after all.

      • Nephilium

        They’re not making menacing predictions, they’re promising to “save democracy!”.

  43. The Late P Brooks

    As I always ask, which section do you keep The Turner Diary’s in, and where is the latest copy of Shaved Snizz?

    I’m looking for a copy of the Anarchist’s Cookbook.

  44. MikeS

    Those damn libertarians are ruining everything!

    Argentina Scrapped Its Rent Controls. Now the Market Is Thriving.

    For years, Argentina imposed one of the world’s strictest rent-control laws. It was meant to keep homes such as the stately belle epoque apartments of Buenos Aires affordable, but instead, officials here say, rents soared.

    Now, the country’s new president, Javier Milei, has scrapped the rental law, along with most government price controls, in a fiscal experiment that he is conducting to revive South America’s second-biggest economy.

    The result: The Argentine capital is undergoing a rental-market boom. Landlords are rushing to put their properties back on the market, with Buenos Aires rental supplies increasing by over 170%. While rents are still up in nominal terms, many renters are getting better deals than ever, with a 40% decline in the real price of rental properties when adjusted for inflation since last October, said Federico González Rouco, an economist at Buenos Aires-based Empiria Consultores.

    • UnCivilServant


      It’s almost as if heavy-handed diktats don’t work.

      • Suthenboy

        With the direction and speed we are going now I expect I will see such people. as Sec. of the Treasury/ Head of the Fed etc arrested for poor economic performance in my lifetime.
        We really are full speed ahead for being a banana republic.

        Seeing Hillary seething with hatred the other night demanding people be arrested for wrong think and Harris appending everything with ‘…or else !” really drove home that this Dem party is as bad as any of the monsters from history. Stalin, Hitler, Castro, Mao…pick one. Same words, same ideas, same disregard for the law, same demeanor. These types are all the same.

      • R C Dean

        As ever, I wonder how bad things would be if we weren’t a heavily armed citizenry.

        If even 1% of the 2A supporters go full Solzhenitsyn on the doorkickers, they’re gonna run out of doorkickers.

    • Tundra

      Nice. It’s kind of cool watching Austrian economics play out in the real world.

      • cyto

        Don’t worry, the CIA will fix that.

    • Pat

      Don’t cry for me, Argentina.

      • Ted S.

        The real truth is I never loved you.

    • rhywun

      many renters are getting better deals than ever

      Yeah, but probably the wrong renters.

  45. DEG

    Tap tap tap…

    Is this thing on?

    tap tap tap

    Honey Harvest was great. Fourscore is a great guy and a great host. The night before drinking with MikeS and CPRM was good. It was good to meet and chat with all the Glibs that made it out for Honey Harvest.

    On the out and the way back I stopped by The Other Kevin and his wife’s gym in northwestern Indiana. The gym is a good gym if you are interested in powerlifting, oly lifting, and/or Strongman. They’ve got a lot of racks and lifting platforms, plus lots of Strongman “toys”. I liked the truck pull simulator the best. The Other Kevin and his wife are good people. If you’re in the area and are into those types of lifting/training, talk to Kevin and he can set up with a good place to train.

    • UnCivilServant

      Is this thing on?

      No, I’m afraid we had to disable it.

      • DEG

        No, I’m afraid we had to disable it.


    • Tundra

      Psst: You didn’t say the name of the gym!

      • UnCivilServant

        Shhh… It is the Gym that Must not be Named.

      • The Other Kevin

        It’s speakeasy gym.

      • The Other Kevin

        Hardcore Strength and Fitness. The one in Indiana, not the one in Australia.

      • UnCivilServant

        What do you expect from a bunch of borderline aspie introverts?

    • The Other Kevin

      Thanks for the kind words. It was nice meeting you even though it was quick both times. I’m glad you had some good workouts.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      truck pull simulator

      Ahhh, a yokeltarian gym!

      /I know, its actually a fondness for tractor pulls that define yokeltarians

  46. The Late P Brooks

    Harris plans to give another speech on the economy later this week in which she will flesh out details of a plan designed to spread the robust economic recovery more equally and to help working Americans get on the housing ladder.

    Ooh, I can’t wait.

    • Ted S.

      The plan is to have deport working Americans and then have them re-enter the country illegally.

      • Suthenboy

        You joke but from what I have seen of these evil lunatics that would be right out of their playbook.

    • R C Dean

      “spread the robust economic recovery”

      These euphemisms . . . .

      • Suthenboy

        I think she has a plan to boost the price of every residence in America by 25K in the blink of an eye.

    • Urthona

      She plans to build 3 MILLION houses in the next 4 years, bro.

      Like half of what the free market will already build on its own!

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        And we’ll have hundreds of thousands of EV charging stations and every poor rural person will have broadband internet.

  47. Common Tater

    “The job required that board members meet twice a month, as it was not a full-time position. The Commission was responsible for negotiating contracts with hospitals to limit costs paid by government funded health care.

    But it still paid Harris a great deal of money, $99,000 annually, according to a report from SF Weekly…

    ‘Well, I worked,’ Harris said to journalist Joan Walsh when asked about her positions in 2003 for San Francisco City Journal magazine.

    ‘I’ve worked my ass off for everything I have,’ she said.”



    • R C Dean

      Two meetings a month, probably half a day each. That comes to about 96 hours a year. So she was getting paid over $1,000/hour.

      Nice work if you can get it.

    • Drake

      People are now speculating whether she actually ever tried a single case in her life.

      • R C Dean

        Her first job out of law school was deputy DA. It’s unlikely she tried any cases in that role, just because brand new lawyers don’t get to do jury trials. They are simply unqualified for it.

        Then she was Willie Brown’s sidepiece for a few years. After that, she went back as an assistant DA where she supervised other attorneys. Again, unlikely she tried any cases, as she was still pretty unseasoned as a litigator and had a staff to do the scutwork.

        So my bet is, to this point she was never a lead trial attorney, and may at most have been assisting one at a relative handful of jury trials.

        She was then elected as the DA. It should be easy to find press reports of her doing criminal trials at this point, so it shouldn’t be hard to confirm whether she actually tried (as the lead lawyer) any cases.

    • Suthenboy

      ‘I’ve worked my ass off for everything I have,’

      Well, for once she isn’t lying.

    • Urthona

      Needs to turn left.

      • Sensei

        Or it will be in a pickle?

      • Urthona

        I’m always willing to sacrifice Houston for slightly cooler weather in Dallas.

    • Suthenboy

      It aint called Tate’s Hell for nuthin’.

  48. The Late P Brooks

    It’s in the bag

    Vice President Kamala Harris has a significant lead over former President Donald Trump among Asian Americans, according to a poll conducted earlier this month.

    The poll showed that 66% of Asian American voters plan on backing Harris, while 28% say they’ll be voting for Trump. When he was still in the race, President Joe Biden had been losing Asian American voters, dropping roughly 8 points compared to the 2020 presidential election cycle, a previous poll showed. But experts say that Harris has more than reversed that dip.


    The poll, released on Tuesday, also showed that while Harris’ race has factored heavily in this election cycle, Asian American voters said that her identity as a woman is more important. Thirty-eight percent of Asian American voters said that her gender identity is “extremely” or “very” important to them. In comparison, 27% said the same about her racial identity as an Indian or South Asian American.

    I’m convinced.

    • Urthona

      Well she might grab a lot of Indians.

      I don’t know.

      I don’t know anything really.

      • Pat

        Well she might grab a lot of Indians.

        The dots/call centers, not the feathers/casinos. It’s important to be specific.

      • Gender Traitor

        What does she grab them by?

      • Urthona

        As it so happens, there are a crap ton of South Asians (dot Indians) in my Texas neighborhood and they are the weirdest most fanatic Trump fans I know.

        I’m not sure how that happens, but it’s a thing.

      • Urthona

        “What does she grab them by?”


      • Sean

        What does she grab them by?

        The pakora?

      • The Last American Hero

        Odd, I don’t think I’ve ever met an Indian -dot or feather- that wasn’t waayyy left of center.

    • R C Dean

      “her racial identity as an Indian or South Asian American”

      And here I thought anyone questioning her identity as a black person was a persona non grata.

      • Urthona

        I like the fact that it turns out — according to studies — everyone in America is racist but white people.

        So to maximize your chances of preferential treatment be not white please.

    • rhywun

      I’m not buying any of that for one second.

      • Suthenboy

        Everything you hear from here on out you can confidently file under ‘complete horseshit’. I dont mean from here to the election, I mean from here on. out.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, I’m not seeing actual ethnic Asians signing up to vote for anyone based on part Indian subcontinent heritage.

      • Pat

        Yeah, I’m not seeing actual ethnic Asians signing up to vote for anyone based on part Indian subcontinent heritage.

        I suspect the percentage is about the same margin any (D) candidate gets from that demographic group. In spite of their stereotypical capitalist industriousness, Asians as a demographic group break for the Democrats in about the same proportion as other racial minorities.

  49. Urthona

    I’m hearing they just found child pornography on the Routh son’s computer.

    Man, I’m really starting to care for these Routh folks less and less.


    Does seem convenient that everyone the government wants to put pressure on suddenly has a child pornography problem.

    • Pat

      Does seem convenient that everyone the government wants to put pressure on suddenly has a child pornography problem.

      It’s not as if the DOJ maintains the world’s largest child pornography collection or anything. Strictly to identify the victims, of course.

    • DEG

      Does seem convenient that everyone the government wants to put pressure on suddenly has a child pornography problem.


  50. Sensei

    “Modern enterprises rely on Smartsheet’s simple and scalable solutions to manage a diverse range of business-critical processes every single day because they enable seamless collaboration, enhanced productivity and faster and more informed decision-making,

    I still have no idea WTH they do or why it’s worth $8.4bn.


    • The Last American Hero

      They have people skills and can talk to the engineers.

      • Pat

        Also, I make my daily protein smoothies with bananas and pineapple to mask the broccoli, as they’re generally the cheapest fruits by far. If I’d known this was a pending issue I’d have stocked the freezer.