Winston’s Mom does the Links

by | Sep 4, 2024 | Daily Links | 142 comments

I don’t know what happened to Sugarfree. He’s not dead, so don’t worry.

I’m double booked later, so lets do this quickly.

School shooting in Georgia. No details about the shooter yet, so it probably wasn’t a white kid.

This is the most war on terror headline, ever.

Can confirm. More and more of my clients do not have degrees. If they did I’d make fun of them for free.

Does Kumala take a position on anything?

Those weren’t demons dear, that was the CIA.

and finally!

Its only a matter of time before Sowell knifes you in the throat.

About The Author

Winston's Mom

Winston's Mom

Biological mother of Winston.


  1. Sensei

    The comments to that Krugman tweet are a mix of both cluelessness and snark. Naturally it depends upon the politics of the commentator.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    Link rhymes with kink.


    • SDF-7

      No link shaming!

    • Bobarian LMD

      I’m double booked

      The ole chinese finger cuffs…

  3. The Late P Brooks

    Does Kumala take a position on anything?

    Face down?

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      I heard she used to play tight end, but now is a wide receiver.

      • Bobarian LMD

        More balls between her legs than long playing center, Jason Kelce?

        I’m ready for some football.

      • creech

        Except for Willy, is there any other confirmation that she was the Cal. Dem’s bicycle?

  4. Lachowsky

    We just need to go back to the gold standard. Thats all.

    • Suthenboy

      Dude, we cant float socialism on real money. That’s just crazy talk.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      The gold standard is too rigid for a modern economy. And that’s with me agreeing with you that our current credit/debit monetary system is garbage.

  5. Chipping Pioneer

    There’s often discussion here about the competition for dumbest congressperson *cough* Maxine Waters *cough*. Is Krugman the dumbest Nobel laureate?

    • Nephilium

      How is the spending transitory when it set the new baseline for budgets?

    • Shpip

      I’m not so sure. I think Krugnuts knows what’s what, but he writes and tweets nonsense that the smug, self-assured midwits that comprise NYT readers will eagerly lap up. Knowing your audience is half the game.

    • Yusef drives a Kia

      He’s not even a prize winner, just an associate partner thingy

      • Chipping Pioneer

        Maxine don’t live in Compton.

    • Ted S.

      Bob Dylan.

      Maybe Rigoberta Menchu.

      • Tundra


      • MikeS

        “European Union”

    • MikeS

      Maxine is a close second. Hank Johnson just can’t be beat.

  6. Lachowsky

    “As a senator from California, Harris co-sponsored the Zero-Emissions Act in 2019, which would require by 2040 that 100% of new passenger vehicle sales in the U.S. release no greenhouse gases.”

    Used car market goes through the roof.

    • SDF-7

      The article I read on it earlier had this gem from her pitching the bill:

      This will require a new and improved “cash for clunkers” program with incentives for cars to be replaced with zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs) manufactured in America

      So yeah — she really really wants to fubar the used car market and force everyone into the golf carts.

      • Bobarian LMD

        force everyone into the golf carts public transit.


      • Lachowsky

        Cash for clunkers. AKA, Fuck teenagers with limited means who want to buy cheap vehicles.

        I was broke and in my early twenties last time they did this and I sure appreciated the price of used cars going up. I still remember the pre-2009 times when one could buy a used a S-10 with 100k miles on it for 1500 bucks all day everyday and twice on Sunday.

        Between that and the ever increasing safety and efficiency regulations, the poor have effectively been priced out of the cash vehicle market forever. JP morgan, wells fargo, and BOA say thank you Obama. We appreciate the extra high interest loans.

    • Tundra

      Nope. New cars only. Subsidies galore.

      • Nephilium

        Ain’t it great that the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” crowd is the one clamoring for the destruction of functional cars so people have to buy new ones?

      • Tundra

        New ones that are rolling toxic waste dumps.

        Fuck this. Cars have gotten so clean it’s damn near impossible to gas yourself in the garage anymore 😉

        This is simply a way to get rid of personal transportation for the poor and middle class. It’s why they went after VW diesels so aggressively. They were selling diesel Jettas that got 50+ mpg and lasted forever. It was an absolutel hit job to push the fucking EVs and hybrids. Now watch, the hybrids will be next on the block.

        No car for you, peasant.

      • Lachowsky

        Here is a 5000 dollar one time tax credit. Now go finance a 100k tesla for 10 years at 10%. yay, environment.

      • Tundra

        Nice to see you, Lach!

        How’s the fam?

        By the way, those Jettas were less than 20K.

      • Lachowsky

        Fam is great. Daughter in the kindergartens, Son starting middle LB on the 7th grade team. Wife finally went back to work. Things are good. Closed on my land two weeks ago and have begun the process of improving it.

        Cleared all the crap off this hillside last week. Left nothing but the post oaks. Wife lady and I gonna build a house on top of it.

      • Tundra

        Wow! Beautiful property!

        I’m thrilled to read about the kids. I can’t believe the boy is in 7th grade. I’m pretty sure I remember him being born.

        Time flies. Have fun building the dream home!

      • rhywun

        the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” crowd is the one clamoring for the destruction of functional cars

        It’s almost like they don’t believe the words they say.

      • Compelled Speechless

        I love this new (D) tactic they’ve run the last couple of cycles. Pretend like you have no platform except for giving out hugs so you can go full commie after you fortify your way into office. You know, to save democracy.

  7. Shpip

    Ian Zhu, CEO of SchoolJoy, a generative learning system, agreed with Coleman, saying that the U.S. is “shifting from a degree-centric economy to a skill-centric economy” and that a “vocational education or an associate’s degree supports this skill-centric economy.”

    Griggs v. Duke Power comes full circle.

  8. Lachowsky

    “The earliest reports indicated police had been alerted to the shooter around 10:30 a.m., but Sheriff Smith said law enforcement received an “active shooter” call about 9:30 a.m.”

    What you wanna bet it took an hour to respond. Plus the suspect is alive. Leads me to believe that no one went in after him.

    • Drake

      I noticed that the blood dancing is extra fast and enthusiastic during an election cycle.

      I too will bet it’s not a white kid and it wasn’t and AR-15.

      I’ll wait to hear who actually did it and how fast it gets memory holed if it’s really bad (i.e. illegal immigrant).

      • Social Justice is Neither

        Could be a white kid but if it is they most certainly aren’t straight.

    • Sensei

      Name is “Colt Gray”.

      An image search turns up lots of grey firearms, naturally, but few people.

      • rhywun

        That is a White name if I have ever heard one.

      • Suthenboy

        Colt Gray? No it isn’t. That’s bullshit. They made that porn name up. Colt Gray was a character on ‘As the world turns’ back in the late ’70s.

      • Compelled Speechless

        You’re never going to find the adult film actor Colt Gray through a mainstream search engine with any filters. He’s an Equestrian American.

  9. rhywun

    No details about the shooter yet

    They’re saying 14-year-old boy.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Zero emissions transportation.

    Stick horses for everyone.

    • Lachowsky

      Where are we gong to get the asphalt for the bike lines if there is no more oil being refined?

      • Nephilium

        We’ll replace the asphalt with crushed limestone.

      • Sean

        There’s something that will turn used cooking oil solid!

      • Bobarian LMD

        Macadam. Good news is you can get work making big rocks into little ones for your betters to ride their bikes on.

      • Rat on a train

        Take lanes from cars of course.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        It will be paved with the bones of deplorables.

        /prog in the throws of a fever dream

    • Rat on a train

      Hopefully your hobby horse doesn’t leave a trail of shit like mine.

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      With the hollow coconuts I assume for the sound effects.

      • Compelled Speechless

        Unfortunately, there will be no way to import coconuts as swallow flatulence contributes to climate change, thus using them for logistical purposes must be banned.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Government spending doesn’t cause inflation, it causes stimulus!

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      It’s not a stimulus, it’s an investment.

    • Rat on a train

      Unleash the multiplier effect!

      • Social Justice is Neither

        The multiplier has been in effect, it’s just multiplying the price to make GDP go up on the same or less activity.

      • Compelled Speechless

        For some reason, whenever I hear this argument, the old cigarette commercials featuring real doctors telling you that smoking isn’t harmful pop into my head…..

  12. Aloysious

    I figured SF was of getting some ‘sugar’, Sugar.

  13. Aloysious

    Does Kumala take a position on anything?

    Let me guess… the Butterfly? The Anvil? The Praying Mantis? The Viennese Oyster?

    Head down ass up?

    I got nothing.

  14. Aloysious

    fucking Krugman never, that I’m aware of, distinguishes between price inflation and monetary inflation.

    But then, that wouldn’t help your propaganda efforts, would it comrade Krugman?

    • Suthenboy

      Prices rise and fall. Money supply is inflated or deflated. Deliberately conflating the two has led to most people thinking inflation means rising prices.
      The only way to fix this problem is to forbid the govt from borrowing money. Not ‘curb spending’, ‘curb borrowing’, but to completely forbid it. No more printing money.
      Krugman isn’t that stupid, he knows that rising prices are a direct result of govt borrow and spend policies. He knows that very well. He is just a lying commie sack of shit, that’s all.

      ‘When people realize they can vote themselves money the republic is finished’ quote, I forget the exact words and attribution, should be answered by ‘Sorry, there is none to vote yourself’. Living beyond one’s means is a dead end road. Denying reality by saying ‘govt money management is not like balancing your household checkbook’ is bullshit. It is exactly like that. ‘Running out of other people’s money’ is a real thing.

    • Compelled Speechless

      Krugman has fully embraced his role as naked propagandist. Being cheered on at Beltway cocktail parties is soooo much more satisfying than contributing to economics in a way that helps the unclean. MUCH more profitable too.

      • Suthenboy

        I remember seeing a photo of his house…it looks like the fucking palace at Versailles.

  15. Suthenboy

    Could someone please explain to me what ‘zero emission’ means? Particularly in regard to transportation.

    • MikeS

      “If you can afford a personal vehicle, it will be powered solely by the magic electricity box.”

      • Sensei

        Yes, but it can be powered by things with zero emissions!

        But pay no mind to how those things are created.

      • Cunctator

        —“But pay no mind to how those things are created.”—

        Not just how they are created. The concrete industry is under widespread attack by the Greens, but each windmill installation requires massive amounts of concrete.

      • Compelled Speechless

        I can never decide for sure if the people that advocate for this crap are just cripplingly stupid and honestly have no idea how things work or if they really know that their policies will create mass extinction events and that’s the whole point.

      • Suthenboy

        Compelled- The answer is just what you suspect: Yes.

      • Suthenboy

        “…the magic electricity box….”

        I have it on good authority that those are known as ‘the holes’.

    • Rat on a train

      offshoring pollution?

      • rhywun


    • Beau Knott

      Hermetically sealed vehicle up on blocks — as long as production from raw materials is not counted.

    • The Other Kevin

      Out of sight out of mind. If your car doesn’t have a tail pipe, that’s all that counts. All that icky stuff on the other side of the county, or the country, or the world can be ignored.

    • Suthenboy

      Amazing to me how pols are easily able to convince the bulk of humanity that there is such a thing as a free lunch.

    • Pope Jimbo

      Zero Emissions is used to describe the amount of apologies the FedGov will issue when people in cold states start getting stranded in winter and dying because their batteries were unable to get them home safely.

      It is the same as when the FedGov mandated all those passenger side air bags that kept decapitating kids.

      • Tundra

        How about in fire or hurricane country when you need to evac? I know folks up in the mountains who never let their vehicles go below a half tank.

    • Suthenboy

      You can’t have my guns.

    • The Other Kevin

      Good idea, import tons of violent criminals and then disarm the citizens. If this were anywhere near a fair election Trump would have a 20 point lead by now.

      • Suthenboy

        She is right. It doesnt have to be this way, but she knows that. She and her ilk have worked their asses off for decades to make it this way.

    • MikeS

      A couple years old now, but a good article about the real numbers behind the “epidemic” of school shootings.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        That is one hot link!

      • Suthenboy

        I have heard those stats before. As likely as being struck by lightning. How does one keep their child from being struck by lightning, as unlikely as that is? By not letting them wander around golf courses or boat on a lake during thunder storms.
        The only sensible solution to school shootings is to stop sending children to govt schools. Problem solved.

        I never hear the stats on crime. Estimates on crimes thwarted by private gun ownership run from hundreds of thousands per year to over a million per year. High violent crime rates are universally associated with more restrictive gun control.
        Violent incarcerated felons, nearly to a man, answer the question “How do you decide who you choose as a victim” with “If I think they have a gun I choose someone else.”

        No one ever wanted you to be helpless for your own good. Keep that in mind.

    • Shpip

      As Kevin D. Williamson once put it: “Here’s something I am not willing to do: I am not willing to renegotiate the Bill of Rights every time some sexually frustrated loser with a 5.56mm death-boner has a homicidal temper tantrum.”

      Or what Suthen said above.

  16. Sensei

    You can’t fire me, I quit!

    Later on Wednesday, the state department spokesperson, Matthew Miller, appeared to contradict the governor’s account of an expulsion. At a regular press briefing, he said that Ping had not been expelled, but had ended his stint at the consulate in August at the “end of a regular scheduled rotation”.

    China’s consul general in New York reportedly expelled

    • Suthenboy

      Over the spying thing? What, they are expelling him because China will replace him with a ‘not a communist spy’?

      • Sensei

        It’s part of the whole kabuki theater of modern diplomacy.

        Only the rubes believe it makes a difference.

      • Suthenboy

        I might be completely wrong. Was it a she? Let’s ask Eric Swallwell what he thinks about Chinese honeytraps.

  17. ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

    I just realized that there was NET ZERO music in this post, so I am enacting my own labor to bring to you All Them Witches!

    • kinnath


  18. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I think I’ll just sauté some spinach in ghee and soy sauce

    • Shpip

      I think I’ll just sauté some spinach in ghee

      Thanks for clarifying.

      • Tundra

        Quit tryimg to butter her up.

      • Sensei

        Fat chance.

      • KK, Plump & Unfiltered

        You really can churn ’em out

  19. Timeloose

    Hello Glibertatiate watch lovers;

    I’m looking to get my first Swiss Automatic under a $1000. I really like Hamilton Khaki Field watches. I’m vacillating between 3-4. I can wear a 42mm case, but I don’t want it to look like a flavor flav clock on my wrist.

    I’m considering a 42mm field Khaki or the Murph, the Khaki King 40mm, or the 38mm versions of the 42mm above. Im concerned the large numbers will look goofy.

    I own a 40 and 42mm but one is a dress watch and the 42mm is a GMT Chronograph Both look fine on my wrist.

    Any input would be welcome

    • Sensei

      For sport watches, big seems to be the “go to”. That said my Omega Seamaster is the mid-size because I have scrawny wrists.

      If you are more normal sized I’d lean toward the bigger.

      • Timeloose

        Mine wrists are 7.25-7.5” so they are mid sized.

    • Dr Mossy Lawn

      I have a Tag Kurium F1 Digital that is a 41mm size.. it is reasonably not large and I have small wrists.

      The Tag has a tapered bezel, not a large square one like many sport watches, so that may give them more heft.

      The Hamilton looks tapered as well, I think either the 40 or 42 will be fine.

    • creech

      I find $20 watches at Boscov’s that look expensive. By the time the battery dies, the watch band looks bad and I toss the watch. Maybe spent $500 on watches in 50 years.

      • Fourscore

        I’m in the same ball park, only I replace the battery for 7 bucks and get another 3-4 years out of it. I gave away a Hamilton to my son, I’d inherited it from my late BIL.
        I never had occasion to wear it, still have a new Casio and Seiko in the drawer, never been worn. I’m far too pragmatic, except for guns.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Hamilton is a good value brand. They use a pretty standard ETA movement, so cost of upkeep is very reasonable if anything at all.

      For something similar that’s out of left field look at Weiss—especially since they make a field watch 38mm around. I haven’t looked at the gray market in a while but I bet you can find one used in that price range.

  20. Pope Jimbo

    Speaking of public transit… It still sucks.

    In the years before the pandemic began, Metro Transit was hemorrhaging ridership and cutting service as riders began driving more to work to take advantage of cheapening gas and parking. Meanwhile, the agency also struggled to recruit and retain drivers.
    When the pandemic began in March 2020, ridership plummeted almost overnight, as the agency’s remaining commuters began to work from home. Census data shows the amount of workers who live in the seven-county metro area who worked from home more than tripled in 2023 compared to 2019.
    Since the pandemic began, Metro Transit’s bus route ridership has rebounded, slowly but surely. Bus ridership through June was at 16.6 million, an 11% increase compared to ridership at the same time in 2023. It’s a far cry, though, from what ridership was at the same time in 2019, which was at 26.3 million.

    The story is mostly about all the new routes that the Metro Transit counsel will attempt to implement. Not mentioned at all is the budget for Metro Transit. Don’t you think that they should maybe reduce their budget by half since they only have half the ridership?

    • Sensei

      Says the guy in Japan. If the train is delayed they will even give you a note for your employer. Usually used for those pesky suicides in Japan.

      • Pope Jimbo

        I don’t have to use the train much here. Almost everything I need is walking distance and when it isn’t my in-laws have cars. I never see them using the trains.

        But yeah, when I was working in Tokyo, you could be on a platform used by different routes and be 100% confident which train just pulled up by the time. It was amazing how good they were. I only got stuck two times in extreme overcrowding and both of those were holidays where I was taking the shinkansen (bullet train) out of Tokyo to Kobe.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Ahem, “passenger injury”.

    • MikeS

      No, no, no. That’s not how government math works. If ridership is half, the budget must be doubled!

      • Tundra

        It was my understanding that there would be no math…

    • Pope Jimbo

      Uffda. I was going to mock the Man on the Street for this:

      Another such connection includes increasing Route 94 service to run seven days a week for the first time since the Green Line opened, when Route 94 service was cut back. On weekends, service would run anywhere from every 30 to 60 minutes.
      Downtown Minneapolis resident Ben Doxtator welcomes the potential changes.
      “Plenty of times I wanted to catch (Route 94) on a Sunday or a weekend. Even if it just ran on a Saturday it would be great,” Doxtator said while handling his bike on the Green Line on a recent Saturday evening.

      Local hipster who lives downtown, has a bike, which he takes on the Green Line (light rail boondoggle). That’s funny!

      Then I wanted to see what Route 94 actually was and where this guy wanted to go. The route map pissed me off. It is a bus route that parallels the choo-choo train that we spent billions on. WTF? Why do we need a bus route when the train is already running?

      • Sean

        Union jobs!

      • creech

        Why? Count the number of additional Union jobs.

      • Pope Jimbo

        What irritates me is that the ChooChoo was supposed to be worth the billion we spent on it because it would solve so many problems.

        In theory, a train between the two downtowns could have made some sense. Still not as good as express buses, but there is enough traffic between those two points that it at least made a bit of sense.

        Unfortunately to get buy in from all the “communities” on that route, they had to add so many stops that the train took more time to go from Minneapolis to St. Paul than the bus lines it was supposed to replace. WTF?

        I guess the silver lining is that I’m sure the Green Line ridership is severely underreported because no one actually buys tickets. They just jump on the train and ride for free. Our light rail doesn’t have any turnstiles or gates, it is 100% honor based. Enforcement is minimal and no one is ever actually prosecuted.

      • Tundra

        They are fucking rolling homeless shelters. That’s it. Trains make less sense than EVs.

      • Tundra

        What irritates me is that the ChooChoo was supposed to be worth the billion we spent on it because it would solve so many problems.

        I really liked Jesse The Body. Far and away the best governor of my lifetime, EXCEPT for the fucking light rail. He stomped on his dick with that one.

      • Tundra

        She was so dang cute.

    • Rat on a train

      No, no, no. They need a dedicated funding source from jurisdictions not served by metro. Roads are subsidized at ~$0.02 per passenger-mile. Surely we can subsidize metro at $2 per passenger mile.

  21. Pope Jimbo

    How do incentives work?

    A former concrete worker with Knutson Construction has filed a discrimination claim against the Minneapolis-based company, alleging among other things that she was abruptly fired after refusing to lie about her race on an Equal Employment Opportunity form.
    Laura Larson, who is white and not disabled, alleges in the Aug. 19 filing with the Minnesota Department of Human Rights that a Knutson hiring manager pressured her to state on an EEO form that she is Asian and disabled. The forms include information about an employee’s race, gender and disability status and are used for government recordkeeping and reporting requirements.
    From a business perspective, it pays to have a diverse workforce.
    The Minnesota Department of Human Rights sets workforce goals for “people of color and indigenous people and/or women on state construction projects,” according to its website. Workforce goals apply to contracts with the state, major metropolitan agencies, the University of Minnesota, cities, counties and other entities.

    I don’t know why they don’t tell that privileged white woman that she deserves to be fired. She was stealing a job from a disabled Asian woman.

  22. Derpetologist

    My students were calling me “sir” for a while unsolicited. I told them I appreciated the show of respect, but that they can just call me Mr. Derpy.

    My math class is not quite off the wall as this:

    I do my best to keep the language, mine and theirs, PG.

    • Aloysious

      How about Sir Derpy of Tology, known raconteur and slayer of fallacies??

  23. UnCivilServant

    I am in Reno. So far, my impression of this town is not that great.

    Admittedly eight hours on the road to find a casino town in a tiny river valley isn’t a great first impression. Then I almost got into an argument with a valet because I just wanted to get checked in and see about unloading without letting him have my keys.

    Valet parking should have long ago been eradicated.

    • rhywun

      Mom and dad met and got married in Reno. So it has that going for it.

      • UnCivilServant

        Funny, Reno was better known for its divorce industry.

    • R.J.

      I enjoyed the Peppermill casino when I was there thirty years ago. I just looked it up, it’s a huge place now.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)


      Please don’t kill anyone just to watch them die.

    • Sean

      Watch out for the sheriff’s department.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      My brother lived there for 30+ years, and it has gone up, and definitely down. There used to be a great Basque restaurant on the east side of downtown, but that area is so shitty now I don’t know if it still there. South of the Truckee is a really nice neighborhood, but just homes so not much to do there.

      My brother just moved to Tennessee, so I will no longer be there at any point.

    • R C Dean

      “Valet parking should have long ago been eradicated.”

      I think you’re still a little young to be a grumpy old man.

  24. Evan from Evansville


    Harris has an “ev” mandate, eh, URL-ers? Or she’s thinking of possibly having one perhaps in the future? (Uh. Your suck n fuck days are well behind you, cupcake.) Get the fuck off my lawn and outta your mind.

  25. SarumanTheGreat

    Krugman has never been a proprietor who ever had to worry about his source of income. Musk is and does. Krugman is a mendacious liar who pretends to know how the world works. Musk has to operate in the world Krugman praises to high heaven