Woke Charmed Tudors: Episode 3

by | Sep 26, 2024 | Woke Charmed | 113 comments

Welcome back to Woke Charmed Tudors, a.k.a. My Lady Pain! I’m your host, MLW, joined by my spunky sidekick Mythelina. Today we’re bringing you: an episode which made us long for death! But don’t they all.

As you may recall, last week’s episode left us on the shocking cliffhanger of the apparent death of one of our main characters, the black gay king of England, Edward. Well, don’t expect any resolution of that this week, because you’re not going to get it. What you are going to get is Jane being angry. Jane being angry at all times.

The episode opens with Jane having stayed up all night reading Ratty’s Ethian books looking for the latest cure for them to test out and listening to sultry lo-fi music on her period-accurate stereo system. She’s cranky because on honeymoons you’re supposed to get rompy-pompy, and she’s not getting any romp or pomp. As you may recall, this is because every time her husband, whom (as the narrator informed us last episode) Jane herself has the raging horn for, tries to get romantic with her, she shrieks shrilly at him that she’s a feminist who don’t need no man. So. Whose fault is this.

It’s Ratty’s fault, duh! Because the patriarchy.

Actual dialogue:
Jane: Have you always been this melodramatic?
Ratty: Have you always been this argumentative?
Jane: Yes, actually. *smug smile*

Ratty and Jane head out to the stable to try out her latest attempted Ethian cure. She reads out a spell in “Latin,” smears him with some herbs, the sun peeks over the horizon and… he’s a horse. Didn’t work. Bollocks.

Jane leaves her rat-horse in the stable and returns to the house. The narrator tells us, “Jane is stumped. And if Jane, the smartest girl in the kingdom is stumped, you might conclude…”

I was howling so loud at the insertion of an actual “brightest witch of her age” reference in the actual show’s dialogue that I didn’t hear the rest of the line. I also almost missed what happened next, which was Jane finding a handwritten note pinned to her front door.

Neither Mythelina nor I could read that when it was on our TV screen, so I will transcribe it here.


If you ever want to see Susannah alive again, you must pay the sum of 50 pounds, not one pound less. Meet at the camp in the woods at midnight. Susannah’s life depends on you.

A ransom note! For Susannah!


Let me give you a summary of the role of Susannah, Jane’s slutty maid, in the series thus far:

  • Jane cured her snatch of pustules
  • She then proceeded to give a stablehand an STD by letting him dine at her knowingly infected taco bar
  • She and Jane tried to run away together
  • Then Lady Frances caught them with her hounds, so Susannah yeeted herself into a hawk to escape
  • The penalty for harboring Ethians is death, so by doing all this without having alerted Jane to her Ethian status sooner, Susannah jeopardized her friend’s safety and life
  • Jane saw her wearing trousers at the Ethian tavern where she met Ratty
  • Then the Inquisition came and Susannah once again abandoned Jane to her fate and yeeted herself into a hawk to escape
  • Jane then almost died by dunking before her mom once again rescued/imprisoned her

So as you can see, Susannah has a great track record of being a good and loyal friend. But most importantly, she’s a feminist. We know this because she wears trousers. We should definitely care about rescuing her.

Jane rushes into the house and asks Ratty’s old maidservant to give her £50. Because the maid is definitely going to have access to the master’s purse?? The maid does not point that out, though, because that would be logical. What she does point out is that the money is Ratty’s, because Ratty is the man. Jane, supposedly a product of the world of this show and yet utterly clueless to anything about it, is astounded*. She’s his wife! What’s his is hers! No, no, the maid explains. What’s his is his, “and that includes you.”

Portrait of a Feminist Being Told No, 1553, colorized

See, you may have forgotten that this show is feminist, and feminists must engage with the patriarchy. I don’t blame you for forgetting that, since this show so rarely brings it up. It’s just part of your male libertarian privilege, you forgetting about the patriarchy. That’s why this show must give you an occasional gentle nudge, you see.

* Mythelina’s new headcanon is that Jane is not, in fact, a product of this series’ world. She’s actually a time traveler from our time, sucked into a barbaric alternate reality fantasy world. It’s the only possible explanation for how Jane is so baffled every single time one of her little temper tantrums doesn’t work, and how she can possibly be so shocked about things being the way they are in a world she supposedly grew up in.

Back at the castle, Princess Mary and Lord Seymour are busy celebrating the death of King Edward in a very normal way.

Mythelina: “What is she doing to him? It doesn’t even look like she’s spanking him, it looks like she’s ripping one of his buttcheeks off! Talk about half-assed 😏”

Their celebrations are interrupted by Princess Bess and Petunia (Edward’s Ethian friend whom Bess is still dogsitting, not knowing she’s a human and all). They want to know where Edward is and why they aren’t allowed to see him. Seymour says he gave at the office and shuts the door in her face. Mary says that Bess is getting suspicious and that she wants to announce Edward is dead. Seymour tries to stall her, because as you may recall from the last episode, Edward’s will of succession is missing from the chancery and Seymour doesn’t want his death announced until he can find it and either confirm it does name Mary as Edward’s successor, or else destroy that one and replace it with a forgery. He doesn’t tell Mary this, though, because the spanking is what she does when she’s in a good mood.

So, once he and Mary are done with… all that… Seymour devises a plan. On the off chance that Edward’s will named Jane as his successor, the best solution would be to just make Jane unavailable, right? Thus, he enlists a couple of his flunkies, a typical Jasper and Horace duo, to track down those Dalmatian puppies Jane and Ratty and assassinate them. Problem solved!

Down in the royal dungeon, Lord Dudley is frantic to clear his name before he’s boiled in oil on Saturday. He calls for Stan, Ratty’s poncey brother, who had been assigned to secure the will of succession when Dudley learned of Edward’s poisoning. Stan informs Dudley that the will has been stolen. Dudley, realizing someone is scheming against him, entreats Stan to enlist a fellow schemer to come to his aid. Who better than Stan’s favorite MILF, Lady Frances?

Stan races to the Grey home to speak with Frances, but she’s busy right now. After learning that the Dudleys were as broke as they were, and after learning that the will that would have named Jane queen was missing, Frances decided to take matters into her own gold-digging hands and unreasonably quickly arranged for the marriage of Jane’s middle sister, Katherine, to the snaggle-toothed, gout-ridden Duke of Leicester. Stan is delighted—he loves weddings! He promptly forgets all about his mission and invites himself to the festivities.

Mythelina, not suffering from my affliction of face blindness, pointed out to me that this is Jim Broadbent. And she is correct! They got actual actors for this show??

Back at the honeymoon cottage, Jane informs Ratty about the ransom note. Ratty tells her

  1. These kind of ransom demands usually don’t end up with the problem just going away if you pay it.
  2. Also, they can’t afford to pay it anyway, since his dad’s in debt up to his balls. Ahem. Eyeballs.

Jane says fine, she’ll just pilfer the family silver, then. Ratty returns to point number one, that ransom demands don’t usually work out too great for the one paying the ransom. He also points out the high improbability that Susannah is actually being held hostage at all; the more likely scenario is that the Pack is full of shit and just looking to make a quick buck off Jane.

I just enjoyed this “r u retarded” look he was giving her the whole time she ranted.

How incredibly unfeminist is he?! Doesn’t he care about the plight of wimmen? Doesn’t he care that a waman may be suffering currently, at the hands of a penis like him? Doesn’t he know what an upstanding and unpustuled womyn Susannah is?!

No, no he does not. Because you know why? Because the PATRIARCHY. So he tries to pull a Reverse Uno “oh yeah, well what if I forbid it as your lord husband?” But she pulls a Double Reverse Uno, “Go on! Try it! Try and forbid me! What are you going to do? Lock me up?”


Utterly stymied, Ratty is left with no choice but to just let her have her way. You can’t come back against a Feminist Double Reverse Uno. That’s just the way it is.

Thus, off she runs into the woods, and, of course, Ratty, utterly cucked, comes along with her. After all, she may be a strong independent waman who don’t need no man, but she’s got his balls in her purse, and he kind of needs those.

Along the way to the Ethian camp, Ratty warns her to expect trouble. “You’ll need a dagger,” he tells her. “I brought a spare.” He holds up a piddly, pathetic little table knife. Doesn’t he know better? As a proper feminist heroine, Jane excels at hand-to-hand combat. “That’s not a dagger,” she snipes, “this is a dagger.” And, of course, she whips one out even bigger than his. Is this buck bre— Sorry, wrong race.

Then, of course, she has to show off that she’s a master knife-fighter. So she takes him on in combat and hands his ass to him, because naturally she’s an unstoppable waman who can best any man in a fight. And she’s just so hot with the way she can dominate him~ BUT THAT IS VERY PATRIARCHAL OF YOU TO THINK THAT, RATTY. TEN POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN.

Meanwhile, back at the Greys’ house, Horace Slughorn the Duke of Leicester is toasting all the guests at the wedding with a celebrity roast about the sheer idiocy of the concept that a woman would ever sit on the throne. Clearly, Edward will recover from his illness-or-poisoning, simply because the gods plural* would never deign to permit a female to inherit the throne, and Edward doesn’t have any male heirs, so obviously he’s not going to die. Duh. Then he tells Katherine to smile, so she’ll look prettier.

Patriarchy embodied.

* So, let’s talk about this. Suddenly, out of nowhere, everyone is like, “Thank the gods,” or, “gods willing,” etc. And I was like wait, they’re pagan??

  • There’s a church in Rome
  • They say the Ethians are Satan’s minions and witches and stuff
  • They talk about saints
  • And of course the patriarchy
  • But they’re pagan…?

Of course they are. Stop asking questions.

Back in the woods, Ratty and Jane reach the Ethian encampment. And guess what? I know you won’t be able to guess. You’ll never guess…

Susannah, Jane’s slutty made, is

  • not being held hostage
  • not in any danger
  • not making that guy she’s flirting with aware of her pustuled status

Jane is incensed. If Susannah is not being held hostage, then what was the meaning of that ransom note?! She bursts into the camp to demand that very information!

Susannah is prepared for this. Without even batting an eye, she begins to explain intersectionality to Jane. You see, while she and Jane are both members of a marginalized class, i.e. vaginas, Susannah also has the intersecting marginalization of poverty. Therefore, by virtue of being both poor and a waman rather than just a wamyn, Susannah is more oppressed than Jane, and therefore she deserves Jane’s money.

Recognizing her privilege, Jane concedes, gives the pack Guildford’s family silver, and shuffles away chastened and rebuked.

Ratty thinks this is bollocks, but he’ll never understand. He can never be a true feminist, for he has a penis.

“Trans women aren’t women” – the writers of My Lady Jane, 2024

This meaningful dialogue is interrupted by Jasper and Horace, who take advantage of the struggle session to draw a knife on our two heroes. The villains’ advantage doesn’t last long, though, for they weren’t prepared for a waman who can fight! Jane and Ratty effortlessly overpower their would-be assassins, who flee into the night. Then, overcome with hormones after that fraught lesson-in-intersectionality-followed-by-knife-fight, they fall into each other’s arms and begin tearing each other’s clothes off.

We get about five minutes of delicately filmed striptease, makeout, straddling, almost panty-removal, and then suddenly record scratch, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? RAPE!!”

I want you to note that

  • She grabbed him first
  • She kissed him first
  • She ripped his clothes off first
  • She helped him take her clothes off

But whose fault is it that she almost gave in to her passions? HIS! IT’S HIS FAULT!

“We had a deal!!” she shrieks at him. “We were not going to consummate this marriage! We were going to get a divorce! You’re reneging on the deal!” And then she runs away.

Mythelina: Why is she mad at him?!
Me: Because she’s a feminist! She has to be mad about something always, at all time!

Are you sick of this will-they-or-won’t-they yet? I hope not, because we’ve got five more episodes to go!

Get used to it, Ratty, you’ve got a lot more of this to go.

Back at the Grey house, the youngest sister, the sadist, has decided that she is sick of her mother marrying her sisters off. There’s an easy solution for all this strife, you know. There’s no need for everyone to keep making themselves miserable. All you need is a little


So she strangles the Duke of Leicester to death and makes it look like he choked on an apple.

Lady Frances walks in, sees what her daughter has done, and commends her for being a proper feminist who knows that you can’t follow the rules of the patriarchy if you want to get your way. They sweep out of the room and… that’s that. Bye, Duke of Leicester!

What, do you not like the morals this show based on a book for twelve-year-olds might be imparting to the youth of America? What are you, some kind of bigot or something?

Meanwhile, at the palace, the show has remembered that there’s supposed to be a plot going on here. That’s right, Edward is supposedly dead and his will of succession is missing! Since Jasper and Horace’s assassination attempt failed, Seymour has been left with no other choice but to forge a will. This forged will is just about to be read, when suddenly… Petunia (the dog) appears with the real will in her mouth! Who stole it out of the chancery? Why, it was none other than Princess Bess! Fearing her brother’s will may be usurped, she has been guarding it for safekeeping. Seymour’s plan thwarted, the real will is read, naming…

…none other than our hapless heroine, Lady Jane Grey, as the Queen of England! Whaaaa? Who ever could have seen it coming?*gasps* *shock*

Well, looks like Jane’s got herself in a real sticky situation now. How will she ever escape from her forced marriage and queenship so she can become the bestselling author of the Unabridged History of the Beet in England, Volume 5?? You’ll have to tune in next week to find out~

About The Author

Mythical Libertarian Woman

Mythical Libertarian Woman

Who is MLW? The people of the local village only speak of her in whispers and fear. They say she lives up on the mountain, consorting with all manner of spirits. Children are warned never to approach her cabin for fear of being eaten. At times the women of the village will leave offerings and requests to her, hoping she will beckon the power of the Dark Gods to do their bidding. On every Hallow's Eve, a single child is left chained to a rock near her dwelling, in the hopes that such an offering will please her and remove the village from her ire.


  1. kinnath

    What a shame it’s been cancelled.

    • The Other Kevin

      Meanwhile, we’re watching Season 4 of Only Murders in the Building. You know they’re doing something right when the episode ends, and everyone’s mad because we have to wait another week to find out what happens. The writing in that show is its superpower. It still puzzles me how they keep making shows like Woke Charmed Tudors with shit writing, and people are SHOCKED! when those shows are canceled after one season. Well some people are shocked.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Same! Really enjoy Only Murders too.

        My wife gives me shit for (re)watching Doctor Who, but I enjoy it, even with the (now light by comparison) BBC employee moralizing. Pick up new things on almost every rewatch.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Also, Sturgeon’s law.

      • Tundra

        Me too. Excellent series.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Also, Steve Martin and Martin Short are both talented and experienced.

      • Tundra

        Selena surprised me. I didn’t think much of her character at first but she’s quite good.

      • Gustave Lytton

        Yep. Surprised at someone that came out of the mouse machine not completely fucked up.

      • rhywun

        even with the (now light by comparison) BBC employee moralizing

        I’d love to watch some of those older seasons but I’m not paying for Apple+.

    • WTF

      I wonder how in the hell someone thought it a good idea to greenlight the money for it in the first place.

      • kinnath

        Hiring activists in key roles instead of competent creators and managers.

  2. The Late P Brooks

    It’s just part of your male libertarian privilege, you forgetting about the patriarchy.

    Does a fish know he’s swimming?

  3. Sean

    Horrible. Ridiculous. Unhinged.

    And I’m here for it.


    • rhywun

      It’s gloriously batshit.

      *cheers and applause*

  4. Gender Traitor

    …listening to sultry lo-fi music on her period-accurate stereo system.

    Cassette Walkman?

    • Gender Traitor

      Seriously intrigued by this. Was it really some anachronistic device showing? Not just background soundtrack?

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        I can’t remember now because we’ve watched a few since this episode, but there have been like pseudo-medieval jukeboxes in the tavern and in one episode a band with pseudo-electric lute. They’re not really trying to fit the time period and I think it’s supposed to be their schtick, but it’s so bizarre it’s hard to figure out

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        Like Gilligan’s Island bamboo-and-coconut machines, only medieval

  5. Gustave Lytton

    What, no mention about the rule of thumb?

    • Not Adahn

      That’s a size limit on bets, iirc

  6. The Late P Brooks

    As queen she’ll be much to busy re-writing the Social Contract to study beets.

    • trshmnstr

      14 blue hairs and their 1700 cats.

    • Nephilium

      No matter the property, no matter how bad the media, keep in mind, that for some group of people it’s their favorite.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    “That’s not a dagger,” she snipes, “this is a dagger.” And, of course, she whips one out even bigger than his. Is this buck bre— Sorry, wrong race.

    For some inexplicable reason, this conjured a recollection of the tale of Hatchet Harry bludgeoning some malefactor with a fifteen inch black rubber dildo.

    • EvilSheldon


      I don’t think I’ve gone 24 hours without thinking about that scene.

  8. EvilSheldon

    Are we absolutely certain that this isn’t some kind of brilliant satire?

    • The Other Kevin

      That crossed my mind. If I were to write a show lampooning wokism, it might look just like this.

    • rhywun

      Are we 4 Imprint certain?

  9. The Late P Brooks

    As for will-they-or-won’t-they, I’m betting Slutty Susannah gets there first.

    • UnCivilServant

      Nonsense, she’ll rupture and unleash a deluge of pestelince demons first.

  10. UnCivilServant

    Normally, I’d ask how many drugs were involved in the writing of this series. But I’m afraid the answer would be “none”.

  11. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “There’s a church in Rome
    They say the Ethians are Satan’s minions and witches and stuff
    They talk about saints
    And of course the patriarchy
    But they’re pagan…?”

    Well the Catholics are polytheists.

    • Nephilium

      That sure would be a shock to the priests, nuns, and monks I know.

      • Dr. Fronkensteen

        Now go say 2 Hail Marys and pray to Saint Clare of Assisi the patron saint of television for you heresy.

      • Nephilium

        Dr. Fronkensteen:

        I’m a recovering (per my still devout friends “lapsed”) Catholic. I’m already an apostate, but the polytheism argument is an old canard that’s just wrong.

      • kinnath

        The trinity has never bothered me. Just three faces of the same thing.

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        As someone who was raised Catholic (am now Protestant), that’s not actually true. However, I think many lay people may not understand what they are doing, so they might be fiddling with things they don’t understand.

        Prayers to saints are not prayers TO saints, they are asking saints to pray for you the way you ask your family or your small group to pray for you. The hang-up Protestants hit here is that “but they’re dead.” But Jesus Himself said they’re not in his rebuke of the Sadducees in Matthew 22:31-32, and the living status of the faithful who came before is made evident in the Transfiguration. There is additional textual evidence for the intercession of the faithful now with God in the book of Maccabees, which is considered apocryphal by Protestants, but as mentioned, there’s still evidence for the living nature of the faithful departed in the canonical scriptures.

        As for the Hail Mary, the prayer is literally just the text of Luke 1:42-45 with an additional sentence at the end: “Mary, please pray for us.”

        So you can’t in any meaningful way call Catholics (or Orthodox!) polytheistic. There are other issues with Catholicism which led to me not feeling comfortable staying on. But asking for the intercession of saints, when properly applied and understood (which… doubtful for many), is scriptural and not non-Christian.

      • juris imprudent

        I’ve always enjoyed the irony that The Holy Trinity was how the early Church got around both dualism and Arianism. Thank you Saint Augustus for inventing the Holy Spirit not otherwise identified in scripture.

      • Tundra

        *applause for MLW*

        Perfectly stated. Thank you.

      • Nephilium


        Splitter! 🙂

        Yep. I’ve got my problems with the Church, but polytheism is not one of them.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        The impression I get is that people praying to saints think the saints will handle things directly rather that the saints knowing a guy who can take care of it. Maybe I’m misunderstanding it, and those doing the praying agree with MLW’s explanation, but I bet a lot of those doing the praying to the saints misunderstand it too.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        I don’t really get the Trinity either, but that’s not only a Catholic thing.

      • Tundra

        Splitter! 🙂

        Lol. I left the RC church many years ago. Yesterday I went to a funeral mass – first time in years that I’ve been to any mass. And of course they changed all the words.

        I hate change.

      • trshmnstr

        Thank you Saint Augustus for inventing the Holy Spirit not otherwise identified in scripture.

        Wut? “Spirit of God” shows up a zillion times.

        Here’s a verse where Christ, God, and Spirit are all intermingled in a very trinitarian way:

        Romans 8:9 BSB
        [9] You, however, are controlled not by the flesh, but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ.


        This is one example among many

      • juris imprudent

        Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ sounds like two not one. Just being literal there. The Trinitarian doctrine really did come up to resolve the earlier disputes about unity/duality.

      • trshmnstr

        I don’t really get the Trinity either, but that’s not only a Catholic thing.


      • Suthenboy

        “…dont get the trinity…”

        Christianity, born of paganism. Pagans anthropomorphized ideas. The educated and half-smart ones did not believe that zeus was an actual living entity, or any of the pantheon of gods. The ideas were represented in the persons of those gods. Christianity teaches that God, the Devil, angels, saint’s etc are actual real persons. When it comes to the trinity you run into a bit of logical inconsistency by mixing those two perspectives.
        Jesus is not an actual person. He represents the concept of redemption. Given our nature that is a very appealing foundation for a religion. Forgiveness, wisdom, hope are just three concepts that the religion is based on.
        Quick search, first suspect: Harvest Magazine, a christian rag
        “The Person and Nature of the Holy Spirit

        The Holy Spirit is called the Paraclete in the original Greek, which literally means “one called alongside to help.” He is here for you—and He wants to do a wonderful work in your life (see John 14:16–18). He wants to seal, guide, empower, and fill you, time and time again. Yet, there is a great deal of misunderstanding concerning His role and working in the lives of both believers and nonbelievers.

        Some have wrongly assumed that the Spirit is more of a spirit than a person. That is probably due in part to descriptions of Him in Scripture as being like the wind or a fire, or as coming on Jesus in the form of a dove. Yet, this must be balanced with the rest of Scripture.

        In the New Testament, Jesus referred to Himself as “the Bread of Life” and “the Door.” The Bible also refers to God as “a Refuge” and “a Consuming Fire,” as well as one who will protect us “under His wings.” Does that mean that Jesus is a loaf of bread or a door? Does that imply that God the Father is a pile of rocks, a blast furnace, or a giant bird in Heaven? Of course not! In the same way, those descriptions of the Holy Spirit do not mean that He is simply some sort of force or power. In order to be considered a person, a being must possess three characteristics: intelligence, will, and emotion. The Holy Spirit displays all three.”

        You see the logical pretzel they have to bake…An idea is an actual person is a thing is not a thing is…oh, forget it.

        The trinity is just that, a logical pretzel. Dont try to figure it out. Stick with the ideas. They matter.

      • trshmnstr

        Spirit of God and Spirit of Christ sounds like two not one. Just being literal there.

        It does until it’s woven together with Jesus’s claim to be God. Christ is just Greek for Messiah. Messiah is the title of the prophesied leader who was to come back and restore Israel to its former glory (among other things… which is a whole separate rabbit trail). The Messiah is the “Son of David”, which basically means a descendent of David’s who reclaim the authority of David’s throne.

        In the 1st century, the Jews were split on whether humans even had souls or not. The Sadducees tended to be more or less materialistic in their thinking (“ashes to ashes, dust to dust”) and saw God as the only entity having a Spirit. The Pharisees believed we had souls, but “Spirit of [person]” would likely conjure images of a ghost rather than anything akin to the Spirit of God. Spirit of Christ would’ve been nonsensical to a Jewish audience, and only made sense to Christians in the context of Christ’s claim of Deity.

        tl;dr: those terms only make sense as synonyms.

      • trshmnstr

        Jesus is not an actual person. He represents the concept of redemption.

        Literally 100% the opposite of what Christianity has asserted from day 1. It’s also damn near impossible to set a standard where there isn’t enough historical evidence for an actual Jesus of Nazareth, but there is enough historical evidence for anybody else born before 1800 to have existed. The amount of evidence, both Christian and non-Christian for some dude named Jesus stirring up a bunch of trouble in the Levant and getting nailed to a tree for his trouble is insanely high.

      • Suthenboy

        Insanely high because it happened so many times.

        I can imagine the facepalm and exasperated sigh of whoever was trying to keep order
        “Sir, there is man calling himself the messiah…”
        *interuptes – “Fuck. Again?! Goddamit! What am I being punished for? I must have done something in a past life…. tell me again, when can I take out my retirement?”

      • Suthenboy

        I dont remember how…who said (paraphrased) There is no one so tiresome as a martyr

      • juris imprudent

        the authority of David’s throne

        That would be King of the Jews, only. The ruler of Almighty God’s chosen people ruled over an insignificant part of earth/humanity.

      • juris imprudent

        An idea is an actual person is a thing is not a thing is

        “In the Beginning was the Word… and the Word was made flesh”. Which to educated Greeks of that era meant something it doesn’t necessarily mean to us today.

    • CPRM

      When you ask the waiter to tell the cook something do you think the waiter is also a cook?

      • CPRM

        But also, I abhor the prayer as a wish that many practice. Prayer should be about praising God, not asking for a new boat or whatever.

      • Tundra

        – 1 prosperity gospel

    • Mythical Libertarian Woman

      Guys, don’t you think a holy war going on in the comments section is a little on the nose for a show about Jane Grey and Bloody Mary

      • Tundra

        More like a light skirmish, really.

      • Suthenboy

        Hey, you brought it up

      • slumbrew

        Oh, I’m sorry! This is abuse! – holy war is down the hall, 12A.

      • juris imprudent

        Are you trying to tell libertarians how to argue?

  12. kinnath

    This would have been betters on Starz

    • Dr. Fronkensteen

      Or Skinemax

      • kinnath


  13. juris imprudent

    Actual dialogue:

    Remind me, isn’t there actually a guild for screenwriters? Shouldn’t they kick someone out that isn’t qualified?

    • Mythical Libertarian Woman

      Lol, lmao even

      • juris imprudent

        I do like Mythelina’s supposition about time travel.

        But whose fault is it that she almost gave in to her passions?

        The irony being completely lost on feminists of this persuasion that this is precisely why the men of Islam insist on women being veiled – for otherwise they would incite the passion of men who can’t control themselves. Stupid fucking bitches.

    • kinnath

      Pay your dues, you’re good

  14. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    “Portrait of a Feminist Being Told No, 1553, colorized”

    That caption made me spit up my coffee. Well done.

  15. kinnath

    I miss the days when feminists burned their bras for attention.

    • Fourscore

      …and the non-feminists flaunted their femininity ….

  16. The Late P Brooks

    Capitalist AF

    Harris said her potential administration would create an “America Forward” strategy to build on her predecessor’s big investment bills, like the Inflation Education Act and the Chips and Science Act. That plan would include offering new tax credits linked to how workers are treated and whether they have the right to freely unionize, as well as support investment in energy, manufacturing, and agricultural communities, the campaign said in a fact sheet.


    According to the Harris campaign, her plan will cost $100 billion, although it claims it will be paid off by proceeds from international tax reforms.

    Harris on Wednesday also sought to remind voters that “I’m a capitalist” and shut down attempts to paint her as a socialist or a Marxist, as rival Former President Donald Trump has done. Throughout her speech she paraphrased legendary investor Warren Buffett, Alexander Hamilton, and innovators like Allen Newell and Herbert Simon, who founded Carnegie Mellon University’s computer science school.

    “Look, I am a capitalist. I believe in free and fair markets,” Harris said. “And I know the power of American innovation. I’ve been working with entrepreneurs and business owners my whole career.”

    Does “working with” include prosecuting?

    Fascist industrial policy is some flavor of capitalism, I suppose.

    • CPRM

      Literally fascism, literally.

      • Nephilium

        No. I’ve been told that fascism actually means “right wing nationalism”. Nothing to do with state control of private enterprise, just right wing nationalism.

      • rhywun

        This. JFC.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        One of Hillary’s campaign slogans was “Stronger Together”. Like a bundle of sticks. Somehow our betters in the media who see fascism in all things Trump didn’t make the connection with that.

    • juris imprudent

      free and fair

      Nice stolen base. If it is free it is by definition fair – because the participants are under no coercion. Fair is all about someone’s third-party judgement.

    • Suthenboy

      So, DEI, unions and windmills. Got it. And of course the fascist bitch (communism with a half of a spoon of Splenda) will choose who wins in all of this.

    • The Other Kevin

      She’s got great ideas, it’s a shame she never had access to anyone with the power to implement any of this.

    • Fourscore

      I was in until she mentioned Alexander Hamilton. Actually, I was in until I heard Kamal…..

    • R C Dean

      “Does “working with” include prosecuting?”

      Also extorting. And, of course, setting up the grift (see, e.g., the Inflation Reduction Act and the Chips and Science Act).

  17. The Late P Brooks

    I miss the days when feminists burned their bras for attention.

    And embraced their wanton lustful urges.

  18. Suthenboy

    “Are you sick of this will-they-or-won’t-they yet? I hope not, because we’ve got five more episodes to go!”

    God save us.
    Seriously, I enjoy these.

    • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

      Will they or won’t they? So it’s like a medieval, woke Moonlighting with an actress who is nowhere near as hot as Cybil Shepard.

  19. The Late P Brooks

    Fair is all about someone’s third-party judgement.

    Sometimes the market needs a helping hand. A nudge in the right direction, if you will.

    • The Other Kevin

      I have said this before, but once when one of my kids was little, we had a conversation about what she meant by “fair”. Ultimately it turned out that to her “fair” meant “I get my way”. This applies just as well to adults.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        My high school math teacher gave a great spiel when handing out the results of the first test. “You’ll say, ‘Mr. Teacher gave me a C’ or ‘he gave me a D’. I didn’t give you anything. You got what you deserved. Then you’ll say, ‘But that’s not fair.’ Look outside. Do you see fair out there?” He’d probably be fired today.

    • juris imprudent

      Silly people, thinking they know what is best for themselves rather than what we tell them is.

  20. The Late P Brooks

    Ultimately it turned out that to her “fair” meant “I get my way”. This applies just as well to adults.

    And compromise means “do what I tell you”.

    • juris imprudent

      Compromise can also mean I want all that you have, but I’ll only take some of it, now.

      • Fourscore

        Compromise is halfway between two bad ideas

  21. The Late P Brooks

    I’ve been told that fascism actually means “right wing nationalism”.

    Don’t forget the race hate.

  22. ron73440

    This. Is. Awesome.

    • The Gunslinger

      This is a fantastic write up. And it reminded me of something. A few weeks back we were at my mom’s house for Sunday dinner. As were all getting ready to leave I noticed my sister was wearing a T-shirt shirt that had “Today is a perfect day to smash the patriarchy” on it.

      • ron73440

        At a rest stop I saw a 40 something woman with a “JILL BIDEN” shirt.

        What the what?

      • Mythical Libertarian Woman

        She knows who the real 46 is, and she supports

      • Tundra

        Remember that the next time she needs help fixing or lifting something.

    • Fourscore

      Election interference! Election interference

      • Sean

        It couldn’t be more obvious, and they don’t give a flying fuck.

    • Suthenboy

      That is going to make Wisconsin R voters vote for Kammy?

      They are the source of endless own-goals and cant figure out why they dont have it in the bag.

      • Gustave Lytton

        That Harris has anywhere near her level of support is a stunning indictment of the American people.

      • Suthenboy

        I am not sure she does. In fact I am fairly certain that is all a fabrication. Some reporter went to one of the ‘swing states’ recently and visited grocery stores, gas stations and restaurants and could only find a single Harris supporter out of the hundred or so she randomly asked.

        Remember creepy Joe saying “I am not worried about that (what people think) we have the biggest voter fraud scheme in history!”
        Today it is like he never said that.

    • Gustave Lytton

      “Trump is setting up his private brownshirts army”


      • Suthenboy

        What did they do? Take photos of Antifa goons and photoshop out ANTIFA then replace with MAGA?

  23. slumbrew

    Even second-hand, this show is making me dumber.

    You are a tower of iron discipline, MLW, for enduring it directly. Brava.

    • Ted S.

      Even second-hand, this show is making me dumber.

      That’s hard to do.

      • slumbrew

        “Slumbrew has hit rock-bottom, and started digging”

  24. DEG

    Then the Inquisition came and Susannah once again abandoned Jane to her fate and yeeted herself into a hawk to escape

    She forgot the “tuah” part. That would save Jane.

    Mythelina: “What is she doing to him? It doesn’t even look like she’s spanking him, it looks like she’s ripping one of his buttcheeks off! Talk about half-assed 😏”

    She’s getting ready to peg him.

    “That’s not a dagger,” she snipes, “this is a dagger.” And, of course, she whips one out even bigger than his.

    Jane is no Crocodile Dundee.

    Recognizing her privilege, Jane concedes, gives the pack Guildford’s family silver, and shuffles away chastened and rebuked.

    Damn, it’s that easy? I wonder what else the slutty maid could have gotten.

    So she strangles the Duke of Leicester to death and makes it look like he choked on an apple.

    The Duke of Leicester didn’t kill himself.

    You’ll have to tune in next week to find out~

    I just caught up on the whole series. It’s great! I look forward to the next installment.

  25. R C Dean

    These are awesome, MLW. I’m glad you’re taking one for the team.