1520 Main – Chapter 105A

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Fiction, Prohibition | 76 comments

PrologueΒ |Β 1Β |Β 2Β |Β 3Β |Β 4Β |Β 5Β |Β 6Β |Β 7Β |Β 8Β |Β 9Β |Β 10Β |Β 11Β |Β 12Β |Β 13Β |Β 14Β |Β 15Β |Β 16Β |Β 17Β |Β 18Β |Β 19Β |Β 20AΒ |Β 20BΒ |Β 21Β |Β 22Β |Β 23Β |Β 24Β |Β 25-26Β |Β 27Β |Β 28-29Β |Β 30Β |Β 31Β |Β 32Β |Β 33Β |Β 34Β |Β 35-36Β |Β 37Β |Β 38AΒ |Β 38BΒ |Β 38CΒ |Β 38DΒ |Β 39Β |Β 40Β |Β 41Β |Β 42-43Β |Β 44-45Β |Β 46Β |Β 47Β |Β 48-49AΒ |Β 49BΒ |Β 50Β |Β 51Β |Β 52Β |Β 53Β |Β 54Β |Β 55Β |Β 56Β |Β 57AΒ |Β 57BΒ |Β 58-59|Β 60Β |Β 61Β |Β 62Β |Β 63Β |Β 64Β |Β 65Β |Β 66Β |Β 67Β |Β 68-69Β |Β 70AΒ |Β 70BΒ |Β 71AΒ |Β 71BΒ |Β 72Β |Β 73Β |Β 74AΒ |Β 74BΒ |Β 75Β |Β 76-77AΒ |Β 77BΒ |Β 78Β |Β 79Β |Β 80Β |Β 81Β |Β 82Β |Β 83Β |Β 84Β |Β 85-87Β |Β 88AΒ |Β 88BΒ |Β 89Β |Β 90Β |Β 91Β |Β 92Β |Β 93Β |Β 94AΒ |Β 94BΒ |Β 95Β |Β 96Β |Β 97Β |Β 98-99Β |Β 100Β |Β 101Β |Β 102-103Β |Β 104A | 104B



MARINA READ TREY’S letter with growing dismay, and then alarm. It wasn’t as if being threatened by evil gangsters was enough; she simply wanted to go home and back to her husband.

And her husband was terrified.

He didn’t say so.

She could feel it.

As the several-page tightly packed letter went on, it became clear he was hurt Boss Tom had abandoned him. Was Boss Tom so angry over having lost 1520 he was willing to let Trey and all his dependents come under siege?

Though Trey’s written words were perfect, his handwriting was so much more atrocious than usual, even she had a hard time deciphering it. She could hear his voice, rapid-fire speech, country accent, bad grammar, dropped consonants, and all. He was terrified, hurt, angry, and completely unable to come up with a scheme to get himself out without getting himself killed and/or the speak blown up with everyone in it.

β€œWhat’s wrong, Missus?” Ida asked when she finished putting Susanna to bed.

Marina, unable to keep it to herself, but unwilling to share his feelings, sketched it out. β€œHe can’t find a buyer for the speak,” she began. β€œNobody wants to touch it at any price because there’s a bounty on it. He’s lost the Remus. Boss Tom is taking the protection money, but won’t protect him.”

To her shock, Ida waved it off. β€œMr. Trey always knows what to do. Why, he’s the smartest man I ever met.”

β€œHe’s a very smart man who got himself trapped.”

β€œHe’s been trapped before,” Ida reminded her, sliding a look toward the dark bedroom where Susanna quietly babbled to put herself to sleep.

β€œYes,” Marina returned a little tightly. β€œAnd I had to get him out of it.”

β€œSurely there’s something you could do to help?”

β€œI’m not β€¦ there β€¦ to do anything, Ida,” Marina said, bewildered.

β€œYou’ll think of something. You came to Minneapolis lickety split without asking anybody or telling anybody, either, and it was the right thing to do. You’re just as smart as Mr. Trey.”

Marina didn’t sleep much that night. Not only was Susanna taking over the bed and kicking Marina’s ribs in her sleep as usual, she couldn’t get over the idea that she needed to do something to help her scared and angry husband.

The next day was grocery shopping day for Mrs. Pedersen, but Marina could barely drag herself out of bed.

β€œWhat’s wrong, Marina?” her landlady asked, feeling Marina’s forehead as she drove along to the grocer’s.

β€œBad news from my husband,” she said absently as she turned the corner away from the grocery store.

β€œAh, does that mean those men are going to be coming here?”

β€œNo. No one in the mob knows where I am except the man who brought Ida.”

β€œAh, oh. Good. Marina, the grocery store is that way.”

β€œI know. I just had an idea and need to send a telegram.”


β€œThis is to go to Albright Veterinary, Kansas City, Missouri.”

After that was done, it was with a bit of a lighter heart she went about her Wednesday routine with the landlady, then took Button and Ida skating. So it shocked her when, that evening, Mr. Pedersen knocked on her door to present her a telegram.


Heart in her throat, she looked up at her landlord.

β€œI’m going home tomorrow for about a week,” she told him. β€œHopefully less. I need to fetch something.”

He gaped at her. β€œWhat about those fellas? The reason you came here?”

β€œNo one will know I’m coming. I’ll leave town before anyone sees me.”

β€œUff-da!” he protested. β€œNothing is worth that risk.”

He was such a good man, and she appreciated his protectiveness. She told him this, but that only made him more protective.

Had she not gotten herself, her baby, and her valuables out of Kansas City as soon as she’d sensed a threat? Had she not left a clever note for her husband to find her? Had she not escaped the threat by a hair’s breadth? She had never wavered, never faltered, never made a misstep because she was a frog who leaped over a pond’s worth of lily pads to get to the fastest and most pragmatic answer to a problem.

He looked confused, but she shook her head to clear it. β€œNever mind about the frog. I’ll be leaving in the morning. Ida will stay here with Susanna. I will leave my car keys and Mrs. Pedersen may use it.”

Mrs. Pedersen dropped Marina off at the train station the next morning with a hug. β€œIt’s nothing I’ve ever heard of, gallivanting off somewhere for a week without luggage.”

Marina gave her a slight smile. β€œMy husband’s grandmother taught me you can buy clothes anywhere you go.”

β€œI suppose. I’m not used to thinking about a woman with that much moneyβ€”or, anyone, really. I’m used to women making their own clothes. Or the girls in the building, pinching their pennies to buy a nice dress.”

Marina nodded. β€œThank you, Mrs. Pedersen. I don’t want to miss my train.”

It was a long trip from Minneapolis to Chicago. Then from Chicago to Kansas City. Marina had hours to think, but had brought nothing to write on, so she pressed the conductor for some paper and a pencil. She parked herself in the dining car and began writing.

GIVEN: Boss Tom owes me.


If you don’t want to wait 2 years to get to the end, you can buy it here.

Speakeasy staff.

Donations can be made here, if you so desire.

About The Author



Aspiring odalisque.


  1. cyto

    Edge case nutpunch.


    Lessons to be learned here.

    Cops come to “talk” to a guy about a social media post and ask to come in. Trying to be nice, he says to come in and close the door.

    Cops immediately want to frisk him and disarm him. He says no. They insist. He says in that case, they can leave his home.

    He is arrested and dragged out without a warrant.

    Civil rights attorney says it is a grey area if this is a legal arrest. Don’t let the cops in.

    • cyto

      Bonus stupid… homeowner is a known felony. They were there because he posted a picture to social media with a gun on a shelf behind him. He answers the door with a gun in a hip holster.

      Not a rocket scientist, this one.

      • juris imprudent

        Well that kinda pulls the punch.

      • cyto

        They didn’t get a warrant, so he could have just told them to leave and gotten rid of the gun.

        Answering with the gun probably isn’t enough for immediate arrest (violating the castle)… even though they witness the crime.

        He still might get it tossed. But damn, dumb as a box of rocks.

    • DenverJ

      “Don’t let the cops in.” Just like vampires.

      • UnCivilServant

        Just like vampires, cops get mad when you stake one of them.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Rule #1: Don’t talk to the cops. They are not your friends.

  2. rhywun

    TIL that Aperol makes my head spin now.

    Thanks, Moj – I sense an end-game coming. Exiting!

    • rhywun

      Er… “exciting”, even.

      • R C Dean

        Exiting also works, what with the end game coming and all.

  3. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    I shall be on the Zoom just as soon as this live police chase is over…

      • creech

        Case of soup equals 24 felonies?

      • Tres Cool

        Probably 48 if each can is 2 servings.

      • creech

        Or each chunk of vegetable.

    • Grumbletarian

      I wonder if he’ll have the National Guard patrolling the streets of DC in early November.

      • Gender Traitor

        When kids go out trick-or-treating, he’ll declare a national emergency and impose martial law.

      • Tres Cool

        Pierre Trudeau approves.

      • Gustave Lytton

        As long as it’s not western NC.

    • Ted S.

      If TEAM BLUE doesn’t win there will be violence.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, it sounds like a threat.

  4. Sean

    Marina needs a Thompson.

      • R C Dean

        Yeah, saw a an HK USC at ye local gun shoppe today. I have this irrational liking of those things, although I’d do a lot of work to it. Ideally, cut the barrel back to 11” or so (which I think optimizes the .45 ACP round) and put a suppressor on it. Also replace that godawful stock with a proper UMP stock.



      • slumbrew

        Still have a soft spot for the venerable MP5.

  5. Fourscore

    Declare a Covid and let the cops shut the speak down, hustle Trey out of town.

    Apparently Albright is going to the dogs.

    Thanks, Moj, left me waiting for another chapter.

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Very good, CPRM. Very good.

    • slumbrew

      Excellent πŸ˜€

    • MikeS

      Female semen. Cut her loose.

      • CPRM

        A good zoom crowd if you want to join and talk about female semen.

  6. pistoffnick (370HSSV)

    I heard it on the “x”:

    β€œThe quicker you understand that they want you dead & are trying to kill you, the quicker we can get on with what must be done.”

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      Where I am at.

      • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

        Plan a garden for the next year.
        Be ungovernable.
        Plan for multiple natural catastrophe’s.
        Teach your own children.
        Be ungovernable.
        Don’t rely on the government to solve your problems.
        Be ungovernable.
        Be ungovernable.
        Barter for the things you need.

  7. KK, Plump & Unfiltered

    We’re having a grand ol time in here Zoom – join, or die

    • pistoffnick (370HSSV)

      join, or die

      Cake or death?

      Cake please!

      We are all out of cake.

    • Brochettaward

      I choose death.

  8. Brochettaward

    Orc lives matter. Apparently.

  9. Not Adahn

    Good morning! At the diner prior to my first match running the CZ97. The bag is noticeably heavier.

    • Sean

      If you come down again sometime, you better bring that one.

      • Not Adahn

        Roger Wilco.

  10. Suthenboy

    good morning all.
    third cup of coffee here….sitting through this just now….

    A remarkable testament from a reformed? leftist insider describing living in the leftist bubble. It is remarkable to me how plain and clear it was all along how corrupt they are and she just couldn’t see it for a long time. I guess if one has never thought for themselves it seems very natural to go along with the. evilest shit to be part of the tribe. I think it snuck up on her. She still hasn’t quite got it but she is getting there.

    Leftist nightmare movements usually require extreme circumstances to survive birth and I am trying to come up with how ours was spawned. I am not sure I can identify a point in our history on par what the things that happened in Germany, Russia, China, Cuba, etc….
    Anyone have any ideas?

    • rhywun

      Summer of Love

      Whatever they have planned for the 10/7 anniversary in a couple days

      But yeah it feels mostly like a slowly boiling frog.

      • Suthenboy

        I dont see in our own history some parallel extreme conditions that gives rise to extremist movements. We have not suffered the kind of political oppression or poverty that I thought was necessary for that. Perhaps I am wrong about how these movements are spawned.
        The reporter describes limousine liberals at the root of the CHAZ debacle.
        I have read a number of accounts about inter-war Germany as being plagued by crushing poverty, plagues of drug addiction, humiliation and hunger giving rise to a number of cannibalism scandals. We haven’t had that. Well, some of it but not to the degree others have seen.

        Maybe I should go back and re-read ‘The True Believer’ and some Hanna Arendt.

    • cavalier973

      The Civil War.

      Because it is perceived as having been waged for a good cause, Americans have bought into the myth that the FedGov is a force for good, and should be allowed to bend the rules, when necessary, because that is what Lincoln did to β€œfree the slaves”.

      In addition, the Progressive Movement, which was purportedly based on the latest science, persuaded Americans that scientifically trained experts could better arrange our lives than we could.

      • Suthenboy

        Ok. The ‘common sense’ test from yesterday’s discussion was a bit eye-opening in more ways that I didnt initially see.

        I saw one of those ‘man on the street’ interviews recently where a woman was asked about gun control. She went on a spittle flecked rant about it repeating the gibberish talking points of the gun control crowd. She had no awareness that any of the things she was saying were nonsense but she was very, very convinced and passionate. Half a sentence in I could see that trying to reason with her would be a complete waste of time.

        *Why I have adopted the position of ‘Fuck you, NO.’ when it comes to gun control.

      • Suthenboy

        I left out that she concluded her rant with “…it’s just common sense!”

      • juris imprudent

        Thanks Cav, that’s a point I keep trying to make – we had a whole class of people here wanting to remake the country long before anyone on these shores gave Marx even a casual interest.

      • Pat

        we had a whole class of people here wanting to remake the country long before anyone on these shores gave Marx even a casual interest.

        Starting with the founding fathers. The American Revolution and it’s spiritual brother the French Revolution were both epochal shifts inspired by Utopian intellectuals with plans for fundamentally altering the nature society and government.

      • cavalier973

        The anti-Federalists have been proven right, in my opinion.

      • Ted S.

        But at least they make their own grits.

    • rhywun

      So many fun details. He is married to the Guardian Angels dude’s ex-wife?!

      The kid opens his yap when they see the punk assholes being punks?!

    • Suthenboy

      I have heard some talk lately that Harris is a complete construct. Not a real person. Her history, family, etc. before her public life is all a fabrication.
      Once upon a time I would have dismissed that as a fever dream conspiracy theory but then…..Jeffery Epstein. It doesnt look so crazy now.

  11. Sean

    Elon vs. Mayor Pete.


    My money is on Elon.

  12. Gender Traitor

    Good morning, all! Spud appears to have scheduled AM Lynx for twelve hours from now, so I guess we’re unsupervised until Mexi shows up. 😁

      • Gender Traitor

        Saturday morning Links of the Goyim β€” Scheduled
        Spudalicious Daily Links β€”No tags Scheduled
        2024/10/05 at 7:00 pm

    • Pat

      Well that’s it, I’m canceling my subscription.

      • cavalier973

        Ask for a refund

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, ‘slinger! I must confess, I’m a bit torn between favoring the Tigers or the Grauniads at this stage of the postseason. Mostly I just root against the Yankees.

      • The Gunslinger

        I’m not torn. I’m very much rooting for the Tigers to beat the Indians. (They’ll always be the Indians to me). 😁

  13. Tres Cool

    suh’ fam
    whats goody yo


  14. Tonio

    There were problems with the AM links scheduling. They’re up now.

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