Cemetery Man

by | Oct 10, 2024 | Film, Fun, GlibFlick | 87 comments

Look at that tag line. There was a real attempt to sell this motion picture to squares. It didn’t succeed, but the film took off and became a cult classic years later.

Cemetery Man

Well, this is a real cult classic based on a book entitled Dellamorte, Dellamore by Tiziano Sclavi, who also wrote the Dylan Dog comics for years. Both can be seen as related, certainly in tone and theme.

What is is about? Here I am, stealing from IMDB again today:

“Francesco Dellamorte is the guardian of the cemetery of Buffalora, a little town in the north of Italy, in which, we don’t know why, corpses rise from tombs and Dellamorte has to destroy them. Dellamorte seems not to ask to himself why this happen, he shoots and loves. But at the end he wants to leave Buffalora.”

This movie gets more surreal as it goes on, culminating in an ending which I shall not spoil and certainly did not see coming the first time I watched this.

Quick Trivia! The cinematographer, Mauro Marchetti, worked on Last Tango in Paris. After that excellent work, he was able to butter up Michele Soavi and get the job on Cemetery Man.

This was a very influential movie, at the time and still today. The goth scene adores it. Many, many reviews have been written about it. I picked a long form and short form review, take your pick if you need to know more. The long form one damn near spells out the whole plot, so skip it if you have never seen this. I haven’t watched this since the DVD release in 2006, so I am looking forward to it!

So watch! Or don’t! Everything is voluntary until a zombie bites you and you wind up undead! Next week, come dive in the trash with me! I shall play one of my favorite films: Blackenstein. Forget Blacula, that is far too classy!

Help! My Country is Being Stolen by Communists!

Don’t panic. They may not be commies. They may just be run of the mill elitist jerks who put their needs ahead of yours. The solution is the same. Train up and get a helicopter license, then practice hovering at a high altitude over parking lots. BY HIGH ALTITUDE MEAN…

About The Author



Hello. My name is R.J. I am a Tulpa with extra cheese and sour cream.


  1. Common Tater

    Neat illo 🙂

  2. Common Tater

    Is it going to be the theatrical or extended version of Blackenstein?

    • R.J.

      The Criterion Edition.
      Seriously, I am not sure. Give me a minute to look at run times.

      • R.J.

        Our version is missing one minute of footage. Sad.

      • Common Tater

        Criterion should do Troma movies.

        So what is the run time?

        I found both versions, so I don’t know which to get.

      • R.J.

        Our run time is 1 hour, 17 minutes. I found one place indicating a run time ten minutes longer. God’s name, don’t add ten minutes to it. Go for one closest to 1:17.

      • Common Tater

        “Go for one closest to 1:17”

        Thanks, got it 🙂

  3. Common Tater

    I couldn’t find Italian with Spanish subs, so I’m watching the English dubbed version.

  4. CPRM

    That man must have been committed to his work, buried with his briefcase.

  5. SarumanTheGreat

    From the dead thread “TikTok posts either calling for violence or applauding unverified claims about physical attacks against FEMA personnel have garnered millions of views”

    They couldn’t get the hillbillies to fire on the black chopper that rotored volunteer supplies, so now they’re on TikTok trying to foment violence.

    False flag coming, IMO

  6. R.J.

    I like the hidden special feature this week, it was a surprise that popped up in my usual rounds.

  7. DEG

    This movie gets more surreal as it goes on, culminating in an ending which I shall not spoil and certainly did not see coming the first time I watched this.

    I will find out over the weekend.

    Thanks RJ!

    • R.J.

      I did succeed in repairing that divot in the tub with JB Water Weld. Somehow the color even matched. I just need to sand it down a bit. I have a new skill! I decided to wait on sanding until tomorrow and actually talk to people here.
      House is on the market, there is already somebody looking at it Saturday.

      • Don escaped Texas

        JB Weld was invented in Cumby, almost 20 miles east of Greenville (home of Audie Murphy)

      • R.J.

        That putty in a tube stuff they make now is the bomb. Squeeze it together and patch away. Stinks to high heaven though.

      • Chafed

        Where are you moving too?

  8. Evan from Evansville

    Short form article: “Francesco is the caretaker of the Buffalora cemetery. He and his simple-minded assistant, Gnaghi [François Hadji-Lazaro; Brotherhood of the Wolf (2001)], are there to maintain the grounds, dig graves for the recently deceased, and occasionally kill them again when they climb out hoping to feed on the living”

    I love Brotherhood of the Wolf, and not just Monica Bellucci. It’s just fun. I need to rewatch it to see if it’s ‘Good,’ but it’s an interesting take on a real time of strange, rural forest deaths in 1700s France, IIRC. Natch, vampires, sex and kung-fu are involved. I remember it as being the dopest dope I’d ever smoked. I was big into Werewolf: The Apocalypse and (to a lesser extent) Vampire: The Masquerade. Just reading the guides and history. Never played. I was also 14 when the flick came out.

    The movie seems legit interesting, especially if it managing to keep the Sisyphean struggle equally interesting to the audience.

    • R.J.

      Glad you liked it! This was Neph’s suggestion when I told him it was difficult to pick movies this October. He gets the credit.

    • rhywun

      I’m just outside the green but they were saying we might get a show? Who knows. Probably too bright here anyway.

      • CPRM

        I’m well in the green, but even that last one where people could see it all the way down in AZ I didn’t see shit. It was clear skies to. I maybe it was behind the trees.

      • R.J.

        I think once you are in the green zone, you need some light filters. And total darkness. No light pollution.

  9. groat scotum

    Just engaged in a whole twitter thread about caving and this guy, and honestly, I would rather deal with any maniacal killer or supernatural threat than… that.

    • R.J.

      Just no. I don’t know how people do that. There is an amusement park in Colorado, based around caves that a dude found by crawling on his belly, in the dark, for 1/2 mile. Makes me feel creepy just thinking about it.

      • groat scotum

        I looked it up. The man’s name is John Jones, and he died in his cave… fifteen years ago.

        Not that it takes away the horror of his death, but why was this popularized fifteen years later?!

      • pan fried wylie

        There’s a youtube channel where the guy details Spelunking Gone Wrong incidents, repeated instances of “had to shimmy 50ft on their belly only to get stuck and drown”, great way to trigger your claustrophobia in a safe setting.

        Ryan Reynolds in Buried was too much for me, I tapped out before the halfway mark and had to go walk around outside where i could see the sky. *shudder*

      • Stinky Wizzleteats

        No claustrophobia here but Sweet Jesus no…couldn’t think of many worse ways to go.

  10. CPRM

    Today I took my car in for new tires and get a high beam bulb replaced. It took 4hrs. They said they had to wait on the bulb being delivered. I set the appointment a week ago, you’d think they would have gotten a bulb in that time.

    Then, while I was home waiting for the car to get done, I heard noise outside, looked and it was the utility company clearing plants from around the power line in my driveway (my driveway is around 100 yds long and the line runs over the fence line between me and the neighbor, the pole is about halfway down the driveway). I got picked up to get my car and when I went outside I saw the fuckers cut everything on the fence line down to the ground, and even cut the fucking fence down!

    • CPRM

      Not a picket fence, barbed wire and fence posts. So, less egregious?

    • R.J.

      That is just shitty. Plant a bunch of poison ivy for next time.

      • Sean


    • DrOtto

      I keep a fairly good selection of tail light and parking light bulbs, but there are no cheap headlights anymore and even the catalogued headlight bulbs are frequently incorrect. Cheaper and easier to wait for the vict…er customer to show up and physically look at the bulb you are attempting to replace. I have one customer that even this backfired on – his headlamp bulb on the passenger side was a different part than the driver’s side. I only looked at one before running off to get 2 of that style and still ended up making a 2nd trip.

      • CPRM

        I hate all the LED headlights that are coming on new cars (don’t make them strips! Circles look better and have worked all this damn time!), but hopefully they will at least stop this retardation of having to remove an entire bumper to replace a bulb that will die every few years.

      • pan fried wylie

        hopefully they will at least stop this retardation of having to remove an entire bumper to replace a bulb that will die every few years.

        Ohhh, You quaint, cute, naive optimist. I expect a federal mandate that dead bulbs count as totaling the vehicle, followed by national single payer autoinsurance. And a 24inch dildo integrated into every driver’s seat.

        Home lighting is pushing the replace-the-whole-fixture garbage just as hard. I’ve had my house for 7yrs now and I’m dreading the day the 4ft fluoros in the kitchen finally die because somehow they sourced nonskinny tubes before i moved in, i doubt i can get those anymore, and I have no idea what kind of fixture might be a suitable replacement illumination-wise. The lightswitch to it just needed replacing last month.

        (Admittedly, i havent looked for the fat fluoros in a while, I’m just assuming theyve been banned. Where’s my bottle of blackpills, I’m late for a dose now.)

      • Gustave Lytton

        And a 24inch dildo integrated into every driver’s seat.

        *Gordon Tullock smiles down from above*

  11. CPRM

    A weird Tubi find here. I have so many fucking questions.

    2023 · 1 hr 23 min
    Adventure · Sci-Fi · Comedy · Foreign/International
    After the collapse of their planet, the humanoid-duck Anatar people land on Pandoro, where humans and nature have found their strange balance.
    Audio Languages: Italiano
    Subtitles: English

    • R.J.

      I’ll be watching that.

      • CPRM

        Use the subtitles, it even translates the quack language.

  12. R.J.

    I have to drop off, it’s been quite the week. I’d say clean up for Grosspatzer in the morning, but he seems to sleep in now. I hope everyone takes Northern Lights pictures while they can!

  13. groat scotum

    Stirring shit between my siblings and stepsiblings…

    Oh, the holidays are fun.

  14. MikeS

    Has the Tubi class action lawsuit been discussed?

    • Brochettaward

      Yes. You are last, as always.

      • MikeS


      • Brochettaward

        You blasphemous cuntthistle.

      • MikeS

        You phosphorous cumwhistle.

      • pan fried wylie

        Lay off MikeS, his internet is out.

        Cal beat NY, 4 to 3 in overtime. YW.

    • Chafed

      Not that I know of.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, U, Sean, and Stinky!

  15. Stinky Wizzleteats

    Heh, Pitch Meeting for the new Joker movie:

    And it’s a musical? I love it when show tunes break out in inappropriate circumstances just like literally everyone else on the planet but, honestly, what coked up producer greenlighted that fiasco?

    • Grumbletarian

      Can’t wait for Disney’s Palpatine: The Musical to come out.

      • Gender Traitor

        Hey! Let’s make it animated! People have always loved our animated movies!

      • Rat on a train

        a Bollywood musical

  16. Fourscore

    Morning Stinky, Sean, UCS and all t’others lurking, lurki…

      • Gender Traitor

        Good morning, 4(20)! 😁

      • UnCivilServant

        Morning everyone.

        Got to the office without incident.

      • Gender Traitor

        Is your sleep schedule creeping back toward something appropriate for a first shift worker?

      • UnCivilServant

        I donno. I fell asleep without dinner at around 5pm-6pm, and got up at 5:15 this morning – Just in time for a long weekend to screw it up again.

    • Gender Traitor

      Good morning, Beau! How’s it going?

    • UnCivilServant


      Why is it that around 7, everyone goes silent until the morning links drop?

      • Ownbestenemy

        Getting initial morning work done, getting ready for work or west coasters still asleep?

  17. Fourscore

    Morning, Grumbly and Beau,

    Looks like the ol’ therm-o-meter is headed south. Maybe that will slow down the not-so-lady like bugs that want to move in for the winter. Yesterday was high 70s and the little spotted gals showed up by the thousands, all over a south facing wall, looking for a hideout for the winter. The summer birds have moved south, ducks, geese and swans are still hanging out for a few more weeks.

  18. rhywun

    I am loving Kammie’s new ad that points out how Donald’s picks last time all betrayed him. It’s really going to move the needle for folks who are still on the fence about the deep state blob.

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