¡Hombres que no hablan una palabra de español!

by | Oct 12, 2024 | Beer, Food & Drink, Media, Musings, Opinion, Politics | 91 comments

Upon the dreaded realization mail in ballots were sent this week, I now get to be inundated with political ads every time I consume any media. Its actually kind of funny, my youngest actually gets Harris ads embedded in Minecraft videos.

This is my review of Huss Brewing Choc Azul:

The age demographic for Minecraft if you are unaware, is too young for Sailor Moon, but too old for Sesame Street.

As for me, I get text messages in Spanish. It makes sense why. I am a registered voter, and as a result I probably show up on certain demographic databases with my phone number attached so naturally that means…hang on my youngest just got a phone for his 10th birthday, is now getting political ads, and asked me to show him how to block numbers.

I’m back.

He at least hired a Mexican cleaning lady

The trouble I have when reading corporate press articles is the obvious disconnect from the writer when discussing what Latinos Hispanics Chicanos Mexicans think. Case in point, this article here (TW: MSNBC) written by someone named Zeeshan Aleem, or this one here written by Paul Whiteley at the University of Essex. This bloke is so white—not only did I called him a bloke, his fucking name is WHITEley. To his credit he at least explains this upfront:

Given the close race, the Latino vote (people whose heritage is from Latin America) and the Hispanic vote (people whose heritage is from Spanish-speaking countries) could be extremely important, particularly in states which regularly swing between the Democrats and Republicans in presidential elections.

A look at the relationship between ethnicity and vote intentions in the YouGov survey shows that around 38% of white people say they will vote for Biden and 49% for Trump. In the case of Hispanics, the figures are 45% for Biden and 39% for Trump. 

However any move towards Trump among these groups is particularly interesting because they are increasing in numbers in the US over time, and because Hispanics have historically lent towards the Democrats.

Many thanks, mate. Brazilians for Trump (apparently)!

At the very least, this can be entertaining. First USA Today reports Harris outreaching to people that look like me, with some success. Then USA Today reports why Harris is having difficulty reaching people that look like my oldest son. Maybe they can try a different approach from outreach like this (you translate it). Reminds me of the episode of COPS filmed in Tucson where they shout commands in Spanish, and the lady they’re pointing their guns at indignantly looks at them and says, “I can speak English.”

Instead, maybe this approach works?

Its that time of year again, when I notice the weather is ever so slightly cooler (this year I have to emphasize the slightness) and I find limited release whiskey barrel stouts from the previous year to try out. Huss collaborated with Garrison Brothers Distillery, because apparently the dozen or so distilleries in Arizona didn’t return their call. Its cool…I don’t begrudge Huss for being turncoats. I do begrudge them for mislabeling this beer as a porter when its clearly a stout. Look at it. Light doesn’t pass through—STOUT. I can’t complain aside from my recent attempt to stop drinking during the week results in my tolerance going to hell. Its whiskey forward but try it, you’ll be sorry you didn’t. Huss Brewing Choc Azul: 3.9/5

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Common Tater

    “Given the close race, the Latino vote (people whose heritage is from Latin America) and the Hispanic vote (people whose heritage is from Spanish-speaking countries)”


    • Suthenboy

      An opinion article based on polls. Might as well be another Star Trek spinoff. Meaningless babble based on a fictional universe.

  2. Common Tater

    I’ve seen some very dark porters and ales.

    Anyway, I think I’ll go looking for pumpkin ale later today. The problem, unlike say 10 -15 years ago, is there all these pumpkin brews that reek of cinnamon.

    • LCDR_Fish

      I remember when Half Door Brewing in SD had a chocolate/peanut butter porter that was nearly clear. Super light but tasted like a normal porter – weirdest thing I ever saw.

      • Common Tater

        “chocolate/peanut butter ”

        I’m not into these weird ingredients.

      • MikeS

        Peanut butter porter is one of my favorite styles when done right.

      • juris imprudent

        when done right

        That’s about what, 1 out of 4?

      • DEG

        Chocolate peanut butter porter or stout are great.

        A place near me has a chocolate peanut butter porter which was aged on bananas. It’s delicious.

      • MikeS

        IIRC, all the straight PB porters I’ve had have ranged from good enough to fantastic. It’s when people start fucking with them and adding chocolate or lactic acid that they lose me.

      • MikeS

        Lactose, not lactic acid. Although I bet someone out there has made a sour PB porter. Savages.

      • Nephilium

        White stouts (or albino stouts) are pretty common in my area. Looks like a light lager or a pale ale, tastes of coffee, chocolate, vanilla, and full bodied. The local place that had the best PB porter (and imperial versions of it for special occasions) went under a couple years back (due to mismanagement at the restaurant).

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I was at a brewery last weekend that had a peanut butter sour.

        And, no, I did not have that.

    • LCDR_Fish

      Pretty much all the breweries I’ve seen here in Norfolk/VA Beach have their own pumpkin ales this year. Mixed reviews – I’ve mostly been going for lighter stuff given my walking around.

  3. MikeS

    My local (and favorite) brewery announced today they are closing Nov. 2. So, I’ll likely go cry in some (50% off) beer later today. And I’ll also try to tactfully ask if I will be seeing anything from my $500 WeFunder investment.

    • Tundra

      That sucks. I wonder if that’s a harbinger of what’s coming.

      • MikeS

        I hope not. This I chalk up (mostly) to more supply than demand in the craft beer world.

        However, my employer last week dropping our forecast by millions due to our customers dropping their forecasts is making me a tish nervous. Manufacturing is a harbinger, and I can tell you that in my little corner of that world, things are slowing down.

      • Gustave Lytton

        I’ve heard rumors of slowing, but often accompanied by “after the election, it will pick up”. I am somewhat skeptical.

      • Tundra

        I agree with you. Our sales are up but I’ve got zero visibility, particularly into next year.

        We have a shit ton of breweries here as well. It will be interesting to see who survives.

      • Nephilium

        From the rumblings I’ve heard among the breweries, brewers, and the like, sales have been flat or down. Considering everyone was riding the ever increasing sales of craft beer for the past ~20 years or so, a lot of people are falling behind on loans. After a long period with only a handful of closures (most foreseen by those in the scene), it seems there’s an announcement about a closure of a location/brewery about once a month now.

      • R C Dean

        “I wonder if that’s a harbinger of what’s coming.”

        The local branch pub of the brewery I used to frequent closed/was sold a few months ago. Yeah, breweries are going to get sucked into the economic downdraft.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Craft breweries seem to be like pot shops. Everyone who thought that was cool went into business, and now there is one on every corner. Too many to sustain.

    • R C Dean

      “if I will be seeing anything from my $500 WeFunder investment”

      Spoiler: you won’t.

      • Gender Traitor

        So…you don’t think they’ll give him a wefund?

      • R C Dean

        *golf clap*

      • Nephilium

        I do have one investment I threw at a local distillery that is secured. They released a whiskey bond for building a new location. The bond is backed by whiskey aging in barrels now. It was a six year bond, 5% interest, and at the end of the six years, you can either get cash, or convert the bond into getting bottles of the whiskey (we did have to select rye or bourbon early on). With the way interest rates and inflation have been going, I’ve been leaning more and more to going full whiskey conversion when it comes to term in ~2.5 years.

      • R C Dean

        Can you do a tasting before you commit?

      • Nephilium

        R.C. Dean:

        Unfortunately no. We had to decide rye/bourbon ~3 months after the offering closed, from memory, we’ll be doing the final conversion ~3 months before it comes to maturity. They did lay out their plans as to what they would do with the whiskey in the case of a bankruptcy (long story short, we may need to pay for the bottling expenses). It also allows us to get access to the investor only special events (their holiday one is one even the girlfriend likes).

    • mexican sharpshooter

      my $500 WeFunder investment.

      Hopefully that was just beer money.

      • juris imprudent

        Well, beer money always gets pissed away.

    • Suthenboy

      “…if she had a picture where her boobs weren’t jutting out.”

      She is a narcissistic personality disorder. There is a lot of that going around. I find it a serious turn-off.

      • Suthenboy

        Yep. I see that a lot. People not looking to give or receive affection. Not hot to make babies. Not looking to share life’s experiences. They are only trying to get other people to reinforce their narcissism by being ‘sexy’ when they dont know what that is.

        No thanks.

      • R.J.

        Looks nice though. I agree, admire from afar.

      • R C Dean

        Southen, your description of “sexy” as narcissism is dead on.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Girls to women who sexify themselves like that: a. It works. b. Only for a while. c. the ‘enhancements’ add up d; gets overdone to the point where it is absolutely no longer viable. A career wasted.
      I’d say it’s similar to drive athletes or Evel Knievels have. Constantly go for it, and Age always wins.

      Same-same, but Different.

      • Fourscore

        You can’t fool the calendar.

    • rhywun

      It’s a British tabloid. Boobs jutting out is their bread and butter.

  4. DEG

    Instead, maybe this approach works?

    Not bad. I like it.

  5. DEG

    Its whiskey forward but try it, you’ll be sorry you didn’t. Huss Brewing Choc Azul: 3.9/5

    Sounds good.

  6. Gustave Lytton

    Oh no! Fat rub of lard Milley is afraid that he might be recalled and court martialed. Yeah, Traitor Jabba, you should be afraid after conspiring with China and undermine the lawful authority of the commander in chief (Syria and domestic insurrection).

      • Suthenboy

        Yes they are and he is not the only one. There is a shit-ton of them.

      • juris imprudent

        Really, it’s most of them. Every GO is a political officer.


        Prior to the bad orange man who is bad because he is bad and orange, flag officers in the American military were able to maintain the illusion of being apolitical.

      • dbleagle

        JI I would modify it slightly since it is possible to become a one-star on merit.

        Every 2-star and above is a politician.

      • juris imprudent

        dbleagle – the political aspect is just unavoidable, given the need to cultivate Congressional sponsorship. Granted, some few do the minimum because they find it distasteful. You can see in the O-6s what kind they will be.

    • groat scotum

      randomly tooling around on google maps looking at spain, as you do

    • Evan from Evansville

      Those should be shown to Green-Gaia Acolytes to show how their C̵o̵m̵m̵u̵n̵i̵o̵n̵ ̵w̵a̵f̵e̵r̵ solar panels destroy once pristine nature.
      Natch, that’ll never convert them. It really is a religion. I see no difference other than what hat/title the Pope/whoever wears.

      I’m glad I live where ‘I’ live.

  7. The Late P Brooks

    However any move towards Trump among these groups is particularly interesting because they are increasing in numbers in the US over time, and because Hispanics have historically lent towards the Democrats.

    Maybe those so-called Hispanics learn from their mistakes.

    • Gender Traitor

      If Latinos are supposedly supposed to be called Latinx, would Hispanics be Hispanx?

      • mexican sharpshooter


        I am not shapewear.

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        I believe that would be Her Spanx, thankyou.

    • rhywun

      Harris is toast if she doesn’t get the usual overwhelming numbers of BIPOCS.

      • R C Dean

        Only if you think votes, rather than ballots, determine the outcome.

  8. The Late P Brooks

    A little while ago, I was reading about how thousands and thousands of Californians are moving to Arizona and turning it politically blue. That makes no sense. Why would Democrats be leaving a utopian progressive paradise?

    • Suthenboy

      That is a problem with all immigrants…bringing their culture with them and trying to impose it on the host culture. That is why sane countries dont have open borders.
      America is different because it has American culture. The dirt here isn’t magic. What you see here is the result of the way we do things. If you dont like the way we do things go where people do things the way you prefer. Dont bring your shit here. We have enough problems to fix already.
      If you like the way we do things and the results that brings we will welcome you with open arms.

    • Spudalicious

      Cost of living.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        What Spud said. Plus if I leave now, I can drive to LA before sundown.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Agree with all. The people living there understand the local environment, water supply, schools, electrical needs, etc, and have likely figured out a ‘pretty’ good way of dealing with ’em. Come in and try to change everything to *be* the way ya dream it could be?
      * I’d call that conquest, but they’d never understand. They’re the GOOD conquerors! (Even killing the Aztecs didn’t ‘fix’ much.)
      * Adapt or die. In Korea, there are no homes. Rich families, all in apartments in 20-40 story buildings. Take your goddamn shoes off at home. Eat a certain way. Add politeness and understanding. (<– Am I insane for thinking these (and many more) should all be normal to adapt to?)
      *Go into a new land as The Other and try to change what they've built and grown up in? And how they live? Uh. Fuck the fuck off.
      (Exceptions: Trade. McDs, food, fashion, (teachers), STEM-folk, etc. Folk and shit with *use.* Duh.)

      • rhywun

        Are you telling me I can’t walk into South Korea and expect someone to deal with me in English and hand me free food and shelter? I can’t even.

      • Fourscore

        Well. it worked for my sister…


      • Evan from Evansville

        Ha, if you played up the Lost and Desperate Stranger in a Strange, Strange Land Card, I imagine you’d have a host of folk eager to help. They’d gather the best nearby English-speakin’ folk.

        Oh, just fly in and expect to get Handouts? *memory flood* South Koreans are exceptionally disciplined when it comes to following government policy. All the way up. Favorite bit: All but one of the South Korean Presidents post war have been: Assassinated, executed or imprisoned except for one, IIRC. They take shit quite seriously. With a flutter in my heart, it reminds me of the Young United States, when people still gave a fuck about what their fucking elected officials *did.*

  9. R.J.

    “Kamala outreaching to people like me”

    People who wear nice watches and tailored suits?

    • mexican sharpshooter

      Okay, people that look like me when I’m not at work.

  10. R C Dean

    At the beer store. A lovely Latina is sitting in my line of sight. Beautiful smile. Obviously in love with her husband, the lucky bastard.

    Life is good.

    • Evan from Evansville

      Little, meaningless bubbles of happiness ya walk through. Was on a walk and a girl ran past me. Certainly young, blonde, good stride. I greatly appreciated the waft of shampoo smells she left in her wake.

      A little smiley face in headlights to enjoy as they drift through your life.

    • mexican sharpshooter


  11. Suthenboy

    Re: Breweries going under.

    If you fuck the economy discretionary spending it the first thing to go. Name brands, guns, liquor, boats etc.
    I remember when the commie ‘kill the rich’ types put a huge luxury tax on fancy cars and boats. Everyone thought they were sticking it to the rich, making them pay their ‘fair share’ and cheered it on. They they found out that what they were cheering is unemployment for a shocking number of craftsmen and workers in the industries that make and service those things.

    I saw a commie rant a few days ago that claimed the free market (reality) has never worked and free speech is poison.
    We are drowning in our own pettiness and stupidity.

    • Q Continuum

      “they found out that what they were cheering is unemployment for a shocking number of craftsmen and workers in the industries that make and service those things”

      Feature, not bug. Those people are icky Trump voters who need to be impoverished and driven into addiction and despair.

      • rhywun

        Yeah, the left couldn’t care less about unemployment. Those people are better off on the dole anyway.

    • creech

      This demonstrates perfectly that wealth flows down, rather than trickles down, from the rich.

      • Fourscore

        Could have been Gang Bang Gai

        Catered for Kanye and The Diddly

    • Suthenboy

      Meh. That happens a lot. Wife had me put together a table thingy once and included in the other nonsense instructions was “fuck on table upright”.
      Naturally I explained to my wife what had to be done. “Hey, come here. You complain that I never follow instructions. Well, I am just following the instructions for once.”

    • DEG

      I guess I’m getting old because I miss the days when you could go to The Chive and see women that you might have a chance to meet and get shot down by.

      As opposed to fake, fake, fake, fake, fake.

  12. Mojeaux

    Hey. Dudes. I’m trying to bring another Mythical Libertarian [[[Woman]]] into the fold here. Be nice. Or not. I’m not your supervisor.

    • rhywun

      Please tell her about the standard welcome. It’s not my style but someone will surely supply it.

    • Suthenboy

      *snickers* Yes Ma’am. We will be nice. I promise

    • DEG

      So what you’re saying is, is we should start a betting pool on how long she lasts?

    • Sean

      *straightens collar*

      *readies best dick pics*

      • Fourscore

        Dusts off Photoshop

  13. JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

    I get lots of ads in Spanish despite being the gringo-est of gringos. I don’t know if it’s because of my Spanish pseudonym, because I’ve been in Mexico a couple times recently, because I’ve watched some sporting events in Spanish, or just because I live in California, albeit in a zip code with few Hispanics. Whatever the reason, it puts my mind at ease knowing that the internet companies don’t know as much about me as people think they do.

    • Suthenboy


      They have the same syndrome as paleontologists who think they know volumes of minute details on the scantiest of evidence. The human mind tends to fill in the blanks to create a complete narrative, especially a preferred narrative.

  14. The Late P Brooks

    The human mind tends to fill in the blanks to create a complete narrative, especially a preferred narrative.

    We see patterns, whether they’re there or not.

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