¡Martes por la tarde, enlaces maxicanos!

by | Oct 22, 2024 | I Am Lame | 137 comments

The trouble is, if I put it off on Tuesday I am stuck taking care of it on Thursday or Friday. Which makes the Saturday piece a bigger pain in the ass. No matter.


Milei making non-Argies feel like this.

We need to import Milei.

Mexico does what we should’ve done decades ago.

Interesting. You’d think a snowboarder would pick weed.

One day the corporate press will understand nobody gives a shit what people in other countries think.

Maduro is gonna Maduro.

Its a total mystery why it keeps happening.

Seems like a Tom Petty sort of day, doesn’t it?

About The Author

mexican sharpshooter

mexican sharpshooter

WARNING: Glibertarians.com contains chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. https://youtu.be/qiAyX9q4GIQ?t=2m22s


  1. Mojeaux

    I actually didn’t know Cuba had electricity. I assumed its grid was as decrepit as its cars.

    • kinnath

      The grid is decrepit and is now crashing down.

    • The Other Kevin

      I picture someone riding a stationary bike in their living room to power the TV.

    • KSuellington

      It’s rickety as could be imagined. All the resorts that cater to cheap Canadians and Euros that can’t afford vacations in the non commie Caribbean countries have extensive generator back ups to deal with the frequent outages.

    • R.J.

      It is. The cars there run by the grace of a few skilled mechanics who have not yet built boats and fled. Same for the “grid,” if you can even call it that.

      • Aloysious

        They should consult with Gov. Newsom. California knows how to run a grid.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I saw that as “ruin” at first. I need to put down the screen for a bit.

    • Brochettaward

      I’m highly skeptical of the claim that the full population is just now without power. Something tells me a good portion are use to it and it’s the main cities/tourism hubs where shit is hitting the fan. But I’m just some asshole on the internet speculating.

      It’s like when you argue with a commie and they try to tout Cuba’s supposed 99% literacy rate – higher than the US’s! Or it’s great healthcare. Or it’s supposed vaccine for lung cancer. And on and on.

      Real problem here – the US serves as an outlet for those who may be motivated to actually change things. And then these cunts flee to my neck of the woods.

  2. bacon-magic

    Cuba should blame the Kulaks and wreckers.

    • Rat on a train

      If only the US would trade with them it would be a socialist paradise.

  3. Urthona

    I remember when Cuba was getting credit for its excellent work on the AIDS crisis and then it turned out they just sent everyone who was gay or had hiv to camps to die.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      That’s their solution to everything

      • Tundra

        +1 Mariel boatlift

        Looks like Venezuela got the memo.

    • SDF-7

      Australia waves “Hi” with their COVID policies….

    • rhywun

      Ryan Wedding, 43, who is a fugitive, is seen top left

      lol I never would have picked that one among the four uncovered faces.

  4. UnCivilServant

    Mexico does what we should’ve done decades ago

    I was expecting something about strafing the migrant columns.

    • Rat on a train

      lowrider technicals?

      • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

        Low. Fly. Ing.

        Get a little lower…

    • rhywun

      There was no junk food or “sugary drinks” in any of my schools. It’s not rocket surgery.

      I can only guess that the administrators are getting a cut from it.

      • The Other Kevin

        In grade school we had pizza, tacos, meat loaf, always a vegetable, and milk was the only beverage. Although hot lunches were a treat and my mom sent me with a brown bag lunch. Sandwich and chips, maybe a Capri Sun but I’d often buy milk.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I can only guess that the administrators are getting a cut from it.

        I think that was a Simpsons episode.

  5. SDF-7

    Seems like a Tom Petty sort of day, doesn’t it?

    It does indeed… This came up in my “Random 3 stars and up” playlist earlier and I quite enjoyed it.

  6. KSuellington

    TDog is going on Rogan this Friday. So far not sure when exactly it will be released.

    • rhywun

      I’ll wait for the highlights.

      • KSuellington

        There will no doubt be some classic highlights. I’ll probably check those out first and then see if it’s worth a deeper dive.

        Kammie has got to be sweating it right now. She also had an invite extended. No way she could hang in such an unstructured environment, but she might be forced into the Hail Mary if Trump keeps extending the lead.

      • juris imprudent

        I want to think of her team, prepping her like a boxer – you know, shadow jabs, ducks and dips and then a couple of good slaps to the noggin.

    • KSuellington

      “So Madame Vice President, you’ve been doing great on the cack-um, your laugh. Here is an opportunity to use it. We think there is a 20% chance that Joe rolls up a blunt, lights it, and offers it to you.

      “Ok so I laugh here and then tell him, ‘who do you think I am, Elon Musk? And then I can laugh again and say ‘it’s like I’m back in college, turn on that hip hop.’”

      “You’re gonna ace this Madame Vice President.”

    • R.J.

      An easy Milei costume would be a suit, stick-on sideburns and a wig. Carry a chainsaw.

    • KSuellington

      I thought it would be that one. One of my favorite Petty tunes and a classic video.

  7. The Other Kevin

    Those Milei articles are Glibs porn. They’d be great as articles in the new Playboy.

    • SDF-7

      “Are you reading Glibs porn again?”

      “No! I only go to the site for the Q pictures… not the Milei stuff! Honest!”

      • Tonio

        [golf clap]

    • kinnath

      I had a subscription back in the day, but only for the articles.

      • DEG

        I had a subscription.

        I looked at the pictures.

        I read the articles.

        I should have stuck to the pictures.

      • The Other Kevin

        The only time I’ve ever seen Playboys, they were ragged half-magazines found under my brother’s mattress.

      • SDF-7

        The only time I’ve ever seen Playboys, they were ragged half-magazines found under my brother’s mattress.

        That’s your story and the pages are sticking to it….

      • The Other Kevin

        Now that I think of it, my best friend’s dad was a long-time subscriber and had stacks of them.

      • Rat on a train

        It’s better than finding an outdoor cache.

      • JaimeRoberto (carnitas/spicy salsa)

        We used to dig through paper bins trying to find them. I don’t think we ever did find one though.

      • mexican sharpshooter

        I had a subscription back in the day, but only for the articles.

        You know there are pictures of naked women in those, right?

      • kinnath

        You know there are pictures of naked women in those, right?

        Are you sure?

        You know my wife always brought in the mail.

  8. DEG

    The massive outage leaves 10 million people on the Caribbean island without electricity, and with no clear indication of when power might be restored.

    They’re doing the joke!

    • mexican sharpshooter

      👏 Golf 👏 Clap 👏

    • Suthenboy

      Before I click…they are holding candles, aren’t they?

      • Suthenboy

        Cuba and Venezuela…livin’ the dream!

        A little while back I saw an interview with some young Slovakians. They were bemoaning the state of their somewhat free market (it really wasn’t that bad) and saying maybe they should try communism again. I say go for it!

  9. SDF-7

    30 minute mark… so a couple of things I was curious if folks had seen:

    Not at all good if accurate. I think someone mentioned the McCain-ites of Maricopa County this morning… this sure looks like Raffensperger has similar issues. Wasn’t it also a Fulton judge recently who ruled the county election folks literally could only rubber stamp the results, that it was “unconstitutional” to hold up things because of concerns because that would be “unilaterally throwing out votes” or some happy horsecrap? Keep making the rest of the state remember Sherman fondly there, ATL…

    And worth it just for the quote: She can’t even remember the word “border,” let alone secure one

    • PutridMeat

      They say that while the measure is well-intentioned

      We believe in the principles behind this measure, but the planning needs tweaking

      I think I’m beginning to see your problem, business owners and residents of Berkeley. When reality and naivety collide, reality wins. You may have made yourselves a bed over the years. You may have to sleep in it now.

    • rhywun

      residential buildings with at least 50% affordable units would be exempt from the tax

      JFC. Now you know who has all the power there.

      The billions (trillions by now?) of dollars thrown out the window on this hoax is so upsetting.

    • Mojeaux

      So I wanted to boil water today. I have a glass top electric stove/oven. It took fucking 30 minutes and it STILL didn’t get above a half-assed simmer.


      • creech

        Doesn’t yours have a “fast boil” coil? I can get good boiling water for oatmeal in less than five minutes.

      • Gustave Lytton

        May turn it up to high?

        *backs away slowly*

      • Mojeaux


      • Mojeaux

        Doesn’t yours have a “fast boil” coil? I can get good boiling water for oatmeal in less than five minutes.

        No. Even my electric stove over at the POS house was fast because (so my husband says) the pan was directly on the coil. Also, it didn’t cycle on and off like this one does.

      • Spudalicious

        Sounds like it might be the pot?

      • trshmnstr

        Sounds like it might be the pot?

        There’s the problem. Pot doesn’t even boil, it burns.

    • Suthenboy

      The well traveled road to Utopia is well traveled. Same thing every time over and over. It only goes to one place and It is tiring to tell people where it goes and more tiresome to watch them go right into it like a moth to the flame. It really is idiocy. So…fuck these idiots.

    • R.J.

      He kept a wicked switchblade in his diaper.

    • The Other Kevin

      They made a musical about that in season 3 of Only Murders in the Building.

    • kinnath

      turnabout is fair play

    • The Other Kevin

      “In December, a federal jury in Washington, D.C., ordered the former mayor to pay them over $148 million in punitive damages and for emotional distress and defamation.”

      Damn we all thought the McDonald’s hot coffee lawsuit was crazy.

      • mock-star

        Not to be flippant, but I thought the McDonald’s coffee lawsuit was correctly decided.

      • Mojeaux

        Agree with mock-star. The coffee was far hotter than it was supposed to be and they’d been warned. The spill fused her genitals together and all she wanted was for McDonald’s to pay her medical bills, which they wouldn’t do.

      • mock-star

        Yeah, third degree burns are no joke. That’s burning to the bone. I can definitely see 640k in punitive damages, especially when all the plaintiff wanted was medical bill reimbursement and McD’s walked away from mediation.

    • Suthenboy

      Donald Trump is a fascist dictator. He is going to use the legal and LE systems to persecute his enemies and their family and friends.
      We cant let the Trumptater get into office.

  10. The Late P Brooks

    Another win for direct injection

    Honda is recalling more than 700,000 vehicles because the high-pressure fuel pump may crack and leak fuel, which could increase the risk of a fire.

    It is the second major recall this month at Honda, after 1.7 million vehicles were found to have potential steering issues in early October.

    The recall includes the Accord and Accord Hybrid 2023-2024; the Civic and Civic Hybrid 2025 and the CR-V Hybrid 2023-2025.

    But it’s so much more efficient in the lab.

    • Sensei

      Doesn’t matter. It’s all about gaming regulatory mileage and fleet efficiency.

    • kinnath

      Ridiculous expectations lead to unsolvable engineering problems.

      We have reached the end result of CAFE.

      • juris imprudent

        Can you still drive? Then we have not reached the desired end state.

      • Tundra

        JI is right. The goal is not zero emissions, it’s zero mobility.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      Honda’s really going in the shitter and Toyota’s not that far behind. What the hell am I supposed to buy now?

      • Tundra

        Old cars

    • DrOtto

      I disagree that the problem is direct injection. It’s worked great in diesels for decades. The problem is they wanted to scale down the durability of the parts for gas cars when the pressures and forces of direct injection are still present just like they are in a diesel. You can’t use plastic bodies and gears in cam driven pumps at those pressures.

      • Tundra

        What about the carbon build up?

      • DrOtto

        You need to be using Top Tier detergent gasoline (per the manufacturers) and they need to see high rpms from time to time to avoid carbon build up. Part of the problem is newer cars have 8 or more speeds that race to the top gear to keep rpms downs to reduce consumption. These lower rpms reduce combustion chamber swirl and valve spin which increases the likelyhood of carbon build up. I have 2 direct injection engines in our household (GM 3.6 twin turbo and VW/Audi 3.0 supercharged) and both have over 100k miles with no carbon build up issues. I credit 5k full synth oil changes and top tier gas for engine longevity and health. I’m also not afraid to exercise the tachometer on any of my vehicles once they are properly warmed up. I just sold my old work truck GMC Yukon that I had put 289k miles on and regularly ran it to redline. No warning lights and ran like a champ, but also not direct injection. It did have the dreaded AFM, but I had an AFM defeat on that one.

      • Tundra

        Thanks, Doc.

        I’m a TT gas guy (premium for the Audi 2.0). Also a VW 1.8. I need to drive more in wind it up mode.

        5K oil changes for sure.

    • ZWAK, doktor of BRAIN SCIENCE!

      Does it fire LeBlanc’s?

    • Suthenboy

      Yeah, I do but I want a modern manufacture. Uberti / Pedersoli makes some very nice ones.

    • Spudalicious

      You two go to your room.

  11. The Late P Brooks

    Threats from within

    A Bay Area veteran said she was shocked and humiliated after being kicked off a Delta flight at San Francisco International Airport because of a T-shirt she was wearing.

    Catherine Banks was set to fly out of SFO on Wednesday before a flight attendant told her the shirt she wore was threatening. The shirt read, “Do not give in to the war within. End veteran suicide.”


    “A male flight attendant was saying, ‘Ma’am, ma’am.’ I looked around, like, ‘Who was he talking to?’ And it was me. He said, ‘You need to get off the plane,’ and I was like, ‘What did I do?'” Banks said.

    It wasn’t until she got off the plane and on the jet bridge when the flight attendant told her why she was asked to deplane.

    “He said that shirt you’re wearing is threatening,” Banks said. “I said, ‘Are you kidding me? I’m a Marine Corps vet. I’m going to see my Marine sister. I’ve been in the Marine Corps for 22 years and worked for the Air Force for 15 years. I’m going to visit her.’ He said, ‘I don’t care about your service, and I don’t care about her service. The only way you’re going to get back on the plane is if you take it off right now.'”

    Hysterical cunt is hysterical.

    *and I’m not talking about Ms Banks.

    • Suthenboy

      We are stuck with them. We let our guard down and let at least one generation of these degenerates take root and now we are stuck with them.

    • Stinky Wizzleteats

      So how’s that threatening exactly?

    • Gustave Lytton

      What’s Delta’s new dress code? Coat and tie for gents, dresses for the ladies? I’m in.

    • Tundra

      “But she wasn’t wearing a bra.”

      Atta girl!

  12. Suthenboy

    I didnt read any articles, just the headlines.
    I am guessing the crack reporters at NPR discovered that we are the reason the lights keep going out in Socialistparadise.
    We are evil meanies and never let the noble Castroistas have Utopia.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      I mean, that one does have the option for a 3 min audio version.

  13. DrOtto

    2 things – a snowboarder dealing in snow seems apropos. Also, his last name was Wedding. He was running the Wedding ring.

  14. DrOtto

    Was it wrong of me to laugh at the title on that NPR article? They really are adult children if that article was not written in jest.

    • mexican sharpshooter

      It wasn’t

  15. The Late P Brooks

    McDonalds e coli outbreak. I bet it was trump’s fault.

  16. Tundra

    Interesting. You’d think a snowboarder would pick weed.

    Nah. Too much volume. He made the right decision. Also that sport is so cool. The boy gave up hockey to race snowboards. After I disowned him I thoroughly enjoyed watching him race.

    Seems like a Tom Petty sort of day, doesn’t it?

    Pretty much every day. The first three albums I bought with my own money (1979) were Damn The Torpedoes, The Wall and Live Bootleg. I still listen to Tom.

  17. Raven Nation

    So, the new thing from my leftist friends on social media is that Biden’s policies have caused the stock market to go up which has caused our 401(k)s to rise which means we’re all better off. While it’s true the market has gone up, a lot of it, I think, is due to the fed.

    But, what has me alternately cracking up and banging my head on the desk is that many of these are the same people who, at various points over the last 20 years, have been outraged that anyone would be so selfish and simplistic as to think increasing 401(k) value has anything to do with a truly wealthy society,

      • Raven Nation

        Yeah, I’m sure that’s part of it. But I’m really convinced that most people’s memory on these kinds of things is somewhere around 10 months in length. If I said anything to them, my bet is they would deny ever holding those positions.

      • juris imprudent

        10 months? They got the memory (and attention span) of a fruit fly on meth.

      • trshmnstr

        most people’s memory on these kinds of things is somewhere around 10 months in length

        Covid says your estimate is 9.5 months too long.

    • Tundra

      Wait until they are confiscated. The dissonance heard ’round the world.

    • Brochettaward

      We need to end drunk-shaming, even if it means defending that cackling cunt.

      • Brochettaward

        I can function at a higher level drunk than most of the mouth breathers around me can sober.

      • Tundra

        So what? Kammy can’t.

      • R.J.

        Would she be the first 24/7 drunk president?


        Dunno, Grant was a notorious lush. I think a number of 19th-century presidents were rarely, if ever, sober in the modern sense.

    • R C Dean

      Yeah, there’s just no end of clips where she’s a little slurry, a little slow, a little over-emphasizing. If you were in a meeting with someone talking like that, you’d definitely be thinking “yeah, they’ve been drinking’.

      • Brochettaward

        Sucking dick got her here. Why would she stop now?

      • Tundra

        Sometimes Ace gets on my nerves, but other times his little asides are just brilliant.

      • rhywun

        Yeah… perfect.

  18. R C Dean

    Well, Mrs. Dean’s kitchen knives needed sharpening. She noticed a few days ago that her slicing knife wasn’t basically falling through a beef roast, so off to the garage I go to take care of that.

    I have hairy arms. My left arm now has several patches that have been shaved, because that’s how I check to see if they meet her standards.

  19. Evan from Evansville

    In the morn, UCS: “Why do I get so worked up over a parking spot?” and Alex; 4Score; Lytton + chimed in!

    My preferred parking spot is alongside my house, not terribly far from my front door. But, because space is so limited, if I’m away from it at certain times of day, the spot will be taken by the time I get back, regardless of how little time I’m away.

    → I dearly hope you’ve seen the Seinfeld ep about this very thing in NYC, regarding several issues. The Parking Space is perhaps the most relevant, though that’s a tussle over who ‘owns’ the spot when both cars are ~50/50 in it, one forward-first and the other backing in. The Movie was on today, focusing on losing spots in line, seats in, and lack of communication four the four to see a movie together. (Also the introduction of Rochelle, Rochelle, a young girl’s erotic journey from Milan to Minsk.) The Alternate Side has George with a new gig parking cars, much stress involved.

    Hrm. Me wonder/do not recall if the Seinfeld/ Larry David writing/humor style suits you, UCS.

  20. mock-star

    Election coverage from Pennsyltucky.

    I’ve noticed far more Harris/Walz yard signs locally than D signs in 2020 (a few) or 2016 (none). There are multiple billboards, a dozen or so, for Harris, none for Trump. 2020 and 2016 both had a few (4-5) for Trump, none for the D. On the radio/TV/Youtube, its pretty even, BUT Casey (D), who is running for Senator, is running ads where he touts his record of working with Trump for border security and to stop fentanyl. Another Casey ad has Casey calling himself an independent. Further, I have now seen 2 ads for Chase Oliver, one of which claims that Chase is a “true conservative”.

    Don’t ask me what any of this means, just my observations.

    • cyto


      Down here in solid blue south Florida, Harris/walz swag is relatively rare. Obama and Hillary were on every car and in every yard.


      Plenty of Trump stuff.

      Almost none for Harris.

      The fear factor from 2016 is gone, that is certain. I frequently have people feeling me out to talk about Trump. Even 4 years ago that was rare.

      • mock-star

        Yeah, the area will be going red, as it is PAs 13th Congressional district*. I just find it odd that the DNC is spending money here.

        *The 13th district contains all of the old 9th district. The districts were changed by the PA courts, not the legislature, in 2018. In the 2016 election, the 9th was R +42.5. If it were ran today, the 13th would be R +45.5.

  21. cyto

    The other shoe to drop on the Brits and NGO helping Kamala and attacking Twitter


    The groups behind the X/Twitter ad boycott say they’re “nongovernmental,” but they’re not. They’re funded by governments, work with intel agencies, and/or were caught spying for governments. Congress & UK Parliament must investigate this government-backed assault on free speech.

    • R C Dean

      Pretty sure that kind of boycott is illegal under anti-trust law, too. It’s one thing to organize a consumer boycott. It’s another to organize collusion by businesses to damage another business.

      Not that the FTC or the DOJ will do anything about it, of course. But I believe there is a private right of action here, so Musk could sue them.

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